VOLUME 81, NUMBER 12 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 21 SEPTEMBER 1998 Nonlinear Current Flow around Defects in Superconductors A. Gurevich and J. McDonald Applied Superconductivity Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706 (Received 4 May 1998) We consider nonlinear two-dimensional transport current flow Jsrd in superconductors with the power-law voltage-current characteristics E ~ J n and n ¿ 1. We propose a general method based on a hodograph transformation which reduces this nonlinear problem to the solution of a linear London p equation with the inverse screening length b ­ sn 2 1dy2 n for a plate with cuts. We obtained analytical solutions for nonlinear current flow around a planar defect which causes anisotropic longp range disturbances of Jsrd on the scale L , a n much larger than the defect width 2a and large stagnation regions of magnetic flux near the defect. A nonanalytic crossover in Jsrd was traced from the small but finite resistivity for large n to the true critical state with n ! `. [S0031-9007(98)07136-1] PACS numbers: 74.60.Ge The calculation of two-dimensional (2D), nonlinear flow has been an important problem in aero and hydrodynamics [1], crystal growth [2], plasma physics [3], and many areas of condensed matter physics. Unlike linear 2D current flow, which can be treated by the powerful theory of analytic functions [1], the nonlinearity of the electric field-current density sE-Jd characteristics considerably complicates both analytical and numerical calculations of Jsrd. This problem is particularly important for the electrodynamics of high-temperature superconductors (HTS), where the strong thermally activated flux creep results in a highly nonlinear EsJd below the critical current density J , Jc defined at a crossover electric field Ec between flux flow and flux creep regimes. For J , Jc , E-J curves are often approximated by the power-law dependence E ­ Ec sJyJc dn with n ¿ 1 for magnetic field H below the irreversibility field [4,5]. The limit n ! ` corresponds to the critical state model [6] which approximates EsJd by the stepwise function J ­ Jc EyE for E . 0 and E ­ 0 for J , Jc . Although very efficient for obtaining 1D and simple 2D current distributions [6,7], this model neglects the finite resistivity at J , Jc , and thus allows many metastable current configurations Jsrd which satisfy divJ ­ 0. This makes it very difficult to use this model to calculate transport current distribution in inhomogeneous HTS, which often exhibit percolative current flow [8,9]. A more general approach is to solve Maxwell’s equations for Jsrd in nonlinear conductors connected to a dc power supply, act solutions of Eqs. (1), which exhibit novel features of the 2D nonlinear current flow around planar defects. In order to solve Eqs. (1), we introduce the scalar potential w, resistivity rsJd ­ EsJdyJ, and complex coordinate z ­ x 1 iy and electric field Ex 1 iEy ­ E expsiud. Then Eqs. (1) can be written in the differential form, dw ­ 2Ex dx 2 Ey dy, rdH ­ 2Ey dx 1 Ex dy, whence dw 2 irdH ­ 2Ee2iu dz and ≠E z ­ 2eiu fs1yEd≠E w 2 siyJd≠E Hg , (2) ≠u z ­ 2eiu fs1yEd≠u w 2 siyJd≠u Hg . (3) Here current flow in the xy plane is described by the stream function Hsx, yd related to H by the Biot-Savart law [5,8]. The condition ≠uE z ­ ≠Eu z yields ≠u w ­ 2sE 2 yJd≠E H, ≠E w ­ sEJ 0 yJ 2 d≠u H , (4) where J 0 ­ ≠Jy≠E. For E ­ Ec sJyJc dn , Eqs. (4) give sJ 2 ynd≠JJ H 1 J≠J H 1 ≠uu H ­ 0 , (5) nE 2 ≠EE w 1 E≠E w 1 ≠uu w ­ 0 . (6) A general solution of Eq. (5) has the form X µ E ∂q m HsE, ud ­ Au 1 h0 Cm sinsmu 1 fm d , (7) E0 m p 1 6 ­ (8) qm f1 2 n 6 sn 2 1d2 1 4nm2 g , 2n Equations (1) enable a universal description of macroscopic electrodynamics of HTS [5,10] and describe a steady-state transport current flow set in after relaxation of transient regimes of local or nonlocal magnetic flux diffusion investigated in detail numerically by Brandt [5]. In this Letter we propose an analytical approach based on the hodograph transformation [1], which reduces Eqs. (1) to a single linear equation. This enabled us to obtain ex- where A, Cm , E0 , h0 , and fm are constants. Using Eq. (4), we exclude ≠E w from Eq. (2) and get ≠E z ­ 2eiu fsnEd21 ≠u H 2 i≠E HgyJsEd. Substituting here Eq. (7) and integrating over E, we obtain zsE, ud for E , E0 , µ ∂sm E eiu h0 X̀ z­2 C̃m J0 m­1 E0 ∑ m 3 cossmu 1 fm d n ∏ 1 sinsmu 1 fm d 1 Fsud , (9) 2 iqm 2546 © 1998 The American Physical Society = 3 E ­ 0, = 3 H ­ JsEd , (1) 0031-9007y98y81(12)y2546(4)$15.00 VOLUME 81, NUMBER 12 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS w ­ ebh h1 , H ­ e2bh h2 , 1 E h ­ p ln . (11) n E0 Here the functions h1,2 sh, ud satisfy the London equation, ≠hh h 1 ≠uu h 2 b 2 h ­ 0 , where the inverse “screening length” b is given by p b ­ sn 2 1dy2 n . (12) (13) For n ­ 1, Eq. (12) becomes the Laplace equation, which describes an analytic function wsud ­ h1 1 ih2 of u ­ h 1 iu, for which ≠ū w ­ 0 (the bar denotes complex conjugate). For the nonlinear case, wsud becomes a pseudoanalytic function [11] described by the complex, first order Carleman equation ≠ū w ­ 2b w̄. We use Eq. (12) to calculate the current flow perpendicular to a thin nonconducting strip (Fig. 2) which models the strongest current-limiting defects in HTS, such as high-angle grain boundaries or microcracks [9]. In this case one of the boundary conditions is Hsh, py2d ­ 0 on the central line x ­ 0 perpendicular to the strip. Along this line, Es0, yd varies from its value at infinity E ­ E0 to zero at the stagnation point z ­ 0 in the center of the strip. The zero normal component of J on the strip surface also requires Hsh, 0d ­ Hsh, pd ­ 0, with Esx, 0d changing from 0 at z ­ 0 to infinity at the strip edge sz ­ 6ad. In the plane sh, ud, these boundary conditions give H ­ 0 along two vertical lines at u ­ 0 and u ­ p and along the half-infinite line 2` , h , 0 at u ­ py2 (Fig. 2). Therefore, the problem reduces to the solution of the London equation (12) that describes a “vortex” at the end of the half-infinite cut in a center of a superconducting film of thickness p. This analogy enables one to use extensive results on vortices in films [4,5] to calculate nonlinear current flows. For n ­ 1, the stream function for the strip, H ­ H0 Res1 1 e2h12iu d21y2 [1] has a singularity H ~ juj21y2 y 1 where J0 ­ Jc sE0 yEc dn , sm ­ qm 2 1yn, C̃m ­ Cm ysm , and Fsud ­ zs0, ud is a 2p-periodic function. Likewise, one can obtain zsE, ud for E . E0 , when qm , 0. Equation (9) describes many-parameter exact solutions of Eqs. (1) with Fsud, Cm , E0 , and fm determined by the boundary conditions. Equation (9) greatly simplifies calculations of nonlinear current flow, but satisfying specific boundary conditions for H remains very nontrivial, if the flow contains both regions with E , E0 , qm . 0 and E . E0 , qm , 0, where E0 is usually the electric field at infinity. In this case we must find a particular set of Cm in Eq. (8) which provides the continuity of HsE, ud and its derivatives on a priori unknown curve Esud ­ E0 in the hodograph plane sE, ud. One of the solutions (9) describes Hsx, yd near the corner in a rectangular sample, for which the boundary condition HsE, 0d ­ HsE, py2d ­ 0 is satisfied by only one term with m ­ 2 (Fig. 1). Excluding E from H ­ E q sin 2u and Eq. (9), we obtain the current streamlines x ­ Re zsH, ud and y ­ Im zsH, ud in the form (10) z ­ CfHy sin 2ugg sip sin 2u 2 2 cos 2udeiu , 1 where p ­ nq2 , g ­ 1 2 1yp, and C is a scaling constant. For n ­ 1, s p ­ 2, g ­ 1y2d, Eq. (10) gives the hyperbolic streamlines, H ~ xy [1]. For n ¿ 1, s p ! 4, g ! 3y4d, Eq. (10) describes the sharp changes of the current flow direction near the diagonal in Fig. 1, giving the piecewise current distribution of the Bean model, if n ! ` [5,6]. For finite n, the region of the sharp turn of Jsx, yd near the diagonal broadens as the distance from the corner increases, thus providing the continuity of magnetic flux penetrating from the sides. Equations (5) and (6) can be reduced to a well-known linear problem by introducing new variables, 21 SEPTEMBER 1998 x FIG. 1. Current streamlines described by Eq. (10) for n ­ 20. FIG. 2. Geometry of the strip in the real space (a) and in the hodograph plane (b). 2547 VOLUME 81, NUMBER 12 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS at h ­ 0, u ­ py2 and exponentially decays away from this point on the scale h , 1. The nonlinearity results in effective “screening” in Eq. (12), making hsh, ud more localized near the end of the cut in Fig. 2. For n ¿ 1, hsh, ud exponentially decays over the scale , 1yb ø 1, so the influence of the boundary conditions on hsh, ud at u ­ 0, p is weak. If pb ! `, an exact solution of Eq. (12) for the vortex is e2br c (14) h ­ h0 p cos , r 2 where we introduced polar coordinates r, c with the origin at h ­ 0, u ­ py2, so that h ­ r cos c, u ­ py2 1 r sin c. To satisfy the boundary condition Hsh, 0d ­ Hsh, pd ­ 0, we can use the method of “images,” by presenting H as a superposition of alternating vortices and antivortices at h ­ 0, u ­ psm 1 1y2d, X e2bsrm 1hd p rm 1 h , (15) H ­ h0 s21dm rm m p where rm ­ h 2 1 fu 2 ps1y2 1 mdg2 . For bp ¿ 1, we can retain only nearest neighbors sm ­ 0, 61d. Now we come back to the general Eq. (8), in which A ­ fm ­ 0 by symmetry, and Cm is the Fourier coefficients of the function gsud ­ HsE0 , udyh0 , 4 Z py2 gsud sin mudu . (16) Cm ­ p 0 For n ¿ 1, gsud is localized around u ­ py2, so we can extend the upper limit in Eq. (16) to infinity and take only the term with m ­ 0 in Eq. p(15). Then Eq. (14) gives gsud ­ exps2bju 2 py2jdy ju 2 py2j, and the integration in Eq. (16) results in 23y2 s21dk p a2k 2 b , (17) C2k ­ p pa2k 23y2 s21dk p C2k21 ­ p a2k21 1 b , (18) pa2k21 p where am ­ b 2 1 m2 , and k is any integer. The boundary condition Hsh, py2d ­ 0 requires m ­ 2k for E , E0 in Eq. (8). For E . E0 , we have ≠Hy≠u ­ 0 at u ­ py2, hence m ­ 2k 2 1. As a result, Eq. (8) becomes X̀ Cm e6am h sin mu , (19) H ­ e2bh h0 k­1 where we should take m ­ 2k and the plus sign in the exponent for h , 0, and m ­ 2k 2 1 and the minus sign in the exponent for h . 0. To transform Hsh, ud back onto the xy plane, we exclude w from Eqs. (2) and (4) and obtain zsh, ud by integrating the equation p (20) ≠h z ­ eiu2ey n si≠h H 2 n21y2 ≠u HdyJ0 . Since E ­ 0 at z ­ 0, we obtain zsh, ud for h , 0 by substituting Eq. (19) into Eq. (20) and integrating over h 2548 21 SEPTEMBER 1998 from 2` to h, eiu h0 X̀ C2k euk h uk " J0 k­1 # 2k 3 p cos 2ku 2 isa2k 2 bd sin 2ku , n (21) p where uk ­ a2k 2 b 2 1y n. For h . 0, we integrate Eq. (20) over h from ` to h using the fact that h ­ ` at z ­ a. This yields eiu h0 X̀ C2k21 e2pk h zsh, ud ­ J0" k­1 pk 2k 2 1 p 3 coss2k 2 1du # n zsh, ud ­ 2 1 isa2k21 1 bd sins2k 2 1du 1 a, (22) p The constant where pk ­ a2k21 1 b 2 1y n. h0 is given by the self-consistency condition zs10, 0d ­ zs20, 0d, √ ! s2k 2 1dC2k21 h0 X̀ 2kC2k p 1 p . (23) a­2 J0 k­1 uk n pk n The current flow described by Eqs. (19)–(23) is quite different from that of Ohmic conductors (Fig. 3). The most visible manifestation of nonlinearity is the longrange disturbance ofpcurrent streamlines along the x axis on the scale L , a n ¿ a, where Esx, 0d 2 E0 ~ 1yx and Jsx, 0d 2 J0 ~ 1yx for x ¿ a. Near the edges sz ­ 6a, h ! `d, we can retain only one term k ­ 1 with the smallest pk in Eq. (22), whence ∂1yn µ x0 E0 x0 , Jsx, 0d ­ J0 , Esx, 0d ø jx 2 aj jx 2 aj (24) where n ¿ 1, x0 ­ jh0 C1 jyJ0 for x . a, u ­ py2 and x0 ­ jh0 C1 jynJ0 for x , a, u ­ 0. The nonlinearity enhances the singularity in Esxd as compared to Esxd ~ jx 2 aj21y2 for n ­ 1 [1], but strongly suppresses the singularity in Jsxd, giving rise to the long-range decay of Jsx, yd. In the limit n ! `, the magnitude of Jsx, yd ­ Jc remains constant, but Jsx, yd sharply changes the direction on diverging discontinuity lines, similar to those for magnetization current near a cylindrical hole in the Bean model [6,12]. For finite n, the width of the domain wall, where Jsx, yd changes direction, becomes finite and increases as the distance from the strip increases. It is the broadening of the current domain wall which provides p the decay of current perturbations on the scale L , a n. This behavior indicates a nonanalytic crossover in Jsx, yd from the small, but finite nonlinear resistivity for large n to the true critical state, n ! `. VOLUME 81, NUMBER 12 PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 21 SEPTEMBER 1998 1 4 J n=1 J/J0 , E/E0 x/a 3 0.5 2 1 E a) 0 0 b) FIG. 4. Es0, yd and Js0, yd along the central line x ­ 0 for n ­ 20, J0 ­ a ­ 1. The dashed curve corresponds to n ­ 1. x/a 0 -1 0 4 y/a 1 -2 2 1 2 y/a 3 4 FIG. 3. (a) Contours of constant Hsx, yd (current streamlines) described by Eqs. (19) – (23) for n ­ 20, Jc ­ a ­ 1 and x, y . 0. (b) Vector plot of vsx, yd in the half plane y . 0. The vortex velocities near the strip edges z ­ 6a become out of scale and are not shown. Hsx, yd and vsx, yd in other quadrants are mirror images of those in (a) and (b). Es0, yd and Js0, yd along the central line x ­ 0 are also strongly affected by the nonlinearity (Fig. 4). Instead of the linear decrease of Es0, yd ~ jyj and Js0, yd ~ jyj near y ­ 0 for n ­ 1, we observe a long-range nl depression of Es0, yd p ~ jyj and the cusp in Js0, yd ~ l jyj with l ­ 1yu1 n ! 1y3 for n ¿ 1, which follows from Eq. (21), if h ! 2`. These features change the distribution of flux velocities v ­ fH0 3 EgyH02 in a strong applied magnetic field H0 when vortices move along equipotential lines. The vector plot of vsx, yd in Fig. 3b shows that v sharply increases near the edges of the strip which becomes a narrow channel for magnetic flux. The nonlinear vortex motion also exhibits large stagnation regions on both sides of the strip, where the vortex velocity is exponentially small (see Figs. 3b and 4). These macroscopic regions of nearly motionless flux result from the geometry of the current flow and the strong nonlinearity of EsJd, and are not at all due to enhanced flux pinning. The new features of the nonlinear current flow can be observed by magneto-optical technique, which revealed long-range disturbances of Hz sx, yd around macroscopic defects in HTS [8,12]. This long-range current interaction between randomly oriented planar defects can contribute to current-limiting mechanisms in HTS polycrystals where the current often percolates through an array of grain boundaries and planar defects [9]. The crystalline anisotropy may cause instabilities of nonlinear current flow [13], further complicating the situation. This work was supported by EPRI and by NSF MRSEC Program (No. DMR 9214707). We are grateful to D. C. Larbalestier for stimulating discussions. [1] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshits, Fluid Mechanics (Pergamon, Oxford, 1987); H. Lamb, Hydrodynamics (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, England, 1932). [2] D. Bensimon et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 977 (1986). [3] H. Cabannes, Theoretical Magnetohydrodynamics (Academic Press, New York, 1970). [4] G. Blatter et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 66, 1125 (1994). [5] E. H. Brandt, Rep. Prog. Phys. 58, 1465 (1995); Phys. Rev. B 54, 4246 (1996). [6] A. M. Campbell and J. E. Evetts, Adv. 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