Physica C 361 (2001) 79±83 Flux jumping and a bulk-to-granular transition in the magnetization of a compacted and sintered MgB2 superconductor S.X. Dou a, X.L. Wang a, J. Horvat a,*, D. Milliken a, A.H. Li a, K. Konstantinov a, E.W. Collings b, M.D. Sumption b, H.K. Liu a a Institute of Superconducting and Electronic Materials (ISEM), University of Wollongong, North®elds Avenue, Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia b Department of Materials Science and Engineering, LASM, The Ohio State University, College Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210-1179, USA Received 5 May 2001; received in revised form 4 June 2001; accepted 4 June 2001 Abstract In this paper, we report the results of ®eld H and temperature T dependent magnetization M measurements of a pellet of uniform, large-grain sintered MgB2 . It was found that iron is compatible with MgB2 and can be used as sheath material for fabrication of Fe-clad MgB2 wires. We show that at low temperatures the size of the pellet and its critical current density, Jc H ± i.e. its M H ± ensure low-®eld ¯ux jumping, which of course ceases when M H drops below a critical value. With further increase of H and T the individual grains decouple and the M H loops drop to lower lying branches, unresolved in the usual full M H representation. After taking into account the sample size and grain size, respectively, the bulk sample and the grains were deduced to exhibit the same magnetically determined Jc s (e.g. 105 A/cm2 , 20 K, 0 T) and hence that for each temperature of measurement Jc H decreased monotonically with H over the entire ®eld range, except for a gap within the grain-decoupling zone. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 74.60 Keywords: Magnesium boride; Flux jumping; Grain connectivity; Critical current 1. Introduction The recent discovery of intermediate-temperature superconductivity (ITC) in MgB2 by Akimitsu et al. [1] and its almost simultaneous explanation in terms of a hole-carrier-based pairing mechanism * Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-2-4221 5722; fax: +61-24221 5731. E-mail address: (J. Horvat). by Hirsch [2,3] has triggered an avalanche of studies of its structural, magnetic and transport properties [4±8]. In spite of the signi®cant advancement made on critical current density of HTS conductors the best transport Jc of Ag/Bi2223 tapes is still limited by the grain connectivity. The study on the intergranular and intragranular critical current densities revealed that the former is smaller than the latter by at least one order of magnitude for the state-the-art Ag/Bi2223 tapes [9]. This characteristic feature of HTS conductors 0921-4534/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 8 2 - 1 80 S.X. Dou et al. / Physica C 361 (2001) 79±83 is clearly evident by the rapid drop of Jc in lowmagnetic ®elds which is de®ned as weak link regime. Preliminary results on the newly discovered 40 K superconductor MgB2 reported by Larbalestier et al., have indicated that Jc of this material is not limited by grain boundary weak links as HTS [6]. The high-critical current density of 105 A/ cm2 at 11 K and low ®eld and 2 104 A/cm2 at 20 K and 1 T have been reported on the bulk MgB2 samples using magnetisation measurements [5,6]. As a further contribution to the ®eld, we design a synthesis method to produce bulk MgB2 samples in which large grains of uniform size were formed. The grains consist of well connected MgB2 single crystals. The results of magnetisation measurements performed on these samples allow us to compare and evaluate the intergranular and intragranular critical currents in MgB2 . 2. Experimental details Polycrystalline samples of MgB2 were prepared by conventional solid state reaction. High-purity Mg and B (amorphous) were mixed and ®nely grounded well, then pressed into pellets 10 mm in diameter with 1±2 mm thickness. Extra Mg was added in order to avoid Mg loss at high temperatures. These pellets were placed on an iron plate and covered with iron foil then put into a tube furnace. The samples were sintered at temperatures between 700°C and 1000°C for 1±14 h. A high-purity Ar gas ¯ow was maintained throughout the sintering process. The sample purity was found to be very sensitive to oxygen contamination, any leaks in the furnace resulting in the oxidation of Mg to MgO. The purity of the Mg starting material was also a key factor in¯uencing the quality of the resulting MgB2 . The reason for using a wide range of sintering temperatures and time is to obtain samples with dierent grain size and phase compositions as the sintering time and temperature determine both the grain size and the phase content. It was found that the grain size and MgO content increased with increasing sintering temperature and sintering time. The wide range of sintering temperatures and time allows the grain size to change from few mi- crons to 200 lm and MgO content from 5% to 40%. These samples are desirable for study of grain decoupling and ¯ux pinning eect of MgO inclusions. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Compatibility of Fe with MgB2 Phase purity was determined by XRD and grain sizes by SEM. The XRD pattern for a sample sintered for 4 h/800°C is shown in Fig. 1, which shows mostly MgB2 with only a small level of MgO contamination. The SEM results for the same sample are illustrated in Fig. 2. The grain size is of the order of 200 lm. Single crystals forming the grains were up to 20 lm in size. It is likely that the large size grains were formed by a partial melting process. The sample appears to be dense, hard, and strong. MgO as impurity phase is largely distributed along the grain boundaries as evidenced by the much lighter contrast at grain boundaries as MgO is non-conductive compared with MgB2 . Chemical analysis was performed using ICPoptical emission spectroscope on the sample by stripping all the metal elements from MgB2 pellet. The results show that Fe content is less than Fig. 1. XRD pattern for the sample showing that all the peaks can be indexed according to the published crystallography data of hexagonal MgB2 except for the small peaks of MgO as impurity phase. S.X. Dou et al. / Physica C 361 (2001) 79±83 Fig. 2. SEM images showing that the sample consists of large and uniform grains with size ranging from 0.15 to 0.3 mm. 0.01 at.% which is consistent with the published work on Mg±Fe binary alloy phase diagram that Mg and Fe have meager mutual solubility, about 0.01% Fe in Mg at its M.P. and 0.2 at.% Mg in Fe [10]. This and the Tc and Jc results below suggest that the processing of Mg B or MgB2 powders in an Fe container would be accompanied by little contamination. Fe and Fe alloys may be potential materials for fabrication of metal-sheathed wires. 3.2. Magnetization and ¯ux jump The transition temperature Tc was determined by using AC susceptibility in an AC ®eld of amplitude 1 Oe and frequency 117 Hz. The results, depicted in Fig. 3, indicate a Tc of 38.2 K with a Fig. 3. AC susceptibility, measured with frequency and amplitude of AC ®eld of 117 Hz and 1 Oe, respectively. 81 Fig. 4. Magnetic hysteresis loops, measured with the ®eld sweep rate 50 Oe/s, at dierent temperatures. very sharp transition, whose width of only 2 K again con®rms the high phase purity of the sample. The magnetization of a 3:5 2:5 1:3 mm3 sample (cut from the initially prepared pellet) was measured over a temperature range of 5±35 K using a PPMS induction magnetometer in a timevarying magnetic ®eld of sweep rate 50 Oe/s and amplitude 9 T. The magnetization results are depicted in Fig. 4. Immediately visible is a band of ¯ux jumping, occurring over a narrow ®eld range (H < 1 T) at 5 and 10 K, that appears to truncate the maximum attainable magnetization. The Swartz and Bean sample size limitation on adiabatic ¯ux jump stability [11] can be transformed into a magnetization limit of the form [12]: r 0:2 3 Mmax 109 bT 3 DM0 T 1 3p p where bT 3 represents the low-temperature speci®c heat and DM0 T the magnetization temperature dependence in the form DM= dDM=dT . The lack of speci®c heat data prevents a direct prediction of Mmax . However a back calculation using the experimental Mmax predicts a speci®c heat for MgB2 at 5 K of 3 10 6 J/cm3 . Evidence to be presented below indicates a sample, initially a bulk superconductor, that breaks down into a granular assembly beyond a certain critical value of ®eld and temperature. Such a breakdown will also occur during a ¯ux jump. The 82 S.X. Dou et al. / Physica C 361 (2001) 79±83 ¯ux jumps depicted are partial, rather than complete. This suggests that a jump is terminated when the magnetization of the outer shell grains, and that of the residual core, drop below the critical value. Within the ¯ux jump zone of Fig. 4 (for T < 10 K and H < 1 T) we note the magnetization dropping to about one-®fth of its initial (virtual) value during the partial jump. 3.3. Magnetic critical current density A magnetic critical current density can be derived from the height of the magnetization loop DM using a suitable variant of the ``semi-bean'' relationship DM kJc d, where k is a constant and d the thickness that the sample presents to the applied ®eld. DM itself vs. H is plotted semi-logarithmically in Fig. 5. Here we note what are essentially a high-®eld and low-®eld regions of curves, the transition between which is complete at a fairly constant value of DM. Since the low-®eld family covers three orders of magnitude in DM, the high-®eld sets are not visible in the usual linear type of M H loop (Fig. 4). The transition from low-®eld step to high-®eld step corresponds to a drop in DM by more than an order of magnitude. It is interesting to note that from the image of SEM of the sample the average grain size is less than one tenth of the sample size. It is evident that the drop in DM is attributable to Fig. 5. Width of the hysteresis loops, DM, as a function of ®eld, with the sweep rate of the ®eld 50 Oe/s. the breakdown of grain matrix as a result of ¯ux penetration to the grain boundaries which may contain impurities. In the low-®eld region the current circulates mainly over the entire sample size, which is the intergranular current. The induced current circulates only in the individual grains in the high-®eld region, which is the intragranular current [9]. The transition from low-®eld step to high-®eld step represents a transition from intergranular current regime to intragranular current regime. Based on the full sample size at low ®elds and the grain size at high ®elds, the magnetic Jc is calculated using the relationship for a plate in perpendicular ®eld: Jc 20DM= a a2 =3b. For low ®elds, the lateral dimensions of the sample are used: a 0:25 cm, b 0:35 cm, whereas for the high ®elds the average dimension of the grains is used: a 170 lm, b 260 lm. No calculation is applied to the intermediate-®eld transitional zone wherein the grain decoupling is taking place. The results are depicted in Fig. 6 wherein we note a continuous ®eld dependence of Jc throughout the entire ®eld range. The same results were obtained on two more samples, prepared under slightly dierent conditions, i.e. containing a small degree of impurities. Granular structure seems to be a common property of MgB2 pellets and powder [6,13,14]. In Fig. 6. Critical current density vs. ®eld, with corrections for dierent screening length of the currents in small and high ®elds. S.X. Dou et al. / Physica C 361 (2001) 79±83 most cases, the size of the grains is smaller than for our samples. This was probably the reason why other groups did not report the step in DM vs. H for their samples. The connections between the crystals in the grains are more resistive to the ®eld penetration than the connections between the grains, as evidenced by Figs. 5 and 6. Further insights into the mechanisms of grain formation and physical properties of the grains could help improve the ®eld dependence of Jc for bulk MgB2 . Our results are consistent with magneto-optical imaging of bulk MgB2 [6], where regions of strong superconductivity of 150 lm in size were identi®ed. However, our samples exhibit an order of magnitude higher intergrain, as well as intragrain Jc . Further, it was noted that there is no texturing of crystals in the grains [6,14]. In contrast to this, our preliminary results with torque magnetometer indicate an anisotropy of Jc in the plate-like grains of about 2.5. 4. Summary In summary, we presented evidence for decoupling of the grains in sintered MgB2 , both through partial ¯ux jumping and a step in ®eld dependence of Jc . Similar step was also observed in the hightemperature superconductors. However a signi®cant dierence here is that the step occurs at much higher ®elds and it corresponds to a much smaller drop of Jc (Fig. 5). Therefore, grain connections in MgB2 can sustain rather large Jc , in contrast to high-temperature superconductors. The ¯ux jump and step in Jc H was observed thanks to large value of Jc and large size of the grains. Our samples gave Jc of 105 A/cm2 at 20 K and zero ®eld, as obtained from magnetic hysteresis loops with sweep rate of ®eld of 50 Oe/s. The value of Jc would be much larger at lower temperature. However it was not possible to obtain it there from the hysteresis loop because of the ¯ux jump. The connections between the single crystals in the grains, which are a common property of bulk and MgB2 powder, are much more resistant to the ®eld penetration than the connections between the 83 grains (Figs. 5 and 6). This shows a way for improving the ®eld dependence of Jc for bulk MgB2 . In addition, the present results show that iron is compatible with MgB2 showing non-poisoning to MgB2 at reaction temperatures and can be used as sheath material for fabrication of Fe-clad MgB2 wires. Acknowledgement The authors would like to thank Australian Research Council for ®nancial support. References [1] J. Nagamatsu, N. Nakagawa, T. Muranaka, Y. Zenitani, J. Akimitsu, Nature (London) 410 (2001) 63. [2] J.E. Hirsch, Presented at the Third International Conference on New Theories, Discoveries and Applications of Superconductors and Related Materials (New3SC-3), Hawaii, January 2001, Physica C 364±365 (2001), in press. [3] J.E. Hirsch, Phys. Lett. A 282 (2001) 392. [4] C.U. Jung, M.-S. Park, W.N. Kang, M.-S. Kim, S.Y. Lee, S.-I. Lee, Physica C 353 (2001) 162. [5] Y. Takano, H. Takeya, H. Fujii, H. Kumakura, T. Hatano, K. Togano, preprint. [6] D.C. Larbalestier, M.O. Rikel, L.D. Cooley, A.A. Polyanskii, J.Y. Jiang, S. Patnaik, X.Y. Cai, D.M. Feldmann, A. Gurevich, A.A. 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