PHYSICAL REVIEW B VOLUME 58, NUMBER 10 1 SEPTEMBER 1998-II Superconductor disks and cylinders in an axial magnetic field: II. Nonlinear and linear ac susceptibilities Ernst Helmut Brandt Max-Planck-Institut für Metallforschung, D-70506 Stuttgart, Germany ~Received 14 November 1997! The ac susceptibility x 5 x 8 2i x 9 of superconductor cylinders of finite length in a magnetic field applied along the cylinder axis is calculated using the method developed in the preceding paper, part I. This method does not require any approximation of the infinitely extended magnetic field outside the cylinder or disk but directly computes the current density J inside the superconductor. The material is characterized by a general current-voltage law E(J), e.g., E(J)5E c @ J/J c (B) # n ( B ) , where E is the electric field, B5 m 0 H the magnetic induction, E c a prefactor, J c the critical current density, and n>1 the creep exponent. For n.1, the nonlinear ac susceptibility is calculated from the hysteresis loops of the magnetic moment of the cylinder, which is obtained by time integration of the equation for J(r,t). For n@1 these results go over into the Bean critical state model. For n51, and for any linear complex resistivity r ac( v )5E/J, the linear ac susceptibility is calculated from an eigenvalue problem which depends on the aspect ratio b/a of the cylinder or disk. In the limits b/a!1 and b/a@1, the known results for thin disks in a perpendicular field and long cylinders in a parallel field are reproduced. For thin disks in a perpendicular field, at large frequencies x ( v ) crosses over to the behavior of slabs in parallel geometry since the magnetic field lines are expelled and have to flow around the disk. The results presented may be used to obtain the nonlinear or linear resistivity from contact-free magnetic measurements on superconductors of realistic shape. @S0163-1829~98!05534-9# I. INTRODUCTION In the preceding paper part I ~Ref. 1!, the current density J, magnetic field B, and magnetic moment m(H a ) of superconductor cylinders of finite length or disks of arbitrary thickness in an axial magnetic field B a (t)5 m 0 H a (t) ~along y) are calculated by time integration of the equation of motion for the circulating current density J(r,t). This method, which does not require any approximation or cutoff of the magnetic field in the infinite space outside the cylinder, generalizes a similar calculation for strips, bars, or slabs in a perpendicular field.2 The material is characterized by an arbitrary ~in general nonlinear! current–voltage law E(J), where E is the electric field, which inside the superconductor is generated by moving Abrikosov vortices. A further assumption, which cannot be relaxed so far, is B5 m 0 H, which means that the lower critical field B c1 of the superconductor and its reversible magnetization B2 m 0 H are assumed to be zero. This approximation is allowed when B is large enough everywhere in the specimen. In the present paper the amplitude-dependent ac susceptibility of finite cylinders is calculated from magnetization loops which are computed by the method of part I.1 In the case of linear resistivity E/J5 r ac( v ), the linear ac susceptibility is calculated more elegantly from an eigenvalue problem which depends only on the geometry and therefore yields a general expression into which any linear complex resistivity r ac( v ) may be inserted. Before these two types of susceptibilities are considered in Secs. III and IV, first some exact analytical expressions for both nonlinear and linear ac susceptibilities will be compiled in Sec. II for rings, hollow cylinders, infinite slabs, infinite cylinders, and spheres. The particular case of Ohmic conductors, or superconductors 0163-1829/98/58~10!/6523~11!/$15.00 PRB 58 with thermally assisted flux flow ~TAFF!, is considered in Sec. V. Finally, some concluding remarks are made in Sec. IV. II. ANALYTICAL ac SUSCEPTIBILITIES In this section I compile some analytical expressions for nonlinear and linear ac susceptibilities of superconductors and general linear conductors in various geometries. Within the Bean critical state model,3 the full hysteresis loop of the magnetic moment m in a cycled applied field with amplitude H 0 is completely determined by the virgin magnetization curve m(H a ). One has the general prescription4–6 m ↓ ~ H a ,H 0 ! 5m ~ H 0 ! 22m S m ↑ ~ H a ,H 0 ! 52m ~ H 0 ! 12m D H 0 2H a , 2 S D H 0 1H a , 2 ~1! were m ↓ and m ↑ are the branches in decreasing and increasing H a . This construction is independent of the type of time dependence of H a (t), provided H a increases and decreases monotonically between the values 6H 0 . For sinusoidal H a (t)5H 0 sinvt, one may define the nonlinear complex ac susceptibilities x m 5 x m8 2i x m9 , m 51,2,3, . . . , 7 x m~ H 0 , v ! 5 i pH0 E 2p 0 m ~ t ! e 2i m v t d ~ v t ! . ~2! Usually, the x m are normalized such that for H 0 →0 or v →` the ideally diamagnetic susceptibility x (0,v ) results; this normalization is achieved by dividing all x m , Eq. ~2!, by the magnitude of the initial slope u m 8 (0) u 6523 © 1998 The American Physical Society 6524 ERNST HELMUT BRANDT PRB 58 5limH a →0 u ] m(H a )/ ] H a u . In this paper only the fundamental susceptibility ( m 51) will be considered, denoting x 1 by x. Note that in the critical state model this x depends only on the amplitude H 0 but not on the frequency v . For thin circular Bean disks x (H 0 ) was calculated from the magnetization curves of Refs. 6 and 8 in Refs. 6 and 9. For a thin-walled hollow cylinder and for a narrow planar ring the hysteresis loop is a parallelogram.4,10,11 This parallelogram applies to planar rings with arbitrary shape, made from flat or round wires, containing no, one, or several weak links, with the weakest one determining the critical current I c . This is so since at small H a the screening is perfect and no magnetic flux penetrates the ring or tube. But when H a exceeds some critical field H p , the screening current in the ring exceeds the critical value I c and magnetic flux can leak into the ring such that the circulating current u I u 5I c and the magnetic moment u m u 5m sat remain constant. The full parallelogram then follows from Eq. ~1! and the complex ac susceptibility of the ring normalized to the initial value x (0)521 is4 becomes also complex @the measured moment is Re$ m(t) % ] and the linear ac susceptibility is then defined as x 5 m 21, x 8 ~ h ! 521, l ac5 ~ r ac /i v m 0 ! 1/2 x 9 ~ h ! 50, 1 1 1 x 8 ~ h ! 52 2 arcsins1 s A12s 2 , 2 p p h>1, 1 pH0 E 2p 0 m ~ t ! e 2i v t d ~ v t ! . ~4! The linear susceptibility x ac( v ) or conductivity s ac( v ) 51/r ac( v ) is obtained for various geometries by replacing in the analytical expressions for x ac the Ohmic resistivity r by the complex r ac( v ). For example, by solving the diffusion equation for the magnetic field, with the diffusion constant D5 r / m 0 replaced by the complex D5 r ac / m 0 , one obtains for slabs of width 2a in a parallel ac field H a (t) 5H 0 exp(ivt) the permeability m 5 x 115 ^ H ac(x,t) & x / H a (t) and the susceptibility x 5 m 21,21,22 x slab~ v ! 5 tanhu 21, u u5 a , l ac ~5! where ~6! is the complex penetration depth or r ac( v )5i v m 0 l 2ac . For a long cylinder with radius a in an axial field one finds23 for x 5 m 215 ^ H ac(r,t) & r /H a (t)21, h<1, 4 h21 12s 2 x 9~ h ! 5 5 , p h2 p x~ v !5 ~3! where h5H 0 /H p and s52/h21. Note that the dissipation ~proportional to x 9 ) sets in only at amplitudes exceeding the penetration field H p . The polar plot of Eq. ~3!, x 9 versus x 8 with h as the parameter, is symmetric; i.e., x 9 ( x 8 ) yields the same curve as x 9 (212 x 8 ). The ac susceptibilities obtained from the critical state model are quasistatic; i.e., they depend only on the amplitude H 0 but not on the frequency. This statement is true even when the critical current density J c 5J c (B) depends on the local induction and thus Eq. ~1! does not apply, e.g., for the magnetization loops computed in Refs. 12,4 and 13 for disks with J c (B)5J c (0)/(11 u B u /B 1 ) ~Kim model!. In contrast to these nonlinear quasistatic ac susceptibilities x (H 0 ), the linear ac susceptibilities of materials with linear resistivity, r ac( v ), depend only on the ac frequency but not on the ac amplitude H 0 . Examples for this are the Ohmic conductors with real and constant resistivity r ac( v ) 5 r , and superconductors in the Meissner state with London’s magnetic penetration depth l, which formally are described by a purely imaginary ~nondissipative! resistivity r ac5i v m 0 l 2 . More complicated complex linear resistivities r ac5 r 8 1i r 9 occur in superconductors with thermally activated depinning above the irreversibility line ~or depinning line! in the B-T plane; see, e.g., the models of Refs. 14–20 and the experimentally determined r ac in Refs. 19 and 20. In complex notation one usually writes H a (t)5Re$ H 0 e i v t % where Re$ ••• % denotes the real part and H 0 is a complex amplitude, e.g., H 0 52i u H 0 u if H a (t)5H 0 sinvt is chosen to obtain Eq. ~2!. The magnetic moment m(t) then formally x cyl~ v ! 5 2I 1 ~ u ! 21, uI 0 ~ u ! u5 a , l ac ~7! with the same l ac , Eq. ~6!; I 1 (u) and I 0 (u) are modified Bessel functions. Remarkably, formula ~7! applies also to cylinders in transverse field and thus, due to the linearity, to any inclined field H a (t) forming an angle u with the cylinder axis. The axial and circulating current components in the tilted infinite cylinder exhibit the same radial dependence f (r)5(H a /l ac)I 1 (r/l ac)/I 0 (a/l ac): J i 52coswsin u f(r), Jw5cosu f(r), where w is the azimuthal angle. The magnetic moment of cylinders in a transverse H a is twice as large as in a parallel field; this may be ascribed to the demagnetization factor N51/2 or to the contribution of the U turn of the currents at the ends of the cylinder. Thus u mu contains a factor (cos2u14sin2u)1/2, which, however, drops out in the normalized susceptibility ~7!. For the sphere one may use London’s solution24 for the magnetic moment of a sphere with radius a in the Meissner state, S m522 p H 0 a 3 12 D a 3l 2 3l coth 1 2 . a l a ~8! Defining x 5m(l)/ u m(l→0) u and replacing the real l by the complex l ac , Eq. ~6!, one obtains the susceptibility of a sphere with arbitrary complex resistivity r ac( v ) and radius a, x sphere~ v ! 5 3cothu 3 2 2 21, u u u5 a . l ac ~9! PRB 58 SUPERCONDUCTOR DISKS AND . . . . II. . . . For the susceptibility of thin disks or strips in perpendicular field, analytical expressions are not available. However, one may express the linear x ac( v ) for any geometry by an infinite sum of the form x ~ v ! 52w L n b 2n (n w1L n Y( n L n b 2n . ~10! Here the complex variable w depends on r ac and v and on the geometry, and the dipole moments b n and eigenvalues L n follow from an eigenvalue problem which is different for each geometry; see the examples for thin strips25,26 and disks20,25 and thick strips and bars in a perpendicular field,27 for rectangular bars in a parallel field,28 and for finite cylinders in an axial field, below in Sec. IV. The sum in the denominator of Eq. ~10! provides the normalization x ( v →`)521 ~ideal diamagnetic screening!. For practical purposes, a finite number of terms n 51, . . . ,N in the sum ~10! is sufficient; cf. Sec. IV. When the ~real and positive! numbers L n and b n are known for a given geometry, then x ( v ) may be calculated from the sum ~10! for any complex resistivity r ac( v ). By inverting this relationship between the two complex functions x ( v ) and r ac( v ) numerically, the complex resistivity r ac( v ) may be obtained from measured ac susceptibilities as done by Kötzler et al.20 III. NONLINEAR ac SUSCEPTIBILITIES We model the superconductor as a nonlinear conductor with general current-voltage dependence E5E(J)J/J, e.g., E(J)5E c (J/J c ) n with arbitrary creep exponent n>1. In addition; B5 m 0 H is assumed, see the discussion in Sec. V of part I.1 The nonlinear resistivity for n@1 is caused by thermally activated depinning with an activation energy U(J) 5U 0 ln(Jc /J) yielding a creep exponent n5U 0 /kT; see Sec. III D of part I. In axial symmetric geometry, i.e., for cylindrical specimens in an axial magnetic field along ŷ, the currents, electric field, and vector potential are directed along ŵ , where w 5atan(z/x), namely, J5J(r,y,t) ŵ , E 5E(r,y,t) ŵ , and A5A(r,y,t) ŵ . In particular, the applied field is now Ba5B a (t)ŷ5¹X(A a ŵ ) with A a 52(r/2)B a . The components of the magnetic field are B r 5 ] A/ ] y and B y 52(1/r) ] (rA)/ ] r. During our computation of J and m, B r and B y do not have to be calculated except when one assumes a B-dependent current-voltage law, e.g., of the form E(J,B)5E c @ J/J c (B) # n(B) . In general, E(J,B r ,B y ) may depend on both components of B, e.g., when J c (B r ,B y ) is anisotropic like in c-axis-oriented cylinders of uniaxial highT c superconductors. Our method applies also to these anisotropic materials. The equation of motion for the current density J(r,y,t) in cylinders or disks is given in part I.1 On a two-dimensional ~2D! grid of N points ri 5(r i ,y i )(i51, . . . ,N) spanning the quarter cross section 0<r<a, 0<y<b ~or half cross section 0<r<a, 2b<y<b if the specimen has no symmetry plane at y50) this equation of motion reads F G 1 m 0 J̇ i ~ t ! 5 ( R i j E ~ J j ! 2 r j Ḃ a . 2 j ~11! 6525 Here the vector J i (t)5J(ri ,t) and the applied field B a (t) depend on the time t, E(J) is a given function, e.g., E 5J n in reduced units, and R i j 5(Q i j w j ) 21 is a reciprocal matrix into which enters the matrix Q i j 5Q(ri ,r j ) defined in part I and the weights w i of the grid points ~e.g., w i 5ab/N for equidistant grids!. Throughout this paper, for increased accuracy I use nonequidistant grids which are denser ~and have thus smaller weights! near the cylinder surface. Equation ~11! is easily time integrated by starting at time t50 with B a 50 and J i 50 and then increasing the applied field B a (t) to obtain the solution J i (t). From the current density J i (t) the magnetic moment m(t) of the cylinder ~directed along y like B a ) is obtained as m ~ t ! 52 p E a 0 dr r 2 E b 0 N dy J ~ r,y,t ! 52 p ( r 2i J i~ t ! w i . i51 ~12! In this section B a (t)5 m 0 H 0 sinvt is chosen; the nonlinear ac susceptibility then follows from Eq. ~2!. The resulting magnetization loops m„B a (t)… become stationary shortly after 1/4 cycle or even earlier; i.e., the transition from the virgin curve to the final hysteresis loop occurs rapidly ~see Figs. 14–17 in part I!. This is a consequence of the nonlinear E(J) relation; in the Ohmic case with E}J the transient time is somewhat larger and the stationary loop is reached exponentially in time. For exponents n>2 it is thus sufficient to calculate x from the half loops in the time interval 0.55p < v t<1.55p . Without restriction of generality we may choose the circular frequency v 51 corresponding to v 5E c /( m 0 J c a 2 ) when reduced units a5J c 5E c 5 m 0 51 are used. The scaling law of part I, Sec. III E, states that when a material law E}J n is assumed, then the susceptibility x (H 0 , v ) depends only on combinations of the form H 0 / v 1/(n21) or v /H n21 or 0 on any function of these ratios. Therefore, the x (H 0 , v ) for different frequencies v are obtained by rescaling the amplitude axis. For example, one has x (H 0 ,10v ) 5 x (101/(n21) H 0 , v ). This scaling to a good approximation applies also to other E(J) laws if these are sufficiently nonlinear and if the effective exponent n is defined as n 5 ] (lnE)/](lnJ) taken at J5J c where J c is the typical current density of the experiment. The nonlinear susceptibility thus depends only on one variable combining amplitude and frequency, further on the effective exponent n, and on the geometry expressed, e.g., by the aspect ratio b/a of the cylinder. Figures 1–6 show the nonlinear susceptibilities x (H 0 , v ) at v 5E c /( m 0 J c a 2 ) for various geometries, for creep exponents n53, 5, 11, 51, and for constant J c and B-dependent J c (B), using various types of plots. The real and imaginary parts of x 5 x 8 2i x 9 of cylinders with half length to radius ratio a/b53, 0.3, and 0.03 in an axial magnetic field are plotted in Fig. 1 versus log(H 0 /H p ), in Fig. 3 versus H 0 /H p , and in Fig. 5, x 9 is plotted versus 2 x 8 ~polar plot!. Here H 0 is the amplitude of the applied ac field H a (t) 5H 0 sinvt and H p is the field where full penetration occurs in the Bean model. For bars in a perpendicular field and cylinders in an axial field, both with rectangular cross sections 2a32b, one has2,29 ERNST HELMUT BRANDT 6526 FIG. 1. Nonlinear magnetic susceptibility x (H 0 , v )5 x 8 2i x 9 of cylinders with aspect ratios a/b53, 0.3, and 0.03 in an axial ac magnetic field with frequency v 5E c /( m 0 J c a 2 ) and amplitude H 0 referred to the field of full penetration H p , Eq. ~14! (H p /J c a 50.9824, 0.5757, 0.1260 for b/a53, 0.3, 0.03!. Depicted is x 8 ~monotonic curves! and x 9 ~curves with maximum! on a semilogarithmic plot for creep exponents n53 ~solid lines!, n55 ~long dashed lines!, n511 ~medium dashed lines!, and n551 ~short dashed lines! for constant J c . The curves n551 are close to the Bean limit. F S DG F S DG 2 b a b 2a arctan 1ln 11 2 H p 5J c p b a b ~ bar! , ~13! ~ cylinder! . FIG. 2. Similar as in Fig. 1 but for a cylinder with b/a51 and J c 5const ~top, H p /J c a50.8814), J c (B)5J c (0)/(112B/ m 0 H p ) ~middle, Kim model!, and for a bar with b/a51 and J c 5const ~bottom, H p /J c a50.7206). Four creep exponents n53, 5, 11, and 51 are shown, as in Fig. 1. M ~ H 0 ! 5 a H 0 1 b H 20 1 g H 30 1•••, ~14! This gives H p /J c a50.9824 (0.8814, 0.5757, 0.1260) for cylinders with b/a53 (1, 0.3, 0.03), and H p /J c a 50.7206 for a bar with b/a51. In Figs. 2, 4, and 6 similar x 8 and x 9 are plotted for a cylinder with b/a51 and J c 5const or J c (B)5J c (0)/(112B/ m 0 H p ) ~Kim model! with B5 u B(x,y) u , and for a bar with b/a51. Note that the depicted curves look qualitatively similar for all six cases. The slight oscillation of some of the curves with large b/a is an artifact due to a too small number N x of grid planes along x ~or cylinders along r); e.g., in these figures nonequidistant grids were used with N x 59, N y 520 for b/a53 and N x 530, N y 53 for b/a50.03. In the Bean limit n→`, the general behavior of x 8 and x 9 at small and large amplitudes H 0 is explicitly known. Expanding the virgin magnetization curve at small H 0 , ~15! one obtains, from Eqs. ~1! and ~2! x 5 x 8 2i x 9 , 15 g H 20 1•••, 16 ~16! 4 2 b H 0 1 g H 20 1•••. 3p p ~17! x 8~ H 0 ! 5 a 1 b H 01 x 9~ H 0 ! 5 2 1/2 a a H p 5J c bln 1 11 2 b b PRB 58 In particular, using the virgin curves of part I, Sec. II, one obtains the following relations. For long cylinders and slabs in a parallel field the coefficients in Eq. ~15! are a ,0, b .0, and g <0; thus when x is normalized to x (H 0 50) 521, both 12 u x 8 u and x 9 start linearly with a term } b H 0 / u a u . This result applies also to our numerically obtained x (H 0 ) of cylinders of finite lenght. Thus, in the polar plots of Figs. 5 and 6, the curves x 9 (2 x 8 ) start linearly in the lower right corner. Explicitly one has, up to terms linear in h 0 5H 0 /H p in longitudinal geometry, 1 2 x ~ H 0 ! 5211 h 0 2i h 1••• 2 3p 0 x ~ H 0 ! 5211h 0 2i ~ slab! , ~18! 4 h 1••• ~ cylinder! . 3p 0 ~19! SUPERCONDUCTOR DISKS AND . . . . II. . . . PRB 58 FIG. 3. As in Fig. 1 but with a linear abscissa. 6527 FIG. 4. As in Fig. 2 but with a linear abscissa. For thin strips and disks in a perpendicular field one has a ,0, b 50, and g .0; i.e., there is no quadratic term in the virgin magnetization curve @cf. Eqs. ~11! and ~14! in part I#. Explicitly, for the thin strip one has m(H a )}tanh(h)5h 2h3/31O(h 5 ) with h5H a /H s and H s 52J c b/ p ; thus b 50 and g 52 a /(3H 2s ). For the thin disk the expansion of the bracket in Eq. ~11! of part I yields 2h2h 3 1O(h 5 ) with h5H a /H d and H d 5J c b; thus b 50 and g 52 a /(2H 2d ). With these g / a values the small-amplitude expansion of x yields x ~ H 0 ! 5211 S 2i H 20 5 2 1O ~ H 40 ! ~ strip! , 16 3 p H 2s S 15 i H 20 2 1O ~ H 40 ! ~ disk! . 32 p H 2d x ~ H 0 ! 5211 D D ~20! ~21! The slope of x 9 (2 x 8 ) in the lower right corner of Figs. 5 and 6 in the Bean limit should thus take the universal values x9 11 x 8 U H 5 x 9 →0 4/3p 50.42 for b Þ0, 32/15p 50.68 for b 50, ~22! where the case b 50 corresponds to thin films in a perpendicular magnetic field and b Þ0 to all other geometries. These slopes are approximately reached in the depicted case n551, but for stronger creep (n511, 5, 3) the slopes are larger. Note also that our assumption B5 m 0 H requires that FIG. 5. The data of Fig. 1 plotted as x 9 vs 2 x 8 . The open circles in the lower plot show the fit, Eq. ~24!. ERNST HELMUT BRANDT 6528 PRB 58 directly solve the original equation for the current density in a bar @Eq. ~6! or ~44! in Ref. 2# or cylinder @Eq. ~24! in Ref. 1#. Inserting the periodic time dependences H a (t) 5H 0 e i v t , J(r,t)5J(r)e i v t , and E(r,t)5E(r)e i v t , where now formally H 0 , J(r), and E(r)5 r ac( v )E(r) are complex amplitudes @as usual, the physical quantities are obtained by taking the real part of H a (t), J(r,t), and E(r,t)], one obtains, for the cylinder in an axial ac magnetic field the integral equation for J(r), r ac~ v ! J ~ r! 5 ivm0 E r Q cyl~ r,r8! J ~ r8! d 2 r 8 1 H 0 . 2 S ~25! Here r5(r,y), r85(r 8 ,y 8 ), and S5ab is the integration area ~a quarter of the clinder cross section 2a32b). The kernel Q cyl(r,r8) is defined by Eq. ~21! of part I. Equation ~25! is related to the eigenvalue problem E 8E 8 4p f n ~ r! 52L n S a b dr 0 0 dy 8 Q cyl~ r,r8! f n ~ r8! , ~26! with positive eigenvalues L n and real eigenfunctions f n (r,y), n 51,2, . . . ,`. For cylindrical symmetry we may normalize the f n (r) as25 E E 8 4p S FIG. 6. The data of Fig. 2 plotted as x 9 vs 2 x 8 . the amplitudes be not too small, H 0 @H en , where H en is the field above which the penetrating vortices can overcome the geometric edge barrier.31,32 At large amplitudes H 0 @H p the magnetization loop in the Bean limit may be approximated by a parallelogram for all geometries. Therefore, x (H 0 ) is given by expressions of the type of Eq. ~3!; see also Ref. 10. In the limit H 0 @H p one has then x 8 (H 0 )}H 23/2 and x 9 (H 0 )}H 21 The curves 0 0 . x 9 (2 x 8 ) in Figs. 5 and 6 in the lower left corners thus behave as x 9 5const3 u x 8 u 2/3. ~23! For all computed cylinders in the Bean limit we find for the constant in Eq. ~23! the value 0.80. A very good fit for all values of 0<2 x 8 <1 for the cylinder with b/a50.03 in the Bean limit is x 9 '0.80u x 8 u 2/3~ 12 u x 8 u ! 1.19, ~24! depicted as dots in the lower plot of Fig. 5. Similar fits are possible for the other cylinders and the bar, but for strong creep (n<11) and nonconstant J c (B) the limit ~23! does not apply. IV. LINEAR ac SUSCEPTIBILITIES If the resistivity r 5E/J of the material is linear, the magnetic response is also linear and may be expressed in the most general form by a linear complex susceptibility x ( v ) which depends on the linear complex ac resistivity r ac( v ). In this case it is not necessary to time integrate the equation of motion ~11! containing the inverse kernel R i j . One may a b dr r 0 0 dy f m ~ r! f n ~ r! 5 d m n . ~27! ~A different normalization introducing the symmetric kernel Q(r,r8) Ar/r 8 is used in Ref. 30.! The arbitrary area S 8 in Eqs. ~26! and ~27! was introduced to make the L n and f n dimensionless. Natural choices of S 8 are7,27 S 8 5S54ab in the limit b@a ~long cylinder! and S 8 516a 2 / p in the limit b!a ~thin disk!; see below. Expanding J(r) into a series of the eigenfunctions, (n a n f n~ r! , J ~ r! 5 ~28! we obtain from Eqs. ~25!–~28! the magnetic moment m(t)5m( v )e i v t , Eq. ~12!, m ~ v ! 52 p E a dr r 2 0 E b 0 dy J ~ r,y ! 5 S8 2 (n a n b n , ~29! where we have defined the ‘‘oscillator strengths’’ b n5 4p S8 E S r 2 f n ~ r,y ! d 2 r. ~30! Multiplying Eq. ~25! by f m (r) and integrating r over S on both sides using formulas ~26! and ~27!, one obtains the expansion coefficients a n 5H 0 2 p wL n bn S 8 w1L n ~31! and the magnetic moment ~29! becomes m ~ v ! 5H 0 p w L n b 2n (n w1L n . ~32! PRB 58 SUPERCONDUCTOR DISKS AND . . . . II. . . . The results ~31! and ~32! depend on the complex variable w5 i v m 0S 8 S8 5 5i v t ~ v ! , 4 pr ac~ v ! 4 p l 2ac ~33! which combines the complex resistivity r ac( v ) with the frequency v and with the arbitrary area S 8 appearing also in the definitions ~26!, ~27!, and ~30!. This w may also be written in terms of the complex penetration depth l ac5(i v m 0 / r ac) 1/2; cf. the variable u5a/l ac in Eqs. ~59!, ~7!, and ~9!. With formula ~33! we may express the linear ac susceptibility x ( v )52m( v )/m( v →`)5 m ( v )21 of cylinders in axial field in the form of Eq. ~10!, x ~ v ! 52 wc (n w1Ln n , c n 5L n b 2n m~ v !5 ( n Y( n c nL n , w1L n L n b 2n . ~34! ~35! Here w is the variable ~33!, L n are the eigenvalues of Eq. ~26!, and b n are the integrals ~30! over the eigenfunctions of Eq. ~26!. The normalization in Eq. ~35! guarantees that for v →` one has x →2 ( n c n 521 and m →0, irrespective of the values of L n and b n . With the L n and b n computed from Eqs. ~26!, ~27!, and ~30!, the limit m( v →`) exactly coincides with the ideal diamagnetic moment of cylinders m 8 (0), Eq. ~42! of part I. Sum rules for the b 2n , b 2n L n , and b 2n /L n for thin strips and disks are given in Ref. 25. Examples for the normalized amplitudes c n and eigenvalues ~or pole positions! L n are given in Table I for cylinders with aspect ratios b/a50.15, 0.3, 1, and 3. For this Table I chose S 8 54ab; thus one has t ( v )5 m 0 ab/ @ pr ac( v ) # in Eq. ~33!. The grids ri 5(r i ,y i ) were chosen to be nonequidistant ~denser near the cylinder surface! as decribed below Eq. ~29! of part I. For transparency a constant number of grid points was used, N5N x 3N y 536 with N x 3N y 51233, 9 34, 636, and 439. The obtained L n and c n were sorted for increasing L n ; at large n these positive numbers are very sensitive to the choice of the grid, but the resulting x ( v ) is less sensitive. The x ( v ) calculated from Table I are valid from v 50 up to at least v t 5200. For higher frequencies more grid points are required. At extreme aspect ratios b/a !1 and b/a@1 the N3N matrix Q i j 5Q cyl(ri ,r j ) ~cf. part I! of the eigenvalue problem may become singular, or some of the eigenvalues artificially may turn out to be negative, depending on the choice of the grid. The finite number N of grid points results in the same finite number of eigenvalues, n 51,2, . . . ,N. At small b/a a nearly equidistant series of L n results, which is typical for thin strips and disks in a perpendicular field; see Eqs. ~48! and ~49! below. The rapid increase of the L n as the index n approaches N is an artifact caused by the finite N. With increasing aspect ratio b/a, L n and c n arrange in groups which for b/a→` degenerate and coincide with the result for the long cylinder; cf. Eq. ~47! below. V. OHMIC AND TAFF RESISTIVITY In the Ohmic case or for thermally assisted flux flow ~TAFF! ~Ref. 22! in superconductors, the resistivity r ac5 r 6529 TABLE I. Eigenvalues L n ~sized! and amplitudes c n entering the general linear ac susceptibility x ( v ), Eq. ~34!, of cylinders with radius a and length 2b in an axial magnetic field. In all three examples nonequidistant grids with N5N x 3N y 536 points were used, with N x 3N y 51233, 934, 636, and 439 for b/a 50.15, 0.3, 1, and 3. For this table S 8 54ab was used, which means t ( v )5 m 0 ab/ @ pr ac( v ) # in Eq. ~33!. b/a n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 0.15 Ln 1.125 3.092 5.900 9.621 14.25 19.62 25.19 25.85 29.11 30.66 33.52 35.39 38.75 44.43 50.27 56.57 57.29 60.20 67.40 91.61 129.2 141.6 170.6 171.1 193.6 213.1 229.9 242.1 251.1 269.6 293.0 314.4 322.9 824.8 1114.0 2483.0 0.3 3 10 c n 610.3 125.6 54.63 30.98 20.16 14.67 31.03 0.168 6.139 0.224 5.880 7.806 2.176 2.054 1.658 2.473 10.15 0.017 2.413 1.188 24.75 10.22 0.443 0.006 2.257 0.223 0.771 0.481 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.335 16.36 0.965 11.33 Ln 1.371 4.391 9.261 14.03 16.16 18.71 24.80 25.05 32.63 33.48 39.55 41.88 48.22 51.02 57.45 57.86 64.38 72.33 80.59 84.38 86.91 94.39 108.3 143.6 213.5 272.8 318.6 355.7 375.6 441.7 470.1 512.5 569.6 659.1 840.1 897.2 1 3 10 c n 590.2 129.1 59.10 32.31 25.20 9.800 23.23 0.044 2.847 2.780 14.81 6.768 0.206 9.942 1.860 0.903 1.557 1.287 1.495 23.46 0.002 0.442 1.607 1.618 18.31 0.203 2.432 1.198 0.411 0.070 23.89 0.000 0.000 4.704 4.733 3.531 Ln 2.561 7.710 11.17 17.59 18.66 27.56 29.66 34.43 35.31 46.28 47.22 50.32 55.43 63.20 65.29 65.67 67.29 74.23 78.85 80.83 87.21 97.66 101.8 112.3 133.8 300.5 321.4 407.0 409.3 467.4 471.0 555.9 562.8 674.7 707.3 794.4 3 10 c n Ln 575.8 6.127 53.58 9.108 116.2 13.91 17.83 20.44 9.554 28.19 53.78 33.44 2.400 36.57 7.138 37.04 2.601 42.72 4.477 49.99 4.409 52.73 9.523 57.75 0.222 66.18 0.032 71.81 40.67 77.27 5.003 80.52 0.089 83.57 0.003 85.14 0.002 90.22 1.564 94.89 1.963 104.6 0.781 107.4 1.166 140.1 0.090 160.6 1.630 190.5 52.28 234.6 2.736 266.6 5.490 292.1 0.009 316.0 12.17 340.1 0.755 348.6 11.35 396.1 0.004 552.6 0.000 843.4 5.585 895.7 3.173 1280.0 3 103 c n 590.9 50.49 17.64 8.587 6.187 128.4 5.350 2.437 4.352 2.179 3.018 1.385 1.254 11.35 6.078 1.519 1.334 0.000 0.142 0.040 4.555 0.444 1.943 0.214 63.31 13.07 29.39 12.37 15.08 0.735 5.622 1.890 6.473 0.652 1.585 0.003 51/s is real and independent of v . Therefore, the time constant t 5 m 0 S 8 /(4 pr ) in Eq. ~33! is also real and constant and the variable w5i v t is purely imaginary. With the choice S 8 54ab one then has t 5 m 0 ab s / p and w5i v m 0 ab s / p . For Ohmic conductivity the time t has the following physical meaning. When the applied field is suddenly switched on or off at time t50, the current density J(r,t) at t>0 may be expressed as a linear superposition of relaxing eigenmodes, J n ~ r,t ! 5 f n ~ r! e 2t/ t n . ~36! 6530 ERNST HELMUT BRANDT FIG. 7. The real part ~top! and imaginary part ~bottom! of the ac permeability m 5 x 215 m 8 2i m 9 for Ohmic bars with rectangular cross section 2a32b in a perpendicular magnetic ac field for aspect ratios b/a50 ~thin strip!, b/a50.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10 as computed from the sum ~34! ~solid lines!. The dashed curves give the analytic expressions ~5! for long slabs with b/a55 and 10, with the variable u5a/l ac5(i v t p a/b) 1/2 inserted. For b/a510 the numerical and analytical curves are very close. To facilitate comparison, some m 8 curves are repeated as dotted lines in the lower plot. The time scale is t 5 m 0 ab/( pr ). Here f n (r) are the eigenfunctions of Eq. ~26! ~or of another equation for different geometry! and the t n 5 t /L n are relaxation times depending on the eigenvalues L n . In particular, for thin strips ~disks! one has ~choosing S 8 54ab) 25 L 1 50.638 523 (0.876 827) and L n 'L 1 1 n 21 for all n 51,2, . . . ,`. In general, the relaxation times are given by2 t n 5 m 0 S 8 /(4 pr L n ). For long slabs (b@a) in a parallel field, the eigenvalues of Eq. ~26! are 4 p L n /S 8 5 p 2 ( n 2 21 ) 2 /a 2 . For S 8 54ab this gives L n 5( n 2 21 ) p b/a, but the different choice S 8 516a 2 / p in this geometry yields more natural ~size-independent! values L n 5(2 n 21) 2 51, 9, 25, . . . . Figures 7–10 show the linear ac susceptibility x 5 x 8 2ix95m21 or permeability m 5 m 8 2i m 9 5 x 11 of Ohmic bars and cylinders of various aspect ratios, calculated from Eq. ~34! as a function of the frequency v /2p . In these plots the time unit is t 5 m 0 ab/( pr ) where r is the Ohmic resistivity. This t means that S 8 54ab was chosen. Thus, for b !a the plotted x ( v t ) is independent of b/a ~except at very large frequencies; see below!, but for b@a the x ( v t ) curves depend on b such that x ( v t a/b) becomes a universal function. This invariance may be seen from the expressions ~5! and ~7! for x ( v ) of long slabs and cylinders in a parallel field, which depend on the variable u5a/l ac 5(a 2 i v m 0 / r ) 1/2. In our time unit t this becomes u 5(i v t p a/b) 1/2; thus x for b@a becomes a universal function of the variable u or of the combination v t a/b. In this longitudinal limit a more natural choice of the time unit PRB 58 FIG. 8. As in Fig. 7, but for Ohmic cylinders in axial magnetic ac field and for b/a50 ~thin disk!, b/a50.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, and 3 as computed from the sum ~34! ~solid lines!, and for b53, 5, and 10 from the analytical expression ~7! for longitudinal cylinders ~dashed lines!. The numerical and analytical curves for b/a53 are very close. would thus be t long5(4a 2 m 0 / pr ) corresponding to a choice S 8 516a 2 / p in the general expression t 5 m 0 S 8 /(4 pr ). If desired, a function t̃ (a,b) may be fitted such that for all ratios a/b the Ohmic x 9 ( v t̃ ) exhibit their maximum at the same position. Alternatively, t̃ (a,b) may be chosen such that the initial slope of x 9 ( v t̃ ) becomes unity for all a/b; FIG. 9. As in Fig. 7 but with a linear abscissa. PRB 58 SUPERCONDUCTOR DISKS AND . . . . II. . . . 6531 ~thin disk!, b/a50.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, and 3 as computed from the sum ~34!, and for b53, 5, and 10 from the analytical expression ~7! for longitudinal cylinders. Again the numerical and analytical curves for b/a53 are very close. Note also that bars and cylinders behave very similarly, but for cylinders the longitudinal limit is reached at lower values of a/b. The most interesting feature in these double-logarithmic plots is that for sufficiently thin specimens with increasing frequency m ( v ) crosses over from the behavior in perpendicular geometry ~nonlocal flux diffusion!,25 m 8 5 x 8 11}1/v , m 9 5 x 9 }ln~ const3 v t ! / v , ~37! to the parallel geometry ~local flux diffusion!, m 8 ' m 9 }1/Av . FIG. 10. As in Fig. 8 but with a linear abscissa. see Eqs. ~39! and ~42! below. With both choices the resulting curves x 8 ( v t̃ ) and x 9 ( v t̃ ) for all b/a will nearly coincide; see Fig. 11 below. Figure 7 shows the real and imaginary parts of the ac permeability m 5 m 8 2i m 9 5 x 21 for Ohmic bars with rectangular cross section 2a32b in a perpendicular magnetic ac field for aspect ratios b/a50 ~thin strip!, b/a 50.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, as computed from the sum ~34!. Also shown in this plot are the analytic expressions ~5! for long slabs with b/a55 and 10, with the variable u5a/l ac5(i v t p a/b) 1/2 inserted. Note that the numerical and analytical m ( v t ) for b/a510 nearly coincide. The corresponding ac permeabilities for Ohmic cylinders in axial magnetic ac field are shown in Fig. 8 for b/a50 This crossover is clearly seen with the curves b/a50.01, 0.03, and 0.1 in Figs. 7 and 8. One furthermore realizes that for all aspect ratios b/a, except for the limit b50, the real and imaginary parts at large frequencies coincide, m 8 ( v ) 5 m 9 ( v ). The physical reason for this finding is that above the frequency where the skin depth d 5 A2l ac 5(2 r /i v m 0 ) 1/2 coincides with the half thickness b, the Ohmic conductor nearly behaves like an ideal diamagnet ~or superconductor in the Meissner state!, screening almost all magnetic flux from the interior of the conductor. The magnetic field lines thus cannot penetrate into the bulk but have to flow around the bar or cylinder such that everywhere B is parallel to the specimen surface. Therefore, at high frequencies even thin conductors ~whether Ohmic or non-Ohmic! in a perpendicular ac field behave as if the magnetic field were applied parallel. Figures 9 and 10 show the same data as Figs. 7 and 8 but with a linear ordinate. This presentation clearly shows that with increasing specimen thickness the height of the maximum of x 9 ( v ) ~i.e., of the energy dissipation! goes through a minimum at b/a'1. In Fig. 11 the susceptibility of Ohmic cylinders with various lengths is plotted such that the initial slope of x 9 ( v ) is normalized to unity. This is achieved by introducing an appropriate time unit t̃ (a,b). The plotted x 8 ( v t̃ ) and x 9 ( v t̃ ) then look qualitatively similar for all aspect ratios a/b. An analytical expression for the time t̃ (a,b) may be found in the following way. From the definition x ( v )5m( v )/m( v →`)5 x 8 2i x 9 and the small-frequency behavior x 52i v t̃ 2 b v 2 1•••, where b is a positive constant, one sees that this time constant t̃ 5 ]x 9 / ]v u v 50 may be written as t̃ ~ a,b ! 5 FIG. 11. The linear ac susceptibilities of cylinders in axial field from Figs. 8 and 10, plotted vs v t̃ (a,b) such that the initial slope d x 9 /d( v t̃ ) is unity for all plotted values b/a 50, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 3, and `. The time unit t̃ (a,b) is given by Eq. ~42!. ~38! 2m ~ v →0 ! . i v m ~ v →` ! ~39! The magnetic moment m( v ) of an Ohmic cylinder in the limit of low frequencies is obtained noting that in this limit the magnetic field penetrates completely; thus the electric field is r r E ~ r,t ! 5 Ḃ a ~ t ! 5 i v m 0 H a ~ t ! 2 2 ~40! 6532 ERNST HELMUT BRANDT and the current density is J(r,t)5E(r,t)/ r . With the definition ~12! the magnetic moment of the cylinder at low frequencies then becomes p ba 4 m ~ v →0 ! 5 i v m 0H a~ t ! . 4r ~41! The magnetic moment at high frequencies is that of an ideal diamagnet since in this limit the magnetic field is completely screened from the interior of the specimen by the skin effect. One has m( v →`)5m 8 (0)H a (t) where m 8 (0) '2(2 p ba 2 18a 3 /3) is the initial slope of the virgin magnetization curve given by Eq. ~43! of part I. With the abovedefined t 5 m 0 ab/( pr ) one may thus write for the initial slope of x 9 ( v ) of cylinders ~ 3 p /32! t 2 t̃ 5 1 113 p b/4a1 tanh@ 1.27~ b/a ! ln~ 11a/b !# 2 . ~42! This t̃ (a,b) and the corresponding area S 8 54 pr t̃ / m 0 have the limits t̃ / t 53 p 2 /32'1, S 8 53 p 2 ab/8 for b/a!1 and t̃ / t 5 p a/(8b), S 8 5 p a 2 /2 for b/a@1. From Fig. 11 one sees that for all ratios b/a the dissipative part x 9 ( v ) has its maximum close to v 51/t̃ . More precisely, for b/a50, 0.01, 0.03, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 2, 3, and ` one has x 9max5 x 9 ( v max)50.4406, 0.4256, 0.4045, 0.3803, 0.3521, 0.3482, 0.3591, 0.3694, and 0.3774 occurring at v maxt̃ 50.948, 0.918, 0.877, 0.832, 0.779, 0.779, 0.792, 0.805, and 0.794. VI. CONCLUDING REMARKS For long slabs and cylinders (b@a) in a parallel field the eigenvalues L n and eigenfunctions f n (r) may be derived directly from a differential equation with boundary conditions for the magnetic induction B5Bŷ. Namely, from the Maxwell equations J5¹3H ~neglecting the displacement current!, Ḃ52¹3E, ¹•B50, and the material equations E 5 r J and B5 m 0 H one obtains the diffusion equation Ḃ~ r,t ! 5 r 2 ¹ B„r,t). m0 ~43! Inserting here the periodic time dependence e i v t one obtains the eigenvalue equation (i v m 0 / r )B„r…5¹ 2 B„r…. For the slab geometry with boundary conditions B 8 (0)5B(a)50 for B(x) along y, one finds that the solution of this linear diffusion problem is a linear superposition of eigenfunctions g n (x) of the eigenvalue problem g n ~ x ! 9 52k 2n g n ~ x ! , g 8n ~ 0 ! 5g n ~ a ! 50. ~44! This is solved by g n (x)5cosknx with k n 5( n 2 21 ) p /a, n 51,2,3, . . . . The current density along z now is J(x) 5B 8 (x)/ m 0 , and the eigenvalues of the differential equation ~44! for B(x) and integral equation for J(x) @Eq. ~25! with the kernel Q cyl replaced by the kernel Q sym of Ref. 2# obey the identity2 4 p L n /S 8 5k 2n . PRB 58 Similarly, for long cylinders in a parallel field Eq. ~43! leads to a diffusion equation for B(r,t) in cylindrical coordinates. The corresponding eigenvalue problem is g n~ r ! 91 g 8n ~ r ! r g 8n ~ 0 ! 5g n ~ a ! 50. ~45! 52k 2n g n ~ r ! , This is solved by g n (r)5J 0 (k n r) where J 0 ( r ) is a Bessel function and the k n 5 r 0 n /a are related to the zeros of J 0 ( r ), r 0 n 52.405, 5.520, 8.634, . . . for n 51,2,3, . . . . One has approximately33 r 0 n ' p ( n 2 41 )1(1/8p )/( n 2 41 ). Thus, the eigenvalues L n 5k 2n S 8 /4p for the long slab and cylinder are S D L n5 n 2 1 2 S D L n' n 2 1 4 2 2 pS8 4a 2 pS8 4a 2 ~ slab! , ~46! ~ cylinder! . ~47! The eigenfunctions for the current densities J(x) 5B 8 (x)/ m 0 and J(r)5B 8 (r)/ m 0 of the long slab and cylinder are f n (x)5sinknx and f n (r)5J 1 (k n r) where J 1 ( r ) 52J 80 ( r ) is another Bessel function. From these solutions f n and L n one may, after some lengthy calculation, reproduce the closed-form expressions ~5! and ~7! for the linear ac susceptibility x ( v ) by evaluating the sum ~34! analytically. For thin strips and disks (b!a) in a perpendicular field the eigenvalues L n of Eq. ~26! are approximately linear functions of the index n , 25 L n ' ~ n 2110.6385! S8 4ab ~ strip! , ~48! L n ' ~ n 2110.8768! S8 4ab ~ disk! . ~49! The formulas ~46!–~49! show that S 8 516a 2 / p and S 8 54ab are natural choices for S 8 in the parallel and perpendicular geometries, respectively, since they yield L n values that are independent of the specimen width 2a and length 2b and start with lowest eigenvalues which are of order unity, namely, L 1 51 (2.344'9/4, 0.6385, 0.8768) for the slab ~cylinder, strip, disk!. The eigenfunctions f n (x) and f n (r) for the thin strip and disk look similar as in the parallel geometry; see Fig. 2 in Ref. 20. For more complicated geometries like cylinders of finite length, closed-form expressions for the linear susceptibility x ( v ) are not available, and all the more not for the nonlinear susceptibilities. One thus has to use sums of the form ~34! with numerically obtained numbers c n and L n ; see Table I. The explicit expressions ~5!, ~7!, ~9!, ~10!, and ~34! for x @ v , r ac( v ) # are very useful since they apply to arbitrary linear complex resistivity, including the Ohmic and TAFF ~Ref. 22! cases r ac( v )5 r 51/s and the Meissner state described by the London equation, in which formally r ac( v ) 5i v m 0 l 2 where l is the London penetration depth. By in- PRB 58 SUPERCONDUCTOR DISKS AND . . . . II. . . . verting such a relationship between x and r ac numerically, one may extract the linear complex resistivity from measurements of the ac susceptibility as was done in Ref. 20. In the nonlinear case one has to fit or compare the measured x to the computed x (H 0 ) or x (H 0 , v ) as was done, e.g., in Refs. 6–13,34, and 35. E. H. Brandt, preceding paper @Phys. Rev. B 58, 6506 ~1998! ~referred to as part I!#. 2 E. H. Brandt, Phys. Rev. B 54, 4246 ~1996!. 3 C. P. Bean, Phys. Rev. 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