Superconductors in realistic geometries: geometric edge barrier versus pinning Ernst Helmut Brandt

Physica C 332 Ž2000. 99–107
Superconductors in realistic geometries: geometric edge barrier
versus pinning
Ernst Helmut Brandt )
Max-Planck-Institut fur
¨ Metallforschung, D-70506 Stuttgart, Germany
The magnetic response of type-II superconductors can be irreversible due to two different reasons: vortex pinning and
barriers for flux penetration. Even without bulk pinning and in the absence of a microscopic Bean–Lingston surface barrier
for vortex penetration, superconductors of non-ellipsoidal shape can exhibit a large geometric barrier for flux penetration.
This edge barrier and the resulting irreversible magnetization loops and flux-density profiles are computed from continuum
electrodynamics for superconductor strips and disks with constant thickness, both with and without bulk pinning.
Expressions for the field of first flux entry Hen and for the reversibility field Hrev above which the pin-free magnetization
becomes reversible, are given. Both fields are proportional to the lower critical field Hc1 and depend only on the specimen
shape. These realistic results are compared with the reversible magnetic behavior of ideal superconductor ellipsoids. q 2000
Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PACS: 74.60.Ec; 74.60.Ge; 74.55.q h
Keywords: Vortex pinning; Flux penetration; Surface barriers; Magnetization
1. Introduction
The irreversible magnetic behavior of type-II superconductors usually is caused by pinning of the
vortices at inhomogeneities in the material w1x. However, similar hysteresis effects were also observed
w2,3x in type-I superconductors, which do not contain
flux lines, and in type-II superconductors with negligible pinning. In these two cases, the magnetic irreversibility is caused by a geometric Žspecimen-shape
Fax: q49-689-1010.
E-mail address: ŽE.H.
dependent. barrier, which delays the penetration of
magnetic flux but not its exit. In this respect, the
macroscopic geometric barrier behaves similar to the
microscopic Bean–Livingston barrier w4,5x for
straight vortices penetrating at a parallel surface. In
both cases, the magnetic irreversibility is caused by
the asymmetry between flux penetration and exit.
The geometric irreversibility is most pronounced for
thin films of constant thickness in a perpendicular
field. It is absent only when the superconductor is of
exactly ellipsoidal shape, or is tapered like a wedge
with a sharp edge where flux can penetrate easily
due to the large local enhancement of the external
magnetic field at this edge in a diamagnetic material.
Ellipsoids are a particular case. In superconducting ellipsoids, the inward directed driving force ex-
0921-4534r00r$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 2 1 - 4 5 3 4 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 6 5 1 - 6
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
erted on the vortex ends by the surface screening
currents is exactly compensated by the vortex line
tension w6–8x. An isolated vortex line is thus in an
indifferent equilibrium at any distance from the specimen center. The repulsive vortex interaction therefore yields a uniform flux density, and the magnetization is reversible. However, in specimens with
constant thicknesses Ži.e., with rectangular cross section., this line tension opposes the penetration of flux
lines at the four corner lines, thus causing an edge
barrier; but as soon as two penetrating vortex segments join at the equator, they contract and are
driven to the specimen center by the surface currents,
see Figs. 1 and 2. As opposed to this, when the
specimen profile is tapered and has a sharp edge, the
driving force of the screening currents even in a very
weak applied field exceeds the restoring force of the
Fig. 2. 3D plots of the screening current density JsŽ x, y ., Eq. Ž11.,
in superconductor strips with br as 2 Žtop. and br as 0.3 Žbottom. as in Fig. 1. Shown is the limit of a small applied field
Ha < Hc1 before magnetic flux has penetrated. For better presentation the depicted JsŽ x, y . is smeared over a few grid cells.
Fig. 1. Field lines of the induction B Ž x, y . in strips with aspect
ratios br as 2 Žtop. and br as 0.3 Žbottom. in perpendicular
magnetic field Ha . Top left: Ha r Hc1 s 0.66, increasing field
shortly before the entry field Hen r Hc1 s 0.665. Top right:
Ha r Hc1 s 0.5, decreasing field. Bottom: Ha r Hc1 s 0.34 in increasing field just above Hen r Hc1 s 0.32. Note the nearly straight
field lines in the corners indicating the tension of the flux lines.
The field lines of cylinders look very similar.
line tension such that there is no edge barrier. The
resulting absence of hysteresis in wedge-shaped samples was clearly shown by Morozov et al. w9,10x.
For thin superconductor strips with an edge barrier, an elegant analytical theory of the field and
current profiles has been presented by Zeldov et al.
w11x, using the theory of complex functions, see also
the calculations w12–15x. With increasing applied
field Ha , the magnetic flux does not penetrate until
an entry field Hen is reached; at Ha s Hen , the flux
immediately jumps to the center, from where it
gradually fills the entire strip or disk. This behavior
in increasing Ha is similar to that of thin films with
artificially enhanced pinning near the edges
w12,13,16x, but in decreasing Ha , the behavior is
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
different. In films with enhanced edge pinning Žcritical current density Jcedge ., the current density J at
the edge immediately jumps from qJcedge to yJcedge
when the ramp rate reverses its sign; while in pin-free
films with a geometric barrier, the current density at
the edge first stays constant, or even increases, and
then gradually decreases and reaches zero at Ha s 0.
For pin-free thin strips, the entry field Hen was
estimated in Refs. w11,17–20x.
The outline of the present work is as follows.
Section 2 discusses the reversible magnetic behavior
of pin-free superconductor ellipsoids. The effective
demagnetization factor of long strips Žor slabs. and
circular disks Žor cylinders. with rectangular cross
section 2 a = 2 b is given in Section 3. In Section 4,
appropriate continuum equations and algorithms are
presented. These allow us to compute the magnetic
irreversibility caused by pinning andror by the geometric barrier in type-II superconductors of arbitrary
shape, in particular, of strips and disks with finite
thicknesses. Results for thick long strips and disks or
cylinders with arbitrary aspect ratio bra are given in
Section 5 for pin-free superconductors, and in Section 6 for superconductors with arbitrary bulk pinning. In particular, explicit expressions are given for
the field of first flux entry Hen and for the reversibility field Hrev above which the magnetization curve is
reversible and coincides with that of an ellipsoid.
2. Ellipsoids
First consider the known magnetization of ideal
ellipsoids. If the superconductor is homogeneous and
isotropic, the magnetization curves of ellipsoids
M Ž Ha ; N . are reversible, and may be characterized
by a demagnetizing factor N. If Ha is along one of
the three principal axes of the ellipsoid, then N is
scalar with 0 F N F 1. One has N s 0 for long specimens in parallel field, N s 1 for thin films in perpendicular field, N s 1r2 for transverse circular
cylinders, and N s 1r3 for spheres. For general
ellipsoids with semi-axes a, b, c along the Cartesian
axes x, y, z, the three demagnetizing factors along
the principal axes satisfy Nx q Ny q Nz s 1. For rotational ellipsoids with a s b, one has Nx s Ny s Ž1 y
Nz .r2, where for cigars with a s b - c, and for
disks with a s b ) c with eccentricity e s <1 y c 2
ra2 < 1r2 , one obtains w21x
Nz s
Nz s
1 y e2
1 y e2
Ž atanh e y e . ,
Ž e y atan e . ,
Ž cigar. ,
Ž disk. .
Ž 1.
For thin ellipsoidal disks with a G b 4 c, one has
Nz s 1 y E Ž k . ,
Ž 2.
where EŽ k . is the complete elliptic integral of the
second kind with k 2 s 1 y b 2ra 2 .
When the magnetization curve in the parallel field
is known, M Ž Ha ; 0. s Brm 0 y Ha , where B is the
flux density inside the ellipsoid. The homogeneous
magnetization of the general ellipsoid, M Ž Ha ; N .,
follows from the implicit equation
Hi s Ha y NM Ž Hi ;0 . .
Ž 3.
Solving Eq. Ž3. for the effective internal field Hi ,
one obtains M s M Ž Ha ; N . s M Ž Hi ; 0.. In particular, for the Meissner state Ž B ' 0., one finds
M Ž Ha ; 0. s yHa and
M Ž Ha ; N . s y
< Ha < F Ž 1 y N . Hc1 .
Ž 4.
At the lower critical field Hc1 , one has Hi s Hc1 ,
Ha s Hc1
s Ž1 y N . Hc1 , B s 0, and M s yHc1.
Near the upper critical field Hc2 , one has an approximately linear M Ž Ha ; 0. s g Ž Ha y Hc2 . - 0 with
g ) 0, yielding
M Ž Ha ; N . s
1qg N
Ž Ha y Hc 2 .
Ha f Hc 2 .
Ž 5.
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
Thus, if the slope g < 1 is small Žand in general, if
< MrHa < < 1 is small., demagnetization effects may
be disregarded and one has M Ž Ha ; N . f M Ž Ha ; 0..
The ideal magnetization curve of type-II superconductors with N s 0, M Ž Ha ; 0. or B Ž Ha ; 0.rm 0
s Ha q M Ž Ha ; 0., may be calculated from
Ginzburg–Landau ŽGL. theory w23x, but to illustrate
the geometric barrier, any other model curve may be
used provided M Ž Ha ; 0. s yM ŽyHa ; 0. has a vertical slope at Ha s Hc1 , and decreases monotonically
in size for Ha ) Hc1. Below, for simplicity, I shall
assume that Hc1 < Hc2 Ži.e., large GL parameter
k 4 1. and Ha < Hc2 . In this case, one may use the
model M Ž Ha ; 0. s yHa for < Ha < F Hc1 and
M Ž Ha ; 0 . s Ž Har< Ha < . Ž < Ha < 3yHc13 .
y Ha
Ž 6.
for < Ha < ) Hc1 , which well approximates the pin-free
GL magnetization w23x.
3. Thick strips and disks in the Meissner state
In non-ellipsoidal superconductors, the induction
B Ž r . in general is not homogeneous, and so the
concept of a demagnetizing factor does not work.
However, when the magnetic moment m s 12 Hr =
J Ž r .d 3 r is directed along Ha , one may define an
effective demagnetizing factor N, which in the
Meissner state Ž B ' 0., yields the same slope MrHa
s y1rŽ1 y N ., Eq. Ž2., as an ellipsoid with this N.
Here, the definition M s mrV, with m s m P HarHa
and specimen volume V, is used. In particular, for
long strips or slabs, and circular disks or cylinders
with rectangular cross section 2 a = 2 b in a perpendicular or axial magnetic field along the thickness
2 b, approximate expressions for the slopes MrHa s
mrŽ VHa . are given in Refs. w24,25x. Using this and
defining q ' Ž< MrHa < y 1.Ž bra., one obtains the
effective N for any aspect ratio bra in the form
N s 1 y 1r Ž 1 q qarb . ,
qstrip s
qdisk s
q 0.64tanh 0.64 ln 1.7 q 1.2
tanh 1.27 ln 1q
Ž 7.
In the limits b < a and b 4 a, these formulae are
exact, and for general bra, the relative error is
- 1%. For a s b Žsquare cross section., they yield
for the strip N s 0.538 Žwhile N s 1r2 for a circular
cylinder in perpendicular field. and for the short
cylinder N s 0.365 Žwhile N s 1r3 for the sphere..
4. Computational method
To obtain the full, irreversible magnetization
curves M Ž Ha . of non-ellipsoidal superconductors,
one has to resort to numerics. Appropriate continuum
equations and algorithms have been proposed recently by Labusch and Doyle w26,27x, and by Brandt
w28x, based on the Maxwell equations and on constitutive laws that describe flux flow and pinning or
thermal depinning, and the equilibrium magnetization in absence of pinning, M Ž Ha ; 0.. For arbitrary
specimen shape, these two methods proceed as follows.
While the method in Refs. w26,27x considers a
magnetic charge density on the specimen surface,
which causes an effective field Hi Ž r . inside the
superconductor, our method w28x couples the arbitrarily shaped superconductor to the external field B Ž r,t .
via surface screening currents: in the first step, the
vector potential AŽ r,t . is calculated for given current density J; then, this linear relation Ža matrix. is
inverted to obtain J for given A and given Ha ;
next, the induction law is used to obtain the electric
field Žin our symmetric geometry one has E Ž J, B . s
yEArEt ., and finally, the constitutive law E s
E Ž J, B . is used to eliminate A and E, and obtain
one single integral equation for J Ž r,t . as a function
of HaŽ t ., without having to compute B Ž r,t . outside
the specimen. This method in general is fast and
elegant; but so far the algorithm is restricted to
aspect ratios 0.03 F bra F 30, and to a number of
grid points not exceeding 1400 Žon a Personal Computer.. Improved accuracy is expected by combining
the methods in Refs. w26,27x Žworking best for small
bra. and in Ref. w28x. Here, I shall use the method in
Ref. w28x and simplify it to the two-dimensional Ž2D.
geometry of thick strips and disks.
In the 2D geometry of thick strips w24x or short
cylinders w25x in an applied magnetic field Ba s
m 0 Ha s = = A a along y, one writes r s Ž x, y . or
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
r s Ž r , y . Žin cylindrical coordinates r , w , and y ..
For a homogeneous applied field, the applied vector
potential in these two geometries reads A a s yxBa
or A a s yr Bar2. The current density J Ž r,t ., electric field E Ž r,t ., and vector potential AŽ r,t . now
have only one component oriented along z or w , and
denoted by J, E, and A. The method w24,25,28x
describes the superconductor by its current density
J Ž r,t ., from which the magnetic field B Ž x, y,t . s
Ž B x , B y . or B Ž r , y,t . s Ž Br , B y ., the magnetic moment mŽ t . Žalong y ., and the electric field EŽ r,t . s
EŽ J, B,rX . follow directly or via the constitutive law
E s EŽ J, B .. For high inductions B 4 m 0 Hc1 , one
has B s m 0 H everywhere and J s y= 2 Ž A y A a ..
The current density J is then obtained by time-integrating the following equation of motion,
J˙Ž r ,t . s
2 X
E Ž J , B . q A a Ž rX ,t . .
HVd r K Ž r ,r .
Ž 8.
Here, K Ž r,rX . s QŽ r,rX .y1 is an inverse integral kernel obtained by inverting a matrix, see Refs. w24,25x
for details. The kernels Q and K apply to the
appropriate geometry and relate J to the currentcaused vector potential A y A a in the Žhere, trivial.
gauge = P A s 0 via integrals over the specimen volume V,
A Ž r . s y d 2 r X Q Ž r ,rX . J Ž rX . q A a Ž r . ,
J Ž r . s y d 2 r X K Ž r ,rX . A Ž rX . y A a Ž rX . .
Ž 9.
Ž 10 .
The Laplacian kernel Q is universal, e.g., QŽ r,rX . s
yŽ m 0r2p .ln < r y rX < for long strips with an arbitrary
cross section, but the inverse kernel K depends on
the shape of the specimen cross section. Putting
AŽ rX . s 0 in Eq. Ž10. ŽMeissner state., one sees that
Js Ž r . s
2 X
HVd r K Ž r ,r . A Ž r .
Ž 11 .
is the surface screening current caused by the applied
field. In particular, one has JsŽ r . s 0 inside the
superconductor. In our method, Js automatically is
restricted to the layer of grid points nearest to the
surface, see Fig. 2.
If one is interested also in low inductions, one has
to generalize Eq. Ž8. to general reversible magnetization H s H Ž B .. This is achieved by replacing the
constitutive law E Ž J, B . and the genuine current
density J s my1
0 = = B by the effective current density JH s = = H, which drives the vortices, and
thereby generates an electric field E. That JH s
= = H Ž B,r . enters the Lorentz force is rigorously
proven by Labusch and Doyle w26x. Within the London theory, this important relation may also be concluded from the facts that the force on a vortex is
determined by the local current density at the vortex
center, while the energy density F of the vortex
lattice is determined by the magnetic field at the
vortex centers. Thus, JH s = = ŽEFrEB . is the average of the current densities at the vortex centers,
which in general is different from the current density
J s my1
0 = = B averaged over the vortex cells. In our
2D geometry, one thus has to replace in Eq. Ž8.
E J Ž rX . , B Ž rX .
™E J Ž r . ,BŽ r . ,
Ž 12 .
where JH s EH yrE x y EH xrE y depends on the reversible material law H Ž B . s EFrEB with H x s
H Ž B . B xrB, H y s H Ž B . B yrB, and B s Ž B x2 q
B y2 .1r2 .
The boundary condition on H Ž r . is simply that
one has H s Brm 0 at the surface Žand in the vacuum outside the superconductor, which does not
enter our calculation.. This boundary condition may
be forced by an appropriate space-dependent material law H s H Ž B,r ., which outside and at the surface of the superconductor is trivially H s Brm 0 .
The specimen shape thus enters in two places: via
the integral kernel K Ž r,rX . and via the material law
H s H Ž B,r ..
To compute the induction B Ž r . entering H Ž B .,
for maximum accuracy, one should not use the
derivative B s = = A, but the Biot–Savart integral
BŽ r. s
2 X
HVd r L Ž r ,r . J Ž r . q B Ž r . ,
Ž 13 .
with appropriate kernel LŽ r,rX .. The accuracy of the
method then depends mainly on the algorithm used
to compute the derivative JH s = = H. A useful
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
trick is to compute JH as JH s J q = = Ž H y
Brm 0 ., where H y Brm 0 is typically small and
vanishes at the surface.
For the following computations, I use simple
models for the constitutive laws of an isotropic
homogeneous type-II superconductor without Hall
effect, though our method w28x is more general. With
Eq. Ž6. and H s Brm 0 y M, one has
H Ž B . s my1
qB 3
Ž 14 .
with Bc1 s m 0 Hc1. A simple B-dependent current–
voltage law, which describes pinning, thermal depinning, and flux flow is E Ž J, B . s r Ž J, B . J with
Ž JrJc .
r Ž J , B . s r0 B
s .
1 q Ž JrJc .
Ž 15 .
This model has the correct limits r A J s Ž J < Jc ,
flux creep. and r s r 0 B s r FF Ž J 4 Jc , flux flow,
r 0 s const., and for large creep exponent s 4 1, it
reduces to the Bean critical state model. In general,
the critical current density Jc s Jc Ž B . and the creep
exponent s Ž B . G 0 will depend on B. For pin-free
superconductors Ž Jc 0., this expression describes
usual flux flow, i.e., viscous motion of vortices,
E s r FF Ž B . J, with flux-flow resistivity r FF A B as
it should be.
5. Pin-free superconductors
The penetration and exit of flux computed from
Eqs. Ž8. – Ž15. is visualized in Figs. 1–3 for isotropic
strips and disks without volume pinning, using a
flux-flow resistivity r FF s r 0 B Ž r . with r 0 s 140
Žstrip. or r 0 s 70 Ždisk. in units where Hc1 s a s m 0
s <d Hard t < s 1. Fig. 1 shows the field lines of
B Ž x, y . in two pin-free strips with aspect ratios
bra s 2 and 0.3. Fig. 2 shows the surface screening
currents in the same strips before flux has penetrated.
Fig. 3 plots some induction profiles in a strip and
some hysteresis loops of the magnetization and of
the induction in the center of a strip and disk.
The profiles of the induction B y Ž r, y . taken along
the midplane y s 0 of the thick disk in Fig. 3 have a
pronounced minimum near the edge r s a, which is
the region where strong screening currents flow.
Fig. 3. Top: the axial magnetic induction B y Ž r, y . in the midplane
y s 0 of a pin-free superconductor disk with aspect ratio br as
0.3 in increasing field Žsolid lines. and then decreasing field
Ždashed lines., plotted at Ha r Hc1 s 0.4, 0.42, . . . , 0.5, 0.52, 0.6,
0.7, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6, . . . , 0.1, and 0. Bottom: the induction B y Ž0,0. in
the center of the same disk Žsolid line. and of a strip Ždashed line.,
both with br as 0.3. The symbols mark the field values at which
the profiles are taken. Also shown is the magnetization loop for
the same disk and strip and the corresponding reversible magnetization Ždotted lines..
Away from the edges, the current density J s = =
Brm 0 is nearly zero; note the parallel field lines in
Fig. 1. The quantity JH s = = H Ž B ., which enters
the Lorentz force density JH = B, is even exactly
zero since we assume absence of pinning and the
viscous drag force is small. Our finite flux-flow
parameter r 0 and finite ramp rate d Hardt s "1
mean a dragging force that, similar to pinning, causes
a weak hysteresis and a small remanent flux at
Ha s 0. This artefact is reduced by choosing a larger
resistivity or a slower ramp rate.
In Fig. 3, the induction B0 s B y Ž0,0. in the specimen center performs a hysteresis loop very similar to
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
‘‘numerical noise’’, which reflects the instability of
this state. Similar but weaker noise occurs at the
onset of flux penetration.
As can be seen in Fig. 4, above some field Hrev ,
the magnetization curve M Ž Ha . becomes reversible
and exactly coincides with the curve of the ellipsoid
defined by Eqs. Ž3., Ž6., and Ž7., Žin the quasistatic
limit with ry1
0.. The irreversibility field
0 d Ha rdt
Hrev is difficult to compute since it slightly depends
on the choices of the flux-flow parameter r 0 Žor
ramp rate. and of the numerical grid, and also on the
model for M Ž Ha ; 0.. In the interval 0.08 F bra F 5,
we found, with a relative error of 3%,
Fig. 4. The irreversible magnetization curves y M Ž Ha . of pin-free
circular disks and cylinders with aspect ratios br as 0.08, 0.15,
0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and ` in an axial field Žsolid lines.. Here, the
irreversibility is due only to a geometric edge barrier for flux
penetration. The reversible magnetization curves of the corresponding ellipsoids defined by Eqs. Ž3., Ž6., and Ž7. are shown as
dashed lines.
the magnetization loops M Ž Ha . shown in Figs. 3 and
4. Both loops are symmetric, M ŽyHa . s yM Ž Ha .
and B0 ŽyHa . s yB0 Ž Ha .. The maximum of M Ž Ha .
defines a field of first flux entry Hen , which closely
coincides with the field Hen
at which B y Ž0,0. starts
to appear. The computed entry fields are well fitted
HenstriprHc1 stanh 0.36 bra ,
HendiskrHc1 stanh'0.67bra .
Ž 16 .
These formulae are good approximations for all aspect ratios 0 - bra - `, see also the estimates of
Hen f bra for thin strips in Refs. w11,17,18x.
The virgin curve of the irreversible M Ž Ha . of
strips and disks at small Ha coincides with the ideal
Meissner straight line M s yHarŽ1 y N . of the corresponding ellipsoid, Eqs. Ž4. and Ž7.. When the
increasing Ha approaches Hen , flux starts to penetrate into the corners in the form of almost straight
flux lines ŽFig. 1., and thus, < M Ž Ha .< falls below the
Meissner line. At Ha s Hen , flux penetrates and
jumps to the center, and M Ž Ha . starts to decrease. In
decreasing Ha , this barrier is absent. As soon as flux
exit starts, all our calculated M Ž Ha . exhibit strong
rHc1 s 0.65 q 0.12ln Ž bra . ,
rHc1 s 0.75 q 0.15ln Ž bra . .
Ž 17 .
This fit obviously does not apply to very small
bra < 1 Žsince Hrev should exceed Hen ) 0. nor to
very large bra 4 1 Žwhere Hrev should be close to
Hc1 .. The limiting value of Hrev for thin films with
b < a is thus not yet known.
Remarkably, the irreversible magnetization curves
M Ž Ha . of pin-free strips and disks fall on top of each
other if the strip is chosen twice as thick as the disk,
Ž bra. strip f 2Ž bra.disk . This striking coincidence
holds for all aspect ratios 0 - bra - `, and can be
seen from Eqs. Ž7., Ž16., and Ž17.. The effective N
wor virgin slope 1rŽ1 y N .x, the entry field Hen , and
the reversibility field Hrev are nearly equal for strips
and disks with half thicknesses, or for slabs and
cylinders with half lengths.
Another interesting feature of the pin-free magnetization loops is that the maximum of < M Ž Ha .< exceeds the maximum of the reversible curve Žequal to
Hc1 . when bra F 0.8 for strips and bra F 0.4 for
disks, but at larger bra, it falls below Hc1 . The
maximum magnetization may be estimated from the
slope of the virgin curve 1rŽ1 y N ., Eq. Ž7., and
from the field of first flux entry, Eq. Ž16..
Eqs. Ž7., Ž16., and Ž17. are derived essentially
from first principles, with no assumptions but the
geometry and finite Hc1 . They should be used to
interpret experiments on superconductors with no or
very weak vortex pinning. At present, it is not clear
how the presence of a microscopic Bean–Livingston
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
Fig. 5. The magnetization curves M Žy Ha . sy M Ž Ha . of a thick
disk with aspect ratio br as 0.25 and constant Hc1 for various
pinning strengths, Jc s 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 in units
Hc1 r a, and various sweep amplitudes. Bean model. The inner
loop belongs to the pin-free disk Ž Jc s 0., the outer loop to
strongest pinning. The reversible magnetization curve of the corresponding ellipsoid is shown as a dashed curve.
barrier may modify these continuum theoretical results.
Fig. 7. Magnetization curves of the same disk as in Fig. 5 but for
the Kim model, Jc Ž B . s Jc0 rŽ1q3 < Br B < c1 . for various pinning
strengths Jc0 s 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, and 4 in units Hc1 r a.
Presentation as in Fig. 5.
for a thinner disk with bra s 0.125. are modified
when volume pinning is switched on. In Figs. 5, 6,
and 9, pinning is described by the Bean model with
constant critical current density Jc ; while in Figs. 7
and 8, the Kim model is used with an induction-de-
6. Superconductors with pinning
Figs. 5–8 show how the irreversible magnetization loops of disks with bra s 0.25 Žand in Fig. 9
Fig. 6. Magnetization curves of a disk as in Fig. 5 but with
Jc s constant and for various lower critical fields Hc1 s 0, 0.2,
0.35, 0.5, 0.7, and 1 in units aJc . Bean model.
Fig. 8. Magnetization curves as in Fig. 6 but for the Kim model
Jc Ž B . s Jc0 rŽ1q3 < B <r aJc0 . with Jc0 s constant for various Hc1
s 0, 0.2, 0.35, 0.5, 0.7, and 1 in units aJc0 . Also depicted are the
pin-free magnetization Žline with dots; M and Ha here are in units
Hc1 since Jc0 s 0. and the irreversible magnetization of the
corresponding ellipsoid.
E.H. Brandtr Physica C 332 (2000) 99–107
becomes more pronounced and shifts towards smaller
applied fields when the disk thickness is decreased.
Fig. 9. Same magnetization curves as in Fig. 5 but for a thinner
disk with aspect ratio br as 0.125 for various degrees of pinning
and constant Hc1 .
pendent Jc Ž B . s Jc0rŽ1 q 3 < B <rBK . with BK s
m 0 Hc1r3 ŽFig. 8. or BK s m 0 aJc0r3 ŽFig. 9.. In
Figs. 5, 7, and 9, Hc1 is held constant; with increasing Jc or Jc0 Žin natural units Hc1ra., the magnetization loops are inflated nearly symmetrically about
the pin-free loop or about the reversible curve Žabove
Hrev ., and the maximum of < M Ž Ha .< shifts to higher
fields. Above Hrev , the width of the loop is nearly
proportional to Jc , as expected from theories w24,25x
that assumed Hc1 s 0. But at small fields, the influence of a finite Hc1 is clearly seen up to rather
strong pinning.
In Figs. 6 and 8, Jc or Jc0 is held constant and
Hc1 increased from zero Žin natural units aJc .. As
expected, the influence of a finite Hc1 is most pronounced at small applied fields Ha , where it causes a
peak in yM even in the Bean magnetization curves,
which without consideration of Hc1 consists of two
monotonic branches and a monotonic virgin curve.
Within the Kim model, or with any decreasing Jc Ž B .
dependence, the magnetization loops exhibit a maximum even when Hc1 s 0 is assumed w29x. With
increasing Hc1 , this maximum becomes sharper and
shifts to larger fields, cf. Fig. 8. Comparing Figs. 5
and 9, one sees that for superconductor disks with
pinning and with Hc1 ) 0, the peak in yM Ž Ha .
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