F .-) (; t-\4t Journal of the Geological Society, London, Vol. L50, 1993, pp. 771-783,11 figs. Printed in Northern Ireland U-Pb zircon ages from the Bindal Batholith, and the tectonic history of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, Scandinavian Caledonides O. NORDGULENl, M.E. BICKFORD2, A. L. NISSENl & G. L. WORTMAN' l Geological Suruey of Norway, PO Box 3006-Lade, N-7002 Trondheim, Norway 2Department of Geology, Heroy Geology Laboratory, Syracuse Uniuersity, Syracuse, New York, 13244, USA Abstract: The Helgeland Nappe Complex forms part of the Uppermost Allochthon in the central Scandinavian Caledonides. It consists of metasupracrustal rocks of assumed Precambrian age which are juxtaposed with metasupracrustal rocks present as non-conformable cover sequences to subjacent fragments of Early Ordovician ophiolitic rocks. All of these rock units have been intruded by the Bindal Batholith, which ranges in composition from mafic gabbro to leucogranite. In this paper, U-Pb zircon ages from five plutons in the southern part of the batholith are presented. These are a porphyritic granite of the Andalshatten pluton (447 +7 Ma), a tonalite from the Krikfjellet pluton (443 17 Ma), a granodiorite west of Gisvassfjellet (437 X4Ma), the Kalwatnet monzonite (435+ 10Ma), and a monzodiorite near Tosbotn (430+7 Ma). The dates are essentially concordant and are considered to reflect the crystallization ages of the intrusions. Based on regional correlations and the age of the oldest of the dated plutons, it is concluded that internal accretion and polyphase tectonometamorphism of the Helgeland Nappe Complex took place in Ordovician times. The final Silurian (Scandian) thrusting of the nappe stack across the continent of Baltica appears to post-date emplacement of the Bindal Batholith. The Bindal Batholith and its regional context The Scandinavian Caledonides are characterized by a series of generally westward-dipping nappe complexes commonly referred to as the Lower, Middle, Upper and Uppermost Allochthons (Roberts & Gee 1985; Gee et al. 1985). 'fhe Lower and Middle Allochthons consist mainly of Proterozoic crystalline and sedimentary rocks which can be related to the continental margin of Baltica. The Seve Nappes of the Upper Allochthon are thought to represent a transition zone between this continent and Iapetus (Gee The Bindal Batholith is located within the Helgeland Nappe Complex (Fig. 1), which is part of the Uppermost Allochthon in the central Scandinavian Caledonides (Ramberg 1967; Gustavson 1978, 1981, 1988; Gee et al. 1985). In the east, the Helgeland Nappe Complex lies structurally above low-grade rocks (Kcili Nappe Complex) of the Upper Allochthon (Foslie & Strand 1956; Lutro 1979; Dallmann 1986, 1987). In the west it lies above Proterozoic orthogneisses and medium-grade metasedimentary rocks of uncertain age; this region constitutes the northern part of the Western Gneiss Region and is commonly referred to as Vestranden (Fig. i; Kollung 1967; Roberts et al . 1983; Husmo & Nordgulen 1988; Schouenborg 1989). 1975), whereas the Uppermost Allochthon and the Kcili Nappes of the Upper Allochthon contain rock units which are exotic to Baltica (Roberts 1988; Stephens & Gee 1989). The present configuration of the nappe pile is a result of episodic orogenic processes starting in the Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician and culminating with Scandian collision in the Silurian to Early Devonian (Gee 1975; Sturt 1984; Roberts The rocks of the Helgeland Nappe Complex & Gee 1985; Stephens & Gee 1985). Granitoid plutonism of Caledonian age has been recorded in several parts of the orogen, but is essentially confined to the Upper and Uppermost Allochthons (Stephens et al. 1985a). The rocks in the nappes are commonly intensely deformed and metamorphosed, and are commonly highly deformed and generally record mediumgrade metamorphic assemblages. In a few areas, however, greenschist-facies rocks are present (Gustavson 1975; T6rudbakken & Mickelson 1986; Bucher-Nurminen 1988). Thorsnes (1987), Nordgulen & Schouenborg (1990) and Thorsnes & Loseth (1991), have identified two types of metasedimentary complexes, which occur in different nappe units. One of these comprises migmatitic gneiss, marble and calc-silicate gneiss which may correlate with rocks of Precambrian age further north in the Uppermost Allochthon (e.g. Riis & Ramberg 1981; Brattli et al.1982). These rocks contrast with sequences of conglomerate, schist, psammite, calc-silicate schist and marble which are interpreted as an unconformable cover sequence to variably-sized, mafic to ultramafic lensoid bodies of ophiolitic rocks (Fig. 1). For reasons discussed by Nordgulen & Schouenborg (1990) and Thorsnes & Loseth (1991), these deposits are interpreted as fossils are extremely scarce. Consequently, lithostratigraphic correlation is severely hampered, and the dating of rocks and tectonometamorphic events must largely be based on isotopic age determinations. U-Pb zircon dates on five plutons of the Bindal Batholith in north-central Norway are presented here. Together with earlier age determinations, the data suggest that a major part of the batholith was emplaced in the period from Late Ordovician to Early Silurian. The data also provide a basis upon which the tectonic evolution of the Helgeland Nappe Complex can be assessed. 771 Z. NORDGULEN ET AL. 772 Fig. 1. Geological setting of the Bindal Batholith. The locations of Figs 2, 4 and 5 are shown on the map. Abbreviations: HNC, Helgeland NaPPe ComPlex; KNC, Kdli Nappe ComPlex; RNC, Rcidingsfjiillet Nappe Complex; HP, Heilhornet pluton; OM, Oksdal Massif; VM: Visttindane Massif; R: ROdOY. Early Ordovician or younger in age. The rocks suffered polyphase deformation and metamorphism, including imbrication and juxtaposition with the older gneisses. prior being cut by Late Ordovician plutons of the Bindal Batholith (see below). The Bindal Batholith embraces a wide spectrum of rock types ranging from mafic gabbro to leucogranite (Kollung to 1967; Myrland 1972; Nissen 1974; Gustavson & Mitchell 1988; al. 1992; Nordgulen in press). Equigranular and porphyritic granites and granodiorites are the most common rock types, but Nordgulen 1988; Barnes et tonalites, monzonites and more basic rocks are also notable. In the western part of the batholith, anatectic granitoids and tourmaline granites are present. The great majority of the rocks in the batholith are metaluminous and high-K calc-alkaline (Nordgulen in press). There is a general westward increase in 8tsr/86sr initial ratios from fairly low values in the east (0.704-0.705) to intermediate (0.705-0.71) and high values (>0.71) in the west (Nordgulen & Sundvoll 1992). A combined isotopic in feldspar) shows that isotopically different crustal and sub-crustal source regions were involved in the generation of the batholith (Birkeland et al. 1993) . Rb-Sr whole-rock dates from various rock types, and a U-Pb zircon date on the Heilhornet Pluton (Fig. i), indicate ages between Late Cambrian and Silurian (Priem el al. 1975; Gustavson & Prestvik 1979; Nissen 1986, 1988; Torudbakken & Mickelson 1986; Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990). However, the U-Pb dates presented here suggest that some of the Rb-Sr dates are not reliable and that the main intrusive activity took place in the Late Ordovician to Early study (Sm-Nd, Rb-Sr and Pb-Pb Silurian. The geology of the dated plutons The Andalshatten pluton The Andalshatten pluton (see Appendix) is located in the region between Velfjord in the south and Visten in the AGE OF THE BINDAL BATHOLITH It consists of porphyritic granodiorite to granite and has a fairly wide range in composition from mafic hornblende-biotite granodiorite (c. 58Vo SiOr) in the northeast, to biotite granite (c.70Vo SiOr) in the south and southwest. Chemical data (Nordgulen, in press) show smooth variation trends. Sr-isotope data from a number of samples plot on a Rb-Sr errorchron (MWSD:29.5) ol north (Fig. 2). + 48 Ma with an initial ratio of 0.70855 + 0.00031 (Nordgulen & Sundvoll 1992). Nd-isotope data give similar €"n-values between -4 and -5 for one fairly basic and one evolved sample (Birkeland et al. 1993). These data are consistent with the interpretation that the pluton constitutes a single magmatic unit in which internal chemical variation is probably controlled by crystal-liquid processes. The pluton contains small mafic enclaves which are elongate parallel to the mineral alignment. Granitic and aplitic dykes are rare and mostly occur adjacent to or cutting rafts of metasedimentary rocks. A number of N-S-trending, grey, microporphyritic granitic dykes, which may be up to 448 several metres wide, cut the pluton. The dykes are chemically and isotopically related to their host (Nordgulen & Sundvoll 1992). Different types of mafic dykes also cut the Andalshatten pluton. A striking feature of the pluton is the abundance of inclusions ranging in size from small xenoliths to large mappable rafts usually orientated parallel to the foliation in the host (Fig.2). In the west, the inclusions consist of rusty, banded, calc-silicate schists and psammites with local horizons of polymict conglomerates predominantly strong, polyphase, ductile deforrnation. In areas of comparatively low strain, an approximately layer-parallel pressure-solution cleavage (S1) is present in calcareous metasandstone. Generally, this structure has been obliter- ated by a strong NE-SW, steeply dipping foliation (S2) which is axial planar to close or tight, high-amplitude folds with sharply defined closures. The long axes of inclusions are generally parallel to 52 and to transposed layering in the metasedimentary rocks, and these structures as well as tight F2 folds, are cut by dykes related to the Andalshatten pluton (Fig. 3). Thus, the structures in the metasedimentary inclusions, in the western part of the intrusion, show that they were subjected to a polyphase tectonometamorphic evolution prior to being incorporated in the Andalshatten pluton. The metasedimentary rocks can be followed along strike to the Horn area south of Velfjord (Fig. 2), where similar rocks are present as part of the Br@nn0ysund Group (Heldal & Hjelmeland 1987). This latter is considered to be a cover sequence lying unconformably upon the Bolvaer Ophiolite (Heldal 1987). As outlined by Nordgulen & Schouenborg (1990) and Thorsnes & LOseth (1991), the ophiolite fragments occurring within the Helgeland Nappe Complex probably have ages similar to that of the Leka Ophiolite Complex, where quartz keratophyres have been dated at 497 L 2 Ma (Dunning & Pedersen 1988). The cover sequence, including rocks assigned to the Bronnoysund Group and the Tosen Group in Velfjord and Bindal, may thus be no older than Early Ordovician. and marble. The metasedimentary rocks have suffered L:] -t aONGLOMEFATE MAFBLE aALaAREOUS SCHST GAFNETMICASCHST I a N eruz 4471 7Ma 3. Isoclinal F2 fold in a xenolith of calc-silicate schist with thin bands of grey metasandstone. The folded banding and foliation in the xenolith are cut by an undeformed aplite sheet. The hammer handle is 55 cm long. (Locality: UTM 37875-727805, Andalshatten Fig. Fig. 2. The geology of the Andalshatten pluton and its immediate surroundings (simplified from Nordgulen et al. 1992). Locality of dated sample N87-02: UTM 37880-727800. pluton). Z. NORDGULEN ET AL. In the southwestern part of the Andalshatten pluton, a large area is occupied by dioritic to monzodioritic rocks with smaller bodies of gabbro, olivine gabbro and peridotite (Myrland 1972). The diorites are conspicuously heterogeneous with medium-grained, foliated, equigranular or hornblende t plagioclase porphyritic texture. In most areas, they are veined by an irregular network of plagioclase * microcline porphyritic granodiorite to diorite which in places appears to grade into the normal granodiorite of the Andalshatten pluton. The contacts between the Andalshat- ten pluton and the diorite complex are generally transitional, and over large areas scattered xenoliths of diorite occur adjacent to the contact (see Myrland 1972, fig. 7). In the south-central part of the Andalshatten pluton, a zone of medium- to fine-grained, foliated tonalitic and granodioritic rocks occurs as a steep wedge-shaped inclusion (Fig. 2). These granitoids and the spatially associated zones of marble and migmatitic gneiss are continuous along strike to the area east of Velfjord in the south. The metasedimentary rocks continue northwards as prominent rafts in the Andalshatten pluton. Along the central zone of the pluton, south of Tasklivatn, a number of variably sized inclusions of serpentinitic ultramafic rocks are present, the largest of which is shown on Fig. 2. These lie approximately along strike from ultramafic rocks in Velfjord (Figs 1 & 2) and may represent the continuation of the zone of small fragments of ultramafic rocks marking different tectonostratigraphic levels within the Helgeland Nappe Complex (Thorsnes & Lgseth 1991). A similar relationship is observed to the west of the pluton where small bodies of ultramafic rocks as well as highly deformed metagabbro occur together with mica schist west of the granitic gneisses at Hamnpya (Fig. 2). These mafic bodies are considered to be part of a discontinuous NE-SW-trending belt of ophiolite fragments from Leka and Bolvr in the southwest, via Hamnoya to Rodoy in the northeast (Fig. 1). In the eastern part of the pluton the inclusions comprise marble, calc-silicate rocks and migmatitic gneiss. These rocks are also present east of the Andalshatten pluton as well as on islands northwest of the pluton (Nordgulen el a/. 1992), and are interpreted to be part of an older, possibly Precambrian sequence of metasedimentary rocks in the Helgeland Nappe Complex. The Krfrkfjellet pluton The Krikfjellet pluton (see Appendix) is a NW-SE- to N-S-trending elongate intrusion situated in the southwestern part of the Bindal Batholith (Figs 1 & 4). It consists of medium to coarsegrained tonalite and granodiorite in the north and medium- to fine-grained tonalite to quartz diorite in the south (Nordgulen 1984). The pluton has a range in show that most elements plot along well-defined arrays (Nordgulen 1984). Six samples from the central part of the pluton yielded a Rb-Sr date of 464 l30Ma (MSWD:3.74) t 0.00005 (Nordgu- with an "Sr/"usr initial ratio of 0.70549 len & Sundvoll 1992). Elongate mafic enclaves, biotite-rich schlieren and, in places, extremely abundant rafts of metasedimentary rocks are generally orientated parallel to the fabric in the pluton. Xenoliths of diorite and hornblende gabbro are also present; southeast of Tosen, a substantial area is occupied by Fig. 4. Geological map of the central part of the Krikfjellet pluton al. 1989). and its surroundings (simplified from Nordgulen et Locality of dated sample N88-3: UTM38225-722215. hornblende gabbro (Fig. a). The Krikfjellet pluton is cut by aplite, pegmatite, granite and a variety of basic and composite dykes. The contacts of the pluton are largely concordant with the strong regional 52 schistosity in the wall-rocks, which consist of migmatitic gneisses, schists, calc-silicate rocks and banded marbles. The contact towards the Terrikfjellet pluton is also concordant and fabrics in both intrusions are contact parallel. The pluton cuts a strong 52 foliation in metasedimentary inclusions, and detailed structural studies led Nordgulen (1984) to suggest that the pluton was emplaced during the waning stages of D2 deformation. This would imply that ductile strains were imposed on the rocks no later than in Late Ordovician times. Granitoid dykes which cut the pluton and its inclusions are weakly deformed, indicating that post-emplacement deformation was of relatively little importance. Granodiorite west of Gdsuassfj ellet In the southeastern part of the batholith (Majafjellet and 1& 5), tonalitic to granitic intrusions (see Appendix) occur in migmatitic garnet gneisses in steep belts parallel to the NE-SW- to Gisvassfjellet area, Figs N-S-trending foliation. The gneisses are also intruded by small bodies of gabbro and diorite, and xenoliths of the AGE OF THE BINDAL BATHOLITH The Kaluuatnet monzonite The Kalvvatnet monzonite (see Appendix) is located between Namsskogan and Tosbotn in the southeastern part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex (Figs 1 & 5). It is a fairly large pluton consisting of medium- to coarse-grained quartz monzonite (Nissen 1988). Elongate, mafic enclaves are common and are orientated parallel to the mineral fabric in the pluton, which is cut by numerous granitic, aplitic and pegmatitic dykes. The Kalwatnet monzonite has a limited range in composition (58-63% SiOr) with high K'O (>4%) and Rb (>150ppm). Ba and Sr consistently show values greater than 0.17o, whereas high-field-strength elements have moderate abundances (Nordgulen in press). Sr isotope data do not yield a meaningful age (Nissen 1988), however, based on the U-Pb zircon age of 435 Ma, the initial ratios for the analysed samples range between0.7067 and0.7073. The Kalvvatnet monzonite is partly surrounded by porphyritic granitoids (Fig. 5). Contacts are sharp, and large rafts of porphyritic to equigranular granitic rocks are present in the northern and southern parts of the pluton. The contact towards porphyritic granite at Kalvfjellet (Fig. 5) in the south dips away from the monzonite. Taken together, these observations lead to the conclusion that the latter is younger than the porphyritic rocks. Migmatitic garnet gneisses and marble with small bodies of gabbro and diorite occur to the west of the Kalvvatnet monzonite (Fig. 5). The metasupracrustal rocks have transitional contacts towards granitoids in the OksdalenFinnlifiellet area (Fig. 5). Most of the Oksdal Massif (Fig. 1) consists of granite which can be followed northwards to the Fig. 5. Geological map of the Tosen-Majafjellet area (simplified and revised from Gustavson 1981 and Nordgulen et a|.7990). Sample localities: N87-03: UTM 40180-724475; N488: UTM 40610-7 22185 ; N89-61 : UTM 41 185-721680. metasedimentary rocks are common in the granitoids (Nordgulen et al. t990). The granitoids occur along strike from tonalites and granodiorites near Namsskogan (Nissen 1986, 1988; see Fig. 1). Geochemically, the rocks in this part of the batholith contain 60-70% SiOr. Dykes of trondhjemite and tourmaline granite, which are present in the gneisses near Namsskogan (Fig. 1), are more evolved, with up to 75Vo SiO'. At Gisvassfjellet, two main types of granitoids are distinguished (Fig. 5). The intrusive rocks assigned to the tonalite-granodiorite zone ate grey to dark grey and medium- to coarse-grained with a fairly strong foliation which is cut by numerous granitic and pegmatitic dykes and veins. Rafts and xenoliths of migmatitic gneiss are oriented parallel to the fabric in the intrusive rocks, and the contact towards migmatitic gneiss in the west is partly transitional. The granitoids to the east of the tonalite-granodiorite zone (Fig. 5) are grey, medium-grained and equigranular; they contrast with those to the west in having finer grain size and lower abundances of biotite. Nissen (1986, 1988) obtained Rb-Sr whole-rock dates of 526+I0Ma (MSWD:0.57) for granodiorite and 506t 26Ma (MSWD:3.93) for tonalite from near Namsskogan. However, field relations indicate that the dark tonalites to in the area a sample of fairly mafic, foliated granodiorite was collected for Zircon-dating granodiorites are the oldest plutonic rocks (Nissen 1986). From this unit, (N89-61; Fig. s). Tosbotn atea where it cuts monzodiorite dated at Ma (see below). This would imply that the granites younger than the Kalwatnet monzonite. 430 + 5 of the Oksdal Massif are probably The monzodiorite near Tosbotn This is located on the northern shore of Tosen, c. 3km southwest of Tosbotn (Figs 1 & 5). It is a coarse-grained, mafic monzodiorite with c. 52Vo SiO. (see Appendix). The high KrO content (2.8Vo) shows that it is part of the high-I( monzodioritic to monzonitic suite occurring in the southern part of the Bindal Batholith. The geology in the Tosbotn area is characterized by migmatitic gneisses with subordinate calc-silicate gneisses, amphibolites and marble which are cut by a number of intrusive rocks (Fig. 5). Small bodies of serpentinite, hornblendite and gabbro are present in the gneisses. The porphyritic rocks south of Tosbotn are similar to those north of the Kalwatnet monzonite. In Tosbotn and along the southern shore of the fjord towards the southwest, mediumto coarse-grained rocks ranging from clinopyroxene-hornblende monzodiorite to biotite-quartz monzonite are present. Chemical data from the Tosbotn area show that these monzonites are very similar to the Kalwatnet monzonite, and it is highly likely that they have a similar age. The youngest intrusive rock in the area is a medium- to fine-grained granite which has been mapped into the Visttindane Massif to the north and the Oksdal Massif to the south (Fig. 1). In the area to the west of the sampling locality, the monzodiorite cuts folded migmatitic gneisses. The monzodiorite contains inclusions of porphyritic granite, but occurs as inclusions in the granite immediately southwest of the sample locality. Thus, the sequence of Z. NORDGULEN ET AL 776 intrusion established in the Tosbotn area is, with decreasing age, porphyritic granite, monzodiorite and monzonite, and granite. U-Pb zircon age determinations Analyses were corrected for blank using the composition of Pb measured in the laboratory. Initial Pb was assumed to have the composition given by the model of Stacey & Kramers (1975) for the age of the sample. All samples contained enough radiogenic Pb that a reasonable uncertainty in the composition of the non-radiogenic Pb component does not contribute significantly to the uncertainty in the calculated age. The decay constants used were it38U: x 10-ea-rand 123s1): o.SS+SS x 10 ua ' lsteiger & Jiiger 1977). Uncertainties (1o) in measured Pb ratios were typically abolt 0.05Vo or less for 2o7Pbf2o6Pb and 208Pb/2o6Pb, and 1.0Vo or less for 2oaPbl2o6Pb. The U-Pb ratios are considered accurate to 0.15513 Analytical methods The U-Pb isotopic measurements reported in this paper were performed by M.E.B. and G.L.W. in the Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory at the University of Kansas, USA. Zircons from the samples to be dated were separated by standard methods at the Geological Survey of Norway. In Kansas, the zircons were further purified by magnetic separation and hand picking to remove residual impurities. The final, purified zircons were fractionated on the basis of their magnetic susceptibilities; for two of the samples the least magnetic fraction was air-abraded (Krogh 1982) to improve concordance. For one sample (N88-3), monazite was also separated and analysed. Isotopic compositions and concentrations were determined by standard methods for isotope dilution analysis following, with minor modifications, the method of Krogh (1973); the data are given in Table 1. Mass spectrometry was carried out using a VG Sector multicollector instrument. During the period of this work analytical blanks were 250 pg 2o6Pb and less than 200 pg 238U. 1.57o at 2o. The regression and error analysis methods of Ludwig (19t30, 1983) were used. For four of the samples reported here the analytical points are not collinear, but cluster about concordia (Figs 6-10). In this situation, the regression methods commonly employed are neither appropriate nor useful. We have, therefore, made reasonable interpretations of the age and its uncertainty by inspection of the computed ages for the fractions analysed (Table 1). Sample N89-61 (Fig. 8) yielded somewhat discordant data; these were regressed to determine the age. Results of age determinations Five plutons from the southwestern part of the Bindal Batholith were studied. A brief description of the zircons Table 1. Analytical data for zircon fractions Concentrations2 Fraction r U (ppp-) Pb (ppm) N 87-02 (Andalshatten NM (-2) NM (-1) NM (o) NM (+1) NM (+2) M (+2) Meas.3 2061204 Radiogenic Pba 207 1206 81.6 4831 22 573 t497 92.5 99.7 96.6 105.6 1483 t04.4 t6754 41.1 1502 59.5 90.9 1348 I 131 t321 1426 1398 N88-03 (Krdkfjellet pluton) 548 795 M (-1) t0 526 0.05584 0.0s577 0.05587 17 499 0.0ss95 20 816 0.05581 0.05568 M (0) M (1) 1247 t24r 95.8 2822 1176 Monazite 1813 570.6 7852 0.05613 0.05581 0.05611 0.05568 0.05588 N89-61 (Granodiorite west N (-1) (-1) AA (0) (+2) 2081206 2061238 207 1235 0.10185 0.10311 0. 1070.5 0.10879 0.12357 0.07178 2061238 Age (Ma) 2071235 0.07012 0.06968 0.06888 0.06938 0.5526 0.5392 0.5368 0.5313 Age (Ma) (Ma) 0.5339 0.t2242 0.06926 0.5318 0.13000 0.13076 0.12528 0.14764 4.20395 0.07099 0.07055 0.07042 0.07113 0.06903 0.5494 0.5429 0.08510 0.06747 0.5172 0.5448 0.5461 0.5319 + + + + 442.1 439 .5 438.7 +6.6 444.6+6.7 t 6.5 440.3 + 6 -6 +6.5 44t.6+6.6 r +6.4 446.7 437.9 436.3 432.7 434.4+6.5 445.0+1..2 433.0 + 439.8+1.2 56.0 63.4 61.4 14234 16069 0.05560 0.05560 23 105 0.05562 63.8 22337 0.05563 315 24.7 1090 0.0557s 290 22.5 20.6 946 0.05522 418 0.05495 9s0 925 964 0.08284 0.08323 0.08780 6.5 457.3+4.t 444 .9 X 456.7 4.6 +2.4 443.0+6.6 442.4+6.7 439.5+5.2 12 430.3 + 420.9 L2.0 433.0 + t2 447 .7 * 423.3 +2.0 436.3 +1.3 of Gdsuassfjellet) 846 +6.7 446.0+3.0 +6.5 443.3 +1.2 +6.5 447.2+2.0 +6.4 450.2+1.2 446.9 436.9 434.2 429.4 432.4 431.7 6.6 6.5 6.5 6.4 6.4 2071206 Age pluton): NM (-1) NM NM NM NM Pb/U Ratios 0.06811 0.5222 424.8+2.0 0.06780 0.5199 422.9 L2.0 0.06729 0.5162 419.8 +2.0 1 .4 426.6+2.0 436.6+1.2 425.1 +2.0 422.6+2.0 437.2+1.2 437.9 +1.2 488: (Kaluuatnet monzonite)'. NM (-1 M (-1) M (0) N 87 -03 (M o nzo dio NM NM NM NM (-3) AA (-3) (-1) (+1) t 241 rite near Tos 102 113 106 135 b o tn)'. 8.3 9.0 8.8 1r.1 2098 4823 1343 1984 0.05470 0.05538 0.05547 0.05534 0.21127 0.06893 0.5298 429.7 +6.4 0.20543 0.06846 0.52t2 426.8 +6.4 0.20936 0.06931 0.5251 432.0 +6.4 0.30910 0.30558 0.06866 0.5178 o.0679'7 0.5190 0.33144 0.32643 0.06883 0.06821 0 .5264 0.5205 6.5 431.7 + 425 .9 + 6 428.5 +'7 442.2 + 5.6 .5 421 .0 + 6.6 .1 410.1 + 15 +6.4 423.7 +6.3 399.8 + 1.6 +6.3 424.5 +6.3 427.7 +1.7 6.4 429 .5 + 6.5 431 .4 + 4.8 6 .3 425 .s + 6.3 425 .9 + .5 428.1 423.9 429 .1 + 425 .4 + NM, nonmagnetic; M, magnetic; numbers in parentheses indicate side tilt used on Franz separator at 1.5 amp power; AA, air abraded. and Pb, corrected for analytical blank. Measured ratios, uncorrected for blank or non-radiogenic Pb. 4Pb corrected for blank and non-radiogenic Pb; ages given in Ma. U 'Total 3 1 AGE OF THE BINDAL BATHOLITH is provided in the Appendix. Analytical data and calculated ages based upon the ratios tntPb/'noPb are given in Table 1. ^upblrrrlJ,2o7pbl235lJ, and 777 separated from the samples KRAKFJELLET PLUTON The Andalshatten pluton. We analysed 6 fractions of zircon from a sample of the Andalshatten pluton (Fig. 2; N87-02; Table 1). The data do not yield a linear array on the concordia diagram (Fig. 6), although they do show a 206Pb/238U and 't'Pb/tttu normal distribution of decreasing 0.071 206p0 238 U ages with increasing magnetic susceptibility, whereas the tn'Pbl'*Pb ages are the same within t5 Ma. The variation in 'ntPb/'noPb ages may reflect minor inheritance of older zircon.The ages calculated for the least magnetic fraction are concordant at 447 t7 Ma, and we interpret this as the best estimate of the crystallization age of the pluton. o The Krdkfjellet pluton. Four zircon fractions and one monazite fraction were analysed from the Krikfjellet pluton (Fig. 4; N88-3; Table 1). The data plot near concordia (Fig. 7)' but do not form a linear array. Two fractions (NM(-1) and M(0); Table 1) have 'n'Pbl'*Pb ages that are significantly greater than their U/Pb ages, possibly indicating inheritan-ce 6f small amounts of older zircon. We believe the 'nuPb/tttu and 2o7Pbl23-5u ages (443.0 t 6.6 and 442.4 + 6.7 Ma, respectively) of fraction M(1), the most concordant fraction' best determine the crystallisation age for the pluton, noting that its 2o7Pb/2o6Pb age is 439.5 * 5.2 Ma and the 'ntPb/t*Pb ages of fraction M(-1) and monazite are 444.9 t4.6Ma and 447.7 + 1.4Ma, respectively. On the basis of these data we assign an age of 443 t7 Ma to this pluton. Granodiorite west of Gdsuassfiellet A sample of the granodiorite west of Gisvassfjellet (Fig. 5) yielded four fractions of these (N89-61, Table 1) yielded of zircon. Analysis 2o6Pbl238I) and'"'Pbft3sU ages but slightly discordant n7Pbf2(j6Pb ages that are identical within analytical uncertainties (Table 1). These data were regressed, yielding an upper intercept age of 434.4 t 4.8 Ma and an unrealistic lower intercept of -118 I214Ma. Regression of the data with the lower intercept forced through zero yields a precise upper intercept age of 437 Ma (Fig. 8). Noting that there are somewhat greater uncertainties associated with individual o 0.069 057 1- l,4onazite 0.54 0.52 050 0.56 0.58 247 p61235 g Fig.7. U-Pb concordia diagram for the Krikfjellet pluton. 206Pb/23tiu 4 and t"'Pbf"tu ages, we assign an age of 437 r. Ma to this pluton. The Kaluuatnet monzonite. Three fractions of zircon were analysed from a sample of the Kalwatnet monzonite (Fig. 5; N488; Table 1). Fig. 9 shows that the data points are not collinear, with two points (M(1) and M(0)) plotting slightly above concordia. This behaviour indicates U-loss relative to Pb and may have been caused by incomplete dissolution of the zircon fractions. The'nuPb/"tu and'ntPb/"tu ages vary around 430 Ma, but individually have uncertainties of t 7Ma. The 2o7Pbl2o6Pb age of fraction NM(-1) is 442.2t 5.6 Ma. Because the data allow considerable uncertainty, we assign an age of 435 * 10 Ma to this pluton. Monzodiorite in Tosbotn. Fov zircon fractions were analysed from a monzodiorite body near Tosbotn (Fig. 5; GASVASSFJELLET GRANODIORITE 436 ANDALSHATTEN PLUTON E, 432 0.069 428 206 206 pb 238 g Pb J 424 0.068 /,.a 238 g 4 a .a 0.065 0.4s -- 0.50 0.067 - 0.52 0.54 201 Fig.6. p6l23s 0.56 U U-Pb concordia diagram for the Andalshatten pluton. 0.50 0.51 0.52 0.53 2a7 p6l 235 l) 0.58 Fig.8. U-Pb concordia diagram for the granodiorite west of Gisvassfjellet. 0.54 Z. NORDGULEN ET AL. 778 the published Rb-Sr ages of these bodies and similar to the U-Pb age obtained for the Heilhornet pluton (444 A 11 Ma) in the southwestern part of the batholith (Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990). The gabbroic and dioritic rocks which are cut by these plutons are older, but at present it is not possible to provide further constraints on the age of this earlier mafic plutonism. KALVVATNET MONZONITE 206 pb 238 435 Ll Monzonitic and monzodioritic rocks gave ages of + 10 Ma for the Kalwatnet Monzonite and 430 a 7 Ma for monzodiorite near Tosbotn. The geology of the Tosbotn area (see above) shows that the Visttindane Massif, granitic rocks east of Tosen, and the major part of the Oksdal Massif are probably younger than the monzodiorite near a substantial part of the Bindal Batholith is Early Silurian in age. Rb-Sr whole-rock data from the Bindal Batholith indicate a broad age span and include Late Cambrian (Nissen 1986, 1988), Early Ordovician (Gustavson & Prestvik 1979) and Silurian (Torudbakken & Mickelson 1986) dates. However, the U-Pb age for the granodiorite west of Gisvassfjellet @37 f 4 Ma) strongly suggests that the Late Cambrian dates are incorrect. A possible explanation may be that the Sr isotope analyses were carried out on samples with somewhat variable initial Sr ratios. Regarding the U-Pb dates as more reliable indicators of emplacement age, the results so far obtained from the Bindal Batholith suggest that most of the intrusive activity took place in the Late Ordovician to Early Tosbotn. Consequently, 0.064 0.50 0.48 a.52 207 Fig.9. 0.54 0.56 0.58 p6l23s g U-Pb concordia diagram for the Kalvvatnet monzonite. N87-03; Table 1). Fig. 10 shows that three of the analytical points plot in a quasiJinear group along concordia whereas one point (NM(-3)AA) plots slightly above concordia. As noted above, this behaviour may have resulted from incom- plete dissolution of the zircon fraction. We prefer to interpret the age from the quasi-linear artay of points, noting that fraction NM(-l) is essentially concordant at 430 1 7 Ma. We believe that this age provides the best indication of the age of the pluton. Discussion The age determinations reported in this paper have consequences for understanding the evolution of intrusive activity in the southern part of the Bindal Batholith. The oldest dates have been obtained from the Andalshatten (447 +7 Ma) and the Krikfjellet (4$ r 7 Ma) plutons, which are probably Late Ordovician in age according to the time al. (1990). The dates are concordant with TOSBOTN Late Ordovician to Early Silurian intrusive activity is also a characteristic of the Smola-Hitra Batholith in central Norway (Gautneb 1988; Tucker 1988; Gautneb & Roberts 1989) and the Sunnhordland Batholith in southwest Norway (Andersen & Jansen 1987; Fossen & Austrheim 1988). Although most of the dates are based on Rb-Sr whole-rock data, it may be concluded that, at this time, important parts The age of the Bindal Batholith scale of Tucker et Silurian. I,4ONZODIORITE of the Upper and Uppermost Allochthons of the Scandinavian Caledonides were characterized by extensive granitoid plutonism. Ordouician tectonometamorphism in the Helgeland Nappe Complex The Helgeland Nappe Complex, as well as the Uppermost Allochthon in general, has been considered to represent an exotic terrane with respect to the continent of Baltica (Roberts 1988; Stephens & Gee 1989). Recent work in the southwestern part of the nappe has confirmed the composite nature of the terrane, and it is now considered to consist of at least two different sequences of rocks, the older of these probably being Precambrian 206 pn 238 I 0.064 0.48 0.50 0.52 0.54 247 p6l 235 0 56 U Fig. 10. U-Pb concordia diagram for the monzodiorite near Tosbotn. in age (Thorsnes 1987; Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990; Thorsnes & LOseth 1991). The younger sequence consists essentially of metasedimentary rocks which were derived from rocks of continental affinity as well as from a substrate which is currently preserved as fragments of variably tectonized ophiolitic rocks (shown as greenstone, gabbro and ultramafic rocks in Fig. 1). From studies of the Heilhornet pluton (Fig. 1) and its surroundings (Husmo & Nordgulen 1988; Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990), it was concluded that the initial thrusting of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, and probably also its internal amalgamation, took place prior to intrusion of the pluton at 444|llMa. As described above, the Andalshatten pluton intrudes both types of metasedimen- AGE OF THE BINDAL BATHOLITH semblages in the cover sequences to the ophiolitic rocks are WGF z : NE-SW UPRIGHT FOLDS z DEPOSITION OF DEVONIAN ROCKS o IJJ ,i'i'i o z : E :f J (t) z I o 441, , 1 'i +1lJ ITT Ttori PEGMATITES (WGR) Bindal Batholith. DEFORMATION & METAMORPIIISM Helgeland Nappe Complex has consequences for the reconstruction of the Caledonian mountain belt. The (scaNDrAN THRUSTTNG) ' oT .l HNC: a 2t o OEFORMATION & METAMORPHISi,l ASSEMBLY OF THE NAPPE COMPLEX o tc o ISLAND.ARC FORMATION (LEKA OPHIOLITE) + Fig. 11. Summary diagram showing relevant age determinations and the main geological events in the Uppermost Allochthon and the adjacent part of the Western Gneiss Region (WGR); commonly referred to as Vestranden. Notice that the exact timing and duration of tectonic and intrusive events are uncertain. In the Ordovician. juxtaposition of oceanic and continental terranes formed the Helgeland Nappe Complex; Ordovician tectonometamorphism has not been documented from the gneisses of the Western Gneiss Region. The U-Pb zircon dates suggest that most of the Bindal Batholith was emplaced in the Late Ordovician to Early Silurian. The intrusive activity may overlap in time with Ordovician deformation in the Helgeland Nappe Complex as well as with deformation related to the initiation of the Scandian orogeny (Early Silurian to Early Devonian). The Scandian orogeny culminated with the collision between Laurentia and Baltica and led to high-P metamorphism in the Western Gneiss Region (Griffin et al. 1985; Johansson et al. 7990). The already-assembled Helgeland Nappe Complex was thrust eastwards across low-grade rocks of the Upper Allocthon. The time scale used is essentially that of Tucker et al. (1991,).Filled square, U-Pb zircon age; filled diamond: Rb-Sr whole-rock age; filled circle, Rb-Sr mineral age; filled triangle, Sm-Nd mineral age. The dates from the Uppermost Allochthon are from: (1) Dunning & Pedersen 1988; (2) Gustavson & Prestvik 1979; (3) Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990; ( -8) this work; (9 & 10) Tdrudbakken & Mickelson 1986; (11) Claesson 1979; (12) Trudbakken & Brattli 1985. The dates from the Western Gneiss Region are from: (13 & 16) Johansson et al. 1990; (14) Schouenborg The Ordovician tectonometamorphic history of the within the Helgeland Nappe Complex, including the Leka Ophiolite Complex, have been assigned to the so-called Group I ophiolites in the Scandinavian Caledonides (Furnes et al. 1985). These are Early Ordovician in age (Dunning & Pedersen 1988) and originated in a supra-subduction zone environment (Pedersen et al. 1988). Evidence from elsewhere in the Scandinavian Caledonides shows that the ophiolites were accreted to continental rocks, and subsequently uplifted an<! fragmented ophiolites INTRUSIVE ACTIVITY (BINDAL BATHOLITH) ,rl related to the deformation during amalgamation of the nappe complex (Thorsnes & LOseth 1991). Since the Andalshatten pluton clearly cuts S2-fabrics (Fig. 3), it also provides a minimum age for this tectonometamorphic episode. Consequently, the rocks of the Helgeland Nappe Complex went through a polyphase, Ordovician, tectonometamorphic evolution prior to emplacement of the et al . 1991; 15) Schouenborg 1988. tary sequences present within the Helgeland Nappe Complex as well as serpentinitic rocks similar to those of the ophiolite fragments. Thus, the age of the pluton (447 +7 Ma) confirms the conclusion of Nordgulen & Schouenborg (1990) that the various elements of the Helgeland Nappe Complex had been juxtaposed no later than in the Late Ordovician (Fig. 11). The dominant S2-foliation and the medium-grade metamorphic as- eroded in the Early to Mid-Ordovician (e.g. Sturt 1984). There are diverse opinions as to the nature and palaeogeographic position of the continental block onto which the ophiolites were juxtaposed; both Baltica and Laurentia, as well as a microcontinent have been suggested (Stephens & Gee 1985, 1989; Pedersen et al. 1988; Sturt & Roberts l99I). Applying this general model to the Helgeland Nappe Complex, the metasedimentary sequences overlying the ophiolites may be regarded as a response to initial accretion of an island arc to a continental block consisting of Precambrian paragneisses. Subsequently, the different rock complexes were imbricated and strongly deformed to form the composite Helgeland Nappe Complex (see also Stephens et al. 1985b). The palaeogeographic position of the continental block cannot be determined, however, since the Ordovician tectonometamorphic history of the Helgeland Nappe Complex is distinctive both in timing and character compared to that along the margin of Baltica, it is unlikely that the ophiolite fragments in the nappe complex interacted with rocks of Baltic affinity during initial juxtaposition with continental crust. Bucher-Nurminen (1988) pointed out that boundaries of metamorphic grade cross nappe contacts in several areas in the central Scandinavian Caledonides, indicating that prograde metamorphism reached its peak during or shortly after Scandian thrusting in the Early to Middle Silurian. However, as argued above, the Andalshatten pluton cuts 52 and post-dates the peak of medium-grade metamorphism in the Helgeland Nappe Complex.This apparent contradiction may be resolved if one allows for an initial amalgamation of the Helgeland Nappe Complex to subjacent rocks prior to final translation during Scandian collision. Such a situation appears to obtain along the southwestern part of the nappe where metasedimentary rocks of the Vestranden sequence were juxtaposed with the Helgeland Nappe Complex before the intrusion of the Heilhornet pluton (Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990). It has also been suggested that parts of the Upper Allochthon were accreted to the Uppermost Allochthon during the Early Ordovician (Stephens & Gee 1989). Thus, the upper part of the nappe pile in central Scandinavia may preserve the record of a complex history of Ordovician accretion which led to juxtaposition of different tectonic units. Z. NORDGULEN ET AL 780 Post-Ordouician tectonic deuelopment The strong N-S to NE-SW foliation in the granodiorite west of Gisvassfjeller (437 + 4 Ma) shows that deformation in the southeastern part of the Helgeland Nappe Complex took place near the Ordovician-Silurian boundary or later, which is in agreement with the conclusion from structural studies in the Koli Nappe Complex south of Rossvatn (Fig. 1; Dallmann 1986). However, the monzonitic to mon- zodioritic rocks (435410Ma and 430+7Ma), which are the youngest dated piutons of the Bindal Batholith (Fig. 11), exhibit little evidence of having been subjected to strong regional deformation. Considering the internal structure of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, the foliation in the central to western part strikes predominantly N-S to NW-SE' and lineations are weakly developed. In contrast, the rocks of the Vefsnfjord and Ranafjord areas (Fig. 1) are characterized by a steeply dipping NE-SW foliation and a pronounced lineation with shallow NE or SW plunge' The general NE-trending structures in the NW and SE parts of the Helgeland Nappe Complex are similar to that of the Vestranden area (Fig. L), where important deformation took place in the Silurian (see below). This may suggest that the structural patterns in parts of the Helgeland Nappe Complex are a result of fairly strong Silurian modification, whereas the central parts of the nappe complex appear to have been less affected by such strains. Late two-mica granite dykes, which are common throughout the batholith, have been deformed by upright, open, N-S- to NE-Sw-trending, regional folds commonly regarded as D3-structures. A pegmatite, which occurs in Vestranden rocks SW of the Heilhornet pluton, is folded by the NE-SW-trending upright folds. A U-Pb date of t 3 Ma for the pegmatite (Schouenborg i988) indicates that the folding took place no earlier than in the Early Devonian. A Devonian age for the folding is supported by structural studies in Vestranden by Piasecki & Clitr (1988) 401 and also by the fact that Devonian sedimentary rocks in central Norway are affected by similar folds (e.g. BOe et al1e89). Batholith (Nordgulen & Sundvoll 1992). In this model, the intrusion of Early Silurian plutons, being among the latest products of igneous activity, would broadly have coincided with destruction of the subduction system and the early stage of Scandian collision and thrusting (Fig. 11). The nature of the collision process is extremely diffrcult to assess from the present complicated nappe stack. Nevertheless, the apparent lack of plutons of similar age in the tectonostratigraphic units adjacent to and underlying the Uppermost Allochthon strongly suggests that the final positioning of the nappe post-dates intrusive activity. The tectonometamorphic history of the southwestern Helgeland Nappe Complex, exemplified by the metasedimentary rocks described above, shows that the rocks preserved in the upper part of the nappe stack did not reach deep crustal levels during the collisional stage. The salient features of the development of the Uppermost Allochthon, with some additional information from the adjacent part of Vestranden, are shown schematically in Fig. 11. Although the durations of tectonometamorphic and magmatic events are uncertain, it is clear that, in the Helgeland Nappe Complex, a significant Ordovician tectonometamorphic cycle pre-dates the emplacement of the Bindal Batholith. In contrast to the Upper Allochthon, there is no evidence for a Late Cambrian to Early Ordovician high-P event as recorded by the presence of eclogites of this age (Mork et al. 1988) and Early to Mid-Ordovician uplift dates (e.g. Dallmeyer & Gee 1986, 1988; Dallmeyer & Stephens 1991). A polyphase Ordovician tectonometamorphic history followed by extensive Late Ordovician to Early Silurian granitoid plutonism, and generally less penetrative Scandian deformation are features which the Helgeland Nappe Complex has in common with the Smola terrane in Central Norway (Roberts 1988; Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990). In contrast, the Western Gneiss Region is characterized by the absence of Ordovician deformation and a pronounced Silurian to Early Devonian tectonometamorphic evolution (Tucker et al . 1987, 1991; Mciller 1988; Piasecki & Clitr 1988; Johansson et al. 1990; Schouenborg et a/. 1991). Thus, the Helgeland and Smola terranes appear to have a Regional considerations The final eastward thrusting of the Helgeland Nappe Complex across the margin of Baltica took place during Scandian continent-continent collision in Mid-Silurian to Early Devonian time (Gee 1975; Roberts & Gee 1985; Stephens et al. 1985b; Dallmann 1986, 1987; Stephens & Gee 1989). From studies of metamorphism in basement tectonometamorphic and tectonomagmatic history unlike that of the terranes with which they are juxtaposed. More geochronological data are required to obtain a better understanding of this complex evolutionary history. Ma ago. Southwest of the Helgeland Nappe Complex, in the Vestranden part of the Western Gneiss Region, the maximum P-T event (14kbar, c.850"C) has been dated at 432t6Ma (Sm-Nd mineral isochron, Fig. 11), with subsequent near-isothermal uplift in the Late Silurian and Devonran (Moller 1988; Johansson e/ a/. 1990). Highpressure metamorphism in the Silurian, which has been reported from abundant eclogites in the Western Gneiss Region, has been interpreted in terms of imbrication and northwestward subduction of the Baltic margin beneath Laurentia (Griffin et al.1985). have been dated by the U-Pb method on zircons. The dates windows, Lindqvist (1990) concluded that Scandian thrusting in central Scandinavia occurred later than 430 to Conclusions Five plutons from the southern part of the Bindal Batholith 435 range between c. 447 and 430 Ma, indicating that a substantial part of the Bindal Batholith is Late Ordovician to Early Silurian in age. Although more age determinations are needed, it appears that during this time period, granitoid magmatism was common in the Upper and Uppermost A Late Ordovician to Silurian westward-dipping subduction zone would be compatible with an east to west increase in initial Sr isotope ratios within the Bindal Allochthons of the Scandinavian Caledonides. Internal accretion of the Helgeland Nappe Complex occurred at low- to medium-grade conditions and involved rocks of assumed Precambrian age, as well as Early Ordovician ophiolitic rocks and their non-conformable cover sequences. The dated plutons are essentially younger than these tectonometamorphic events, and pre-date the final Scandian thrusting of the Helgeland Nappe Complex across AGE OF THE BINDAL BATHOLITH Baltica. Penetrative Silurian strains are probably present only in parts of the Helgeland Nappe Complex. The granitoid-dominated Helgeland and Sm@la terranes have a geological history characterized by polyphase Ordovician deformation and metamorphism followed by extensive calcalkaline plutonism prior to thrusting onto Baltica during Scandian continent-continent collision. O.N. wishes to acknowledge financial support from the Geological Survey of Norway and from project MT0020.20343 (Ores associated with Caledonian Batholiths) funded by the Norwegian Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (NTNF). H.Hatling and B.Johansen are thanked for skilful separation of zircons. We thank P.M.Ihlen. D.Roberts and B.A.Sturt for constructive comments. Thorough reviews by F.Corfu and M.B.Stephens significantly improved the manuscript and are gratefully acknowledged. Appendix: Petrographic description of the dated plutons and description of zircons The Andalshatten plnton consists of porphyritic granodiorite to granite with prominent grey to white, subhedral microcline The groundmass is medium grained and consists of plagioclase and microcline with aligned, lenticular clusters of quartz. Biotite is mostly present in elongate aggregates, commonly associated with stubby prisms of hornblende. Euhedral titanite and epidote with allanite cores are common in mafic varieties- In addition, apatite, zircon and opaques are present. In the western part of the pluton, there is a moderate NE-SW to NW-SE mineral alignment defined by oriented megacrysts, lenticular quartz and aggregates of mafic phases. Towards the east, the fabric becomes stronger, and the pluton has a penetrative N-S foliation with sub-parallel microcline augen in a strongly deformed groundmass. Zircon description: The sample contains abundant zircon. The crystals are euhedral, equant to prismatic with length:width ratios up to 5. They are colourless transparent or pale yellowish grey, transparent to translucent. A few grains contain inclusions of megacrysts. opaques. -fhe Krfrkfjellel pluton consists predominantly of tonalite and granodiorite. Tabular, subhedral laths of pale grey plagioclase, glassy grey quartz and variably sized flakes of biotite are the most important rock-forming minerals. Hornblende is present in the more mafic varieties, but is always subordinate to biotite. Grey microcline is usually interstitial, but larger grains may include plagioclase, biotite, quartz and hornblende. In some samples, epidote is an important mafic phase, reaching up to 2-37o of the mode. Common accessory minerals include allanite with epidote rims, titanite, apatite, zircon, monazite, opaques, white mica and chlorite. The pluton exhibits a well-developed, flattening-type, mineral alignment defined by tabular plagioclase, elongate clusters of quartz, and oriented single crystals and clusters of mafic minerals. This fabric is considered to be probably igneous in origin and grades into zones of a penetrative foliation in which the minerals are partly or completely recrystallized. Zircon description: Small, euhedral, transparent and colourless crystals with aspect ratios up to 1:5 are present together with broken fragments of colourless to light grey, translucent grains. Monazite is present as irregular, angular and rounded grey crystals. The granodiorite west of Gfisuassfjellet is a dark grey, mediumto coarse-grained, foliated granodiorite. Generally, this rock type contains subhedral plagioclase and lenticular clusters of grey quartz. Small grains of biotite constitute 15-20 % of the rock. Microcline may occur as small megacrysts (<10mm), and the accessory minerals present are hornblende, clinopyroxene, epidote, allanite, titanite, apatite, zircon, opaques and chlorite (Nissen 1986). Zircon description: Euhedral to subhedral, transparent crystals of fairly uniform size with length:width ratios about 2 to 3. 781. 'fhe Kaluuatnel monzonite consists of medium- to coarse-grained quartz-monzonite. Lath-shaped plagioclase and microcline and euhedral prisms of hornblende are the dominant minerals. Small crystals of biotite and quartz are present, and the accessories comprise titanite, epidote, apatite, zircon and opaques. In a small area in the northwestern part of the pluton, the texture is characterized by prismatic needles of amphibole in a mediumgrained groundmass. The pluton generally exhibits a moderately- to well-developed flattening-type fabric defined by a preferred orientation of hornblende prisms and tabular feldspar. The fabric is approximately parallel to the N-S foliation in the wall-rocks and has steep to intermediate dips to the east. Zircon description: The sample is very rich in zircon. The to yellowish grey, non-transparent, rounded and ellipsoidal with length:width ratios about 1.5. A number of grains crystals are grey contain opaque inclusions. The monzodiorite near Tosbotn consists of elongate, pale pink, euhedral, twinned tablets of plagioclase (<20 mm) intergrown with euhedral, prismatic hornblende (<15 mm) on which small flakes of biotite (c. 2mm) occur. K-feldspar and quartz are interstitial, and accessories include apatite, titanite, zircon and opaques. A weak fabric in the rock is defined by crudely aligned crystals of plagioclase and hornblende. Zircon description: The sample contains abundant zircon' The crystals are translucent, colourless to grey, and subhedral to rounded with length:width ratios roughly between 1 and 2. Opaque inclusions occur in some grains. References T.B. & JeNseN, O.l. 1987. The Sunnhordland Batholith, W Noruay: regional setting and internal structure with emphasis on the granitoid plutons. Norsk Geologis k Tidss krift, 67' 159-183' ANopnsen. BenNes, PRESTvIK, T., NoRDGUI.EN, @. & BARNES, M.A. 1992. of three dioritic plutons in Velfjord, Nordland. Norges C.G., Geology geologiske und.ersgkelse, Bulletin, 423, 47-54. BrnxeLlNo, A., NonocureN, @., Cut*lurNc, G.L. & Blonlvrxa, A. 1993. Pb-Nd-Sr isotopic constraints on the origin of the Caledonian Bindal Batholith, central Noruay. Lithos, 29, 257 -27 l. BRArrLr, B., TonuoelrrEN, B.J. & RAMBERG, I.B. 1982. 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