otlprint NGU Butterin 423. 19 39 OYSTEIN NOBOGULEN & BJORN SUNOVOLL Strontium isotope composition of the Bindal Batholith, Central Norwegian Caledonides Trondheim 1992 , Strontium isotope composition of the Bindal Batholith, Central Norwegian Caledonides OYSTE N NORDGULEN & BJORN SIJNDVOLL NordAul€n@ & sundvo Notuoc a^ B 1992 Slronrufr sotopo composion or lhe Bnda Balholrh C€nra Ca 6don des study or th6 B'nda Ballro itlr has been daftiod oul The dala qeneraly do not pormit pr€c se and accuraro aqe cacuatons rrowevet, qood eslmaies ror ndia sr ratos are commony obrainsd Low nita ratios (c 0 704 0 705) w lh Litl o interna vanaton are prss€nt n Orantuds n rhe sourh€astarn parl ol lhe ba|ro ith Rocks wth rnle.modiare niialratos (0705_ 0710) or€dominalo and aro presont ihrouqhout nost ol rhe balhorlh, whereas very h'arr ratos 1:'0715) ars round rn lourmallne granitss and analocic aranitords n the w€st. consdern9 a subducrion ro ar€d sen n9 ro, i6 pluronism ln€ g€ograph ca d st buton ol sr n[ar ratos wou d ppir! subdlci on zone Contamnalon or tho maqmas at lhe levd or emplaGment is ihougrri to be or mnor imponance and dsrurbance ol tlr6 solop€ systEm by socondary arteraton appeare 1o be realvely uncom sotop'c var arion wirhin p utons are probab y a resur ollsotopc heteroqenery as not boen obnarated by nagnaric procosses The range n Sr in rar rarios rn tho B ndal Baiho lh r€l acts lhal tlre lran to'ds were d6rv6d n var able propon'ons iion rerauvely non radogenc uppd manlre io lower crusr as wel as sotopca y rreierogeneous laysteh Notdgutgn, Na9es geotag6k6 undetsoketse Baks3aa6 Latte N 7AA2 fondhein, Naqay Btatn Sunlvotl Minetah)gtsk Geotogtsk ltluseun, sa,59t t,0562 osto 5 Naqay lntroduction Regional context The caledonian B ndalBatholith, which is loca_ The Bindal Batho ith (BA)occurs in the Helgeand Nappe Compex (HNC), which belongs lo ihe Uppermost Allochthon in the Scand navi an Caledonides (Gee et al. 1985). As outineC by Thorsnes (1S87), Nordgulen & Schouenborg (1990) and Thorsnes & Loseth (1991), two series of metasupracrustal rocks are intruded led in the Helgeland Nappe compLex in no(h' centra Norway, consists of a variety oi rock lypes ranging in composition lrom malic olvi ne gabbro to leucogranite. ln this paper, we reporl the results oi a sr sotope nv€sligation of the batholirh. A1 preseni, a tota of c. 250 analyses are available, incLud ng 45 samples analysed by Priem et al. (1975), Nissen (1986, 1988) and Torudbakken & Mickelson (1386) Pa(y as a consequence oi th€ overal low Rb/Sr ralios, acceptabl€ isochrons and age determinatons are rarely obtained. However, the analyses allow roasonably precise estima tes to be made for the niual (Sn) ior most plutons and rock types The resulls are therefore of consderable interest by the granltoids. One of these consists oi migmatuc gneisses, calc silcate rocks and marbes. Earlier work n the norlhern parts oi rhe HNC suggests thal these rocks are Precambran in age (Biis & Ramberg 1981, Toftrdbakken & Ramberg 1982, Bratrli et al. 1982). The other metaslpracrusta seres, wh ch compris€s mafic and calcareous cong omeraies, calc'silcate rocks, marbles, psammi tes and schists, is thoughi to represent a for c assilicalion and comparative stud es, and are useful when trying to constrain possible source regions for the graniioids. lsotope analyses ar€ not availabe irom th€ norlhweslern part of the batholith, .e. the area belween velsnfjord and Ranaljord, and lrom cover sequence to ophio il€ fragmenls in the rocks along the eastern boundary ol th€ Helge_ and Nappe Compex (Fg. 1). or younger in age (Nordgulen & Schouenborg 1990, Thorsnes & Loseth 1991). The ophioliie HNC (Banq 1985, Loseth 1985, Thorsnes 1S85, Hedal 1987). Correlatinq the opholite lraqmenrs n the HNc with ihe Eary ordovician Leka Ophiolte Complex, il is inl€rred thal the cover sequences musl be Early Ordovician 20 Oystein Nordgulen & BtornSundvall {t" !' tt F i.i --r 'j'l i',,i i I J l:4. N,: l. rr'l I l=i ",{ " : !----', .jt. i: i. - ffir',i' .r:. ., -! " lrt -7'.: .: ./.:'.:i .......|'N ..'. . ...\ coFr roN!F GFsoo oF Fic. 1. Geolosical map ol lhe B i- 1 r.@ o/ r nda Batho ith 'n-i 'i Ei rri jt Sttanl)un isatape comqasilian iragments as we I as th€ir cover rocks were delormed and metamorphosed pror to being cut by Laie Ordovc an granitolds. Juxtapositi on ol the opholite relatod rocks with the ol der metasupracrustals musl also have occur. red in lhe Ordovician. The Bindal Balhoilh consisis 01 rnore than 50 pluions and occupies a substantial part ot the HNc (Fg. 1). Descriptions ot parts ol rhe batholith were provlded by Kollung 11967), [4yrland (1972), Nordgu€n (1984), Theissen (1986), Gustavson (1988), Nordgulen & Mit chel (1988) and Nordgulen & Schouenborg (r990). The rocks are qen€rally equigranu ar or porphyritic, mediurn- or medium'to coarse' grained and pr€dominanny granodiorilic to granitic in composiiion. A lew plutons are tona- lilic, and gabbros, diorites and monzonitc rocks are present in som€ areas. Tourmaline granltes and analeclic granltes are iairly abun dant in the western parl oi the batholith (Fg. 1). Perrographc and chemica data show thal the majorily oi the rocks are l-type accord ng ro lhe classiJication ol Chappell & white (1974) However, some plutons show transitionaL be_ havour towards A{ype gran tes, and the ana tectic rocks in the west may bo regarded as Srype granii€s (Nordgulen et a. 1988). Only a imiled numb€r ol age del€rminauons are avaiable from the 88. Bb-Sr whole_rock and mineral data ndicate a fairly wide age span ranging trorn the Late cambrian lo the Midde Slurian (Pr€m et al. 1975, Glstavson 21 ppm) Bb or sr, however, were slblecled to isotope diluiion (lD) determination. Sr isotope ratios and lD-d€lerminations by mass speclroscopy, and Rb/sr ratio determination by xBF-spectroscopy were carried out at ihe Laboralory ior geochronology and isotope geology at the L4 ineralogica -Geolog ical Museum, University ol Oslo. The analyUcal procedures used have been published e s€where (Ja- & Heier 1978). For some sampes, Rb/Sr ratios were del€rmined by XRF-spec troscopy at the Nculaboratories (Table 1). cobsen The rnass-spectrometer, a VG 354 tive colec- ror instrumeni, yieded a vaue for the NBS 987 Sr standard ol 0.71025 ! 3 durng the perod ol analysis. ihe error ol the xRFl%, and determinalions were esumated lo = .5%. thal 0l the lD method = and age dala quo_ All isochron calculatons ted have been performed or recalculated using the decay constanls recommended by steger & Jeger (1977). All errors are quoted al the 2o level. Eemental and isotopic data are lisled in Table 1 loqether with (!'Srvsr)0 ralios caculated with respect to an age of 440 Ma. For less than 1, a samples wrth 20 lra shilt in the assumed age w ll cause a very small change (<0.0003) in the calcu aled initial ratio, whereas samples wilh I'Rb/N6sr ratos of c. 10 w ll have a change of c. 0 003 & Presrvik 1979. Nissen 1986, 1988, Torudbak- ken & Mickelson 1986). Recently, a number oi U-Pb age determinations on zircons have yelded Late Ordovician io Early 10 [,'liddle Sluran ages lor different rock types in ihe bathoiih (Nordgulsn & Schouenborg 1990 Nordgulen €l al., n pr€p). The U'Pb data thus suggests a relaiively narrow age range for the plutonism and indicales ihat lhe dates obtai ned by lhe Rb-Sr m€lhod must be confirmed by more pr€cise dating lechniquos. Analytical methods A lsample preparalions and chemical prepara' lions were performed at the NGUlaboratories Bb/Sr ratios were generally determined by xRF-speclroscopyi sampes having low (<60 Strontium isotope data The southwestern parl of the batholith to iniermediate sze plutons spanning a wide compositional range are pre seni in this area. Analyses are available for the Krakfjellel, Terrekfjellet and Heilhornet Plu tons ln Bindal, and the porphyrtc sklinna Pluton, which is located solthwest of Leka (Fig. 1). From the Holm p€ninsula, north oi the Heilhornet Puton, data are presenled trorn Several large tourmalino granite, anatectic granilo and a delormec megacryslic granite west of Bindalsijord. lncluded with the data lor the tourmalne grantes are two anayses ol chemicaly and Sttun\un Batape c.npasnDn 23 PdDhyritic s6nite, Sklinna 2922 16252 3332 r09 5 16252 Porphyroclsstic qranho, Bindals€id, Hdlm p.ninsula 555 r3253 Andalsh.non Pluron, Vav6lstad vst 2 r3263 13263 14263 r3263 r493 39r50 Gaupen Pluron, ursijord Pophy.itic araniies associared wiih rhe velliord pluion3 ECOORD 14252 33705 39035 NCOOFD 725430 725225 Pophyritic sranirB sourhwest ot volfiord 23r 0 1931 24 Oystetn NatdgDleh & Blatn SLndvoll Maric to inrormodiats olulo.s in Voltiord and Urstiord Sr 33320 972 .220 .335 725124 135 N37 50 14254 N37 56 14254 725575 7033 a2 21 Anarecric qranitoids at V€oa 36315 113 139 vG23 vG25 r26 17262 17262 1 316 .7195 Granites in the vistsn Lomsdal area 14262 14262 13251 1251 725230 TA53 1.247 r52.3 N36 64 14252 13251 StrantiLn isotop," canPasnion 25 Granires in the 6r6a Kolsvik Fuqlstadtj6ll6t 33215 't11.2 15 N37121 N37 Tonalates 14252 14252 {Fustatnet Pluron and Reinfjellot Massii ''srr.* r65 535 Gran'ro'ds south or MGj6€n 1 593 42254 GBnnoids in the Kalwainet area 559 3 351 14252 Iwo mica sraniroid dykes 261 5 13.292 vsr3 r3251 39360 1251 r3253 8300 r 3253 1121 561 13252 N37 125 r3253 14252 33325 721560 722445 2305 2333 fsn"sr). 26 Oystetn No.dguten & Blam Sun.lvotl Metasodimontarv rock, Holqoland Nappe ComDlax 1931 N33 6l 722565 113 9 17252 N33.63 2.692 155.9 36525 110.3 17252 213.3 N33 69 17252 36325 r 721545 3253 I3253 33335 1325r 339 14251 725365 lsotopically simrlar rocks from a large body of tourmaline granite solthwest of Veljord. Dykes of leucocratic 2 mca grantes are comrnon ln the Bindal area. lsolope data for these rocks are presenl€d logether with those from other similar granites (see below). The Heilhornet Pluton Th€ results from the Heithornet ptuton (Fg. 1) have been published by Nordgu en & Schou- enborg (1990), but are shown in Fig. 3 for comparative purposes. tn contrast to the Krak tjellet and Terraklje let Ptutons, the Heithornel Pluton has a tendency towards alkatine compo sitions with higher alkali/lime and FelMg rai! os. consid€ring the traco etements, lhe Hei! The KrAkfje et and Teftakfjellet Plutons These plutons are cherniealy very simlar, however. there are consislenl srnal diierences in both major and trace element contents (Nordgulen, in prep). There are marked con irasls n the abundance oi Bb and Sr. and at simiar leveLs of si,, the Krakljellei Puron has higher Sr and lower Rb than the Terrekfjellel P uton. On the sotope d agram (Fig. 2), the plulons pot n two distinct tields with lhe ces oJ LBEE and HFSE, and also higher Rb/ Sr ratios. Nordgul€n & Schouenborg (1990) described the Sr isotope data and catculated an isochron for samples lrom the central part of the puton. This gave a date ol 428 1 I exception of one sample lrom the TerraklelLel P uton wh ch pois on the trend def ned by the borq, 1990). hornet Pluton has significantty higher abundan Ma (Srl = 0.70699 I 0.00028i [4SWD = 2.32), a result which ovorlaps with the U,Pb zircon date 01 444 ): 11 I/a (Nordgu €n & Schouen- KrAkljellet PLuton. The Sr data ior the Krakljellet Pluton plot on a wel defined trend (Fig. 2)w th an in tia ralio of c 0.7055. Regression of al daia do not yield a satisfactory isochron, however, a geoLo gcally reasonable date oi 464 1 30 Ma (Srl = 0.70549 1 0.00005; MSWD = 3.74) was obtained for six samples in ihe ceniral part ol the p uton. Th s resull is within error oi U-Pb zircon dale of 443 1 a 7 Ma for the plu- ton (Nordguen ei al., in prep). The data from the Terrdkliellel Pluton have a comparatively larqe scalier which prevents the calcu ation ol an sochron for ihe p uton. However, assurning an age of 440 Ma, lhe Srl values ior ihe Terdkliellet Plulon have an approximate range between 0.7075 ard 0.709. Tourmaline granites occur as small stocks and dykes at the Holm peninsuta north of the Hellhornet Pluton (Nordgulen & Bering 1987, Nordgulon ei al. 1989). They cut marbte, catcsilicate schist and semi-pelitic schist and are cl€ary younger than the strong 52lotiation in th€ hosl rocks. The tourmaline grantes have high Ab/Sr ratios, and athough ihere is consi derable scattor in the Sr sotope ratios (Fig. 3), most of the samples deline a lrend tndicating an initial ratio oi c. 0.717. Assuming an age ot 440 Ma, lnitial ratios are €ssenriaity b€tween 0.715 and 0.725 with two samptes showing values as high as 0.735. The granires al Holm contain abundant lractur€s and shear F Sttonttum lsatape canposnton 27 Fig.2. sotope d aOram 0.715 lortheKrak ler6l and r6trAkfl6r3r Prurons. rh6 slippod rof€Gnco lne shown n Fgs 2 9 coirespo^ds lo an age ol 0 710 3 0.705 TERRIIOJXII.f,T PIUTON KRiKFJFJ,I,F]T PI,INON 0.700 0.4 0.6 o 0.82 0.80 1. 3 lsolopo diagram lor som€ o.7n T 0.76 0.74 TOURMAUNE GBANITD ANATICTIC GRANITB PORPE, GR-ANTTE o.72 o70 BIIIIIORNET PLUTON I ol which have quartz and/or sulphide fillings. Therelore, s€condary processes rnay have conlributed to the spread in initial ralios. A large body of tourma ine granite, which occurs soulhwest oi veltjord (Fig. 1), s represented by two samples in this study (vF60 and N88-108; Table 1).Ih€ grante is geoche mically simllar 10 and plois close to lhe mosl svolved tourrnal ne granites at Holm. Anatectic granite occurs as an elongate NE-Sw trending body at the Holrn peninsula n Bindal (Fiq. 1). Ihe qranile contains variable amounis of xenoliths of metased mentary rocks. ln p aces it has transilional contacts lowards diatex itic metasedimentary rocks, whch are aso common at the Hom peninsula The pulon consisis ot med um'grained graniie and ocally conlains varable amounts ol euhedral Kfedspar megacrysts. Four samples lrom the area immediately north ol the Heilhornel Plulon have been anaysed, Compared with the iourmalne granite, wilh which it is spalially associated, the anaiectc granile has lower Bb/Sr raiios ('"Rb/rsr < 3; Fg.3). The data indicate an initial ratio of c. 0.718. which ls 2A Orctein Nordauten A Bian Sundvott close to ihe inilial ratio 10r most oJ the lourmaline granites. This suggests that these rock typesmay have partly similarsource reqions. flc plutons ln the Ve ijord-Ursfjord ar€a, and anatectic granites from Vega (Fig. 1). Mafic ta internediate intusions in Velfjord and The Skhlna Plutan The Sklinna Plulon is located on a smal group of islands c. 30 km norlhwest ol Leka (Fig. 1). It cons sts o1 coarse-grained megacrystic granite with 70-74 % SiO,. Four samples with a range in Bb/Sr between 1.0 and 2.5 have been analysed and delin€ a trend with an lni_ tial ralio of 0.710 (Fig. 3). Two svongly lractonaled sarnples o1 a line-grained gran te sheel in lhe pluton have very high Bb/Sr ratos (Tab_ le 1) and plot on ihe exlension of the trend for the megacrystic granite (not shown on Fig. 3). The Srl values lor S120A and 51208, with respect to 440 Ma, are very ow (Table 1)and g[i: J;:Efl : :::J:::Ti',J, ""ijJ""l,{:1,:r sron ol dll lhe samples yrelds ar appa'Fnl oale o' c. 396 I/a. T'ris date rs the youngesl which have been lou'rd ror dny tock 11 lhe BB However. textL r al evroence shows lhal lhe ol lhe Shln'la Pulor has pdnly sullered extensive sericiticaUon which may have caused disturbance in th€ nb Sr isotope system. The indication ol a l\,4iddle Devonian age obla neo ror lhe pluton ll^erero'o needs to be confinned by more reliable data. plagroclase The Bindalseid Pluton The Bndalsed Pluton is located irnmediatelv norll' of lhe Heil'rorrel PlJIon (Frg 1\' lt con srsis ol strongly torrdteo granrtF rsro. s . 73%) with ori€nted microcline megacrysts in a m€dium-grained matrx. The two analysed samples have high Rb/Sr ratios, and the Srl vaues are 0.717-0.719, assuming an age ol 440 l',ia (Table 1). IJrsfjotd, Veltjord, Visten and Vega Several ditlerenl rock types hom a nLnbbr ot pl]tons have been analysed. This includes mafic lo intermediate intrusions in the velfjord and Urs'toro drsnrct. ine porphyrilic Anddlshal ten Pluron. a porphyrilic g.anodrorle n Urs fjord called the Gaupen Pllton, small bodios oJ porphyritic granite associated wilh the ma' The Sr daia from these rocks are shown n Fig 4. For ihe majority of lhe samples, which have "Rb/"Sr ratios < 0.5, the data plot in a narrow band with Srl values between 0.7057 and 0.7071. These samples include those trom the three intrusions oJ the Velfjord Massit (Koll- ung 1967) and a mafic gabbro north ol Ursfjord. Fve sampes trom dioritic to gabbroic p utons ln the area between ursfjord and vel lord have, with one exception, I'Rb/6Sr ralios > 0.5 wiih a range in Srl between 0.708 and 0.710. The plutons are spatially associaied with anatectic metasedim€ntary rocks and porphyritic granites wiih hqh Srl vaues (see below). The common presence of pink garnet in some oi ihe rocks would indicate thal lhey may have experienced some contam naton from m€tasedimentary rocks orthatsuch rocks were present in the source region lor the magmas. This could expla n ihe elevated Srl values compared to other maiic intrusions in the Velfjord Ursljord area. The An d al sh atten Plulon Th€ megacrystic Andalshatten Pllton is a lar- ge inlrusion located between Velfjord and Vis- ten (Fig. 1). The pluton is characterised by e!hedral megacrysts (2-5 cm)of greyish white m crocline which occur in a medium- io coars€grained granodioritic matrix. lvfaf c enciaves are common, and the granile is cut by a number of granitic and basic dykes. ln the south' western part of the puton, m€dium lo line grained toliated dioritic rocks are enclosed in the pluton logether with smaller bodies ol peridotile and maiic gabbro. Xenolilhs ot migmatitic mica gneiss are presenl in lhe easlern part oi the pluton, whereas in lhe west the xenoliths consist of banded calc-silicale rocks and polymict, cacareous conglomerates. Large rafis ol banded marble and small bodies oi serpentinte occur in the cenlral parl ol the The Anda shatlen Pluton displays a considerable chemica variaton (58 70 % S|OJ which is reflected n a wide rang€ in Bb/Sr ratios. Of lhe seven anaysed samples, al bul one (N88-05) pot on a fairly well defined trend (Fig. 4). Regression oi sx sarnples y€lds a Strantiun isotope Fq hyr I rsolope dagramlor re porp enpasnbn 29 o./25 !c gran iods oftrre Gaupen and Andarsrratlei Pul.ns and mal. to the Andarshaien Pu'on (N33 01 nramedaie rocks n the verlJord an.l LrrslJord a,ea F led t,n0es reF,esed n,.roporprryrtc dykes n 0.720 0.7t5 GATIPEN PI,UTON ANDAI,SHATTEN PLIJ'TON 0.705 MAFIC TO INTf,RMEDIATE ROCKS 0.700 0,0 date ol 448 1 48 Ma (Srl = 0.70855 1 0.00031; MSWO = 29.52), which is in aqreement with a dare oJ 447 a 7 Ma oblained by the U-Pb method on zircons (Nordgulen et a., n prep). The megacrystic qrante is cul by a set of line'grained microporphyrilic dykes which ar€ chemically relat€d to ther host. Sr data for two oi these are also shown on Fig. 4, and they plot sliqhtly below the trend defined by the porphyritic qranite. 0.5 1.0 1.5 rocks indicale lhat the granites were genera ied by in situ mehing oi metasedimentary rocks during emplacement ol the Velfjord plutons (Barnos ei al., 1992). The pres€nce of garnet, muscovite, silimanile and monazil€ is in accor dance with this inierprelaiion. Chemically, lhe rocks have a kallne affinity with hiqh alkali/lme and FelMg ralios, and high abundances ol LREE and HFSE (Y, Nb, 24. Sr isotope data are availabl€ for lhree samples. The resulls show a large scaiter (Fig.5), which may indica h ghly heterogeneous crusialsource reglons le The Gaupen Pluton The Gaupen Pluton, wh ch cons sts of megacrystic granodiorite, s located in Urstjord north of B ndalsljord (Fig. 1). 11 contains abundant malic encaves and ls cut by a variety ol mafic and acid dykes. The pluton is chemical' ly and mineralogically quile similar to the An- dashatten Pluton. Four samples have been analysed and ploi in a small cluster sliqhtly below the trend defned by the Andalshatlen Porphyrtc graniles afe also presenl as small, irregular bodies associated with mafic intrusions betw€on Ursfjord and Velfjord. The rocks are texiuraly simiar to lhose in Vel' ljord, however, they do not posess the alkali ne chemical characteristics exhibited by ihe Veijord samples. Assuming an age ol 440 lva, the Srl vaues are between 0.717 and 0.720. which is in accordance with a crustal origin lor the rocks (Fig.5i Table 1). Pluton (Fig. 4). The dala indicale an lnitial ra- tio oi c. 0.708 for the Gaupen Pllton The granitoids on Vega are grey, mediumPoryhyritic granites Severa small bodies oJ porphyrtc granile occur adjacenl to the mafic to intermediale p utons oi the v€lflord Nlassif (Myrland 1972). The granltes are gensrally quile strongly foliated wilh whiie to grey porphyroclasts ofrnicroc ine in avariably recrystallised matrix. Transilio nal contacts towards diatexitic, sem-peitic grained and extremely heterogeneous rocks. They are rlch in metasedinentary xenolths and commonly conlain maiic clots cons sting essentialLy of botte and qarnei. The Sr data show a large scatter (Fig. 5i Table 1), and apa( from a diorite (VG 10), the initial ratos are between 0.714 and 0.736 {based on 440 Ma). A het€rogenoous metasedirnentary sour 30 Oystein Nord.iuten A Biarn Srndvoll Fg r. 5 sotopedaqram lorporphyn sranres,n rrre velord reqon aiatecl. aranrods ar voga and va,ous melasedmentary rocks n the He qe and NdpFe comprei 0.?6 p 0.74 o.72 ! PoRPH. GRAMTES (sr !.ELFJoRD) iA PORFH. (YELT GPIAMTES (\TLTJORO) GRANITES ,INATF'TIC GRANITOTDS CRANITdIDS ((V'EGA) ITEGA ' AIATECTIC METASEDIMENIAiY ROCI(.S 0_70 o'Rb/'sr ce, or possibly exlreme contaminaiion ol an l-type magma, would be consisteni with the Sr data. Metasedimenlary rocks Sr isotope data for metas€dimentary rocks coLlected in a number oJ localiues in the south ern parts of the HNc are aLso shown in Flg 5. The isotop€ ratios, al an age oi 440 l',|a, are belween 0.706 and 0.744 and scatter in a range similar to anatectic granitoids at vega and in Bindal as well as the tourrnaline granit€s and the porphyritic rocks associated with lhe mafic to interrnediate rocks in velljord and Ursfjord. Judging from lhe Sr isolopes, the metas€dimentary rocks would therefore provi_ de a suitable crustal sourc€ tor the granitoids with elevaled inilial rauos. This is in agreem€nl with Nd and Pb'isotope data (Birkeland et al., in press), which indicate a realively strong upper cruslal influence lor thes€ grani- Granites in the central part Bindal Batholith ol the of Tosbotn a large body (c. 50 x 25 km) of this granits is located in th€ mouniains b€tw6envistsn and V€lfjord in thewestand Eit€radalen in the €ast- ln this aroa, lhe granii€s intmde migmatitic paragneissos. N€ar Tosboin th€ granito also intrud€s monzonilic and monzodioritic rocks, and east of Tosen it occurs between migmatitic gn€isses in th€ w6st and the Kalwatn Pluton iquartz monzonite) in th€ east. To th€ south, similar granit€s occur in the oksdal l4assif and al Fuglstadti€ll€t, and ihey also intrud6 porphyrilic granodiorito northeast ol Kongsmo€n. Thus, th€ granitos can be Jollowed for at l6ast 100 km along slrike. A small granil€ pluton, which rntr.ides metas6dim€ntary rocks on the island Oksninga south of th€ Krakfj6ll6t Pluton (Fig. 1), is also included in this group. Although ihsro is some variaiion in grain size and textur€, th€ granit€s have b€sn lr€ated as on6 unil. They havo c. 70 % SiO,, and gensrally display litrl€ variatron in chemistry althouqh tonalitic lo granitic rocks occur ln the Oksdal [4assif south of Kolsvik. ln Fig. 6 the Sr data Jor the gianites hav€ plotted wilh three dill€reni symbols represenl- ing diflereni geographica areas. From no(h A b6lt of lin€- to msdium-grainod 2-mica grani t6 is present along a N-S trondjng zone close to the central axis of ths BB (Fig. 1). North to south these are: 1, the Visten-Lomsdalarea; 2. lhe Tosen-Buadal€n (Ko svik) areai and 3. the area south ot Buadalsn including a small qranite plulon situated on the island oksninga Strontiun isotope cDn1osttion rsorope daqrani t.r granlc lock5...utrnqaonqrheNStren Fo 6 d iq.exra pailol rhe 31 o.725 E'ida Balrro llr N3333 lrabe 1) has a verv hah rsrrls alo and s nor srrown o.720 o.715 0.705 11STXN IOMSDAL TOSSN BUA-DATEN BIJADAI,'N FUCI.sTADFJXLLET o.?00 0.75 rh; nodhai, oan .r 'he ba'rro th o.74 0.73 o.? 1 LUKTVAIN G&INTTE FUSTVATNEI TONAI,ITE TIfO MICA CRANITOI}S 0.?0 1 in Bindalslord, south of the Krakfjellet Plulon (Fig. 1) It s cear irom Fiq.6 thal the gran(es show a consislent isotopic pattern with "Bb/$Sr rati os between 0.5 and 2.0. However, lhe scattor n'rSr/M Sr ralios within the groups s substan tal, and any calculanon of lsochrons would vreld rneanrnoless results Th€re rs no obvious ;d cat,on oi;econdarv processes which wo!ld affect the isotope system and the obssrved sotopic scalt€r probably r€tlects a prrnary ieature of the rocks Rocks in the visten Lornsdal area have less than l and initial ratios are aeneraly bstween 0.7056 and 0 7077 Two samples have very high trsr!6sr (VF37 and N88-38i Table 1) and are not part of the sam€ maomatic unii. The rocks south of Tosbotn exnloit arqer variation in rRb/6Sr ralios' and the Srl values are beiween 0.705 and 0.708 Two sarnpLes from near Kolsvik (N87-121 and N87-127i Table 1) are tonalitic in composition and have fairly ow intlal ratios o1 c 0705Otherwise ihe rocks in the Oksdal Massil and at FuglstadljeLlet are grantc with nitial ralios between 0.706 and 0.708 The gran tes included ln this group are probably somewhatvaried expressions ofth€ same 32 qystetn Nardguten 3 Blarn Sun.lva o.725 Fg 3 solope dagram ror rocks i s.u reasrern pa o{ rhe batlro. r Data lor the Kawatnet Mon rrre zonle. 9ranodo,re. ioiaire tond hlemte and porphyrlc lrante are lrom N ssen 0936. 1933) nala ro, |re K.ngsm.en Massr kon Pri€m er er 11975) dala ror undrrerenla 0.720 ted g,anre ir.m rh's srudy 0.715 GRANITE XONCSMOEN MASSIF KAIWATNET MONZ, GRANODIORITE 0.?05 TONAUTE , i o,?ooffi 0.0 0.5 1,0 TRONDHJEMI'TE pORpE. GRANITE 1.5 2.O magmatc evenl. In Tos€n, a monzodiorite which has yielded a U'Pb zircon date of 428 a 3 [4a (Nordgulon el al., in prep) is cui by the gran te. Although ihere may be some variaiion in lhe age of the granites, this implies that a substantial part of the 8B, including the ?.1 3.0 ihe western margin of the Reinljel lVassif disp- lay a wide scatter n isotope ratios (Fg. 7) wilh ntal ratos between 0.709 and 0.719 (Table 1). granites descrbed above, is Silurian in age. The Mosjsen area Only a few samples hav€ b€en analysed irom the plutons in ih s ar€a (Fig. 7). Torldbakken & M ckelson (1986) reported a Rb-Sr date of 433 J 11 Ma (Srl = 0.7075 a 0.0002i MSWO = 1.22) from a Sranite dyks north of Luktvatn. The dala trom lhal study are plotr€d in Fig. 7 togeiher wilh data lrom a tonalite at Fusivatnet (northeast ol lvlosioen), and qranitoids sampled a ong the Vefsn valley soulh ol [4osj@en (Table 1). Although there are lew data, some f6alures can be pointed out. Two samples from the tonalite al Fustvatnel (N87-139 and N87-141) ndicate an initial ratio of c. 0.705 lor this pluton. Anolher sample irorn the same pluton (N87'140) has a very low 8'Str'Sr rato (Fig. 7) corresponding to an exvemely low intial rauo (c. 0.701), whlch may be due to analyti cal error. A single sample of lonalite ol the Beinliellet Massif (N87-144) has an Srl value ol c.0.706, and three samp es ol ioliated granite (N87 145, 146 and 147) collected aong The southeastern part Batholith of the Bindal in the southeasl part of the BB, th€re are varlous porphyritic rocks and a fairly large plulon of quartz monzonile (Fig- 1)- The eas lern parl ol the area, north of Namsskogan, is characterised by NE-SW trending, steepty d pping bells ol variably loliated tonalites and granodioriles separaled by zones oJ meiasupracrustal rocks. Granite and aplite dykes are Data irom this area have previolsly been reported by Priem ei al. (1975) and Nissen (1986, 1988). For cornparison, the results lrom these slud es are shown in Figs.8 and g togeth er with some new data, Priem el al. (1975) anatysed four samptes of porphyrilic granodiorite from th€ Kongsmoen Massil. Three samples referred to as aplites were also anaysed, but there is no evidence that the aplites are r€laied to the porphyrilic granite. Data ior a sample ol granodiorite lrom Stroniuh Batope canposnton 33 0.42 I ls.looedLa'lram roriwo mca 11hE srud?r and !.u'maLra ;-' h ; ,he so,i,heade n p.i or ih. h,h.ilh rNssen 1933) FL. .';nLc 0.80 0.70 0.76 5 0.71 0.72 0_?0 Bindalsed was aso p!blish€d, however, lhe Bb and Sr conlents as well as the isotope characteristics ol this rock show lhai it be longs to the HeiLhornet Pluton. Consequently, ihe dale of 415 I 15 lra reported by Priem et al. (1975) is based on dala from different plutons and must be regarded as ncorrecl. ln Fig. 8, the porphyritic granodiorite ol th€ Kongsmoen Massit analysed by Priem €t al. {1975) has been plotted. An inilial ralio ol c. 0.7075 is indicai€d by the data. The analyses publish€d by Niss€n (1986, 1988) have also be6n compiled and plott€d on Fig.8. The rocks termgd granodiorite, tonalite and trondhjemite plot on a welld€finsd trend with an inilial raiio ol c. 0.704, which is the lowesl obtained for rocks in th€ BB. Trondhiemit€ and tonalite span a similar range in Rb/Sr valu€s, whereas the granodiorit€s aro gsnerally more evolved Th6 porphyritic granit€, which occurs south ot th6 Kalwatnst Monzonite (Fig l) has higher "Sr/"Sr ralios and yield an initial ratio of c. 0.706- The Kalwalnst lllonzonite has even higher ,15r/65r ratios with an initial ratio ol c. 0.7065. Throo samples of porphyritic io equi_ on the isotope diagram th€y overlap with lhe rocks which in this study are reJerred to as 2-mica qranile dykes (see below) The area. iourmaline granites from th€ western part of ihe BB have similar Bb/Sr ratios, but significanlly higher I'Srt6Sr ratios ihan those repor red by Nissen (1988). Age calculations perforrned by N ssen (1986. 1988) gave the following results: Aoo(Ma) Fin6.$ qranodiorit€ 526 Ionaliio Trondhiomrs 503 i : 1o 23 493125 Porphydcgranlo 563123 Tourdalin6granlo 449151 Field re alions indicate ihat the tonalite is the older of these (Nissen 1986) A U Pb zLrcon date oJ 437 a 4 l\,la for the lonalite (Nordoulen el al., in prepi probably represenls rhe arvstallzanon age ol the rock. This result and lh; substantial uncertarntres for mosl ot lhe Rb-Sr dates, show that precise U'Pb zircon dates are required to understand the plutonic history ot the bathoLith. granular granites pres€nt adjac€nl to the Kalv_ vatn€t Monzonite (data from this study) are also plotted on Fig. 8. Two of these plot close to th6 monzonitic rocks, whersas th€ third has higher .rsrir6sr ratios than olher rocks in the Two-mica granite dYkes Nisson (1988)also published results fortou. maline granites (Fig. 9) which have substantial These rocks are widespread in the BB and are generally among lhe younqest intr'rslve phase within any aroa. They us!ally occur as ly higher Rb/Sr ratios than other rocks in the 34 Oystetn NardgLten & Bjo.n Sundval r€gular sheeis, and the most prominent ones may be more lhan 100 motres wide. Locally, the dykes are v€ry abundant, and in some small areas lhey are the dominant rock type. Discussion The granites clearly cut ihe strong fabrcs related lo D,, as defined by Thorsnes & L@ The source of the granitoids seth (1991), but some of the dykes are lolded by open D, structur€s. Chemical data show thai ihe dykes ranqe n composition lrom tonalites and granodiorites wilh r€latively low Rb and K:O, to slrong y svolved ap itic rocks with high Rb and KIO (Nordgulen, in prep). The Srl values, which have been catcutated or estimated for various rock types and ptu The rocks analysed in this study have been collected from widely separate areas, and the dyk€s ntrude diJferent types of plutonic and metasedimentary rocks. Dyk€s lntruding the TerrAkfjellet Pluion have the lowesl Bb/Sr rati os, and these samples also show signiticani scatler n rrsr/e Sr ratios (Fig. 9). Ono sample (8805; Table 1) clearly plots above the vend. The rnajorty of lhe samples yied a surprising' ly well delin€d irend on the sotope diagram (Fig. 9). The s ope of a line drawn through th€ poinls would correspond to an age ot c. 430 Ma with an inilial ratio of c.0.710. The granites have lower !'Sr/bsr than other rocks with slmilar "rRb/bsr such as the tourmaline granites and the anatectc granites. The re ativeiy coherent isotopic paflern shown by rocks from widely scatter€d loca ilies (Fig. 9) suggests lhal an event of widespread dyke inlruslon took place at a comparative ly late stage n the development o1 the BB. However, desple the evolved nature ol the granites, there are diflerences in chemistry whch ndicate that the rocks represent the end products oi more lhan one lractionation seres, lt musl also be pointed out that smal variations in age (e.9. 10-20 Ma) wou d cause relaiiveiy minor shifts in ths'StftSr ratios. Thus, there may be variaiions in aqe and/or iniiial ratio wilhin the group, which are not possible 1o resolve by the isolope data. tons in the BB, are summarised tn Fig. 10. A range of initial raUos wlthin a plulon is a cornmon featlre oi the bathollth. This is cornmon in granitoids and indicates ihat processes such as melt production, aggregation, transport, emplacement and solidiflcaton of the magma do nol result ln an isolopically homogen€ous ntruson (Hill & Silver 1988). Each ptu lon may thereJore preserve a record of initial rrstbsr variation in the source, and this may allow an assessment of the sources trom whlch the mells were produced. Usinq this approach, various explanalions have been propos€d 10 explain isolopic heterogeneily in plutons. [,1afic magmas from an upper mantte or lower crlstal source may mix wilh metts from crustal rocks (€.9. DePaolo 1981, Kisiter et a. 1986, Arakawa 1990). ll is atso ptaus b e to explain lhe dala as a resut of rnagrnas being produced lrom isotopicatly heterogen€ous source rocks ol crustal origin (e.9. Deniet ei al. 1987, Hill & Silver 1988). ln addition, high-level contam nation from partiatty metred xenoiiths as well as interaction with ftuids during and/or after solidification ol the p uton may disturb the isotope sysiem. A number of plulons in the BB contain metas€dimentary xonolilhs in variable amountsi however! wilh the exception ol th6 anatectic graniloids, there is no li€ld €vid€nce to suggest significant contamination ot intrusi- ve rocks by melts derivod lrom x€noliths. Generally, lhere appears to b€ no corr€latlon bstw€en the amount of xsnoliths and isotopic heterogen6ity. Ths Krekfiellei Pluton is an oxample of an intrusion which in larg€ parts contains abundant metas€dimentary xsnoliths {Nordgulsn 1984, Nordgulen 6t al. 1990)_ The relatively low and conslant Srl values (Fig. 2), compared with rhe unitormly high ,rsrfsr ratF os of ihe melasedimentary rocks, support th€ int€rpretation that the Sr isotops sysi€m has not b6en significantly disturbed by incorporati- on ot wallrock compon€nts in the magma. Dislurbance ofthe isotope systern by s€condary ali€ration is difficult to assess- Howev€r, th€ overallfairly fr€sh minoralogy ofthe granii- sto n, un Eata pe canpa snian 35 ir, r''' /l )./' r a t. ,ll 'l Fml I rl tr1 F rTn-r7n21 I aidl /'"vl Fo r0 schdmatc outlin€ rh; s[ nna Pruron rho n or rh€ 'a p utons and rock rvpes F r iho niria ral os aro cacu ared w lh r€sp6'rro Bnda aaholrh (.r Fo r)showna sl.onlium inria ralos tor ral o cotrosponds ro an aqe orc oids do€s not sugqesi that such procsssos have b€en widespread. Th€ Sklinna Pluton may provide an exception to this rul6. Sttong sericitisation in the pluton and the indication that the Sr isotop€ system clos€d aft€r 400 395 Ma olhsrwiso Ma may indicai€ that the rocks have been sub@cled lo some allerallon al a lale slage L;w b rntermedlale initial raios (0704_ 0.710) predomrnate and ar€ presont in a wrds vanety of rock types throuqhoul lh€ balholith 36 Ovstetn Nardqute^ & Bja.n Sundval 0 o-75 o,7 4 TOURMALINE GRANITES PONPII, GRANITES ANATECTIC QRANITOIDS METASEDIMENTATY ROCKS TTO-MICA GRANITOIDS IIEILHORNET PLUTON SKIJNNA PI,UTON 0.?3 gA o.72 o.7l 0.?0 VARIOUS GRANITOIDS 0.69 o.ooo 0.005 o.ol5 0.010 o.o20 0.025 1/sr FQlrSlronlumniarraiosbasedonanageor!40MaplouedaqanrrIS,Sampe5komFUronsandro.lrypeswh.h a,anolspecred nrhe eoend pol nrherenbbered vanous o,ai (1936 1933) but not lhose or P,em el a. rod. rhsarso'n.ludesih€datapub (1975) (Fig. 10). Most of lhes€ rocks have rslativoly high Sr contents, and th€y plot within a small field in Fig. 11. Within this group, some plutons have constant or narrow ranges in Srl values- Thess have comparatively low Srl (0. 704-0.705), and some oi them exhibit considerable chsmical and p€trographic variation. The chernical and isotopic characteristics Jor the plutons would be compalible wilh diflerentiali on ol isotopically lairly homogeneous magmas derived from a mafic to intermediate upper mantl€ to lower crustal source. The plutons with Srl values b€twe€n 0.705 and 0.710 (Fig. 11) comprise several rock types which exhibit variable d€grees of isotopic heterogeneity. R€presentativ€ samples from a numbor of plutons have €Nd < -2 and fairly radiog€nic feldspar Pb (Birkeland el al-, in press). The source r€gions lor lhsse rocks ar€ difficult to assess and may include upper mantl€ and various crustals sourcss Lower crusial materials with relatively short crustal residence times are also a potenlial sourcei lherefore, an entirely crustal origin lor the rocks cannot be ruled oul. A similar argument can also be mad€ for the lonalit€s and granodiorites that have low Srl values. However, a signficant sub-crustal inpul may appsar more likely in such cases. The gabbros and dioritss in the Velfiord Ursfjord area generally have lowto interm€dia ts Srl (0-7057 - 0.7071), whersas higher valu€s (Srl > 0.708)are present in soms rocks occuF ring west ol Velfiord (Fig 4). Generally, the geochemistry ol these rocks would r€quire an upper manlls or lower crustal mafic source with a variable crustal contribution. The late granitoid dykes constitute a diverse Slronttun tsotope canposnion 37 group of rocks with highly variable ab/Sr ratios {Fig.9). They intrude differ€nt types ol granitoid and metasedimentary rocks, but, the re s no clear relalionship between the isotope composition of the dykes and the r host. Thus, it would seem that the genoration of these dykes is nol generally relaied to the pevogene- sis of the granitoid in which they occur. The dykes hav€ clearly lower rrsr/bsr ratios than the metasedimentary rocks, and although ol h€r isolope data are not availabe there is no indication that they were generaied by upper crustal melting. The sources for ihe rocks are probably varied and sinrilar to those ol other tonaltic to granitic rocks in the BB. F€latively non-radlogenic sources are aso suggesl€d tor lhe Heilhornst and sklinna Plutons (Fig- 1l ). The apparenl negaiive trend lor the Sklinna Pluton indlcates that the age used to ca culate the initialratios may be too young. ln ih6 BB, a wide range ln Srl is especially pronounced in the anateciic granitoids and the tourmaine granites (Fig 11). Fi€ld evidence suggests thai at least some of lhe anatectic rocks are a resull of local mellinq of melasedi mentary rocks. The rocks have overall high Srl and low €Nd values which are cons stent with a predominantLy crustal origin (B rkeland et al. in press). ln Fig. 11, varable mixing between two components with d iierenl initial ratios will produce inear trends between the end menbers. Anatectic granitoids overlap with most of the samples of metasedinleniary rocks, suggestng that they were generated by mixing ofcomponents from a highly radioge_ nic crusta source and a less radiogenic, pos siby lower crustal/manlle source (Fig. 11). Some sampies of the metasedimenlary rocks overlap with a broad array defined by the lour maline granites. Again, the lr€nd may be explained by mixing a radiogenic and a nonendradlogenic source. The rad ogen member for the tourmaline granites, however, ls distinct from and less radiogenic than that of the anatoctic rocks. The porphyrilic graniles (Fig. 11), which occur togethor wilh maiic to c lntermediate plutons in the Velfjord disvct, also have a high Srl indicativ€ of a strong iniluence from radiogenic sources. Metasedi_ mentary rocks within the HNc, or equiva ent rocks at depth, which have Rb/Sr and !'Sr/ksr ralios similar to the granitoids, would provide a poteniial source lithology lor the graniloids with high Srl. lsotope daia (Rb Sr, Sm-Nd and Pb Pb in feldspars) lrom a series of representative samples oi the BB show thatthe rocks originated lrom multiple sources including fairly deple ted mantle to lower cruslal rocks, enriched upper crust, and two lypes of Th enrched, probably ower crustal rocks (Birkeland et al., in press). The Sr isolope data presented here show that most of ihe batholith has Srl <0.71; however, a number of putons have hiqher Srl values relleciing a slrong inlluence from radogenlc crustal rocks. Of parlicular inl€rest is the heterogeneous nature of lhe radiogenic sor.rrce (Fig. 11). Th s leature was not apparent from the sludy by Birkeland el al. (in press). Thus, the comprehensive study of the Si isolope variaton has led to an improved undersiandjng ol the complexily involved in the petrogenesis o1 the BB. To summariso, mslling ol h6t6rog6neous source rsgions and/or mixing oJ m€lts d€rived in variable proportions trom isotopically difterent crusial and sub-crustal sources may accounl for th€ variability in Sr isotopes of ihe BB, Contamination at the l€v€l ol emplac€m€nl as w6ll as s€condary alteration appears to b€otlimii€d imponanc€, and isotopic h€t€ro' gen€ity within and b€iweon plutons and rock types is thought lo rell€cl the varied natur€ of tho source rocks. Geographic variation in initial osr/ssr ratios Most of ihs granitoids in th€ Eindal Batholiih hav€ Rb/Sr ratios < 1.0- The excoptions ar€ the tourmalin€-granites in Bindal, the Sklinna Pluton, mosl of the H€ilhornet Pluton, and th€ majority of the 2-mica granii€ dykes. Mosl of lhes6 also hav€ high or Jairly high initial Sr ratios. The anatectic granit€s may have Rb/Sr < 1.0 though th€ initial ratios are high. Som6 intrusions (€.9. ths Krekfjollet Pluton) have very low Bb/Sr ratios, but most of th€ rocks have ratios in the rang€ 0-2 - 1-0. Fig. 10 shows how variation in Srl valu€s r6latoto g€ographic positjon. Most ot the rocks wilh low Srl (< 0.705) occur in the €astern part of the batholith. Rocks with intermodiate !nilial ratios {0.705 ' 0.708) are common through' out the batholith and includ€ the mafic to inter- mediate plltons in the V€lfjord and Ursfjord areas. The hiqhesi valuss (Srl > 0.715) are 3A Oystetn No.dguten & Blatn Sun.tvolt repr€sented by tourmalin€-granil€s and analectic graniles in lhe w€st. These resulls may constrain the models Jor Calsdonian magmatisrn in Norway. lsotopic polarily is a {eature of some, but not allexamples of documented Phanerozoic subduction/ volcanic arc r€lal€d plutonism. Where polarily €xists, it g€nsrally shows an increase lrom low valu€s at th€ conlinenlal margin to higher values in th€ continental hintsfland (Kistler & generally low in tial rsr/ssr ralios. lntermedia- t€ and variable iniiia ratios are present in severa plutons occurring in most parts oJ the balhoilh. Tourmaline graniles and anatectic granites with th€ high€st initial ratios are located in the westorn pa of the batholith. lnterpreling the daia in terms of a subduction related sefiing, the geographic distrbution of initial ,Sr/rsr ratios would ndicate that the conli nent lay to the west during the tim€ of pluto' Peterman 1973. Farmer & D€Paolo 1983, Liew & Hofmann 1988. Arakawa 1990). Assumlnq a destructive plate margin setting, th€ pattern oi initial sr values now eslabllshed lor the 8B would indicate that th€ continental hinler_ land lay to the wesl at ths time oi plutonism. uppod rron rhe Goorogica ol Nomay and lrom prolecl MT002020343 (Oi€s gdoniai aled willi Balholrhs) runded by lho Nor assod Ca w6aancounc rorsci€nrilicandrndustria R6s6arch(NrNF) we are ndebled to B€nle Kiosn€s (Trondhem)lor prepa Surv€y Engd (oso)lor xFF.analys€s, and to Conclusions The stront um sotope chemislry Acknowledgements Ast Hemmne and Bjors svendgerd (rrondhe m) ro. dran n9 somo ol lh€ lisu r6s critca commonis lrom John cobbing. P6r6r h€n. Davd Rob€ns anli Brian Slun sgnilicanty improved tho oflhe Bindal Batholith has be6n invesligated. The maflc intrusions must have a mafic source ln ths and Forr B Pedorsenlorllreirr€view comments and suAqes upper mantl€ lo lower crust, allhough the initial ratos oJ the invesligated rocks (0.7050.707) indicai€ significant influ€nce from isoto picaly €volved mal€rial in th€ source region. For some plutons having more evolv€d compo- sitions and fairly low inilial rlstssr ratios (c. 0.704), the upper mantle io lower crusl would bs the most likely sourco region. Graniloids with hgher inilial ratios (0.705'0.710) would require an increasingly stronger crustal inJluence- The lourmaline granites and anatectic graniles with high or very high initial ratios (> 0.715) may be oJ enlir€ly cruslal origin, and the data suqgest that two lypos ol radiogenic crustal rocks contributed 10 the magmas. There is lilllo evidence oJ high_level contamination, and signilicant s€condary alleration oi the granitoids is obsetued in very few cases. The varied nalure of the Sr isotops data are gene_ raLly lnterpret€d lo r€flect differ€nces in relali ve input from source rocks with variable Rb/Sr- ratios and isotope composton. Due io the isotopic heteroqeneity generally observed in lhe BB, lt is vi(ually impossibe ro obtain meaningiul dales using Rb_Sr wholerock isochrons. This emphasizes the need lor precise u Pb dates in the study of the granito' ds. lntrusions in the southeastern part oJ the batholith have conslani or narrow ranges ol References ArakawaY r990: Srronnuh solop c compositon or Meso zo. lran r c rocks n the H da lrell cenlra Japan d ver sles ol magma sources and processes or magma ma.gtn area Lnhos 21 261.273 Ban! N. 1935 the slratrgraphy and stuctuat devetapnent ot the Raday H1ttay arca att6t vqtsntad onpoht Un versrY or B€rq€n Norway. Banes CG.. Prosrvk,T. 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