, z / >./ ollprinr NGU Burletin 423, 41-54 CALVIN G. BARNES, TOFIE PRESryIK. OYSTEIN NOBOGULEN & MELANIE A. BARNES Geology of three dioritic plutons in Velfjord, Nordland Trondheim 1992 , Geology of three dioritic plutons in Velfiord, Nordland CALV N G BARNES, TOBE PFESTVIK. OYSTE N NORDGULEN & MELANIE A BARNES BarnosCG, Pr€stvik,T., Nordguen,o &Bah6s M.A 1992 Gooogv or three diorilic prutons 'n V€lord. Nordrand Not g6ot und'rc Butt 423 4154 po ites or lrr0 Dionric p utons in th6 v€ flord at€a of Nordland intruds calc's lcatss and m gnarit c \F\c, rh€ r'6€ ra qer pLon ." r" h s e to^a'd € p on' r. i-* -.*. ^h "' ,.",-" o., rnd g anr' ooo'€< 4sr€ dpro _6d 4f' n 6'rr" ner o'€.ca do'o'rrr ondton'Sr-' a." q, -*q. q t-* ..." i"*"lo w-"."-pt* s-i,--.- ol dolormarion, and asymmorric zoning ol the pulons are conss 5,nEt,al shoar zon€ ]m -m.".-r vaiable majo.olen€nt * rr"-"ni"*rc'r *r"*"'-"'.'.."oi"arci aio,irc. aru Puoncon!'Fo contonts and a vounqor unl thal s asvmmet'calv zoned iiom monzodon_ rhe e)ou'ast o!r<a' pav"rI loiaron (loca ter.s€r or6v )prulon is d slinsuishod bv profr n6nt I ow aparilo h has "en* rv stonq y d€idm€d), cm{me paqlocaso phenocrvsts and abundanl oxdes and loMrVorvor€rr a€ o'dlv 5gh€ TO. ano roh'Ih'a'q'onar7€oCo'o_d 'lco(s j* ' 7o-od F ro w or p! '€ o do'i6 ro '"-'i"". -". ar, ",** ror r ro rS - e ol ro ! o'e d<r4' o1 rne r... o'or pr'rcth€ ooralumnous anat€ctc qran i€s, whos€ Al,o, Na,o and REE abundances sugaosr an orqin bv ho.' o.. ceo- €Trd.d16o €. b€rwe.n c!6 oo ouon . , , . *",r .at* o , "n. 'uoou"i't''p.u't.'."q^o'orpo.'on'\a''6a.oTo.€p ,ni"pr,ro* n"0.." t"" -" parontalmagma. and thal6ach masma iolowed a d'slnct dilreren- G. Bames & Metahie A Bahos Depatudt ol Geosden'es r6'as Iech Uhretsrv Lub h.at Texas 7 A9. USA f.G P@stvik. Debaftneot ot G6ato9Y a Mrnaal ResaLrcas Engineering Notwegao tnstt'ta at Catvrn TochhatagY, N 7034 frcndhem NaNaY NaNar Oyst6'n Nordguten Gealagtdi SuNey at NaNav P o B.x 3a06 N-7002 rtondhein, lntroduction Ihe Bindal Batholith one ol tc rocks ot the balho ilh, the tempo' ral and petroloqic relations between them are ry 1o gran the r€presents laroest occurrenc€s of granitic magmatsm n tne'ltorwegian Caledonides (Stephens et al 1985). Most plulons in the batholith are tonalitrc to oranitic rn composrtion; however, sparse lo dioftc bodres are widespread q,Torudbakl.en 8 N4ick€lson 1986) E amp les ol dioritic magmatism in the province are provided by plutons oi th€ Velljord massils oabbr;rc i; (Kollung 1967), which occupy a central position in the batholith (Fig. 1). These plutons range fron olivine qabbro to biotite-quarlz mon zoniie, but are predominanily dioritic to mon" zodioritic in comoosltion. Although ihe relatively malic Velfjord pLutons are in close proxim - not well known. For this reason, we have undertaken a detailed study 01 the pelrogene sis oi the three largest plutons in the aroa, which are herein inlormally referred to as th€ Velljord putons, and their possible re ations to the batho ilh as a whole. ln th s contribulion, we reporl on lhe field relations, zon ng pattorns, and petrographic characlerisiics of the VelJjord plutons aong with a reconnaissance geochomica study. Th€ dala suggest that oach oi the plutons is inter naly complex, and thal each is peirogenetcal_ y distinct fron the oth€rs and lrom granilic rocks 01 the aindal Balholiih. I 42 CalvtnG Barnes,Tote Prestvik. Oystetn Nardgulen A Barnes & Melanie Geologic setting The plutons ar6 ntr!sive into metasedimentary rocks oi the Helgeland Nappe Complex (HNC) of ihe Uppermost Alocthon (Stephens et al 1985). They occupy a part of the HNc where the regional strike is NNW-SSE. This is dstncl frorn the Bindal area to the south and the area north of Velsnljord (north of Ve lord), where a NE SW slrike is more iypi cal. A subhorizontal lineation is cornmon ln granitic and rnelamorphic rocks n the zones wilh NE SW sv k€ but is less pronounced in the zone with NNW-SSE strike. ln the Veltjord area, HNC rocks comprise three thrusl sh€ets separated by east- to northeast-dippinq laults (Thorsnes & Loseih 1991) x The lowest sheel is host to the plutons and cons sts ofvariably m gmatilic quartzofeldspal hc schist and gne ss, cac si!icate schist, and rnarble. These rocks are within the siliman te zone ([,4yrand 1972). The middle sheei con slslsoi basalmaf c and ultrarnafic rocks t]ncon- iormably overain by melamorphosed clastc and ca c-silcaie rocks.The uppersheel is lthologicaly similar to the ower one (Thorsnes & Loseth 1991). irynand (1S72) and Kollunq (1967) inlerpreted the pluions to postdate 01 detormatlon because or struclures n the wall rocks are dellecred by the plutons and because the wall rocks dspay a pronouncad increase in metamorphic grade near the intrusions (see be owi Myrland 1972). fi,4oreover, Thorsnes & Loseth (1991) suggestod that thrustng wiihln the HNC was related to D, and that ihrustinq occlrred before ntrusion of ihe Velfjord plu_ rons (also see Bucher Nurmnen 1988) Ihis conclusion is supportsd by ntrusive relations of a srnal dlortic body nrmediately to the easr of the sausfiellet p uton (the MarkaJjellet n .."". ..- : :l 6'h @F <r@6E d [:-_t ,&4 6dn,,4 F q1 Feg re Varrord c io ona geo 09. set ig sh.w n! the o.aton or pul.ns wrhn rhe Bnda eaihorrh The qabbro 9,anlc Purons or rhe ba ro {io.mamenlloi ur€ uppermosi arochihon. whch n lh6 regon comp,ses re H€qeaid Nappe compex IHNCl aid rhe Fodngsirer6l Nappe comprei lRNc) ry rocks between th€ Velfjord plutons and graniiic rocks of the Bindal Baiholth. such probems empha- size the need for pr€cise radiometric dating of the units (n progress). pllton ol Kollung 1967) that cuts la!lts betwe_ en the lower, rniddle, and upper thrust sheels (Thorsnes & Loseth 1991). li ths pluton be' ongs io the same magmatic event as the Velfiord plutons, then Velliord rnagmatism The Velfjord plutons occurred atler thrust ng. General Contact Relations The putons oi the Velfjord area have nol been formaly named; therefore, for eas€ ol d scusslon, the large plutons are referr€d lo rnrruded by g.an tc orhes. Howev€r. manv o' tne qrdn tc roc<s trat rrlrude lhe Velflord plL_ fjeler pluton, the Aks€lDrevli pluton, and the Sausljelet pluton. A small monzonitic body Kol ung (1967) inlerpreted the Ve ijord mas_ sif lo be older lhan granitic rocks of the Bin da Batholith becalse the velfiord rocks are tons are compositonally distinct lrom, and rnay nor oe re ared lo the nearby Biloa glarr tes (see below). Thus, we suspect that th€re are 10 unFqu voca cross cud'ng realio4s informa ly, from north to soulh, as the Hilstad- that crops out near Aunel, easi ot Hommelsto (Fig. 2), is called the Aunet monzoniie. The contacts between the p utons and iheir wa I rocks generally d splay sleep to moderate I Gealoay of thtee diontrc dips. An exception to thrs is apparent along the northern coniact ol th€ AkselDr€vli puton, where sil-like apophyses of the puton inlrude wall rocks rn the Hommelsto area. Contacts with marble and ca c silcate schists are generaly rath€r sharp, allhough in many localtes coniacls are marked by a seres of diorilic dikes that become more abundani as lhe pluton is approached. ln some loca ilies the grain size of ihe p utonic rocks decreases Conlacts wth mgmatilic pelitic rocks are generally marked by zones of heterogeneous, equ granular io porphyrilic, garnet- and sillimanite-bearng granite (Figs. 2 and 3). These zones range lrom a t€w m€lers to as much as 300 m wde, e.9., along the southorn con tacl of the Akset-Drevli pluton (Fig. 2). ln genera, these granilic bod es are gradational outward inio dial€ciic rocks and then into migrnalilic gne ss. Where intrusive relalions were observed, the coniaci granir€s ar€ inlrusive into the Velfiord putons. N6ar Lsjsen, along the eastern border ol the Hillstadfjellet pluton, the graniles are separated lrom qlarlz monzonitic rocks of the pluton by a zone of garnet-bear ng quartz d oril€. Dlutans 43 ocase, to gran-size reduction and recrystallizalion along grain boundaries and, ocally, 10 deleopment of protomylonitrc iabrics with porphyroclaslic textures and rare ribbon quartz. Deformation s typically more pronounced n the outer parls ol ihe plutons. Most late felsic d kes are undeformed or weakly deformed, but some display stronger deiormauon than their hosl dioritic rocks. A wide range of rninerals were stable dunng d€tormaton. ln some insiancos. d€formation occurred in the stabiity field of plaqioclase, c inopyroxene (cpx), and onhopyroxene (opx)i with undeformed or weakly delormed late magmatic biotite and amphibole, ln other cases, biotte and actinolitic amphibole (after pyrox€ne) wero ths slable maJic phas€s. Defor' mation also encompassed the lower-tempera- t!re assemblage biolile, epidote, sodic p agiocase, and quartz. This p€lrographlc evidenc€ rndicaies lhat delormaton began when th€ pluions conlained a melt phase and cont nued during cooling to g reen schisl-facies cond tions. The granitic rocks at the rnargins ol the putons record a similar history ot deformation. Their tectonic fabrics are lyplcally better d€veloped thanthose in the adjacent plutons. Contacl relations beiween the Fllllsradfjeller, Akset Orevl , and Aunet bodies were observed in the area east of Homnlelsto. Diorltc rocks ol lhe Akset-Drevli plulon and ol the lirst intrusive sl3ge oJ the Hillstadfjellet pluton are intru ded by porphyrtic diorii€ of lhe second stage of the Hillstadfjelei p uton. Dikes of lhe Aunet monzonite cut all lhree !nts. cross-cutling re alions between the first stage olthe Hilstadfjellet p uton and ihe Aksei Drev i pluton were not observed. The r€laiive timing of lntrusion of the sausljellet pluion is unknown. All three p utons and some contact granites are cut by rnedium- to fine-grained felsic dikes lhat range in composition from tonalitic to graniiic. They average about one meter n wdth and typicaly carry biotite or biotite + rnuscovite. Malic d k€s (microgabbro lo coar se grained gabbro and diorite) w€re observ€d Zoning and lnternal Structures Hilstadfjelet ptuton Th€ rocks of lhis pluton are genera ly massive or weakly loliated. The pluton contains seve ral arge metasedimenlary screens (Fig. 2), metasedimeniary xeno iihs thal range trom cm to s€v€ra tens ot meiers n size. and rare peridottc xenoliths. The frst ntrusve staqe is represented by a gabbroic to diorilic body exposed in the northeastern part of lhe pluton (Fig. 2). The second stage ranges in composi lion from monzodiorile (with rare diorte) to quariz monzonite. This ufii is asymmetrically zoned. wilh the most maiic rocks in the western and southern parisofthe intrusion, quarlzrich rocks in the easl (between the larqe meta- Defomation sedimentary screens and rocks ot the firsl stage), and monzon tc rocks in the north and between the mafic rocks and the quartz rich ones (Fg. 2). BelaUve inlrusive relationships are demonstrated by lhe inclusion of angu ar All of the Velljord plulons show evidence of xenoliihs of firsl-stage rocks in the second delormation. The degree oi deiormation gra- siage. The primary malic minerals in the first-stage rocks were cpx, opx, and hornblende. ln lhe in althree plltons. des trom minor bend ng of plagioclase, through deveopment ol subgrains in quarlz and p agi I 44 Catvin Fq 2 G Barnes, fore P.estvik, Ovstein Notdautoh & Melanie A. Bames Geo oqy ot the H rrstadtj€ r€l and Aks€r Drevlip utons The numbe's 1 and 2 ndrate rhe ocatons or sraaes 1 and 2 or a Geolaqy althtee diatitic plutons 45 N .tt tl .;i t /..:. Sausfjellet . -- i., , ./1--^' -' Fq 3. Georoqy ol Ih€ Sauslerei pruron symbors as in FQ.2 second stage, primary cpx, opx, and biotite 3 cm ln maximum dimension) thal commonly in lhe malic western rocks give way to the east to cpx + opx + blotite + hornblende, lhen botit€ + hornblende, then biotite. These relatons have been obscured by r€crysiallization at lower temperatures, pa iculary in zones def ne a welldeveloped loliation. This folialion was originaly magmatic, bul has been warped and lold€d in zones of high stran (Fig. 4d). Some samples display high-temperature deformation n which plagioclase crystals have been of high stran (compare Figs. 4a and 4b). bent by up to 60". Aksel-Drevli pluton This pluton is predominantly dioritic, but conta, ins mlnor rnonzodiorte and monzonite, especlally in its northern parts. The typical primary localy abundanl in the pluton, and some of the calc-silcate xenolths contain cr rich grossular garnet (Prestvik, 1974). Two peridotite xenolths (< 250 m) crop out in the western cally, especia ly in samples frorn the southeas tern part ol lhe pluton (Fiq. 4c). The Akset-Drevli p uton is characterized by abundani, arge plagiocase phenocrysts (2 to This plulon ls predominanlly dioritic, bulconiains sparse quartz diorite and quartz monzodiorite in ils southwesi€rn pa( (Fig. 3). A [,1etas6d mentary screens and xenoliths are matic assemblage is cpx, opx, and botte (aamphiboe)t however, oivine ls presenl lo- a 46 CalvnG Barnes, fore Prestwk, qystet. NadqLten 3 Metante A Bahes _. ..1 ,r'l,m: i ,.,""",1 .,/ . Yl:r:l.'l/ -r. '..%r.. :,i.i ') ,:l:ll::. 1l:l:::l i o; D o€'o r.', |re sausrerer puioi F Delormalon pateris n pronounced asymmetric zonalion is d splayed by the prmary matic assemblages (Fig. 4e), whch range from cpx and opx in the east, throuqh a central zone of cpx, opx, and bioii' te, to cpx, opx, biolite, and amphibole n the southwest. Samples colected near conlacts are generally the only ones lo show appreciab le deformaton (Fg. 4f) and they commonly contain the subsolidus maJic assemblage ol amph boe and biotte. Magmatic foliation is cornmon Ln Sausilellet samples, as is schileren bandinq. On Sausfjel let, bocks of schlieren'banded diorite:'100 m across are surrounded by weakly banded to masslve diorte The presence of the blocks suggests an early h story dunng whch the bandinq formed alonq the plulon s margins by flow segreqaton, fo owed by stoping ol the blocks durnq ihe linal slages ol lniruson. Petrography Petrographic descriptons are based on inspeciion of over 450 thin sections. Where ciled, rhe sausrle €r Ltr.ar.cdp.o' pul.n plagocase, alkai ieldspar, and amphboe compostons were deterrnined by eleclron microprobe analysis (C. Barnes and T. Preslvk, unpubl. data). Fkst stage gabbro and d orite of the Hi lstad ljellet pluton display re ict hypidiomorph c gra nular rexture thal is now partly to completely recrystallzed by granulatjon and locai mylonili' zation. Primary cpx, opx, polkilitic brown cal' cic amphibole, and reddish brown botle are variably altered 1o aclinolitic amphibole and chlorile. Epidote has parlly replaced plag oc a se. Apai'ie, ilmente, maqnetite, and chal copyrte are accessory minerals. Second-stage rocks have var ably delormed hypdiomorph c granular texture. From soulhwest to norlheasl. the rocks become more porphyrtic (plaqocase) and the grain size ol th€ groundmass decreases s ightly. Plagiocla se (An.-An,,) is normally zoned and is typical y resorbed and nmmed by microclne. Quariz, where presenl, is nterstitial. in lhe easl defor- med monzodioritic samples, pyroxenes are rrnmed by oive-qreen edentc amphibole. ln , Geolagy al thtee d@tittc monzonitic rocks only relicl pyroxene is present and olive'green ed€nilic amphjbole is rim_ med by a blue-green ferro-edenile Accessory minerals ar€ apatite, allanite, zircon, ilmenite, magnetite, chalcopyrile, pyrit€, sphene, and The large plagioclase phenocrysls (Ani An") n the Akset Orev| pLuton nol only defrne the iabric blt conlrol th€ textural relations Some cpx and opx grains are euhedral and, along with anhedral, pyroxene-rimmed olivine, are best described as intergranular' The pyroxenes are also present as rnlerst tial mine rals alonq with reddish-brown biolile relalive ly abundant o\des. and mm scale prlsmatic apaiie. Pnmary pargasihc amphibole s rare in this plLion; il occurs as rims on pyroxenes. Microcline is pr€se nt interstitially and n resorpiion channeLs in plagioclasei quarlz is interstiti al. Alonq with tho aforementjoned apatit€, accessory mineras are ilmenite, magnetite, plutons 47 Soms contain accessory amphibole {ferroan parqasrtlc hornblende), allanile, aparjte zircon, sphene, opaque m nerals. and epldote Olhers contain assernb aqss typrcaloi slrongly peralu mrnous granrtes, wrth muscovrle, garnet and accessory prismatic slllimanite opaq'le mrnerals, apatrre, and zircon One sample also coniains relatively abundanr opx (En36) and Granitic dikes thal cut the contact granites and the plulons are hypidiomorphic granular to aplfrc ,lthough some dikes contarn calcic amph bole, biolrle rs the most common mafc mrncral wLth or withoul whlle mtca Allanile, zircon, epidote, and opaque m nerals are typical accessory phases and rare zircon, allanite, and pyrte The texture of rocks fiom the SausJjellet pluton ranges lroro suboph(rc to hypidiomorp hrc granular. Plagroclase rs generally normally 7on6d lrom An.. lo An,^. lnlsrqranular lo rnler_ slrlial pyro'enes are partly replaced by red_ drsh-brown broltle and olrve_green hornblende OLartz and mlcrocline are intersliiial. Accesso ry apalrre rs present n qranu ar' prrsmalrc, and acrular habrls z rcon, a lanite, ilmonite ma9 nette, anhedralto poikililic sphene, and epido_ le aro lhe ot'ler a.cessory phases subsolidJs aLteration of pyroxene has resulted in growth ol aclrrolitic a1o cJmmlrglo,rillc amphboe quarlz, and rare greenrsh biolile lhe A.rnel morzon le co'lla'ns abLnddnl rabular phenocrysls ol perthllic alial reldspar t O'*Ab,,Ar,, as fi'ucr' as In cn in d>mFie' and plagioclase phenocrysts (:An:.) as nruch as 1 cn lorq cel in a1 hvodomo ohic grdrular groundmass. The groundmass consisls ol paqroclase, mc'ocl'ne porNlilic lo D'ismatiL olive-green to blue-green l€rro edenile with re'rcl pyroxene cores ano por\ lili' yelowbrown biolite. Ouarlz, apatile, sphene, z rcon' lmenite, magnetile, chalcopyrte and epidote ars accessory phases 'Ihc g.anrt,c ro.ls adiacenl lo lle velllo'd pl.rlons a'e wroely vdl laore rr tetlurF dnd m ne raloqv. Ihev a'e qeneral'y hvprdromorph c I ra _ ,rula; and;anqF lrom porpnvnnc ralkalr feldspar - plagroclace pl^enocrysls) Io equigranu lar. Plaqroclase { A135) Trcrocli'le qJa v and brolile a'e commor lo all oi llese rocks Geochemistry Analytical Methods Samples from the Bindal Balho ith and some samples oJ the Velfjord plutons were anayzed by X ray f uorescence (XBF) at IV d and Earlh Science Associates, Nottingham. For the re' malning samples, major and most trace' elemenl analyses were done by XRF at NTH or by induciively coupled atomic 6mission spectrometry ai Texas Tech Universily The rare earth elements (REE), Ta, Th, HJ and u, were analyzed by instrumenlal neutron activation analysis at lmp€rial College, London Resu/ts Eepresentaiive resuts are presented n Tabl€ 1. Samples ol granitic rocks irom the Bindal batholilh are from localities wthin 5 km of the Velfiord plutons. The Hillsladfiellet pluton is alkali calcc, with an alkali-lime index of about 53. The firsi sta ge is disiincl from the second in its ower SiO: and Na,O, its widely variabe TiO. and Al,O., and its higher CaO contents (Fg 5) The particulany wide range ol Al:O, , TiO: and Sr contents (Table 1i Fig. 5) suggests that compositions are controlled by variable accumu alion ol plag oclase and pyroxene. This is slrpported by the slight posltve Eu anoma!ies oi Alrich iirst stage samples (Fiq 7a) I 4a Calvin G. Batnes. Iare Prestvik, Oystern NardgLteh & Melanie A Barnes The second stage can be divided into three groups on ihe basis of siol and K'o abundan ces (Fig.5). Monzonilic samples frorn tho western side of the pluton have the lowest en these lwo groups have the highest K1O values (at constanl SiO) in the ptulon. Sr behaves as a compatible element in the se rocks on the easiern slde have high S O) con- cond stagej whereas Flb and Zr are ncornpa, tible. The REE abundances ot second slage SiO: conlentst whereas quartz monzoniUc tenls. Monzonitic samples from the area betwe- Cealogy of three diontc ptLtons 49 .! r . &^'. !.^ .rfar-Y - .i-^ r br ..':i-fi' - ' { :':^.^ {^ . o 2 ' i;. .'t ,o'r..1'f | , I r Lows,o i r s'o ' second s'aqe H'gb k,o ] HEh -i, lE . 13 | -9 : ^ akser - Drevli Pluton Graniric rocks of the Bindal b.lholirh = dr"o and o hopyroxene B\"o , oo o..b' "l loprl lrom a parenla magna samples increase with increasing SiO, and the (Ce/Yb)N ralio ls virtually constant (-14) Allhough negative Eu anonales are apparont, they are slighl (Fiq.7a). The most evolved samples from the second staqe ol ihis pluton are composiuonally similar to the Aunet monzonte aLthough one sample of the Aunet monzonite has a much arger negaiive Eu anomaly (not shown rn Fig. 7). The Aksel Drevi plulon is also alkali_calcic (alkali ime index about 53). The analyses show considerable scatter in Al,o,, cao, and Na,o, as mighi be expected in such plagioclasephyric rocks. ln goneral, the pluton has ower t\,49/(Mg+Fer) ratios and higher (but wdely scattered) TiO) conlents than lhe H llsiadfjellet and Sausfjellet p ulons (Fig. 5). REE abundan ces and patlerns are similar to the Hilstad fellet pluton but (Ce/Yb)N values are slightly higher 09), with the exception of lwo dikes One dike is a late'slage gabbro which has tower lotal REE and lower lCe/Yb)N (=7.5)than the rest of the pluton (Fig. 7b)i the pattern also shows a downward concavity among the ighl BEE. The other dike is a monzodiorite wilh plagioclase phenocrysts and K feldspar xenocrysts (?) that inlrudes a marble screen near the northern contacl of the plulon. lt is = 5Q CalvrnG. Bames, fare Ptestvik Oystein Nordaulen & Metanie A Ba.nes dal Batholith serve to dislinguish them trom the contact grantes (Tabte li Ftgs.5 and 6). ln addrr on, rhe Bb Zr'ato ol the va rous types of g'dn tc ro.ks rn lhe dr€a cerve to drs trngursl" lhem lrom ore another (Tig. 6'. The conlacr qrantes have a ow, reaay constant ;;tr,'" ; i'"' ""' Fiq a 6 .;!r! " Rb/Zr (w€ghr rario)v6rsus Rb Therordencosodby soid mo roprossnls over 90i, ol sampl€s lrom th6 V€- ljord putonsitho i sld onc os€d by a dashed ne encosos Bb rch sahples predomnanry lrom rho Nrrstadtjo 6r pru rario. whereas th6 Bb Zr rar.os o'rhe grdnrc dikes and the granites of the aindal Batho ilh increase with increasing Rb conlent and are dislinct fiom each other (Fig. 6). REE abundances in the contact granites display a wide range of concenvations (Fig. 7d), with the highest abundanc€s of the heavy REE, the lowest (Ce/Yb)N ratios (=12), and the only negative Eu anomalies in the garnel bearing granites. A garnet-free, two micabearing granitic d k€ in the Sausfjettet ptuton has the highest BEE slope ((Ce/Yb)N=40), dle to the low concentrations ot the heavy BEE. which is largely characterized by its high tola REE, pronoun ced negative Eu anomaly, and lower (Ce/Yb)N ratlo (=11i Fg 7b) The Sausijellet pluion is distinct from the other Velfjord plutons in its lower TiO, con_ tents (Fiq. 5) and higher alkali-lrne lndex (=56, calc-alkaic). A.O,, Na,O, CaO, and TiO, show agreaidea ol scaner. Sr behaves as an incompatible elernent jn the Sausfiellel p uton unlike the second stage of lhe Hillsladfjellel pluton. The REE abundances ol this pluton d splay a re alively large range considerng th€ smal range o1 SiO, values. The normalized patterns of three sampes (73.65, S1.20, 91.224) have relativeLy steep slopes ((Ce/Yb)N = 14'18). All thr€e were collected near contacts and all are quartz'bearng; sarnple 73.65 is a late-slago quartz d oriie, The remaining samples aredioritic and have patterns with shallower slopeo ((CeiYb)N from 3 to 7). Among these samples, the lncrease in (Ce/Yb)N is accompanied by an incroaselnlotalREE abundances (Fig. 7c). The granitic rocks oi the Bindal Batholith, granites collocted near the marg ns ol the Velfjord p utons {contact gran tes), and gran tic dikes in the plulons are qenerally calc alkalic and all but one are peraiuminous. Six Discussion Th€ close spalia relationship between the Velfjord plutons and the contacl granites sug gests thal the granites r€sutied from loca anatexis caused by heat from the adlacent dioriiic magmas. The volume ol the contact granltes and th€ gradation from granile to migmatite wilh disiance irom the dioritic ptu tons suggests that the hosl petitic rocks wero partially molten al the timo ot emplacement 01 the diorilic magmas. lf th s interpretation is correct, the velfjord plutons must have been ernplaced during orjust aflerthe peak oi regio nai melamorph sm n the rsgion, which is con, sistenl wiih Kollung s (1967)view thal the ptu, tons were syntectontc. Accurnulation of grani- tic m€lts near the dioriiic plltons may have been enhanced by disruption of the hosi m qmattes during intrusion and by contraction ofthe dioritic magmas during cooling and crys, lallization. Petrographlc evidence suggests that deformation oi th€ dioritic rocks, granitic dikes, and qreater than 1.1 (.e., strongly peralurninous) as do four granitic dikes thai cut the plutons. None of lhe granitic rocks of the Bindal Batho contact grantes began when m€lt was pre sent and continued, at leasl locally, through cooling to greensch st facies conditions. The contacl granites show ihe greatest degree of strain because of this coniinu!m ol deJormaton from synmagmatic to submagmatc conditi ilh are strongly peraluminous. The higher SiO,, Rb, and Mg/(Mg+Fer) and generally lower Zr, Sr, and TiO, oJ the granilic rocks ol the Bin- ons and b€cause lhey have low solidus lempe ratur€s and abundant, sasity-deformed q uartz. Asymmetric zoning patterns simiar lo those ol the contact granites have Al/(Ca+Na+K) 5eolagy al .) Ftr riass qua z dior <an €r a l9b3) BCE pcne n< A Hi\lddrol6r 1 Fo 3. W6'qhi raro ol cao/A,o, o aned aqa'nsr M!(Mg+Fori rh6 reld en.ro5ss dala lrom rhe E6.ond sraoe oi tlre r1'Lsradlroll€r pluron Ai ;rha svmbot as n F'a s rh€ anows nd :ale |re otr€cts or rract o l.orr 1o ) ortropvro16na 'v'n€r nopyro^6n6 1.p!l auql. or o maqnerio dbt itic Pl utons 51 e i;;; .,-.r.i e ,1-e o'*td 6 o' q dn7 odo or q-a'u re ";.;,;; Ji . ;:'' r;;i;. srmpos 0 "*o-"t""o' Granr. ro.rs z.b€a 'no naioi th rce lmq and Pa9o.laso ? o.a oluro_ The 'n€o 1'ld otulos'q lro pano'n( t .,-l._, ."'.......... .". c ril . -:t'jt' " .^"r.* .' -'.1 ' d?:.\ ' ;/.!, .-'h'(i't'^ ^^ a 52 CatvhG. Batnes, TatePteslvik Oystein Nordgulen & Metante obs€rved in the H llstadfjellet and Sausfjellet pluions have been reported elsewhere (e.9., Bateman et al. 1363, Flood & Shaw 1979, Barnes et al. 1986). Such asymn€|ry has been ascribed either to tilt ng and erosion ol a v€rti cally-zoned p uton (Flood & Shaw 1979, BaF nes et a]. 1986) or to non coaxia! filling of an expandinq pluton (Hutron 1988a). In lhe latter case, the p utons have generally be€n shown to have intruded in dilatant zones n a shoar couple (Hutton, 1988a&b). Sirnilar models were developed for the emplacem€ni ol gabbro and granodloril€ in the sunnhordland Batholith ln western Norway (Andersen et al. 1931). We suggest thai the asymrnetric zoning palterns olthe Hilstadiellet and Sausfjelet plutons may have resulled from intrusion inlo a dilatant zone of a sinistral shear couple. This idoa s cons stent wiih the postion ol the velfjord plulons in a weaklylineated NNw-ssE-trending zone (the dilatant zone) b€tween two sirongly lineated NE-sw-trending zones. ln such an inslance, elongate intrusions such as the AksetDr€vli pluton and siage 1 of the Hiilsradljellet pluion would have a NNW-ssE orentalion, parallel to thal of the dilatant zone. This idea is cons stent wilh asymmetric zoning n the Hillstadije let and Sausljellet plu tons, with syniecion c emplacement of the Velljord putons soon af(er peak metamorphism, D, deiormation, and thrusting wilh n the HNC, and can explain the peridotite xeno iths in the Akset Drev i p uton as having originated in the middle ihrust sheet. lt also permts in situ tormation of the contact grantes in a ductile, high temperat!re envronment. The high-temperalure, syn and post-emplacement detormaiion of the plutons and coniaci grani tes can thus be explained by delormalion during the waning stages of O: tectonism. The petrogenesis of the plutons and related granilic rocks can only b€ d€termined with detailed €lemental and isotopic mod€lling (in progress). However, on the basis of currently availabe data. we can make several d€ductions about th€ petrology of the velliord plutons. (1) The presence of olivine in the AksetDrevli pluton indicatos lhal al least some ol th€ parental magmas had an ullramafic source and originated in the lower crust or upper mantle. Howover, the general lack of olivine and the int€rmediale 1o low Mgi([49+Fer)valu€s n nearly all samples o1 the Akset-Drevli pluton indicate that lhe par€nlal magmas had und€rgone d llerentialion prior to emplace- A Barnes menl- (2) The tact that lhe plulons are dislincl and IiO, ly difterent in terms of ^,49/([,49+Fer) (in parlicular) suggests that the parenlal magmas were composilionally dislinct. These dis tinctons coLrld have arsen from different pri mary magma compositions; but may also indi cate difl€renc€s n evolulionary paths. For example, th€ reatively F€-rich nalure of the Akset-Drsvli pluton impli€s magmalic evolution at low l(O:). ln contrast, the low TiO, in the SausJjellet pluton could have resulted from an in tially Tio,-poor parental magma or from early removal of Fe-Ti oxid€s at relalively high (O,), both of which are consistent with lhe calc-alkalic nalure ofthe pluton. (3)Ihe conspi' cuou6 scatter arnong the major-el€menl and compatibe trace elemenl compositions ol ihe Sausfjellet and Aks€tDrevli plulons and lhe lirst stage of rhe HilLstadfj€llel plulon can be €xplained in terrns ol accum!lation and/or removal oJ varlable amounts of plagioclase, pyroxene{especiallyclinopyroxene), and oxide phases. ln Figs. 5c and 8, lhe effecls ol lrac tionation ol these phases are schemalically shown. The compositions of most samples Jrom the Sausfjellet pluton can be explained by clinopyrox€n€ + plagioclase accumulation and the scatier shown by the AksetDrevi pluton can be expained as the resull of cpx a plagioclase I magnetile accumulation. Schlieren banding, which s common in the Sausflel€l plulon, is generally tholght to lorm as ihe resulr of crystal segregaton dlring magmatic flow. This mechanism can probaby expla n much of the wide compositional scat 1€r among rocks in the pluton. (4) The alkalrich compositions oJ the two northern p utons and the differences in composilion and inlens - ve varables among and within plutons may have been caused by assimialion oi crustal rocks or mixinq with crustalmets. For exampl€, the lhree distinct composiiional groups of the second stage o1 lhe Hillstadfjellet puron probably do nol repr€senl the producls of simple fractional cryslal izalion oraccumu ation from a single parent. The pot oJ K)O against SiO, (Fig. 5A) is suggestive that the S O, rich group could be the result ot mixing ot mon zonilic and grantc melts such as the conlact granit6s. The compositional distinctions between the contact graniles, graniies typical ol lhe B ndal Balho ilh, and gran tc dikes in rhe dioritic plu tons lmpies distinct orqns for the three groups. lt also indicates that the dikes n ihe dbt itic Geolaqy al t ht ee plutons are probabiy not olishools 01 nearby Eindal qranites, as suggested by Kollung (1967), or of the conlacl granites. Theretore, the fact thal granitic dikes cut ihe veltiord putons should not be taken as evidence lor the relative timing belween Bindalgraniles and The contact graniles display mineraLassenr blages and chemical composilions typical of derivation by parliaL melting ot p€liUc source rocks {whlte & Chappell, 1977), which is con_ sislenl with the idea that th€ contact granites resulted iiom nearly compele n situ anatexis of hosl rocks thal were party molten at the t me of inlrus on. The pos tve correLation bet- ween Bb/Zr and Rb !n the qran tic dikes (Fig. 6) is primarily a funclion of decreasing Zr conlent with increasing Bb. ll these d k€s are dillerentiales ol the dior tic magmas,lhis relali onship may indicale that zirccn was a late fractionating phase; however, t is aLso compatible with an origin by parlial melting wth zlrcon resdual n the source. A similar relationship belween Bb/Zr and Rb among the granilic rocks of the Blndal Batholith suggests similar conclusions may be reached. In general however, lhe chemica and isotopic cornpostions oi graniles ot the pl uton s 53 oi the compositional variations observed. The deformalion of the plutons and lhe contact oraniles and th€ zoninq patterns of the norl ;ern and southern p utons suggest that defor' maiion accompanied inlrusion in a dilatanl zone of a regional sinistral shear couplo This interpretation has srgnrfcanl mplicalons not only for lhe orgn and evolLrlron ol the Vel fprd plutons but tor lhe enlrre B ndal Balho hrh and d€serves detarled structural, aeochro_ nologrcal, and isotoprc invesligation Finaly lhe composrlronal comple'rlres among lhe Velfiord plutons as well as the variety of grani tic rocks in lhe area emphasize the need lo consider mutistage evolulionary paths n the development of the Bindal Balholith. Acknowledoemenls Th's rasoarcrr-was como€led wh o c aarnos was ar the NorwoaEn Lnsrtute oJ Tedhnooay n Irondh€m und€r $e sds oi rh€ Fubi qhLHaYs Proqram F,;anda d s.hoa'r w;s suoooded bY N6nsenrondor rsld and anavt'a wo'k ,n r99d and 1991 wsr6 tupponsd bv NAVF qranG and 4!r 91rO1r ro Pro5rvr O 1e73 dao I'nancia suppon irom No'wav and kom NTNF grani Mr oororror43 Frnariv w6 wsh ro rhrnr I vor6s and I Romm€ ror lh€ ass srinco wrh xRF analvsos fha deobo'cal surv€v oi Bindal BathoLilh are not suggeslive ol derivati on from pelilic souTce rocks typical ol the Uppermost A lochlhon (Table 1; O. Nordgulen, unpubllshed data), bul indcate an origin by processos lhat operated deeper in the crust. However, our sampjing oJ these rocks in the Velfjord area is too sparso to justity lurther Relerences And€rs€nIB N'esei.P FykkeldE. & SonaH. 1991 Melenhancod do{ormalion durinq emplacom€nr or qabbro and qraiod orlo n rhe sunnlrord and Balholrh. ;esr Norway coo/ Mag 1n 2a1226 JM &Gnbbr€.FF 1936 Trl6d Conclusions Ihe Veijord putons 10ns represent intrusion oi mafic and intermediate magmas inlo the HNC during the metamorphic peak or soon thereaf l€r. At leasi two of the pLutons had more than one parentalmagma and each parenta magma lollowed dilierenl evolltionary palhs Much ot the compositional variation in the Aksel- Drevli and Sausljellet plutons can be ascr bed to variable accumulation ol cpx, pagiociase, and oxido minerals. Each pluton caused insitu anatexls of peltic migmalites n the hosl rocks, which resulled in lenses of peralumi nous granite adjacent to the dioritic bodies. [/ixing oi these contact granitic nrelts wilh magma of the plutons may have caused some 'd plu tlre Kramarh Mounians ol carrorna and or€ F6s. 9t, 60s9 6071 Baidan. PC. Cark LD Fubor. Nl( Moore JG Rin.h3 cD 1963, Th6 Serc Navada Barho itlr s rhe contra 6eal sutv Prcl Papet 41l D,46 PP K 1933: M€ramorphism /' Ahrsns or pa & A l-r's uiramanc ,ocks n tlro c€ntra scandnavan caedondes Ndl 9ea1 Dndets sqeLtat Prbt 3,4695 s E 1979 I rch lumulale dorre ai lhe base ol a ttred Aranodiorro pubu nom ro New A6tata J Geat 37 417 425 MA FreY. FA & wideman TR 1963 Ferarv€ and absoldio torrestia abundances ot rrre rare eaitrrs lH,sd origin and dtstribu tan at the elenents, P€rgamon Oxrord. Enqrand H W 1943a: rqneous €mp acemsnl ln a shear zone term naton: The b orit6 gran16 at stronian, scot rand Geor soc ,4'6. 6!/1 100 13921399 Hunon. D 54 Calvin G. Barnes, Io,e Prestvik, Oystern Nardguten Nullon DH.w 1933b Grani€ empac€monl mochansms ai! i€clonc conlrols, n16rences l.on d€lormaion slu. des hahs l(o ung. S Rayat soc Edinburyh: Eadh Sciances 79, 1967: Gsoogiske u^dersokes€r N Heqeand o9 nordrge Namda My and F Prestoik T idot sor 9€ geat unders 254, 1972 Vortjord. B€skrv€so lir d6r b8rsqrunns georoolske gradloigskad r3 1:100 000. Nor gdor ' 1974, No&egan chromian ugrandre larnots H.Robins.B &Srud.aA 1935 wrhn rh6 scandinavran ca€donrdes srephens MB.Furnes rqneous acrvry & lvlelanie A Bahes /n:Gee DG & Srud BA l6dsl The Cat6dohid6 oto oen . scandinaviz and rctat4d a/66s John wi€y add sons Ltd chch€stor 623-656. Thorsn€s. T. & Losolh. H. 1991 Toclonoslraliqraphy n tho V€llord'Tos€n rogion sourhwosr€rn parl ol rh€ H6ra€ rand Nappo Complox C€nirar NoMoOran Caodonidss. Not geot unde6 Butl 121,114. BO & Mckelson M 1936: A Rb/$ study rrom rrie Mosj66n un I, H€ q6 and Nappe cohper and To,udbakkei. is b6ar nq on rh€ timmg ol bclono-m€tamorph c €v6nrs Mthin rh€ Lippomosl Aiochthon. c€nirar scand navEn Cal€donid€s, NoNay Nor G6ol fidsskt 66 263-270. White. AJ R. A Chappol. B.W 1977: U tramolamorphism and qranitod aenesis factonophysics 43,7 22 Manuscript received l\4arch 1992: revised typescipt June 1992; accepted June 1992.