To the Texas Tech University Community: As the new fall semester gets underway, I want to announce some transitions and new appointments among the Provost’s lead staff. Transitions Gary Elbow, associate vice provost for academic affairs, will retire from his position in the provost’s office and return to full-time teaching at the start of the fall semester, with a joint appointment in the Honors College and the Department of Geosciences. Dr. Elbow's leadership in the provost’s office was key in bringing about the new core curriculum, and he also made significant contributions in curriculum and degree program development, management of the course inventory, the implementation of Degree Works, and in working with the Convocations Committee in planning commencements. We are pleased that Dr. Elbow will remain close at hand for consultation that we will continue to value. Peggy Miller has transitioned to a part-time position representing the provost’s office in the relocation of The Remnant Trust to the Texas Tech campus. Dr. Miller now offices out of the Southwest Collection/Special Collections Library where The Remnant Trust will be headquartered. She will be instrumental in building community and university partnerships around the trust. We appreciate Dr. Miller’s previous leadership as interim dean of the Graduate School and her contribution as a vice provost overseeing off-campus sites and the Texas Tech University Press. New Appointments Genevieve Durham DeCesaro, associate professor and head of dance in the Department of Theatre and Dance, has agreed to serve as associate vice provost for academic affairs beginning September 1, 2014. She will be generally responsible for coordinating the core curriculum, facilitating curriculum development, coordinating with partner offices (e.g., Registrar, Official Publications), overseeing commencements, and assisting with strategic planning benchmarks for the fine arts and humanities. She will also contribute to the student retention and success initiative. Darryl James, professor of mechanical engineering, has been appointed to serve as associate vice provost for graduate affairs. His line of reporting is to Mark Sheridan as vice provost for graduate affairs. Dr. James’ responsibilities are to liaise between the Office of the Provost, the Graduate School, and the academic colleges with an emphasis on graduate program development. Additionally, he will assist with strategic planning data and assessment and aggregating college and university academic benchmarks. Dr. James will also oversee the Texas Tech University Press. Please join me in congratulating each of these colleagues and sending best wishes in their respective transitions. Please do not hesitate to call on any of us in the Provost’s office if we may be able to assist you. Sincerely, Lawrence Schovanec Provost & Senior Vice President