Redacted for privacy TEE EPFECTS OF ¥ABIOUS CALCITO AID PECTIl THMTMENTS OH CASHED ELBEEfA PEACHSS WILLIAM KTSQ HIGBY A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATS COLLSG1 In partial fulfillment of tla© requirements for the degree of MASTER OP SCIEMCS June 1953 i^PPBOFH); FrofesBOT of Food 'i^chnoi«og3r In Charge of Major lead of Department of Food Technology Chairman of School Graduate Coamltte® Dean of Gradmt© School Date thesis la gr-eaented Typed by Joanne Higby May 7, 1953 AGKB01LEDMENTS ©ratefwl aeknox-Flod^aent is extended to major professor Dr.. Ho Ya Yang for his adflce and assistance throughout this project and to Dr. Ollv@%> J. Worthington fop his aid and criticism* Appreciation is @xpr©ss©d to the staff members and^graduate students.of the Pood technology Department for their participation in th© organoleptic analysis <, fABLE OP COOTEMTS Chapter I,. II • III. IY. V. Pag© IHTRODUCTIOM .- ....-....-..♦,... 1 REVIM OF LITMAfUHl ................. 3 Pectic changes in fruit........... Calcium treatmont • -.. ..•........••.«.. Pectin ©storas©...........<........ Pectin treatsisnt .•.•». ............ S 3 5 5 PRE'PAEAflOK Of MMX^IflSTAL MTEHIAL . 6 Experimental design .............. Processing of samples....»..*....«• 6 9 METHODS OF S?ALUAfIOM AMD A1ALISIS.... 12 Subj.ectiv® measurejaant-s......•...,... Appearance evaluation............. Flav-or evaluation.............*♦.-•* texture evaluation.................. Objective measurements .......■..**.. Density........................... Soluble solids.................... Shearing strength.................. Sediment............................ 12 12 14 16 17 17 18 18 18 EBSULfS AID DISG0SSIOH...*............ 20 Selection of judges for flavor evaluation. ...<>.............. • Selection of judges for texture evaluation.... ■>............... Experiment Is Calcium treatment... Experiment IIs Low-aethoxyl pectin treatment.........•........•• Experiment Ills Pectin esteras© treatment.•................•• vi. smmmY 20 22 24 27 31 AND COHCLUSIOHS ...........,........ 34 Bibliography........................ Appendix. ........••.....•<>.....«..• 37 40 LIST OF TABL1S Page 1. Pr©s©l©ction of Judges (flavor).».«. **. »•«•• 21 2. jmdges1 Varianc© Ratios (flavor)- •«».*■• o0.» 22 3. Substlt-ations for Missing Bata (flavor)<>.■.♦ 22 4. Judges"* 'Variance Ratios (texture).. .»...♦.. 23 5. Substitutions for Missing Data (texture).., 25 6* Analysis of Varianc© (Experiment I).:....... 24 7o Mean Flavor Scores (Experiment I)..<.<>„...«, .• 26 8. Analysis of Variance (Experiment II)......... 28 9. £!©an Appearance Scores (Experiment II)..... 29 10. M©an Flavor Scores (Experiment II)........... SO 11* Analysis of Variance (Experiment III).....* 31 12. M©an Appearance Scores (Experiment III)..'... 32 TEE EFFECTS OF VARIOUS CALCIUM AM) PEC1?IM TBEASNSEISTS 01 CAMED ELBERTA PMC1ES I IITRODUCTIOT A serious deterrent to the use for canning of Elberta peaches or other varieties of freestone peaches is the raggedness or fraying of the pieces. The Production and Marketing Administration recognizes this fact in their "Standards for Grades of Canned Freestone Peaches n (31, p.8) which states under character of fruit that "Softness and fraying of the edges* uith free particles in th® liquor, indicate proper maturity and are common to freestone peaches". In contrast, halves of clingstone peaches are considered excessively frayed when more than 25 per cent of th© cut edge is frayed. (32, p.8). Consumers in general have become accustomed to th® smooth appearance of clingstone varieties and do not readily accept canned freestone peaches even though the 2a tter have a superior flavor. As indication of this, the following table on the pack of canned peaches in the United States is presented (16, p.111). Figures are in thousands of short tons. FREESTOUE CLIUGSTQNE Period 1936-40 1941-45 1946-50 1949 1950 Canned 282 360 479 469 408 Total Crop Canned 349 413 529 §78 28 54 69 64 45 502 Total < 1018 1261 1213 1218 790 If some way to improve the appearance of canned freestones existed there would probably be a larger pack which in turn would give greater stability to the grower through utilization of surplus production. The purpose of this mrk is to investigate and evaluate the effects of som© of the more likely means of improving the appearance of ©aimed freestone peaches through reduction of raggedness and fraying. 3 II EIVIMF OF LITERATURE As fruit is formed protopectin is la id doem in the primary cell wall and pectates are formed in the middle lasella. Thea© latter constitute the chief bind* ing uaterlal between cells* With ripening, the proto- psctin disappears, being changed to soluble pectin and the pectate is degraded to gelacturonic acid, The loss of psetat© results in a breakdown of the fruit structure which is evidenced bj softening. This change has been demonstrated in apples, peaches (5, pp.105*108), pears (12, p.151), and tomatoes (1, p,15). This process leads naturally to the concept of preventing softening bj some sort of treatment affecting the pectic constituents of fruit. CalciuE treatment; Kertesz in 1939 (17, pp.14-15) tried this and found that the addition of 0.04 to 0.06$ calcium chloride to tomatoes markedly Increased drained weight. Siegal (27, pp.42-44) confirmed this finding noting that the increased drained weight was due to a greater degree of wholeness. Also Siegal (28, pp.12-13) (29, pp.92-93) found that calciua sulfate was equally effective as 4 ealclm chlorido, but that calcium lactat© on an equimolar basis produced uneven firmness. The success of calcium treatment of tomatoes led to .similar treataant of frozen apple slices (26, pp.200-202) tej dipping in a 0.03$ to 1.5$ calcium solution prior to freezing. Various methods of application have been tested. For tomatoes Kertesz and Laconti (19, pp.11-13) found that dipping did not result in an even penetration and caused "case hardening". For apple slices Esselen, Hart and Fellers (9, p.II) recommend dipping in 0.1$ calcium chloride or blanching in 0.05$ to 0.1$ solution. Kilby and Brown (20, pp.188-192) obtained satisfactory results by application of 0.05$ to 1$ calcium chloride in a 30$ sucrose solution using vacuum Infiltration. However, Hills, Isvin and Heller (14, pp.356-36S) point out that while vacuum infiltration is an excellent means of introducing calcium, that it also results in water uptake which constitutes adulteration. Probably the best method is that of Holgate and Kertesz (15, pp.37-38,42) T?ho compared various dip times and concentrations. They found that dipping in a solution containing calcium equivalent to 0.5$ for thirty minutes prior to blanching gave the best results and that calcium lactate ms better than calcium chloride. 5 Pectin eateraaet Th© mechanism of calcium firiaing is unclear as th© fruit structural breakdown is not thought to be caused by formation of p©ctat©s from protop©ctin (18, p.269) although this reaction taking plac® in th© primary cell wall saay have soa© ©ffoct (18, p.284). It has b©®n demonstrated, however, that calcium firiaing * is du© to calcium g@l formation somewhere in the tissue (22, pp.499-508). This suggests th© us© of pectin ©staFas© to release more fr©@ carboxjl groups ^hich in turn can react with added calciua to form a g©l. gectln treatments Another approach to th© problem of fraying is the us© of lo© saethoxyl pectins. Being viscous, these should adhere to the fruit and give a smooth appearance, particularly if th© fruit contained calcium. Buck, Baker, and lottern (6, pp.114-115) applied low methoxyl pectin to frozen Elberta peaches in amounts equal to 1 to 2$ of the fruit weight and noticed visibls improvement. Also, Grab, Ifagener and Baer (11, pp.39-43) found that 0.2 to 0.3$ low methoxyl pectin saarkedly increased the drained weight and appearance of frozen strawberries. in PRBPARATIOB OF EltPERiriESfML ESATSRIAL Experimental dosign; Sine©- aon® of th© feviewed. articles dealt with canned froestone peaches^ all thr©© possibilities^ calcium treatE® nt, pectin 0st©ras@ treatment and low aafchoxjl pectin teoatmsnt, uere tested for their effects. In addition logical combinations of those treatsmnts fjere included* ^© accoaplish tMs three experiments were set up, one to test calcima (Ca) treatment alone, on© to test low methosyl pectin (L«Ii«P-») alone and in conjunetlon i^ith ealeiusi treatment, and one to test pectin esteras© (P«E») treatmsnt alone and in conjunction with ealciaja treatuent.. Also, in each of the experiments the effect of calciua laetat© was coapared with that of calcium chloride• The primary general hypothesis covering all three experiments is that the various treatments will result in canned freestone peaches possessing an improved appearance due to less frjaying and raggedness of the pieces. Secondary hypotheses to this general hypothesis are that a decrease in raggedness will also bring about a decrease in the amount of sedimnt in the sirup and no impairssent of flavor will be caused by any of the treatments, fo elaborate upon and develop the general 1 frypothesos, secondary specific ifefpotheaaa ar© aafi© for th© individual ejqpe.riaant'So fhe secondary hypotheses for Experiment I are l.« Sa^sdness of the pieces will decrease Tidth Increasing calcium concentration* 2* flie anion of the ealciuu salt used has an effect on raggedaess. fo this end th© saaples wer© coded according to the following table with calb twn chloride and calcina lactate being applied by dipping th© fruit In solutions equivalent snaounts of caleiua for 30 aimjtes prior to canning* Experiaent 1 Per cent calcium 0.00^ O.QS$ 0.1^ 0,5C^ Galeiiffli lactate Calcium chloride LI L2 L3 L4 t5 \+QQ$ <mm C2 es €4 CS Control ©ample with no treatment 01 The secondary hypotheses for Experiment 21 are 1. Application of low methoxyl pectin will decreas© raggedness* 2* Low methoxyl pectin will be more effective in decreasing raggedness if the fruit is first dipped in a solution of a calcium salt. 3 This experiment was arranged xiith low-methoxyl pectin toeing applied tooth as a dip solution for ten minutes and in the sirup. Prior to the pectin treatment th© samples were dipped for ten minutes in calcium solutions made up on an equivalent calcium basis of either calcium chloride (C) or calcium lactate {L)» Experiment II node of Per cent calcium application of LHP . 0$ LM? 1% LIP 3$ LIP 0.00 dip sirup dip Sirup 0D0 0S0 LDO CSO 0D1 0S1 GDI LSI 0D2 0S2 LD2 CS2 0.05 The secondary hypotheses for Experioent III are 1. Deesterification of the fruit pectin with pectin esterase will decrease raggedness. 2. Pectin esterase treatment will toe more effective if calcium salts are applied at the same time. The treatments were applied as dip solutions for 30 minutes with the calcium toeing furnished either as calcium lactate (L) or calcium chloride (C) on an equivalent calcium basis. Bxperiment III Per cent calcium O.OQfl P.E. 0.02^ P.E. 0.00% 0.05$ 0.10^ LI 02 L3 0A0 CA1 IA2 0.04^ P.E. 0B0 LB1 CB2 Sin©© Experimont I contains treatments identical with th® treatments of Bxperisaent III at tfa® Q,OQfo P.E. lev®!,, data from the former experiment is used Im Experim©nt III for f?hich no aeparat® saaples nere prepared at that pectin esteras© levol* Processing of samples:: On 'September 9, 1952, approximately 175 pounds of Washington Blberta peaches uer© obtained froia the Pacific Fruit and Produce Company of Gorvallis, Oregon. The fruit was packed in seven boxes containing about 25 pounds each and was of fairly uniform maturity. Immed- iately upon arrival the peaches ^ere placed in 340F. storage to reduce aaaturlty changes. Experiments III, II, and I were processed on September 10, 11, and 12 respectively. For each experiaasnt approximately equal numbers of peaches were taken from each box on the basis of 5^ pounds of peaches per experimental treatment. Enough of these peaches for two or three treatments were halved, pitted, and peeled at one time. Peeling was accomplished by a one-minute iraaiersion in boiling water sihieh loosened the skins so that they could be slipped off. The peach halves were then immersed in two liters of previously prepared treating solution at room temperature which was contained in 10-pound enamel freezim 10 tins. The percentages of th© various compound® in th© treating solutions were per cent weight by vo'luaa© or grams per 100 ml* Th© per cent -calcium in the solutions im.s based on a ealciusa Isctat© calcium content of 16>77^ and a calcium chloride calcium content of 35.20^ as determined t>y a sodium versenate method (5, pp«54-56)f Th© pectin used was a sample of Pectin LBS -466 Ml from the Exchange Lemon Products Company of Corona, California* The pectin esteras© was a sample of Pectin Esteras© 5 from th© Roha & Haa© Company of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is described as being capable of gelling 50 times its weight of pectin in txso hours in th® presence of calcium chloride. All solutions were made up using tap trater ^tiieh contained 7.587 lag* per liter of calcltaa* Mter each treatment was completed, the peach halves were filled into seven number one tall, plain tin cans, each can containing approximately ten ounces of fruit* She filled cans were iraraersed in boiling nater and about 175 ml. of 45° Brix sucrose sirup that had been preheated by Immersion in boiling water was added. When the center of the cans reached 160^., the head space fjas adjusted uniformly and the cans sealed. Processing consisted of heating for 15 minutes in an open retort at 2120F* follorjed by cooling xiith cold water. Upon cospletion of the processing the cans i?er© stored ,11 at room t©E!p©mtupe until ©valuation of th© treatment© began in Febsmascy 1953, giving a atopag© period of about ©is months* 12 IV PffiTHODS OF EVALUATION MB MAEXSIS Subjective measurementa: Uh© ultimate ©valuation of quality of foode consists of th® organoloptic reactions of appearance, flavor and texture*, laturally the jud@Esnt of these factors is subject to human ©rrors and variation* It ia th© duty of the exp©riasnt©r to r@duc© this variation to a minimum in order that the s&allest possible differences can b© detected* Even after this has been done, however * recognition must b© tafeen of assumptions mad® regarding validity of opinions and accuracy* Appearance evaluations In order to have scores coaparable over the entire project, the treatments of all three experiments were grouped together for grading. of 28 treatments. BO This makes a total It was felt, however, that judging many samples at on© time might lead to confusion and difficulty in .making accurate judgpsnts so only ©n©-half or 14 of th® treatments were presented at ©ach judging period* These were arranged into six groups such that each treatment appeared in three groups and ms compared with ©very other treatrngnt at least once. This raises the problem of variation in the rating given the same 13 treatments when viewed at different times. To compensate in some measure for this, samples with no treatmant (O-l, 0S0) WQFQ included in each set of 14 samples and given th® saaie score throtighout the experiment. Five judges were selected from among the Food T.echnology Department staff and graduate students on the basis of judgment and availability* On six different days they judged and gave scores to the six combinations of treatments* Each combination was numbered from 1 to 14 and presented In tshite enamel dishes. The samples were scored as fellowsj; 1 -■ very poor 2 - poor 3 - fairly poor 4 * inferior 5 - acceptable 6 ~ fair 7 - fairly good 8 - good 9 * very good fhe standard treatments (01, 0S0) were given a score of five and the judges instructed that the best samples should be smoother, less ragged, and have a lesser amount of sediment in the sirup* The order of presentation of samples and the score sheet used may be found in the appendix* 14 Flavor evaluations: The purpose of flavor evaluation in this project is to determine if flavor differences exist and if so, in what direction they lie. Here, as for appear- ance, it is desired to have the ratings comparable throughout all three experiments. TJith tasting it is essential to present only a small number of samples at one time. Otherwise the Judges may become fatigued (2, p.172) (24, p.98). To accomplish this and at the same time furnish the desired comparisons, a balanced incomplete block design was selected (10, p.65). This particular design is for 25 treatments divided into 30 incomplete blocks of five treatments each giving six replications of each treatment such that each treatment is compared with every other treatment once and one© only. Since the design permits only 25 treatments, treatments 0S0, which is identical in preparation with treatment 01, CS2, nhieh was completely gelled, and 1*5, ^hich was assumed to have an undesirable flavor, were eliminated from consideration. Each treatment was assigned a number from 1 to 25, giving it a position in six of the 30 incomplete blocks. The incomplete blocks were presented to the judges two at a time in a random order as shotm in the appendix* 15 Selection of judges prior to the actual experiment was carried out to reduce variation and in order to detect small differences (4, p.234). For this the triangle test was used (13, pp.181-194), the two samples consisting of pureed, canned Elberta peaches to one of which approximately four tenths of a milligram of calcium chloride tras added per grain of fruit. All available staff members and graduate students of the Pood Technology Department were asked to taste the samples until each person had been selected or rejected. Selection was by use of the chi-square test (13, pp.181-194) at the 9G^ significance level to test the hypothesis that the number of times a Judge correctly named the duplicate samples was no greater than might be obtained by chance. The judges ranked the samples from one to five on the basis of preference for flavor as indicated in the instructions given each judge which may be found in the appendix. The ranks were then converted to scores (10, p.66) as can be done in preference tests where no absolute value is attached to the preference rating. It is also necessary as ranks depart from the normal distribution more than is desirable for use in the analysis of variance (8, p.114). This technique was used quite successfully by White (33, pp.97-118) for investigating off-flavor in bacon. When the tasting was complete, the scores of 16 th© individual judges were sub3©ct©d to the variane© x»atio rasthod of O^oxroan and Li (85, pp.441-449) to determino which Judges could distinguish diff@r@nc@s b©tw@©n tls© tr©atis©nta of th© 9C^ sigjii£i«anca levels fhis l@ads to ©n© solution of a difficult problem of tast© testing xihlch aad© itself evident in this project. Uisring th© COIK'S^ of th© experiaisnt is i7as i@possibl© for all of the judges to b© pi^seat at ©verj test. B.QW9VQ&, all Judges who could distinguish differenea© at a given significanee l©vel mmj in a sense b© considered nearly identical analytical tools with a known sensitivity. By thi© reasoning th© scores of the Judges can be used interchangeably such as two balances can b© used int@r~ ehangeably. This does, however^ lead to certain errors since th© Judges actually vary as do any tuo analytical tools ttiieh are identical only to a certain degre©. For this reason substitution of on© Judge*s scores for the saissing scores of another wer© kept to a miniMuau fexfcur© ©valuationti f®xtur@ was Judged at th® saa© time and la the sam© manner as flavor with the exception that th© samples wera ranked for firraness rather than preference. Mo- attempt was mad© to preselect the. Judges,and the significance level for th© variance ratio test was 80$». 17 Objective ffleasurementst All of the objective measurements were Bade on the same samples that were judged for appearance, giving three determinations on each treatment. The sequence of the measurements xJas density, appearance, soluble solids, shearing strength, sediment, lone of these measurements interfered with each other except that it was necessary for the sirup to be passed through an eight-mesh screen to obtain the density which naturally TJOUM remove some sediment* However, interference is avoided here by classifying as sediment only those fragments small enough to pass through the eight-mesh screen* Density: Density ii?as determined rather than drained ueight because it was felt that the former measure is subject to less variation, particularly since the cans v®r& filled by halves of peaches rather than to exact weights* The deviations of the fill caused thereby probably have an effect on density due to varying relative volumes of sirup and fruit in the can, but this should be smaller than the effect on drained weight* Density uas determined by pouring the contents of each can into a 500 ml. graduated cylinder to obtain the total volume, then draining the fruit for two minutes on an eight-inch,, eight-mesh circular screen IS iSl# p#3), t7®I^iag C&e.d^ftined Cvait smd finally laeafi* raping the vol?M® of' drataod struf in a .2S0 al* graduated ^©It!®© a©*© obtain^- am€ ta© 6©®sity ©ale«jl®t©d.. 1© %©iag saa&©- tat room fe<»s>©r®tiir©« ©a a Sp©ae©r &fe&©*"t5p© ^©fraetosafe©^ sold fef th&.AEsarie&B Iiut TOae-fet* fete vef^eetivQ iaa@« ©f tbs.fimit ©olds. -<iW,-.», » «*rm—T^IIIII.I II—I.I ,i iltrt' f&e sbdavins stmitgttk of e^apl©s oonslstdLag ®£ t&3?@e psaefci tel^^s was s©as.®p©d ©a «t IteaaojP' f $TP© S&say tj?©ss- C21# p^.»112-llS) d'tdd l*y fete Bl?id@© F©ad SfcehlBavsr Corpora tioiu. SeaSfags ^os»e ofetaimed isi Mlogras©' ,par ©^tiar© ^®atls©t©r» Sefliattiafcit fM© aaHKat ©f .®#dis0at- in %faQ simp AOBM. fe©- ©o iad©^ of ,.^© r®.ggetda©tc©f ^-^ #lo©©* sise© a.B&ro ragged pt.©ee -should i@a© ©or© ^pa@s®at?s %o t&© si^up • tMa ootsld © sa©0tli©a? pi©e©.* S©dia©nt was aoaswed is spmeisll^ ip'epared SO sdu .gjmduat©^ csaferifttg© t^ljos. 19 fh©a® were graduated In tenths of mlllllitors for th@ first ffiilliliter, fifths of milliliters for the second and third mlll£lit©rs» half milliliters for the fourth and fifth sllliliters and had graduations st ten and §0 milliliters. fvro tubes were filled fro© each asmpl®* eentrifmged for three minutes at about 1400 revolutions per mlnut©^ Th© total VCIUHJ© of sediment in the two tubes is then the per cent of sediment in the sirup* 20 V RESULTS MD DI8GTJSSI01 The results of the project will be presented and discussed experiment by experiment so that the various factors pertinent to a given treatment effect can he examined more closely. An exception to this order is the data concerning the selection of judges for flavor and texture evaluation which covers all three experiments and will be dealt with prior to the individual experiments* All data were subjected to analysis of variance procedures (30, pp.253-317} at the 90 per cent significance level with the exception of texture for which the 80 per cent level was used. After the analysis of variance, significant treatments were separated by the methods of individual degrees of freedom (23, pp.55-68) or least significant differences (23, p.20) whichever rms appropriate. Only summaries of data demonstrating pertinent effects are included in the body of this dissertation. Complete data are tabulated in the appendix. Selection of judges for flavor evaluation? A total of 20 Individuals were tested in the preselection period. Of these, eight were chosen as 21 good judges. Table 1. 2?h© results of this testing is shown in When it was evident that a judge would be rejected on the basis of six tests, he was excused from tasting before th® six tests were completed. The figure under number needed la the number of correct choices necessary for significance of the ehi<»square test of the 90$ level. Preselection of judges Judge A B G D 1 P 6 H I $ K L M El 0 F Q a s T luisiber of Tests € 7. 3 9 6 6 7 6 4 5 4 10 4 5 4 8 9 10 9 5 .lumber Correct lumber Heeded 4 4 5 6 6 3.90 4.38 4.87 5.32 3.90 3.90 4.38 3.90 5 6 4 0 1 3 5 0 2 0 3 3 4 3 2 x -— -»«,-. —— 5.78 ... -. «••••*— -«.—.- 4.87 5.32 5.78 5.32 .«--. Decision accept accept accept accept accept accept accept accept reject reject reject reject reject reject reject reject reject reject reject reject These eight chosen judges then tasted the experimental samples and it tms found that all of the judges could detect significant differences in flavor as shown in Table 2. feM fable 2 Judges* Variance Hatios Judge Mean square ifarianc© ratio k 1*01867 1.05646 1.34011 0.93652 1.19774 0.87304 0*87402 0.86097 1.8560 8.0022 2.6947 1.6104 2.5166 1.4678 1.5188 1.5216 B C D E F © H Degrees of freedom 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 and and and and and and and and Coament 95 85 115 115 125 115 80 65 sig. sig* sig. sig. sig. sig. sig. slg. As expected, th© judges missed some of the tests, so th© five judges with th© largest variance ratios ■were chosen as th© best judges and substitutions uer© made for missing data through the use of data from the remaining thr©e judges (Table 3). Table 3 Substitutions for Missing Data idge Tests missed A 9, 10, 23, 24 25, 26 9, 10, 21, 22 19, 20, 29, 30 25, 26 21, 22 none B C D B Source of missing data Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge Judge P G © H E P Selection of judges for texture evaluation: Only.three of th© eight judges used were able to detect significant differences at the 80 per cent level. Th© judges' variance ratios are given In Table 4. 23 Tabl© 4 Judges1 Variance Ratios Judge Bilean square A 8 C D B F © H Variance ratio 1.2261 1.5890 1.4754 1.2034 1.0849 1.3881 0.8936 1.1556 0*75472 0.90598 0.87652 0*74736 0.68767 0.88628 0*59033 0.71680 Degrees of freedom Comment 24 24 24 24 24 24 24, 24 not sig. sig* sig. not sig. not sig. sig. not sig. not sig. and and and and and and and and 95 85 115 115 125 1X5 80 65 Because judge B missed several tests, his data w^e used to fill out th© missing data for judges.0 and F, who missed only two tests apiece, even though judge B had the largest varltane© ratio. Th© substitutions are- shown in Table 5. Tabl© 5 Substitutions for Missing Data" Tests Missed G , P ' 25,.26 1, 2 Sine© so £®XJ Sourcs of Missing Data Judge B Judge B judges could distinguish texture differences, it was thought that shearing strength might b© a more precis© index of texture than the judges* scores. To test this a correlation coefficient -ms calculated between the average texture scores and average shearing strength determinations. However, the coxrolation coeffi- cient was found to be 0.1874, which when tested to see if it differed from zero gave an ^F" value of 0.8367 with 24 one and twenty-three degrees of freedom. That, of course, is not significant as it is less than one and therefore no correlation exists. Experiment Is Calci'um Treatment The factors for which significant differences were detected are listed in fable So Table © Analysis of Variance Factor lean square Flavor lactat© vs. chlorid© 5.399 concentration 4.154 judges - concentration 1.284 interaction Density treatments vs. no treatment 0.0048 Soluble Solids anion-conc entration interaction 5.3© treatments vs. no treatment 15.81 Shearing Strength lactat© vs. chloride 30.375 treatments vs. no treatment 21.1 Sediment treatments vs. no treatment 0.0340 Degrees of freedom P 5.699 3.23© 2.172 1 & 164 2 & 8 8 & 158 6.08 3 & 2© 3.573 4.363 3 & 1© 3 & 26 3.688 2.92 1 & 19 3 & 26 ©«8Q 3 & 2© For the sake of clarity, it seems advisable to explain here the meaning of the statistical terminology as applied to Ixperiment I, which will also serve as an escample for the other experiments. Significance as shown in Table 5 indicates only that there is a 90^ chanc© that the differences foimd between the treatments 26 that 0*1G^ and Q»50$ calcium have the sara© effect on flavor and that 0»O5$ calcium haa a different and loss harmful effect (fable 7)« An additional analysis of vaplane© was mad© of the differences between treatments ■ OJJ LI, L2 and C2 and It was found that all four troat^ aentg had the same flavor^ showing that dipping and • 0.05^ ca3e ium do not affect flavor, Th® judges-concentration interaction term for flavor apparently results from judges D and E preferring samples treated with Q.bOfa calcium over those treated with 0.10$ calcium,Tshil© th© other, judges thought that. flavor decreased trith increasing calcium' concentration* The only interpretation that can be attached to this is that either judges D and E tier© inconsistent or that th© cplnions of the judges differ as to what constitutes the best flavor. Table 7 Mean Flavor Scores Treatment lean score Hone, 0«,00^, 0.05^ calcium dips Calcium lactate Calcium chloride 0.10 to 0.50$ calcium 0,380 0.215 ^0.082 -0.081 The only treatment showing a difference in density or soluble solids was the sample dipped in 0.00$ calcium, L-^l. For both measurements this treatment gave higher readings and no doubt th© same effect was th© 27 caus© of the differences,as the two measurements are related* However, thero does not appear to h© any particular meaning attached to these differoncea nor to the aignifleant interaction for soluble solids. A difference in shearing strength was noted between calcium lactate and calcium chlorid® rahich also showed up as a difference bet\7©©n tha calcium lactate treated samples (L2.) and the samples prepared with caleiua chloride (02)^ 0.00^ calcium (LI) and no The calcium lactat© produced the greater treatment (01). shearing strength, 28*2 kg. per sqo em. as compared with 25.5 teg* per sq* cm. for the other treatmentso. This indicates some differeneo in reaction either chemical or physical b©t\?een the fruit and lactat© and chloride ions. Sediment was reduced in the dipped samples which contained 0.87^ sediment, while the untreated samples contained 1.24^ sediment* This difference is no doubt due to the washing action of the dip treatments. B&periment III Low Mothoayl Pectin freataent The location of significant differences la given In Tabl© 8. 28 Table 8 Analysis of Variance Mean squar© PaefcoE Appearane© pectin calcium judges flavor pectin calcium-pectin interaction Texture judges-calcium int©r° action Density calciura-peetin inter. action pectin-treatment interaction Soluble solids ealei ma-pectin interaction Shearing strength method of pectin application Sediment pectin-treatment interaction treatment-calcliM interaction Degrees of freedom P 21.752 5.339 1.875 27.150 6.664 2.340 11.012 1,531 5 k 5 1.150 2.103 5 & 316 3.1271 6.059 1 & 125 0.01204 3.290 2 & 26 0.01733 4.734 2 & 26 12.44 5.049 2 & 26 23.36 3.836 1 & 31 0.1127 6.296 2 & 26 0.0951 5.313 1 & 26 5 & 149 1 & 149 4 & 149 Further analysis of the appearane© scores. shows that pectin treatment does not help and actually trorsens appearane®, with dipping in pectin being less harmful than addition of pectin to th® sirup* This last procedure cawes a g©l or seal-gel to form which shrinks the peach halves. At th© 0$ pectin level th© dipping treatments had no effect and in all cases th© addition of calcium improved appearance. Since there 29 were no interactions present, it can be assumed that calcium lactate and calcium chloride are equally effective. Table 9 gives th© means of the significant treatments. Table 9 Mean Appearance Scores Treatment Mean score 0$ pectin pectin added pectin dip pectin in sirup 0.00$ calcium 0.05^ caleiua 4.75 3.42 4.03 3.69 3.6© 4.03 For statistical analysis of flavor data treatment 0-1 tias substituted for treatment OSO as mentioned previously. Since treatment CS3 was so gelled as to b© unacceptable, it was left out of the actual tests and arbitrarily given the lowest possible flavor scores. Breakdoim of the pectin treatment results shows that it makes no difference how the pectin is applied except at the 3% level where application in the sirup is worse than dipping. Also it was found that treatments with 0^ pectin give a better flavor than do treatments x^ith 1% or 3$ pectin. The calcium-pectin interaction seems to be the result of gellation as it is not caused by differences between calcium lactate and calcium chloride. Th© mean flavor scores are shown in Table 10. 30 Table 10 lean Plairor Scopes freatment Mean scor© 3^ pectin dip 5$g pectin in sirup C^ pectin pectin added -0.019 -0,930 0.220 0^0321 fh© judges-calcium interaction in th© texture evaluation has no significance other than that one Judge thought ealciuai increased firmness mid th© other thought it decreased firamess. Both significant interactions for density are apparently the result of gellation and concurrent loss of water frosa the pieces, causing density to decrease with increasing pectin concentration for both th© samples with pectin in the sirup and th© samples treated with 0.05$ calcium. By comparison th© density of dipped samples and the samples with no added calcium remains approximately th© same* fhe soluhl® solids interaction, however, seems to stem from th© fact that at 1$ pectin th© samples with no added calcium show the lowest soluble solids content and th© samples with added ealcium show the highest content* lone of these interactions result from differences betiveen calcium lactate and calcium chloride*, Gellation in varying degrees is also probably responsible for th© increased shearing strength of the samples with pectin in the sirup, as they had a mean 31 value of 28.3 kg. per sq. cm. and the dipped samples had a mean mLue of 20*7 kg. per sq» cm. fh© sediment interactions ar© apparently not too meaningful* The pectin-treatment interaction is caused by a lesser amount of sediment in th© pectindipped samples at th® 0$ pectin level when compared tsith the pectin in sirup samples whereas th© reverse is true at the other pectin levels. The treatment- calcium interaction is due to sediment decreasing uith added calcium in the dipped samples and increasing with added calcium in the samples with pectin in the sirup. Efeither interaction is caused by differences bete©en calcium lactate and calcium chloride. Experiment III? i Pectin Ssteraae- Treatment The aignifleant factors are listed in Table 11. Table 11 Analysis of farianc© Factor Mean square Appearance pectin esterase 2.162 Flavor calcium-P.E. interaction 2.40713 Density pectin esterase 0.00665 Soluble solids calcium-P.E. interaction 9.165 Shearing strength calcium-P.E. interaction 16.035 Sediment pectin esterase 0.05455 P Degrees of freedom 2.672 2 & 126 4.4043 4 & 241 3.482 2 & 22 6.794 4 & 18 2.517 4 & 18 6.395 2 & 22 32 Treatment with 0<»02ji and 0*04% pectin ©sterase improved appearanc© over samples trlth 0-0^ pectin esterase and the 0,02^ level was better than the 0*04$ level. The mean scores of the three levels ar© given in Table 12. fabl© 12 Mean Appearance Scores Treatment Mean scorQ 0»OG$ pectin esteras© 0.0^ pectin esteras© 0.04^ pectin esterase 4*67 5*07 4.,.72 fh© ealeiiua-pectin esteraso interaction for flavor appears to result nainly from a poor flavor for the treatment combination with 0,00^ calcium and 0.04$ pectin esteras© as contrasted with the other pectin esteras© levels where 0.00$ calcium gives the best flavor, fhis effect cannot be attributed to the use of either calcium lactat® or calcium chloride. Treatment with pectin esterase reduces density as the samples with no enzyme treatment had a density of 1.05 and those with enzyme treatment had a density of 1.01. There was no difference between the two pectin esteras© levels. This change in density with pectin esterase does not show up in the soluble solids determination* However, that may be due to a pectin esterase- calcium interaction, probably caused by<the highest S3 soluble solids contents occurring at 0.05^ calcium at th© 0.02^ and the 0.04$ pectin esterase levels, while at the 0.00$ pectin esterase level soluble solids decrease uith increasing calciiira concentration, fhe shearing strength interaction is du© to similar causes, but neither of these interactions have any particular meaning nor ar® thej du© to differences between calcium chloride and calcium lactate. Pectin esterase was found to reduce sediment, but there was no difference between 0*02$ and 0.04$ ©nsjfae.. Th® treatment with no enapa© contained 0.96^ sediment and th© pectin esterase treated samples contained 0.72$ sediment. SUlMikHT AID COHCLUSIOHS Although the total crop of freestone peaches in the United States is greater than the total crop of clingstone peaches, clingstone varieties constitute the principle canning peach* One of the reasons for this is that although freestones possess a generally superior flavor, they hecoa© ragged and frayed uhen canned and thereby less acceptable to a consuming public accustomed to the smooth appearance of clingstones. Several prepaeking treatments have overcome problems of a similar nature both for other fruits and frozen peaches. This project was designed to determine the effects of some of these treatments and their logical extensions on freestone peaches. Accordingly, Blborta peaches1 were obtained and given three general types of treatments, calcium treatment, lot? methosyl pectin treatment and pectin esterase treatment, prior to pack> lag. The second two types of treatment also included the use of calcium salts. To evaluate the effects of the treatments, appoaranee, flavor and texture were lietermined organoleptically,. and density of the fruit, soluble solids in the sirup, shearing strength of th© pieces and sodlment in th© sirup were measured. These factors were 35 evaluated statistically to tost the general hypoth@s©s that th© various treatments would result in Improved appearance, that they would reduce th© amount of sediment in th© airup and that they would causa no harmful effects on flavor* Regarding the first hypothesis, none of th© treatiaents resulted in any great improvement in appearance over the samples having no treatment. The us© of calcium salts alon© does not affect appearance nor do they hav© any helping effect when used in combination with pectin esterase treatment* fh@n used with low methoxyl pectin, caleium- improves appearance over pectin treatment alone, but th© latter has a d©trira©ntal effect on appearance, som© of which is due to gelation. Of all the treatments only pectin ©steras© improved appearance and th©n only slightly. The amount of sediment in th© sirup ims reduced by the washing action of dip treatments and additionally by pectin ©st©r©s© treatment. In th© latter cas© this paralleled an iiaprovement in appearance • Calcium treatments containing over 0,05$ fealcium lmpair©d flavor except wher© calcium was used In conjunction with pectin esterase treatment and there 0.10$ ealeiuo did not harm flavor. Also, calcium lactat© in amounts over 0.05$ calcium is not as detrimental to flavor as is calcium chlorid© on an ©quliral©nt 26 calcium basis. Lot? methoxyl pectin added to the sirup 2?©aulted in a poor flavor, but this effect ms lessened through application by dipping for 10 aainutea and pMor treatment for ten minutes with calcium. Concerning the effects of secondary interest, texture changes ^er© too slight to bo measureabl© organol®ptically. However, calcium Xactat® was found to increase shearing .strength more than did caleium chloride, and both salts gave an increase over no treatmsnt. Low isethosyl pectia applied in the sirup Silso Increased shearing stlength« Solubl© solids and density appear to have parallel differences with the latter showing the most change. M might -be expected,, dipping treatments reduce density, and in addition, pectin esterase treatment reduces density. Ho significant changes in density were noted for low laethoxyl pectin treatment, although changes there may have been obscured by Interaction of calcium and pectin to form & gel. It seemsasf®, therefore, to state that none of the treatments investigated have enough practical ■vralu© to recomraend their cosaraercial us© on canned freestone peaches as a saeans to improve, appearance. 3? BIBLIOGRAPHY 1» Appleraan, G. 0* and G. M. Conrad. The pectie constituents of tosmtoes* College Park, University of Elaryland, 1927. 16p. (Maryland. 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Canadian Journal of research^ section P 22:97^118. 1944* APPEIDIX 40 APPMDXX Arrangement of Samples for App©arano© Scoring Tost Sample Ho. 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 01 LI 0S2 L2 OSO GB2 CM CS2 01 0D0 L2 LSI L4 CS2 C2 GSO C4 0BO OBI LB1 0B2 CB2 OSO L5 0S1 01 GSO C2 OAO L5 OBO L4 CA1 L3 LB1 L2 LA2 LI CB2 OSO LBO 0D2 eso 1,5 080 LB1 OAl 0D0 LSI L42 LDO OAO LD2 031 L4 0D1 L5 G5 C2 C4 C3 LD2 CA1 LI C3 0S2 LDO LA 2 L3 C5 GDI OAO 0S2 CS2 0S1 LD2 0D1 LSI CS CD1 C4 ODO C3 0D2 41 Score Sheet for Appearance Judging Test Date Baiae SAMPLE 1 2 3 4 5 • 6 SCORE 5 Score sample from 1 - 9 on this basis: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - very poor poor fairly poor inferior acceptable fair fairly good good very good 7 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Better samples should be sraoother, less ragged. and have a lesser amount of sediment in the sirup. 42. Tabulation of Data Appearance Scores Replicati on 2 1 Treatment JL OX LI L2 L3 JA L5 02 G3 G4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5' 3 3 5 7 2 3 3 3 1 3 3 5 5 4 7 4 6 § 4 6 ce om cm OSl LSI 0D2 LD2 0S2 CS2 0D0 WO OSO CSO 0A0 CA1 LA2 OBO LB1 CB2 Judg© W X Y Judge W X Y 5 4 4 5 5 4 4 5 6 2 3 4 4 5 3 4 2 4 4 4 5 6 4 5 7 5 5 5 5 4 3 4 3 5 6 5 5 5 2. 5 3 6 2 6 2 3 5 4 5 8 7 6 8 4 5 7 5 7 3 5 5 55 6 5 3 4 •6 4 3 3 4 1 2 5 5 5 3 4 4 6 5 5 6 5 5 3 6 3 4 4 4 4 4 3 5 2 4 2 3 1 4 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 6 4 3 5 3 5 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 5 5 4 7 4 5 5 4 3 5 5 4 4 5 4 4 6 5 3 5 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 6 5 5 5 5 4 6 6 4 5 4 4 5 6 5 5 5 6 2 4 3 3 5 '3 3 3 3 5 6 5 4 5 6 5 § 3 4 4 S 5 5 5 6 2 5 3 3 3 3 4 2 2 5 5 5 3 7 5 5 & 5 5 5 3 A. Z 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 6 5 4 4 3 5 4 4 4 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 4 3 Judg® JLJL X Y 5 s 4 4 3 3 3 4 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4' 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 2 3 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 6 5 5 4 3 5 4 •5 3 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 5 4 4 5 3 4 3 4 3 2 4 4 5 6 5 5 4 4 5 4 5 7 3 6 6 5 6 5 4 3 3 5 3 3 3 4 2 1 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 Z 5 4 4 5 4 4 5 4 4 S 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 5 45 Arrangement of Samples for Flavor and Textur©-- Evaluation Saraplo Test A B 0 D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 L3 C3 &D2 CS 03 LSI LOO IB1 02 CA1 CDX 0S2 OBO 01 03 LA2 0B2 OBO L2 LI LBl L2 0D1 04 OBO CA1 L4 04 L2 CSO OAO 01 03 LSI CSO OAO L3 OSS CD1 ODO CA1 L4 05 OSl LDO LBl OBI 04 LD2 CSO 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 29 30 131 L4 . 0D1 0S1 L3 M2 L2- 04 0D2 cso 0B0 LI 04 mo QS2 Gkl L2 02 0S1 CB2 GA1 LI 0S1 LD2 0D0 0A0 cm. CB2 0D1 OAO 04 LSI CSO om LBl L4 ' 01 , L3 05 LSI CB2 CA1 01 0D1 0D2 ODX LSI ' LBO LA2 LI 05 0S1 ODO eso CB2 ■ OAO 01 OBI 0D2 0S2 OBO L3 05 LSI 0S2 LA2 L4 01 03 0D2 LDO LA2 . L3 05 GDI 0D2 OBQ L2 . 03 0I>1 GB2 M2 LI 02 0D2 LDO OAO ODO 02. OSl 0S2 LBl L4 02 LD2 ODO LD2 LI 02 LD2 44 Instructions to Flavor and Texture Judges Taste Testing of Peaches These peaches have been subjected to several treatments designed to improve their appearance by increasing the firmness of the tissue and reducing the amount of sediment in the sirup» It is now desired to determine what, if any, effect the treatments have had on the flavor and texture of the peaches. The tasting will be done in room 211 Monday through Friday until the tests are completed* Samples will be set out at all times during the day, and you are asked to go in at some time during each day and taste* The success of the taste testing uill depend to a large extent on your tasting every set of samples and if it is necessary for you to miss a test, please arrange to make it up later* When taste testing, you will be presented with five samples in cups labeled A, B, C, D, and B* You are to taste these samples and rank them in order of your preference for flavor from one to five, the best sample being given the rank of one* Also, rank the samples for texture giving the firmest sample the rank of one* If any samples are undesirable, please say so under comments* Do not give any two samples the same rank, as this will make your results useless* If two or more I II I t I 1 I i i i i » t s t i I I I I I I 9f t t i i i i i i i i » t OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 0>*>s^o-^^-'^|!'O1■>3^)a>o^lO«a1^^O1O»«f»HO1C«MO^^^^-• o^-*HOooHO!l->^<oo^wo30'Oc/lC3>Hwmwo>M^^^^ eicnw^oo'OO^^^c«^o^03030&3*>C!8cnol^^o90<ROOW OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ©W*>Qt^MN»-'C£©M->aMO3Oi>-'-"3NCntOH<0OlMM o«J»-Jwo*03010Ja>tow©^^oao»<3f>o>^^o^01o>to. oooo oo0lK)^^tooo»o>oa^^OlO^^^#•ci>^^oo^o*»coocno till I II III I I I OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O3Mt»'i5!>OOCflWOCBO©CWN>0>6>*!'>OlN>©tOOK)&>. roWQ-<a©ro<ft&DO©K>IO0S«<S&aO3<0HO3l'"3©O*O3-'3«0 O£OOO&iOit^©OO)O>(^(^0)EO&iOOl{OOiOIOtO6>@> ►S!S'WH£OOM030«H,<OlOK)^WOSO«OCi30M8-'Ol-«30f{S' -aO9O>-4CDWCDODO>!&>->3Oll~3O3l-a(BO»O>OM«O0>©O(S<0 O0>0»CSJC3O0»Wi0>O0>OO©iOC^0>OOOC«0aO€^0> I lit i i i i « ♦ t oooooooooo ooooooooooooooo o^^eoH|W'<!HOOOllHO!WH{^w©0'-3t^^^rot^aI^^ CflOW<Q©'>3&roO0>l-J-3Oa>-»3Cf3OVO0i0»O3W«0<P<J o>ooo3*>Oi!^^oo#>oe'C^OiO&^woo^t^^^ocJO©s OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO it ^-*o^^H|otolo^-'<sa-^HOoo&^ooM-ao3K)^oo0>o^^ OJCF3aij-'O3-^ooiO5»^ocjiooDOOO0>*>oso-3o«oieO'Nj o^^OOK)0>o wo>cs o©> o©o w &>ca O0>&3 W(»0> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMOOOOOOHO I I I I I I I I i I 1 I I f t I O O O © OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO O><3><0OOf£>rON>s^?0MCO-3«©tOWW©OtOG3l-»Cf3OM O)Olo>ooMef5©M^^^<o•N3oo^o^<Joto^ocoeoa>^0o> Mrft»o»ooo'^^ocrsol€P003oooo>oooo>wo>o>o> *>f-'OlDO£OWCOOH,tOCt9H03H£OC003030Ht-JOta»(S*» WOW«)OOe>0»©>»3C30>00>eO&303COJOOO>CSO>030 &3otoooo*>&D €D^3©J&9cnoeoo>o»c^> oio*>oo i i i i t «ii tit i i i OOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OHOt-toot^oooiHor^ooooooa^fc-^t*© K>H'o^^^'oooo^^^^^^M^-'^-»l-' H © "fl fed m to js» i ct- © © to o o »s O p> ■4 ® u o o 03 13 © « O M «i A 47 O^OOOOOOtOcO to O to ?9 tOOlOOJlOOOlOO OOeOOOOJOOJCvi&-OiOOtOOH©<9eO'*tOOlOiOJOOJ Ot9tOOOC>HOSHe-tOOOtOOHHt0060t>oa(M«*&OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOr-IOOOOOOOOO I I I 11 I I I I t I OOQWOJiO^tODJtOCsJOiiOUS^OOOiOtOO^lOOO O O 00 «9 &} H CO CO SO CO tO CO 00 O COOOOr-irfOcOOJCOO O O U) <# O "^t H H HO »-< si" tO «-< E- JO r^J O O «* ^ OJ OJ H 10 «) ooooooooooooooooooooooooo i i i i * v t t iit ««OOJQc9cOOtO5OO®<OOOi!0*96OtO^OOtOO<*tO t- CO K> Q t&Oi ©a3CJHesi40©01C*ja>CQ05<9H<>S«OQ<OiH WeOCa03H^01l!OHHa3rtfH03HlOOHW«HC-tOiHli5^ o o oI o» DO oI oI o oI oI o o oooooooooooo t I I I I I eO O GO >tQ «0 tQ ftO feO tO'O to O O O <0 to O (0 tO Q <0 IO to tQ (0 oto-c»to£>-oo>oi'*H'^o£«>e-i>i>'r-it«-tortr>ojNcoe« »>Mfr|iOC^E0H«!'^iH<*O'^-^03e^H03HH0JlHr*IO<M ooooooopopoopoobooooooooo I I t I I t I I COOeOOSOtOOtOCVJ to £0 lO tO^O CO"SO «o o to 01 o to C*J to OJOdJtOOiOH^-tOtStOOIOSlOWOtOOCOKIO^tOOO OOJH^03lO«H03^tO«OHIH40COtOr4HOHO^iHO «• .• * -* • • • ■ ■♦ • • ooooooooooooooooooooooooo lit III I » I I I I '» 6=* u6$ »•■.»•..*•.*-•»»••» III 1 II t HHr4r-«03030iOQOOHOa OH oi rHH03cOii»(MtO'5l«lOAft0303QQ9303Sa<^«4< OiJ^(-3^OO0OO0O>4Oa0O0i-30Oi-3 O i^O OiO'*OtOO®lOtOOtOtOOtOO«)GX"*t0010 0Q01 OOi©iOt0 0 01COCOOlOCOCatOOO>OltOtOOOtOC»OOtO "^^lOOlHl^OtOtOH^f^Olr^iMfr-OlOCOtOOOl^HlO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO t III II 1 1 1 1 1 to O CO to to to «o eo to o to -^ O lO O O lO O 01 O lO o o a> to to o so mto to r-t <o co 03 e~ ^o g^ at •<# to oj o to o> H *I< £>• oi coi tHtOeO'^tOO'^OtOtOtO^^OOOSHOOlOl'sJ'ia^CfeO} OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ii t i i til I lit t i • tooEOcotocototoiotosooto^tooootocatoooto 0> O CO <M >£>*£>• ^ S CD CO CD U> lO «© fr- OOOCfctOeOHOCO <H fl O Oi £- 03 OJ ^ H O H SO 03 Q CO E> O M H H «* tO H H O o ©■ i (D u 64 00 s8» m© «H «P O © , <3«QO<3»OOO<0sS«Qt0«!9,5S'|iO<0O©<fi>OtD,<4»<©O*0«0,*O'* O3O<3*^a)COOCO©S>OOU3li5'q»©«OO3OO>lO«OtO«OJOC>-50©O> 49 6 p-SHOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOiHOOOOOO (Mojoiojojojosojosoaoiojojojoiojojwoaoswwostoojojojce t«E*OOI>eOE«"S>'e^Ofr-E>tOOtOe>-J>OB*tOe»-6iOtOeOOtO^I> © 03 © C3 ^- •♦•♦•••'»•»*♦■ ■*••■•* tOOOeit-SOOJiflEOOOS^SOeOHO^OOOOCO^OOO^t-ii^OseO »♦•»••••« eQ •Hi OOJp-lfc-OO&»C5i0>OaS>-E^OCOHie»E>OCOO>S)(DO<Oe,-«£>«9e-C~ COEOEOOSO3 03OJ0303O303 6OO}eOO3O3eOO3^3OJO}tOOJWOJO10i!03 ♦ O r-J O O 02 05 ^»« O a B CO © rtOJeO^^SOcOJOOjJOrtOitO^HiOKOfflOJOtOtOOHHOC^^ OOf-IOOOOOOOOC5>0>0>OCaO>E-©OOJOO>00000 r4 r-* H! 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