THE EFFECT Cf fflSMHERATOKE AW LMGTH CF STCRACffi OS PAUTABILITY COLCE AMD nmm CHAMGES IB GAMED CITRUS AMD TOMTO ffiOHJCTS EOBMT FMMEB CAEH A DISSERTATIOH submitted to CKEGOSJ STATE COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of th© requir©ro©nts for the degree of DOCTOR OF FHHOSQHir A.-FBOVEDJ Rrofessor of Foo€ Technology In Charg© of Major Head of Bepartmsnt of Food TechmLog Chairraan of School Graduate CoraEiitte© Dean of Gradaat© Cchool Date dissertation is prosented September 2^ Typed by Siybil Deauquier IQ^I The x^riter x-dshes to expres© his sincere appreciation to Br• Oliver J« ¥orthingfco% Profeesor of Food Technolog^j and to I^ofessor I. H. VSiegand, Head of the Department of Food Technology at the Oregon State College,, for their constructive criticisms and sugges* tions during the Course of this x-jork. lodgement is due to OP. For a sirailar reason aeknow* H. T. Blackhurst5 Department of Horticulture at the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas for valuable help in the preparation of the manuscript. Acknowledgement is also given to Krs. F, E, Allison and It's. R* E. Odom for technical assistance. Aclmowledgement is also made to ftv. Sam Tayloe^ General Manager of Rio Farms Inc.*) Edcouch^ Texas for supplying all raw products and for the use of the canning plant where all products •were packed. ccmaras TABLE OF PAGS of literatur© .....e».B...<,<»9««0«083 Ascorbic Acid Retention .#00e»99»6,o.»..».3 Hiacin R©tcnti©a . . • • . • »•«■ • ■ • ■ . • , ■» » • . • • « 10 TlrlcBdaie Eetentlom e . o « »« « » » «. • . . . * . * « « 11 Riboflaxdn Retention <,*<.#»»«■. => . . 12 Paatoth^ntic Aeid Eeteatiea ■»...».»» <.»,«.. Color R©terstIoa * . » .. « « * e 13 . « « » * * . , « «. • «. 13 Loss In (^ganoSLeptic Attributes • • * » ♦ • • • «•.«.♦,. 18 Kat©rials and Methods « • « •.•«• . « . • o o . 6 • •• .21 . -« . « « . • . . » . . • « « « « • .♦ 20 ^neflysis of Cabined Grapefruit «?uie© ...... o o « • 30 Analysis of Ggumed Opang© Juic© .. ......... . U3 DiseuasioM of Results Analysis of Canned Grapefruit-Change Juice Blend . „ . . 55 Analysis of Canned Grapefruit Sections ••••««••• 63 Analysis of GajMied taaat© juie© •••••.•.•... 7U Analysis of Canned Tomatoes •»..»•».. .. ••« 8? SUTTiEiary .*•.•*.... ««•«.« »...»««.... 98 Conelnsions ..<.»...... • 6 « • «.......» .102 •9O4«O**4«<»««*0«««»« XUil LIST OP TABLES P1QE Table I. Table II. Table III, Table I?, Table V* Table VI. Table VII. Table VIII* Table E. Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Canned Citrus and Tomato i^roducts as Influenced by Storage Temp* QTattare and Tims. A Summary of Brevious Mork. U Initial Vitamin Content of Canned Citrus and Tomato Eroducts* 28 U* S. Grade of Canned Grapefruit Juice as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 36 Organoleptie Evaluation of Canned Grapefruit Juice as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage I4.O U. S» Grade of Canned Orange Juice as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage $0 Organoleptie ©valuation of Canned Orange Juice as Influenced by Teiaperature and Length of Storage 52 U» S. Grade of Canned ©•apefruitfOrange Juice Blend as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 60 Organoleptie Evaluation of Canned Grapefruit-Orange Juice Blend as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 61 U. S. Grade of Canned Grapefruit Sections as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 71 Table X. Ctrganoleptic Evaluation of Canned Grapefruit Sections as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 72 Table XI. U, S, Gyade of Canned Tomato Juice as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 82 Organoleptie Evaluation of Canned Tomato Juice as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage Bh U. S* Grade of Canned Tomatoes as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 93 Organoleptie Evaluation of Canned Tomatoes as Influenced by Temperature and Length of Storage 95 Table XII* Table XIIX* Table XIV* LIST OF FIGURES PAGE Figure 1. Retention of Ascorbic Grapefruit Juice 2$ Figure 2. Retention of Siacin in Grapefruit Juice 29 Figure 3» Retention of IfeiaMne in Grapefruit Juice 32 Figure U» Retention of Riboflavin in Grapefruit Juice 32 Figure 5. Retention of Pantothenic Acid in Grapefruit Juice 3k Figure 6. Change in Color of Grapefruit Juice 3k Figure 7. Kbdachromes of Grapefruit Juice Stored 12 and 2k months at 3k0s 70° and 110° F. 35 Figure 8. Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Grange Juice Id Figure 9. Retention of Hiacin in Orange Juice Ijl Figure 10. Retention of Thi&iaine in Grange Juice Uli Figure 11. Retention of Riboflavin in Orange Juice kh Figure 12. Retention of Pantothenie Acid in Grange Juice k5 Figure 13. Change in Color of Orange Juice li5 Figure lk» Kodachroraes of Orange Juice Stored 12 and 2k months at 3k09 70°' and 1100 F. US Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Grapefruit*Qrange Juice Blend 53 Retention of Hiacin in GrapefVuit-Orang© Juice Blend 53 Retention of Thiamine in Grapefruit-*Orange Juice Blend 5U Figure 15. Figure 16. Figure 17♦ Figure 18. Retention of Riboflavin in Grapefruit-'Graage Juice Blend $k LIST OF FIGURES (GOKTOWUED) PAGE Figure \9» Retention of Pantothenic Acid in Grapefruit** Orange Juice Blend $6 Figure 20» Change in Color of Grapefruit-Orange Juice Blend $6 Figure 21o Kodachromes of Grapefruit-Orange Jixice Blend Stored 18 and 2k months at 3U0, 70° and 110° F. $% Figure 22. Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Grapefruit Sections &k Figure 23. Retention of Mac in in Grapefruit Sections 6U Figure 2lu Retention of Thiamine in Grapefruit Sections &$ Figure 2!?. Retention of Riboflavin in Grapefruit Sections 6$ Figure 26, Retention of Pantothenic Acid in Grapefruit Sections 68 Figure 27. Change in Color of Grapefruit Sections 68 Figure 28. Kodachromes of Grapefruit Sections Stored 12 and 2U Months at 3k0s 70° and 110° F» 69 Figure 29. Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Canned Tomato Juice 75 Figure 30. Retention of Mac in in Canned Tomato Juice 75 Figure 31• Retention of Thiamine in Canned Tomato Juice 78 Figure 32. Retention of Riboflavin in Canned Tomato Juice 78 Figure 33. Retention of Pantothenic Acid in Canned Tomato Juice 79 Figure 3k* Change in Color of Canned Tomato Juice 79 Figure 35« Kodachromes of Tomato Juice Stored 12 and 21* Months at 31°$ 70° and 1100 F* 80 Figure 36. Retention of Ascorbic Acid in Canned Tomatoes 86 Figure 37. Retention of Wiacin in Canned Tomatoes 86 Figure 38* Retention of Thiamine in Canned Tomatoes 89 LIST OF FIGURES (CGHTIHUBD) PAGE Figure 39* Retention of MbofXavin in Canned Tomatoes 89 Figure UO, Retention of Pantottenic Acid in Canned Tomatoes 91 Figure lil* Change in Color of Canned Tomatoes 91 Figure kZ* Kodaehromes of Tomatoes Stored 12 end 2U Months at 3h0» 70° and llO0 F, 92 mi EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE AND LENGTH OF STORAGE OH PALATABILlTti, COLOR MB VITAMIH CHAMGES IN GAMED CITRUS AW TOMATO HtGHJCTS mmcmcTim A great vaLume of wrk has been done on methods of food preser~ vation aimed toward a more nutritious product. All work has been concerned tdth production of a more acceptable product as to appear* ance and quality for the consumer. Studies have covered the period from the raw material through processing to a finished product. The methods of processing ar© good but the problem of holding the product for future sale has introduced serious difficulties. E*rocessed pro- ducts are seldom consumed immediately but must be held £QV shorter or longer periods due either to demand or to price level. If storage conditions are not satisfactory^ changes occur in processed foods 'Which affect the nutritive value, change the color^ influence U. S, grade and reduce general acceptability of the product* Even t-dth sharp vigilance over preservation procedures, storage may result in marked changes in the products« Thus the processor may suffer financial loss from change in grade $ or from a lowered demand by the consuming public. It is a well established fact that the average consumer is more influenced by appearance of a product and its flavor than by the vltamn content. •" Since practically all canned products are stored for a period of time at various temperatures, it is important to know- the in* fluence of time and temperature of storage on quality of the product* Canned tomato and citrus procbicts represent a considerable volims of processed foods. They are produced daring a relatively short season^ the toiaato season being shorter than that of citmas.9 consequently these products are consumed after indefinite arid variable periods of storage, nutritionally it is iiRportsnt to know the imfluene© of tim© and teaiperatur© of storage oa certain of the trater soluble Yltainlns in these foods. From the stan<%»oint of the purchaser^ it is iu^pcrtant to know the influence of storage conditions of the palatability le^nsl of the product, l£s then9 it becomes necessaay to hold canned presets for prolonged periods the influence of storage conditions should be carefully considered and the products held under those conditions t-teeh till inSLiicnce in the least adverse K&a2»er8 nutritive valuej colora U. S» grade and general acceptability. REHW OF LITSBATURE Asc^biq Acid Retention Ascorbic acid is one of the important water soluble vitamins in citrus and tomato products. The retention of ascorbic acid has been taken as an index to the retention of original nutritive and qualitgr values, f^resent processing practices are such as to retain from 92 to 96 percent of the ascorbic acid in canned citrus juices (33). There- fores lam ascorbic acid values found in canned citrus juices purchased on the open market are most likely due to improper storage. There have been a number of papers published on the influence of temperature and length of storage on the retention of ascorbic acid in citrus products. Grapefruit and orange juices have received major consideration in these studies tihile grapefruit sections and grapefruit-orange juice blends have not been intensively studied. The effect of storage'on tomato products has not been studied under a range of storage temperatures* A tabular survey of the literature with reference to the effect of storage time and temperature on the retention of ascorbic acid in citrus and tomato products is presented in Table I. The section immediately follox-Ang the table contains essentially the same data and may be used as a source of more detailed information, Roberts (26) reported that canned grapefruit juice retained 7$ percent of the original ascorbic acid content x&aen stored at uncontrolled room temperature for 9 to 10 months. TABLE I, EETEHTIGH CF ASGCEBIC ACID IH CAM3SD CTSmS Aim TOmW mODUCTS' AS UffiMEHCED BY STQRAGE TE&ffERATURE MB TIME. A SUHMHff OF mEWIOUS IKKK* ■ I^oduct aad Stcs^age Tei^erature Degrees P* Grapefruii Jui«e Mojitlis in Storage Storagi5 Months 3 6 0° 30° 10° hDQ 140© ii50 50© 50© 9 It 1$ 15 References 18 m. SU 100 100 (6) (6) (18) (25) <6) (195 (19) (29) (6) (6) (19} 96 95 9$ 99 95 95 95 5GO 6oo 65° ' 9h 96 ^ 9U 92 . n 65o tO® too 82 (29) (25) (12) 88 82 TO© 81 (19) TO©. 80O 800 88 (6) (18) (19) 80O 98oR* T.l R. T. 65»850 1Room Tei^erattsre - 82 75 57 31 75 75 73 91 ' (29) (19} (26) (28) (33) TABLE It BETEHHCM OP ASCORBIC ACID Dl GAMED CITRUS AMD TOMATO mODOCTS AS niFLUSHCED BY STCHA®; ^SffmSATDEE AND TIME. A SUI#ffiEY OF mE?ICOS WBK. (CCKTIHUED) Eroduct and Storage Teiaperatare Degrees F. Orange Juice h0o hCP 50° 50° 65° 65° 70° 70° 80© 80° 80° 90© 99° 1100 hk~$2? a*- T* R. T* Grapefruit^ S. T* Orange Blend Months im Storage 3 6 9 12 15 Beferences 18 a. 2k 93 9h 75 75 (18) (25} (19) (29) (19) (29) (25) (3) (18) (19) (29) (3) (27) (3) (27) (27) (28) 72 (28) 9$ 9? 90 93 80 88 92 81 78 50 65 31 16 US vn. TABLE I. HETSOTICM OF ASC(BBIC ACID IN CAK1ED CITRUS AID TOMTO ffiOIXfCTS AS II^FLUEMCED BY STCBACS TEHPMATURE AMD TIHfi. A SUMMEI OF HiEflOUS I^CRK. (CCBTBIUID) l^oduct and Stora^ Tender attire Ite^ees F« C^apefruit Sections Tcmato Jm.ce 3 6 Months; ia Ste^ai:e 12 1$ 18 9 ^0° 65° 93 91 80° 73 (19) (29) (19) (29) (19) (29) 102 92 (29) (29) (7) (3) 60 Ik 38 no© no© So© 6$© 80© 87 77 U6 82 70© 80© 80© 90© Tojtnatees 21* 92 30° 1<0*?O© References a 20 n 90 (7) (29) (3) (7) (3) (6) 89 87 70 (29) (29) (29) o\ loore et al* (18) studied the ascorbic acid retention of Florida grapefruit and orange juice packed in plain cans stored 6 months at yp to BCPF, They observed that grapefruit juice retained 96 and 82 percent of the initial content when stored at hO0 and 80° F* Orange juice retained 93 and 81 percent when stored at the sane temperatures. Ross (27) reported on the effect of time and temperature of storage on the vitardn C retention in orange juice* He stored the juices 12 months at temperatures of Ui0 to $2° F.s room temperature and 99° F. At the end of 6 months the juice stored at 99° F* re* tained only 31 percent of the initial content. The greatest loss in ascorbic acid occurred during the first 6 months^ since at the end of 12 months there ms still found 16 percent retention. Juices stored at the lox* temperature retained 9h percent of the ascorbic acid after 12 months. The room temperature storage resulted in a 75 percent retention of vitamin G at the end of 12 months. Reister et al* (25) stated that storage at IiO® F* retained the ascorbic acid of unsweetened grapefruit juice and of orange juice better than at 70^ F* but not as well as was expected* With orange juice in plain cans stored at I1O0 F. a retention of 95 percent T«IS found at the end of 12 months storage. When the juice was stored at 70° F» only 88 percent of the vitamin G was retained* For unsweetened grapefruit juice at ItO0 and 70° p* retention was 95 and 87 percent respectively. 8 In a short time storage experiment Wagner et al, (33) reported average retention of 91 percent in grapefruit juice after a period of hO days at temperatures ranging between 65° and 85° F. Querrant et al* (?) in a coiaprehensive stu<%- on the effect of storage temperature vs., tisie found that the ascorbic acid content of Rutgers tomato SvcLce is seriously affected tr/ storage temperature* After 36$ days of storage at 3©° F«, 92 percent of the initial as«» eorbic acid was retained vkxle only 20 percent was recovered from juice stored the same length of time at 110° F. He further observed that at 80° F, the loss of ascorbic acid was only about half as great as that at 110° f, for the first 365 days* Lamb (12) in a stucfy- utilizing California and Arizona grape«» fruit juice stored at 70° P. for 18 months reported a linear loss of ascorbic acid at this temperature, The rate of loss was about one percent per month thus indicating an 82 percent retention at the end ©f the storage period* There tsas sosae evidence) that ascorbic acid of grapefruit juice was more stable in early periods and less stable in later periods of storage than orange juice* Sale (28) reported on the retention of ascorbic acid in Texas packed unS'weetened grapefruit juice^ orang© and grapefruit«orange blend stored 12 months at room temperature at several geographical locations* His results indicate an average retention of 73$ 7$ and 72 percent in these three products. There was an average of 15 percent loss in the three products after 6 months storage.- Moschette et al,. (19) reported retention of 95> 95j 92? Big. 1$ and 31 percent in grapefruit juice stored 12 months at temperatures of k^B 500s 6S09 7O0^ 80° and 98° P, Grape&uit sections retained 93* 91 and 73 percent of ascorbic acid when stored 12 months at temp* eratures of 50o? 65° and 80° F* -Hhile orange juice retained 97* 93 and 78 percent under the same conditions* The products were all fancy or esctra standard in quality and t-jere examined at intervals of four months for a period of one year* Brenner et al« (3) stored orange juice and tomato juice for a period of 18 months at temperatures of 700s 90° and Ho0 Ft They reported 9S| 6£ and hS percent respectively of the original ascorbic acid content at the end of storage for orange juice* Tomato juice retained only 82j 38 and H percent respectively for the same period. Sheft et al, (29) in a continuation of the work previously reported by Moschette found ascorbic acid retentions above 90 percent for grapefruit, orange and tomato juices stored at 50° F, for a period of 2k months* These workers reported retentions of ascorbic acid of 89$ 87 and 70 percent in tomatoes when stored 2k months at temperatures of 50°, 65° and 80° F. Retentions of 102$ 92 and 7i* percent tuere reported for tomato juice stored for the same time and temperatures as for tomatoes* Grange juice retained 95$ 80 and $0 percent! grape* fruit juice,, 9k9 82^ and 57 and grapefruit sections^ 87, 77 and 1±6 percent of the ascorbic acid tzhen stored at temperatures of 50°? 65° and 80° P. for 2k months. 10 Feastor et al,. (6) indicated that the temperature at tjhich grape-* fruit juice was closed had a significant influence on the retention of ascorbic acid. Juices cased and stacked at 115° F. required about 17 days to reach room temperatures of 70° F» four percent of the ascorbic acid tias lost. In this period approximately In trials cased at temp-* eratures of 66° to ?20 F, hi#ier retentions of ascorbic acid were noted, Theso workers stored grapefruit juice at temperatures of 00j 30°), h009 50°s 60^5, and 70° F, for one year. Retentions of vitan&n C of lOOj, 100s 99} 96^ 9k and 88 percent respectively trere reported at the conclusion of the storage period, Fcaster et al, (5) reported retentions of vitamin C of 90 per~ cent or better in canned tomato juice,, during a storage period of 9 months at temperatures of ItO0^ 50o5 60° and 70° F, Juice stored at kOQ Fp retained only 1,6 mgs, more of the vitamin than juice stored at 70° F. Hiacin Retention Mosehette et al> (19) stated that niacin retention in tomatoes or tomato juice was never lower than 95 percent Mien these products were stored at temperatures of 50°^ 65° and 80° F. for a period of one year. of storage, Time was a much more significant factor than temperature Sheft et al. (29) continued the work of Mosehette for an additional period of 12 months* These workers reported retention of niacin in tomato juice of 923 91 and 90 percent when stored at 50°^ 65° and 80° F. for 2k months. Retention of niacin under the same conditions was 885; 88 and 85 percent in whole tomatoes. 11 Brenner et al» (3) reported niacin retention of 93> percent in tomato juice tshen stored 18 months at 70Q5 90° and 110°?.. Thiamine Retention Guerrant et al| (7) stewed Rutgers tomato juice for a period of' 3^5 days at temperatures of 30o9 h2Q? 85° and 110° F, Th^r re*, ported that thiamine retention t-jas little affected by time but seriously influenced by the temperature of storage. At 30° F, there t-jas essentially 100 percent retention after one year storage* retention of the vitamin was also favorable at h20 F, The At 85° and 110° F.j, the retention was 8£ and 31 percent respectively. Hoschette et al. (19) reported retentions of thiamine between 90 and 100 percent for grapefruit and orange juice stored 12 months at temperatures of $00s 6^°, and 80° p.. obtained x-jith lower storage temperatures. The higher retentions t-jere Tomatoes and tomato juice %jere more seriously influenced by the temperature of storage than were the citrus juices. After 12 months storage at the two lower temperatures retentions of 92 to 95 percent were obtained while at 80° F.j 82 and 85 percent retention was obtained fi'om tomatoes and tomato juice respectively« It was reported by Brenner et al. (3) that at 70° F.? at least 80 percent or more of the initial thiaxaine content was retained in orange and tomato juice after a storage period of 18 months* Thiamine loss increased with length of storage and xri-th an increase in storage temperature* At the end of the storage period retentions in orange and 12 tomato juice stored at lOO^ F, were 3I4 and $$ percent respectively* Tomato juice showed a better retention of thiajtiine at the elevated teiaperatures than did the orange juice. Sheft et al. (29) reported that tomatoes retained 91$ 8? and 70 percent of the initial thiaiaine content wiion stored 2k months at temperatures of 50o5 $5° and 80° pf Tomato juice retained 103^, 3h. and 77 percent8 orange juice^ 101, 5>Ii and 83 percentj t^iile'^rape* fruit juice retained 99, 9h and 8U percent of thiamine after 2ii mon'tos, Riboflavin Retention Guerrant et al9 (7) reported riboflavin retention in tomato juice at 63 percent after storage for one year at 110° F. At 30° F. a re* tenticn of 90 percent t-jas found for the same period* Moschette et al, (19) report greater retention of riboflavin in tomatoes than in tomato juice after two months storage at 500s 6$° and 80° F, Tomatoes retained 91^ 95 and 92 percent, and tomato juice 89s 85 and 81* percent. storage temperatures* The higher retentions tiere tclth lower Retention of riboflavin increased three percent in tomato juice and approximately ten percent in tomatoes when stored for an additional 12 months (29)* Thus riboflavin retentions of 96 to 98 percent were found in tomatoes and 92 to 3h percent in tomato juice at the conclusion of the storage period. Brenner et al* (3) reported an increase to 125 percent of the initial riboflavin content in tomato juice stored at temperatures of 70°, 90° and 100° F. for 18 months. 13 Pmtother&c Acid Retention The influence of storage conditions on the retention of pantothenic acid in tomato juice %ms studied by Guerrant et al. (7). They foimd that tenperature of storage eacerted a definite effect upon the retention of the -yitamin but that time of storage did not appear to influence seriously the retention of pantothenie acid,! Storage for 36$ days at temperatures of 300s h20s &h0 and 110° F. resulted in retentions of 85^, 77$ 6h and k5 percent respectively. Color Retention Hie retention of color in citrus products has been the subject of a great deal of research. Although the degradation of color in food products is still not fully explained certain factors that may play a part in loss of color are Icnoxim. Qsygen appears to be partially responsible for color deterioration as evidenced by the work of Nolte et al, (22)5 Blester et al. (25) and Boyd and Peterson (2), Mien the experimental conditions were such that more 02§rgen was allowed to become associated with the juice the color darkened* Decreasing the headspace5 partial deaeration,, repeated evacuation and release with inert gases all tending to reduce the oxygen content resulted in less color deterioration* That darkening of the colot of citrus products was associated with decrease in the ascorbic acid content was noted by Hairiburfer and Joslyn (8). These workers stated that darkening of filtered orange juice did not QCCXVC until the vitainin C was in the dehydro or some other form and there were no other readily oxidisable substances present in the juice. Moore et al., (17) investigated 'the relationships of darkening headspace, oaygen content^, added ascorbic acid and color bodies of Valencia orange juice. She juice was filtered to facilitate color evaluation by transmitted light* The filtered juice could not be considered equivalent to canned juice. and 120® F* for one x-jeek* The juice was stored at liG0 In one phase of the experiment whole and filtered juice were brought to certain volumes by the addition of color bodies *> pulp^ split seeds5 ground peel, ascorbic acids citric acidp sucrose$ dextrose and levulose* These idjctures were then processed^ scaled in bottles and subsequently stored at bO0 and 120° F« fheir results indicated that filtered juice darkened at the same rate as whole juice and that none of the additives3 except ascorbic acid accelerated the rate of color degradation. Juices packed with a headspace of 10 mis. as compared to £0 mis. did not darken as rapidly. The addition of ascorbic acid in the presence of a large headspace (0^ content) definitely increased the rate and degree of darkening in the filtered juice. They summarized their work by stating that oxygen and ascorbic acid xrare the two most important factors associated with darkening and that the rate of darkening was accelerated by high temperature* Color estimation in food products is not a particularly simple matter* In the past the estimation of color has been entirely sub* jeetive and open to the criticisms attendant thereto. There is a need for some entirely objective description of color of foods that is not open to as many critisms as the subjective methods. On© of 15 the earliest reports relative to a serai^objective method used mth orange juice was the work of Joslyn et al. (10)* These investigators measured the extent of brotming and change in reducing valu.e of arange juice exposed to air. Their results t-rith the Lovibond tintometer indicated that during the process of darkening there ms a gradual. increase in the red units x&ile the yellow units remained fairly constant* Practically the same results have been obtained by Pederson (23) using the Lovibond tintometer to measure the rate of darkening in apple juice* at the higher temperatures* He also found an increase in red units The increase in red units while yellow units remained constant was associated with a decrease in the re«> ducing value as evidenced by iodine titration* Ivhile this method consists of visual color comparisonss the results are expressed numerically and not with adjectives* In a later report Moore et al* (18) stored orange and grape«» fruit juice in plain cans at 1*0° and 80° F. for six months* The expression of color change was through the Maerz and Paul "DLctionary of Color"* "While the color comparisons are made visuallys, the re~ suits are expressed in letters and numerals* These workers reported that there was no change in color of the juices stored at the lower temperature but that at the end of the storage period at 88° F* the juices had darkened* Riester et al* (25) also reported that storage of citrus juices at Uo0 F* resulted in better color retention than storage at 70° F* The results of Moore et al* (16) indicated that 16 the Change in orange juice held at ?66 F. uas from Elate 10*-L*»3 to 10*1*5 x*iile in grapefruit juice the change was from Plate 10«C*1 to 10*D»1» Kiere was no change in juice held at liO0 F. IfJhen these data are transcribed to Munsell notations fey reference to Nickerson (21) the following relationships esdst? Grange Juices Plate 10~L-3 is equivalent to $1 8,0/9.0 Plate 10->l*ii is equivalent to U,5Y 7.7/9*0 Grapefruit Juices Hate 10-C«.l is equivalent to 10Y 8^/2*2 Plate 10-I>-1 is equivalent to 10Y 8il</2*8 These data indicate an increase in red hue5 a decrease in value (t&iteness) and the maintenance of constant chroma for orange juice* The data for grapefruit juice indicate an increase in chroma units only. Ross (2?) reported that canned orange juice stored at 90° F# for four months was "off-^color" due to brcmning and that after six months at this temperature the juice was dark brown in color. On the other hand when the juice was stored at temperatures between. U50 and 80° p. no apparent color differences were expressed* L'orthington et al. (.3^) reported on the use of the Fhotovolt Reflectometer with tristimulus ambers ^een and blue filters as an objective method of color specification, Bty the use of appropriate formulae the values obtained by the reflectometer may be converted 17 to a Hunsell notation* This method ^-jas used to determine the Munsell notation of a number of different unclarified juices,. herein absorp-. tion speotrdphotoBietry could not be applied and lahereitt the visual color is due not oaly to pigments but to the quantity and state of division of fine particles* A search of the literature failed to reveal asny reports on the influence of storage conditions upon the U. S* grade of canned . foods* as Previously mentioned work on color made mention of such terms 53 off-grade" but the terminology did not iroply the application of grade requirerasnts to the products* The importance of temperature in maintenance of quality in canned tomto juice t-ms studied by Feaster et al* (5)* Canned tomato juice I'jas subjected to temperatures of l!.0os 70° and 98° F* iSvery four months the samples were shifted to a different temperature. The samples were stored for four months at each temperature but the sequence of temperatures ms altered. Their results show conclusively that a storage temperature of 98° F* very seriously influenced the quality as measured by the ascorbic acid retention, The sequence of placement in the various storage temperatures did not appear to eaoert any influence* Monroe et al* (15) reported average warehouse temperatures in four cities tjhere canned food storage facilities are available* Their studies showed that in i-jarehouses located in Yuba? Californiaj Hew Grleansa Louisiana! Rochelle5 Illinois and Tampa^ Florida there 18 isere llt? 2hOs S3 and 200 days respectively yhen the x%arehouse temp* erature exceeded 80° F, At Ytiba and Rochelle only Ik and ^0 days respectively xrere recorded vtith can temperatures in excess of 80° F, In Metj Orleans and Yubaj, there was an average of five months during ■which time the temperature exceeded 80° F. joss in Organoleptlc Attributes Flavor t-as fo\ind to be well preserved in orange juice at refrigerated storage temperatures of hbP to Si0 F* by Ross (27). flavor v&s judged by two people. The Ross stated that juice stored 12 months in the refrigerator had an excellent flavor. Juice stored at room temperature possessed a good flavor ■> although it ms slightly oxidized. able. The juice stored at room temperature was not objection- Mien stored at 98° F.^ the flavor became caramelised and oxidized at three months and at sis months it was distinctly disagreeable. He further stated that loss in ascorbic acid and flavor seemed to follow each other at any one temperature, Reister et al. (2$) point out that mth canned grapefruit and orange juice storage at 1*0° F. seemed to maintain the color and flavor better than storage at 70° F. although the effect was not great. There was no mention of the number of judges used in the flavor panel. Brenner et al. (3) found that palatability of orange juice stored at 100° F. deteriorated below acceptability after sis to eight months storage. The taste tests were made at the Quartermaster 19 Food and Container Institute for the Armed Forces utilizing a panel of judges. Grapefruit juice stored two years TMS unpalatable as reported by Sheft et al» (29). The storage temperatures used in this stucfy- were £0°* 65° and 80° F. Mo mention of palatability was made of the other productSj) orange juice^, grapefruit sections^ tomatoes and tomato juices used in the work and stored for the same interval. Feaster et al* (6) utilised h to 6 judges to evaluate the flavor of canned orange juice steered at temperatures of 0oj 30°$ UO0., 50° and 70° F* for one year. They stated that after 3 months at 60© to 70° F. a slight flavor change was indicated and was detected by only a few of the judges. After 7 months at this temperature a majority of the judges were able to detect the change in flavor. At 50° F. or lower no changes x^ere reported throughout the one year storage period. An appraisal of the preceding literature reveals a need for further work on the influence of temperature and duration of storage on certain of the water soluble vitamins in citrus and tomato products. Objective methods of color measurement have been developed which may show more precisely the degradation of color of these products when stored under adverse conditions. Apparently there are no data which show the relationship of the storage conditions to the U. S. grade* It is the purpose of this paper to show more explicitly the relationships between vitamin content^, color<> U. S. grade and organoleptic 20 evaluation of citrus aad toaato products as influenced by the storage conditionsi a MTERIALS AHD ICTHODS The citrus and tomato products used in this investigation t-jere grom and processed in the Rio Grande Yalley of Texas, All products xjere hanrested and processed tnth the least possible delay. The grapefruit juice xms from the Marsh Seedless variety and t-jas processed as follows. The fruit x-jas soaked in hot Xirater from 7 to 9 minutes a scrubbed and spray rinsed and elevated to the Faulds Rotary presses for extraction. The juice was passed through an 0.020 inch finisher and then to a pasteurizer where it t<ras subjected to a temperature of 190° F* for 15 seconds* It was filled in U6 os« plain cans by use of a bottom filler which materially cut dom on the amount of foaming. The cans were closeds inverted and allowed to air cool for 10 seconds and then rolled under cold water sprays to reduce internal temperature to 100° F. or lower. The juice x-ias not subjected to mechanical deaeration nor x-jas deoiling equipment used in the process other than the hot xiater soak t^iich aided in oil removal from the rind. The grapefruitworange juice blend was processed in the same manner described for grapefruit juice* Marsh seedless grapefruit and Valencia orange juice were blended in stainless steel containers at a £05 5>Q ratio. Valencia orange juice xms processed in the manner as outlined for grapefruit juice but \JSLS placed in plain 307 x U09 cans. 22 Duncan grapefruit \ms used fear sections* The fruit was washed in tjater at 1&)0 F. to remove oil from the rind and clean the fruit* It was then placed in -mber at 190° F» for $ to 7 minutes* After peeling, which removed the flavedo and most of the albedo5 the fruit was passed through a 2 percent lye solution for 3 to 5 minutes for further removal of albedo. It was then washed through three changes of fresh waters spray rinsed and conveyed to the sectioniaers* Sec- tioning was done by hand and the sections hand packed in plain 307 x h09 cans, A 3!?0 BSC±K sugar solution was used as a cover syrup. The cans were steam-flow closed and processed for 20 minutes at 18^° F.j cooled in water and cased. Tomatoes and tomato juice were packed in June 191+9 from the Rutgers variety. The fruit was harvested in the morning and packed in the afternoon of the same day with less than a six hour delay. As in the case of the citrus products^ the normal operation of the production line was stopped to create a distinct break in the flow of the product^ after which the fruit used in this stucjy was placed on the line and packed. The experimental material was thus sand- wiched in the normal production operations and the plant personnel handled the product without regard for the fact that it was experi~ mental work* Tomatoes were harvested at a full red stage of inaturity9 passed over a roller inspection table to remove culls and immersed in water at 200° F. for 2 minutes for scalding. They were then sprayed with $3 jets of cold water and hand peeled. The peeled ioiaatoes wre mechanic cally filled into plain 30? x k09 cansa steam flow elocedf, processed 38 minutes at 212° F, and tj&ter cooled* For juiceg the tomatoes were culled5 cored^ hot broken and ex~ tracted through a 0*020 inch screen* The juice was heated to 210° F* for S seconds and filled into kS 02s* plain cans. The closed cans were further heat treated for 25 minutes at 212° F. Fourteen cases each of the citrus and tomato products were brought to College Station,, Texas,, and placed in constant tempera*ture iraults. The citrus products were packed and placed in storage in January 191$ while the tomato products were packed in June 191*9 * From 5 to 6 cans of each product tfere graded after canning by per* sonnel of the U.S*D.A,S P,M„A.5 Processed Food Inspection Service stationed in the packing plant. ' The storage temperatures used throughout these experiments were 3h0$ 70° and 110° all £30 p. ^il heating and refrigeration e|uipinent tiras thermostatically controlled. The vaults were brought to the specified temperature several days before the products were stored. The size of sample for periodic analyses was 6 composited 1^6 oz* cans and 8 composited 307 x k09 cans. Duplicate chemical analyses were made at 3 month intervals from the date of initial analysis. The ii4terval between packing of the product and the initial analysis nev®r exceeded 2k hours. All products were analysed for the following factorst U., S. grades objective colors subjective color, flavor and acceptability! 2h £&& for the.following vitaminst ascorbic acid^ riboflavin, panto* thenic acid5 thiamine and niacia*. The U,.S, grade of the products ims determined according to U. S« Standards for grade of the product in question (32), The attributes of grade are different for the various products and may be determined by reference to the tables lahich show change in grade as influaneed by time and temperature of storage* The objective color »s determined with the aid of a Photovolt reflectoraetery according to the technique of Dorthington et al. for juices (3U). The determnation of color of citrus sections and tom- atoes required adaptations of the previously mentioned method* The search unit is not constructed for vietring a curved object and it was therefore necessary to comminute the grapefruit sections and tomatoes by th6 use of a blendor* The ratio of the solids/liquid protions of the cans was maintained in samples used for color determi* nations. The blendor whipped air into the product causing a drift in percent reflectance as the bubbles dissipateds necessitating deae* ration at 21^' for 1$ minutes in a vacuum desiccator* A large de* siccator mad© possible the agitation of the sample during deaeration and reduced the time necessary for the operation« The deaerated samples were transferred to special bakelite sample containers made of 3s' black tubing cut into sections and with a plastic plate glued over one end. The containers were l-^' high and were filled to the top with the sample, A special search unit collar was placed on the top of the sample cup to exclude stray light and to allow for perpendicular placement of the search unit on the sample cup. The collar was so jr&lled that the bottom interferred with reflectance of the ptilped citrus sections* 1% was neeessafy to use a 307 x 1)09 tin can as the sample container for sections. was also very satisfactory for 5'uic-©s* The can &rber5 blue and green tri*. stimulus filter's were used x-iith the search unit and data obtained iVoin percent reflectance of these filters converted into Munsell notations< This is a rather laborious mathematical process and the resultant notation which involves hue4 value/chroma is difficult to interpret by persons unfamiliar with Kunsell notations* In addition Munsell notations are difficult to present graphically* A stucfy of tho data revealed that the amber/green filter ratio increased with time and temperature at 110° Fj, The readings or ratios of percent reflectance did not change at 3k0 or 70° Fi The readings or ratios of percent reflectance did not change at 34° or 70° F* These data •Nhich indicate change in color are therefore the ratio of average amber/green filter readings* Subjective color5 flavor and acceptability were obtained accord** ing to procedures of the Food Technology department^ Oregon State College (lU)i Samples of juices,, grapefruit sections and canned tomatoec were allowed to corns to room temperature before they were graded by the judgesi Juices were placed in 100 niU beakers while the grapefruit sections and tomatoes were served in I4. inch White 26 dishes. Three samples,, one of ti-iich -was duplicated,, tjere presented to each judge* Wnen the 110° P. ssuraples x-jere no longer acceptable^ they were excluded and the judgements isrere limited to teo samples together with a duplicate, Thore were never lees than eipjit judges rating the saiaples. Th© majority graded the samples from the inception to the conclusion of the experimnt* They tjere asked to rate the samples on the basis of color^, flavor and acceptability. Th© range of score which could be givfiqSffjas 0 (repulsive) to 10 (ideal). The data presented are the averages of the numerical scores of all judges* Reduced ascorbie acid content of the products laas determined according to the Method of Loeffler and Pointing (13). Sample© for this analysis consisted of 25 graras of the well ameed juices or 25 grams of a slurry of the citrus sections or tomatoos* The slurry was composed of one^tenth the t-reight of the free liquor and of the solid material. A Lurastron photoelectric colorimeter was used throughout the course of the experisoent. Riboflavin content was detersidned by the isethod of Snell and Strong (30) using Lactobacillus casei as the test organisms. The pure culture of L. casei was obtained f^ora the Jroerican Ity-pe Culture Collections and x-ma re<=stabbed from stock culture every week. Pantothenic acid determnations t-jere according to the method of Neal and Strong (20) using Lactobacillus- casei as the test organism. Miacin was determined by the method of ICrehl^ Strong and Elvehjem (11) usinp Lactobacillus arabinosus 17-5 as the test orcanisn. 2? IMaiKine was detormined "by the thiachromc method as outlined by the Association of Vitamin Chemists (1), Kodachrome slides xiere mde at intervals of six months on aH of the saxaples9 Products, stored at 110° F» x-3ere eliminated from the slides triien they had become unacceptable, Tne back^ound used through- out the course of the experiments xms a light blue cardboard* The X-Jeston rating of the light directed onto the samples tjas 1006 1 constant lens opening and exposure time were maintained throughout. The differences esdiibited in the figure are due to change in develops ing processes and could not be controlled* These slides do show the apparent change between the samples at any one tiine interval but'should not be coMpared as time vs» time because of the change in developing process, tiien the products stored at 110° F. began to swollan ©damnation of the sdcrobiological flora was made by using standard nutrient agar acidified to pH 3*3 with sterile citric acid and trath toiaato^d^ctrose agar. The plates were incubated at 110° F, for ? days* Analysis of the gaseous contents of the headspace of the swelled cans was made according to the procedures reported by Clark (U).e A Fisher•-Gnsat gas analysis apparatus was used for collection and analysis. 28 DISCUSSIOK OF RESULTS The results tsrill be ppeBettted in the folXot&ng order? grape*.' feuit juicej orange Juice? grapefruit-worange •Jwic© ble»da grapefSruit sections, tomato ^vdjae and tomatoes. The individual analyses for each product trill be disctiseed as followss ascorbic acid, r&aci% thia« sainej riboflavini pantotheaic acid, change in color, tl* S* grade and orgaaoleptie evalttation* The initial analyses for color, U, S. grade and orgaaoleptie ©■wairations are presented in ttie appropriate figures and tables* Th© initial analysee for the Tltarain values of the citrus and tomato products are presented in Table II* These values are in agreement tJiUh those reported by Thompson et aL.* (31)* P^essley et al. (2k) and lines ©t al, (9), fstole II* Initial fitaMn Content of Canned Citrus and Tomato f^oducts Ascorbic Acid Hiaein "EttLaftim Riboflavia Pantothenic Acid feo^act (r/gpi*) (r/m*) (r/m*) t,h3 0,388 0.500 0.102 0.13U 1.1(3 1.69 14*13 1^2 0,387 0,102 l.li3 31,81t 16, ?5 17,140 2,00 6,98 6,36 0,275 0.905 0,833 0*10li 0,396 0.277 1.72 U.53 2.65 (xRgs,A00 gms.) (r/gm,) Grapefruit Juice Grange Juice Orapefruii* Qprnge Juice Blend OrapeiVuit sections Tomato Juice Tomatoes 31,68 mas 2,67 100 90 - SO - 70 60 TORAGE TEMPF.kATURES 50 < h Z 40 uit^vd.'-u no" f so 20 \ 10 9 12 15 MONTHS IN STORAGE F"IG. I 99 18 RETENTION OF ASCORBIC ACID IN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE - 93 STORAGE TEMPERATURES Aim A 34°F. 37 z o 94. z h Ul K 111 O 95 94 89 9 \Z IS MONTHS |N STORAGE FIG. £ RETENTION OF NIACIN IN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 24- 30 Analysis of Gamed Grapefruit i»?ui<Se Ascorbic acid. The reduced ascorbic acid content of the grape*. fruit juice after canning uas 31»68 tngs* per 100 gm*. As T&II be seen from Figure 1, retention was not Seriously influenced by time in the 3ii0 and ?00 p, storage bttt taas very greatly affected by 110° p. storage* Figure 1 shows recoveries of 99 a&d 97 percent ascorbie acid after 12 and 2h months storage at 3V F» and a reduction to 7 percent after only 12 months at 110° F. At the end of 12 months the juice stored at 110° F* %BS no longer palatable and the analyses for ascorbic acid were discontinued. The very rapid loss of ascorbic acid at 110° F. coincided xdth decrease in U. S* grade, organoleptic values and color« These relation* ships will be discussed in later sections. Miacin. The loss of niacin by the grapefruit juice ■was negligible, Neither storage temperatures nor time of storage was sufficiently great to affect the nutritive value (Figure 2). After 2h months at temper- atures of 3k0 and 70° P. the retention was 89 percent as compared to 93 percent after 18 months at 110° F* It should be noted that the graph for niacin is somet-tiat deceptive dtae to the scale used and the actual loss is not great. "While grapefruit juice is not a good source of this vitamin it is interesting to note that a retention of approximately 95 percent could be expected after 12 months storage at any temperature between 3k0 and 110° p. Si Thiaraine* The curve for retention of thiamine in grapefruit juice was similar to that for ascorbic acid. Data in Figure 3 indicate that at 3h0 and 70° F* the length of storage plagrs a minor role in the retention of thiamine. the first three months* At 110° F* the loss is very rapid during After 12 months storage at 31?$ 70° and 110° F« recoveries of 10©e 92 and %h percent were made* It should be noted that J4.0 percent of the thiamine was lost in the first 3 months at 110® F. with only 29 percent additional loss at 15 months storage. Thus it appears that at higher temperatures the first three months are most critical. The trend in thiamine during the first 3 months at 110° F. is similar to that of ascorbic acid. It appears that with respect to these two vitamins grapefruit juice should not be stored under conditions rahich would allow for high temperatures for any appre-* ciable length of time* Riboflavin. The retention of riboflavin gave results (Figure k) similar to that of thiamine. A loss of 5 and 8 percent was indicated after 12 and 2'lj. months respectively at 3^° F. and 20 percent at 70° F. This is compared to 12 At 110° F. the jmce lost 1*2 percent of the riboflavin during the first 3 months and 9 percent additional with continued storage for 18 months. is peculiar. The recovery tsas 58j lU and 16 percent for the 3$ 6 and 9 months periods at 110° F. percent. The curve for riboflavin retention After 12 months there x-jas a rise to 53 The explanation here appears to be that either there x-jas a condition created from 9 to 12 months within the juice actually 32 100 90 80 z o tz Id I- h z u 70 STORAGE .TEMPERATURES 60 0«— O Trf F 50 oli IO* F 40 30 20 10 O 9 MONTHS 12 >5 IN STORAGE FIG.3 RETENTION OF THIAMINE 21 24- IN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE too STORAGE TEMPERATURES 0«"i""0 TO'F a^MBva no* F 9 12 IS MONTHS IN STORAGE FIG 4- RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN IN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE _l_ 24- 33 liberating more of the vitasnin cr that certain cheraical eonstituents se4#up within the container and not excluded from the sanjple provided additional grotjth factors for the organism employed* The difference is too great to be attributed to experimental error*, Pantothenie acid. The retention of pantothenic acid (Figure 5) •was influenced by both temperature and length of storage, Pantothenic acid appeared to be more delicate than the other vitamins even at the Xot-jest storage temperature. Storage at 3h9 F, gave recoveries of $0 and 71 percent after 12 and 2h months respectively. comparison to 79 and 53 percent at 70° F, This is in After 3 months storage at HO^ F, the loss ©f pantothenic acid was 16 percent xAile the juice appeared to lose about 10 percent during each of the succeeding four analyses. Juice stored 18 months at 110° F. contained only 39 percent of the original pantothenic acid. Change in color. An inspection of the data indicated that the most reliable index of color was the ratio of the amber/green tri~ Stiraulus filter readings. The Photovolt reflectometer measures reflectance of amber^ green and blue tristimulus filters from the sample as contrasted -with the reflectance of these filters from mag* nesium oadde, The data obtained from canned grapefruit juice stored at 3h® F» as compared with that stored at 70° F* did not show any consistent variation in the filter readings from the initial examl* nation. Titiil© the individual filter readings did change in respect to length of storage there was no consistency in the direction of 3h 100 ^•5 90 ■\ z o 80 • 70 • <b0 - 50 - 40 - 30 • 20 - 10 - h z u STORAGE TEMPERATURES Q n i Q 0«B^am 3 TO' F II0°F l i., 1, IZ 15 MONTHS IN STORAGE 18 21 , .- .24- FIG. 5 RETENTION OF PANTOTHENIC ACID IN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE a: ui u. e h in GC STORAGE TEMPERATURES A MM A 3VF OMMWD 70° F E.<v 2.2 - Z.O - OMMBO 110° F (- z Id LI Id a < o 1 9 12 MONTHS IN IS STORAGE CHANGE IN COLOR OF GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 24- 35 340F ll0oF GRAPEFRUIT JUICE STORED 12 MONTHS 34 WF GRAPEFRUI 70 F JUICE STORED 24 MONTHS Figure 7. Kodachromes of grapefruit juice stored 12 and 2h months at 3li0, 70° and 110° Ft M M E*J BS <3 e © N El O to t3 m 0 §3 o o (0 O © © g-ft $ «! * «s * Hm HI t9 .O &> e* en en <A to «p o o tO t- to ■£*• II <A cf\(n<A H 0 0 0 H 0 I .8 * ft * * « 8N0^0NW©TOmW^ 0 tj « *» o w o o 6 e^ &5 o o «AN9 O^ ty ^to pi sfr H s«{ H C\! OJ K* to s> e*t t» to «> to ft r-^ M Pi «H IHJH fH r*i HI fl0!>tOeQ!>eOO8>«O «A<A{AIA«A{A<ACACA to&>.<o^-eNt05>-c*-c> (A cA CA «A tA «n CA fA <A 0voscsoxo,'0>c^u,>cr» &* eq to .«s &» « to to to tO.Ot»t!&CM>tOC»Cpf>tA<*S<n«A«A<AcAef\ tOr-vOst^NfAHiHO jA<n<A«A«nitAcncAcn &,, m *» o 0! m o S ra o <M A 8 p 0 u O o o So 05 1 to o o ^ HO© © ft "5 43 O Q § x4 5- O 8 ft o 2 g o o O ra S3 O P © @ O » 11 « ft oo CO CO r: 36 change. 37 With juice stored 110° F. there x'aas a decrease in the mag- nitude of the reflectance from each of the filters as the storage period was increased. The green filter gave decreases of greater magnitude than that of the amber filter. It appeared that the ratio between the amber/green tristimules filters would show "browning" better than a single filter index. As will be noted in later sections the amber/green ratio gave the most reliable measure for color in other products as well as with grapefruit juice. The ratio of the amber/green filter readings on grapefruit juice was 1.00 at the beginning of the experiment. This ratio (Figure 6) did not change materially during 2h months storage at 3k0 and 70° F. The Koda- chromes of canned grapefruit juice stored for 12 months at 3it0s 70° and 110° F. was decidedly brown after 3 months storage and became increasingly darker with continued storage. There was a gradual increase in the amber/green ratio up to 6 months when it began to increase markedly. At 110° F. storage the correlation coefficient between browting (Figure 6) and ascorbic acid content was -0.8^2t0.086s ns 10. The amber/green ratio did not change abruptly until 55 percent of the ascorbic acid had been lost. The slope of the curve for color change was more rapid between 6 and 12 months than the ascorbic acid curve for this period. U. 3. Grade. The U. S. grade of canned grapefruit juice is pre- sented in its component parts in Table III. As shown in the table the juice was grade A at the beginning of the storage. The juice held at 38 3k0 F. did not^chang© materially in any attribute of grade. The points for color varied by 1 and for absence of defects and flavor by 2 points each. There was little change and certainly not one of economical importance during the git month period at 3h0 F. Mien the juice me stored at 70° F*s there t-ras a variation of 1 point in color during the first 8 examinations. This agrees with the slight change in aniber/green readings as show* in Figure 6* 'Hie absence of defects faotor t-ms practically the same as for the 3hP F* storage. The flavor score for the 70° juice decreased gradually during the entire period. At 9 months it was 3h mtfc a total score of 89« flavor score ms 33 with a total score of 89. At 12 months the It should be "noted that although the total score is the sasa&a the regulations x-jhlch apply to the scoring system for grapefruit juice (32) limit juice with a flavor factor of 28<=33 inclusive to U. S. grade G regardless of total score. Consequently the grapefruit juice stored 12 months at 70° F« ms considered to be U. S. grade C. This is important since the change in gfade for flavor occurred between the 9 and 12 month interval. This means that if canned grapefruit juice is stored at 70° F. for 9 to 12 months or longer the grade will be lowered. After 9 months storage at 70^ F»., if the juice were to be held for a longer periodj it would be necessary to subject the product to a low temperature in order to prevent further deterioration of flavor. The situation vrlth regard to juice stored at 110° F. "is quite different. Color loss was rapid and the juice was D. S» grade D 39 after 3 months. Increasing the storage period at 110° F* resulted in steadily decreasing points for color* did not change materially^ The absence of defects score The flavor score at 3 naonths was 28 which would have been a U, S.« grade C product had the color net limited it to U# S* grade D9 Thus within 3 months storage at 110° F. the U» S, grade will drop to D or substandard and the -product is no longer rearbs table. It appeared that under the conditions of this experimant a change in a positive direction of 0,14 from the initial color ratio (amber/ green) will result in a reduction of U, S, grade from the standpoint of color and flavor at 210o F, is in agreement with loss in ascorbic acid and increase in amber/greGn ratios. The remarks above in connection with flavor as the limiting factor in juice stored at 70° F, for 12 months or longer and both color and flavor in juice stored at 110° F, taay be seen in Table I? which summarizes the organoleptic evaluation, Organoleptic evaluation. The organoleptic attributes which the judges were asked to score were color9 flavor and acceptability. The data in Table IV show very little change in these three factors for grapefruit juice stored at 34-° F. f;r 24 months„ With regard to flavor^ the panel rated the juice 6,5 (fairly good to good) at 9 months and assigned decreasing values for subsequent examinations*, thus accounting for the change in U* S. grade. Grapefruit juice stored at 110° F. changed rapidly in color as evidenced by U. S, grade (color., Table III) and panel score tmm If* ORSAEKgEFTXC MALUAfIOH OF CfflMD GEAPIFEDIT JUIGE i>S IHFKQEBGBD BY TSHiSRJTUBB AID ZSBGTR OF SfOE$m f©mperattare of Storage Hontfes In HD© F. 70° P. 34° Storage Color Fla-r< Fla-rof Aeceptability Color Fla^os3 Acceptability Color Flavor 0 3 6 9 12 8^0 8.1 8,3 8^2 8.1 7*8 8,4 7.9 8.5 8.0 8.2 8.2 8*0 8.0 8.2 8*0 8*0 8.0 6,6 6.6 6.2 4o5 4o5 4o8 7.8 2*4 1*2 B,5 7*8 7.6 7.1 6,5 6*8 6*5 4*5 4.5 4.6 8.0 3.0 0.9 15 18 8o0 7.7 8.5 7*8 8.4 8.2 8.2 7.7 7»2 21 24 8*8 8.1 8*2 7..8 8.1 8.2 8*0 8,0 S.J0 00-2 leeeptabillty 8.0 0.9 s Ijl z o z LI \cc ^- z u u 9 12. \S MONTHS IN STORAGE FIG.S RETENTION OF ASCORBIC ACID IN ORANGE JUICE 100 98 9£> z o 94 t2 lu H 92 Or 90 U' ^- z u u or as St. 0. STORAGE TEMPERATURES C mmmC TO" F 8* S2 80 9 IZ IS MONTHS IN STORAGE 21 FIG. 9 RETENTION OF NIACIN IN ORANGE JUICE 24- Table I?* The judges refused to sample the juice after 6 months storage* "Epical remarks with regard to the juice Tijeres good juice, very good" after Zh months at Sii0 F* 70° p, received such remarks ass '"estcelleni^ Juice stored at "slight cam flavor^, metallic (3 months) slight off "-flavor (6 months )$ terpene flavor (9 months )s terpene and metallic (12 months )$ slight acidity,, tin flavor^ metallic flavor (18 months}^ decided off-flavor, color slightly off, slightly flat (21 months) and strong decided off~flavor (21* months)1"* three months at 110° f, remarks were* After "slight can flavor, after flavcr, sli#t off color and off flavor1", and after sis months "very poor, terrible, not acceptable under any circumstances". General remarks and observations. During the course of the eisperiment the cans stored at 110° p, began to swell* for all products studied. Sixth to ninth month* This was true Hie -swelling of containers began from the It appeared that a thermophile might be re** sponsible for the spoilage and swelling of the cans which subsequently split open along the boc^r seam* Accordingly a bacteriological exami*» nation x-jas made of all the products as swelling began to occur. organism could be demonstrated and it was concluded that spoilage was due to chemical reactions* Examination of the headspace gases disclosed between 65 and 70 percent hydrogen with the remainder being carbon dioxide and nitrogen. There was no osygen present which suggested hydrogen No h3 swell* The interior of the plain cans showed excessive corrosion and there ms no doubt that pinholing had occurred and that the swell t-jas due to formation of hydrogen gas* Analysis of Canned ..pp&ijae. Juice Ascorbic acid* The retention of ascorbic acid in canned orange juice stored for 12 months at 3h01> 70° and 110° F tsas 99s 9$ and 31 percent respectively (Figure 8). Six percent had been retained after 18 months storage at 110° P, -ahen analysis of this group "was disc on* tinued. After 2k months at 3It0 and TO0 F. the retention was 9k and 89 percent respectively. The retention figure at 3k0 F* storage is lower than for grapofruit juice at this temperature but was higher at the 70° F. storage* The loss at 110° F. during the first three months ^•^as about the same as for grapefruit juice but the rate of loss was not as great after 3 months storage. These data indicate that for orange juice any temperature between 3k0 and 70° F* would give retention of at least 95 percent for 12 Eionths of storage. Niacin. The retention of niacin in canned orange juice (Figaro 9) was almost identical with that reported for grapefruit juice. The percent retention after 12 months storage at 3k0s 70° and 110° F* were 979 97 and 93 percent respectively. After 2k months storage at 3k0 and 70° F* the retention was 90 and 88 percent respectively. As with grapefruit juice9 the retention of niacin does not appear to be greatly influenced by temperature of storage but does show a change with time* As noted previouslyt the score used is deceptive and the actual loss is not great* lilt 100 90 ao STORAGE 70 z o p (oO TEMPERATURES ^««»A BA" F . C«M"»C TO" F , Q^MfcO MO'F z Ul 50 h z \ 40 30 - 1 to 10 O 9 IZ IE MONTHS IN b F|G 10 15 STORAGE 18 21 24- RETENTION OF THIAMINE IN ORANGE JUICE ISO so so 70 40 50 cr -r 0=AG£ TLMPFRA^URES 40 "■4 ■ '. . —». 70° F ^^BL 110° F 30 20 - 10 - F 1 J . I i IS VONTHS FIGH X.. 21 IN STORAGE RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN IN ORANGE JUICE 24- us IO0 90 80 2 O P Z hi TO faO tu a. SO h 40 z u STORAGE TEMPERATURES ■ 30 Q. 0^"i»0 10° F Qt^mmma 110° r ZO 10 O 9 MONTHS FIG. 12 12. IN 13 STORAGE. 18 RETENTION OF PANTOTHENIC ACID IN ORANGE JUICE in u 2.0 |STQRAGE v> 3 3 -i 2 21 A TEMPERATURES A C-~~"^ L (U 34° F TO' F U0° F p in a h Z ui ui K 15 CD 5 < u. O O b 9 MONTHS IZ. IS IN STORAQE FIG. 13 CHANGE IN COLOR OF ORANGE JUICE 24- Thiamlne. The retention of thiamine by canned orange juice (figure 10) ^as excellent at 3^° and 70° F,| and the curves fcr grapefruit juice and orange juice were almost identical* Howrer$ the average retention was higher at the conclusion of the storage period in the orange juice* At 12 jaonthSi, orange juice stored at 5U% 70° and 110° F» retained 98, 95 and 39 percent of the thiamine* At the lower temperatures^ thianine retention sheared to be in«* fluenced only by the length of storage Bith 93 a«d 86 percent being retained at 2h months. During the first 6 months at XLGQ F» the loss of thiamine ims very rapid, but became very slow after that period^ only 10 percent being lost during an additional 12 months storage as compared to 57 percent during the initial 6 months period. liboflavin. The retention of riboflavin (Figure 11) after 2k months storage at 3h0 F. was 93 percent as compared to only 79 percent at 70° F. Riboflavin appeared to be influenced more by temperature of storage than by time. At 110° F. there was a retention of 70 percent after 12 months but aft&r 18 months there was only a 37 percent recovery. It is interesting to note in this connection that there was no sudden loss and subsequent increase of riboflavin in orange juice as reported for grapefruit juice* Pantothenic acid. The loss of pantothenie acid (Figure 12) was more rapid during the first 12 months storage at 3ii0 F* in canned orange juice than in grapefruit juice. However^ at the end hi of 2k months there was a ?5 percent retention tghich was slightly higher than comparable grapefruit juice. Storage of orange ^uice at 70° F* gave retentions of 79 and h9 percent at 12 and 2k months re* epectively.« The retention of pantothenic acid stored at 110° F-« ma 53 and k2 percent at 12 and 18 months respectively. The loss of pantothenic acid TOS influenced by both time and temperature. Change in color* is given in Figure 13« The ratio of amber/green tristimulus filters As with grapefruit juice the individual aaiiber and green tristimulus filter readings Changed at 3U0J? 70° and 110° F. There occurred a very slight change in the ratio at 3V3 and 70° F, but it was never more than 0,10 from the initial reading* The data in Table V with respect to U«. S* grade show little variation between the evaluation of color for 3k0 and 70° F. At the end of three months storage at 110° F.. the amber filter reading decreased from the value of the initial reading while the green filter reading remained constant. This resulted in a more narrow ratio between the two filters than in the initial examination* After storage for six months at this temperature, the green filter gave increasingly lower readings than the amber filter and the ratio increased.. Coupled with the increase in ratio of the amber/green filters were decreasing values assigned for color in U. S. grade. In this coisioetion it should be noted that the ratio between the ninth and tt-ielfth month was constant and at the same time loss in 18 340F 70oF ORANGE ll0oF JUICE STORED 12 MONTHS JUICE ORANGE STORED Figure lk* 24 MONTHS Kadachromes of orange juice stored 12 and 21; months at 31°, 70° and 110° F. 4.9 ascorbic acid was only three percent, A rapid increase in the ratio between the twelfth and eighteenth month of storage was associated with a rapid decrease in ascorbic acid. The correlation coefficient between loss In natural color * as expressed by the aaiber/green ratio and loss of ascorbic acid was -0.759*0,122Jn^ 12, true at ti © 110° F* storage • This is particularly £<oss in color was not influenced by storage temperatures between 34° and 70° F. but storage at temperatures between 70° and 110° F« would result in increasingly greater loss of color. The kodacbrome pictures of the juices after 12 months at 34°^ 70° and 110° F, and after 24 months at 34° and 70° F. are presented in Figure 14. U. St, grade♦ Storage of orange juice at 34° F, for a period of 24 months did not lower the U, S, grade as shorn in Table V, There was a slight change in the points assigned to the individual grade attributes but these did not influence the final grade. Orange juice stored at 70° F, remained U, S, grade A until between the "^ twelfth and fifteenth months when the flavor dropped to 33 points out of a possible 40, It is noted that although the total score was 90 points at 12 and at 15 monthss the juice was reduced to U, S. grade C at 15 months because of the limiting rule for flavor. The same was true for'grapefruit except that it was graded C at the end of 12 months storage. o ^5 ♦ _# H £3 O O © | 1 eg 13 O «? ftt H % O 6 5 g (a 0 © ra 6 P*1 s O ©• ,&} 4* O © © H M is (9. m o Q-i o 5o ^ tQ & B3 © ra o■?-» 8 o o CO St o « "'« iH to t^ e-- o «> o C\ <*\ f*N CN CN t<\ vO «»S to O O O ! © SS $ SB « e\j to eg w c\i e- i tn <n J 8 o sft i ! i O^CON© ITS E*- « r*} M rt iH r4 # *■ v0\OWMn">^«»\OO^'Q0 0>t!0©vQO>tO«)0©>0^ i-iMMfViHIrtMHIrt oj sn^o tn Hi ** *rv -^ c\ 0\O\0^0^O*O^0^Ox<J,> vei>-toi>»vo«3c-'e^to cnc*\m^f^<n(n<*\( «-iWHHMCMHIHIr4 Ocrp0C*CJ|£$5|£ O °|? &| fi» ^a 0 O O GJ CO © rt H *H ^s $»» ^ ® S 3§$ O 0) <» ^3 ,0 <S' O 63 SJ eg eg eg © o g) •O «tJ >tJ * * * « 9 CO «Q 03 |» $0 Ehe redaction in U», S, grade at 110° F» was not as rapid as in the grapefruit j-oice. The orange juice was rated U* S, grade C after 3 months storage because of the rule on flavor* The color of the juice at this period was in the lox^sr limit for grade A. Subsequent storage at 110° F, resulted in an inoreasingly greater loss of flavor and a gradual loss in color between the twelfth and fifteenth months irfhen the juice darkened severely., This is in agreement with the evaluation of color from the amber/green tristinrulus filter ratio* Although color of the orange juice did not deteriorate as quickly as that of the grapefruit juice, the orange juice was reduced to U. S. grade D after 6 months on flavor alone. Grganoleptic evaluation. Juice stored 2U months at 3^° F. ms rated better than the initial sample. and "very good". Epical remarks were "eiocellent" This is not considered significant because the judges could not be eicpected to make absolutely accurate comparison over such a period, A slight but increasing degree of differentiation wts made in color of the juice stored at 70° F. as time of storage increased. Flavor received increasingly lower scores and there were comments such as M strong5 tin flavor^ terpene flavor^ off flavor^ old metallic flavorw with increased length of storage at TO*3 F. Orange juice stored at 110° F, was severely criticised on color at 3 and 6 months and flavor of the juice was graded even more severely at these two periods. All judges refused to taste the juice after 6 months storage at this temperature. B^ m a 0. ^ ««> 13 P. ■=3* H 5 •53} 5 fe 5 S3 Q (£3 ■3 S ^ CO fe <-*) &0 s O H s 85 .« °« o tO cn CM a• o0 too CO t^H 8 to^i tn* en6 tOsd "^ 8 « 8 8 8 8 8 » 8. 8 cnCMOB-QCO.QOVO • 9 o e * a • e o 'I 1 O ^vO €0 «0 tO O !«0 -I f '? * * '• * * .$ tOC«-W)\0vr\«>OwSir>uN f * '> $ '* & 9 •* tOGNt0tS0£>i>iB0eSE> ■*• «a«otot>to«d«d«6to to' |> to CO to to to'to o^ oo<noiH{»>iNS-v©\0\q » -« •• 4 ■ * » » ■.« 4 4 «0 CO «0 00 to to to to to ©{nvDO^c^wxtgrj^ 52 53 100 30 80 TO z o p z u i- - GO STORAGE SO TEMPERrtTURES u a ^- z u u SO - 20 - \ 10 9 IZ 13 MONTHS IN STORAGE 18 21 2.4- FIG.I5 RETENTION OF ASCORBIC ACID IN GRAPEFRUIT- ORANGE JUICE BLEND 100 ie 94. 94- Z o p 92 je 90 LI (k »z u 88 TEMPERATURES A «■■»/_ 340F U^MavD IIO°F 8fc UJ a. STORAGE 84 82 80 9 MONTHS IE 15 IN STORAGE 18 21 FIG.IG RETENTION OF NIACIN IN GRAPEFRUIT-ORANGE JUICE BLEND IA- $h .100 u^ 0 pz ^^^ £0 u 1- lii 50 ■ ♦0 - SO - Q: k Z Id u DC Ul a. £0 " 10 1 18 9 12 IS MONTHS IN STORAGE 21 z* RGIT RETENTION OF THIAMINE IN GRAPEFRUIT-ORANGE JUICE BLEND too 90 80 STORAGE TO z o z u Yu 2 a \ <2>0 TEMPERATURES A A 3*°F O O 70° F D □ 110° F SO 40 \ 30 QC EO IO _l ____i__!_ ___i.=_ 9 li MONTHS IN IS 13 21 STORAGE FIG. 18 RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN IN GRAPEFRUIT-ORANGE JUICE BLEND 2A 55 Analysis of Canned Grapefruit«>C^an^e Juice Blend Ascorbic acid. The retention of ascorbic acid by the citrus blend stored for 2U months at 3k0 and 70° F. (Figure 15>) was not as good as that for grapefruit or orange juice * After 12 and 2h months at 3h0 F. there was 9h and 88 percent retention as coiripsred with 88 and 68 percent at 70° F, After 12 months storage at 70° F, the slope of the retention curve became steeper than during the first 12 months. At 110° F. retention of ascorbic acid after 3 and 6 months x-jas h9 and 18 percent respectively. Analyses for ascorbic acid in blend stored at 110° F. were dropped after 6 months storage. Hiacin. The retention of niacin by the citrus blend (Figure 16) was simlar to that of grapefruit and orange juice* Temperature did not appear to influence the retention as did length of storage. After 12 months the retention of niacin tras $$s 96 and 92 percent at temper attires of 3^°* 70° and 110° F. After 2k months 91 and 90 per- cent were retained in continuous storage at 3^° and 70° F* respec* tively. There appears to be no heed for refrigeration for retention of niacin in either the blend or the pure citrus juices. Thiamine. The retention of thiamine in citrus blend was more favorable after 2h months storage at 3k0 and 70° F. than for either grapefruit or orange juice. After 12 months at 3k0* 70° and 110° F. grapefruit*orange juice blend retained 99f 9h and US percent respect tively of the initial thiamine content (Figure 17)* After 2k months 98 and 88 percent of the thiamine was retained at 3U0 and 70° ¥,, 56 h^6: loo »<& so o. 80 z o D 70 t- STORAGE TeMPFKATURES S.m^mA 34° F ^■■■■■c IIO'F &0 2 Li tUl 50 - \ a; h 4-0 z 30 UI a 20 10 .1 6 1 9 MONTHS J i 1 ia IN is 18 21 24- STORAGE FIG.I9 RETENTION OF PANTOTHLNIC ACID IN GRAPEFRUIT-ORANGE JUICE BU NU tn I.S 1- I.& ! I.S >- / 3 J 5 I- 7 lu U a 1.4- L 1.3 {- / ©, 1.0 S- '<&' STORAGE- •d Li ID »fi)« »&« < ,&, TEMPERATURES U"*"»0 U«MML. 2 'fe« 700F IIO°F .lb < 5 9 MONTHS 3 FIG 20 CHANIGT « IN 15 STORAGE ia IN COLOR OF GRAPEFRUIT- ORANGE JUICE BLEND *<& $1 !Phere was a loss of 3k percent in thiamine during the first 3 months at 110° F» Continued storage at this teraperatiire for an additional 15 months resulted in a further 29 percent loss* It ffiEgr be seen flrora Figure 1<? that the most critical period for thiamine xms during the first three months of storage at 110° F* Riboflavin. The retention of ribofla-iiln by the citrus blend stored at 3h0 and 70° F. v&s practically identical at the conclusion of the storage period (Fig\ire 18) to that reported for grapefruit and orange juice. At 3h0 F. retentions of 95 percent or more were found at all tiiaes during the storage period* During the first 12 months at 70° F. the riboflavin gradually declined to 93 percent* additional 12 months ttor© tms a retention of h9 percent. After an It x^as apparent that the loss of riboflavin ms more rapid during the second year of storage than in the first 12 months at 70° F. The influence of 110° F, storage on retention of riboflavin ms striking in tlmt there occurred a relatively steady decline of 10 to 15 percent during each three month period up to 12 months* From 12 to 15 months 20 percent additional was lost and from 15 to 18 months only 8 percent loss occurred. These high storage temperatures are accepted as very detrimental from the standpoint of riboflavin as well as other attri*. butes*. Pantothenic acid* The retention of pantothenie acid in grape~ fruit~arange juice blend (Figure 19) was influenced by both time and temperature* After 12 months storage at 3h0 f,t 72 percent ms £fc IIOwl GRAPEFRUIT—ORANGE JUICE DLENO STOR ED Figure 21. MONTH KodachromeB of grapfriait-crange nuice blend stored 18 and 2h months at 31°* 70° and 110° F. 59 retained as compared to $6 percent at ?00 F? sad 37 percent at 110° F*Only kh percent was retained during th© first 9 months fet HO0 P. in the blend as compared to 62 percent in grapefruit jtjice and 6? percent Storage for IS months at teraperatures betoeen 3h0 and In orange jtdce« 70° F* Fill resialt in 90 percent or better retention of pantothenic seid. Change in color,. The ratio of the anber/green tristimul^ts filter did not change materially during the storag© period (Figure 20) at 3^° and 70° F* 1*05* At the tin© of the initial ©xaraimticn the ratio ms Storage at 3h0 F» for 12 Months rave a ratio of 1*03* ratio, 1*03 ^as also found at 3* SI and 21* month© at 70° Tt The There can be no significance attached to this difference^ hot-jever^ because the instrument used was not accurate to such a degree* The color ratio increased during the first 6 Months of storage at 110° F*5 then tended to level off for 3 rooaths after which it iaereased very rapidly from 9 to 15 months* Figure 21 depicts th© color of grspefruit-orange juice blend after 18 months at the three temperatures and after 2h months at 3h0 and 70° F* A correlation coefficient of *0«936- G*0£Q was obtained between loss in color and loss of ascorbic acidi XJi S*. grade. n** 8». The change in U* S* f?rade is presented .according to individual components in Table ¥11* As with grapefruit and oran're juice^ storage of the citrus blend at 3k0 F* for a period of 2k snonths did not reduce the juice below an A grade prodiact* is mth grapefruit &gi ^ I 49 02 «M O u If 6* ..■• #< o 0 3 ..■• fe. o F 6 9 03 p P CO o H © & ONWMnm s s •aa a£ s« & »? 0 s « • 11 „ 5 , II 8 „ 11 0 „ 8 to o o o „ Ik IP^ fe 03 43 (**fl p*i Fn cH ffH B?^ r^i r~5 iH O*«o ©o co o\ ^taa ONCO o a * $ i& ONO^CvOC^tOtOtOibo 9 go 0 O ^ a o •as* 0 fe? (3 g ^ 61 WO 8 J fe «$ o © o •*? W OP%v90^0i«A«Qr-j'«^ 0s0\0N«QO^0'>e^Ot)O rtHHHHl«HHiHH e>E,>-tX){>E>»tOt!000E~- teO«X)<>OtO0^QQO^ ^g 8g ^at^^st^fc^a? $4 SJ ^ 69 E*« W O 03 a a ea. ^4 ^1 «N Q 6o ^ 1 fri' C^ •rt HI 4 Ik 1 I P o .rt H •S 43 8 > m H ft R o so 0 • O ♦ * * CS W O 0 « o • * 4 « ! J 0 « 8 I 0 « « » I 5■ ♦ 0 • « » « :« ■♦ >'$ # ,* * « * .-* »' t5!3tdt50«£)tX)«OJ>!>!> •■♦»'» -♦ •* * * t- £> C" t> 8> SO !> XX3 CO ■» «)J>tOCOt3acOS>8>tO O^sOdx^^^^^ 61 62 juicej the score for color did not change materially during the 2h. month period of 70° F. but change in flavor reduced the juice from grade A to G after 12 months storage. From 12 to 2k months the juice remained Ut S, grade C on flavor alone and the score for flavor de« creased progressively to a low of 28 between 18 and 2k months. Stored at 110^ F, the blend depreciated rapidly. storage color was at the lower limit for grade C, was graded D because of flavor* After 3 months The juicej however, In this instance the grade was dropped from A to D in 3 months at 110° F. because of flavor alone. At 6 months the color had changed radically and there were no points as* signed. The absence of defects attribute of the grade did not change during this period. It is interesting to note that judgement of color in U. S. grade decreased in proportion to the increased filter ratio as shown in Figure 20. Organoleptic evaluation* The data presented in Table VIII show that the panel of judges did not differentiate between juice stored at 3k0 F. on any of the periods of examination. The acceptability was as good at the end of 21; months as on the initial examination. I^pical remarks of the judges of the blend stored 2k months at 3k0 F« were "very^ very good juices e3£cellentl,,. There was discrimination against the color of the juice stored at 70° F. bettfeen 18 and 2k months although the range at this time was "good to very good". When the judges were asked to evaluate the juice for flavor;, the scores assigned decreased regularly from the 63 ninth to the twenty^first month but thereafter the points remained almost constant. The judges commented on the fact that at 9 months the juice was "'astringent^, terpene5 bitter, metallic"* typical comments weres At 2h months "strong and terpene"* Juice stored at 110° F» lost color and flavor very rapidly in 3 months* At the time of the initial examination the Color judgement averaged 8,3 (very good) and for flavor 7*9 (very good). The same judges rated the color after 3 months at 110° F. as 3»9 (fair) and flavor 2.£ (poor to poorly fair). After six months storage the juice txas rated as repulsive* Analysis of Canned Grapefruit Sections Ascorbic acid* The retention of ascorbic acid in canned grape* Retention after 2h. months at £ruit sections is shoxim in Figure 22* 311° F. tjas greater than that for the blend and slightly belotf that of At 3U0 F. retention was 96 and straight grapefruit or orange juice* 93 percent after 12 and 2k months storage respectively, compared to 12 and 20 percent for the 70° storage. The greatest loss at 70° F. occurred during the first 9 months of storage when 11 percent of the vitamin had disappeared. A retention of $9$ 26 and 11 percent was noted at 3? 6 and 9 months of storage at 110° 5;. occurred during the first 6 months* The most rapid loss The retention of ascorbic acid in citrus sections stored at temperatures between 3U0 and 70° F, could be expected to be at least 88 percent after twelve months of storage. 6k z g i-- z STORA&F a) I- 9 It MONTHS IM TEMPERATURES (^ MMiaB ^ 70° F IS STORAGE 18 FIG.22 RETENTION OF ASCOfBC ACID -N SRAPLFKUr SLTTIONS 100 'V^ 9a 96 - z 94 - z u 92 j- STORAGE ^ TfcMPnf?ATURE5 'iA -TO' r MO* F /,' 0 V- 90 i- z u ti u a. 1 88 I 86 . 84- - 82 - SO JL. I . 9 MOMTHS IZ 15 IN STORAGE 24 18 FIG. 23 RETENTION OF NIACIN IN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS 65 90 80 z o i2 K \ - STORAGE TEMPERATURES A *■»•_'.. 34 T C «■■■».70° F ■^mimmm^ 110* f TO r 60 ■!■ 1u: a. l- z u •U 50 j « 40 H 1 Q: £ 30 j- zo 10 ■ o MOWTHS I 12 'M 18 15 STORAGL FIG. 2.4 RETI'MTION OF THIAMiNE IN GRAPtFRUIT 21 24- SFCTI0N5 100 ^"^^asw.; z o h Z h 2 • Li <_ a. 90 ,- 80 - 70 - 60 - 50 - 40 i- 30 !■ \ STORAGE TFM'PERATU A^i^B^ 34° F Cmmmm^ 7o° F z^immmZ c 110° F lu Q. 20 I- \ 10 o 9 12 MONTHS IN STORAGE FIG.25 RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN 15 18 IN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS t4- 66 Wiacin« The retention of niacin in grapefruit sections (Figure 23) was 93 percent when stared 12 months at $h0 F* Siis trjas lower' than that for other citrus products after 12 months storage. After ik months at 3UQ F. the retention was 6 percent lower than that reported for grapefruit juice. The saKte was true of storage at 70® F. At 12 and 2h. months the retention of niacin was lo*?er than that re» ported for other citrus products. The rate of decline uas more rapid in sections than in the other products* The only difference between the products was the higher degree Brix of the sections* Attention is called to the deceptiveness of the scale used for niacin, Thiamne»> The retention of thiaraine in grapefruit sections was not seriously influenced by storage at 3h0 or 70° P. After 2h months at these two temperatures 96 and 92 percent were retained (Figure 2k)* After 2k months at 3k0 F. 'the retention tras lot-rer than for the blend but higher than grapefruit or orange juice. At 70° F., the retention at 2k months tjas higher than in any of the other citrus products. The effect of storage at 110° F. t-jas less striking than for other citrus products but in any case, bears out the fact that thiardne is not favorably retained in citrus products at .high temperatures. Temperatures between 3k0 and 70° F* have negligible effects on the vitamin. Riboflavin. The retention of riboflavin (Figure 25) t-rets 88 percent after 2k months at 3k0 F. At both 12 and 2k months 67 grapefruit sections contained less riboflavin than the other citrus products. At 70° F«3 there ms less riboflavin at 12 and 2^ months but the difference in retention between the sections and the other citrus products ms less noticeable than at the ^k0 F* storage. HO0 F» the loss was more rapid than for other products* At ¥ith a retention of 86$, 67<> kh and 19 percent of the initial riboflavin content at 3a 69 9 and 12 months respectively* Pantothenic acid* Hhe retention of pantothenic acid (Figure 26) was about the same after 2k months storage at SU® and 70® F* as for other citrus products. At 110° F.^ the rate of loss during the first 6 months was double that of other citrus products. After 6 months the rate of loss "ssas about 10 percent for each 3 month interval, Pantothenic acid is mfluenced by both tine and temperature sri/th temperature escorting a more detrimental effect. Change in color*. Change in color of grapefruit sections after 2h months at 3^° F* (Figure 27) ws about the same as for other citrus products at this temperature, Although the refleetometer readings ' varied xclth time, the ratio between the amber/green tristimulus fil« ters did not change, Hie filter ratio at the beginning of the storage was 1,00 and did not Change materially throughout a 21* month period. In general, the filter ratio from sections stored at 70° F. increased t-iith duration of storage. The change t^as not great but detectable as may be seen in Figure 28, At 110^ F. there was only a slight change in the ratio during the first 3 months. Subsequently there 68 z Q h z y i- u K I2 STORAGE hi & Id 30 20 TEMPtRATURES —"^■■•i. 3^'F ^.^■"■"-v^ ^O'F rj—"mm,-_ |tO°F r I 10 h O ( 1 — 9 KtONTHS 12 15 IM STORAGE . ;'i8. 21 24- FIG.2& RETENTION OF PANTOTHENIC ACID IN GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS STORAGE I.& TEMPERATURES 1.5 in -I 1.4 I h 1.3 I- a: < u m < o / 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 9 MONTHS 12 15 IM STORAGE IS FIG.ZT CHANGE IN COLOR OF GRAPEFRUIT SECTI0M5 a* 69 Figure 28. KodachromGS of grapefruit sections stored 12 and 2k months at 3k0, 70° and 110° F. 70 tias a yery rapid increase #iieh' agreed mth the visual color evalu-^ ation and deer ©as© ±n U* B». grade* ifter 3 laonths- at 110'° ?«,, the sections has lost ill percent of the ascorbie acid and the poisats assigned for color score in L.. So grade declined U poiats.. Coupled tsith these decreases tras an in* crease ia the value of the assber/green ratio fross 1*00 to l*0k« After 6 months there was a loss of ?l& percent of the ascorbic scidj the color score ms 0 and the filter ratio increased'to !*§$. The correlation coefficient betesen change ,111 color and loss of ascorbic acid in grapefruit sections t-jas «=O»9C0tC*c66s ns* 8» U» S* grade* She grade for grapefruit sections includes? drained neiphtf, t&oXeneecj color9 absence of defects ami character of fruit* There are three grades* Each of the attributes of grade are assigned 20 point® in the grading systera. Asgr grade factor . given a value of befrKeen 15 and 17 points iaelusive limits the pr©~ duetjj regardless of total score to U* 5* grade B* If the ©cor© assigned is between 0 and lU inclusi^ire the grade autoBtatieaMy becomes D or off grade* During 2k months storage at 3h0 Wb^ there t-;ere practically no changes in points for various attributes of TJ» S* grade as my be seen in fable Hi period; The sections remained U* 'S* grade l for the entire It 70° Fis there tjas found a progressive decrease in drained weighty color and character of fruit up to 2h months* The fruit Si p (H 0 CO o 4* O IS S3 .♦ fe 9 0 « fo* 0 P «> fe ©^ ^ «H > « w £H « fo .» a <5 o O D 0 St « 0 o CO 0 6*« fe 0 o » a ^» &3 ^5 ^ 11 1 ^ 8 11 11 8 «H Q H «© 0 S3s© tr««M w^^o 8 to to 8 1 0 9 9 8 9 9 S^SS 8 9 9 &$ co !» 1 * s 1) ON ino O » H HI CO to inQ D rt HH 3 ^^ O^ 0^ 0^ O^ a to'coot»«oe*\0MMri HHHHHHrHrtrt cooNto®. ta &to a* H H rH H f^ H- rt rt J» s ** A "d & «w O o ^ 1 tH o fel 60 % •a © A %3 |8 o tu u g % 3 © "B b «g <* 5 ^■s 8 «» ^-) +3 ^3 •§5^ •Si'ii «H O -H 'rt $ gIS 1 1*8''8 S .S 5 C! fe^ •Hf O H Cfi CS « 0 rf3 fe ^ o «a o «tj -^ 8 § §§ o O o o o fe4 Ci-J &«S I6J &d JO 13 3 a a a '§ 0 o o O » « l> « o « a ^ ^i O <D O tr» g) to p ** « 02 CO CO to to , * « • 1 aas^ © ® © © © 'H G3 © ® © G CD 03 O Q Ci s § § § § (3sot0«) £>ev\0\9 8A HHiHHiHf-<iHr-)r-{ o © ffl (DO© ,£3 43 £> ,Q ,£1 o XJOtOtQtQ GNOtO C^CO r-JHHtHrtHf-ltHrt 0 rs ©>CQ 0> <?> CO 0><> H H HI HI r=) H H O e^NE) ^^ "}?2d 2f CO' co^c^cocqocoeoo HltVMHHIriCvJp-lHI ONOO«ooNcqo©^o eDt)OONtooN^©NCoco (H H rt «H (^ H H H H CO «0 'K) «? CO SO CO CO to ^mOxaNONb^uNO^iuN . * S3 *> tO tO 0\«Q 00 CH£>"\0 W"\ HHHHHHiHHrt £> \0 AS s^ 4 fiH IA # o « S3 o © H 9 71 M 6* % 9' g& 43 CO %4 o 4? 1 I |s 03 g • PEt O ^> e* 5 II 0 0 0 II 8 f J D ■» t-O O .t I 0 8 • 8 0 . • » • to O O 0 « '* « *«*«#««• • o « 4 • o • « ^a»»si5f ow,0 © ®*eo to^ © «%©to • ■» * > ♦ o • i& ♦ ©vtiocoooto o^tio ONtiS «o«>toeot!o<xi«)«o«o * eN«o e- e* &~ &* e- c^ -^ ■*■ o « C9 0> -^ 1A o w^ O•- fr-*0fr-N© c*\W o«o « «. « a 0 o « » £~«Oe*»^-v0\9mCV.«*\ £*Or»O>0rt^%0v© #-»•»»■> 8*0 4: O S-1^ rt O ■8' ■•rf. ■tf' ^3 0 q. ■^ 8o «* ^ 5> I 0S «? H O Q 51 45 © J3 HI 6 72 73 softened and the drained t-jeight decreased tdtfo time. After 12 months the sections were U* S. grade B on the basis of color. After 15 months they were grade B not only on color but on drained weight and character of the fruit, M the end of 2k months at 70° F, sectiona were easily brokenji an intact section could not be lifted with a spoon. The effect of refrigerated storage on the character of fruit -ms particularly noticeable. After 3 months at HO0 F.^ the fruit ms U, S4 @?ade D on the basis of character of fruit x-jhich was below the limitations« At 6 months the character of fruit factor had been seriously degraded but drained x-reight and color also influenced the off-grading of the pro*duct. This is in agreement with the rapid increase in amber/green filter ratios* At 9 xnonths storage., in addition to colorj drained weight, and character of fruit., the wholeness factor entered into the attributes causing the down grading of the product, The influence of high temperature storage of citrus sections was very striking in relation to quality attributes of the U» S. grade* Qrganoleptic evaluation* The judges did not note any particular change in the sections stored at 3ii0 F,9 during the 2k months storage. Typical remarks weres "very good,, fine! bright Color." On the other hand there was discrimination against color, flavor and acceptability of sections stored at 70° P.. The judges became more critical of these factors as the period of storage increased. Table X shows a serious devaluation in color between the 18 and 21 months period at which time Ik the filter ratios increased to the highest level. Ther© x-ras discrim* ination against the flavor beginning at the ninth month examination and this factor decreased progressively mth duration of storage* Remarks on sections stored at 70° F. t-ieres "slight can flavorj metal flavor, terpene beginning (9 months)% slightly yellow5 terpene devel«» oping (12 months )j beginning to break dot-m (at 15 months which corses* ponded to the U, S* grade limitation for character of fruit at this period)j metallic flavdr (18 months )j poor flavors. strongg, too soft (21 months) and too darks liquor darks much breakdoi-m (2k months)," The judges refused to sample the sections after storage for 9 months at 110° F* Color,, flavor and acceptability were below the acceptability level at 3 months storage. the U. S* grade D at this t±rmf. this period were? This was in agreement with The remarks of the judges during ?, off color and very pronounced can flavor (3 months) and very poor, repulsive flavor and color3 mushy8' at 6 aaonths storage. Analysis of Canned Tomato Juicft Ascorbic acid. The retention of ascorbic acid (Figure 29) after 12. and 2k months at 3^ F« was 97 and 92 percent respectively* The percent reduction at 3k0 F, was about the same as that in citrus products* The grapefruit sections, however, retained less after 2k months than did the tomato juic©» The retention of ascorbic acid at 70° F. after 2k months storage was higher than that found in all citrus products with the exception of the orange juice♦ The loss of ascorbic acid at 110° F. did not take place as rapidly as in the citrus products. IS 100 N 90 - 80 r z o \z. Ui 1- 70 feO hl u. 50 _ t1 40 „ Ui 30 20 - \0 - « L9 12 15 MONTHS IM bTORAGE IB FI&.23 RE TEMT ION OF ASCORBIC ACID IN CANNED TOMATO 100 21 24- JUICE , 98 ~ 9fo r z o yz u (- q4 - 92 " 90 r ea - 8<b - u o: l- z 1U u DC 14 a. STORAGE. TtMPCRATURCS C aMn»( 70 K .. «MM» : I II0 ' F 84 U2. '■ I 80 i i- 9 .12 15 MONnlS IKJ STORAGE 18 FI&. 30 RETENTION OF NIACIM IN CANNED TOMATO 21 JUICE ~""Z4- 76 Miere the. range in percent retention in citrus products was h9 to 62 after $ months* toinato juice retained 71 percent. At 6^ 9> 12 and 1S> months storage at 110° F.* tomato juice retained SS9 kZf 31 and 15 percent respectively. Analysis at the 110° F* teraperat-ure tjas dis* continued after 1^ months* Hiacin. The retention of niacih in canned tomato juice stored at 3h® ■F«--was excellent (Figure 3©)* After 2h months^. 92 percent of the' initial content t^as retained* This agrees favorably with the retentions reported for the citrus products at 3h0 F, with the escception of the grapefruit sections. After 2k months there appeared to be a very slight influence of the 70° F* storage on the retention of niacin but the loss was not nutritionally significant* Kiacin was not affected by 110° F. storage during the period of shelf*life* Thus after 18 months at 3h0i 70° and 110° F. recoveries of 9k^ 9h and 90 percent of the initial niacin content were obtained* Thiamine* The retention of thiamine by canned tomato juice was higher at the completion of 2k months storage at 3k0 F* (Figure 31) than the recoveries obtained from grapefruit or orange juice. 2k monthss 96 percent of the original content was found* At After 2k months at 70° F*, retention w&s equivalent to that of citrus products being 93 and 87 percent respectively after 12 and 2k months storage* The loss of thiaraine in tomato juice stored at 110° F* was not as rapid as the losses experienced in citrus products. At 3* 6* 9* 12, 15 and 18 months at 110° F. the recoveries were 90^, 809 129 58^ 77 S>3 and 3h percent respectively. As a comparison tomato juice re- tained 80 and 58 percent at 6 and 12 laonths while grapefruit juice retained III and 3li percent, Riboflavin. The retention of riboflavin (Figure'32).was 92 percent after 2h months at 3k0 F. This compares favorably with that of citrus products with the essception of the sections which were lower in the vitamin.* recovery. After 12 months at 3h0 F» there x-aas a 97 percent After 12 and g'ii months at 70° F* the respective recoveries were 90 and 81 percent, The retention at 2k months xms about equal to that reported for all citrus products ezcept the grapefruit sec*> tions which were lower at this period. The rate of loss of riboflavin at 110° F, was of about the same magnitude as that reported for the retention of thiamine in tomato juice, Pantothenic acid, Pantothenic acid in tomato juice appeared t© be Influenced by both temperature and length of storage. As temperature and time increased there was progressive destruction of pantothenic acid. The loss at 3k0 and 70° F, xras ©imlar for the first 6 months but with combined storage there was a greater loss at 70° F. than at 3h0 F. (Figure 33 )< After 12 and 2h. months at 3U0 F, th© retention was 89 and 72 percent as compared to 79 and 55 percent at 70° F, The rat© of loss of this vitamin in tomato juice stored at 110° F, xms similar to the citrus products except the sections which gave a lower recovery than did the tomato juice. 78 100 90 80 z o p z 70 i- so - Li t t- u so - t- 4-0 - 2 u K STORAGE TEMPERATURtS \ .'.mtmmm/. 34- F y 30 sUmmm^u uo°F a. ZO 10 , .1 9 MONTHS , l ' \Z 15 |W STORAGE 1 IS 1 ■_ Z4- 2) FIG. 31 RETENTION OF THIAMINE IN CANNED TOMATO JUICE 100 90 80 2 O h 70 - £0 - (lu Of z UJ 111 a 50 ' 40 - 30 f- STORAGE TEMPERATURES AmmmA 34'F 0«w»0 70° r U«HI^U II0°F io i10 h 9 12 IS MONTHS IN STORAGE 24- IS FIG.32 RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN IN CAMMED TOMATO JUICE 79. 100 '©J •A, 90 >Ci 80 z o £ •■A, 70 - Ul 60 i1 or 50 j. lz Id 40 Iw • STORAGE -TEMPERATURES &mmm& 30 34-" F C«M»U 70" F ■ D«Ha»Q no' F 20 10 ■ O 9 12 • IS MONTHS IN STORAGE B 24- 21 FI6.33'RETENTION OF PANTOTHENIC ACID IN CANNED TOMATO JUICE 14 in J 3 Iv) S (2 y Li m 2. < < 9 M0WTH5 FIG. 34 CHANGE 2A 12 15 IN STORAGE IN COLOR OF CANNED TOMATO JUICE 80 Figure 35. Kodachrones of tomato juice stored 12 and 2h Jnonths .at 3ii0, 70° and 110° F. 81 Change in color. The color of canned tomato juice during 2h months storage at 3h0 and 70° F., did not change as shot-m by the ratio of the awber/'green tristimulus filters (Figure 3h)<> The in- dividual filter readings varied with tirae but there was no consistency in the direction of change. The range of differences tras of greater magnitude with the amber filters than with the green filters, l-Jhen stored at 110° F,,. the ratio of the filters increased from 1*8? to 2*17 at 6 months storage. , This was due to an increase in the amber reading at 3 months with no change in the green filter. At 6 months the. amber filter reading x-sas the same as the initial reading but the green filter readirig decreased-. This condition was responsible for the rapid rise in the ratio during the first 6 months of storage. The data reported in Figure 3h indicate that at 9 months storage there was an abrupt decrease in the ration to a point lower than the initial values. This corresponds to the abrupt* drop in points assigned for color in the U, S, grade (Table XI), The decrease in ratio Was due to a lower araber reading while the green reading remained constant. The subsequent decrease in the ratio was due to a greater increase in the aTaber than in the green filter but the ratio was less. Visual inspection of juice stored at 110° F. showed a gradual darkening with red and brown colors predominating (see Figure 33>), during the first 9 months. This occurred Thereafter there appeared to be a great deal of yellow in the reflectance which gave a yellowish brown cast to the tomato juice. The loss in color expressed by the amber/green St 6 9 .fe 0 Q 9 II 0 5 9 • g> ©^ CfJ Q O 11 8 lj! » * % ■« ?S JS 0 w^ooo 1 99 it 9 9 0 -4 <*> {*> n <*> 0 H HI HI r4 H 9 *4 <*> *4 «*> f^ «*> en "4 ""* HHI«*»<*,frtr:,»MiHH g5gg^^g^S5SJ «A st 0* CM Oi H ?5 «A 1 9 ^^^n?fJ 0 -« O O ♦ is « fo 4 03 „!> & '8: 0 0 o o o ^M «W :?H © 3 O 0 *« .O ^ si) q HI M r^ cH IT*? iH c-i 6~i pH «tj fg •© © m 03 © w o ta o 43 C3 Sj 02 <s £ <H O © &< O © § fe w ^ .c! p ^ «• ».-■■ ♦■ ^ H ,© ■ -sJi fa E* ■a fe rH <\J <n =<y vf\ W4 © to m m op o o OiWOJCVCMCvJCJWCV! .0 0 ««Y\!> ®N W «A «q H <«* H iH H CM CM tSK^ISKfiS^SiS HHHPHHHHMHI f*** P^ p*? p^l P^i f^l (r3^ ?™1 (—il t»«0ON'!50CMS0il>'COE- SJ^g^^S^^^S o HA o ■* o . CO e3} en » -to * * -O 0 CO 82 83 tristiroulus filter ratio ms more closely associated mth the loss in thiaraine than irith the other vitamins. There appeared to be no asso*' ciation bett-ieen ascorbic acid .content and filter ratio in tomato products. U. S. grade. The attributes of U. S. grade for canned tomato j-uice are color^ consistency^ absence of defects, and flavor. The most izaportant factor in grade is flavor (UO points )S) follot-jed by color (30 points) and consistency and absence of defects (15 points each). The toisato juice was U. S. grade A at the beginning of storage and at 3^° and 70° $,9 the total points assigned did not change during 2h months storage (Table XI)> It appears that little would be gained through storage of tomato juice at teinperatures lower than 70° F, as far as U. S. grade is concerned. This is in contrast to the situation t-jith respect to citrus products where flavor was the prime factor in loss of g^ade. During the last 9 months of storage at 70° F. the average score assigned for flavor of tomato juices was slightly higher than the score for the 3hQ F* juice. After three months storage at 110° F,« the juice was U. S. grade C because of a limiting rule for color. At this time the ratio had started to increase and the juice was reduced by 2 points. At 6 months the color ratio had increased to its highest level and the juice was reduced by an additional 2 points but was still U,f S. grade C on the basis of color. The ratio of the amber/^een filters de- creased very abruptly at 9 months. Coupled mth the sudden decrease 1 ! fot' o 6i ON •9 3 •ri I ! •ri I I p^ t * *■ * to \& a ct » 4: # 0 t 0 t 8 D II- ■ «■ 0 0 J 9 I! a . *» « <, i^o«De«op«o -^eo t- OJ «o e- o E> . cf>r^«>»4'HOv9r*ll-^ • « o * o * ij « o » ■» 9 9 o o * * lO-^molOOvDOO * O^vO^^^J^^^ 81; 85 was a loss of 9 points in evaluation of color for U* S. ^ade resulting in tomato juice of U, S. grade D (off*grade). With respect to flavor^ juice stored at 11O0 F* shcn-jed a rapid loss in points» At the end of 3 months the points had decreased fcy 11 while at 6 months there taas a decrease of 27* It is apparent from Table XT that the flavor factor undergoes the most rapid change. At temperatures between 70Q and 110° p. color changes somex^hat during the first 6 months but the greatest change is in flavor which alone produces an unmarketable product. Continued storage at 110° F, mil result in deterioration of both color and flavor to grade D* Organoleptic Evaluation. Table XII gives the results from the panel of judges on the general quality level of canned tomato juice. The judges discriminated slightly against color of juice stored at jk® f* Flavor of the juice ms also graded down after the first 3 months but there occurred very little change mth subsequent examinations. The remarks given on tomato juice stored at 3^° F. were in general "ra% good but slightly raw flavor". When the juice was stored at 70° F. the judges believed the color and flavor tfere slightly better. At If? months they remarked that the juice had "a pleasing salty after taste 'which is not true of the juice stored at 31*° F.". Continued tasting of tomato juice stored at 70° F* resulted in the same typical remarks. The judges did not taste the juice stored at 110° F* after 9 months and at the 9 month interval only one judge would do so$ 86 L—**—*■! ■*. 1H STORAOr TtHPLRATURES 2 hi t- : mimmU 34° F . MOTVv. 70° F ID a. UOHMWD MOV I UJ a _ _L _ > . I 9 12 15 MONTHS IN STORAGE IS Z\ TA- FIG. 3& REFENTION OF ASCORBIC ACID IN CANNED TOMATOES 100 39 98 2 o \- 2 96 LI I- a. 95 I- "t LJ 2 Ul bi 93 - 9Z »• 91 t- 90 STORA&C TEMPTERATURES LmmtmL 34-F v. ^M»C 70* F LJaiM*U HO'F 3 MOMTHS FIG. 37 RETENTION! U. IS IN STOPAGC IS 21 OF Nl ACIN IN CAMMED TOMATOES Z4 87 therefor®, the points assigned at 9 months (Table XII) are not conclusive* The judges degraded the color but they did not degrade it as seriously as the flavor* The rapid decrease in flavor evalua*. tion was in agreement with the points assigned to flavor by the U» S* grade. At 3* 6 and 9 months the remarks on juice stored at 110° P. •Here "soapy flavors caramelised flavor developing and poor!'5* It was apparent that 3 to 6 months storage at 110° F* would seriously influence the quality of canned tomato juice as far as a taste panel is concerned. Of even greater importance is the decrease in U. S. grade and the concurrent economical loss. Analysis of Canned Tomatoes Ascorbic acid* The retention of ascorbic acid in canned tomatoes (Figure 36) tras higher by two percent after 2li months storage at 3li0 F. than in tomato juice. After 12 and 2\x months tomatoes retained 99 and 9h percent respectively as compared to 97 and 92 percent in tomato juice. At storage temperatures between 3k0 and 70° F.^, the retention of ascorbic acid in canned tomatoes should be 90 percent or more after 12 months of storage, At 110° F, the rate of loss of ascorbic acid was not as rapid during the first 3 months of storage as that in tomato juice but with continued storage loss was ntuch greater. Tims there was 83<> iil5 23 and 10 percent recovery in tomatoes after 3j 65 9 and 12 months as Compared to 71? 55> k2 and 31 percent for these periods of storage in tomato juice. 88 Hiacin* The retention of niaein in canned tomatoes (Figure 37) ms not influenced bsjr temperature "but was affected by the period of storage« However^ time ms of minor importance and it is concluded that refrigerated storage t-jould be of no practical importance for the retention of niaein in tomatoes<► After 2h months at 3k0 F« and at 70° F,. there t-as 90 said 91 percent recovery of niacin» Miacln de* terminations on tomatoes held at 110° F.. were discontinued after 18 months storage. Eomvrers at this time there xms 93 percent recovery as compared to 9h percent from tomatoes held 18 months at 3k0 and 70° F. Thiamineo The retention of thiamine in canned tomatoes (Figure 38) t«as not as efficient at the three temperatures of storage as was true of tomato juicet Retention tras influenced by both tempera* ture and duration of storage. After 12 months storage at 3li0> 70° and 100° F, recoveries t-jere 90^ 81 and 27 percent* Thiamine determi- nations were discontinued at 18 months on tomatoes held at 110° F. After 2h months recovea?y of thiamine from tomatoes held at 3ii0 F. was 86 percent as compared to 77 percent at 70° F* storage* It should be noted that there was 10 percent less retention in tomatoes at 3^ and 70° P* than in tomato juice after Si* months storage* Riboflavin* The retention of riboflavin in canned tomatoes txas essentially the same as that found in tomato juice (Figure 39)* After 3 months storage at 3hQ F*, the loss of riboflavin was gradual and at a ■uniform rate amounting to approximately one percent for each period of analysis. Thus 93 percent recovery was made after 2k months 89 100 z o F z u feO - y 50 - I- t- zlit tu 0. 40 STORAGC - TEMFEPATURCS A ■■■■>/. 34° F C ■■■■(_ 70 JF iO - zo 10 - O »- 9 . 14 : MOMTHS iN STORAGE FIG. 3S RETEMTION OS THIAMINE IN CANNFD TOMATOES zg 2 U I0O ^^_ 90 r 90 j- 70 t- fcO - 50 ,_ K. (-2 40 ^U) i- STORASC U ■, 30 r »o 70° r | 0. 20 h 10 h 0 TCMPERATURE5 m- 34°F ■«., —=^^: SiO F ^ _l . 9 li IS MONTHS IN STORAGE IS Z4 FIG. 39 RETENTION OF RIBOFLAVIN IN CANNCD TOMATOES 90 Storage at 3h0 F* At 70° p*, a X$ month period was equivalent to 2I4. months at 3U0 F» Canned tomatoes retained 89 percent riboflavin after 21* months at 70° F* as corfipared to 93 percent at 3hP F, storage. The loss of riboflavin in tomatoes held at 110° F* was of the same magnitude as that reported for tomato juice. An average of 10 percent riboflavin t-jas lost at each examination. Pantothenic acid. The retention of pantothenic acid (Figure k0) in canned, tomatoes tjas almost identical t-Tith that reported for toraato juice. The retention was influenced by both temperature and duration of storage. At 12 months the recoveries were 85^ 80 and 61 percent from tomatoes held at 3h0$ 70° and 110° F. respectively. An additional 6 months storage at 110° F. reduced the vitamin to 1*6 percent <Nhile an additional 12 months at 3ii0 and 70° F* gave 71 and 5>8 percent recoveries*. With 12 months or longer at temperatures between 3k0 and 70° F. not more than 80 percent recovery of pantothenic acid could be expected from canned tomatoes. Increasing temperature above 70° F. mil result in increasingly lower recoveries of this vitamin* Change in color. The initial ratio between the amber/green tristimulus filter readings on canned tomatoes (Figure I4I) was l»9h» Storage at 3h0 F; gave only a slight variation from this figure« During the first 15 months period there was a slight but steady de~ cline in the ratio indicating some "yellowing". This was a result of interrelated changed in amber and green reflectancej, the greater 91 90 i&* >Ai I A. z o yZ u I- Ll K H z STORAGE lu u or 30 lu a -ETMPERATURES ■».' 24 F ■•v. ■»'J 70' F 110 F ?0 10 o Q IE IS MOMTHS IN STORAGE FIG. 40 Z4- IS RFTENTION OF PANTOTMLNIC ACID IN CANNE D TOMATQFS ?.o ►A. 10 QC 111 >J k 3j 3 l.<3 1.8 STORAor 1.7 5 h in £ H z u »/$- ^ t.fc TeMPERfttURfS :,tmmm/ . MMMI. 34-° F 10° r 'JflMMBU HOI-' 1.5 I* a; 1 l.^ u 00 I.t < o H L I ■■ 1 < o: 1 1.0 9 MONTHS FIG. 41 1 i li lb IN STORAGC 1 IS 1 El CHANGE IN COLOR OF CANNED TOMATOf S ZA 92 Figure lj.2, Kodachronies of tomatoes stored 12 and 2\x months at 3h0, 70° and 110° F. CD 60 (3 O 02 «M O 0 4? 1 Q o p ft* a _© • CO E4 • ^. 0 o 0 p 0 o 4 4 cae s^ •40 0 o 3 a * 45 of0 e* * • ?S iss a © $ S « £&$%* » 8 8 8 8. r « 9 8 8 8 9 ' a 8 8 a vo to q o a Cv2 H H 8 9 ?5-aRi?5 s 8 ^^^^ 8 ^^fl^! * $ 9 js *:i * a « S * -s a CO OsC>«. W CM W $g$&g$d8&: ^1 w oi Sa S5 Ei £MC^ Kj"^ W cf ?f M ^ ITTJ jJS iJC «) tO ON * ptn jfT'Ti (f*-) in^i r^ Ei^fia»^S9 )«*o s*^ p'-j * J*. a * * « ^^M$ £•- t0 £*• O CO 0s CM CM CM e-«r\i^.E,>■^©^-»A^©E,HHHHHHHHH V>cf\\0 W c^ W <\! CM c? CM CM CM £3 OsCQ«>6Nt)QOO«)cyv0s ■HHHHHHHHrt O^vO^CM^^^ H* !S3 • © bO S8 «$3 Si CM 1 S p ^ ^J o m XI 13 ^3 ^ 3 J ja 3 i-i 8 1 .31 ^ M o ^ 1 m S 1? Q h % 8-188 .^fcS eg ffi o o ffl ffi ^3^3 ss o © ^3 g si b 0 & « © & 0 « * © 0 © ^J 6 > » o ♦ co w w era „ % * f f4 $«* ^o CO ^ 5(J £3 O «H © „, ■8*8 u © o 1} © ffit 0 8 ** H 1^1 ^ 0J »H H O ffl 83 «S O «~4 W -P C3 U Xi 0 ^3 O * 9 » - S 6 <% a S o «; &» O 04 H CM ir*\ <•<? »n 93 9k reflectance from the green filter creating a condition -which caused a shift from the typical tomato color to a greater concentration of yellow units* After 1$ months the Change vias in the opposite direc- tion resulting in a product more typical of the tomato* Regardless of these changes in reflectometer readingss the color of the tomatoes held up well on the basis of visual judgement m points assigned for color in U« S« grade (T&ble XIII) and the evaluation of the "judges (Table XIV), Tomatoes stored at 70° F, showed a general aad steady decline in the ratio throughout the storage period. It is believed that the slight variations in the ratio ^hich occurred during storage at 3h0 F. and 70° F, xaere primarily due to sampling error and the fact that the product taas not conffliinuted until the time for the color evaluation. In tomato juice the product wa& eomfflinuted at the time of conning. The slow but steady decline in color agrees tjell mth the evaluation of color for U, S, grade but ms not in agreement with the evaluation for color by members of the judging panel* There vaB a very rapid loss in the color as ©ispressed by the ratio of the araber/green tristimulus filters when the tomatoes were stored at 110° F. Coupled with the narrowing of the ratio i^as the increasing development of a dark yellow-red or brown color* This was severely discriminated against by the judges and in the official grade (Tables XIIIa XIV and Figure ii5). The ratio dropped very quickly and associated with this decrease was the loss in ascorbic g 12 Q © o IN CM •H C$ 8 o fa O f> 03 O O O •H H ft (3 o C3 H H s H •S o o o H I? o D 8 0■ J » 5 t oo 8 t * * • is •<$• o t 1 * II * 0 ■» £>\0 O 0 8 t O O O 0N« COvO MO f * ■• « « « » $>.. « !>£^C,~vDv0s©\0'v0vO O$0^.m<niAir>oo «■■ ♦ # » * * * » ft- ♦ 9 • » ■ A *' » '# * o «■ * » • «. * « * ^ Cs-v0&»C-C-C<-C'-v£>v0 OvPOO-^HOvOH « «. ». *- «. f *•• •■ *• •■ ?• •» *. ». ♦■ oooQc^cyovOcn * ■ »■• t • Oc*SN©0^M'At0H-^ (p*4 cH PH CM CU 95 96 acid (Figure 36). The evaluation of color in canned tomatoes by means of the amber/green ratio did not follow the same trend as that for tomato juice in that x&th the latter5 the ratio increased for 6 months and then abruptly narrowed* U. S, grade. ares The attributes of the U* S. grade of canned tomatoes drained weight (20 points)s wholeness (20 points),, color (30 points) and absence of defects (30 points)* During the storage period of 2I4. months at 3h0 F. the product changed only a few points in ai$r of the factors. These changes did not affect grade of the product from the Initial U. S. grade B. The canned tomatoes were U. S. grade B because of the limiting rule on color. Storage at 3U0 F. for 2h months can be expected to cause no change in grade. liJhen the tomatoes were stored at 70® F.s they remained U. S. g^ade B for 12 months. At 1$ months they were U. S* grade C because of the limitations of the wholeness factor. enough for U. S. grade B. The total score was high Continued storage beyond 15 months resulted in reduction of the drained weight and wholeness factors. At 2k months the wholeness and drained weight factors resulted in U, S« grade C, As with the citrus sections tomatoes could not be lifted with a spoon without excessive tearing and the product was very soft and unappealing. At 110° F. storage there was a decrease in U. S. grade fl-om B to D in 3 months because of color limitations. During the 3 months Storage,, the wholeness and drained weight factor decreased somewhat $ the latter more severely than the former but the primary grade 97 attributes resulting in grade reduction ms color. After 6 months the tomatoes were seriously affected. Qrganoleptic evaluation* The judges could not distinguish be* tt-reen the color of tomatoes stored at 31*° and 70° F. as evidenced by their scores in Table XI?* Mien asked to evaluate the tomatoes held at these two temperatures they coiranented that at 9 months at 70° F* the product had a metallic flavor and at 3hP F. had a raw flavor. There were an increasingly greater number of comments after 15 months storage on the fact that the 70° F, product was more mushy than those held at 3^° F. lyplcal comments on tomatoes held at 3h0 F. were? ''goodj but raw flavor., good tomatoes*1! where held at 70° F. the comjnents were Metallic $ flat^ blands slightly dark^ burned flavor"* The judges severely criticized the colorj flavor and acceptability rating of tomatoes held at 110° F. At 3 months storage they criticized flavor more than color and commented that the tomatoes were "off* color$ high metallic flavor and bad texture"* refrained from tasting the tomatoes* At 6 months the judges Between 3 and 6 months the product deteriorated so as to make it unacceptable. were extremely mushy at this time. The tomatoes 93 SUMMRY The influence of storage temperatures of 34°* 70° and 110° F* on retention of vitamins^ color5 U, S, grade and palatability in citrus and tomato products was studied over a 24 months period. With the exception of the grapefruit-orange juice blend all products retained 92 percent or more of ascorbic acid in 34° F# Storage* The blend retained 88 percent after 24 months at 34° F, After 24 months at 70° F. there was considerable reduction while at 110° F* the loss of ascosfoic acid was very rapid. Storage at 70° F« for 12 months gave a retention of 82 percent or more for all products. Temperatures at or below 70° F* will give satisfactory retention of ascorbic acid while a temperature of 110° F. will result in more or less severe deterioration of the Vitamin* After 24 months at 34° F* niacin retentions ranged from 83 to 92 percent for tomato and citrus productsv the lower figure* Grapefruit sections gave At 70° F» for 24 months retention was 76 to 91 percent with citrus sections again low* Storage at 110° F» for 12 months resulted in retention between 89 and 97 percent. The favorable retention of niacin at 110° F» is of no significance5 howevert since the products were unmarketable«, Refrigerated "storage for the reten- tion of niacSii would not be necessary or economically profitable* Thiamine retention was influenced by both temperature and duration of storage* Storage for 24 months at 34° F. gave thiamine 99 retentions above 90 percent in all products except canned tomatoes* Tomatoes retained 10 percent less thiandne than tomato juice at 3U0 F, At 70° Ffs 8U to 92 percent thi&mine tsas retained and again tomatoes vere 10 percent lower than tomato juice* Citrus sections retained more thiamine after %h. months than other citrus products. The loss of thiamine at 110° F. t-ras more rapid in citrus than in tomato pro*, ducts. About on© third of the thiaraine was gone after 3 months storage of citrus products at the high temperature^ ttdle a loss of more than 10 percent occurred with the tomato products» The retention of riboflavin ms satisfactory in all products after 2k months at 3ii0 F. Citrus sections retained 88 percent while the other products retained from 92 to 96 percent of the initial content* At 70° F,, the loss of riboflavin during 2h months storage was lowest {11 percent) in canned tomatoes and highest (25 percent) in citrus sections. Storage at 110° F. for 12 months gave only 19 percent retention in citrus sections while the balance of the products retained from 50 to 70 percent* Little significance can be attached to the rapid loss of riboflavin at 110° F. since the products were unmarketable after 3 months at this temperature* At 3U0 F, for 21* months the pantothenic acid retention ranged between 71 and 79 percent* Storage for 12 months at 3U0 F. gave retentions of 85 to 96 percent* Storage at 70° F*$ resulted in decreased pantothenic acid content. All products with the exception of citrus blend contained approximately 76 percent after 12 months 100 while the blend retained 90 percent*, After 24 months the retention fxas only 54 percent, or 20 percent less than at 34° F* Storage at HO0 F. resulted in a rapid loss of pantothenic acid. The rate of loss iras more rapid in the citrus sections than in the other citrus products and slavsrer in the tomato products than in citrus products,, especially during the first 3 months of storage. At least 85 percent of pantothenic acid could bo retained in all products for a period of 12 months at 34° F» The amber/green tristimulus filter ratio indicated little change in products stored at 34° and 70° F.s for 24 months* The individual filter readings changed but there vtas no change in the ratio. This vas in agreement vrith the assignment of points for color in U* S. grade* At storage of 110° F. the ratio increased in all of the citrus products^ as a result of increased broraning. There was a close correlation between browning as expressed by the ratio of the amber/green tristimulus filter and retention of ascorbic acid. The correlation coefficients for the citrus products were as followst Grapefruit juice -0.852 - 0*086 n~ 10 Orange juice -0.759 ± 0.122 ne 12 Grapefruit-orange blend -0.936 ± 0.050 n^ 6 Grapefruit sections -0.900 t 0.066 nc 8 All correlation coefficients •were significant at the 0.01 level. Tomato juice gave a rapid increase in ratio during 6 months followed by a rapid narrowing of the ratio and development of a brown color. 101 The ratio became more narrow In canned tomatoes as the time of storage increased,. The filter ratio combined x-rith ascorbic acid analyses should be useful in determining age and probable storage conditions of citrus products* Such relationship does not hold as accurately in tomato products* From the standpoint of economics* the most important influence of time and temperature of storage is the effect on U. S. grade and consumer acceptance or "palatabilityM of the product. The foregoing data demonstrate conclusively that low temperature (3l;0 F.) storage Ts&H preserve the grade and palatability level of the products studied. liien citrus juices are stored at 70° F.,, the iaitial grade is retained for 12 monthsj after which the flavor limits the product to the next lowest grade. Storage beyond 12 months results in loti-jer total scores but not lower grades. fifieen months. Orange juice maintained the initial grade for The grade of citrus sections was affected after 12 months due to color xshiie at 15 months character of fruit and drained weight affected the grade. These factors became lofcier as the period of storage increased at 70° F* Canned tomatoes were U. S. grade C at 15 months on the basis of wholeness and drained weight. These two factors received lot-ier point scores as storage time Increased* The loss in weight of grapefruit sections and whole tomatoes tias accompanied by a loss in texture, This x&s very noticeable and was discriminated against by the judges. It was v®rj difficult to preserve the form of these two products when they were lifted from a serving dish. 102 CONCLUSIONS 1* Generally speaking, storage for 9 to 12 months at temperatures between 34° and 70° F» will result in retention of at least 80 percent of the vitamin content. with storage at 34.° F* Better retention of the vitamins vvss obtained Storage at 110° F. resulted in the very rapid loss of all the vitamins except niacin, ;2# Refrigerated storage is important from th© standpoint of retention of natural color in citrus and toniato products* Storage for a period of 24. months at 34° and 70° P.* resulted in practically no change in the color* Storage at 110° F*. for a period of 3 months caused a severe deterioration in the color which became increasingly pronounced as the time of storage was prolonged. 3« The beneficial effects of 1cm temperature storage were quite pronounced with respect to U. S. grade. maintailed the initial grade for 24 months. Storage at 34° F* Storage at 70° F# was satisfactory for a period of 9 months but thereafter there was a loss in grade. grade, Storage at 110° F, resulted in a very rapid loss in With citrus juices the loss was due to color and flavor. With tomato juice the loss in grade at 3 months was due -bo flavor and at 6 raonths to flavor and color. In citrus sections and whole tomatoes the loss in grade was due to such factors as colors flavorj, drained weighty wholeness and character of fruit. Continued high 103 temperature storage resulted in an unappealing and isushy product. It may be concluded that if citrus and tomato products are held longer than 9 months at 70° F* it would be necessary to shift to a lower temperature to prevent further reduction in grade* loh BIBLIOCa/LPHY 1# Association of vitamin chemists. I-iethods of vitamin assay* Interscience Publishers^ Inc^ Hew Jorks lh Y» 189 p. (19U7). 2. Bc^-d^ J, M. and Petersons G. 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