WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL. 35, NO. 11, PAGES 3507-3521, NOVEMBER Effects of hydraulic roughnesson surface textures of gravel-bed rivers John M. Buffington• and David R. Montgomery 1999 This file was created by scanning the printed publication. Errors identified by the software have been corrected; however, some errors may remain. Departmentof GeologicalSciences,Universityof Washington,Seattle Abstract. Field studiesof forestgravel-bedriversin northwesternWashingtonand southeastern Alaska demonstratethat bed-surfacegrain sizeis responsiveto hydraulic roughnesscausedby bank irregularities,bars, and wood debris.We evaluatetextural responseby comparingreach-average mediangrain size(Ds0) to that predictedfrom the totalbank-fullboundary shearstress (r0b), representing a hypothetical reference condition of lowhydraulic roughness. For a givenr%f,channels withprogressively greater hydraulicroughnesshave systematically finer bed surfaces,presumablydue to reducedbed shearstress,resultingin lower channelcompetenceand diminishedbed load transport capacity,both of whichpromotetexturalfining.In channelswith significanthydraulic roughness, observedvaluesof Ds0 canbe up to 90% smallerthan thosepredictedfrom rob.We findthatwooddebrisplaysanimportant roleat ourstudysites,notonly providinghydraulicroughness but alsoinfluencingpool spacing,frequencyof textural patches,and the amplitudeand wavelengthof bank and bar topographyand their consequentroughness.Our observations alsohave biologicalimplications.We find that texturalfining due to hydraulicroughnesscan createusablesalmonidspawninggravelsin channels that otherwise would be too coarse. sorting(o-)andthe sizeof the particleof interest(D•) relative to its neighbors(Di/D so,whereD sois the medianbed-surface grain size) [Kirchner et al., 1990; Buffington et al., 1992; Johnstonet al., 1998]. The broadgrain-sizedistributions of gravel-bedrivers(typicallysandto cobble)allowfor considerable selectivetransport and dynamictexturalresponseto local perturbationsof sediment supplyor transportcapacity[Dietrichet al., 1989]. For qb= k(r' - rc)n (1) example,a local transportcapacitygreaterthan supplymay result in winnowingof fine grains and textural coarsening. whereqb is the bed load transportcapacity(i.e., the transport Textural coarsening,in turn, createsa rougher surfacewith rate of a channelunlimitedby sedimentsupply)and k and n greater intergranularfriction angles,increasingcritical shear are empirical values [du Boys, 1879; O'Brien and Rindlaub, stresses for grainsmoving overthebed(rc•) [Kirchner et al., 1934;Meyer-Peterand Mtiller, 1948; Chien, 1956; Wathenet al., 1990;Buffingtonet al., 1992;Johnstonet al., 1998] thereby 1995].Here r' is that portionof the total boundaryshearstress retardingbedloadtransportrates(equation(1)). Altered bedthat is appliedto the bed and responsible for sedimenttranssurfaceroughnessalsoaffectslocalvelocitystructureand bed port. It is definedas the total boundaryshearstress(to) corshear stress[Naot, 1984; Wibergand Smith, 1991]. Conserected for momentumlossescausedby hydraulicroughness quently,there is a dynamicfeedbackbetweenbed-surfacetexother than grain skin friction [Einsteinand Banks, 1950; ture, bed shearstress,and transportcapacity.Given sufficient Einsteinand Barbarossa,1952;Nelsonand Smith,1989] time, constancy of sedimentandwater inputs,and availability ,].t= TO_ T"-- '1' ....... Tn (2) of mobile sediment,the above processfeedbackswill ultimately result in equilibrationof the transportrate with the bed = total - banks - bed forms .... other imposedsedimentsupplyrate [Dietrichet al., 1989;Lisleet al., 1993]. Selectivetransportthat resultsin bed-surfacecoarsenThe critical, grain-mobilizingshear stressfor a grain size of ing and armor developmentalso makesthe bed surfaceless interest(rc,) is a function of submerged grainweight,particle mobile and altersthe timing and total contributionof subsurprotrusion into the flow, and intergranular friction angle face sedimentto the supplyof bed load material [Milhous, [Wibergand Smith, 1987;Kirchneret al., 1990;Buffingtonet al., 1973;ParkerandKlingeman,1982;CarlingandHurley,1987]. 1992;Johnstonet al., 1998];the latter two dependon sediment In thispaperwe examinethe effectsof hydraulicroughness on bed-surfacegrain size in complexforestchannels.Gravel•Nowat WaterResources Division, U.S.Geological Survey, Boul- bed rivers in forestedmountain drainagebasinscommonly der, Colorado. containnumeroussourcesand scalesof hydraulicroughness Copyright1999 by the American GeophysicalUnion. within a singlereach, such as bed-surfaceskin friction; form drag due to barsand in-channelflow obstructions (boulders, Paper number 1999WR900138. 0043-1397/99/1999WR900138509.00 wood debris,and bedrockprojections);skinfriction and form 1. Introduction The surfacegrainsizeof gravel-bedriversreflectsthe caliber andvolumeof sedimentthat is suppliedto the channel,aswell as the time-integratedfrequencyand magnitudeof discharge eventsthat are capableof moving sediment.Surfacegrains movewhenthe bed shearstress(r') exceedsthe criticalstress for grain motion (rc) 3507 3508 BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS drag causedby riparian vegetationlining the banksand protruding into the flow; and momentumlossesdue to downstream changesin channel width and planform curvature. These hydraulicroughnesselementscan significantlyreduce the bed shearstress(equation(2)). For example,form drag due to bed formsin sand-bedand gravel-bedriverscan result in bed stressesthat are 10-75% lessthan the total boundary shearstress[Parkerand Peterson,1980;Prestegaard, 1983;Dietrichet al., 1984;Hey, 1988]. We hypothesizethat channelswith greaterhydraulicroughnesswill have smaller proportionsof total boundaryshear stressavailablefor sedimenttransport(equation(2)) andthus will havedecreasedcompetenceand finer bed surfaces.In this paper we developa frameworkfor examininggrain-sizeresponseto hydraulicroughnessand test the abovehypothesis usingfield data from forestgravel-bedchannels. 2. Analysis Framework Our method for examiningtextural responseto hydraulic roughness involvescomparingobservedbed-surface grainsizes to thosepredictedfor a hypothetical,low-roughness reference state [Dietrichet al., 1996]. 2.1. Reference State In the absenceof major hydraulicresistancethe bed shear stressis approximately equalto the total boundaryshearstress (equation (2)). This hypothetical,end-memberconditionof low hydraulicroughness is visualizedasa wide,straight,planar channelwith relativelysmall grain sizesthat do not offer significantform drag.The competent,median,bed-surfacegrain size(D so) for thischannelcanbe predictedfrom the Shields [1936]equation,whichis a forcebalancebetweenthe driving fluid stressesand the resistinggrain weight per unit area at incipientparticle motion * = 7c5o/[Dso(p•p)#] T c50 (3) where p and Psare the fluid and sedimentdensities(set equal to 1000and2650kg/m3, respectively), 7cSoand7*c5oare the dimensionaland dimensionless criticalshearstresses for incipient motion of D so, respectively,and # is gravitationalaccel- eration.We set 7'csoequalto 0.030,a conservative valuefor OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS The referenceDso is the limit of channelcompetence(maximum mobileDso) for a river with vanishinglysmallhydraulic roughness otherthangrainskinfriction(i.e., 7' •- 70,see(2)). It is importantto note, however,that the referenceDso is a hypotheticalgrainsize,the actualoccurrenceof whichdepends on the volumeandcaliberof sedimentsuppliedto the channel, which,in turn, is a basin-specific functionof geology,geomorphic processes, and anthropogenicdisturbance. 2.2. Hypothesis On the basisof the abovetheorywe hypothesizethat channels with greater hydraulicroughnesswill have lower bed stresses (equation(2)) and thereforewill have smallerbedsurfacegrainsizesthan that predictedfrom the total boundary shearstress(i.e., (4) with 7' < 7oversus7' = 70).Consequently, for a giventotal boundaryshearstresswe expecta systematic texturalfiningwith increasinghydraulicroughnessand lower bedstress.The magnitudeof texturalfiningshouldreflectboth the decreasein competenceand the degreeof fine-sediment deposition forced by hydraulic roughnessand lower bed stresses.Hydraulic roughnessthat lowers 7' shoulddecrease the bed load transportcapacity(equation (1)), resultingin reduced bed-surfacegrain size due to depositionof finegrainedparticles(thosetypicallyin transportand comprising the majorityof the bed load). To examinethe effectsof hydraulicroughnesson surfacegrain size,we predictcompetent mediangrain sizesfor channelswith low hydraulicroughness ((4), with 7' = 70) and comparethese valuesto observed mediangrain sizesin channelswith systematically greaterhydraulicroughness. 2.3. Reach-ScaleApproximation Becauseflow perturbationscausedby roughnesselements are spatiallycomplexand inherentlynonlinear,we examine grain-sizeresponseto hydraulicroughness at reachscales,simplifyingour analysis.Over sufficientlylongreachesin channels with relativelyslowlyvaryingdischarges, the reach-averagetotal boundary shear stresscan be approximatedby a depthslope product (70 = p#hS, where h and S are the reachaveragechanneldepth and slope,respectively). Applyingthis approximation andremembering that7cSo = 7;œ• 70¾for our low-roughness referencechannel,(4) is rewrittenas p#hS visuallybasedmethodsof determiningincipientmotion and Ds0 = 7'c50(Psp)# (5) one whichmay minimizeerror causedby neglectof roughness elements[Buffington and Montgomery, 1997].Rearrangingthe whereh andS arereach-average bank-fullvalues.We leave(5) Shieldsequation allowsdeterminationof the competentme- unsimplifiedbecauseour ultimategoalis to predicta reference dian grain sizefor a givenbed stress D so as a function of the bank-full shear stress.Use of the Ds0= 7'/[7c*s0(p•-p)#] (4) depth-slopeproductassumessteady,uniform flow.Paola and Mohtig [1996]arguethat to assumequasi-steady flow, signifiwhere 7' -- 7cSo. We define 7cSo specificallyas the bank-full cantdischarge fluctuationsshouldoccuron timescales>>u/#S bed stress(7;f), whichis approximately equalto the total (where u is the reach-averagedownstreamvelocity),while quasi-uniformflow requires study reach lengths >>h/S. In bank-full boundary shear stress (7o¾) forourlow-roughness reference channel. We choose bank-full flow as our reference hydraulicallycomplexforestchannelsthe depth-slopeproduct conditionbecauseit is the practical limit of shear stressin is valid only as a reach-averageapproximationof the total natural channelswith well-developedfloodplainsand self- boundaryshearstress.Large, frequentlyspacedroughness elformedbeds(i.e., all sizesmobileat typicalhighflows).Fur- ementscauselocallynonuniformflow,makingthe depth-slope thermore, the bank-full flow is believedto be a morphologi- productinappropriatefor subreachscales. cally significantdischargefor gravel-bedrivers[Wolmanand Miller, 1960;Henderson,1963;Li et al., 1976; Carling,1988], manyof whichexhibita near-bank-fullthresholdfor significant 3. Study Sites and Methods To examinetexturalresponseto hydraulicroughness, a field sedimenttransport[Leopoldet al., 1964;Parker, 1978, 1979; Howard, 1980;Anderews,1984]. studyof plane-bedchannels(definitionof Montgomeryand BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS 3509 Buffington[1997]),wood-poorpool-rifflechannels,andwoodrich pool-riffle channelswas conductedin forest mountain drainagebasinsof northwesternWashingtonand southeastern Alaska(Figure1). Thesethreechanneltypesrepresenta general cumulativeadditionof bank,bar, andwood-debris roughnessanda progressive decrease in z' for a givenZo(equation(2)). 3.1. Olympic Peninsula We surveyed fourteenchannelson the OlympicPeninsulaof northwesternWashington.The OlympicPeninsulais characterized by mountainousterrain and a coastalrain forest of Sitkaspruce(Piceasitchensis), westernhemlock(Tsugaheterophylla),redcedar(Thujaplicata),andDouglasfir (Pseudotsuga taxirolla).Bedrockgeologyof the peninsulais predominantly composedof Eoceneto Miocenemarinebasaltsand sediments [Taborand Cady,1978a,b]. The Olympicstudysitesoccupy watersheds influencedby Pleistocene glaciationand are typically incisedinto fluvioglacialdeposits.Channelwidths and slopesof our studysitesrangedfrom 5 to 13 rn andfrom 0.0040 to 0.0265,respectively (Table 1). Loggingactivityon the OlympicPeninsulais generallyintensive,with some forestson their third harvest rotation within the last 100years.Most studysiteshad riparianbufferscomposedof mixedshruband conifer,althoughsomestudysites had been dear cut to channelmargins,resultingin riparian forestsof mixedshrubandred alder(Alnusrubra).Coniferous buffersweretypicallysecondgrowth,indicatinga longhistory of loggingdisturbance.Hillslopefailuresare commonin the OlympicPeninsula,andrelict debris-flowdepositsform channel-marginterracesin three of the studyreaches,indicating both long run-outpathsand the potentialfor periodiclarge sedimentinputs. At eachstudysite,three crosssectionsand a center-linebed profile were surveyedin reachesthat were 8 to 18 channel widthslong.Detailed topographic, textural,and wood maps alsowere constructedusinga digital theodolite.Bed surfaces were commonlycomposed of spatiallydistincttexturalpatches (i.e., grainsizefacies)of differingparticlesizeand sorting.A standardprocedurewasdevelopedto classifytexturalpatches [Buffington andMontgomery, 1999].Surfacegrainsizesof each patchtypewere determinedfrom randompebblecounts[Wol- man,1954]of 100+ grains.Thesesamples were,in turn,spatiallyaveragedby patchareato determinereach-average grainsizestatistics. The lowerlimit of grain-sizemeasurement was2 mm, with smallersizesgroupedas a singlecategory.We did not truncatedata collectionat the lower limit of grain-size measurementas is commonlyrecommended[Kellerhalsand Bray, 1971;Churchet al., 1987]becauseit can distortthe size distribution. Particlesizessuspendable at bank-fullstagewere removedfromthe grain-sizedistributions to separatebedload from suspendedload. The maximumsuspendablesize was calculatedfrom Dietrich's[1982] settlingvelocitycurves,assuminga Coreyshapefactorof 0.7, a Power'sroundness of 3.5, and a settlingvelocityequal to the bank-fullshearvelocity. Suspendable grain sizesrangedfrom 2 to 8 mm. 3.2. Southeastern Alaska We supplementedour Olympicsurveywith data from 27, southeastAlaskan,coastalchannelsstudiedby Wood-Smith Figure 1. Photographs of (a) plane-bed,(b) wood-poorpooland Buffington[1996] (Table 1). The Alaskanstudyareasare riffle, and (c) wood-richpool-rifflechannelsof northwestern characterized by steepglaciatedterrain,maritimeclimate,and Washingtonand southeasternAlaska. rain forestspredominantly composed of Sitkaspruceandwestern hemlock.Hillslopesare commonlygroovedby avalanche 3510 BUFFINGTON Table la. AND MONTGOMERY: OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS Reach-AverageOlympic Channel Characteristics W, h,* L, Ds0,? S m m m mm Dry 2{} Alderll Hoko 2 Hoh 1 Hoh 2 0.0126 0.0265 0.0160 0.0059 0.0114 6.84 8.68 5.12 11.53 10.08 0.59(0.69) 0.57(0.64) 0.34 (0.37) 0.55 (0.62) 0.51 (0.55) 60 154 60 142 95 Skunk2 Hoko 1 Pins 1 0.0126 0.0085 0.0090 6.79 12.81 6.75 0.83(0.89) 0.78 (0.89) 0.86 (0.92) 85 134 64 Pins2 Flu hardy Mill Dry 1{} Skunk1 Cedar 0.0133 0.0105 0.0143 0.0222 0.0040 0.0046 6.90 6.64 8.41 7.96 13.39 10.95 0.61(0.66) 0.53(0.55) 0.83(1.04) 0.60(0.73) 0.78(0.85) 0.72 (0.85) 70 69.5 73 70 140 100 Channel EFFECTS SEs0,? LWD Per mm SquareMeter (a/X)t, (a/X)w 0.0 (0.0) 5.9 (5.5) 0.0 (0.0) 8.3 (0.8) 7.6 (2.5) 0.0000 0.0015 0.0033 0.0006 0.0052 0.000 0.010 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.018 0.023 0.024 0.008 Wood-PoorPool-Riffle 39.3(41.2) 1.11(0.98) 35.0(35.7) 1.14(1.09) 31.4(34.0) 1.55(1.29) 9.1 (8.4) 6.1 (6.1) 3.3 (3.4) 0.0243 0.0157 0.0278 0.012 0.033 0.012 0.056 0.060 0.042 Wood-RichPool-Riffle 36.0(39.5) 0.96 (0.92) 24.4 (29.1) 0.89 (0.85) 19.4(24.0) 0.98(0.87) 53.4 (55.4) 0.96(0.91) 19.8(23.8) 0.95(0.86) 27.2(29.7) 0.72(0.72) 7.8 (7.2) 5.2 (2.6) 4.8 (4.1) 10.8(10.8) 4.9 (2.2) 5.9 (9.5) 0.0580 0.0455 0.1450 0.0431 0.0352 0.0438 0.026 0.044 0.048 0.029 0.030 0.037 0.112 0.118 0.120 0.079 0.072 0.085 O'g(tb) t,$ Plane-Bed/Incipient Pool-Riffle 67.1(69.2) 1.24(1.17) 52.8 (58.0) 1.60(1.28) 54.8 (55.2) 1.34(1.31) 19.3(41.9) 2.17 (1.19) 56.8 (62.1) 1.59(1.48) S (center-linebed slope),W (bank-fullchannelwidth),h (crosssectionally averagedbank-fullchanneldepth),Ds0 (medianbed-surface grain size),% (graphicstandarddeviation[Folk,1974]),LWD per squaremeter(totalwoodloading,piecesper squaremeter),(a/X)t, (bar amplitude/wavelength), and (a/X)w (streamwisebank topography,amplitude/wavelength, one sideof channel)are reach-average values.L is reachlength.SEs0is the standarderror of the reach-average Ds0 (seetext). *First valuesare crosssectionallyaveragedoverthe channelbed andbanks,while thosein parentheses are averagedoverthe channelbed only. We usethe latter for calculatingthe bank-fulldepth-slopeproductin equation(5). ?Valuesin parentheses are for grain-sizedistributions with suspendable sizesremoved(seetext). SHere% isthegraphic standard deviation, defined as((bs4 - qb•6)/2 [Folk,1974],where(b84 andqb16 arethelog2grainsizes[Krumbein, 1936] for which 16% and 84%, respectively,of the surfacegrain sizesare finer. {}Evidenceof ancient,catastrophicsedimentinputsfrom debrisflows. IIEvidenceof recent debris-flowinputs. ôBed load and suspendedload material could not be differentiatedas the maximumsuspendablegrain size was <2 ram, the minimum resolutionusedfor our surfacepebblecounts. chutesand slopefailures.The geologyof southeastern Alaska is characterizedby all major rock typesof agesrangingfrom Proterozoic(?)to Quaternary[GehrelsandBerg,1992],largely accretedduring the Cretaceousto Eocene [Goldfarbet al., 1988;Gehrelset al., 1990].Southeastern Alaskawasprofoundly influencedby Pleistoceneglaciation[Reed,1958], and many channelsdrain glaciallycarvedvalleysand cirques.The Alaskan studysitesincludeboth pristineold growthenvironments and areas heavily disturbed by timber harvesting.Pristine channelswere characterizedby high wood loading,while disturbed channelswere generallyclear-cutto the streambanks and had mostor all of their in-channelwoodremoved[WoodSmithand Buffington,1996].Channelwidthsand slopesof our studysitesranged from 5 to 29 m and from 0.0017 to 0.0267, respectively (Table 1). At eachAlaskan studysite,five crosssectionsand a centerline bed profile were surveyedwith an engineer'slevel over reachesthat were 8 to 23 channelwidthslong.A bank-to-bank randompebblecount[Wolman,1954]of 100+ grainswasconducted at each crosssection,with grainssmaller than 2 mm groupedas a singlecategory.Reach-averagegrain-sizestatisticswere determinedfrom simple averagesof thesesamples, with the suspendable load removedasdescribedin section3.1. Suspendablegrain sizesranged from 1 to 9 mm. 3.3. Wood Loading The studysitesexhibit a continuumof wood loading that stronglyinfluencespool spacing(Figure2). We usedthe me- dianvalueof thiscontinuum (0.03pieces/m 2) to dividethe channelsinto wood-poorand wood-richcategories. 4. Results 4.1. Reach-Scale Response Our field data demonstratethat for a given reach-average, totalbank-full shear stress (roy),channels withgreater roughness(andthereforelowerr;f (equation(2)) havesystematicallysmallerreach-average surfacegrainsizes(Figure 3). The progressiveincreasein bank, bar, and wood roughnesscauses a correspondingreductionin reach-averageD so at our study sites. This result is consistent with several other studies that demonstrate that wood removal from forest channels causes bed-surfacecoarsening,presumablybecauseof increasedbed shearstressresultingfrom lossof woodroughness (seereview byLisle [1995]).The solidline in Figure3 is the low-roughness prediction of competence (see(5), r*c5o= 0.03). Asexpected, the data showthat surfacegrain sizesapproachthe theoretical competencecurveat low hydraulicroughness (plane-bedmorphology),as r;f approachesro ß There is considerable variabihtyin the magnitudeof textural fining causedby bank, bar, and wood roughness(Figure 4). Although the distributionsof textural responseoverlap, the centraltendencies of texturalfining(25th-75thpercentiles)are distinctfor each channeltype (Figure 4). The ratio of observed-to-predicted Dso has a medianvalue of 0.53 for planebed channels,0.30for wood-poorpool-rifflechannels,and 0.18 for wood-richpool-rifflechannels;this representsa reduction of roughly40% from one channeltypeto the next.In channels with significanthydraulic roughness(wood-rich pool-riffle channels),observedD so can be up to 90% lessthan the predicted competentvalue for the bank-full stage. BUFFINGTON Table lb. AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS ROUGHNESS 3511 Reach-AverageAlaskan Channel Characteristics W, h,* L, Ds0,? S rn rn rn mm Maybeso3 Maybeso4 Indian Weasel[I 0.0024 0.0036 0.0122 0.0025 27.07 24.48 24.60 15.10 1.03(1.11) 1.06(1.12) 1.17(1.32) 0.92(1.01) 324 436 480 187 36.4(39.6) 46.4(47.7) 79.4 (85.1) 25.6(48.2) 12 Mile 1 12 Mile 2 Maybeso1 Maybeso2 Cable FUBAR 1 FUBAR 2 Muff Bambi 0.0021 0.0028 0.0095 0.0065 0.0017 0.0106 0.0127 0.0150 0.0102 23.34 22.47 22.31 29.12 16.89 17.84 16.32 14.29 4.6 0.95(1.05) 1.03(1.10) 1.13(1.24) 0.97(1.10) 0.88(0.96) 0.62(0.66) 0.79(0.85) 0.59(0.64) 0.32 360 170 400 500 300 360 300 300 80 24.3(26.6) 21.9(24.9) 49.6(53.2) 36.2(38.6) 20.6ô 42.9(47.5) 57.6(60.8) 44.3(53.5) 16.3(17.7) Hook{} Trap 1 Trap 2 Trap 3 Trap 4 Trap 5 Trap 6 E Fk Trap 1 E Fk Trap 2 Fowler1 Fowler2 Fish 1 Fish2 Greensl[ 0.0110 0.0055 0.0074 0.0072 0.0071 0.0102 0.0120 0.0133 0.0127 0.0063 0.0054 0.0267 0.0224 0.0220 21.37 12.92 15.59 11.84 9.67 14.11 15.76 15.72 10.65 18.03 11.46 19.18 12.88 12.90 0.82(0.88) 0.84(0.95) 0.66(0.77) 0.60(0.66) 0.68(0.76) 0.68(0.75) 0.71(0.78) 0.78(0.87) 0.58(0.66) 0.65(0.74) 0.68(0.83) 1.12(1.33) 0.56(0.60) 0.66(0.85) 250 165 220 220 220 175 200 200 172 225 210 167 280 260 27.4(31.9) 17.0(17.8) 15.4(16.0) 13.9(16.5) 13.5(16.2) 17.6(21.2) 13.4(18.7) 19.9(23.5) 24.5(31.0) 14.1(18.5) 19.0(24.5) 30.6(40.9) 45.8(48.3) 34.9(47.0) Channel OF HYDRAULIC o¾((b) ?,$ SE50,? LWD Per mm SquareMeter (a/X)•, (a/X)w 2.1 (2.8) 4.1 (3.9) 10.0(9.3) 8.8 (6.0) 0.0132 0.0058 0.0025 0.0230 0.007 0.004 0.014 0.014 0.021 0.020 0.054 2.6 (2.1) 3.2 (3.0) 5.1 (5.6) 4.3 (4.2) 6.4ô 9.2 (7.7) 4.5 (4.4) 5.2 (4.3) 2.0 (1.7) 0.0106 0.0108 0.0000 0.0112 0.0234 0.0290 0.0070 0.0123 0.0136 0.010 0.016 0.015 0.013 0.023 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.025 0.045 0.040 2.1 (1.6) 3.0 (2.8) 1.7(1.4) 1.7(0.7) 1.1(0.8) 1.4(1.1) 1.5(2.3) 1.4(1.3) 3.9 (1.9) 3.6 (3.6) 7.6 (9.5) 4.0 (3.3) 2.5 (2.4) 6.8 (5.7) 0.0405 0.0644 0.0635 0.0639 0.0698 0.0591 0.0566 0.040 0.040 0.037 0.045 0.032 0.048 0.038 0.038 0.051 0.023 0.034 0.052 0.034 0.039 Plane-Bed/Incipient Pool-Riffle >1.50 (1.17) 0.88(0.82) 1.67(1.54) >2.34 (1.45) Wood-PoorPool-Riffle 1.44(0.89) 1.90(0.90) 1.76(1.51) 1.30(1.16) > 1.97ô > 1.50(1.15) 1.58(1.41) >2.13 (1.29) >1.08 (0.85) 0.083 0.071 0.024 0.060 0.075 Wood-RichPool-Riffle >1.78 (1.07) 1.04(0.97) 1.30(1.11) > 1.72(1.21) >1.83 (1.34) >1.54 (0.98) >1.88 (1.10) > 1.84(1.00) 1.79(1.20) >2.03 (1.55) >2.06 (1.57) 1.32(0.90) 1.33(1.23) >2.16 (1.58) 0.0531 0.0313 0.0358 0.0601 0.0311 0.0303 0.100 0.058 0.048 0.126 0.077 0.055 See Table la for explanatoryfootnotes. 4.2. RoughnessConfiguration and Magnitude marilythroughform drag,the magnitudeof whichdependson the frequency,size, orientation,and height abovethe bed of Thescatter ofD5ovalues in Figure3 fora givenroyand channeltypereflectssite-specific differencesin roughnesscon- the in-channellogs and rootwads.Similarly,the form drag figuration.For example,woodcreateshydraulicroughness pri- causedby bars dependson their amplitudeand wavelength [Nelsonand Smith, 1989]. Severalsourcescontributeto what we collectivelycall bank roughness: (1) proximityof channel banks (so-calledwidth-to-deptheffects) and associatedmo20 mentumdiffusion[Leighly,1932;Parker,1978];(2) roughness Olympic Alaskan o ß plane-bed/ length scale(i.e., skin friction) of the material forming the incipientpool-riffle banks [Einstein,1934, 1942;Houjou et al., 1990]; (3) down[] ß pool-riffle streamvariationsin channelwidth that effectivelyforce lateral form draganalogousto bed form drag;and (4) riparianvegetation protrudingfrom the banksand causingadditionalform drag. The physicalchannel characteristicsthat causebank, bar, wood-poor • wood-rich and woodroughnessshowa statisticallysignificantincreasein o magnitudeacrossthe three channeltypesstudied(Figure5). For example,while there is no significantdifferencein widthto-depthratios (W/h) amongstthe channels(Figure 54 and [] Table 2), there is a significantincreasein streamwisebank 0 ! ! 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 topographyand consequentform drag (Figure 5b and Table 2). Streamwisevariationof channelwidth at the studysites Woodloading(pieces/m 2) resultsin undulatingbanksand lateral form drag,the magniFigure 2. Pool spacingas a functionof wood loading.Pool tude of which dependson the amplitude-wavelength ratio of spacingis expressedin channelwidths per pool, defined as the bank undulations((a/X)w, a reach-average valuefor each (L/W)/number of pools,where L is reach length and W is bank-fullwidth.Wood loadingis definedasnumberof pieces/ side of the channel).This ratio increasessignificantlyacross (WL). Although the ordinate and abcissacontain common the three channeltypes(Figure5b and Table 2), indicatinga increasein hydraulicroughness becauseof greater factors,the observedrelationshipis not spurious[Buffington, progressive 1998]. bank form drag. I I I I 3512 BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS lOOO Species 1. Brook •out (Salvelinusfontinalis) 2. hnk salmon(Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) 3. Coho sa•on (O. kisutch) 5. R•nbow •out (O. mykiss) 4. Steelhead •out (O. mykiss) I 6. Sockeye salmon (O.nerka) 7.Brown•out(Salmotru•a) [8. Chum salmon (O. keta) 9. CMnook salmon(O. tsha•tscha) Roughness sources Olympic Alaskan plane-bed/ incipientpool-riffle 10 ß [] wood-poorpool-riffle ¸ [] wood-richpool-riffle O [] banks(seetext), incipient bars I + Increasing 100 bars cumulative + roughness wood • 1000 Reach-average totalbankfullshearstress ('170bf) (Pa) Figure 3. Median bed-surfacegrain sizeversustotal bank-fullboundaryshearstressstratifiedby channel ty, pe.=The solid lineisthe low-roughness prediction ofcompetent Dso asa function offrom ,%f (equation (5), a debris' flow. * cSo 0.03).Circled point isaplane-bed channel recently impacted bysediment input Error barsrepresentthe standarderror;wherenot shown,the erroris smallerthanthe symbolsize(Table 1). Also shownare rangesof D so valuespreferredby spawningsalmonids[Kondolfand Wolman,1993], the significance of whichis discussed later in the paper.The reportedrangesof spawninggravelslikely contain considerable error andmaybe biasedtowardsmallsizesbecause(1) streambedstypicallyweresampledusing the approachof McNeil andAhnell [1960]whichcombinessurfacean subsurface materialand (2) in some casesthe coarsetails of the sizedistributionwere arbitrarilytruncated[Kondolfand Wolman,1993]. Differencesin bank skinfriction and protrusionof riparian againstbanks,causingscourand the developmentof locally vegetationinto the channelwere not quantified.However,the wide sectionsof channel,or they can armor banksand maingreatestamountof vegetativeprotrusioninto the channeltyp- tain locally narrow channelwidths; both effects commonly icallyoccurredat thewood-poorpool-rifflesiteswheregrowth occurwithin a singlereach.While woodloadingalsoinfluences of riparian shrubsand deciduoustreeswas stimulatedby recent clear-cutting. Like streamwisebank topography,the amplitude-wavelengthratio of bars ((a/X)t,) showsa statisticallysignificant increaseacrossthe three channeltypes(Figure 5c and Table 2), indicatinga progressive increasein roughness due to bed form drag.Two scalesof bars are includedin Figure5c: macroscalebars (at, > 0.5 h) and mesoscale bars (0.25 h < at, < 0.5 h). Bar formswere identifiedvisuallyfrom detrendedbed profiles. There is also a significantincreasein wood loading across the threechanneltypes(Figure5d andTable2), resultingin a n=9 n=12 n=ø20 progressive increasein hydraulicroughness dueto woodform plane-bed/ wood-poor wood-rich incipientpool-riffle pool-riffle pool-riffle drag.Wood loadingplaysan importantmorphologicand hydrologicrole at the studysites,not onlyinfluencingpool spac- Figure 4. Box plotsof texturalfiningdefinedasthe ratio of ing (Figure2) but alsocontrollingthe amplitude-wavelengthobserved-to-predicted D so. Predictedvalues are calculated ratio of both bank and bed topography(Figure 6). Forest fromequation(5). The linewithineachboxisthe medianvalue channelscommonlyexhibitconsiderable widthvariationwithin of the distribution,box endsare the inner and outer quartiles, a singlereach[Trimble,1997]becauseof morphologicforcing whiskersare the inner and outer tenths, and circlesare the exper distribution. causedby in-channelwood.Wood obstructions canforceflow trema.Variablen is the numberof observations , , BUFFINGTON 35 i AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS 3513 I o-• b) o 25, • o 20 15, o 10 o n=9 5 n=12 • n=7 .06 i i n=10 n=12 plan•-be• woo•-poor wooci-rich plan•-bed/ woofS-poor wooti-rich incipientpool-riffle pool-riffle • n=20 pool-riffle pool-riffle incipientpool-riffle p•l-fiffie i .16 • .05 .14, 12, .10• • .03 .08, .06, • .02 •c•.01 • o n=9 .04, n=9 plane-bed/ n=12 wood-poor incipient pool-riffle pool-riffle n=12 .02, n=20 n=19 0 wood-rich plane-bed/ pool-riffle wood-poor incipient pool-riffle pool-riffle wood-rich pool-riffle Figure 5. Boxplotsof reach-average (a) width-to-depthratio, (b) amplitude-wavelength ratio of streamwise banktopography, (c) amplitude-wavelength ratio of bar topography, and (d) woodloading.See Figure4 captionfor box plot definition.Valuesusedfor theseplots are listedin Table 1. bed topography(Figure 6b), we find that wood affectsthe spacingof barsmore so than their amplitude(Figure 7). Our findingsindicatethat beyondcreatingits own form drag and hydraulicroughness, woodforcesgreaterbankandbed topographyand consequently greaterform drag at our studysites. 4.3. Subreach-ScaleResponse Detailed field measurements at the Olympicsitesallow examination of subreach-scale textural responseto hydraulic roughness. Representative mapsof eachchanneltypeillustrate characteristic variationsin topography, woodloading,and surfacetexture(Figure8). The numberof texturaltypesobserved in a reachvariedfrom one to seven,with texturescomposedof grainsizesrangingfrom silt to smallboulders(Table 3). Twosamplemediantests(a nonparametrickind of t test [Conover, 1971])indicatethat almostall texturaltypeswithin a reachare significantly differentfrom one another(P -< 0.05), while most patchesof the same textural type within a reach are statisticallysimilar (P > 0.05). Faciesmappingdemonstrates that channeltype androughnessconfiguration stronglyinfluencethe number,frequency, and spatial arrangementof surfacetextures.Plane-bedchan- nels exhibitone to four grain-sizefaciesbut are frequently monotextural(Table 3). Each of the wood-poorpool-riffle channels arecomposed of fourtexturaltypes,whilewood-rich pool-riffle channelsexhibit three to sevenfacies types per reach(Table 3). Similarly,the total numberof texturalpatches within a reachrangesfrom 1 to 8 in plane-bedchannelsbut increases to 13-24 in wood-poorpool-rifflechannelsand 17-55 in wood-richpool-rifflestreams(Table 3). Furthermore,the spatialarrangementof texturesis progressively more complicatedin the three channeltypesstudied(Figure8). Textural patcheslikely representspatialdivergenceof sediment supply and transport capacity, causing local, sizeselectivevariationsin sedimentflux that lead to patch development. Our field observations suggest that increased frequencyand magnitudeof flow obstructions(i.e., bars and wood) enhancethe spatial divergenceof sedimentflux and patch development.For example, the number of textural patchesin a reachis relatedto the frequencyof woodobstructions (Figure 9). Although the stochasticnature of wood re- Table 2. Comparisonof Roughness Characteristics BetweenChannelTypes P Values Wood Plane-bedversuswood-poorpool-riffle Wood-poorpool-riffleversuswood-richpool-riffle Plane-bedversuswood-richpool-riffle Pieces Per W/h (a/X)w (a/X)t, SquareMeter 0.801 0.465 0.599 0.024 0.029 0.002 0.044 <0.001 0.001 0.044 <0.001 <0.001 ReportedP valuesare for two-samplemediantests(a nonparametric sort of t test [Conover,1971]) evaluated witha one-tailed X2statistic. Differences between distribution means areconsidered statistically significantwhen P -< 0.05. 3514 BUFFINGTON 0.14 • AND ' •A MONTGOMERY: I EFFECTS ' 0.12 0.0 0.08 0.061 [ •• 0.04' [• •O 0.02 wood-poorpool-riffle / [ •Awood-rich pool-riffle /[ • 0.00 . . • Y=&23• 1• 0.05 . 0.10 0.15 Reach-average woodloading (pieces/m 2) b) I 0.06 , I 0.05 0.04 ß AA . 0.03 0.02 I• 0.01 ROUGHNESS Discussion Our resultsdemonstratethat reach-averageD so is system- aticallyfiner in channelswith greater hydraulicroughness. However, the overall trend of the data in Figure 4 has a somewhatlower slope than the reference D so prediction (equation(5)). This apparentdisagreementbetweentheory and observationmay be due to the small size of our data set. For example,data from gravel-bedrivers in Colorado JAndrews,1984] supportthe grain-sizepredictionquite well (Figure 11a); the data trend with the prediction,and the limit of competencein thesechannelsis well-describedby the prediction. Thesedata alsosupportour hypothesis regardingtextural responseto hydraulicroughness, demonstrating that channels with thickerriparianvegetation(and thereforegreaterhydraulic resistanceoffered by the banks) have relatively smaller bed-surfacegrain sizes.Thicker riparian vegetation also increasesbank strength,promoting smallerwidth-depth ratios that may reduceboth bed shearstressand surfacegrain size. Data from gravel-bedriversin the United Kingdom[Heyand Thorne,1986] alsotrend with the grain-sizepredictionwhich, again,forms a good upper envelopeof channelcompetence (Figure lib). It is importantto note, however,that only gravel-bedchannelswith plane-bedmorphologies(definitionof Montgomery and Buffington[1997]) have the potentialto realize the pre- •ane-•incipient pool-fiffl • 0.00 5. OF HYDRAULIC _ O O •1O •1 plane-bed/incipient pool-riffle dicted referencevaluesof Dso. Both lower-gradientsand-bed riversand steeper-gradient boulder-bedrivershavecharacteristic channelmorphologiesand accompanying roughnesselements that cause r' << to, and therefore observedvalues of . 'A •vood-poor pool-riffle wood-rich pool-riffle y = 0.009 + 0.55x, R^2 = 0.70 • 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.10 6 0.15 Reach-average woodloading (pieces/m 2) Figure 6. Reach-averageamplitude-wavelength ratio of (a) banktopographyand(b) bar topographyasa functionof wood loading.Mill Creek (far right triangle) is excludedfrom the curve fits. n=8 cruitmentcreatescomplex,irregulartexturalpatternswithin our studysites,more predictablepatternsof texturalpatches have been documentedin channelswith lesschaoticarrangementsof flow obstructions. For example,regular patternsof texturalpatchesare foundin self-formedmeanderingchannels becauseof systematicdownstreamand cross-channel variations in shearstressand sedimentflux causedby channelcurvature, topographicallyinducedconvectiveaccelerations, and lateralbed slope[Dietrichet al., 1979;Dietrichand Smith,1984; Parker and Andrews,1985]. Paired surfaceand subsurfacesamplingof textural patches demonstrates a strongcorrelationbetweensurfaceand subsur- pland-bed/ incipientpool-riffle n=12 n=20 wooci-poor woo•l-rich pool-riffle pool-riffle I -½ face mediangrain sizes(Figure 10). Coarsertexturalpatches havecorrespondingly coarsersubsurface sizes[seealsoBuffingtonand Montgomery,1999].Moreover,we observelittle to n=9 n=12 n=20 no armoring at our sites.We find that ratios of surface-towoo•-rich plane-bed/ wood-poor subsurface D5o are within the typicallyobservedrange of 1-3 pool-riffle incipientpool-riffle pool-riffle [Milhous,1973;Bathurst,1987;Kinerson,1990;Pitlickand Van Streeter,1998] but tend to clusternear 1 for our studysites, Figure 7. Box plots of reach-average,dimensionlessbar indicatingpoorly armoredsurfaces.Hydraulicroughnessand wavelengthand amplitude.See Figure 4 captionfor box plot reducedr' likely inhibit armor developmentin thesechannels. definition. O BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS 3515 a) I Flow i i• i •11• i i• i •ll•J ß.•,•.!.•'• -,..-,,,,.,... .....•.• cG,D50=54.8 mm, tSg=l.34 4) Contour interval=0.1 0 On-bank treeprojecting intochannel 5 m 10 I meters F/ow b) Pool • Pool logs, rootwadsContour interval=0.1 ml •cGcvc,D50=47.4 mm, (•g=0.92 (D • Discrete Debris pile (branches, wood chips) 0 5 1•0 .'"'i•cGmcvc, D50=38.4 mm, •g=1.24 • '$4•G,D5O=13.1 mm, C•g=0.98 (D sG, D5o--6.0 mm • On-bank tree projecting into channel meters Figure 8. Morphologicand textural plan maps of typical (a) plane-bed(Hoko River 2), (b) wood-poor pool-riffle(Hoko River 1), and (c) wood-richpool-riffle(Mill Creek) channelsstudiedon the Olympic Peninsula[from Buffingtonand Montgomery,1999]. See Table 3 for texture definitions.Boundarybetween channelbed and walls definesthe lateral margin of the maps. D so much less than those predictedfrom (5) (Figure 12). Sand-bedriverstypicallyhavea dune-ripplemorphologycharacterizedby multiple scalesof bed forms(ripples,dunes,and bars)that providesignificantform drag,while steeper-gradient boulder-bed channelstypically have step-pool and cascade morphologiescharacterizedby tumbling flow, low width-todepth ratios,and boulder form drag, all of which create considerable channel roughness[Montgomeryand Buffington, 1997].Dune-ripplechannelsalsoexhibitsedimenttransportat stagessignificantlylessthan bank-full, indicatingthat the observedDso shouldbe muchlessthan a theoreticalcompetent Dso predictedfrom bank-full shearstress. Even when limited to gravel-bedmorphologies(i.e., planebed and pool-rifflechannels),(5) overpredictsthe competent Dso in channelswith steepslopesbecauseof unaccounted-for effectsof particle form drag. As grain size becomesa significant proportion of the flow depth, it createsform drag that diminishesz' and the competentD5o, an effect that is not 3516 BUFFINGTON C) Pqol AND x•• MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS Flow Pool pile (branches, wood chips) '.'".•(i•Gmvcc, D50=23.7 mm, C•g=1.04 0 •[l• Debris •Gcfm_vffm, D50=8.4 mm, C•g=0.93 0 • On-bank tree projecting into channel iS, D50--2.0 mm Contour interval=0.1 m 0 5 10 ,•Z, D50•0.065 mm •' Discrete logs, rootwads i meters Figure 8c. (continued) accountedfor in (5). Particleform dragis representedby the relative roughnessratio (D so/h). For givenvaluesof p, Ps, and z *cso,(5) specifies a uniquevalueof D sos/hfor eachvalue of S 3). For the most part the standarderrors are smallbecause evenin very patchyreachesthere is typicallya dominanttextural type that occupies->50% of the bed-surfacearea (Table 3), whichskewsthe distributionof texturaltypesandresultant reach-averageD so toward the grain size characteristics of the dominanttexturaltype. Becausewe did not quantify either the rate or caliber of sedimentsupplyat the field sites,one may wonder if the textural fining observedin Figures3 and 4 is due to systematic changesin either of these factors, rather than a systematic increasein hydraulicroughnessand lowered z'. In particular, laboratorystudiesdemonstratethat bed-surfacegrainsizevaries inverselywith sedimentsupplyrate [Buffingtonand Montgomery,this issue].However, it is unlikely that the textural fining observedhere representseither an underlyingincrease in sedimentsupplyrate or a decreasein supplycaliber for severalreasons.(1) The highestsedimentloadingis expected for sites in logged basins,where high sedimentproduction D5o/h=S/Iz*c5o(•-l)] (6) Consequently,large particle form drag is predictedfor channels with steep slopes.Channel slope ranged from 0.0017 to 0.027 at our studysites,correspondingwith values of D so/h equal to 0.03-0.5 (equation(6)) and a 2-32% overprediction of competentDso becauseof unaccounted-foreffectsof grain form drag [Buffington,1998].However,more than 80% of our studysiteshad slopes<0.015, indicatinglessthan 17% overpredictionof competencefor the majorityof our data. Becauseour reportedvaluesof Dso are reach averages,it is important to examine whether the standard error of these averagevalues exceedsthe inferred textural responseto hydraulic roughnessthus influencingour interpretationof the rates occur because of two factors: fluvial erosion and mass data. The standarderror of the reach-average Dso is definedas wastingcausedby poor road design[Montgomery, 1994;Bestet al., 1995]andhillslopefailurescausedby reducedroot strength SE0= (7) following timber harvest [Sidle et al., 1985]. However, the wood-poorpool-rifflesites)do not For the Washingtonchannels,Ssois the standarddeviationof loggedsites(predominantly show the highest degree of textural fining (Figure 3). The median grain sizesof texturesweightedby their area, and n is with the greatestamountof texturalfining(wood-rich the numberof texturaltypesper reach.For the Alaskanchan- channels nels,Ssois the standarddeviationof mediangrain sizesof the pool-riffle channels)are predominantlyroadlessold growth channel-spanning pebblecounts,and n is the numberof peb- siteswith a lowerfrequencyof masswastingevents.Therefore ble countsper reach. We find that the standarderrors are the observedtextural fining is not due to an increasingsedisubstantialat somesites,but the pattern of decreasinggrain ment supplyrate. (2) Lithology (a strongcontrol on grain sizewith increasingroughnessdue to banks,bars,and wood is strengthand caliber)is highlyvariableacrossthe sitesand is maintainedand is not obscuredby the standarderrors(Figure uncorrelated with the threechanneltypes.(3) Drainagearea(a BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS 3517 Table 3. SurfaceTexture Compositionof the OlympicChannels Percentage Channel Frequency Texture* of Bed Dry 2 gC Plane-Bed/Incipient Pool-Riffle 100 1 Alder G Hoko 2 Hoh 1 Hoh 2 scG cG cG S cgS cG S cgS cG gC Skunk2 S G csG cG Hoko sG 1 Pins1 Flu Hardy Dry 1 Skunk1 Cedar 4 1 • 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 Wood-PoorPool-Riffle 9.33 9 11.19 9 8.22 4 71.24 2 67.1(69.2) ira( 1.24(1.17) -11 21.8(29.7) 56.1 (61.0) 54.8(55.2) -2.0 (NA) 9.0 (42.7) 38.9 (40.3) -2.0 (NA) 9.0 (42.7) 38.9 (40.3) 61.4(63.1) 1.76(1.39) 1.58(1.27) 1.34(1.31) 2.76 (1.26) 1.10(1.05) 1.54(1.49) <2.0 (8.5) 9.9 (12.8) 25.0 (27.8) 50.4 (51.5) >0.65 (0.40) 1.41(1.05) 1.37(0.98) 1.10(1.05) 2.76 (1.26) 1.10(1.05) 5.10 7 -6.0 9 4 3 3 13.1(13.8) 38.4(39.2) 47.4(47.7) -2.0 (NA) 0.98 (0.87) 1.24(1.20) 0.92 (0.92) 4.15 2.58 6 3 9.2(11.0) 12.7(14.1) 1.32(1.02) 1.15(1.04) cG 92.11 1 33.3(35.6) 1.57(1.31) S sG cGm•cc cGmc•c Z S Wood-RichPool-Riffle 7.71 4 3.22 3 48.47 3 40.61 7 3.98 2 11.79 9 Gcfm Mill 9.0 90.6 100 2 63 35 4 4 0.5 91.5 1 mm 13.87 61.58 19.45 1.16 G cGmcvc cGcvc S Gcfm Gfcm_fm c Pins2 0.4 D so, (Number/Reach) -2.0 (NA) 7.1 (8.7) 29.6 (30.4) 52.4 (52.8) -0.06 (NA) -2.0 (NA) 0.92 (0.47) 0.93 (0.88) 1.01(1.00) 3.70 6 11.7(12.0) 0.92(0.90) 80.53 1.63 15.89 i 2 21 29.5 (29.9) •0.06 (NA) -2.0 (NA) 0.89 (0.85) Gcfm_vffm 11.77 25 8.4(10.4) 0.93(0.67) Gm•cc Gcvc S scG G cG gC S G .... Gmvcc Z S sG G .... Gmvcc cG gC 62.57 8.15 0.94 4.79 7.52 39.28 47.48 16.15 62.31 21.54 5.61 2.64 1.08 12.80 64.19 6.15 7.53 2 5 3 2 5 3 8 32 6 4 2 3 6 11 1 1 3 23.7 (24.5) 39.6 (39.6) -2.0 (NA) 9.3 (33.9) 13.8(15.7) 39.1 (39.6) 77.0 (77.0) -2.0 (NA) 21.2 (22.0) 29.2(29.2) -0.06 (NA) -2.0 (NA) 6.6 (7.2) 17.6(17.6) 26.6 (26.8) 35.3(35.3) 74.4(74.4) 1.04(0.94) 0.58 (0.58) Gmc•c Z S 2.34(1.90) 1.09(0.87) 1.12(1.09) 0.66 (0.66) 0.96 (0.84) 0.91(0.91) 0.98(0.84) 0.65 (0.65) 0.70 (0.70) 0.82 (0.82) 0.89 (0.89) *Texturesare namedusingthe Buffingtonand Montgomery[1999] classification scheme.Capital letters representthe dominantgrainsize(Z, silt;S, sand;G, gravel;and C, cobble),precedinglowercaseletters representlessabundantgrainsizes,read asadjectives modifyingthe uppercasenoun(s, sandy;g, gravelly; and c, cobbley),and succeeding lowercasesubscripts further describethe grainsizecomposition of the dominantsizeclass(vf, veryfine;f, fine;m, medium;c, coarse;and vc, verycoarse).Order of lowercase lettersindicates relativeabundance (leastto greatest). Forexample, sGfmissandy, fineto mediumgravel. Lowercasesubscripts are usedto distinguish otherwiseidenticaltexturalnames(e.g.,distinguishing coarse versusfine graveltextures).Sedimenttermscorrespondwith standardgrain sizeclasses[Buffington and Montgomery,1999, Table 1]. NA indicatesthe entire suspensionof a patch at bank-full flow. ?Valuesin parentheses are are for grain-sizedistributions with suspendable sizesremoved(seetext). $Heretraisthegraphic standard deviation, defined as((b84 - (•16)/2 [Folk,1974],where4)84 and4)16 are the log2grain sizes[Krumbein,1936]for which 16% and 84%, respectively,of the surfacegrain sizesare finer. 3518 BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS OF HYDRAULIC ROUGHNESS and resultant debris flows are characteristicof the steep, mountainousterrain of northwesternWashingtonand southeasternAlaska.Evidencefor suchimpactsobservedat our field sitesinclude(1) landslidetracksenteringa channel,in some casesaccompanied by a debrisjam, and (2) freshdebrisflow levees,with inundated and scouredriparian vegetation.Although six of our studysitesshowedevidenceof debris-flow input (Table 1), only one of the mostrecentlyaffectedchannelsshoweda strongtexturalresponseto debris-flowloading. A more detailed studyof the influenceof hydraulicroughnesson reach-averagebed-surfacegrain sizewasconductedat one of our wood-poor pool-riffle channelsand one of our wood-richpool-riffle channels[Buffington,1998]. Bed shear stresses for 0 20 40 60 80 100 Woodpiecesperreach Figure 9. Textural patch frequency as a function of wood frequencyat the Olympicstudysites.The fitted curveis forced to one patch in plane-bedreacheswith zero piecesof wood. these sites were calculated from a theoretical stress-partitioning model that wasverified througha courseof field study.Resultsshowthat observedreach-averagevaluesof D so are within 1-10% of thosepredictedfrom the bank-full bed stress.Thesefindingsindicatethat bed-surfacegrain sizes at thosesitesare in quasi-equilibriumwith bank-full channel hydraulicsand suggestthat hydraulicroughness,rather than sedimentsupply,is the dominantcontrol on grain size. crudesurrogatefor sedimentsupplyrate andcaliber)is uncorrelated with channeltype. The stronggrain sizeresponseto hydraulicroughness(Figure 3), and the lack of evidencefor an underlyingcovariance with sedimentsupplythat would explainthe observedtextural fining,suggests that site-specific differencesin sedimentsupply rate and caliber are overwhelmedby bank, bar, and wood roughnessat our studysites,exceptwhere recentcatastrophic sedimentinputshaveoccurred.For example,one of the planebed studysitesrecentlyimpactedby a debrisflow has a reachaveragemedian grain size considerablyfiner than the other plane-bedchannels(circledpoint in Figure 3), presumablyin responseto catastrophicsedimentloading of the debrisflow. Infrequent, catastrophicsedimentinputsfrom hollow failures Andrews [1984] thin bankvegetation thickbankvegetation 10 100 Reach-average bank-full shear stress (Z0bf) (Pa) 80 i ' i i i i i !i , i . i. ,l:f'" i. 70 so u ] •/ I ,,'"" ..--"'" ... 1 i 0 ß i 10 ß i 20 ß i 30 - i 40 - i 50 ß i 60 ß • , , 11, ß 100- i 70 i b) 2:1' 20 ] ß,,4,..,&'" ...... '*"ß 0 I 1000 80 surfaceDs0 (mm) Figure 10. Surfacemediangrainsizeversussubsurface value for textural patchessampledat the Olympicstudysites.Particle sizesthat are suspendable at bank-fullstagewere removed from both grain-sizedistributions(see section3). Subsurface grain-sizedistributionswere determinedfrom sievedbulk samples,followingthe Churchet al. [1987]samplingcriterion(i.e., the largestgrain is -<1% of the total sampleweight). :,d.½;: "' ß 10 [HeyandThorne, 1986] 100 1000 Reach-average bank-fullshearstress (Z0bf) (Pa) Figure 11. Median bed-surfacegrain sizeversustotal bankfull shearstressfor gravel-bedchannelsin (a) Colorado[Andrews,1984] and (b) the United Kingdom[Hey and Thorne, 1986]. Solid line is that of Figure 3. BUFFINGTON AND MONTGOMERY: EFFECTS ROUGHNESS 3519 averageof 3) and does not satisfythe criterion for quasiuniformflow.Thereforea depth-slope productmay onlypartially approximatethe actualreach-average shearstressat each 10000- ß dune-tipple o pool-riffle ß plane-bed ß step-pool studysite. •_ cascad•e 1 OF HYDRAULIC 6. Conclusions We find that surfacegrain sizesof gravel-bedrivers are responsive to hydraulicroughness causedby bank irregularities,bars,andwood debris.Progressive increasesin hydraulic roughness causesystematic texturalfining,presumablybecause of loweredbed stresses which,in turn, reducechannelcompetenceand diminishbed load transportcapacity,both of which promotetexturalfining.In hydraulicallyroughforestchannels the observedreach-average Dso canbe aslow asone tenth the competentvalue predictedfrom the total bank-fullboundary shearstress.This suggests a corresponding differencebetween the bed shearstressandthe total boundaryshearstressfor bed surfacesthat are in equilibriumwith channelhydraulicsand highlightsthe importanceof accountingfor hydraulicroughness in complexalluvial channels.Becausemany bed load Reach-averagebank-full transport equationsare power functionsof the differencebetweenthe appliedand criticalshearstresses, smallerrorsin the bed stresscan causelarge errorsin calculatedbed load trans- shearstress(%bf)(Pa) port rates. 10 100 1000 Figure 12. Median bed-surfacegrain sizeversustotal bankfull shearstress,stratifiedby reachmorphology(definitionsof Montgomeryand Buffington[1997]). Data sourcesare as follows:dune-ripple[Simonsand Albertson,1963; Chitale, 1970; Higginson andJohnston; 1988];plane-bedandpool-riffle[Lisle, 1989; Lisle and Madej, 1992; this study];and step-pooland cascade[Montgomery andBuffington,1997].Solidline is that of Figure 3. Textural fining causedby hydraulicroughnessalso has important implicationsfor the availabilityof salmonidspawning habitat.Salmonidsselectspecificgrainsizesin whichto spawn [Kondolfand Wolman,1993].Comparisonof preferredspawning-gravelsizesand our field data suggestthat texturalfining causedby banks,bars,and wood can createusablespawning gravelsin channelsotherwisetoo coarseto be hospitablefor spawning(Figure 3). Furthermore,bar and wood roughness createa greatervarietyof texturalpatches(seeFigures8a-8c), offeringa rangeof aquatichabitatsthat maypromotebiologic diversityor be of useto specificanimalsat differentlife stages. Macroinvertebratesalso exhibit grain-sizepreferenceswhen selectingaquatic habitat [Cumminsand Lauff, 1969; Reice, 19801. Our approachfor predictinga low-roughness referenceDso usesa reach-averagedepth-slopeproductto approximatethe total boundary shear stress.This approximation assumes steady, uniform flow at reach scales.These conditions are satisfiedwhen dischargefluctuations occur on timescales >>u/#S and when studyreach lengthsare >>h/S [Paola and Mohrig, 1996].Although our studysitesare characterizedby high velocities(---1 m/s at bank-full stage)and flashyhydro- graphs,the steepchannelslopes(---10-3-10 -2) makeu/#S We alsofind that at subreachscalesour studychannelsare composedof discretetexturalpatchesthat vary with channel morphologyand roughnessconfiguration.Previous studies demonstratethat texturalpatchesalso developand evolvein responseto alteredsedimentload in plane-bedandpool-riffle channels[Dietrichet al., 1989;Lisle et al., 1993]. Despitethe commonoccurrenceof textural patchesin both natural [Dietrichand Smith, 1984; Fergusonet al., 1989; Kinerson,1990; Wolcottand Church, 1990;Lisle and Madej, 1992;Paola and Seal,1995;PowellandAshworth,1995]andlaboratorychannels [Iseyaand Ikeda, 1987;Dietrichet al., 1989;Lisleet al., 1993], little is known about the processesand mechanicsof patch development,patch interactions,and their role in bed load transportand channelstability. The analysisframeworkpresentedhere providesa theoreticalreferencepointfor examiningtexturalresponseto hydraulic roughness. However,surfacegrainsizealsois responsive to bed load sedimentsupply[Buffingtonand Montgomery,this issue]. Consequently,it may be difficult to assessrelative causesfor texturalfiningwhen channelshaveboth high sediment loading and significanthydraulicroughness.To isolate the effectsof sedimentsupply,a methodfor partitioningchannel shearstressis required,suchthat the competentmedian grain size can be calculatedfrom the bed shearstress(z') ratherthanthe total boundaryshearstress(zo) [Buffington and Montgomery, thisissue].Moreover,useof surfacegrainsizeto assessmagnitudesof hydraulicroughnessand bed load sediment supplyrequire channelsto be in quasi-equilibrium. Surface texturesthat have not had sufficienttime to equilibrate with channelhydraulicsand imposedsedimentloadsmay not be goodindicatorsof thesequantities.Nevertheless, our approachprovidesa physicallybasedframeworkfor examining controlson bed-surfacegrain size.With the abovecaveatsin mind our frameworkcanbe usedas a startingpoint for interpreting physicalprocessesand assessing channel condition basedon inspectionof bed-surfacegrain size. quite small(<2 min) and considerably lessthan the timescale for significantdischargevariationsduringflood events(rising limb of hydrographis typically->5 hours [Estepand Beschta, 1985; Smithet al., 1993]). 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