Evaluating Survey Quality in Health Services Research: A Decision Nonresponse Bias


Evaluating Survey Quality in Health

Services Research: A Decision

Framework for Assessing

Nonresponse Bias

Jonathon R.B. Halbesleben

University of Alabama

March 6, 2013


Erin Holve, Ph.D., M.P.H.,


– Senior Director of

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Learning Objectives

Receive an overview of appropriate strategies for assessing nonresponse bias

Learn how to identify the primary contributors to nonresponse bias

Understand six methods for assessing nonresponse bias, including the circumstances under which each is applicable to their data

Describe the advantages and disadvantages of six methods for assessing nonresponse bias.


Evaluating Survey Quality in

Health Services Research: A

Decision Framework for Assessing

Nonresponse Bias

Jonathon Halbesleben

University of Alabama


The story behind the paper


Ways of Thinking About

Nonresponse Bias

Response Rate

Nonresponse bias = P




- Mean




Nonresponse bias = P




- Mean



Ideally, one would be thinking about this BEFORE conducting the survey…but that’s not always possible

Related to, but not quite the same as, subject attrition


A Decision Framework


Do you have access to the population?

Follow-up analysis

Contact subset of non-respondents with survey to see if differences emerge

Likely to have high nonresponse on the follow-up


Are There Questions in the

Survey That Might Address

Reasons for Nonresponse?

Leverage-Salience theory

Interest-level analysis

Interest associated with responding

Questions as proxies for interest –look for variation, associations with substantive variables, control for interest

Passive nonresponse analysis

People who would have done it, but didn’t for some reason

Questions like workload can tap into this

Simply resending survey might address it


Were the Data Collected in

Multiple Waves or Reminders?

Continuum of resistance

Wave analysis

Respondents who complete survey only at Time

1 are compared to those who completed it all times

Respondents who responded to reminder are compared to those who responded earlier


Are Population Data Available?

Sample-Population comparison

Usually focused on demographics, which may not be helpful

Bebee et al. (2011)

Had access to health records of population of interest

Could compare health of respondents vs. nonrespondents


Have Others Published Similar



Sometimes the whole point is to look at a different group or one we think might differ on substantive variables


What if my answer was “no” to everything?


File-Drawer analysis



Thinking ahead – how might one avoid nonresponse?

Reporting multiple assessments of nonresponse


Other considerations

Layers” of nonresponse

Variation on level of impact of nonresponse

Study of patient bill responsiveness

Dealing with potential nonresponse bias


Submitting Questions

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