Creating Standard Pages Create a new Standard Page

Quick Learning Card – Creating Standard Pages
Creating Standard Pages
Create a new Standard Page
Options …
1. Select a new
Do …
2. Use the
 Click the
 Click Create
Click on the
Creation Wizard button
Select the Pages Category from the
left hand column in the Wizard
Click on the option Standard Page
which will take you to the Standard
Page creation wizard
*See note below for more options
 Click the
 Use the Asset Finder (figure 1) to select a Parent
Asset under which to put your new page
 Click Create
Note: In some instances, it may be a good idea to
select the New Location button
Figure 1
Click on the Edit button to edit your page
Result: The Detail Screen displays. Check that the status is
“Under Construction”
Note: To create another asset, click on Restart Wizard
Give your page a Name or Title
Choose whether or not the page will
appear in the menu of your site
Select Location under which to put
your new page
Staff Development Unit
Other Page types include:
News Item allows you to add articles to your site. These articles could be anything from a media release to a general article on
your site
Form can be used to collect different types of information from users. Examples include a contact us form, feedback form, job
application, customer surveys etc.
Some of the other Asset Categories include:
Events for Single and Recurring Calendar
Files such as Image, PDF and Word
Other which include Folders
Quick Learning Card – Creating Standard Pages
Creating Standard Pages
Adding content to a newly created page
Adding Hyperlinks
Open the Content Screen and Click inside the Content Area
Select text to be hyperlinked then click on the Hyperlink tool
Result: The WYSIWYG toolbar becomes fully operational
Result: The Insert Link pop up window displays
Create link to …
An Internal Page or file
within the system
 Click the Pick Asset button
 In the Asset Finder, locate and select the required Standard
Page or File
 Click on Apply Changes
 Enter the URL of the External Page in the URL field
 Click on Apply Changes
 Enter the email address in the URL field
 Click on Apply Changes
Create and anchor point
 Select the text or image to be the anchor point
An External Page
An Email address
An Anchor on a page
 Click the Anchor
 Enter a name for the anchor point in the ID field
 Click on Apply Changes
Linking to the Anchor point
 Select text from where you wish to link
 Select the hyperlink icon
 Enter the name of the anchor point, preceded by a ‘#’
symbol, in the URL field
Start to type in text in the content area
Publishing your page
When you select existing content in the
content area, the Inline editing toolbar
is displayed with a selection of editing
tools directly below selected content.
This allows you to edit content within its
immediate context.
Staff Development Unit
Once you have finished editing…
1. Go to the Details screen
2. Select Apply for Approval (Workflow “Pending Approval”) or Approve
and Make Live (No Workflow “Live”)
3. Click on Save