Last update: 13-02-2016 340075 - DIRT-D4O17 - Design and Technical Representation Coordinating unit: 340 - EPSEVG - Vilanova i la Geltrú School of Engineering Teaching unit: 717 - EGE - Department of Engineering Presentation Academic year: 2015 Degree: BACHELOR'S DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL DESIGN AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING (Syllabus 2009). (Teaching unit Compulsory) ECTS credits: 6 Teaching languages: Catalan, Spanish Teaching staff Coordinator: Dolors López Membrilla Others: Dolors López Membrilla Alba Torras Sendra Degree competences to which the subject contributes Transversal: 1. SELF-DIRECTED LEARNING - Level 2: Completing set tasks based on the guidelines set by lecturers. Devoting the time needed to complete each task, including personal contributions and expanding on the recommended information sources. 2. EFFICIENT ORAL AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION - Level 2. Using strategies for preparing and giving oral presentations. Writing texts and documents whose content is coherent, well structured and free of spelling and grammatical errors. 3. THIRD LANGUAGE. Learning a third language, preferably English, to a degree of oral and written fluency that fits in with the future needs of the graduates of each course. 4. TEAMWORK - Level 2. Contributing to the consolidation of a team by planning targets and working efficiently to favor communication, task assignment and cohesion. 5. EFFECTIVE USE OF INFORMATI0N RESOURCES - Level 1. Identifying information needs. Using collections, premises and services that are available for designing and executing simple searches that are suited to the topic. Learning objectives of the subject Study load Total learning time: 150h Hours large group: 30h 20.00% Hours medium group: 0h 0.00% Hours small group: 30h 20.00% Guided activities: 0h 0.00% Self study: 90h 60.00% 1/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 13-02-2016 340075 - DIRT-D4O17 - Design and Technical Representation Content (ENG) 1. Conjunts de productes II: Components d'un conjunt. Elements d'unió i transmissió. Learning time: 18h Theory classes: 18h (ENG) 2. Normalització II: Anotacions tècniques: Learning time: 5h Acabat superficial, sistemes d'ajustos i sistemes Theory classes: 5h d'unió. (ENG) 3. Disseny i dimensionat d'elements i components de sistemes i productes. Learning time: 6h Theory classes: 6h (ENG) 4. Recerca i ús de catàlegs i documentació Learning time: 1h gràfica. Theory classes: 1h (ENG) 5. ACTIVITATS DE TREBALL PRÀCTIC Learning time: 15h Practical classes: 15h (ENG) 6. PRÀCTIQUES DE LABORATORI. Learning time: 30h Laboratory classes: 30h (ENG) 7. ACTIVITAT NO PRESENCIAL Learning time: 90h Self study : 90h 2/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Last update: 13-02-2016 340075 - DIRT-D4O17 - Design and Technical Representation Bibliography Basic: Auria Apilluelo, José M.; Ibáñez Carabantes, Pedro; Ubieto Artur, Pedro. Dibujo industrial : conjuntos y despieces. 2a ed. Madrid [etc.]: Paraninfo, 2005. ISBN 8497323904. Hernández Abad, Francisco [et al.]. Ingeniería gráfica : introducción a la normalización. 3a ed. Terrassa: ETSEIAT. Departamento de Expresión Gráfica en la Ingeniería, 2006. ISBN 8460946592. Félez, Jesús; Martinez, Maria Luisa. Ingeniería gráfica y diseño. Madrid: Síntesis, 2008. ISBN 9788497564991. Henry, Kevin. Dibujo para diseñadores de producto : de la idea al papel. Barcelona: Prompress, 2012. ISBN 9788492810512. Bocetos en diseño de producto = Esboços em design de produto. Madrid: Ilusbooks, 2012. ISBN 9788415227250. Pipes, Alan. El Diseño tridimensional : del boceto a la pantalla. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili, 1989. ISBN 8425214165. Complementary: Félez, Jesús; Martínez, Mª Luisa. Dibujo industrial. 3a ed. Madrid: Síntesis, 1999. ISBN 8477383316. Others resources: 3/3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya