Baton Rouge Community College POSITION AUTHORIZATION FORM (PAF) POSITION REQUEST Reallocation Up Down Lateral Unclassified Title Change Only: OLD TITLE _________________________________________ NEW TITLE: ________________________________________ Reactivate Unbudgeted Position Number Create & Fill New Position T.O. Non T.O. Fill Existing Vacant Position T.O. Non T.O. Unfund and Terminate Position Number __________________ Unfund Position Number __________________ and Create New Position for OFFICIAL JOB TITLE listed below OFFICIAL JOB TITLE JOB CODE WORKING TITLE (IF DIFFERENT) POSITION NUMBER CAMPUS / WORK LOCATION if position is used on multiple campuses, list the site in which the majority of work time will be spent Mid-City - BA Frazier - BB La State Penitentiary (Angola) - BJ North Acadian - BE Donmoor - BC La Correctional Inst / Women (LCIW) - BK Westside (Plaquemine) - BI Folkes (Jackson) - BF Elayn “Hunt” Correctional - BL Port Allen - BH Jumonville (New Roads) - BG Dixon Correctional Institute - BM Central (Formerly “Hooper Road”) - BN POSITION TYPE Classified-- WEEKLY HOURS FT PT FTE % EFFECTIVE DATE Temporary END DATE WAE (not to exceed 1245 hrs/ year) Job Appointment (not to exceed 4 yrs) TIME APPROVER’S NUMBER Unclassified – Administrative / Staff Unclassified – Faculty 9 mo 12 mo Unclassified – Grant 9 mo 12 mo Unclassified – Tutor Student Unclassified – Adjunct FLSA STATUS EXEMPT NON-EXEMPT Have there been any significant changes to position duties since last time position was filled? If YES, attached an updated position description. HOURLY RATE OR RANGE ANNUAL RATE OR RANGE Unclassified – Gratis FUNDING LABOR DISTRIBUTION FUND ORG NO. ACCOUNT NO. PROGRAM ACTIVITY PERCENT FUND ORG NO. ACCOUNT NO. PROGRAM ACTIVITY PERCENT REASON FOR VACANCY NEW POSITION or REPLACEMENT DUE TO : Separation Transfer / Promotion Leave Of Absence OTHER, PLEASE EXPLAIN______________________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF EMPLOYEE BEING REPLACED LAST DATE WORKED JUSTIFICATION/EXPLANATION/COMMENTS –Describe briefly why this position needs to be created and/or filled. What are the consequences of not filling this position? If applicable, explain why position is only needed on a temporary basis. PAF Revised 1-13-2016/TPR POSTING/ADVERTISING DESIRED: If this PAF is to fill a position, this section is required. (See BRCC HR Policy 203.) Positions will automatically be posted on the BRCC website and LaCareers for 10 LCTCS working days unless formally excepted by the Chancellor or his/her designee. By checking this box, the Chancellor’s Direct Report under whom this position sits is formally requesting an exception to posting the position for 10 LCTCS working days. Please post for ____________ days only, for the following reason(s):________________________________________ If any additional publication(s) are being requested, please indicate so here: The Advocate Journal(s); please specify________________________________ Other Newspaper or Site; please specify___________________________________ OTHER, PLEASE EXPLAIN:________________________ ____________________________________________ MAJOR DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES that may be highlighted in the ad – Describe BRIEFLY. Attach electronic position description if available. ANTICIPATED START DATE (Will be finalized after background check is completed.)___________________________________________________ TYPE of APPLICANTS requested: If this PAF is to fill a position, this section should be considered. Positions will automatically be opened to the public at large unless formally excepted by the Chancellor or his/her designee. By checking this box, the Chancellor’s Direct Report under whom this position sits is formally requesting this position to be limited in the following manner (such as open to only BRCC employees):_________________________________________________________________________ Rationale: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REQUIRED SIGNATURES HIRING MANAGER SIGNATURE APPROVALS DATE By my signature below, I hereby certify that all information on this document is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. DEAN/DEPT HEAD SIGNATURE DATE VICE CHANCELLOR/DIV DIR SIGNATURE DATE ROUTING THIS FORM: Once the signatures above are obtained, please obtain the signatures of the Budget Officer (and the Grant Administrator, if applicable) BEFORE delivering the form to Human Resources. HR will obtain the signature of the VCFA and the Appointing Authority. BUDGET OFFICER SIGNATURE– I certify that the FOAP information on page 1 has been verified and funds are available for this position. DATE GRANT ADMINISTRATOR SIGNATURE I certify that funds have been awarded as shown in the Grant Award letter attached. DATE HUMAN RESOURCES SIGNATURE I certify that the information other than FOAP and Grant Award has been reviewed for completeness. AUTHORIZATIONS VICE CHANCELLOR of FINANCE & ADMIN I have reviewed the position request and verified the T.O. status and funding. DATE APPOINTING AUTHORITY SIGNATURE – I hereby approve this action and authorize the Human Resources office to perform the actions authorized herein. DATE PAF Revised 1-13-2016/TPR