Annual Report 2010

Annual Report 2010
4 Endowed Chair
6 News and Research
7 Major Gifts
9 Faculty
25 Graduate Degrees
Our Mission
Our mission, as a component of
a land-grant institution, is
1. to provide the high quality educational
experience in the industrial engineering
discipline which will prepare our graduates
to contribute successfully to society and
to assume leadership roles in industrial,
governmental, and academic professions;
2. to provide the state and nation with
new knowledge, both basic and applied,
in the field of industrial engineering;
3. to provide service to the industrial,
governmental, and professional
communities through dissemination of
research findings, provision of continuing
education programs, interaction with
industry and professional colleagues,
membership on advisory committees,
consulting, and other outreach activities.
Our Advisory Council
The mission of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory
Council is to provide a continuing liaison between the department
and the practicing profession for the purpose of improving the quality
of the industrial engineering program at Texas A&M University.
Function 1: to assist in resource development to support
the needs and programs of the department.
Function 2: to serve in an advisory capacity to the department head by
making recommendations about the goals and programs of the department.
Mr. Kent Beran
Boeing Company
Mr. Dean Liollio
PAA Natural Gas Storage, LLC
Mr. Gary Cerny
Michels Corporation
Mr. Greg Loppatto
Mr. Greg R. Clapp
Fujitsu Network Communications
Mr. James Menke
G. Allen Flynt
Hamilton Sundstrand
Ms. Robin Moore
Michaels Stores, Inc.
Mr. Ross George
Five G Management, LLC
Mr. John A. Scott
Applied Systems Technology and
Transfer, Inc.
Mr. Michael Haack, P.E.,
Halliburton AS
Mr. Randy Hoff
Energy Education
Ms. Victoria Hunter
Lee Hecht Harrison
Mr. Douglas W. Sellers
Mr. Lee Sneddon
Intel Corporation
Mr. Charlie Stegemoeller
Front Cover
Work is nearing completion on the Emerging Technologies and Economic Development Building, new home of the Department
of Industrial and Systems Engineering. Move-in is expected to take place July 2011. The building will also house the
Department of Biomedical Engineering, Coastal Deepwater Program laboratories, Visualization Program laboratories, and other
interdisciplinary research initiatives.
Annual Report | 2010
I’m pleased to share with you the 2010 Annual Report from the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University. It highlights some of
the many activities and accomplishments of our faculty and students during the past
year. I hope it provides you a glimpse into the meaningful and exciting work being
Both the Dwight Look College of Engineering and the Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering remain highly ranked and well regarded. We continue to
build on this foundation of excellence and expand into new endeavors and broaden
our research impact. Several new initiatives are underway and many exciting
opportunities exist at Texas A&M.
Greetings from the
Department Head
As always, the faculty and staff are working together to achieve at the highest level
possible those goals outlined in our mission statement. This report summarizes their
scholarly activity and high level of academic achievements. I would welcome hearing
from you should you have questions or feedback on the department’s activities as we
continue to expand and enhance our program.
Departmental Data for 2010
U.S. News & World Report Rankings Among Public Institutions: 6th Undergraduate ; 6th Graduate
Enrollment Fall 2010
Undergraduate Students 639
Graduate Students 275 (Ph.D. 59, Master’s 216)
Quality Indicators
Total Faculty 31
(Professors 12, Associate Professors 8, Assistant Professors 5, Non-tenured/Non-tenure Track 6)
Endowed Chair Holder 1, Endowed Professorship Holders 3, Development Professorship Holders 2
Centers and Laboratories
Advanced Metrology Laboratory, Computer Integrated Manufacturing Laboratory, Decision Analysis Systems Laboratory, Institute
for Manufacturing Systems (TEES), Logistics and Networked Systems Research Laboratory, Manufacturing Automation Laboratory,
Modeling and Simulation Laboratory, RFID and Supply Chain Systems Laboratory Systems Modeling and
Computational Optimization (SyMCo) Laboratory, Virtual Reality and Visualization Laboratory
Major Gifts
Mike and Sugar Barnes Endow Chair
William M. “Mike” Barnes ’64 and his wife Sugar have recently given $2 million to
endow a department head chair in Industrial and Systems Engineering. “Mike and
Sugar are great friends of this institution, and this gift again demonstrates their
devotion to Texas A&M,” said G. Kemble Bennett, vice chancellor and dean of
The Sugar and Mike Barnes Department Head Chair in Industrial and Systems
Engineering will be used for student support, faculty development, curriculum
enhancement and research initiatives. “We are happy to support Texas A&M in
providing their students with an outstanding education, which we have always
believed is the key to success,” said Sugar Barnes, a certified public accountant
who has practiced in Texas for 25 years.
A basketball star from Waelder, Texas, Mike Barnes earned B.S. (1964) and M.S.
(1966) degrees in industrial engineering, followed by a Ph.D. (1968) in operations
research, all from Texas A&M. As a student, he was active in the Institute of
Industrial Engineers and was inducted into the Alpha Pi Mu industrial engineering
and Tau Beta Pi engineering honor societies.
Barnes served as an instructor of maintainability engineering at the U.S. Army
Logistics Training Center, an expert consultant to the assistant postmaster general
in Washington, D. C., and a visiting professor of computer science at Southern Methodist University. In 1968 he joined
Collins Radio, a predecessor Rockwell, as a member of the corporate operations research staff. His expertise in planning and
forecasting benefited Rockwell’s commercial and defense businesses. In 1991 Barnes was named senior vice president, finance
and planning, and chief financial officer for Rockwell. He retired in 2001.
Barnes played a significant role in establishing the Rockwell International Corporation Professorship in Engineering at Texas
A&M. He represented the company in its gift of equipment and cash for a major laboratory in the Department of Engineering
Technology and Industrial Distribution, and in the Rockwell Fellowship Program for graduate students in computer science
and electrical, industrial and mechanical engineering. The couple also previously endowed a professorship in industrial
He is a member of the Texas A&M Engineering Advisory Council and has been honored as an Outstanding Alumnus of the
Look College of Engineering and an Outstanding Former Student of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
Additionally in 2009 he was named the first recipient of the Texas Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department
Heads Lifetime Achievement Award.
Always a team, Mike and Sugar Barnes were charter members of the Chancellor’s Century Council at Texas A&M. They have
been active in the United Way as members of the Alexis De Tocqueville Society.
Sugar Barnes is on the board of trustees of the Witte Museum in San Antonio, and has served on the museum’s development,
finance and executive committees. She is a trustee and vice president of the Alamo Mission Chapter of the Daughters of
the Republic of Texas and is active in the alumnae chapter of Delta Gamma. A native of Gonzales, Texas, she graduated with
honors in accounting from the University of Texas. She served on the Ethics Committee for the Texas State Board of Public
Accountancy, taught accounting in the Dallas Community College System and was a traveling accounting lecturer for Texas
A&M University. (Article courtesy of Texas A&M Foundation.)
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accolades
ISEN Faculty Named IIE Fellows
Professors Guy Curry, Abhijit Deshmukh, and Brett Peters from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering were
named Fellows of the Institute of Industrial Engineers at the IIE Annual Research Conference in June. The Fellow Award recognizes
outstanding leaders in the profession who have made significant, nationally recognized contributions to industrial engineering.
Curry received his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas and joined Texas A&M University in 1970. He won his first teaching
award in 1972 and has continued since then to receive awards for his teaching excellence. In 2006, he received the Albert G.
Holzman Distinguished Educator Award from the Institute of Industrial Engineers. This prestigious award recognizes significant
contributions to the profession through career accomplishments in teaching excellence, research, publication, extension,
innovation, and administration. Since 2008 he has been awarded both the college level and university level distinguished
teaching awards by the Association of Former Students.
After earning a Ph.D. at Purdue, Deshmukh served on the faculties at SUNY-Stony Brook, Florida State, and the University
of Massachusetts. In addition he served as program director for Manufacturing Enterprise Systems at the National Science
Foundation before coming to Texas A&M in 2008. He has received several awards in recognition of his professional
accomplishments including the Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer from the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the
Teetor Educational Award from the Society of Automotive Engineers. He was named a Lilly Teaching Fellow at the University of
Massachusetts. (In January 2011, Dr. Deshmukh took the position of department head at Purdue.)
Peters, who currently serves as
department head, received his
Ph.D. from the Georgia Institute
of Technology in 1992. He came
to Texas A&M as an assistant
professor that same year and
established himself as a leading
researcher in the field of material
handling and plant layout. He
received the Student Award for
Excellence from the Institute
of Industrial Engineers in 1987,
was named an Outstanding
Young Manufacturing Engineer
by the Society of Manufacturing
Engineers in 2001, and was
inducted into the Arkansas
Academy in Industrial Engineering
in 2005. He has served as President
of the College-Industry Council on
Material Handling Education.
(l to r) Guy Curry, Brett Peters and Abhijit Deshmukh
News & Research
Improving Health Care a Growing Area for ISE’s
Optimizing Patient Care in Nuclear Medicine
Healthcare costs in the U.S. have increased rapidly and now exceed those in other nations that provide equivalent care. Increased
demand for specialized services has been identified as one of the causes of this trend. Nuclear medicine is a subspecialty of radiology
that deals with procedures that require the use of radioactive isotopes. These isotopes are administered to patients to diagnose
and treat diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Nuclear radiology procedures involve multiple activities that are performed in
multiple steps following a strict protocol adhering to time window constraints and resource availability. Associate Professor Lewis
Ntaimo and postdoctoral student Eduardo Perez are collaborating with Carla Bailey and Peter McCormack of Scott and White
Hospital in Temple to develop theory, models and algorithms, and practical tools to improve patient service delivery in nuclear
radiology through the use of health information technology based stochastic online optimization techniques for scheduling
patients, radiopharmaceuticals, and resources in an integrated manner. For further information contact
Implementing Use of Electronic Health Records
The Dwight Look College of Engineering and the Mays Business School are partnering with The Rural and Community Health Institute
at the Texas A&M Health Science Center, which has received a grant award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, to
form a Health Information Technology Regional Extension Center (REC). The CentrEast Regional Extension Center will assist physicians
and other health care professionals, as well as critical access and rural hospitals in 47 Texas counties, in implementing electronic health
records (EHRs). Associate Professor Andy Banerjee of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering and Arun Sen, Professor
of Information and Operations Management, are serving as Co-PIs from the Colleges of Engineering and Business respectively.
The REC will provide technical assistance, guidance and information on best practices for health care practitioners and hospitals to become
for historically underserved and other special-needs populations and the use of that technology to achieve reduction in health disparities.
Industrial and systems engineering tools will be extensively used in the project to analyze and improve
information and personnel flows in medical practices during the implementation of electronic health records;
assisting practices in the process of transitioning from paper to electronic records, choosing the most suitable
EHR system, identifying data storage and information system requirements, and establishing security policies.
Reducing Medication Errors in Pediatrics
Associate Professor Lewis Ntaimo, Associate Professor Amarnath Banerjee, Assistant Professor Kiavash Kianfar, and Ph.D. student
Michelle McGaha are working on a project designed to analyze and optimize medication workflow so as to reduce the occurrence
of medication errors and improve quality of care in pediatrics. According to a report by the Institute of Medicine, an estimated
44,000 to 98,000 people die annually due to errors in health care. Medication errors are common in hospitals today, and potential
adverse drug events are three times more likely in pediatrics than in adult medicine. This research was funded by a grant from the
National Science Foundation Center for Health Organization Transformation. For more information contact
Engineering Incentives for Health Care Systems
Although the U.S. health care system is a world leader in many dimensions, the cost of health care is not one of them. U.S. health
care expenditures have risen at a much higher rate than that of other OECD nations, and currently stand at 16% of U.S. GDP.
Although part of the increase can be attributed to the development of new medications, availability of advanced diagnostic and
surgical procedures, and an aging population base, a major factor in the increase in cost is related to the strategic behavior of the
participants. This behavior is based on incentives embedded in the system that influence participants in several ways, potentially
resulting in system-wide inefficiencies from misaligned objectives, destruction of competition, and removal of the burden of
risk from individual decisions, all resulting in higher costs. In recent years considerable attention has been paid by researchers
to reducing inefficiencies at the operational level of health care systems. However, basic research issues related to engineering
incentives in health care systems, such as design of appropriate incentives, estimation of system-wide performance for a set of
incentives and predicting participant response to given incentives have not received much attention, despite the significant
potential for saving health care costs. Professor Abhijit Deshmukh, Assistant Professor Andy Johnson, along with Jim Rohack,
M.D. of Scott and White Health Care System, are addressing the fundamental issues related to designing incentives for distributed
decision makers in health care systems. They are specifically focusing on how incentives can be used to reduce costs by aligning
objective functions of non-cooperative decision makers. This research is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation.
Annual Report | 2010
Major Gifts
Major Gifts to the Department
Amazon has given the department $2000 to underwrite student travel to conferences.
Aviall Services has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Barnes ’64 have given $2,000,000 to endow the Sugar and Mike Barnes Department Head Chair in
Industrial and Systems Engineering. Funds from this endowment will be used at the discretion of the department head.
Mrs. Alice Beals has made an additional donation of $1000 to the Robert P. Beals Endowed Scholarship.
Lawrence L. Bobo ’58 has established the Lawrence L. Bobo ’58/Scott T. Poage Memorial Scholarship fund in the amount of
$25,000, and will match any other contributions up to $25,000 during 2011.
The Caterpillar Foundation has made a gift of $10,000 in support of the virtual manufacturing course. The funds have been used
to upgrade the laboratory facilities.
Dow Chemical has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Electronic Power Design has given $1250 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Exxon Mobil has given $4000 in unrestricted funds to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Improvement Fund to be used at
the discretion of the department head.
Milden J. Fox, Jr.’69, emeritus professor, has given $1000 in unrestricted funds to the Industrial and Systems Engineering
Improvement Fund to be used at the discretion of the department head.
General Electric Power Systems has given $5000 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Halliburton, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council by Michael Haack, has given $5000 in
support of the senior capstone design course.
Randy Hoff ’97, President of Energy Education, Inc. and member of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council, gave
$1000 in unrestricted funds.
Knust-SBO Precision Machining has given $1000 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Greg Loppatto, representing UPS on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council, has given $2000 in unrestricted
National Oilwell Varco has given $1500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
William Reichert, Jr. ’52 has donated $1000 in unrestricted funds to be used at the discretion of the department head.
St. Joseph Regional Health Center has given $2000 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Texas Commercial Waste has given $1000 in support of the senior capstone design course.
UPS, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council by Greg Loppatto, has given $7500 in support of
the senior capstone design course.
Fred G. Walsh ’74 of Midland has given $25,000 to endow a scholarship for industrial and systems engineering students
demonstrating financial need from Archer, Midland, or Smith counties. The owner and president of Walsh Petroleum, Inc. says he
received two scholarships while a student at Texas A&M and looked forward to the day when he could return the favor.
White Towel Services, Inc. has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Faculty Accolades
Phillips Receives Lifetime Award
Chevron Professor Don Phillips was honored with a Texas Industrial Engineering
Lifetime Achievement Award. Phillips was recognized for 43 years of achievement
and service in the field of industrial engineering.
A graduate of Lamar University, Phillips joined the faculty of Texas A&M University
in 1975. Prior to that, he held faculty positions at Purdue University and the University of Texas. Phillips is the author of seven college textbooks and more than 150
peer-reviewed journals and proceedings. He has been the principal or co-principal
investigator for research grants in excess of $18 million, and serves as the homeland security research coordinator for the engineering programs at Texas A&M.
“Don progressed like a skyrocket in the profession,” said Victor Zaloom, associate dean of the college of engineering and department chair for industrial engineering at Lamar. “He was considered by many in the field to be one of the top five industrial
engineering researchers in the country. He holds a position of very high esteem in the field.”
Nominees for the award are selected by members of the Texas executive committee of the Institute of Industrial Engineers. A
unanimous vote of the executive committee is required for the recipient of the annual award.
Ntaimo Promoted
Lewis Ntaimo was promoted to Associate Professor in September. He received his
Ph.D. from the University of Arizona and joined Texas A&M in 2004. Dr. Ntaimo’s
research interests are in stochastic programming, systems modeling and engineering processes, and discrete event modeling and simulation. Applications of interest
include wildfire planning, healthcare, wind energy, and homeland security.
Moreno Centeno New Hire
The Industrial and Systems Engineering Department welcomed Erick Moreno
Centeno in September. Moreno Centono received his Ph.D. from the University of
California, Berkeley. His research interests are in network and combinatorial optimization, integer programming, and computational optimization. He is also interested
in design and analysis of optimization models and algorithms, as well as decision
theory, data mining, vehicle routing, and computational biology.
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
A. Sen, “Health Information
Science and Engineering,
Journal of Services Operations
Technology Extension Program:
Toronto, Canada, August 2010
and Informatics
Center – Supplement for Critical
Associate Editor, IIE Transactions
Access Hospitals,” 2010-2012,
Banerjee, A., “Dynamic Control
on Healthcare Systems Engineering
U.S. Department of Health
and Simulation of Manufacturing
and Human Services, $576,000
Process with Different Forms of
Reviewer, Computers and
(ISEN portion $27,800)
Uncertainties,” INFORMS Annual
Industrial Engineering
CentrEast Regional Extension
Meeting, Austin, Tex., November
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
Amarnath Banerjee
Reviewer, International Journal
of Production Research
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Banerjee, A., “Utility-based
2009-2010, National Science
Dynamic Control of Batch
Reviewer, Journal of
Foundation I/UCRC through the
Processing Systems,” 6th Annual
Manufacturing Systems
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
IEEE Conference on Automation
Center for Health Organization
Science and Engineering,
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Transformation, $50,000
Toronto, Canada, August 2010
on Automation, Science
are in virtual manufacturing,
Refereed Journal Articles
McGaha, M., L. Ntaimo, A.
simulation, image processing,
Cerekci, A. and A. Banerjee,
Banerjee and K. Kianfar,
Reviewer, International
real-time video processing,
“Dynamic Control of the Batch
“Reducing Medication Errors in
Symposium on Collaborative
augmented reality and human
Processor in a Serial-batch
Pediatrics,” Center for Health
Technologies and Systems
behavior modeling. He
Processor System with Mean
Organization Transformation
directs the Advanced Virtual
Tardiness Performance,”
Semi-Annual Winter Meeting,
Reviewer, IEEE Conference
Manufacturing and Augmented
International Journal of
Houston, Tex., February 2010
on Automation Science
Reality Laboratory. He teaches
Production Research, Vol. 48,
courses in manufacturing and
No. 5, 1339-1359, 2010
Associate Professor and Director
of Undergraduate Program
Ph.D., University of Illinois
Dr. Banerjee’s research interests
and Engineering
and Engineering
McGaha, M., A. Banerjee, K.
Kianfar and L. Ntaimo, “Reducing
Reviewer, IEEE International
control, facilities planning, virtual
Lee, H., J. Kim and A. Banerjee,
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Conference on Systems,
manufacturing and simulation.
“Collaborative Intelligent CAD
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Man and Cybernetics
Framework Incorporating Design
Austin, Tex., November 2010
production systems design and
History Tracking Algorithm,”
McComb, S. A., A. Banerjee
Computer Aided Design, Vol.
Professional Activities
and K. Mechler, “Improving
42, No. 12, 1125-1142, 2010
Appointment, Technical
Infrastructure Workgroup, Texas
Medication Reconciliation:
An Interdisciplinary Student
Lee, H., J. R. Williams, K.
Team Competition,” 2010,
Mechler, T. L. Adams, R. C. Clay,
The Annenberg Foundation,
T. Wilemon, R. B. Morrow and
Member, Tutorial Board and
through the Texas A&M
A. Banerjee, “Streamlining
Scholarship Committee,
Health Science Center, $40,000
Physician Peer Review Process
(ISEN portion $6000)
and Capacity Prediction Using
Training, Simulation and
Simulation,” International Journal
Education Conference
Morrow, R. B., A. Banerjee and
of Collaborative Enterprise, Vol.
A. Sen, “Health Information
1, No. 3/4, 273-292, 2010
Technology Extension
Coordinating Board
based Dynamic Control of
Associate Editor, Journal of
Dr. Bennett specializes in work
Batch Processing Systems,”
Manufacturing Systems
related to homeland security. His
Extension Center,” 2010-2014,
U.S. Department of Health and
Park, H. and A. Banerjee, “Utility-
Human Services, $6,404,775
(ISEN portion $502,800)
Co-chair,, Tuning Oversight
Council for Engineering,
Texas Higher Education
Proceedings of 6th Annual IEEE
Morrow, R. B., A. Banerjee and
G. Kemble Bennett
Professor, Vice Chancellor and
Dean of Engineering
Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Proceedings and Other
Program: CentrEast Regional
Health Services Authority
Conference on Automation
interests also include engineering
Associate Editor, International
management, quality, logistics
Faculty Accomplishments
and reliability engineering.
Executive Director, System
Dynamic Complex Networks,”
He has served on several
Assessment and Validation for
2009-2012, Department of
Seyedshohadaie, S. R., I.
government blue ribbon panels
Emergency Responders Program
Energy, $589,092 (ISEN portion
Damnjanovic and S. Butenko,
$158,580 via subcontract from
“Risk-based Maintenance and
Oklahoma State University)
Rehabilitation Decisions for
for the Department of Homeland
Security, Department of Justice
Trustee, Southwest
and the FBI. He currently serves as
Research Institute
Executive Director of the National
Transportation Infrastructure
Butenko, S., “Collaborative
Networks,” Transportation
Research A, Vol. 44, 236-248, 2010
Emergency Response and Rescue
Member, Advanced Energy
Research: International Experience
Training Center.
Technical Working Group,
for Students: U.S.-Ukraine
Texas Technology Initiative
Collaboration on Discrete and
Nondifferentiable Optimization,”
Proceedings and Other
Bennett, G. K., “Discover
Member, Emergency
2009-2012, National Science
Butenko, S., J. Gil-Lafuente and
Engineering,” Harmony School of
Preparedness Institute Working
Foundation, $81,687
P.M. Pardalos (Eds.), Optimal
Excellence - Endeavor, Houston,
Group, City of San Antonio
Tex., November 2010
Strategies in Sports Economics
Butenko, S., “Optimization
and Management, Springer, 2010
Techniques for Analysis of
Professional Activities
Biological and Social Networks,”
Krugler, P., C. M. Chang-Albitres,
Chair, Texas Board of
2009 - 2011, Air Force Office
R. Feldman, S. Butenko, D. H.
Professional Engineers
of Scientific Research, Young
Kang and S. R. Seyedshohadaie,
Investigator Program, $300,000
“Implementation of TAMSIM
Member, Licensing
and EROW Right-of-way
Committee, Texas Board of
Butenko, S., “Phase Transition
Acquisition Decision-support
Professional Engineers
Problems in Complex Networks:
Tools,” technical report, Texas
Clique Relaxations,” 2009
Transportation Institute, 2010
Education Advisory Liaison, Texas
- 2011, Air Force Research
Board of Professional Engineers
Laboratory, $75,000
Member, Professional Engineering
Exam Committee, Texas Board
of Professional Engineers
Sergiy Butenko
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida
Member, Texas Deans
of Engineering
Balasundaram, B., V. Boginski,
Butenko, S., Pathways to the
S. Butenko and S. Uryasev,
Doctorate Research Assistantship
“Conditional Value-at-risk Based
Award, 2009–2010, Office of
Approaches to Robust Network
the Vice President for Research,
Flow, Connectivity and Design
Texas A&M University, $25,000
Problems,” poster presentation,
Dr. Butenko’s research
Department of Energy Applied
concentrates mainly on global
Butenko, S. (PI), V. Boginski (Co-
Mathematics Program Meeting,
University Member, Executive
and discrete optimization and
PI) and O. Prokopyev (Co-PI),
Berkeley, Ca., May 2010
Committee, Texas Engineering
their applications. In particular,
“Optimization Techniques for
& Technical Consortium
he is interested in theoretical
Clustering, Connectivity, and
Boginski, V. and S. Butenko,
and computational aspects of
Flow Problems in Complex
“Optimization Techniques for
Member, Task Force on Eco and
continuous global optimization
Networks,” 2008-2011, Air Force
Identifying Large Robust Clusters
Animal Rights Terrorism, National
approaches for solving discrete
Office of Scientific Research,
in Complex Networks,” Air Force
Association of State Universities
optimization problems on graphs.
$349,952 (ISEN portion $186,718)
Office of Scientific Research
and Land Grant Colleges
Applications of interest include
Optimization and Discrete
network-based data mining,
Krugler, P. E., R. M. Feldman,
Mathematics Program Review,
Member, Executive Working
computational biology, social
S. Butenko and D. Kang ,
Arlington, Va., April 2010
Group for the Office of State and
networks and remote sensing.
“Implementation of ROW
and Preparedness, U.S.
Acquisition Decision Support
Connected Dominating Set
Department of Homeland Security
Balasundaram, B. (PI), S.
Tools,” 2009-2010, Texas
Problem in Ad Hoc Wireless
Butenko (Co-PI), V. Boginski
Department of Transportation,
Networks,” Computational &
Executive Director, National
(Co-PI) and S. Uryasev(Co-
$74,292 (ISEN portion $52,004)
Applied Mathematics Colloquium/
Emergency Response and
PI), “Robust Optimization for
Rescue Training Center
Connectivity and Flows in
Local Government Coordination
Butenko, S., “Bottleneck
Refereed Journal Articles
Special Lectures, Rice University,
Houston, Tex., September 2010
Annual Report | 2010
Butenko, S., “Selected Applications
Tex., November 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Yezerska, O., S. Butenko and
B. Balasundaram, “Variable
of Operations Research,”
Tecnologico de Monterrey,
Ertem, Z., S. Butenko and C.
Objective Search,” INFORMS
Chihuahua, Mexico, February 2010
Gill, “Network-based Models
Annual Meeting, Austin,
for Analysis of SNPs,” 3rd Yalta
Tex., November 2010
Butenko, S., “Research
Optimization Conference:
Presentation,” Department of
Network Science, Yalta,
Yezerska, O., S. Butenko and B.
Applied Economics, University of
Ukraine, August 2010
Balasundaram, “Variable Objective
Search,” 3rd Yalta Optimization
Burgos, Burgos, Spain, June 2010
Pattillo, J., V. Boginski, S.
Conference: Network Science,
Butenko, S., B. Balasundaram and
Butenko and A. Veremyev, “The
Yalta, Ukraine, August 2010
I.V. Hicks, “Clique Relaxations
Maximum p/q-clique Problem,”
in Social Network Analysis: the
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Professional Activities
Maximum k-plex Problem,” Air
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Reviewer, National Science
Sila Cetinkaya
Ph.D., McMaster University
Foundation proposal panel
Force Office of Scientific Research
Dr. Çetinkaya specializes in supply
Optimization and Discrete
Seyedshohadaie, S. R., S.
Mathematics Program Review,
Butenko and I. Damnjanovic, “A
Member, Program Committee,
chain management. Her current
Arlington, Va., April 2010
Coherent Valuation Approach
4th Annual International
research examines inventory,
for Valuing Risky Projects,”
Conference on Combinatorial
production, and transportation
Butenko, S., V. Boginski and D.
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Optimization and Applications
issues in the context of
Jeffcoat, “Enhancing Robustness
Austin, Tex., November 2010
of Cohesive Network Clusters
supply chain integration and
Session Organizer and Chair,
coordination. She teaches courses
INFORMS Annual Meeting
in production planning and
in Uncertain Environments,”
Shahinpour. S. and S. Butenko,
Air Force Office of Scientific
“An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm
Research Complex Networks
for Finding Maximum k-club
Co-organizer, Yalta Optimization
Program Review, Arlington, Va.,
in an Undirected Graph,”
Conference: Network Science
November/December 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Butenko, S., S. Kahruman-
control, inventory theory, and
supply chain coordination.
Editorial Board Member, Journal
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
of Combinatorial Optimization
(Co-PI), “Graduate Assistance
in Areas of National Need:
Anderoglu, E. Kolotoglu, I.V.
Verma, A. and S. Butenko, “An
Hicks and K. Diehl, “Scheduling
Approximation Algorithm
Editorial Board Member, Journal
Fellowships for Research
the Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy
for the k-BCDS Problem in
of Global Optimization
in Industrial and Systems
for Early Stage Breast Cancer,”
Wireless Sensor Networks,”
International Conference
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Editorial Board Member,
Department of Education,
on Biomedical Data and
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Optimization Letters
$380,000 + $111,000 in cost sharing
Biomarker Discovery, Chania,
Verma, A. and S. Butenko, “A
Editorial Board Member,
Tekin, E. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
Crete, Greece, July 2010
Distributed Approximation
(Co-PI), “Supply Chain Revenue
Algorithm for the Bottleneck
Management Science
Management: Mitigating
Engineering,” 2006-2010, U.S.
Knowledge Mining: Towards
Profit-at-risk in Manufacturing
Butenko, S., O. Ursulenko and O.
Connected Dominating Set
Prokopyev, “Exact Approaches
Problem”, 3rd Yalta Optimization
Editorial Board Member,
and Distribution Networks,”
to Solving the Minimum Multiple
Conference: Network Science,
International Journal of
2006-2010, National Science
Ratio Spanning Tree Problem,”
Yalta, Ukraine, August 2010
Computational Science
Foundation, $250,000
International Conference on
Verma, A., S. Butenko and
and Engineering
Computational Management
S. Kahruman-Anderoglu,
Science, Vienna, Austria, July 2010
“Approximate Algorithms for
Refereed Journal
Bottleneck Connected Domination
Çetinkaya, S. and M. Parlar, “A One-
Ertem, Z. and S. Butenko,
in Wireless Sensor Networks,”
Time Excess Inventory Disposal
“Network-based Models for
2nd International Conference on
Decision under a Stationary
Analysis of SNPs,” INFORMS
Dynamics of Information Systems,
Base-stock Policy,” Stochastic
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Destin, Fla., February 2010
Analysis and Applications, Vol.
Faculty Accomplishments
28, No. 3, 540–557, 2010
Hwang, H-C., W. Jaruphongsa,
Shipment Decisions,” INFORMS
sensor networks, multi-scale
Annual Meeting, Austin,
decision models, negotiation
Tex., November 2010
protocols, computational grids,
S. Çetinkaya and C-Y. Lee,
biological and natural systems),
“Capacitated Dynamic Lot-
Zhao, X., S. Çetinkaya, and E.
enterprise systems (multi-agent
sizing Problem with Delivery/
Tekin, “Contractual Coordination
models of extended enterprises,
Production Time Windows,”
for Simultaneous Inventory
dynamic pricing, contract
Operations Research Letters,
and Pricing Decisions,”
portfolio selection, risk hedging
Vol. 38, No. 5, 408–413, 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
in planning, cyberinfrastructure
Austin, Tex., November 2010
for enterprises), and design
Keskin, B. B., H. Üster and S.
Çetinkaya, “Integration of
Professional Activities
Strategic and Tactical Decisions
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
for Vendor Selection under
on Scheduling and Logistics
theory (distributed design,
Guy L. Curry
simulation based engineering
design, life-cycle cost estimation,
and Operations Research, Vol.
Associate Editor, Naval
37, No. 12, 2182–2191, 2010
Research Logistics
Professor and Director of
Graduate Program
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Mutlu, F. and S. Çetinkaya, “An
Member, Editorial Board,
Dr. Curry specializes in the
Center for Systems Engineering
Integrated Model for Stock
International Journal of
application of operations research
Research, 2008-2013, Department
Replenishment and Shipment
Inventory Research
techniques to the design and
of Defense/National Security
analysis of manufacturing systems.
Agency, $10M with lead
Capacity Constraints,” Computers
uncertainty propagation).
Deshmukh, A. (Texas A&M PI),
University Affiliated Research
Scheduling under Common
Carrier Dispatch Costs,”
Judge, Paper Competition, Junior
He teaches courses in optimization
organization Stevens Institute
Transportation Research E, Vol.
Faculty Interest Group, INFORMS
and production systems.
and 16 other universities (ISEN
46, No. 6, 844–854, 2010
portion not yet determined)
Member, Organizing Committee,
Mutlu, F., S. Çetinkaya, and J.
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Deshmukh, A. (PI), A. Johnson (Co-
H. Bookbinder, “An Analytical
PI) and J. Rohack (Co-PI), “EAGER:
Model for Computing the
Program Co-chair, Interactive
Engineering Incentives for Health
Optimal Time-and-Quantity
Sessions, INFORMS
Care Systems,” 2009-2011, National
Policy for Consolidated
Annual Meeting
Science Foundation, $230,700
Cluster Chair, MSOM Supply Chair
McComb, S. A. (PI) and A.
SIG, INFORMS Annual Meeting
Deshmukh (Co-PI), “Investigation
Shipments,” IIE Transactions,
Vol. 42, No. 5, 367–377, 2010
of a Graphical CONOPS (Concept
Karakayalı, I., E. Akcalı and S.
Reviewer, Hong Kong
of Operations) Development
Çetinkaya, “Optimal Seeding
Research Grants Council
Environment for Agile Systems
for Remanufacturing,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Reviewer, Manufacturing and
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Service Operations Management
Katariya, A., E. Tekin, and
Reviewer, Operations Research
Abhijit Deshmukh
Ph.D., Purdue University
S. Çetinkaya, “Integrated
Reviewer, Production and
Decisions for a Capacitated
Operations Management
Inventory System,” INFORMS
Dr. Deshmukh’s research interests
are in distributed decision-
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Reviewer, Journal of
making (design, analysis and
Tex., November 2010
Industrial Ecology
control of large-scale distributed
Zhang, L. and S. Çetinkaya,
Reviewer, European Journal
systems and complexity in
“Exact Optimal Policies for
of Operational Research
decision-making, coordination
decision systems, complex
National Science Foundation/
Department of Defense Systems
Engineering Research Center,
$363,939 with Stevens Institute
(ISEN portion $110,283)
Replenishment and Liquidation
Joint Inventory and Outbound
Engineering,” 2009-2010,
and inferencing in distributed
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Ding, Y. (PI), “Collaborative
Refereed Journal Articles
Research: Multi-accuracy
Byon, E. and Y. Ding, “Season-
Bayesian Models for Improving
dependent Condition-based
Park, C., J. Tang and Y. Ding,
Property Prediction of Nanotube
Maintenance for a Wind Turbine
“Aggressive Data Reduction
Buckypaper Composites,” 2010-
Using a Partially Observed
for Damage Detection in
2013, National Science Foundation,
Markov Decision Process,” IEEE
Structural Health Monitoring,”
$178,233 (In collaboration with
Transactions on Power Systems,
Structural Health Monitoring,
Chuck Zhang, Arda Vanli and Ben
Vol. 25, No. 4, 1823 – 1834, 2010
Vol. 9, No.1, 59-74, 2010
Vol. 58, No. 5, 1469–1480, 2010
Wang at Florida State University)
Byon, E., L. Ntaimo and Y. Ding,
Shrivastava, A. K. and Y. Ding,
Gaukler, G. (Co-PI) and Y. Ding
“Optimal Maintenance Strategies
“Graph Based Isomorph-free
(Co-PI), “ARI-LA: A Framework
for Wind Turbine Systems under
Generation of Two-level Regular
for Developing Novel Detection
Stochastic Weather Conditions,”
Fractional Factorial Designs,”
Systems Focused on Interdicting
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
Journal of Statistical Planning &
Shielded HEU,” 2007-2012,
Vol. 59, No. 2, 393-404, 2010
Inference, Vol. 140, 169 – 179, 2010
the Domestic Nuclear Detection
Byon, E., A. K. Shrivastava and
Dr. Ding’s research interests are in
Office of the U. S. Department
Y. Ding, “A Classifier Procedure
Proceedings and Other
the area of quality and reliability
of Homeland Security, $7.5
for Highly Imbalanced Class
Pérez, E., L. Ntaimo, E. Byon and
engineering, with emphases on
million research effort led by
Sizes,” IIE Transactions, Vol.
Y. Ding, “A Stochastic DEVS Wind
data-mining methods for analysis
Bill Charlton (PI), Department
42, No.4, 288-303, 2010
Turbine Component Model
and design and optimal utilization
of Nuclear Engineering, TAMU
of distributed sensor systems. His
(ISEN portion $1,200,000)
Yu Ding
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Michigan
National Science Foundation and
recent projects are funded by the
for Wind Farm Simulation,”
Cho J. J., Y. Ding, Y. Chen and
Proceedings of Spring
J. Tang, “Robust Calibration
Simulation Multiconference,
Orlando, Fla., April 2010
National Science Foundation, the
Huang, J. Z. (PI), H. Sang (Co-PI), L.
for Localization in Clustered
State of Texas, and industry. He
Soumendra and Y. Ding, “IAMCS
Wireless Sensor Networks,” IEEE
teaches courses in quality control,
Innovation Award: Parallelizable
Transactions on Automation
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding,
change and anomaly detection,
Gaussian Process Regression
Science & Engineering, Vol.
“Strategic Design and Tactical
prediction methods, and design of
of Very Large, Non-stationary
7, No.1, 81-95, 2010
Operation of Surveillance
Spatial Datasets,” 2010-2011,
Ding, Y. (PI), “Collaborative
Sensor Systems for Ports and
Institute of Applied Mathematics
Gaukler, G., C. Li, R. Cannaday,
Waterway Security: Final
and Computational Science,
S. S. Chirayath and Y. Ding,
Report,” National Science
Texas A&M University, $37,500
“Detecting Nuclear Materials
Foundation Civil, Mechanical and
Smuggling: Using Radiography
Manufacturing Innovation, 2010
Research: Fault Tolerance Analysis
and Design of Clustered Sensor
Mallick, B. (PI), Y. Ding (Co-PI)
to Improve Container Inspection
Networks,” 2007-2010, National
and H. Liang (Co-PI), “Bayesian
Policies,” Annals of Operations
Science Foundation, $161,336
Hierarchical Models for Integrating
Research, online, 2010
Ding, Y., “A Statistical Procedure
(In collaboration with Dr. Yong
Multi-resolution Information,”
Chen at the University of Iowa)
2008-2010, Texas Higher
Kianfar, K., A. Pourhabib and Y.
Gold Nano Particles,” ASA/ASQ
Education Coordination Board
Ding, “An Integer Programming
Joint Research Conference,
Ding, Y. (PI) and F. Liang (Co-PI),
Advanced Research Program,
Approach for Analyzing the
Gaithersburg, Md., May 2010
“Collaborative Research: Efficient
$150,000 (ISEN portion $50,000)
Measurement Redundancy in
for Morphology Analysis of
Structured Linear Systems,”
Ding, Y., “Computational
Order Reduction and Hybrid
Wilhelm, W. E. (PI) and Y. Ding (Co-
IEEE Transactions on Automation
Issues of Solving Kriging
Models -- A New Paradigm for
PI), “Strategic Design and Tactical
Science and Engineering, in press
Models in Multi-resolution
Structural Dynamic Analysis,”
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
(available online first), 2010
Prediction,” Department of
2009-2010, National Science
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Foundation, $80,970 (ISEN
Security,” 2005-2009, National
Park, C., J. Z. Huang and Y. Ding, “A
CentER, Tilburg University, The
portion $64,150) (In collaboration
Science Foundation, $331,111
Computable Plug-in Estimator of
Netherlands, December 2010
Probabilistic Approach Using
with Jiong Tang at the
Information Management/
Minimum Volume Sets for Novelty
University of Connecticut)
Pourhabib, A., K. Kianfar and Y.
Detection,” Operations Research,
Ding, “Integer Programming
Faculty Accomplishments
Approach for Analyzing the
Refereed Journal Articles
RFID on supply chain operations.
S. Chirayath and Y. Ding,
Measurement Redundancy in
Birt, A., M. R. Valdez-Vivas, R. M.
Currently, he is also working
“Detecting Nuclear Materials
Structured Linear Systems,”
Feldman, C.W. Lafon, D. M. Cairns,
on designing robust sensor
Smuggling: Using Radiography
NFORMS Annual Meeting,
R. N. Coulson, M. Tchakerian, W.
networks to prevent terrorists
to Improve Container Inspection
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Xi and J. M. Guldin, “A Simple
from smuggling nuclear
Policies,” Annals of Operations
Stochastic Weather Generator
materials into the United States.
Research, online, 2010
for Ecological Modeling,”
This research is funded jointly
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
Environmental Modeling and
by NSF and the Department
on Quality and Reliability
Software, Vol. 25, 1252–1255, 2010
of Homeland Security. Dr.
Proceedings and Other
Gaukler directs the RFID and
Marianno, C., D. Boyle, W. Charlton
Supply Chain Systems Lab and
and G. M. Gaukler, “A Guide for
teaches courses in operations
Detector Development and
management and logistics.
Deployment,” Proceedings of the
Professional Activities
Proceedings and Other
Feldman, R. M. and C. ValdezFlores, Applied Probability
and Stochastic Processes,
Second Edition, Springer-
Charleton, B., W. Bangerth, G.
Verlag, Berlin, Germany, 2010
M. Gaukler and A. Vedlitz, “A
Ph.D., Northwestern University
of Nuclear Materials Management,
Baltimore, Md., July 2010
Framework for Developing Novel
Detection Systems Focused
Chebolu-Subramanian, V. and
Reviewer, Computers and
on Interdicting Shielded HEU,”
G. M. Gaukler, “ The Impact
Industrial Engineering
2007-2012, U. S. Department of
of Product Contamination
Homeland Security, $1.5 million
in the Food Supply Chain,”
(ISEN portion $250,000)
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Professional Activities
Richard M. Feldman
51st Annual Meeting of the Institute
Reviewer, Journal of
Manufacturing Systems
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Gaukler, G. (Co-PI) and Y. Ding
Reviewer, ACM Transactions on
(Co-PI), “ARI-LA: A Framework
Gaukler, G. M., “A Hybrid
Modeling and Computer Simulation
for Developing Novel Detection
Inspection Strategy for Securing
Systems Focused on Interdicting
Seaborne Container Shipments,”
Dr. Feldman specializes in
applied probability, simulation
Reviewer, Wiley Encyclopedia
Shielded HEU,” 2007-2012,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
and operations research. He
of Operations Research and
National Science Foundation and
Austin, Tex., November 2010
teaches simulation, operations
Management Science
the Domestic Nuclear Detection
research, stochastic processes,
Office of the U. S. Department
Gaukler, G. M., “Detecting Illicit
and queueing theory, and has co-
of Homeland Security, $7.5
Nuclear Materials Smuggling,”
authored text books in these areas.
million research effort led by
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Bill Charlton (PI), Department
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
of Nuclear Engineering, TAMU
Krugler, P. E., C. Chang-Albitres, R.
(ISEN portion $1,200,000)
M. Feldman, S. Butenko, D. Kang
Gaukler, G. M., “Interdiction of
Nuclear Materials Smuggling
and R. Smith, “Development
Refereed Journal Articles
of a TxDOT ROW Acquisition
Gaukler, G. M., “Preventing
Research Conference, Cancun,
Avoidable Stockouts: The
Mexico, June 2010
Model,” 2008 - 2009, Texas
Impact of Item-level RFID in
Department of Transportation,
$107,920 (ISEN portion $53,960)
Phillips, D. T. (PI) and R. Feldman
(Co-PI), “HS-STEM (to support
Gary M. Gaukler
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Stanford University
Master’s students in industrial
at Sea Ports,” IIE Annual
Retail,” International Journal
Gaukler, G. M., “Detecting
of Business and Industrial
Nuclear Materials Smuggling:
Marketing, Vol. 25, No. 8, 2010
Combining Radiography and ATS
to Improve Container Inspection,”
Gaukler, G. M., “Item-level RFID
ARI Grantees Conference,
in a Retail Supply Chain with
Washington, D.C., April 2010
and systems engineering
Dr. Gaukler’s research interests
Stockout-based Substitution,”
with a homeland security
center around the impact of
IEEE Transactions on Industrial
Gaukler, G. M., “Item-level
specialization),” 2009, Department
automatic identification and
Informatics, early access, 2010
RFID in a Retail Supply Chain:
of Homeland Security, $390,000
sensor technologies such as
Gaukler, G. M., C. Li, R. Cannaday,
Dynamics of Tag Cost Sharing,”
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Mays Business School, Texas
Ko, Y-M.and N. Gautam, “Transient
Gautam, N., “O.R. Models in
A&M University, April 2010
Analysis of Queues for Peer-
Multi-hop Wireless Networks”,
based Multimedia Content
Texas A&M INFORMS Student
Li, C. and G. M. Gaukler,
Delivery,” IIE Transactions, Vol.
Chapter Seminar, November 2010.
“Interdicting Nuclear Smuggling
42, No. 12, 881-896, 2010
in a Port Network,” INFORMS
Proceedings and Other
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Tex., November, 2010
Gautam, N., A. Mohapatra and
R. Gibson, “Combined Routing
and Node Replacement in
Reddy, V., S. Shakkottai, A.
Energy-efficient Underwater
Verma, A. and G. M. Gaukler,
Sprintson and N. Gautam,
Sensor Networks,” IIE Annual
“Locating Support Facilities
“Multipath Wireless Network
Research Conference,
for Large Scale Emergencies,”
Coding: A Population Game
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Professional Activities
Natarajan Gautam
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill
Perspective,” Proceedings
Ko, Y-M. and N. Gautam,
Diego, Ca., March 2010
“Strong Approximations for
Transient Analysis in Nonstationary Multi-server Queues,”
Eren, E. C., R. Dixit and N. Gautam,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Dr. Gautam’s areas of interest
“Modeling Self-organization of
Austin, Tex., November 2010
include developing methods for
Microtubules Inside the Plant
Chair, Professional Recognition
analyzing stochastic systems;
Cell,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Ko, Y-M., N. Gautam and S.
Committee, INFORMS
control, performance evaluation
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Shakkottai, “On Distributed
Member of Board, Oil &
Gas RFID Consortium
and optimization; queues and
Resource Allocation for
Session Chair and Organizer, IIE
networks. His specific research
Eren, E. C., R. Dixit and N.
Information Management,”
Annual Research Conference
domains include energy
Gautam, “Modeling Microtubule
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
conservation and efficiency;
Dynamics Inside the Plant Cell,”
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Session Chair and Organizer,
dynamics and interactions of
INFORMS Annual Conference,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
biological systems; computer
Austin, Tex., November 2010
and information infrastructure.
Reviewer, Production and
Operations Management
Reviewer, Management Science
Reviewer, Operations Research
Reviewer, Annals of
Operations Research
Mohapatra, A., N. Gautam and
R. Gibson, “Combined Routing
Gallego Arrubla, J. A., Y-M.
and Node Replacement in
Ko, R. Polansky, E. Perez, L.
Underwater Sensor Networks
Gautam, N. (PI) and L. Ntaimo
Ntaimo and N. Gautam, “A
for Seismic Monitoring,”
(Co-PI), “Reducing Energy
Stochastic Programming
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Consumption in Data Centers,”
Approach for Reducing Energy
Austin, Tex., November 2010
2009-2011, National Science
Consumption in Data Centers,”
Foundation, $240,000
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Polansky, R. and N. Gautam,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
“Stochastic Fluid-flow Models
Refereed Journal Articles
to Optimize Service Rate
Eren, E. C., R. Dixit and N. Gautam,
Gautam, N., “Multi-hop
and Number of Servers,”
Reviewer, International Journal
“A Three-dimensional Computer
Wireless Networks: Distributed
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
of Production Research
Simulation Model Reveals the
Optimization and Control,”
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Mechanisms for Self-organization
Department of Management
of Plant Cortical Microtubules into
Studies Research, Indian
Oblique Arrays,” Molecular Biology
Institute of Technology, Madras,
Organizing Committee,
of the Cell, Vol. 21, 2674-2684, 2010
India, December 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Ko, Y-M.and N. Gautam,
Gautam, N., “Cortical Microtubule
Cluster Co-chair, INFORMS
“Epidemic-based Information
Self-organization: Simulation
Annual Meeting
Dissemination in Wireless
and Analytical Models,” ILSB
Mobile Sensor Networks,” IEEE
Mini-Symposia, Texas A&M
Session Chair, Applied Probability,
Transactions On Networking,
University, December 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Reviewer, Interfaces
Professional Activities
Vol. 18, No. 6, 1738-1751, 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Session Co-chair, Complex Systems,
Performance Evaluation
Chen, W-C. and A. L. Johnson,
Milwaukee, Wis., May 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Corporation Research Group
“A Unified Model for Detecting
Efficient and Inefficient
Johnson, A. L., “Evaluating the
Session Co-chair,
Invited Participant, Frontiers of
Outliers in Data Envelopment
Effect of Operational Conditions
Controls, Games and Network
Analysis,” Computers and
and Practices on Warehouse
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Science, University of Texas
Operations Research, Vol.
Performance,” Proceedings
37, No. 2, 417-425, 2010
of International Material
Handling Research Colloquium,
Organizing Committee, IIE
Annual Research Conference
Estella, S., A. L. Johnson and J.
Ruggiero, “Three Stage DEA
Milwaukee, Wis., May 2010
Cluster Co-chair, Computing
Models for Incorporating
and Information Systems, IIE
Exogenous Inputs,” Computers
Carlo, H., A. L. Johnson, D.
Annual Research Conference
and Operations Research, Vol.
Nazzal, S. Hong and J. Jimenez,
37, No. 6, 1087-1090, 2010
“A Problem-specific Heuristic to
Session Chair, IIE Annual
Design Conveyors in Wafer Fabs,”
Research Conference
President, IIE Computer and
Information Systems Division
Regional Director and Treasurer,
Central North America Omega
Rho (Operations Research
Johnson, A. L., W-C. Chen and
IIE Annual Research Conference,
L. F. McGinnis, “Internet-based
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Benchmarking for Warehouse
Andrew Johnson
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Georgia Tech
International Honors Society)
Operations,” Computers in
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and
Industry, Vol. 61, 280-286, 2010
B. Peters, “Analysis of Picker
Blocking in Bucket-brigade
Kuosmanen, T. and A. L. Johnson,
Order Picking Systems,”
“Data Envelopment Analysis as
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Nonparametric Least Squares
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Dr. Johnson’s research interests
Regression,” Operations Research,
Member of Council, INFORMS
are in productivity measurement,
Vol. 58, No.1, 149-160, 2010
Telecommunication Section
warehouse operations and design,
Johnson, A. L, “Evaluating
the Effect of Operational
web applications to support
Mekaroonreung, M. and A. L.
Conditions and Practices on
Associate Editor, INFORMS
decision making, modeling and
Johnson, “Technical Efficiency
Warehouse Performance,”
Journal on Computing
analysis of revenue management
Analysis in the Presences of
International Material Handling
applied to logistics, reference
Undesirable Outputs: A U.S.
Research Colloquium,
model development for
Oil Refining Industry Analysis,”
Milwaukee, Wis., June 2010
industrial systems, and enterprise
International Journal of Energy
Sector Management, Vol.
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
4, No. 3, 356-398, 2010
“Nonparametric Least Squares
Associate Editor, Omega
Proposal Reviewer, Austrian
Science Fund (FWF)
Reviewer, Operations Research
Estimation of the Convex
Deshmukh, A. (PI), A. Johnson
Nazzal, D., J. A. Jimenez, H.
Multi-output Technology,”
(Co-PI) and J. Rohack (Co-PI),
J. Carlo, A. L. Johnson and V.
Southern Economic Association
“EAGER: Engineering Incentives for
Lasrado, “An Analytical Model
80th Annual Meeting, Atlanta,
Health Care Systems,” 2009-2011,
for Conveyor- based AMHS with
Ga., November 2010
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
National Science Foundation,
Crossovers,” IEEE Transactions on
on Communications
$260,000 (ISEN portion $230,700)
Semiconductor Manufacturing,
Johnson, A. and T. Kuosmanen,
Vol. 23, No. 3, 468-476, 2010
“Regulating Local Monopolies
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on
Refereed Journal Articles
in Electricity Transmission:
“Modeling the Dynamics
Proceedings and Other
of Performance Space of
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and B.
School of Industrial and Systems
Major League Baseball
A. Peters, “Analysis of Picker
Engineering, Georgia Institute
Reviewer, European Journal
Pitchers 1871-2006,” Annals
Blocking in Narrow-aisle
of Technology, November 2010
of Operational Research
of Operational Research,Vol.
Batch Picking,” Proceedings
181, No.1, 287-302, 2010
of International Material
Johnson, A. L. and T.
Handling Research Colloquium,
Kuosmanen, “How to Test
Automation Science and Engineering
Reviewer, Telecommunication Systems
Invited Participant, Standard
Chen, W-C. and A. L. Johnson,
A Real-world Application of
the StoNED Method,” Stewart
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
the Effects of Operational
Department of Mechanical and
Scale and Scope,” INFORMS
Conditions and Practices on
Industrial Engineering, University
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Productive Performance,”
of Texas, February 2010
Tex., November 2010
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Pope, B. and A. L. Johnson, “The
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Relationship of Non-parametric
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Estimation in the Presence of
Methods to Economies of Scale
“Regulating Local Monopolies
Contextual Variables,” Department
and Scope,” North American
in Electricity Transmission: A
of Agricultural Economics, Texas
Productivity Workshop,
Real-world Application of the
A&M University, February 2010
Houston, Tex., June 2010
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Kuosmanen, T. and A. L.
Ruggiero, J. and A. L. Johnson,
Tex., November 2010
Johnson, “How Do Operational
“A Modified DEA Model to Allow
Kiavash Kianfar
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State
Conditions and Practices Affect
Non-discretionary Inputs,” North
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Productive Performance? Efficient
American Productivity Workshop,
“Data Envelopment Analysis
Nonparametric One-stage
Houston, Tex., June 2010
as Nonparametric Least
Estimators,” North American
Squares Regression,” INFORMS
Productivity Workshop,
Professional Activities
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Houston, Tex., June 2010
Chair, Statistical Methods in
application of mathematical
Data Envelopment Analysis,
programming. His recent research
INFORMS Annual Meeting
has been focused on valid
Tex., November 2010
Lee, C-Y. and A. L. Johnson,
Dr. Kianfar’s primary research
interest is the theory and
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
“Measuring Demand, Capacity
inequalities for mixed integer
“Nonparametric Least Squares
and Profitability Change,” North
Chair, Productivity and Efficiency
programming problems. He
Estimation of the Convex
American Productivity Workshop,
Measurement, Southern
has also done research on the
Multi-Output Technology:
Houston, Tex., June 2010
Economic Conference
application of mathematical
An Application to Railroad
programming, computer
Reviewer, Operations Research
Companies,” North American
Lee, C-Y. and A. L. Johnson, “A
Productivity Workshop,
Decomposition of Productivity
Houston, Tex., June 2010
Change in the Semiconductor
Reviewer, European Journal
healthcare systems. He teaches
Manufacturing Industry,”
of Operations Research,
courses in optimization and
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
“How Do Operational Conditions
Austin, Tex., November 2010
models in production and
mathematical programming.
Reviewer, Production and
Operations Management
and Practices Affect Productive
simulation, and stochastic
Performance? Efficient
Mekaroonreung, M. and A. L.
Nonparametric One-stage
Johnson, “Estimating Shadow
Reviewer, International Journal
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
Estimators,” Department of
Prices of CO2 from U.S. Coal
of Production Research
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Economics, Rice University,
Electricity Utilities: A Convex
Houston, Tex., March 2010
Nonparametric Least Square
Reviewer, Journal of the
Foundation I/UCRC, through the
Approach,” North American
Operations Research Society
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Productivity Workshop,
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Houston, Tex., June 2010
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
2009-2010, National Science
Center for Health Operation
Reviewer, Annals of
Operations Research
Estimation in the Presence
Transformation, $50,000
Refereed Journal Articles
of Contextual Variables,”
Peters, B., A. L. Johnson and
Department of Systems and
S. Hong, “Analysis of Picker
Reviewer, European Journal
Atamtürk, A. and K. Kianfar, “n-step
Engineering Management, Air
Blocking in Narrow-aisle Batch
of Industrial Engineering
Mingling Inequalities: New Facets
Force Institute of Technology,
Picking,” International Material
Dayton, Oh., March 2010
Handling Research Colloquium,
Reviewer, Journal of
Set,” Mathematical Programming,
Milwaukee, Wis., June 2010
Productivity Analysis
in press (available online first), 2010
for the Mixed-integer Knapsack
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Pope, B. and A. L. Johnson, “The
Fathi, Y. and K. Kianfar, “An
Estimation in the Presence
Relationship of Non-parametric
Efficient Model for the Crosscut
of Contextual Variables,”
Methods to Economies of
Optimization Problem in a Wood
Faculty Accomplishments
Processing Mill,” International
Exact Algorithm for Covering
Journal of Production
Rectangular Requests with a
Sanjeevi, S. and K. Kianfar, “A
engineering systems design,
Research, in press, 2010
Single Rectangular Target,”
Polyhedral Study of Triplet
production operations, reliability
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Formulation for Single Row
and maintenance science.
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Facility Layout Problem,”
Kianfar, K. and Y. Fathi, “Generating
Facets for Finite Master Cyclic
theory, stochastic processes,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S.
Group Polyhedra Using n-
Bansal, M. and K. Kianfar, “An
step Mixed Integer Rounding
Exact Algorithm for Coverage
Functions,” European Journal
Problem with a Single Rectangle,”
Professional Activities
of Operational Research, Vol.
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Associate Editor, Scientia
National Need: Fellowships
207, No.1,105-109, 2010
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Iranica Transactions on
for Research in Industrial
Industrial Engineering
and Systems Engineering,”
Kianfar, K., A. Pourhabib and Y.
Kianfar, K., “On n-step MIR and
Ding, “An Integer Programming
Partition Inequalities for Integer
Session Chair, INFORMS
Approach for Analyzing the
Knapsack and Capacitated Flow
Annual Meeting
Measurement Redundancy in
Sets,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Structured Linear Systems,”
Austin, Tex., November 2010
IEEE Transactions on Automation
Science and Engineering, in press
Kianfar, K., “A Cutting Plane
(available online first), 2010
Journey: Towards a Unifying
Texas A&M University, College
Polyhedral Study of the Triplet
Station, March 2010
Assistance in Areas of
2006-2011, U.S. Department
of Education, $390,000
Moreira, R. G. (PI), M. E. CastellReviewer, INFORMS
Perez (Co-PI), G-A. Klutke (Co-PI)
Journal on Computing
and J. Ancisco (Co-PI), “Specialty
Crop Block Program,” 2009-2011,
Reviewer, Operations Research
Framework,” Invited Seminar,
Sanjeevi, S. and K. Kianfar, “A
Çetinkaya (Co-PI), “Graduate
Texas Department of Agriculture,
$78,439 (ISEN portion $5000)
Refereed Journal Articles
Formulation for Single Row
Sanchez-Silva, M., G-A. Klutke
Facility Layout Problem,”
McGaha, M., L. Ntaimo, A.
and D. Rosowsky, “Optimization
Discrete Applied Mathematics,
Banerjee and K. Kianfar,
of the Design of Infrastructure
Vol. 158, No.16, 1861-1867, 2010
“Reducing Medication Errors in
Components Subject to
Pediatrics,” Center for Health
Progressive Deterioration
Organization Transformation
and Extreme Loads,” Structure
Semi-Annual Winter Meeting,
and Infrastructure Engineering,
Houston, Tex., February 2010
online at iFirst, April 2010
Proceedings and Other
Bansal, M. and K. Kianfar, “An
Exact Algorithm for Coverage
Problem with a Single
McGaha, M., A. Banerjee, K.
Rectangle,” Proceedings of the
Kianfar and L. Ntaimo, “Reducing
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Georgia-Ann Klutke
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Proceedings and Other
Youssef, N., G-A. Klutke and
W. Hyman, “ Reliability-based
Design and Medical Device
Safety,” Proceedings of the IIE
Kianfar, K., “Branch and Bound
Algorithms,” Wiley Encyclopedia
Memisoglu, G., R. Farzaneh and
Dr. Klutke’s research interests are
Annual Research Conference,
of Operations Research and
K. Kianfar, “Optimal Deployment
in the areas of applied probability
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Management Science, J.J.
of Emissions Reduction
and stochastic processes, with
Cochran (Ed.), accepted 2010
Technologies for Large Fleets,”
particular emphasis on problems
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
that arise in production and
Klutke, G-A., “Reliability-based
Austin, Tex., November 2010
service systems. Her work has
Design and Medical Device Safety”,
examined queueing behavior,
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Bansal, M. and K. Kianfar, “An
Exact Algorithm for Covering
Pourhabib, A., K. Kianfar and Y.
inspection and maintenance
Rectangular Requests with
Ding, “Integer Programming
scheduling, product flow
Multiple Rectangular Targets,”
Approach for Analyzing the
control, degradation processes,
Klutke, G-A., “Stochastic Process
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Measurement Redundancy in
information structure in decision
Models in Reliability and
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Structured Linear Systems,”
models and layout of retail
Maintainability,” Department
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
facilities. She teaches courses in
of Industrial Engineering,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
operations research, queueing
Universidad de los Andes,
Bansal, M. and K. Kianfar, “An
Annual Report | 2010
Bogota, Colombia, March 2010
Professional Activities
Faculty Accomplishments
(Mexican Council of Science and
Programs in the Dwight
Consequences,” 2008-2011, Office
Technology)-MX, $70,000
Look College of Engineering,
of Naval Research, $402,203
Dr. Malavé leads the study
Panelist, GAANN Program, U.
abroad programs, negotiates
McComb, S. A., A. Banerjee
S. Department of Education
Program,”2009-2013, CIDESI
international agreements, and
and K. Mechler, “Improving
(Center for Engineering and
liaisons with the TAMU Qatar
Medication Reconciliation: An
Industrial Development)/CONACyT
Interdisciplinary Student Team
(National Council of Science
Competition,” 2010, The Annenberg
and Technology), $500,000
Foundation, through the Texas
A&M Health Science Center,
Proceedings and Other
V. Jorge Leon
Allen-Bradley Professor
in Factory Automation
Joint Appointment with
Engineering Technology
Ph.D., Lehigh University
$40,000 (ISEN portion $6,000)
Acosta, C., V. J. Leon, C. Conrad and
McComb, S. A. (PI) and A. Deshmukh
C.O. Malave, Global Engineering
(Co-PI), “Investigation of a Graphical
– Design, Decision Making and
CONOPS (Concept of Operations)
Communication, Taylor and
Development Environment for
Francis, Boca Raton, Fla., 2010
Agile Systems Engineering,” 20092010, National Science Foundation/
Professional Activities
Member, Accreditation Committee,
Society of Manufacturing Engineers
Member, ABET Technology
Accreditation Commission
Department of Defense Systems
Sara McComb
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Purdue University
Engineering Research Center,
$363,939 with Stevens Institute
(ISEN portion $110,283)
Refereed Journal Articles
Kennedy, D.M. and S. A. McComb,
Dr. Leon’s research interests
Dr. McComb’s research interests
“Examining the Mental Model
are in manufacturing system
are in exploring team-level
Convergence Process through
optimization, finite-capacity
cognition by capturing
Team Communication,” Theoretical
resource planning and
individually-held mental models,
Issues of Ergonomic Science,
scheduling, applications of
the mental model convergence
Vol.11, No.4, 340-358, 2010
combinatorial optimization
process among team members,
and heuristic search. Recent
and the impact of mental
Kennedy, D.M., R. P. Vozdolska and
work involves the study of
models on team performance;
S. A. McComb, “Team Decision-
collaborative distributed
studying collaboration among
Making in Computer-Supported
production systems and
healthcare professionals and its
Cooperative Work: How Initial
global manufacturing.(Dr.
impact on patient care, with the
Computer-Mediated or Face-to-
Leon’s primary appointment
intent to fundamentally change
Face Meetings Set the Stage for
the way resident training in
Later Outcomes,” Decision Sciences,
conducted; devising productivity
Vol. 41, No.4, 933-954, 2010
is to the Department of
Engineering Technology and
Industrial Distribution.)
Lawrence, B. and V. J. Leon
Cesar O. Malave
Professor and Associate Dean for
Recruitment and International
Ph.D., University of South Florida
(Co-PI’s), “Mexico-Texas Trade
enhancing strategies and
tools that reduce the inherent
McComb, S.A., D. M. Kennedy, R.
uncertainty experienced by
Perryman, N. Warner and M. Letsky,
project teams, by examining
“Examining Temporal Patterns
project team design, team
of Mental Model Convergence:
Corridor Consortium,” 2009-2010,
Dr. Malavé’s research interests
communication, organizational
Implications for Distributed
various sponsors, $600,000
are in the area of manufacturing
context, project complexity, and
Teams Interacting in an Electronic
systems analysis and planning.
human-system interactions.
Collaboration Space,” Human
Factors, Vol. 52, No. 2, 264-281, 2010
Leon, J. and B. Lawrence,
He teaches graduate courses and
“Feasibility Study for
conducts research in the area of
Advanced Manufacturing
manufacturing systems modeling
McComb, S. A., “Mental
and Logistics Center in Estado
and control. In his capacity as
Model Convergence:
Kennedy, D.M., R. P. Perryman and S.
de Mexico,” 2010, COMECyT
Associate Dean for International
Examining the Process and Its
A. McComb, “Analyzing Robustness
Faculty Accomplishments
of Team Communication-
Reviewer, Journal of Engineering
Implicit Hitting Set Problem,”
characterized by uncertainty in the
Performance Relationships,”
and Technology Management
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
problem data. Applications include
Austin, Tex., November 2010
wildfire management, healthcare,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on
Engineering Management
McComb, S. A., “Teamwork and
Communication Behaviors:
Reviewer, Journal of Management
Impact on Understanding and
Efficiencies among Healthcare
Reviewer, Human Factors
Professionals,” Health IT
facility location, and supply chain
Moreno-Centeno, E. and R. M.
planning. He teaches courses in
Karp, “Solving Hard Combinatorial
stochastic programming, systems
Optimization Problems as
thinking and analysis, facilities
Implicit Hitting Set Problems,”
planning and material handling,
Parsons Seminar Series, Texas
and operations research.
A&M University, College
Systems: Creating Meaningful
Reviewer, Engineering
Change in Practice, Education
Management Journal
and Research in the Context of
“Meaningful Use” Symposium,
Reviewer, Theoretical Issues
Purdue University, October 2010
of Ergonomic Science
Station, Tex., October 2010
Professional Activities
Reviewer, Networks
Gautam, N. (PI) and L. Ntaimo
(Co-PI), “EAGER: Reducing
Energy Consumption in Data
Centers,” 2009-2011, National
Reviewer, SIAM Journal on
Science Foundation, $240,000
Discrete Mathematics
McComb, S.A., “Shared Mental
Models and Their Role in Concept
Ntaimo, L.(PI), “System of
Engineering,” General Motors
Reviewer, Optimization
Systems for Petrochemical
Research and Development-
Methods and Software
Transportation Security,” 2009-
Indian Science Laboratory,
2011, Department of Homeland
Reviewer, Journal of
Security, $85,581 (subcontract
Combinatorial Optimization
from Texas Southern University)
Perspectives from the Individual-
Reviewer, Annals of
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
to the Team-Level: The Role of
Operations Research
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
Bangalore, India, April 2010
McComb, S.A., “Shifting
Mental Model Convergence,”
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
24th European Conference
2009-2010, National Science
on Operational Research,
Lisbon, Portugal, July 2010
Mostashari, A., S. A. McComb
and D. M. Kennedy, “Developing
an Agile CONOPS Process,”
Foundation I/UCRC, through the
Erick Moreno Centeno
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of California,
Center for Health Organization
Transformation, $50,000
Ntaimo, L. (PI), X. Hu (Co-PI), Y. Hong
Decision Sciences Institute
(Co-PI), J. Nutaro (Co-PI) and M. Xue
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
Dr. Moreno-Centeno’s research
(Co-PI), “Collaborative Research:
Ca., November 2010
interests include network and
Integrated Weather and Wildfire
combinatorial optimization,
Simulation and Optimization for
Perryman, R.P., D. M.
integer programming, and
Wildfire Management,” 2009-2013,
Kennedy and S. A. McComb,
computational optimization. His
“Facilitating Effective Team
research focuses in the design and
Communication: Identifying
analysis of optimization models
Structures in Communicated
and algorithms for decision theory,
Sequences Using Hierarchical
data mining, vehicle routing,
Clustering,” INGroup Conference,
and computational biology.
Washington, D.C., July 2010
Dr. Moreno teaches courses in
Dr. Ntaimo’s research interests
for Wind Turbine Systems under
mathematical programming.
are stochastic programming,
Stochastic Weather Conditions,”
discrete event modeling
IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
and simulation, and systems
Vol. 59, No. 2, 393-404, 2010
Professional Activities
Lewis Ntaimo
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Arizona
National Science Foundation,
$1,000,000 (ISEN portion $220,825)
Refereed Journal Articles
Byon, E., L. Ntaimo and Y. Ding,
“Optimal Maintenance Strategies
Editorial Board Member,
International Journal of Services
Moreno-Centeno, E. and R. M.
modeling. His research focuses
and Operations Management
Karp, “Solving the Multi-genome
on decomposition algorithms for
Ntaimo, L., “Disjunctive
Alignment Problem as an
large-scale optimization problems
Decomposition for Two-Stage
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Stochastic Mixed-Binary
Consumption in Data Centers,”
Vice Chair, INFORMS
Managers,” Parsons Engineering
Programs with Random
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Optimization Society
Sciences, Inc., 2007-2009,
Recourse,” Operations Research,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Vol. 58, No. 1, 229-23, 2010
$127,234 (ISEN portion $64,168)
Session Organizer, INFORMS
Gallego, J. and L. Ntaimo,
Stochastic Programming Cluster
Proceedings and Other
Pérez, E., L. Ntaimo, C. Bailey and
“A Stochastic Programming
P. McCormack, “Modeling and
Standard Response Model for
Research Advisor for Operations
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and B. A.
Simulation of Nuclear Medicine
Wildfire Initial Attack Planning,”
Research, Arizona Center for
Peters, “Analysis of Picker Blocking
Patient Service Management in
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Integrated Manufacturing
in Narrow-aisle Batch Picking,”
DEVS,” SIMULATION: Transactions
Austin, Tex., November 2010
and Simulation
Proceedings of International Material
Simulation International, Vol.
McGaha, M., L. Ntaimo, A.
Member, Technical
86, No.8-9, 481-501, 2010
Banerjee and K. Kianfar,
Committee, Spring
of the Society for Modeling and
Handling Research Colloquium,
Milwaukee, Wis., May 2010
“Reducing Medication Errors in
Simulation Multiconference,
Tanner, M.W. and L. Ntaimo, “IIS
Pediatrics,” Center for Health
DEVS Symposium
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and
Branch-and-cut for Joint Chance-
Organization Transformation
B. Peters, “Analysis of Picker
constrained Stochastic Programs
Semi-Annual Winter Meeting,
Blocking in Bucket-brigade
and Application to Optimal
Houston, Tex., February 2010
Order Picking Systems,”
Vaccine Allocation,” European
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Journal of Operational Research,
McGaha, M., A. Banerjee, K.
Vol. 207, No. 1, 290-296, 2010
Kianfar and L. Ntaimo, “Reducing
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Peters, B., A. L. Johnson and
Trukhanov, S., L. Ntaimo and A.
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
S. Hong, “Analysis of Picker
Schaefer, “On Adaptive Multi-cut
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Blocking in Narrow-aisle Batch
Aggregation for Two-stage
Picking,” International Material
Stochastic Linear Programs with
Ntaimo, L. and J. A. Gallego
Handling Research Colloquium,
Recourse,” European Journal
Arrubla, “Modeling and
Milwaukee, Wis., June 2010
of Operational Research, Vol.
Application of Stochastic
206, No. 2, 395-406, 2010
Programming to Wildfire
Proceedings and Other
Byon, E., E. Pérez, Y. Ding and
Initial Attack Planning,” 12th
International Conference on
Stochastic Programming, Halifax,
NS, Canada, August 2010
L. Ntaimo, “A Stochastic DEVS
Brett A. Peters
Professor and Department
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Wind Turbine Component
Perez, E., L. Ntaimo, C. Bailey
Model for Wind Farm
and P. McCormack, “Improving
Dr. Peters’ research interests
Simulation,” Proceedings of
Patient Service Management
include design, analysis,
the Spring Multiconference,
in Hospital Nuclear Medicine
operation and control of
Orlando, Fla., April 2010
Departments,” Poster
manufacturing, distribution,
Presentation, Center for Health
and service systems. He
Organization Transformation
concentrates on facilities design
Beier, E. and L. Ntaimo, “Dual
Semi-Annual Winter Meeting,
and management issues,
Decomposition with Fenchel
Houston, Tex., February 2010
including facility layout and
Cutting Planes for Stochastic
material handling system design.
Integer Programs,” INFORMS
Perez, E. and L. Ntaimo,
He teaches courses in facilities
Annual Meeting, Austin,
“Stochastic Online Scheduling
design, material handling, and
Tex., November 2010
of Multi-step Sequential Medical
systems planning and operation.
Procedures in Nuclear Medicine,”
Professional Activities
Member, Council of Industrial
Engineering Academic
Department Heads
Don T. Phillips
Chevron Professor
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Gallego, J., N. Gautam, Y. M. Ko, R.
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Polansky, E. Perez and L. Ntaimo,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Peters, B. A., D. N. Ford, D. S.
Dr. Phillips teaching and
Lee and D. R. Smith, “Masters
research interests include lean
Degree for Project
manufacturing systems analysis,
“A Stochastic Programming
Approach for Reducing Energy
Professional Activities
Faculty Accomplishments
operations research, lean
Program in Petrochemical
simulation and cost modeling
on network design problems
thinking, systems simulation,
Ground Transportation Security,
for advanced manufacturing
with applications in logistics and
product cost flow analysis,
Prairie View A&M University
systems. He teaches engineering
communications. He teaches
economic analysis, computer
courses in operations planning,
and the analysis and control of
Chief Technical Scientist and
programming, engineering
logistics, network optimization
systems. In addition to his
Technical Advisor, Department
management, industrial labor
and heuristics. Dr. Üster directs
teaching and pedagogical
of Homeland Security Center
relations, facilities layout and
the Logistics and Networked
interests, Dr. Phillips is currently
of Excellence Program in
design, and production planning
Systems Research Lab.
the Director of the Homeland
Border & Immigration Security,
and control. Dr. Smith is a
Security Research Initiatives
University of Texas at El Paso
member of the Advisory Council
Refereed Journal Articles
of the International Center
Easwaran, G. and H. Üster, “A
for all engineering programs
at TAMU. In this capacity, he
Project Director & Principle
for Sustainable Development
Closed-loop Supply Chain
develops interdisciplinary
Investigator, Department of
for the Republic of Panama.
Network Design Problem
research teams to address
Homeland Security Border
both educational and research
Security Research Program,
program initiatives in the
Department of Industrial and
Peters, B. A., D. N. Ford, D. S.
IIE Transactions, Vol. 42,
Department of Homeland
Systems Engineering at Texas
Lee and D. R. Smith, “Masters
No.11, 779-792, 2010
Security and other federal
A&M University, Department
Degree for Project
funding programs. He is
of Engineering Technology at
Managers,” Parsons Engineering
Keskin, B. B., H. Üster and S.
currently active in several
University of Texas San Antonio,
Sciences, Inc., 2007-2010,
Çetinkaya, “Integration of
homeland security initiatives.
and Texas Transportation Institute
$127,234 (ISEN portion $64,168)
Strategic and Tactical Decisions
Member, Advisory Board,
Institute of Industrial
Smith, D. R., “Essential Skills
and Operations Research, Vol.
Engineers Manufacturing
and Attributes of Successful
37, No. 12, 2182-2191, 2010
and Design Division
Project Management,” Catholic
Dr. Phillips is an IIE Fellow and a
member of SME.
Phillips, D. T. (PI), Border
Security Research, 2008-2010,
Department of Homeland
Member, Engineering Advisory
Security, $760,000
Board, Lamar University
with Integrated Forward and
Reverse Channel Decisions,”
for Vendor Selection under
Capacity Constraints,” Computers
University of Panama, Panama
Üster, H. and H. Agrahari, “An
City, Panama, January 2010
Integrated Load-planning
Problem with Intermediate
Consolidated Truckload
Phillips, D. T. (PI) and R.
Assignments,” IIE Transactions,
Feldman (Co-PI), “HS-STEM
Vol. 42, No.7, 490-513, 2010
(to support Master’s students
in industrial and systems
Üster, H. and S. K. S. Kumar,
engineering with a homeland
“Algorithms for the Design
security specialization),”
of Network Topologies with
2009-2012, Department of
Balanced Disjoint Rings,”
Homeland Security, $390,000
Journal of Heuristics, Vol.
16, No. 1, 37-63, 2010
Refereed Journal Articles
Phillips, D. T. and J. T. Black,
“The Lean Engineer,” IIE
Easwaran, G. and H. Üster,
Transactions, 2010
Professional Activities
Program Coordinator, Texas A&M
University System Homeland
Donald R. Smith
Associate Professor and Director
of distance Learning Program
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Halit Uster
Associate Professor
Ph.D., McMaster University
Security Engineering Research
“A Closed-loop Logistics
Network Design Problem
with Integrated Forward and
Reverse Channel Decisions,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Dr. Smith’s research interests
Dr. Üster’s research interests are
Member, Technical Advisory
are in large systems database
in network design, supply chain
Klabjan, D., A.Yang and H.
Board, Department of Homeland
design, highway segment data
logistics and applied optimization.
Üster, “Carbon Footprint
Security Center of Excellence
collection and analysis, systems
His current research concentrates
Allocation in Logistics,”
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
“Design of an Evacuation Network
analysis. Professor Wilhelm is an
Austin, Tex., November 2010
for Hurricane Evacuation,”
IIE Fellow and a recipient of the
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
IIE David F. Baker Distinguished
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Research Award and of the
Proceedings and Other
SME Gold Medal Award.
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding,
Lin, H. and H. Üster, “Modeling
and Optimization of a Wireless
published on line, 2010
Sensor Network Problem,”
Professional Activities
INFORMS Annual Meeting ,
Member, Review Panel, National
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Science Foundation
Wilhelm, W. E. (PI) and Y. Ding (Co-
Sensor Systems for Ports and
PI), “Strategic Design and Tactical
Waterway Security: Final
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
Report,” National Science
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Foundation Civil, Mechanical and
Manufacturing Innovation, 2010
Üster, H. and P. Kewcharoen
Reviewer, Interfaces
wong,“Strategic Design and
“Strategic Design and Tactical
Operation of Surveillance
Analysis of a Relay Network
Reviewer, Transportation Research:
Security,” 2005-2010, National
in Truckload Transportation,”
Part E, Transportation Science
Science Foundation, $331,111
Reviewer, European Journal
Refereed Journal Articles
of Operational Research
Lee, C. and W. E. Wilhelm, “On the
“Biomass/Biofuel Production and
Role of Comparative Advantage,
Distribution System Design,” IIE
Parsons Seminar Series, Texas
A&M University, September 2010
Üster, H. and P. Kewcharoenwong,
“Strategic Relay Network Design
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
An, H., W. E. Wilhelm and S. Searcy,
Competitive Advantage, and
Annual Research Conference,
for Truckload Transportation,”
Competitiveness in the Strategic
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Industrial and Operations
Planning of International
Engineering, University of
Enterprises,” International
An, H., W. E. Wilhelm and S.
Michigan, March 2010
Journal of Production Economics,
Searcy, “A Multi-commodity
Vol.124, No. 1, 225-240, 2010
Flow Approach for Biomass/
Üster, H. and P. Kewcharoenwong,
Biofuel Supply Chain Design,”
“Strategic Design of a Relay
Liang, D. and W. E. Wilhelm,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Network for Truckload
“A Generalization of Column
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Transportation,” Transportation
Generation to Accelerate
Center, Northwestern
Convergence,” Mathematical
Choi, S. and W. E. Wilhelm,
University, February 2010
Programming Series A, Vol.122,
“Criteria to Optimize an
No. 2, 349-378, 2010
Operating Room Schedule,”
Üster, H. and P. Kewcharoenwong,
“Fixed-charge Relay
Network Design,” INFORMS
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Tex., November 2010
Wilbert E. Wilhelm
Mike & Sugar Barnes Professor
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Üster, H. and P. Kewcharoenwong,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Wilhelm. W. E. and E. Gokce, “A
Austin, Tex., November 2010
Branch-and-price Approach to
Design a Surveillance System
Lee, C. and W. E. Wilhelm,
for Port and Waterway Security,”
“Dynamic Facility Location for the
IEEE Transactions on Automation
Assembly System Supply Chain,”
Science and Engineering, Vol.
IIE Annual Research Conference,
7, No. 2, 316-326, 2010
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
“Design and Analysis of
Dr. Wilhelm specializes in the
Relay Networks in TL and LTL
methodology and application of
Transportation,” INFORMS
optimization, especially integer
Wilhelm, W. E. and X. Zhu,
Wilhelm, W. E. and D. Warrier,
Annual Meeting, Austin,
programming. His ongoing
“Enabling Flexibility on a Dual
“A Branch-and-cut Equivalent
Tex., November 2010
discipline-oriented research
Head Placement Machine by
to Branch and Price,” INFORMS
focuses on integer programming
Optimizing Platform-tray-feeder
Annual Meeting, Austin,
Üster, H. and H. Lin, “Integrated
methods and his applied work
Picking Operations,” Flexible
Tex., November 2010
Topology Control and Routing
deals with the design of supply
Service and Manufacturing
in Wireless Sensor Network
chains, the location of homeland
Journal, Vol. 21, No.1-2, 1-30, 2010
Design for Prolonged Network
security and healthcare facilities,
Lifetime,” Operations Research/
and the scheduling of operations
Zhang, W. and W. E. Wilhelm,
Industrial Engineering,
in the healthcare field. He teaches
“OR/MS Decision Support
University of Texas, March 2010
courses in integer programming,
Models for the Specialty Crops
Session Organizer, INFORMS
linear programming, scheduling,
Industry: a Literature Review,”
Annual Meeting
and production and operations
Annals of Operations Research,
Wang, X., H. Üster and J. Yates,
Professional Activities
Session Organizer, IIE Annual
Research Conference
Faculty Accomplishments
Member, Hong Kong
and assessment. He teaches
Yates, J., “Sensor Allocation
Research Council
courses in stochastic processes
and system operations.
Charlton, W., D. Boyle, J. Castillo,
IIE Annual Research Conference,
D. Ford, C. Marianno, P. Nelson
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Models for Homeland Security,”
Reviewer, Advances in
Decision Sciences
Wortman, M. A., “Characterization
Nuclear Threats,” 2010-2011, Los
Yates, J., “Evaluating the Affects
of Available Production
Alamos National Lab, $448,093
of Network Composition on
Reviewer, Computers in
Capacity in Resource in
(ISEN portion $66,160)
Network Interdiction,” IIE
Industrial Engineering
Resource-matching Network,”
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Annual Research Conference,
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Yates, J. and J. Zhuang,
Austin, Tex., November 2010
“Collaborative Research:
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Identification of Key Dynamics
Yates, J., “Academic Job Search,” 9th
for Optimal Distribution and
Annual IIE Doctoral Colloquium,
Reviewer, European Journal
Sustainable Partnership in
IIE Annual Research Conference,
of Operations Research
Haitian Disaster Recovery,”
Cancun, Mexico, June 2010
Professional Activities
Reviewer, International Journal
of Production Economics
and J. Yates (Co-PIs), “Countering
2010-2011, $39,987 (ISEN
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
on Reliability
portion $28,645)
Yates, J., “Representing Reality:
Imagery in the Cognitive, Social and
Reviewer, International Journal
Refereed Journal Articles
of Production Research
Yates, J. and I. Casas, “Role of
Research Round-table Panelist,
Spatial Data in the Protection
Buffalo, N.Y., May 2010
Natural Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Reviewer, International Journal
of Critical Infrastructure
of Management Science and
and Homeland Defense,”
Engineering Management
Applied Spatial Analysis
Professional Activities
and Policy, on line, 2010
Member Organizing Committee,
Reviewer, Journal of Mathematical
Modeling and Algorithms
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Yates, J., “Identifying Spatial
Session Co-chair, INFORMS
Solution Trends in Diverse
Annual Meeting
Networks for Critical
Justin T. Yates
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., State University of
New York at Buffalo
Infrastructure Protection,”
Member, Editorial Review Board,
57th Annual North American
International Journal of Operations
Meeting of the Regional Science
Research and Information Systems
Association International,
Denver, Co., 2010
Security Track, IIE Annual
Wang, X., H. Üster and J. Yates,
Martin A. Wortman
Ph.D., Ph.D., Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
“Design of an Evacuation
rooted in homeland security and
Network for Hurricane
Reviewer, Socio-Economic
defense applications (critical
Evacuation,” INFORMS
Planning Sciences
infrastructure protection,
Annual Meeting, Austin,
network interdiction) which
Tex., November 2010
Reviewer, GeoJournal Special Issue
methodology in combination
Yates, J., “Measuring
Reviewer, National
with Geographic Information
Partnership Efficacy in Haitian
Science Foundation
Systems (GIS) tools. He is also
Disaster Recovery,” INFORMS
utilize discrete and stochastic OR
Dr. Wortman’s research and
interested in OR applications
Annual Meeting, Austin,
within the arena of asymmetric
Tex., November 2010
probability and stochastic
warfare as well modeling the
processes. Currently, he is
dependence of commuter
exploring computational
behavior on transportation
methods for predictive modeling
network properties.
Research Conference
Dr. Yates’ research interests are
teaching interests are in applied
applied to technology evaluation
Track Co-chair, Homeland
Annual Report | 2010
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Acharya, Sabitha B., M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Allison, Samantha Ann, M.Eng.
(advisor, Sara McComb)
Alvarado Palma, Diego, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Anekwit, Kittikun, M.Eng. (advisors, Guy
Curry and Wilbert Wilhelm)
Bajaj, Sourav, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Bansal, Manish, M.S., “An Exact Algorithm for Optimal Areal Positioning
Problem with Rectangular Targets and
Requests” (advisor, Kiavash Kianfar)
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Chen, Yen-Chun, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Cheng, Peng, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Chothirakunnel Jose, Nikhil, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Chung, Jen-Chieh, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Coles, John Benjamin, M.Eng.
(advisor, Justin Yates)
Dennis, Cody M., M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Beard, Kenneth J., M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Dhandapani, Arunselvakumar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Bhattacharjee, Rohan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Doyle, Bradley Wayne, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Bickston, Lucas William, M.S.
(advisor, Richard Feldman)
Doyle, Justin Shane, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Boonnumsirikij, Woraya, E.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Engstrom, Ian Christopher, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Bowers, Diana Joyce, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Ertem, Makbule Zeynep, M. Eng.
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Brown, Justin Wayne, M.S.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Flores Rodriguez, Carlos Paul, M.S.
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Byon, Eunshin, Ph.D., “Simulation and
Optimization of Wind Farm Operations
under Stochastic Conditions”
(advisor, Yu Ding)
Ganesan, Karthik Narayanan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Chandrasekaran, Vivek, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Han, Nami, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Hong, Soondo, Ph.D., “Analysis and
Control of Batch Order Picking Processes
Considering Picker Blocking”
(advisors, Brett Peters and Andrew
Iglesias, Gerardo Daniel, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Inamdar, Manjeet, M.S.
(advisors, Don Smith and Guy Curry)
Janakiraman, Sreenath, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Jeziorski, David John, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Joseph, Rony, M.Eng. (advisors, Sergiy
Butenko and Gary Gaukler)
Joshi, Aditya Satish, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kalyana Krishnan, Anantha R., M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kanuvukkarai, Raajesh Khumar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Karanam, Nikhil, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kaya, Guven, M.Eng.
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Gaonkar, Vinesh Ramachandra, M.Eng,
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kewcharoenwong, Panitan, Ph.D., “Relay
Network Design in Logistics and Telecommunications: Models and Solution
Approaches” (advisor, Halit Üster)
Gottlich, Leah Paige, M.Eng,
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kim, Youngchul, M.S.
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Chang, Hanwen, M.Eng.
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Kondati, Nikhil Teja, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Mueller, Anthony William, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Revana, Karthik Gajendra, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Kotagiri, Mohith Rao, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Murillo Benavides, Roberto, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Rivera, Elsa Lorena, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kulandaivelu, Thanigaivel, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Olivares, Mauricio, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Rowland, Christopher S., M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Lakshmanaswami, Pradheep, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Padmanabhan, Prabhu, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Rudrapatna Nataraja, Niranjan, M.S.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Lee, Hyun Soo, Ph.D., “Extraction of
Contextual Knowledge and Ambiguity
Handling for Ontology in Virtual Environment” (advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Parthasarathy, Akshay, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Saiyee Srivatsan, Ramnath, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Patwari, Krishna, M.S.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Santos, Marie Emmeline, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Paul Raj, Deepak Dhanraj, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Satish, Nikalaus, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Perez Roman, Eduardo, Ph.D., “Simulation and Optimization Models for
Scheduling Multi-step Sequential Procedures in Nuclear Medicine” (advisors,
Lewis Ntaimo and Cesar Malave)
Selvaraj, Prabhu, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Perryman, Rebecca S., M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Shah, Samkit Dipakbhai, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Pramudya, Richard, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Singh, Samrat, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Ragab, Ayman, Ph.D., “Supply Chain
Network Design and Uncertain and Dynamic Demand” (advisor, Brett Peters)
Sinha, Parijat, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Lee, Li-Chung, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Leiseca, Claudia Maria, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Lin, Hui, Ph.D., “Models and Solution Approaches for Efficient Design and Operation of Wireless Sensor Networks”
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Liu, Jinghan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Lopez, Justin Carl, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Magestad, Nathan Lloyd, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Seshadri, Girirengan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
McCall, Brian Andrew, M.S.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Raghu, Mahadevan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Sivaramakrishnan, Srividya, M.S.
(advisors, Guy Curry and Natarajan
McGaha, Michelle Leigh, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Raghuraman, Rajesh, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Smith, Cicily Lawsha, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Mitta, Chetan Reddy, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Rajaraman, Arun, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Solorio, Karina, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Moon, Chungkoo, M.S.
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Read, Timothy David, M.S.
(advisor, Sara McComb)
Son, Dong Hee, M.S.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Annual Report | 2010
Graduate Students Honored
INFORMS Group Stays Involved
Star, Anthony Russell, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Yoo, Jewan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Surendra Babu,Praveen Khanna, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Youssef, Nataly Fares, M.S.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Suresh, Sai Prasad, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Zhang, Tiantian, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Sylada, Naga Swaroopa, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Zhao, Quan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Talukdar, Bedanta, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Zheng, Wangxiang, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Tayjasanant, Nattapon Nick, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Zhu, Yu, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
The Texas A&M INFORMS student chapter
received a Cum Laude award at the 2010
INFORMS Annual Meeting in November.
This is the 4th year in a row that the chapter
has been recognized as exemplary. Current
chapter president is Anurag Verma. Below,
INFORMS members gather to participate in
the Big Event, the annual student–run service
event designed to give back to the Bryan/College Station community.
Thangaraj, Barath, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Tyler, William Austen, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Vaughn, Alexandra Nicole, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Vellaisamy, Sabrinath, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Vivekanandan, Nandakumar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Wang, Xian, M.S.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Wang, Yaping, M.Eng.
(advisor, Richard Feldman)
Watve, Chinmay Neelakanth, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Wu, Kejia, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wilbert Wilhelm)
Xing, Peng, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Jason Clepper was honored with the 2010 Association of
Former Students Distinguished Graduate Student Award
for Excellence in Teaching. His outstanding academic
record and excellence in teaching were recognized and
rewarded by the committee of nomination reviewers who
chose him to receive this award. Clepper’s advisor is Brett
Eduardo Perez Roman was awarded the 2009-2010
George W. Kunze Prize by the Texas A&M Office of Graduate Studies for superior academic achievement, good
citizenship, contributions to the community, and publication in a national or international journal. His dissertation is entitled “Simulation and Optimization Models for
Scheduling Multi-step Sequential Procedures in Nuclear
Medicine”. His advisors are Lewis Ntaimo and Cesar
Abhilasha Katariya attended the Doctoral Colloquium
of the Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Research
Conference where her poster entitled “An Integrated
Replenishment and Liquidation Model for a Capacitated
Inventory System” was awarded first place. Katariya’s advisors are Sila Çetinkaya and Elim Tekin.
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
241 Zachry, 3131 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843- 3131