Annual Report 2009

Annual Report 2009
4 Former Students
6 News and Research
8 Major Gifts
9 Faculty
25 Graduate Degrees
Our Mission
Our mission, as a component of
a land-grant institution, is
1. to provide the high quality educational
experience in the industrial engineering
discipline which will prepare our graduates
to contribute successfully to society and
to assume leadership roles in industrial,
governmental, and academic professions;
2. to provide the state and nation with
new knowledge, both basic and applied,
in the field of industrial engineering;
3. to provide service to the industrial,
governmental, and professional
communities through dissemination of
research findings, provision of continuing
education programs, interaction with
industry and professional colleagues,
membership on advisory committees,
consulting, and other outreach activities.
Our Advisory Council
The mission of the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory
Council is to provide a continuing liaison between the department
and the practicing profession for the purpose of improving the quality
of the industrial engineering program at Texas A&M University.
Function 1: to assist in resource development to support
the needs and programs of the department.
Function 2: to serve in an advisory capacity to the department head by making
recommendations about the goals and programs of the department.
Mr. Kent Beran
Boeing Company
Mr. Dean Liollio
PAA Natural Gas Storage, LLC
Mr. Gary Cerny
Michels Corporation
Mr. Greg Loppatto
Mr. Greg R. Clapp
Fujitsu Network Communications
Mr. James Menke
Ms. Karen Gleasman
Dell, Inc.
Mr. John A. Scott
Parsons Corporation
Mr. Michael Haack, P.E.,
Halliburton AS
Mr. Douglas W. Sellers
Ms. Victoria L. Hunter
Lee Hecht Harrison
Mr. Lee Sneddon
Intel Corporation
Mr. James Knickel
Raytheon Systems
Mr. Rob Trimble, III
Oncor Electric Delivery
Front Cover
Work continues apace on the Emerging Technologies and Economic Development Building, new home of the Department
of Industrial and Systems Engineering when completed in 2011. The building will also house the Department of Biomedical
Engineering, Coastal Deepwater Program laboratories, Visualization Program laboratories, and other interdisciplinary research
Annual Report | 2009
I’m pleased to share with you the 2009 Annual Report from the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering at Texas A&M University. It highlights some of
the many activities and accomplishments of our faculty and students during the past
year. I hope it provides you a glimpse into the meaningful and exciting work being
Both the Dwight Look College of Engineering and the Department of Industrial
and Systems Engineering remain highly ranked and well regarded. We continue to
build on this foundation of excellence and expand into new endeavors and broaden
our research impact. Several new initiatives are underway and many exciting
opportunities exist at Texas A&M.
Greetings from the
Department Head
As always, the faculty and staff are working together to achieve at the highest level
possible those goals outlined in our mission statement. This report summarizes their
scholarly activity and high level of academic achievements. I would welcome hearing
from you should you have questions or feedback on the department’s activities as we
continue to expand and enhance our program.
Outstanding Former Students
Darryl Heath (l), Department Head Brett Peters, and Dean Liollio (r) at 2009 Awards Banquet
Heath and Liollio Honored
The Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering presented Darryl Heath ’84 and Dean Liollio ’83 with Outstanding Former
Student Awards at the department’s annual awards banquet.
Heath is a managing partner of Accenture, a leading global management and technology consulting and outsourcing firm. He
has been with Accenture nearly 24 years and his current role involves leading all of Accenture’s global activities with the PepsiCo
Corporation and its divisions of Pepsi Cola, Frito Lay, Quaker Oats, Gatorade, and Tropicana. While at A&M, Heath was chairman
of MSC Town Hall, a Fish Camp chairman, and a Buck Weirus award winner. He previously served on the department’s Industrial
Advisory Council and now serves as a member of the College of Engineering’s Advisory Board. He is a director for the 12th Man
Foundation, participates in the MSC Spencer Leadership Conference, is the founding member of the Accenture sponsored
Leadershape program within Student Affairs, and is the Accenture campus recruiting lead for Texas A&M.
Liollio began his career with Entex, a natural gas utility headquartered in Houston. After the company went through numerous
mergers, Liollio joined CenterPoint Energy and became the president & COO of its largest natural gas utility business unit. In
2006 he became president and chief executive officer of EnergySouth, Inc., a publicly traded company with both natural gas
storage and utility businesses headquartered in Mobile, Alabama. This past November he relocated back to Houston and
brought his nearly 30 years of experience in the energy industry to Plains All American, where he became President of PAA
Natural Gas Storage LLC. Liollio currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Southern Gas Association; the Board of Directors
of Providence Hospital in Mobile, Alabama; Board of Trustees, St. Paul’s Episcopal School; and is a former Director of the American
Gas Association, United Way of Southwest Alabama, Mobile Area Council Boy Scouts of America and Camp-Rap-A-Hope. He
graduated from the Louisiana State University Executive Education Program in 1997, and is a recent 2008 graduate of Leadership
Alabama. Liollio has served on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council since 1998.
Annual Report | 2009
Outstanding Former Students
Barnes Receives Industrial Engineering
Lifetime Achievement Award
William Michael Barnes ’64 is the inaugural recipient of the Texas Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads
Lifetime Achievement Award, which was presented to him April 2 at the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
annual awards banquet. Presenters were Brett Peters, Head of the ISEN Department at Texas A&M and Hamid Parsaei, Chair of the
Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Houston and Chair of the Texas CIEADH. Barnes earned his bachelor’s
and master’s degrees in industrial engineering and a Ph.D. in operations research at Texas A&M.
Early in his career, Barnes served as expert consultant to the Assistant Postmaster in Washington, D. C. He was also an instructor of
maintainability engineering for Texas A&M at the U.S. Army Logistics Training Center, and a visiting professor of computer science
at Southern Methodist University. In 1968 Barnes joined Collins Radio, which was acquired by Rockwell in 1971. In 1972 Barnes
was named director of finance for the Rockwell MOS/ Components Division. In 1973, he was promoted to vice president and
general manager of Rockwell Collins Communications Switching Systems Division. From 1991 until his retirement in 2001, Barnes
served as senior vice president and CFO of Rockwell International. At the time of his retirement, Rockwell was a multi- billion
industrial manufacturing company with businesses in aerospace, defense electronics, semiconductor systems, factory automation
products, automotive components, and graphic systems.
Barnes serves on numerous boards and councils. He was named an outstanding alumnus by the Look College of Engineering
in 1992 and by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering in 2002. Barnes is a member of the Chancellor’s Century
Council and serves on the College’s Engineering Advisory Council.
Hamid Parsaei (l) and Brett Peters (r) present Industrial Engineering Lifetime Achievement Award to Mike Barnes
News & Research
Ntaimo Receives NSF CDI Grant
Dr. Lewis Ntaimo, assistant professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems
Engineering, and research collaborators at Georgia State University (Dr. Xiaolin Hu),
Oklahoma State University (Drs. Ming Xue and Yang Hong) and Oak Ridge National
Lab (Dr. James Nutaro) have been awarded a $1,000,000 four-year grant by the
National Science Foundation Cyber-enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI) program
for their project “Collaborative Research: CDI-Type II--Integrated Weather and Wildfire
Simulation and Optimization for Wildfire Management.”
The complexity of wildfire management is due to the uncertainties of interactions
among multiple system components such as wildfire behaviors, weather conditions,
and firefighting resources. To achieve effective wildfire management, decision
making tools which integrate all these factors are needed. This project focuses on
computational thinking for understanding the complexity in the natural systems of
weather and wildfire behavior, and in the man-made system of firefighting resources
Dr. Ntaimo will be collaborating with the Texas Forest Service on this project to
develop new decision models for wildfire emergency response planning.
Gaukler Directs Systems
Portion of SHIELD
Assistant Professor Gary Gaukler is directing the systems portion of a $7.5 million interdisciplinary project called SHIELD
(Smuggled HEU Interdiction through Enhanced anaLysis and Detectors), funded by the National Science Foundation and the
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office of the Department of Homeland Security. The purpose of the project is to develop a new
sensor detection system to find highly enriched uranium or plutonium hidden in the millions of shipping containers which pass
through U.S. ports each year. Associate Professor Yu Ding and postdoctoral fellow Chenhua Li, also from the Department of
Industrial and Systems Engineering, are collaborating with Gaukler on this project.
Gaukler explains that SHIELD is not just developing detectors, but developing a system for their smartest use. This is a global,
strategic effort to stop nuclear smuggling.
Nuclear engineer William Charlton heads detector technology, Wolfgang Bangerth from the Department of Mathematics leads
the radiative transfer and inverse group, while Arnold Vedlitz of the Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy in the Bush
School of Government and Public Service studies the policy and social implications.
Annual Report | 2009
News & Research
Gautam and Ntaimo Study Energy in Centers
Associate Professor Natarajan Gautam and Assistant Professor Lewis Ntaimo have
been awarded a $240,000 two-year grant by the National Science Foundation Service
Enterprise Systems program for their project “EAGER: Reducing Energy Consumption
in Data Centers.” This grant provides funding to develop models and methodologies
for reducing energy consumption in data centers to the maximum extent possible
without degrading the quality of service. The two researchers will integrate stochastic
optimization and stochastic optimal control algorithms to determine: a) the optimal
set of meta-applications for virtualization in multiple servers; b) the optimal strategy to
control server speeds by dynamic voltage scaling; c) optimal rules for real time cluster
sizing. The algorithms will be developed and integrated under a unified multi-time
scale platform to exploit their benefits. These methodologies will be used to combine
pro-active planning with real time control to reduce energy consumption, operating
costs and greenhouse gas emissions from data centers.
INFORMS Students Score in San Diego
Texas A&M INFORMS student members stood out at the 2009
INFORMS Annual Meeting held in San Diego in October. The
chapter was honored once again with the Summa Cum Laude
Award, which is the highest distinction given to student
chapters. Only one other chapter in the nation was granted
the award this year.
Student leaders from Texas A&M (Panitan Kewcharoenwong back left and
Brandon Pope back right) and University of Massachusetts represent their
Summa Cum Laude chapters.
Panitan Kewcharoenwong was named Who’s Who Among Students in American
Colleges and Universities. He also received the 2009 Judith Liebman Award from the
Institute for Operations Research and Organization Management. This award was
established to recognize outstanding student volunteers who have been “moving
spirits” in their universities and their student chapters. Panitan was a member of IIE
and INFORMS, where he served in several officer positions including president. He
was also president of the Thai Student Association for 2 years. His dissertation is
entitled “Relay Network Design in Logistics and Telecommunications: Models and
Solution Approaches.” Panitan is currently doing post-doctoral work at Northwestern
University. His advisor at Texas A&M was Halit Uster.
Kewcharoenwong (l) receives Liebman
Award from John Fowler, INFORMS Vice
President for Chapters.
Major Gifts
Major Gifts to the Department
Accenture has provided $1200 in matching funds in the last year.
An anonymous donor has established a Faculty Fellowship in Industrial and Systems Engineering in the amount
of $100,000 to provide an annual award recognizing outstanding teaching, research, service, and professional
development activities of junior faculty members in the department.
The Caterpillar Foundation has given $10,000 to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Department in support of
the senior capstone design course.
Electronic Power Design has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Exxon Mobil has given $2000 in unrestricted funds to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Improvement Fund to
be used at the discretion of the department head.
Flextronics has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Milden J. Fox, Jr.’69, emeritus professor, has given $1000 in unrestricted funds to the Industrial and Systems
Engineering Improvement Fund to be used at the discretion of the department head.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Furber ’64 of Johnson City have established the Corrie and Jim Furber ’64 Faculty Fellows in
Industrial and Systems Engineering with an endowed fund in the amount of $100,000. Distributions from this
endowment will be used to support the teaching, research, service, and professional development of the holders.
Halliburton, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council by Michael Haack, has given
$2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Intel Corporation has provided $9262 in matching funds in the last year.
Mr. and Mrs. Constantine “Dean” Liollio ’83 of Houston have established the Liollio Family Faculty Fellowship in the
amount of $100,000. This fellowship will be a valuable tool for attracting, rewarding, and retaining the department’s
most outstanding junior faculty.
National Oilwell Varco has given $2600 in unrestricted funds to the Industrial and Systems Engineering Improvement
Fund to be used at the discretion of the department head. In addition, they have given $2000 in support of the senior
capstone design course.
Parsons Corporation, represented on the Industrial and Systems Engineering Advisory Council by John Scott, has
underwritten the Parsons Seminar Series and the Industrial and Systems Engineering Honors and Awards Banquet for
the seventh year in a row with a gift $15,000. In addition, Parsons has give $20,000 to fund two career development
professorships in project management at the associate professor level.
Mr. James Porter ’58 of Abilene has donated $2500 to the Alpha Pi Mu 50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund.
Solar Turbines has given $2500 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Texas Mutual Insurance has given $1600 in support of the senior capstone design course.
Mr. Allen Williford ’58 of Houston has donated $1000 to the Alpha Pi Mu 50th Anniversary Scholarship Fund.
Annual Report | 2009
Faculty Accolades
Sila Cetinkaya
Sila Çetinkaya was promoted to professor and Sergiy Butenko was promoted to
associate professor with tenure effective September 1, 2009.
Dr. Çetinkaya joined the department as an assistant professor in 1997. Her Ph.D.
is in management science from McMaster University in Canada. Dr. Çetinkaya
specializes in supply chain management. Her current research examines inventory,
production, and transportation issues in the context of supply chain integration
and coordination. She teaches courses in production planning and control, inventory theory, and supply chain coordination.
Sergiy Butenko
Sergiy Butenko was promoted to associate professor with tenure effective September
1, 2009. Dr. Butenko came to Texas A&M as an assistant professor in 2003. His Ph.D. is
in operations research from the University of Florida. Dr. Butenko’s research concentrates mainly on global and discrete optimization and their applications. In particular,
he is interested in theoretical and computational aspects of continuous global optimization approaches for solving discrete optimization problems on graphs. Applications of interest include network-based data mining, computational biology, social
networks and remote sensing.
Sara McComb
Associate Professor Sara McComb participated in the National Academy of Engineering’s 15th Annual Frontiers of Engineering Symposium at the University of California-Irvine. This three day event brought together the brightest young engineers in
the country who are doing cutting-edge research and technical work in a variety
of disciplines. The symposium examined engineering tools for scientific discovery,
engineering the health care delivery system, nano/micro photonics, and resilient and
sustainable infrastructures.
Halit Uster
Associate Professor Halit Üster was named the 2009 Eshbach Society Distinguished
Visiting Scholar in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science at
Northwestern University.
Faculty Accomplishments
2009-2010, National Science
519, Baltimore, Md., May 2009
Process with Different Forms
Foundation I/UCRC through the
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
Lee, H., H. Park and A. Banerjee,
of Uncertainties,” Winter
Center for Health Organization
“Representation, Simulation
Simulation Conference, Austin,
Transformation, $50,000
and Control of Manufacturing
Tex., December 2009
Proceedings and Other
Kim, J., H. Lee and A. Banerjee,
“Cooperative Modeling and
Amarnath Banerjee
Associate Professor and Director
of Undergraduate Program
Ph.D., University of Illinois at
and Control of Manufacturing
Process with Different Forms of
Uncertainties,” Proceedings of
Professional Activities
Winter Simulation Conference, 2262-
Appointment, Technical
2271, Austin, Tex., December 2009
Infrastructure Workgroup, Texas
Health Services Authority
Design History Tracking Using
Design Tracking Matrix,”
Banerjee, A., “Design,
Member, Program Committee,
Proceedings of IIE Annual
Simulation and Analysis of
IEEE Conference on Automation
Research Conference, 1530-
Logistics with Uncertainties,”
Science and Engineering
1535, Miami, Fla., May 2009
International Conference on
Lee, H. and A. Banerjee,
Value Chain Sustainability,
Member, Technical Program
Louisville, Ky., October 2009
Committee, Special
“Design, Simulation and
Session on Executable
Dr. Banerjee’s research interests
Analysis of Logistics with
Banerjee, A., “Non-rigid Body
Architectures, International
are in virtual manufacturing,
Certainties,” Proceedings of
Object Tracking Using Fuzzy
Symposium on Collaborative
simulation, image processing,
the International Conference
Neural System Based on
Technologies and Systems
real-time video processing,
on Value Chain Sustainability,
Multiple ROIs and Adaptive
augmented reality and human
Louisville, Ky., October 2009
Motion Frame Method,” IEEE
Member, Tutorial Board and
International Conference on
Scholarship Committee,
behavior modeling. He
directs the Advanced Virtual
Lee, H. and A. Banerjee, “Non-
Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
Manufacturing and Augmented
rigid Body Object Tracking
San Antonio, Tex., October 2009
Training, Simulation and
Reality Laboratory. He teaches
Using Fuzzy Neural System
courses in manufacturing and
Based on Multiple ROIs and
Banerjee, A., “A Modular Petri
production systems design and
Adaptive Motion Frame Method,”
Net-based Architecture to
Member, Technical
control, facilities planning, virtual
Proceedings of IEEE International
Model Manufacturing Systems
Committee, IEEE Systems,
manufacturing and simulation.
Conference on Systems, Man,
Exhibiting Resource and Timing
Man and Cybernetics: Human
and Cybernetics, 3971-3976, San
Uncertainties,” 5th Annual IEEE
Machine Systems Society
Antonio, Tex., October 2009
Conference on Automation
Edwards, J. C., K. Mechler and
Education Conference
Science and Engineering,
Session Chair, Winter
Bangalore, India, August 2009
Simulation Conference
A. Banerjee, “Improving Texas
Lee, H. and A. Banerjee, “A Modular
Rural Community Healthcare
Petri Net-based Architecture
through HIT Implementation,”
to Model Manufacturing
Banerjee, A., “Cooperative
Session Chair, Interservice/
2007-2009, Texas Office of Rural
Systems Exhibiting Resource
Modeling and Design History
Industry Training, Simulation
Community Affairs, $1,600,000
and Timing Uncertainties,”
Tracking Using Design Tracking
and Education Conference
(ISEN portion $18,205)
Proceedings of 5th Annual IEEE
Matrix,” IIE Annual Research
Conference on Automation
Conference, Miami, Fla., May 2009
McComb, S. A., A. Banerjee
Science and Engineering, 525-530,
and K. Mechler, “Improving
Bangalore, India, August 2009
Session Chair, International
Conference on Value
Banerjee, A., “Modeling and
Chain Sustainability
Representation of Manufacturing
Medication Reconciliation: An
Interdisciplinary Student Team
Lee, H. and A. Banerjee,
Process with Uncertainties Using
Session Chair, IEEE International
Competition,” 2008-2009,
“Modeling and Representation
Parametric Modular Design and
Conference on Systems,
The Annenberg Foundation,
of Manufacturing Process with
xPNML,” International Symposium
Man and Cybernetics
$40,375 (ISEN portion $12,260)
Uncertainties Using Parametric
on Collaborative Technologies and
Modular Design and xPNML,”
Systems, Baltimore, Md., May 2009
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
Proceedings of International
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
Symposium on Collaborative
Lee, H. and A. Banerjee,
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Technologies and Systems, 512-
“Representation, Simulation
Session Chair, 5th Annual IEEE
Conference on Automation
Science and Engineering
Annual Report | 2010
Faculty Accomplishments
Session Chair, IIE Annual
Management Agency (FEMA)
Research Conference
National Advisory Council
Session Chair, International
Symposium on Collaborative
Chair, Texas Board of
Technologies and Systems
Professional Engineers
Associate Editor, Journal of
Member, Licensing
Manufacturing Systems
Committee, Texas Board of
Professional Engineers
Associate Editor, International
Journal of Services Operations
and Informatics
Education Advisory Liaison, Texas
G. Kemble Bennett
Industrial Engineering
Professor, Vice Chancellor and
Dean of Engineering
Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Reviewer, International Journal
Dr. Bennett specializes in work
of Production Research
related to homeland security. His
Reviewer, Virtual Reality
Reviewer, Computers and
Board of Professional Engineers
Sergiy Butenko
of Professional Engineers
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Florida
Member, Texas Deans
Dr. Butenko’s research
of Engineering
concentrates mainly on global
Member, Professional Engineering
Exam Committee, Texas Board
and discrete optimization and
interests also include engineering
University Member, Executive
their applications. In particular,
Reviewer, Journal of
management, quality, logistics
Committee, Texas Engineering
he is interested in theoretical
Manufacturing Systems
and reliability engineering.
& Technical Consortium
and computational aspects of
He has served on several
continuous global optimization
Reviewer, ASME Journal of
government blue ribbon panels
Member, Task Force on Eco and
approaches for solving discrete
Computing and Information
for the Department of Homeland
Animal Rights Terrorism, National
optimization problems on graphs.
Science in Engineering
Security, Department of Justice
Association of State Universities
Applications of interest include
and the FBI. He currently serves as
and Land Grant Colleges
network-based data mining,
Reviewer, International
Executive Director of the National
Symposium on Collaborative
Emergency Response and Rescue
Member, Executive Working
Technologies and Systems
Training Center.
Group for the Office of State and
Reviewer, IIE Annual
Research Conference
Bennett, G. K., Welcome Remarks,
computational biology, social
networks and remote sensing.
Local Government Coordination
and Preparedness, U.S.
Balasundaram, B. (PI), S.
Department of Homeland Security
Butenko (Co-PI), V. Boginski
Texas A&M University - Qatar
(Co-PI) and S. Uryasev(Co-
Reviewer, IEEE Conference
Commencement Ceremony,
Executive Director, National
PI), “Robust Optimization for
on Automation Science
Doha, Qatar, May 2009
Emergency Response and
Connectivity and Flows in
Rescue Training Center
Dynamic Complex Networks,”
and Engineering
Bennett, G. K., Opening and
2009-2012, Department of
Reviewer, International
Welcome Remarks, “Research
Executive Director, System
Energy, $589,092 (ISEN portion
Conference on Value
and Education in a Flat World,”
Assessment and Validation for
$158,580 via subcontract from
Chain Sustainability
National Science Foundation
Emergency Responders Program
Oklahoma State University)
Trustee, Southwest
Butenko, S., “Collaborative
Research Institute
Research: International Experience
CMMI Grantees Conference,
Reviewer, IEEE International
Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2009
Conference on Systems,
Man and Cybernetics
Bennett, G. K., Bovay Lecture,
for Students: U.S.-Ukraine
“The Practice of Engineering,”
Member, Advanced Energy
Collaboration on Discrete and
Member, Technical
Texas A&M University, College
Technical Working Group,
Nondifferentiable Optimization,”
Committee, IEEE Systems,
Station, Tex., November 2009
Texas Technology Initiative
2009-2012, National Science
Professional Activities
Member, Emergency
Chair, Federal Emergency
Preparedness Institute Working
Butenko, S., “Optimization
Group, City of San Antonio
Techniques for Analysis of
Man and Cybernetics: Human
Machine Systems Society
Foundation, $81,687
Faculty Accomplishments
Biological and Social Networks,”
A. Trapp, “Checking Solvability
Trukhanov, “On Equivalence of
Transportation Infrastructure
2009 - 2011, Air Force Office
of Systems of Interval Linear
Some Scale-reduction Techniques
Public-private Partnerships,”
of Scientific Research, Young
Equations and Inequalities via
for the Maximum Weight
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Investigator Program, $300,000
Mixed Integer Programming,”
Independent Set Problem”,
Diego, Calif., October 2009
European Journal of
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Butenko, S., “Phase Transition
Operational Research, Vol. 199,
Diego, Cal., October 2009
Problems in Complex Networks:
117-121, 2009
Clique Relaxations,” 2009
- 2011, Air Force Research
Laboratory, $75,000
Proceedings and Other
Verma, A., J-P. Baharet and
S. Butenko, “Network-based
Butenko, S., I. Damnjanovic
Techniques for Mining
and S. R. Sayedshohadaie, “On
Stock Market Data,” 20th
Optimal Betting Strategies
International Symposium on
Butenko, S., W. A. Chaovalitwongse
for Multiple Sporting Events,”
Mathematical Programming,
Butenko, S., Pathways to the
and P. M. Pardalos (Eds.),
International Conference on
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
Doctorate Research Assistantship
Clustering Challenges
Economic, Management and
Award, 2009–2010, Office of
in Biological Networks,
Optimization in Sports, Barcelona,
Professional Activities
the Vice President for Research,
Springer, 2009
Spain, December 2009
Invited Participant, Decision
Butenko, S., P. M. Pardalos, I.
Butenko, S., S. Kahruman and O.
Butenko, S., “IRES: Discrete and
V. Sergienko, V. Shylo and P.
Prokopyev, “On Complexity of
Nondifferentiable Optimization:
Stetsyuk, “Estimating the
Gap Recognition and “Provably
Reviewer, Department of Energy
Algorithms and Applications,”
Size of Correcting Codes Using
Best” Heuristics for Hard Discrete
Early Career Research Program
2006-2009, National Science
Extremal Graph Problems,”
Optimization Problems,”
Foundation, $123,385
Optimization: Structure and
Air Force Office of Scientific
Reviewer, National
Applications, C. Pearce and E. Hunt
Research Optimization & Discrete
Science Foundation
(Eds.), Springer, 2009, 227-243
Mathematics Program Review,
Texas A&M University, $25,000
Butenko, S. (PI), V. Boginski (CoPI) and O. Prokopyev (Co-PI),
Sciences Workshop, Army
Arlington, Va., April 2009
Research Office
Member, Organizing and
“Optimization Techniques for
Clustering, Connectivity, and
Balasundaram, B. and S. Butenko,
Kahruman, S. and S. Butenko,
International Conference on
Flow Problems in Complex
“Algorithms for Maximum
“Bottleneck Connected
Economics, Management,
Networks,” 2008-2011, Air Force
k-plexes in Power-law Graphs,”
Dominating Set Problem in
and Optimization in Sports
Office of Scientific Research,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,”
$349,952 (ISEN portion $174,976)
Diego, Calif., October 2009
20th International Symposium
Member, Program Committee,
on Mathematical Programming,
3rd Annual International
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
Conference on Combinatorial
Scientific Committee,
Butenko, S. (U.S. PI) and
Boginski, V. S. Butenko and S.
I. Sergienko (Ukraine PI),
Trukhanov, “Network-based
“Vulnerability Assessment and
Approaches to Portfolio
Prokopyev, O., S. Butenko
Design of Reliable Network
Selection,” IIE Annual Research
and A. Trapp, “On Equivalent
Session Organizer and Chair,
Configuration for Critical
Conference, Miami, Fla., May 2009
Reformulations for Absolute Value
20th International Symposium
Equations and Related Problems,”
on Mathematical Programming
Infrastructure Protection,”
Optimization and Applications
2009-2009, North Atlantic
Butenko, S., “Clique
20th International Symposium
Treaty Organization, $9,866
Relaxation Models in Social
on Mathematical Programming,
Session Organizer, IIE Annual
Network Analysis,” Decision
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
Research Conference
Prokopyev, O., O. Ursulenko and
Editorial Board Member, Journal
S. Butenko, “Exact Approaches
of Combinatorial Optimization
Krugler, P. E., C. Chang-Albitres, R.
Sciences Workshop, West
M. Feldman, S. Butenko, D. Kang
Point, N.Y., June 2009
and R. Smith, “Development
of a TxDOT ROW Acquisition
Butenko, S., “2-Club Clustering as
for Solving Minimum Ratio
a Model of Virtual Backbone in Ad
Spanning Trees with Multiple
Editorial Board Member, Journal
Model,” 2008 - 2009, Texas
Hoc Networks,” DIMACS/DyDAn
Ratios,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
of Global Optimization
Department of Transportation,
Workshop on Approximation
San Diego, Calif., October 2009
$107,920 (ISEN portion $53,960)
Algorithms in Wireless Ad
Refereed Journal Articles
Prokopyev, O., S. Butenko and
Editorial Board Member,
Hoc and Sensor Networks,
Seyedshohadaie, S. R., I.
Piscataway, N. J., April 2009
Damnjanovic and S. Butenko,
Butenko, S., J. Chen and S.
“Financial Viability of
Optimization Letters
Editorial Board Member,
Annual Report | 2009
Faculty Accomplishments
2006-2009, National Science
Shipment Consolidation,”
Reviewer, Computers and
Management Science
Foundation, $250,000
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Operations Research
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Editorial Board Member,
Üster, H. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
International Journal of
(Co-PI) and E. Akçali, “Collaborative
Zhao, X., S. Çetinkaya and E.
Computational Science
Research: Analytical Approaches
Tekin, “Coordinating Inventory
and Engineering
for the Design and Operation
and Pricing Decisions in
of Closed-Loop Supply Chains,”
a Buyer-vendor System,”
National Science Foundation,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
2005-2009, $303,258 (ISEN
Diego, Calif., October 2009
portion $182,212)
Refereed Journal
Ph.D., McMaster University
time Excess Inventory Disposal
Decision Under Stochastic and
Akçalı, E., S. Çetinkaya and
Price Dependent Demand,”
H. Üster, “Network Design
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
for Reverse and Closed-loop
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Guy L. Curry
Bibliography of Models and
Professional Activities
Solution Approaches,” Networks,
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
Vol. 53, No. 3, 231-248, 2009
on Scheduling and Logistics
Professor and Director of
Graduate Program
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Çetinkaya, S., H. Üster, G. Easwaran
Associate Editor, Naval
Dr. Curry specializes in the
and B. B. Keskin, “An Integrated
Research Logistics
application of operations research
Supply Chains: An Annotated
Sila Cetinkaya
Zhu, X. and S. Çetinkaya, “A One-
Outbound Logistics Model
techniques to the design and
for Frito-Lay: Coordinating
Member, Editorial Board,
analysis of manufacturing systems.
Dr. Çetinkaya specializes in supply
Aggregate Level Production and
International Journal of
He teaches courses in optimization
chain management. Her current
Distribution Decisions,” Interfaces,
Inventory Research
and production systems.
research examines inventory,
Vol. 39, No. 5, 460-475, 2009
Judge, Student Paper
issues in the context of
Liu, X. and S. Çetinkaya,
Competition, POMS College of
Proceedings and Other
supply chain integration and
“Designing Supply Contracts in
Supply Chain Management
Curry, G. L. and R. M. Feldman,
coordination. She teaches courses
Supplier- versus Buyer-driven
in production planning and
Channels,” IIE Transactions,
Member, Review Committee,
and Analysis, Springer-Verlag,
control, inventory theory, and
Vol. 41, No. 8, 687-701, 2009
MSOM Conference
Berlin, Germany, 2009
production, and transportation
supply chain coordination.
Manufacturing Systems Modeling
Panelist, National
Çetinkaya, S., invited seminar
Science Foundation
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S.
speaker, The George Washington
Çetinkaya (Co-PI), “Graduate
University, Institute for Reliability
Reviewer, Israel Research
Assistance in Areas of
and Risk Analysis, April 2009
for Research in Industrial
Karakayali, İ., E. Akçali and S.
Member, Organizing Committee,
and Systems Engineering,”
Çetinkaya, “Remanufacturing
INFORMS Annual Meeting 2010
2006-2009, U.S. Department
Seeding Under Reusable
of Education, $380,000
Random Returns,” INFORMS
Reviewer, Manufacturing and
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
Service Operations Management
National Need: Fellowships
Tekin, E. (PI) and S. Çetinkaya
Calif., October 2009
Reviewer, Operations Research
(Co-PI), “Supply Chain Revenue
Management: Mitigating
Zhang, L. and S. Çetinkaya,
Profit-at-risk in Manufacturing
“Stochastic Dynamic
and Distribution Networks,”
Programming Models for
Reviewer, Naval Research Logistics
Abhijit Deshmukh
Ph.D., Purdue University
Faculty Accomplishments
Dr. Deshmukh’s research interests
Gao (Co-PI), “2009 National
and C. Sundaram, “Distributed
Industry Training, Simulation
are in distributed decision-
Science Foundation Civil,
Collaborative Designs: Challenges
& Education Conference,
making (design, analysis and
Mechanical and Manufacturing
and Opportunities,” Product
Orlando, Fla., November 2009
control of large-scale distributed
Innovation Grantees and
Research, S. Raghavan and J.
decision systems, complex
Research Conference: Research
Cafeo (Eds.), Springer, 2009
systems and complexity in
and Education in a Flat
decision-making, coordination
World,” 2007-2009, National
Feldmann, G. and A. Deshmukh,
Department of Industrial and
and inferencing in distributed
Science Foundation, $99,794
“Dynamic Pricing Policies for
Systems Engineering, Rutgers
sensor networks, multi-scale
(ISEN portion $85,000)
Managing Demand Uncertainty
University, October 2009
Deshmukh, A., “On Ants, Space
Shuttles and Tracking Tornados,”
in Supply Chains,” Proceedings of
decision models, negotiation
protocols, computational grids,
Deshmukh, A. (PI), A. Johnson (Co-
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Deshmukh, A. “Systems
biological and natural systems),
PI) and J. Rohack (Co-PI), “EAGER:
Miami, Fla., May 2009
Research at Texas A&M,” Systems
enterprise systems (multi-agent
Engineering Incentives for Health
models of extended enterprises,
Care Systems,” 2009-2011, National
Gao, R., A. Deshmukh, W. Gong, C.
Annual Meeting, Penn State
dynamic pricing, contract
Science Foundation, $230,700
Cassandras, J. Ballieul, D. Castanon
University, October 2009
portfolio selection, risk hedging
Engineering Research Center
and I. Paschalidis, “A Control
in planning, cyberinfrastructure
McComb, S. A. (PI) and A.
and Optimization Science Base
Deshmukh, A., B. Pope, A.
for enterprises), and design
Deshmukh (Co-PI), “Investigation
for Sensor Networks in Adverse
L. Johnson and J. Rohack,
theory (distributed design,
of a Graphical CONOPS (Concept
and Stochastic Environments:
“Multilateral Contracting
simulation based engineering
of Operations) Development
Selected Advances of 2008,”
in Healthcare,” INFORMS
design, life-cycle cost estimation,
Environment for Agile Systems
Proceedings of NSF-CMMI Research
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
uncertainty propagation).
Engineering,” 2009-2010,
and Innovation Conference,
Calif., October 2009
National Science Foundation/
Honolulu, Hawaii., June 2009
Department of Defense Systems
Pope, B., A. L. Johnson and A.
Deshmukh, A., “ITR: Very Efficient
Engineering Research Center,
Glotzer, S., S. Kim, P. Cummings, A.
Deshmukh, “Analyzing the
Network Simulation Methods
$363,939 with Stevens Institute
Deshmukh, M. Head-Gordon, G.
Effects of Contracts in Health
for Auctioning and Collaborative
(ISEN portion $110,283)
Karniadakis, L. Petzold, C. Sagui
Care Systems,” INFORMS
and M. Shinozuka, “International
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
Assessment of R&D in Simulation-
Calif., October 2009
Models of Air Traffic Management,”
2003-2009, National Science
Refereed Journal Articles
Foundation, $259,219
Lian, Z. and A. Deshmukh,
Based Engineering and Science,”
“Analysis of Supply Contracts
World Technology Evaluation
Professional Activities
Deshmukh, A.(Co-PI), “SENSORS: A
with Quantity Flexibility,”
Center, Baltimore, 2009
Co-Chair, National Science
Control and Optimization Science
European Journal of Operations
Base for Sensor Networks in
Research, Vol. 196, 526-533, 2009
Adverse Stochastic Environments,”
Foundation CMMI Research and
Wernz, C. and A. Deshmukh, “An
Innovation Conference: Research
Incentive-based, Multi-period
and Education in a Flat World
Foundation, $2,487,459 with lead
Proceedings and
Other Publications
Systems,” Proceedings of 3rd
Member, Scientific Committee,
organization Boston University
Ball, D., R. Yan, R. Gao and A.
International DSI Conference,
Fourth International Conference
and University of Massachusetts
Deshmukh, “Inferencing in Large
Hyderabad, India, December 2009
on Maintenance Management
(ISEN portion $336,261)
Scale Sensor Networks,” Recent
2003-2009, National Science
Decision Model for Hierarchical
Advances in Maintenance and
Zucchi, F., A. Deshmukh,
Co-Chair, Computer and
Deshmukh, A. (Texas A&M PI),
Infrastructure Management, R.
S. McComb and L. Fedele,
Information Systems Track, IIE
University Affiliated Research
Cigolini, et al. (Eds.), Springer-
“Comparing Maintenance Costs
Annual Research Conference
Center for Systems Engineering
Verlag, 2009, 52-64
of Renewable Energy Systems,”
Proceedings of 4th International
Member, WTEC Panel
of Defense/National Security
Cigolini, R., A. Deshmukh, L.
Conference on Maintenance
on Simulation Based
Agency, $10M with lead
Fedele and S. McComb (Eds.),
and Facility Management,
Engineering and Science
organization Stevens Institute
Recent Advances in Maintenance
Rome, Italy, April 2009
and 16 other universities (ISEN
and Infrastructure Management,
portion not yet determined)
Springer-Verlag, London, 2009
Research, 2008-2013, Department
Site Visit Panel Member, NEES,
National Science Foundation
Deshmukh, A., “Tutorial: MultiDeshmukh, A. (PI) and R.
Deshmukh, A., T. Middelkoop
Agent Systems,” Interservice-
Member, NEES Operations
Annual Report | 2009
Faculty Accomplishments
Review Panel, National
Dr. Ding’s research interests are in
Gaukler, G. (Co-PI) and Y. Ding
Proceedings of the 15th ISSAT
Science Foundation
the area of quality and reliability
(Co-PI), “ARI-LA: A Framework
International Conference on
engineering, with emphases on
for Developing Novel Detection
Reliability and Quality in Design,
Member, STCI Review Panel,
data-mining methods for analysis
Systems Focused on Interdicting
San Francisco, Calif., August 2009
National Science Foundation
and design and optimal utilization
Shielded HEU,” 2007-2012,
of distributed sensor systems. His
National Science Foundation and
Member, IGERT Proposal
recent projects are funded by the
the Domestic Nuclear Detection
Ding, Y., “Modeling Framework
Review Panel, National
National Science Foundation, the
Office of the U. S. Department
for Detecting HEU in Seaborne
Science Foundation
State of Texas, and industry. He
of Homeland Security, $7.5
Containers,” Department
teaches courses in quality control,
million research effort led by
of Mechanical Engineering,
Member, VOSS Review Panel,
change and anomaly detection,
Bill Charlton (PI), Department
University of Texas at
National Science Foundation
prediction methods, and design of
of Nuclear Engineering, TAMU
Austin, February 2009
(ISEN portion $1,200,000)
Proposal Review Panel,
Mallick, B. (PI), Y. Ding (Co-PI)
resolution Data for Engineering
National Science Foundation
Ding, Y., “CAREER: Collaborative
and H. Liang (Co-PI), “Bayesian
Prediction,” Department of
Information Processing of
Hierarchical Models for Integrating
Industrial Engineering, Arizona
Reviewer, European Journal
Distributed Sensor Networks
Multi-resolution Information,”
State University, February 2009
of Operational Research
for Manufacturing Quality
2008-2010, Texas Higher
Member, Operations Research
Ding, Y., “Integrating Multi-
Improvements,” 2004-
Education Coordination Board
Ding, Y., “Modeling Framework
Reviewer, Journal of
2009, National Science
Advanced Research Program,
for Detecting HEU in Seaborne
Computing and Information
Foundation, $400,000
$150,000 (ISEN portion $50,000)
Containers,” Department
Ding, Y. (PI), “DDDAS - SMRP: A
Wilhelm, W. E. (PI) and Y. Ding (Co-
Engineering, University of
Reviewer, IIE Annual
Framework for the Dynamic Data-
PI), “Strategic Design and Tactical
Southern California, February 2009
Research Conference
driven Fault Diagnosis of Wind
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
Turbine Systems,” 2006-2009,
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Ding, Y., “Integrating Multi-
National Science Foundation,
Security,” 2005-2009, National
resolution Data for Engineering
$180,000 (In collaboration
Science Foundation, $331,111
Prediction,” Department of
Science in Engineering
Reviewer, Springer-Verlag
of Industrial and Systems
Participant, Future of
with Dr. Jiong Tang at the
Industrial Engineering, North
University of Connecticut)
Carolina State University
Refereed Journal Articles
Cho, J. J., Y. Chen and Y. Ding,
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Engineering, Florida State
University, March 2009
Ding, Y. (PI), “Collaborative
“Calculating the Breakdown
Research: Fault Tolerance Analysis
Point Condition of Sparse
Ding, Y., “Data-mining, Sensor
and Design of Clustered Sensor
Linear Models,” Technometrics,
Systems, and Quality and
Networks,” 2007-2010, National
Vol. 51, No.1, 34-46, 2009
Productivity Improvements,”
Science Foundation, $161,336
Yu Ding
Industrial and Manufacturing
Texas Instruments, Plano,
(In collaboration with Dr. Yong
Ren, Y. and Y. Ding, “Optimal
Chen at the University of Iowa)
Sensor Distribution in Multi-
Tex., March 2009
station Assembly Processes for
Ding, Y., “From Sensor Networks
Ding, Y. (PI) and F. Liang (Co-PI),
Maximal Variance Detection
to System Informatics,” Quality
“Collaborative Research: Efficient
Capability,” IIE Transactions
Science Center, Chinese Academy
Probabilistic Approach Using
(special issue on Quality Control
of Sciences, July 2009
Order Reduction and Hybrid
and Improvements in Multistage
Models -- A New Paradigm for
System), Vol. 41, 804–818, 2009
Structural Dynamic Analysis,”
Li, C., G. Gaukler and Y. Ding,
“Novel Inspection Policies
Foundation, $80,970 (ISEN
Proceedings and Other
portion $64,150) (In collaboration
Byon, E., L. Ntaimo and Y. Ding,
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
with Jiong Tang at the
“Optimal Maintenance Strategies
Calif., October 2009
University of Connecticut)
for Wind Turbine Systems,”
2009-2010, National Science
to Prevent Nuclear Materials
Smuggling,” INFORMS
Faculty Accomplishments
Professional Activities
Model,” 2008 - 2009, Texas
on designing robust sensor
Gaukler, G., “Detecting Nuclear
Co-Chair, Manufacturing
Department of Transportation,
networks to prevent terrorists
Materials Smuggling: Using
and Design Track, IIE Annual
$107,920 (ISEN portion $53,960)
from smuggling nuclear
Radiography to Improve
materials into the United States.
Container Inspection Policies,”
Phillips, D. T. (PI) and R. Feldman
This research is funded jointly
Parsons Seminar Series,
Department Editor, IIE Transactions
(Co-PI), “HS-STEM (to support
by NSF and the Department
Department of Industrial and
on Quality and Reliability
Master’s students in industrial
of Homeland Security. Dr.
Systems Engineering, Texas A&M
and systems engineering
Gaukler directs the RFID and
University, September 2009
Associate Editor, IEEE
with a homeland security
Supply Chain Systems Lab and
Transactions on Automation
specialization),” 2009, Department
teaches courses in operations
Gaukler, G., “Container Inspection
Science & Engineering
of Homeland Security, $390,000
management and logistics.
Policies to Prevent Nuclear
Refereed Journal Articles
Birt, A., R. M. Feldman, D. M.
Gaukler, G. (Co-PI) and Y. Ding
Cairns, M. Tchakerian, R. N.
(Co-PI), “ARI-LA: A Framework
Coulson and J. M. Guldin, “Stage
for Developing Novel Detection
Gaukler, G., “Improving
Structured Matrix Models for
Systems Focused on Interdicting
Container Inspection Policies
Organisms with Non-Geometric
Shielded HEU,” 2007-2012,
Using Radiography Data,”
Development Times,” Ecological,
National Science Foundation and
ARI Grantees Conference,
Vol. 90, No.1, 57–68, 2009
the Domestic Nuclear Detection
Washington, D.C., April 2009
Research Conference
Proceedings and Other
Richard M. Feldman
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Materials Smuggling at Seaports,”
IIE Annual Research Conference,
Miami, Fla., May 2009
Office of the U. S. Department
of Homeland Security, $7.5
Li, C., G. Gaukler and Y. Ding,
million research effort led by
“Novel Inspection Policies
Curry, G. L. and R. M. Feldman,
Bill Charlton (PI), Department
to Prevent Nuclear Materials
Manufacturing Systems Modeling
of Nuclear Engineering, TAMU
Smuggling,” INFORMS
and Analysis, Springer-Verlag,
(ISEN portion $1,200,000)
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
Berlin, Germany, 2009
Calif., October 2009
Hawkins, G. and G. Gaukler,
“Feasibility and Applications of
Professional Activities
RFID Technologies to Support
Member of Board, Oil &
Dr. Feldman specializes in
Right of Way Functions,”
Gas RFID Consortium
applied probability, simulation
2008-2009, Texas Department
and operations research.
of Transportation, $106,000
Chair, Professional Recognition
He is currently part of two
(ISEN portion $7,000)
Committee, INFORMS
one team from the Entomology
Zoghi, B. and G. Gaukler, “RFID-
Participant, Young Practitioners
and Geography Departments,
based Inventory Management
Connection, INFORMS
and one team within the Texas
for a Lay-down Yard,” 2009,
Practice Conference
Transportation Institute. Dr.
N-Line Construction Company,
Feldman is primarily responsible
$38,000 (ISEN portion $16,350)
interdisciplinary research teams,
for developing simulation
tools for these teams. He
Gary M. Gaukler
Session Chair and Organizer, IIE
Annual Research Conference
and queueing theory.
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Stanford University
Dr. Gaukler’s research interests
Krugler, P. E., C. Chang-Albitres, R.
center around the impact of
Gaukler, G., “A Systems Concept
M. Feldman, S. Butenko, D. Kang
automatic identification and
for Detecting Nuclear Materials,”
and R. Smith, “Development
sensor technologies such as
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Reviewer, Production and
of a TxDOT ROW Acquisition
RFID on supply chain operations.
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Operations Management
Currently, he is also working
teaches simulation, operations
research, stochastic processes,
Gaukler, G., “An RFID-enabled
Session Chair and Organizer,
Emergency Ordering Policy,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Moderator, Panel Discussion on
Homeland Security Research,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Annual Report | 2009
Reviewer, Operations Management
Reviewer, Management Science
Reviewer, Operations Research
Proceedings and
Other Publications
Engineers: Classical Topics in the
Organizing Committee, 2010 IIE
Modern Technological Era,” ASEE
Annual Research Conference
Chen, Y. and N. Gautam, “Server
Conference, Austin, Tex., June 2009
Frequency Control Using
Cluster Co-chair, Computing and
Markov Decision Processes,”
Gautam, N. and C. Rincon
Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM, Rio
Mateus, “Adaptive Resource
de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009
Allocation in Data Centers,”
Invited Participant, Winedale
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Workshop on Networks
Diego, Calif., October 2009
and Learning, Texas A&M
Reviewer, Annals of
Operations Research
Faculty Accomplishments
Gautam, N., “Teaching Courses
on Probability and Statistics for
Information Systems Division
University, University of Texas
Reviewer, International Journal
Engineers: Classical Topics in
Gautam, N. and C. Rincon Mateus,
of Production Research
the Modern Technological Era,”
“Stochastic Control for Energy
Proceedings of ASEE Conference,
Conservation in Server Farms,”
Invited Participant, Workshop
Austin, Tex., June 2009
INFORMS Applied Probability
on Educating Industrial and
Conference, Ithaca, N.Y., July 2009
Systems Engineering Students to
at Austin and Rice University
Meet the NAE Grand Challenges,
Chen, Y. and N. Gautam,
Ko, Y-M. and N. Gautam, “Analysis
“Server Frequency Control
of Non-Markovian State-
Using Markov Decision
Dependent Queueing Systems,”
President, IIE Computer and
Processes,” IEEE INFOCOM, Rio
INFORMS Applied Probability
Information Systems Division
de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2009
Conference, Ithaca, N.Y., July 2009
North Carolina State University
Regional Director, Central
Natarajan Gautam
Eren, E.C., R. Dixit and N.
Ko, Y-M. and N. Gautam,
North America Omega
Gautam, “Stochastic Models
“Epidemic-based Information
Rho (Operations Research
for Microtubule Dynamics and
Dissemination in Wireless
International Honors Society)
Organization Inside the Plant
Mobile Sensor Networks,”
Cell,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Member of Council, INFORMS
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Telecommunication Section
Ko, Y-M. and N. Gautam,
Associate Editor, INFORMS
“Performance Analysis of
Journal on Computing
San Diego, Calif., October 2009
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at
Gautam, N., “Optimizing
Chapel Hill
Energy Consumption in Data
Centers,” Parsons Seminar
Multi-server Non-stationary
Dr. Gautam’s areas of interest
Series, Department of Industrial
Queueing Systems,” INFORMS
include developing methods for
and Systems Engineering,
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
analyzing stochastic systems;
Texas A&M University, College
Calif., October 2009
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
control, performance evaluation and
Station, Tex., September 2009
Reviewer, Operations Research
Wallach., E., T. M. Cavalier and
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
His specific research domains
Gautam, N., “Operations Research
N. Gautam, “Admission Control
on Communications
include energy conservation and
for Energy Efficiency with
and Routing with Quality of
efficiency; dynamics and interactions
Applications to Data Centers,”
Service (QoS) Considerations
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
of biological systems; computer
Operations Research Colloquium,
in a Wireless Network,”
on Automation Science
and information infrastructure.
Penn. State University, State
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
and Engineering
College, Pa., April 2009
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Gautam, N. (PI) and L. Ntaimo (Co-PI),
Gautam, N., “Energy Conservation
Professional Activities
“Reducing Energy Consumption in
in Industries - A Case Study on
Session Organizer, INFORMS
Data Centers,” 2009-2011, National
Data Centers,” IOE Seminar,
Annual Meeting
Science Foundation, $240,000
University of Michigan, Ann
optimization; queues and networks.
Arbor, Mich., March 2009
Reviewer, IEEE Systems, Man
and Cybernetics (Part A)
Reviewer, International
Journal of Mobile Network
Organizing Committee,
Design and Innovation
invited Cluster Co-chair, 2010
Gautam, N., “Teaching Courses
INFORMS Annual Meeting
on Probability and Statistics for
Faculty Accomplishments
Nonparametric Least Squares
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Johnson, A. L. and J. Ruggiero,
Regression,” Data Envelopment
“Nonparametric Least Squares
“Epsilon-substitutability, Slacks
Analysis Symposium,
Approach to Estimating the
and Data Envelopment Analysis,”
Philadelphia, Pa., 2009
Effects of Contextual Variables on
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Cost Efficiency – An Application
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Nazzal, D., H. J. Carlo, J. A. Jimenez,
to Ohio School Districts,”
A. L. Johnson and V. Lasrado, “A
Southern Economic Association
Kuosmanen, T. and A. L.
Greedy Heuristic for Locating
79th Annual Meeting, San
Johnson, “Data Envelopment
Crossovers in Conveyor-based
Antonio, Tex., November 2009
Analysis as Nonparametric
AMHS in Wafer Fabs,” Proceedings
Andrew Johnson
Least Squares Regression,”
of the Winter Simulation
Johnson, A.L. and T. Kuosmanen,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Conference, Austin, Tex., 2009
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Georgia Tech
of Contextual Variables,”
Kuosmanen, T., M. Kortelainen
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and B.
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
and A. L. Johnson, “ Stochastic
Dr. Johnson’s research interests
Peters, “A Large-scale Order
Diego, Calif., October 2009
DEA: Myths and Misconceptions,”
are in productivity measurement,
Batching Model for Narrow-
warehouse operations and design,
aisle Picking Systems with
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
and Productivity Analysis
web applications to support
Traversal Routing Methods,”
“Nonparametric Efficiency
XI, Pisa, Italy June 2009
decision making, modeling and
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Estimation in the Presence
analysis of revenue management
Diego, Calif., October 2009
of Contextual Variables with
Pope, B., A. L. Johnson and A.
Applications to Warehousing,”
Deshmukh, “Analyzing the
applied to logistics, reference
Estimation in the Presence
European Workshop on Efficiency
model development for
Johnson, A. L., “Roundtable
Department of Information
Effects of Contracts in Health
industrial systems, and enterprise
Session: Implementation Issues
and Operations Management
Care Systems,” INFORMS
of Efficiency Analysis: The
of the Mays Business School,
Annual Meeting, San Diego,
Interface between Efficiency
Texas A&M University, College
Calif., October 2009
Analysis and Engineering and
Station, Tex., September 2009
Deshmukh, A. (PI), A. Johnson
the Provision of Services - The
(Co-PI) and J. Rohack (Co-PI),
Mapping of System Design with
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
Ruggiero, J., A. L. Johnson and T.
Collier, “Stochastic Production
“EAGER: Engineering Incentives for
Performance Measurement,”
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Frontier Analysis with Multiple
Health Care Systems,” 2009-2011,
European Workshop on Efficiency
Estimation in the Presence
Outputs: A Two-Stage Approach,”
National Science Foundation,
and Productivity Analysis
of Contextual Variables,” 7th
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
$260,000 (ISEN portion $230,700)
XI, Pisa, Italy, June 2009
International Conference on
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Data Envelopment Analysis,
Johnson, A. L., “Japan Society
Johnson, A. L., “An Analytical
for the Promotion of Science
Model for a Conveyor-based
Invitation Fellowship Program for
Material Handling System with
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
for Incorporating Exogenous
Research in Japan,” 2009, $6,500
Crossovers in Semiconductor
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Inputs,” INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Wafer Fabs,” Department of
Estimation in the Presence of
San Diego, Calif., October 2009
Information and Communication
Contextual Variables,” European
Johnson, A. L. and L. F. McGinnis,
Sciences, Faculty of Science and
Workshop on Efficiency
Professional Activities
“The Hyperbolic Oriented
Technology, Sophia University,
and Productivity Analysis
Session Organizer, Data
Efficiency Measure as a Remedy
Tokyo, Japan, May 2009
XI, Pisa, Italy, June 2009
Envelopment Analysis:
Efficiency Models,” Journal of
Johnson, A. L., J. Jimenez,
Johnson, A. L. and T. Kuosmanen,
the Operational Research Society,
D. Nazzal, V. Lasrado and H.
“Nonparametric Efficiency
Vol. 60, No.11, 1511-1517, 2009
Carlo, “Analytical Modeling
Estimation in the Presence
Session Organizer, DEA in
of Conveyor-Based AMHS in
of Contextual Variables,”
Banking and Investment,
Semiconductor Wafer Fabs,”
Data Envelopment Analysis
INFORMS Annual Meeting
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Interest Group, Japanese
Track Organizer, Facility Logistics,
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Operations Research Society,
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Refereed Journal Articles
Philadelphia, Pa., July 2009
Estelle, “Three-Stage DEA Models
to Infeasibility of Super
Proceedings and
Other Publications
Kuosmanen, T. and A. L. Johnson,
“Data Envelopment Analysis as
Ruggiero, J., A. L. Johnson and S.
Methods and Applications,
Tokyo, Japan, May 2009
INFORMS Annual Meeting
Annual Report | 2009
Faculty Accomplishments
Co-Track Organizer, Round-table:
application of mathematical
Professional Activities
Interfaces with Engineering
programming. His recent research
Associate Editor, Scientia
Klutke, G-A. (PI) and S.
Applications, European Workshop
has been focused on valid
Iranica Transactions on
Çetinkaya (Co-PI), “Graduate
on Efficiency Productivity
inequalities for mixed integer
Industrial Engineering
Assistance in Areas of
Analysis XI 2009 (EWEPA XI)
programming problems. He
National Need: Fellowships
has also done research on the
Session Chair, INFORMS
for Research in Industrial
Participant, DEA Cluster,
application of mathematical
Annual Meeting
and Systems Engineering,”
Japanese Operations
programming, computer
Research Society Meeting
simulation, and stochastic
Reviewer, INFORMS
models in production and
Journal on Computing
Invited Academic, ProMat 2009,
healthcare systems. He teaches
courses in optimization and
Reviewer, Operations Research
Operations Management
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
Crop Block Program,” 2009-2010,
Texas Department of Agriculture,
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
Perez (Co-PI), G-A. Klutke (Co-PI)
and J. Ancisco (Co-PI), “Specialty
Reviewer, Scientia Iranica
Reviewer, Production and
of Education, $380,000
Moreira, R. G. (PI), M. E. Castell-
Reviewer, Optimization Letters
mathematical programming.
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operations Research,
2006-2009, U.S. Department
$78,439 (ISEN portion $5000)
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
Proceedings and Other
Reviewer, International Journal
2009-2010, National Science
Sanchez-Silva, M., G-A. Klutke, D.
of Production Research
Foundation I/UCRC, through the
Rosowsky, “Probabilistic Modeling
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
of Deteriorating Systems Subject
Reviewer, Journal of the
Center for Health Operation
to Extreme Events,” Proceedings
Operations Research Society
Transformation, $50,000
of the International Conference on
Reviewer, Annals of
Refereed Journal Article
Operations Research,
Kianfar, K. and Y. Fathi,
“Generalized Mixed Integer
Reviewer, International Journal
Rounding Valid Inequalities: Facets
of Energy Sector Management
for Infinite Group Polyhedra,”
Georgia-Ann Klutke
Klutke, G-A., “Improved Disease
Screening Strategies,” IIE
Kianfar, K., “n-step Mingling
Dr. Klutke’s research interests are
Member, Committee of Visitors,
Inequalities: New Facets for the
in the areas of applied probability
Division of Civil, Mechanical,
Mixed Integer Knapsack Set,”
and stochastic processes, with
and Manufacturing Innovation,
International Symposium on
particular emphasis on problems
National Science Foundation
Mathematical Programming,
that arise in production and
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
service systems. Her work has
Panelist, GAANN Program, U.
examined queueing behavior,
S. Department of Education
Vol. 120, No. 2, 313-346, 2009
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., North Carolina State
Osaka, Japan, September 2009
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
Mathematical Programming,
Kiavash Kianfar
Structural Safety and Reliability,
Kianfar, K., Mixed Integer
inspection and maintenance
Programming Workshop, Invited
scheduling, product flow
Speaker, University of California-
control, degradation processes,
Berkeley, Calif., June 2009
information structure in decision
Annual Research Conference,
Miami, Fla., May 2009
Professional Activities
models and layout of retail
Kianfar, K., “n-step Mingling
facilities. She teaches courses in
Inequalities: New Facets for the
operations research, queueing
Mixed Integer Knapsack Set,”
theory, stochastic processes,
Dr. Kianfar’s primary research
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
engineering systems design,
interest is the theory and
Diego, Calif., October 2009
production operations, reliability
and maintenance science.
Faculty Accomplishments
Committee, Society of
McComb, S. A., “Mental
Manufacturing Engineers
Models: Content, Structure, and
Convergence,” Proceedings of
Member, ABET Technology
the Collaboration and Knowledge
Accreditation Commission
Management Workshop,
Orlando, Fla., January 2009
Zucchi, F., A. Deshmukh, S. McComb
and L. Fedele, “Comparing
Maintenance Costs of Renewable
Energy Systems,” Proceedings
of 4th International Conference
V. Jorge Leon
Allen-Bradley Professor
in Factory Automation
Joint Appointment with
Engineering Technology
Ph.D., Lehigh University
Dr. Leon’s research interests
are in manufacturing system
optimization, finite-capacity
resource planning and
scheduling, applications of
Sara McComb
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Purdue University
Cesar O. Malave
Professor and Associate Dean for
Recruitment and International
Ph.D., University of South Florida
combinatorial optimization
on Maintenance and Facility
Management, Rome, Italy, April 2009
Kennedy, D. M. and S. A. McComb,
“Time for Teamwork: Examining
the Impact of Teamwork
McComb, S. A., “Mental Model
Processes under Time Pressure on
Convergence: Examining the
Performance,” Decision Sciences
Process and Its Consequences,”
Institute Annual Meeting, New
2008-2011, Office of Naval
Orleans, La., November 2009
Research, $402,203
Kennedy, D. M. and S. A.
McComb, S. A., A. Banerjee
McComb, “A Genetic Algorithm
and K. Mechler, “Improving
Approach to Optimizing Team
and heuristic search. Recent
Dr. Malavé’s research interests
Medication Reconciliation: An
Communication Processes,”
work involves the study of
are in the area of manufacturing
Interdisciplinary Student Team
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
collaborative distributed
systems analysis and planning.
Competition,” 2008-2009,
Diego, Calif., October 2009
production systems and
He teaches graduate courses and
The Annenberg Foundation,
global manufacturing.(Dr.
conducts research in the area of
$40,375 (ISEN portion $12,260)
Leon’s primary appointment
manufacturing systems modeling
is to the Department of
and control. In his capacity as
McComb, S. A. (PI) and A.
Innovation Success: Using Team
Engineering Technology and
Associate Dean for International
Deshmukh (Co-PI), “Investigation
Development Interventions
Industrial Distribution.)
Programs in the Dwight Look
of a Graphical CONOPS (Concept
to Influence Communication,”
College of Engineering, Dr.
of Operations) Development
Academy of Management,
Malavé leads the study abroad
Environment for Agile Systems
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
Hung, N. P., L. San Andres,
programs, negotiates international
Engineering,” 2009-2010,
V. J. Leon and D. Kim, “REU
agreements, and liaisons with the
National Science Foundation/
Kennedy, D. M. and S. A.
Site: Development of
TAMU Qatar campus.
Department of Defense Systems
McComb,“Team Mental Model
Engineering Research Center,
Re-Convergence: The Effect of
2006-2009, National Science
$363,939 with Stevens Institute
New Information and the Mental
Foundation, $259,249
(ISEN portion $110,283)
Model Convergence Process
Lawrence, B. and V. J. Leon
(Co-PI’s), “Mexico-Texas Trade
Proceedings and Other
Corridor Consortium,” 2009-2010,
Cigolini, R., A. Deshmukh, L.
various sponsors, $530,000
Fedele and S. A. McComb (Eds.),
McComb, S. A., “Enhancing
Recent Advances in Maintenance
Collaboration through Team
and Infrastructure Management,
Cognition: Shifting Perspectives
Springer-Verlag, London, 2009
from the Individual to the Team,”
Professional Activities
Member, Accreditation
Kennedy, D. M. and S. A.
McComb, “Managing
during Collaborative Activities,”
INGroup Conference, Colorado
Springs, Colo., July 2009
Annual Report | 2009
Management Department Brown
Faculty Accomplishments
of Ergonomic Science
Bag Lunch Series, University of
Ntaimo, L.(PI), “System of
“Stochastic Programming Models
Tennessee, November 2009
Systems for Petrochemical
for Wildfire Initial Attack Planning,”
Transportation Security,” 2009-
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
McComb, S. A. and D. M.
2011, Department of Homeland
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Kennedy, “Environmental
Security, $85,581 (subcontract
Uncertainty and Teamwork:
from Texas Southern University)
Effects of Changing Task
Ntaimo, L., “Fenchel
Decomposition for Stochastic
Parameters on Team Outputs,”
Ntaimo, L. (PI), A. Banerjee (Co-PI)
Mixed-integer Programming,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
and K. Kianfar (Co-PI), “Reducing
20th International Symposium
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Medication Errors in Pediatrics,”
on Mathematical Programming,
2009-2010, National Science
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
McComb, S. A., G-A. Klutke, A.
Foundation I/UCRC, through the
Banerjee, J. Loera, S. Sohns,
Texas A&M Health Science Center,
Ntaimo, L., “Fenchel
and W. Harper, “Improving the
Center for Health Organization
Decomposition for Stochastic
Implementation and Acceptance
Transformation, $50,000
Integer Programming,”
of Non-Institutional Extended
Care Programs within the Office
of Veterans Affairs,” Systems
Engineering & Operations
Lewis Ntaimo
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., University of Arizona
Ntaimo, L. (PI), X. Hu (Co-PI), Y.
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Hong (Co-PI), J. Nutaro (Co-PI)
and M. Xue (Co-PI), “Collaborative
Pérez, E., E. Byon, Y. Ding and
Research: Integrated Weather
L. Ntaimo, “Modeling and
Dr. Ntaimo’s research interests
and Wildfire Simulation and
Simulation of Wind Farm
Research in Health Care,
Rochester, Minn., August 2009
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
are stochastic programming,
Optimization for Wildfire
Maintenance Operations in DEVS,”
Perryman, R. and S. A. McComb,
discrete event modeling
Management,” 2009-2013,
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
“Sequential Analysis of Team
and simulation, and systems
National Science Foundation,
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Communication Patterns,”
modeling. His research focuses
$1,000,000 (ISEN portion $220,825)
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
on decomposition algorithms for
Diego, Calif., October 2009
large-scale optimization problems
Refereed Journal Article
characterized by uncertainty in
Hu, X. and L. Ntaimo, “Integrated
and Resource Scheduling via
the problem data. Applications
Simulation and Optimization
Stochastic Integer Programming,”
Panel Reviewer, National Science
include wildfire management,
for Wildfire Containment,” The
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Foundation, Virtual Organizations
healthcare, facility location, and
ACM Transactions on Modeling
Diego, Calif., October 2009
as Sociotechnical Systems
supply chain planning. He teaches
and Computer Simulation, Vol.
courses in stochastic programming,
19, No. 4, 19.1-19.29, 2009
Professional Activities
Editorial Board Member,
systems thinking and analysis,
International Journal of Services
facilities planning and material
and Operations Management
handling, and operations research.
Byon, E., Y. Ding and L. Ntaimo,
Pérez, E. and L. Ntaimo,
“Nuclear Medicine Patient
Professional Activities
Vice Chair, INFORMS
Optimization Society
“Optimal Maintenance Strategies
Session Organizer, INFORMS
for Wind Turbine Systems under
Stochastic Programming Cluster
Reviewer, Journal of Engineering
and Technology Management
Gautam, N. (PI) and L. Ntaimo
Stochastic Weather Conditions,”
(Co-PI), “EAGER: Reducing
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Research Advisor for Operations
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on
Energy Consumption in Data
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Research, Arizona Center for
Engineering Management
Centers,” 2009-2011, National
Science Foundation, $240,000
Reviewer, Journal of Management
Reviewer, Human Factors
Integrated Manufacturing
Gallego, J. and L. Ntaimo,
Ntaimo, L., “CSR-CSI: System
Programming Models for Wildfire
Member, Technical Committee,
Integration of Dynamical
Initial Response Planning,”
Spring Simulation Multiconference,
DEVS Symposium
Data Driven Wildfire Spread
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Reviewer, Engineering
and Firefighting Modeling,
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Management Journal
Simulation, and Optimization,”
2007-2009, National Science
Reviewer, Theoretical Issues
and Simulation
“Stochastic Mixed-integer
Session Organizer, Mathematical
Gallego, J. and L. Ntaimo,
Programming Society Conference
Foundation, $80,000
Faculty Accomplishments
Member, Council of Industrial
of Homeland Security, $760,000
Engineering Academic
Department Heads
Phillips, D. T. (PI) and R.
Feldman (Co-PI), “HS-STEM
(to support Master’s students
in industrial and systems
engineering with a homeland
security specialization),” 2009,
Department of Homeland
Security, $390,000
Professional Activities
Engineering Program
Coordinator, Texas A&M
Brett A. Peters
Professor and Department
Ph.D., Georgia Institute of
Dr. Peters’ research interests
include design, analysis,
operation and control of
University System Homeland
Security Research
Donald R. Smith
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Member, Technical Advisory
Don T. Phillips
Chevron Professor
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
manufacturing, distribution,
Board, Department of Homeland
Dr. Smith’s research interests are
Security Center of Excellence
in large systems database design,
Program in Petrochemical
highway segment data collection
Ground Transportation Security,
and analysis, systems simulation
Prairie View A&M University
and cost modeling for advanced
manufacturing systems. He
Chief Technical Scientist and
teaches engineering economic
and service systems. He
Dr. Phillips teaching and
Technical Advisor, Department
analysis, computer programming,
concentrates on facilities design
research interests include lean
of Homeland Security Center
engineering management,
and management issues,
manufacturing systems analysis,
of Excellence Program in
industrial labor relations, facilities
including facility layout and
operations research, lean thinking,
Border & Immigration Security,
layout and design, and production
material handling system design.
systems simulation, product cost
University of Texas at El Paso
planning and control. Dr. Smith
He teaches courses in facilities
flow analysis, and the analysis
design, material handling, and
and control of remanufacturing/
Project Director & Principle
Council of the International Center
systems planning and operation.
sustainment systems. In addition
Investigator, Department of
for Sustainable Development
to his teaching and pedagogical
Homeland Security Border
for the Republic of Panama.
is a member of the Advisory
interests, Dr. Phillips is currently
Security Research Program,
Peters, B. A., D. N. Ford, D. S.
the Director of the Homeland
Department of Industrial
Lee and D. R. Smith, “Masters
Security Research Initiatives for all
and Systems Engineering
Peters, B. A., D. N. Ford, D. S.
Degree for Project
engineering programs at TAMU.
at Texas A&M University,
Lee and D. R. Smith, “Masters
Managers,” Parsons Engineering
In this capacity, he develops
Department of Engineering
Degree for Project
Sciences, Inc., 2007-2009,
interdisplinary research teams
Technology at University of
Managers,” Parsons Engineering
$127,234 (ISEN portion $64,168)
to address both educational and
Texas San Antonio, and Texas
Sciences, Inc., 2007-2009,
research program initiatives in
Transportation Institute
$127,234 (ISEN portion $64,168)
the Department of Homeland
Hong, S., A. L. Johnson and B.
Security and other federal funding
Peters, “A Large-scale Order
programs. He is currently active
Smith, D. R., “Project Management
Batching Model for Narrow-
in several homeland security
– The Basics,” Republic of Panama,
aisle Picking Systems with
initiatives. Dr. Phillips is an IIE
Maritime University, January 2009
Traversal Routing Methods,”
Fellow and a member of SME.
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Professional Activities
Professional Activities
Member, Panamanian Sustainment
Phillips, D. T. (PI), Border Security
Program, City of Knowledge,
Research, 2008-2010, Department
Republic of Panama
Annual Report | 2009
Faculty Accomplishments
Refereed Journal Articles
Member, Review Panel,
establishing a branch-and-cut
Akcali, E., S. Çetinkaya and
National Science Foundation
equivalent to branch and price,
H. Üster, “Network Design
designing the biofuel supply
for Reverse and Closed-loop
Member, Review Panel,
chain, evaluating the trade-
Supply Chains: An Annotated
The Research Grants
off between transportation,
Bibliography of Models and
Council of Hong Kong
inventory and lead-time costs
Solution Approaches,” Networks,
Vol. 53, No.3, 231-248, 2009
in an international supply chain;
Reviewer, Computers and
prescribing dynamic supply
Industrial Engineering
chain reconfiguration; and
Çetinkaya, S., H. Üster, G. Easwaran
Halit Uster
Associate Professor
Ph.D., McMaster University
scheduling surgeries. He teaches
and B. B. Keskin, “An Integrated
Reviewer, Computers and
courses in integer programming,
Outbound Logistics Model
Operations Research
scheduling, linear programming
for Frito-Lay: Coordinating
and operations research. Dr.
Aggregate Level Production and
Reviewer, European Journal
Wilhelm is an IIE Fellow and a
Distribution Decisions,” Interfaces,
of Operational Research
recipient of the IIE David E. Baker
Vol. 39, No. 5, 460-475, 2009
Distinguished Research Award.
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
Easwaran, G. and H. Üster,
Reviewer, Naval Research Logistics
Dr. Üster’s research interests are in
“Tabu Search and Benders
supply chain logistics and applied
Decomposition Approaches
Grant: Research Experience for
optimization. His current research
for a Capacitated Closed-loop
Undergraduates, 2009, National
concentrates on network design
Supply Chain Network Design
Science Foundation, $6,000
problems with applications in
Problem,” Transportation Science,
logistics and communications.
Vol. 43, No.3, 301-320, 2009
He teaches courses in operations
Wilhelm, W. E., REU Supplementary
Wilhelm, W. E. (PI) and Y. Ding (CoPI), “Strategic Design and Tactical
planning, logistics, network
optimization and heuristics. Dr.
Kewcharoenwong, P. and H. Üster,
Systems for Ports and Waterway
Üster directs the Logistics and
“A Lagrangian Algorithm for
Security,” 2005-2009, National
Networked Systems Research Lab.
the Capacitated Relay Network
Science Foundation, $331,111
Üster, H., “CIEG: Sensors: Models
Operation of Surveillance Sensor
Design in Telecommunications,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Refereed Journal Articles
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Liang, D. and W. E. Wilhelm,
and Algorithms for Efficient
Design and Operation of Wireless
Lin, H. and H. Üster, “Optimization
Sensor Networks,” 2009, National
Approaches to Wireless Sensor
Science Foundation, $15,000
Network Design Problem,”
Wilbert E. Wilhelm
“A Generalization of Column
Generation to Accelerate
Convergence, “Mathematical
Diego, Calif., October 2009
Mike & Sugar Barnes Professor
Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University
and Operation of Wireless Sensor
Üster, H., “Integrated Topology
Dr. Wilhelm specializes in integer
Zhang, W. and W. E. Wilhelm,
Networks,” 2005-2009, National
Control and Routing in Wireless
programming, scheduling, and the
“OR/MS Decision Support
Science Foundation, $205,134
Sensor Network Design for
design and operation of assembly
Models for the Specialty Crops
INFORMS Annual Meeting, San
Üster, H., “Sensors: Models and
Programming, Series A, Vol.
122, No. 2, 349-378, published
on line August 2009
Algorithms for Efficient Design
Prolonged Network Lifetime,”
systems. One of his current
Industry: a Literature Review,”
Üster, H. (PI), S. Çetinkaya (Co-PI)
Industrial Engineering and
research projects involves devising
Annals of Operations Research,
and E. Akçalı, “Collaborative
Management Sciences
new integer programming
published on line 2009
Research: Analytical Approaches
Department, Northwestern
algorithms to prescribe the types
for the Design and Operation
University, October 2009
of sensors, the number of each
type and the location of each
Wilhelm, W. E. and Y. Ding, et al.,
sensor in a surveillance system to
“Strategic Design and Tactical
of Closed-loop Supply
Chains,” 2005-2009, National
Professional Activities
Science Foundation, $303,258
Associate Editor, IIE Transactions
assure robust homeland security
Operation of Surveillance
(ISEN portion $182,212)
on Logistics and Scheduling
in U.S. ports and waterways.
Sensor Systems for Port and
Other ongoing work includes
Waterway Security,” NSF
Faculty Accomplishments
Grantees Conference Division
Dr. Wortman’s research and
McGill University, Montreal,
Infrastructure Defense in Complex
of Design, Manufacturing
teaching interests are in applied
Quebec, December 2009
Geographic Networks,” Parsons
and Industrial Innovation,
probability and stochastic
Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2009
processes. Currently, he is exploring
Yates, J., “How to Best Protect
Industrial and Systems Engineering,
computational methods for
Critical Infrastructure:
Texas A&M University, College
Wilhelm, W. E. and D.
predictive modeling applied
A Methodological
Station, Tex., March 2009
Liang, “A Generalization to
to technology evaluation
Approach,” 56th Annual
Accelerate Convergence
and assessment. He teaches
North American Meeting
Yates, J., “Considering Hazardous
of Column Generation,”
courses in stochastic processes
of the Regional Science
Materials Vehicles as a Terrorist
International Symposium of
and system operations.
Association International
Weapon: A Geographically
2009, San Francisco,
Motivated Model,” INFORMS
Calif., November 2009
Student Chapter Seminar Series,
Mathematical Programming,
Chicago, Ill., August 2009
Professional Activities
Seminar Series, Department of
Wortman, M. A., “Collaborative
Texas A&M University, College
Station, Tex., March 2009
Research: Innovations in Product
Yates, J., “Modeling Critical
Reviewer, Annals of
Flexibility,” 2006-2009, National
Infrastructure Defense
Operations Research
Science Foundation, $219,971
in Complex Geographic
Yates, J., “Outside the Classroom:
Networks,” Department of
A Career Alternative in Industrial
Reviewer, Computers in
Industrial Manufacturing
Engineering,” Gates-Chili
Operations Research
and Systems Engineering,
High School Career Speakers
Iowa State University,
Program, Gates-Chili High School,
Ames, Iowa, July 2009
Rochester, N.Y., January 2009
Reviewer, European Journal
of Operational Research
Yates, J., “Assessing the Impact
Professional Activities
Reviewer, IEEE Transactions
of Alternate Objectives on
Session Chair, IIE Annual
on Automation Science
the Spatial Properties of
Research Conference
and Engineering
Solutions in CIKR Defense,”
INFORMS Annual Meeting,
Member, Editorial Review Board,
Reviewer, IIE Transactions
San Diego, Calif., May 2009
International Journal of Operations
Reviewer, Transportmetrica
Yates, J., “Modeling Critical
Research and Information Systems
Justin T. Yates
Infrastructure Defense in a
Track Co-chair, Homeland
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., State University of
New York at Buffalo
Large Region,” IIE Annual
Security Track, IIE Annual
Research Conference,
Research Conference
Proceedings and Other
Yates, J., “Network-based
Li, M. and J. T. Yates, “Determining
a Geographic Information
Arc Segment Significance in
System, “ IIE Annual
Two Idealized Road Networks,”
Research Conference,
Proceedings of The Seventh
Miami, Fla., May 2009
Miami, Fla., May 2009
Security Modeling Using
International Symposium,
Lijiang, China, August 2008
Martin A. Wortman
Ph.D., Ph.D., Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State
Infrastructure Defense
in Complex Geographic
Batta, R. and J. Yates, “An Integrated
Networks,” Risk Analysis
Vulnerability-based Detection/
of Complex Systems for
interception Model for the
National Security Applications,
Protection of Regional Infrastructure
Santa Fe, N.M., April 2009
from Covert Attack,” Faculty of
Management Seminar Series,
Yates, J., “Modeling Critical
Yates, J., “Modeling Critical
Annual Report | 2009
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Alhuthali, Ahmed Humaid H., M.Eng
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Devarakonda, Mahesh, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Hwang, Sung Ook, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Bache, Stephanie Lolitia, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Diao, Guanwen, M.Eng
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Jagadeesan, Lakshmi Rajavenkataraman, M.Eng. (advisor, Guy Curry)
Baizhanova, Zhanar, M.S.
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Diwan, Chirendra, M.Eng. (co-advisors,
Amarnath Banerjee and Georgia-Ann
Jarrell, Brent, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Bazaldua, Eric M., M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Branch, John Marshall, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Cannaday, Rory Wayne, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Chae, Seungseok, M.S.
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Chance, Michael Dale, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Chidambaram Kumar, Jagadeesh,
M.Eng. (advisor, Don Phillips)
Chidgey, Kaylan Rene, M.S.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Elumalai, Prakash, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Ergul, Ekin, M.S.
(advisor, Sila Çetinkaya)
Fernandez, Flavian Joseph, M.S.
(advisor, Wil Wilhelm)
Fu, Yan-Kai, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Gayam, Venkat Ramana, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Goddard, Glenn Andrew, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Cimren, Elif I., Ph.D., “ Strategic Surveillance System Design for Ports and
Waterways” (advisor, Wil Wilhelm)
Goel, Piyush, Ph.D., “ Stochastic Dynamic
Programming and Stochastic Fluid-Flow
Models in the Design and Analysis of
Web-Server Farms”
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Daoud Gouda, Mohamed A., M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Gomez-Trevino, Lillian Cristina, M.S.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Delgado, David Guillermo, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Halfmann, Casi Ann, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Delvalle, Eric Arturo, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Halim, Sugiri, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Phillips)
Denniston, Jean C., M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Hariharan, Navneeth, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Phillips)
Jiang, Jiemin, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Kahruman-Anderoglu, Sera, Ph.D.,
“Optimization In Geometric Graphs:
Complexity and Approximation”
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Kandolath, Uday Sankar, M.S.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Kim, Changgyu, M.S.
(advisor, Eylem Tekin)
Kim, Jong Yun, M.Eng.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Kim, Jonghyun, M.S., “Cooperative
Modeling and Design History Tracking
Using Design Tracking Matrix”
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Kim, Kibaek, M.Eng.
(advisor, Eylem Tekin)
Kim, Seong Dae, Ph.D., “Tradeoff Between Investments in Infrastructure
and Forecasting When Facing National
Disaster Risk” (advisor, Eric Bickel)
Kittusamy, Sedhumadhavan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Phillips)
Knapek, Aaron John, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Graduate Degrees Awarded
Krishna Murthy, Karthik, M.Eng.
(advisor, Natarajan Gautam)
Onyekwum, Oscar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Sellamuthu, Sivakmar, D.E.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
LeBlanc, Bryan Thomas, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Paluvilayil, Beniel, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Seo, Jungho, M.S.
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Lee, Sangjun, M.S.
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Panakanti, Ambika, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Shrivastava, Abhishek, Ph.D., “Listing
Unique Fractional Factorial Designs”
(advisor, Yu Ding)
Lozano, Juan David, M.Eng.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Pande, Rishi, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Luo, Le, M.S.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Park, Suneung, M.S.
(advisor, Eylem Tekin
Madanagopal, Karthic, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Peng, Wei-Yu, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Maneerod, Thungprom, M.Eng.
(advisor, Andrew Johnson)
Perry, David Babcock, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Mangalassery, Sony, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Pidikiti, Venkat Vara Prasad, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Mendez Pinero, Mayra I., Ph.D., “Decision Support System (DSS) for Machine
Selection: A Cost Minimization Model”
(advisor, Cesar Malave)
Prapancham, Balaji, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Merchan, Daniel Esteban, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Misra, Romy, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Mittal, Krishan Kumar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Mohammed, Miraj Sha Ali, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Phillips)
Nallapureddy, Dinakar, M.S.
(advisor, Wil Wilhelm)
Nanda, Amlan, M.S.
(advisor, Abhijit Deshmukh
Ravichandran, Venkatesh, M.S.
(advisor, Wil Wilhelm)
Ravindran, Satish Kumar, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Ross, Carrie Marie, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Sanjeevi, Sujeevraja, M.S.
(co-advisors, Martin Wortman and Justin
Sawser, Brian David, M.S.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Seijo, Roberto Luis, Ph.D., “Modified (Q,r)
Inventory Control Policy for an Assemble-To-Order Environment” (co-advisors, Gary Gaukler and Cesar Malave)
Siddiqui, Sandala, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Singh, Bondili Bhavana, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Sugadhan, Arun, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Sung, Je Sang, M.S.
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Tanner, Matthew Wiley, Ph.D., “New
Solution Methods for Joint ChanceConstrained Stochastic Programs With
Random Left-Hand Side”
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Torres Soto, Joaquin Emmanuel, Ph.D.,
“Dynamic and Robust Capacitated Facility Location in Time Varying Demand
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Umashankar, Vivekram, M.Eng.
(advisor, Lewis Ntaimo)
Ursulenko, Oleksii Sergiyovich, Ph.D.,
“Exact Methods in Fractional Combinatorial Optimization”
(advisor, Sergiy Butenko)
Usaraga, Allan Tamsi, M.S.-ENSM
(advisor, Don Smith)
Venkatesan, Dinesh Tawker, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Annual Report | 2009
Verghese, Anto John, M.Eng.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Verma, Anurag, M. Eng.
(advisor Sergiy Butenko)
Wang, Chuan, M.Eng.
(advisor, Georgia-Ann Klutke)
Wongthien, Ramida, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Smith)
Woo, Sung Hyok, M. Eng.
(advisor, Amarnath Banerjee)
Wu, Yiran, M.S.
(advisor, Gary Gaukler)
Graduate Students Honored
Graduate Student Awards
Matt Tanner
Recent graduate Matt Tanner, who
is now working for the Department
of Energy as an operations research
analyst, was awarded the prestigious
Graduate Student Excellence in
Teaching Award from the Texas A&M
Association of Former Students and the
Office of Graduate Studies. In addition,
he was awarded a Senator Phil Gramm
Doctoral Fellowship. This fellowship
is awarded to graduate students
whose command of their disciplines
exemplifies the meaning of scholar and
mentor in the highest sense. Tanner’s
chair was Lewis Ntaimo.
Yager, Michael Alexander, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Yesodharan, Shylaja Ajin, M.Eng.
(advisor, Don Phillips)
Yoon, Tae Ho, M.S.
(advisor, Halit Üster)
Yoyada, Antonio, M.Eng.
(advisor, Guy Curry)
Hiram Moya
Hiram Moya was invited to participate in
the 2009 INFORMS Future Academician
Colloquium in San Diego. The
colloquium is held in conjunction
with the INFORMS Annual Meeting
in October. Moya was nominated for
the honor by Professor Don Phillips, a
member of his committee.
Zhang, Hong, M.Eng.
(advisor, Wil Wilhelm)
Michelle McGaha
Michelle McGaha was awarded the
John S.W. Fargher Scholarship from
the Institute of Industrial Engineers
at the 2009 Operational Excellence
Conference and Expo in St. Louis.
This award recognizes graduate
students in industrial engineering
for academic excellence and campus
leadership, especially for promoting
IIE involvement. Michelle is a master’s
student from Alabama graduating in
May 2010. Her advisor is Georgia-Ann
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
241 Zachry, 3131 TAMU
College Station, Texas 77843- 3131