Fort Scott Community College Program of Study Music This music curriculum provides the student planning to major in music with the general education courses and specialized music study for continued post-secondary training in music education, performance, theory and composition. Students planning to transfer to a four-year school must check that school's course requirements. Students should consult with counselors in planning specific courses. Fort Scott Community College has a variety of music activities for students. Students need not be music majors to participate in the events; however, they must have permission of the director. Members will perform at collegiate and community events. Scholarships are available through the Endowment Association for the FSCC MUS 1111 Aural Skills I (formerly Ear Training).............................. 1 MUS 1121 Aural Skills II.................................................................. 1 MUS 1131 Aural Skills III................................................................. 1 MUS 1141 Aural Skills IV................................................................. 1 MUS 1001 Introduction to Music Theory......................................... 1 MUS 1013 Music Theory I............................................................... 3 MUS 1023 Music Theory II.............................................................. 3 MUS 2033 Music Theory III............................................................. 3 Performing Ensembles (Band/Choir/Orchestra)......... 4-8 Private Music Instruction............................................... 4 MUS 1221 Piano.......................................................................1 & 1 Total................................................................................ 24-28 FIRST SEMESTER THIRD SEMESTER ENG 1013 English 101................................... 3 MAT 1083 College Algebra............................ 3 MUS 1111 Aural Training 1............................. 1 MUS 1001 Intro. to Music Theory................... 1 MUS 1213 Music Appreciation........................ 3 EDU 1211 College Orientation....................... 1 Humanities Elective..................... .3 Private Instruction......................... 1 (Band/Choir/Orchestra).............. 1/2 Total Hours....................................... 17/18 SECOND SEMESTER SPE 1093 Public Speaking............................ 3 MUS 1131 Aural Training III........................... 1 MUS 1023 Music Theory II............................. 3 Physical Science.......................... 5 Social Science Elective................ 3 Private Instruction 1 (Band/Choir/Orchestra)............. 1/2 Total Hours....................................... 17/18 FOURTH SEMESTER ENG 1023 English 102................................... 3 MUS 1013 Music Theory I.............................. 3 MUS 1121 Aural Training II............................. 1 Computer Science Elective........... 3 MUS 1221 Piano............................................. 1 Social Science Elective................. 3 Private Instruction ........................ 1 PHE 2671 Lifetime Fitness Concepts............ 1 (Band/Choir/Orchestra).............. 1/2 MUS 1141 Aural Training IV........................... 1 MUS 2033 Music Theory III............................ 3 EDU 2511 Capstone...................................... 1 Humanities Elective...................... 3 Social Science Elective................ 3 MUS 1221 Class Piano.................................... 1 Private Instruction ........................ 1 Humanities Elective...................... 3 (Band/Choir/Orchestra)............. 1/2 Total Hours.............................................. 17/18 Total Hours.............................................. 17/18 Fort Scott Community College Catalog 2014-2016 85