International Journal o f Plasticity. Vat. t. pp. 63-8"'. 1985 Printed in the U.S.A. All right, reserved. CONSTITUTIVE IMPLEMENTATION 0"/49-6419/$5 $3.00 + .00 Copyright © 1985 Pergamon Press Ltd. MODELING FOR AND FINITE COMPUTATIONAL STRAIN PLASTICITY KENNETH W. REED* a n d SATYA N. ATLLrRI~ *Southwest Research Institute and tGeorgia Institute of Technology (Communicated by George J. Dvorak, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) Al~tract-This paper describes a simple alternate approach to the difficult problem of modefing material behavior. Starting from a general representation for a rate-type constitutive equation, it is shown by example how sets of test data may be used to derive restrictions on the scalar functions appearing in the representation. It is not possible to determine.these functions from experimental data, but the aforementioned restrictions serve as a guide in their eventual definition. The implications are examined for'hypo-elastic, isotropically hardening plastic, and kinematically hardening plastic materials. A simple model for the evolution of the "back.stress," in a kinematic-hardepAngplasticity theory, that is entirely analogous to a hypoelastic stress-strain relation is postulated and examined in detail in modeling a finitely plastic tension-torsion test. The implementation of rate-type material models in finite element algorithms is also discussed. !. PRELIMINARIES We denote the true stress by s, its deviator by s', and its material derivative by s. Invariants p~ o f the tensor are defined as PI: =s:I P2: = ( 1 / 2 ) s ' s ' : I P3: = ( 1 / 3 ) s ' s ' s ' : I where ( A : B ) = tr(AtB) denotes the usual scalar p r o d u c t o f two second order tensors, A B the tensor product, and A t denotes the transpose o f A. We write e for the stretching, the symmetric part o f the velocity gradient, and J for its trace. We let E denote the infinitesimal strain tensor. Finally, by an objective stress rate, o f which several exist, we shall m e a n a stress rate s* which t r a n s f o r m s between frames by the rule g* = Q s * Q t when E = Q e Q t and ~ = Q w Q t + QQt, w being a general spin tensor and Q being the rotation between the frames. W h e n w is chosen as the skew-.symmetric part o f the velocity gradient, we recover "classical" stress t:ates; other definitions result in "non-classical" stress rates. It will occasionally be necessary to emphasize the non-invariant character o f certain stress rates. As a convention, we use direct notation for invariant rates and index notation for non-invariant rates. !!. INTRODUCTION T h e deficiencies o f currently used hypo-elastic and kinematically hardening plastic material laws are briefly discussed below. 63 64 K. ~ ' . REED AND S. N. ATLURI Since the time of Cauchy, elasticians have used a material law of the form (I) s = 2gE + A(I:E)I . When used in the analysis of stress in infinitesimally deforming bodies, it predicts shear stresses which vary linearly with the shear strains and no normal stress effects. The stress exhibits no path-dependence. In recognition of the Principle of Objectivity of material properties, eqn (1) has usually been replaced by the hypo-elastic material law s* = 2~e + A(I :e)l (2) in finite element algorithms when finite deformation analyses were anticipated. It seems to have been presumed that the same sort of idealized material response at finite strain would be predicted by eqn (2) as was predicted by eqn (1) for infinitesimal strains. Dm~n~s [1979] was the first to demonstrate in the computational mechanics literature the fallacy of this presumption. When s ° is identified as the Jaumann stress rate, eqn (2) predicts shear and normal stresses which oscillate as the shear strain increases monotonically (see Fig. 1), a result hardly to be expected by one familiar with eqn (1). His work did serve to emphasize the need for a more rigorous method of arriving at ratetype constitutive equations than then in vogue: A mere replacement of the inobjective material stress rate by an objective rate. However, Dienes also set a precedent which the present authors regard as unfortunate: he 'blamed' the of eqn (2) on the Jaumann stress rate and showed that a less objectionable material response could be obtained in the particular problem of rectilinear shearing by introducing a different stress rate. The results obtained by Dienes for the so-called "Green Mclnnis" rate are shown in Fig. 2. o o e,i- ::t LdO. E °'~ . . . . o~ 4'oo o " o o ¥ o I Fig. 1. Rectilinear shearing of the material (0*/2t~) -- ~ + (I:E)I. O* = J a u m a n n Corotational Rate. Finite strain plasticity 65 U3,.,3" w N° 0 O0 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 STRAIN Fig. 2. Rectilinear shearing o f the material (¢'/2tx) = E + (l:e)l. #* = Green-Mclnnis Rate. Two years later, NAGTEGAAL& DE JONG [1981] found that MELAN'S [1938] kinematic hardening rule a;j = 2h@fj, (3) which predicts linear back-stress-strain variation and no path dependence, again led to periodic shear and normal stresses when it is generalized, for finite deformations, to a hypo-elastic-type rule a* = 2he p (4) and a ° is taken to be the Jaumann rate of the back stress. This result is shown in Fig. 3 (We note that the same result had been discussed nearly ten years earlier by LEHMANN [1972]). The non-physical material response was at first attributed to the hardening rule, but eventually "blamed" on the Jaumann stress rate (c.f. LEE et al. [1983]). T o date, no fewer than four non-classical stress rates have been suggested for use in place o f a* in Melan's equation (LEE et al. [1981], LEE et aL [1983]), JOHNSON • BAMMANN [1982], DAFALIAS [1983], and NAGTEGAXL[1983]. The shear and normal stresses arising when the Green-Mclnnis rate and the rate o f LEE et al. [1983] are used in eqn (4) are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. We do not believe the present search for an "ideal" stress rate for these problems to be well founded. Our dissatisfaction with the models based on the new stress rates stems from the fact that they cannot be brought into agreement with any realistic idealization o f material behavior, much less with experimental data. None guarantees stable material behavior in rectilinear shearing. Normal stresses and normal strains predicted 66 K.W. I ~ E D AND S. N. A'rtt~'Rl O O c,i- ,u: -CI.00 ~ol 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 "7"---- STRAIN 5.00 6'.00 7.00 Fig. 3. Rectilinearshearing of the kinematically hardening plasticmaterial (eqn 4). St2 at2 St= aH =-7+1 ; -7='7; a*=2h~ p ; a*--JaumannRat¢ ; 2h--I . LtJ IX I--(/3 8 ol- O q 30 ¢.oo 2'.oo ~'.oo 4'.0o STRAIN ~.oo i.oo i ...... 7'.oo &O0 Fig. 4. Rectilinear shearing of the kinematieaily hardening plastic material (eqn 4). Stz atz T - T +i ; St t at t --~--.--~ ; a*=2h~a ; $*--Green-McinnisRate ; 2h--I . by the models are generally one or two orders of magnitude larger than have been reported in the experimental fiterature (c.f. Swn~r [1947], FR~'UD~NTR~ • RONAY [1966], ROSE~ STUEW~ [1968], Bn~Nm'ON [1977], B~I. • KH+.N [1980]). In Fig. 6, normal strains obtained by using several alternative definitions for a* in eqn (4) are plotted against the average shear strain in the thin-walled tube torsion test. Finite strain plasticity 67 LJJ SI2 13£ I-(J3 i r.O0 1 .OO 2.00 3.00 4.00 STRAIN 5.OO 6.00 i 7.00 Fig. 5. Rectilinear shearing of the kinematically hardening plastic material (¢qn 4), Siz a,z T - T +! ; Ssl all ~=-7 ; a*=2he o ; a*=Lcc'sRat¢ ; 2h=l . 0 O" .7 o Jaumann Rate / / w~ 0 6- 6reen-Mclnnts Rote l,l o I "!. ZO" < o~ iu3 s Rate O o- o" 0 q ~ c :00 0'.33 0.67 1'.00 1.3.3 1.67 G A M M A = R~/L 2.On 2.33 2,a/ Fig. 6. Normal strains in "thin-walled tube torsion test; kinematically hardening plastic material (eqn 4) ( a ' / 2 h ) = e0 ; T/2h = 207MPa/(.,/3 310 MPa) (of. LEs et al. [1981]). 68 K.W. REED AND S. N. ATLUKI The goal of this paper is to discuss the relation of certain experimental results to the theory of finitely deforming kinematically hardening plastic material. In the present treatment of kinematic-hardening plasticity,we consider the objective rate of the back stress, i.e. a*, to be a general tensor function of the plastic stretching e p as well as the current back stress, a. Thus, the present relation represents a generalization of those used by NAGTEGAAL • DE JO~G [1981], LEE et al. [1981,1983] and AVLUP.I [1983] in which a* is simply related linearly to e p. The firsttwo authors invoke the rather artificialconstraint that the back stress a must be purely deviatoric and claim, inadvertently, that this requirement necessitates the exclusion of non-corotational type stress rates from use in eqn (4). O n the other hand, A ~ V R X [1983] has shown, in essence, that if a* in eqn (4) is taken to be a convective stress-rateof Truesdell or Cotter-Rivlin, then non-oscillatory shear-stresses m a y be obtained without recourse to the problematical non-classical stress rates (see Fig. 7). This result of Atluri, and the well-known classical solutions (as summarized, for instance in ATLURI [1983]) for the hypo-elastic stress-strain law: (5) s* = L(e,s) - linear w.r.t, e , 0 0 St • ll 00. 8 e,i- 5'.00 (/3 S, 22 S, 33 Fig. 7(a). Rectinlinear shearing o f the kinematically hardening plastic material (eqn 4). Sl2 al2 S~ a,~ T - T + 1 ; 7 -~ (no sum) ; a * = 2 h E p ; a ' = T r u e s d e l l R a t e ; 2 h = l . Finite strain plasticity 69 suggest that if eqn (4) were to be replaced by: a* = G(e p, a) - linear w.r.t, e p (6) then, non-oscillatory results for a can be obtained for any objective stress rate a* by properly adjusting the terms in the function G on the right-hand side. Moreover, the constants in function G m a y be chosen so as to model the test data, as demonstrated later in this paper. Note that the back-stress a as determined from the evolution eqn (6) is not necessarily deviatoric; only the deviatoric component of a m a y be used in modeling the classical pressure-insensitive metal plasticity. W e observe that eqn (6) belongs •to the general class of internal-variable-type evolution equations suggested by O ~ A T FA~DSmSHEH [1973]. From the one-to-one correspondence of the present kinematic hardening plasticity model and the classicalhypo-elasticitystems an immediate advantage: from solutions of eqn (5) can be found solutions of eqn (6) by a mere change of variables. Our plan is to discuss in the next section the relation of experiment to hypo-elastic models for a particular class of Ioadings. S o m e specific restrictions on material functions are found. Guided by these restrictions, a new "ideal" hypo-elastic material model is constructed. W e then propose a new ideal kinematicaIly hardening plastic material as an analogue to the new ideal hypo-elastic material. The behaviors of the new models are discussed, as well as the problem of modeling non-ideal material behavior. The paper is concluded with some brief notes on "objective" numerical integration schemes which m a y be applied to rate-type constitutive equations. oi Sw 33 ¢4- u~g1 ? ~ 2'.oo 3'.oo ,'.oo STRAI N g.00 s' 22 Fig. 7(b). Same as Fig 7(a) except that a" = Cotter-Rivlin Rate. 70 K . W . REED AND S. N. ATLUR/ 111. MODELINGTHE RESPONSE OF THIN-WALLEDHYPO-ELASTICTUBES IN A TENSION-TORSION-INTERNALPRESSURE TEST We consider the response of a thin-walled hypo-elastic tube to a certain class of loadings. By hypo-elastic we mean materials whose mechanical response is adequately represented by a constitutive equation o f the form (7) s* = L ( e , s ) - l i n e a r w.r.t, e , where s* is corotational: s* = s - ws + sw. Since the difference between various acceptable stress rates (e.g. Truesdell, Cotter-Rivlin rates) and corotational rates may be "absorbed" by the right hand side o f eqn (7), we have lost no generality by restricting s* in eqn (7) to be corotational. We shall also assume that L is invertible: e = L-1(s*,s) . (8) It follows as a special case of WANG'$ [1970] representation theorem that eqn (8) may be set down as • -----[Ail/~! -I- A12/~2 + A13(/)3 + 2/3pl,b2)] I + [A21~b,+ A22p2 + A2~(.b3 + 2/3p,,b2)ls' (9) + [ + A32/b2+A33(A + 2/]s's' + 2M~s * + M2(s's * + s*s') + M3(s's's * + s*s's') . The scalars A u and M ~ generally depend on Pi, P2, and ,o3. The states of stress achieved in the tension-torsion-internal pressure test, when the tube's wall is sufficiently thin, are o f the form: s~ s= z S,z s~ 0 . (10) 0 We require t h a t the tension and internal pressure be adjusted so that s ~ = - s ~ z throughout a test. As a consequence, s may be written as: s=s'=.~= [OSo0in20!] si 0 -cos20 (11) 0 so that PJ = 0, ,o2 = g2, and P3 = 0. Likewise, we write s* as: "$cos20 + 25(w - 0) sin20 s* = ~sin20 - 25(w - 0)¢os20 0 Ssin20 - 25(w - 0)cos20 - $ c o s 2 0 - 2~(w - 0) sin20 0 il (12) Finite strain plasticity 71 The angle between the tube axis and principal axes of stress in the plane of the tube wall are given by 0 and 0 + 7r/2. Since only the second stress invariant Pz = j2 is non-zero the A ts and M ~ depend only upon P2 for any load producing a stress system of type eqn (11). Substitution of eqns (11) and (12) into (9) gives, after straightforward algebra, err = 2J,~A12 (13) (14) j = 2J~(3A 12 + 2M 2 + 2JzA 32) [ cos20 -sin20 sin20][(eo-e~z)12f cos20 L __[ , t. -2~(w - 0)/~ eo~/.~ 2~2A2z J (16) In these equations, the stress is to be regarded as given, the stretching components as observable, and w as defined (e.g. for the Jaumann rate w: = - e ~ ) . The A is and M t depend only upon P2 since Pl and P3 vanish for the loadings considered. The analysis may be continued by considering g ~ 0. Then eqns (13) through (16) predict "412 = err~J02 , (17) which determines A 12 for Pl, P3 = 0, and 2M 2 + 2p2A 32 = (e= - err)/,b2 + (e** - err)/P2 , (18) which restricts M z and A 3z. When w = 0 (at an instant or continuously), eqns (9), (11), and (12) predict also 2 M I + 2 p 2 M 3 + 2pzA22 = ( e ~ - e=)cos 20/2g + (e~z/g)sin 20 (19) 2 e ¢ ~ l ( e ~ - ez~) = tan 20 = 2s~,zl(s¢, - s ~ ) . (20) In the first three equations above, the right hand sides are known as either functions of the stress, which was controlled in the test, or the deformation which was observed. Thus, A i~ is determined on the line pi = P3 = 0, and A 22, A 32, and the M t are quantitatively restricted. The fourth equation expresses the precise coaxiality of e with s necessary when w = 0 (see Appendix B). This condition is fulfilled continuously in a proportional loading with 0 = 0: s~, = - s = , s+,~= o . Otherwise (when w ~: 0) eqns (13) through (16) predict (17), (18), and 2M I + 2p2M 3 ) 2p2A 22 g/(2~(w- 0)) sin20 -cos201 -sin20 cos20 j + 0 cos20 o] sin20 { e,,b - e~)/2.J'l, j (21) " (22) 72 K . W . REED AND S. N. ATtURt Entries on the right-hand side of these equations are known, either because they were prescribed (the stress), observed (the deformation), or defined (the spin). Thus, A z2 may be determined along the line Pt, P3 = 0 and M ~ and M 3 are quantitatively restricted. Since in eqns (17), (18), (19), (21), and (22) the left-hand sides depend only upon the invariant 172, it follows that the right-hand sides o f those equations must also depend only upon P2 for loads of the type~ (11). This comprises a very severe test to be passed by any genuinely hypo-elastic material. In general, a series of tests producing stress-systems of the type (11) may be conducted. There result from eqns (17) through (22) restrictions for each test. The material functions may then be defined so as to minimize some invariant measure of the modeling error. Note that loadings need not be proportional. IV. E X A M P L E : P U R E TORSION If we are willing to take it for granted that a particular material is hypo-elastic then A ~2 and A 22 c a n be found from the results o f a single test. As an illustration, we consider the response to pure torsion, 0 = 7r/4, 0 = 0. We shall assume volume and wallthickness changes to be ignorable in this test, so A 12 M 2, and A 32 may all be set to zero (under these assumptions the above mentioned material functions can play no role in the description of the material behavior for this loading). Furthermore, we shall use the ordinary Jaumann stress rate, so w: = -eoz. Equations (21) and (22) then give 2M I + 2p2M 3) 2p2A 22 = [ (e:: - e~,~,)/4geo: (eo:/s) - (e~z - eo~)/4geo: (23) (24) At this juncture, we pause to make the following fascinating observation: in eqns (23) and (24), which are fully general for the loading considered, the observed shear behavior, (eoz/~), is associated with the material function A 22, not with 2 M *, which is usually called the shear compliance. Only when t92 = 0 is the statement 2 M I = (eoz/~) •valid. Generally 2 M j is associated with the phenomenon studied by POYlqTING [1909] and SWXFT [1947]. Consistent with our earlier assumption that err and .) both vanish, we put coo = -ez~ in eqns (23) and (24). Defining the "tangent shear modulus" 2 # : = (g/eoz) and writing e for I n ( l / L ) , we get 2 M t + 2/72M3 --- 2#t (de/dP2) (25) A 22 = [(1/2#,) -- 2tzt(d~ldp2)]12p2 (26) A value for A 22 in the limit 172---*0 (if one exists) can be found by application of l'H6pital's rule. Thus, we have shown that the material's behavior for this loading depends upon only two observable functions of P2, namely 2 # t ( P 2 ) a n d ~(Pz)In order to continue the example further, we shall assume forms for 2/zt and ~. It should be emphasized that we are not claiming that these functional forms have special physically significant attributes; they are merely the simplest forms which do not lead us to a trivial result, and were chosen for that reason only. We assume for 2#t and ~: Finite strain plasticity 73 2P.t = 2~to (a constant with the dimensions of stress) e = ln[l + 2cp2/(2po)2] l/2c (c is a dimensionless constant) . (27) (28) According to eqn (27), the shear stress rate should be linearly related to the shear strain rate for this loading, as in Cauchy elasticity. It is apparent from eqn (28) that the normal strain can be made arbitrarily small at any given value of P2 simply by choosing a large enough positive value for c. This is an important point, for the parameter c gives us direct control over the magnitude of the normal strains in the torsion test, and, as shall be seen, indirect control over the magnitude o f the normal stresses in rectilinear shearing. This is not a feature offered by any other model known to the authors. We can show that for p 2 / ( 2 p o ) 2 << 1 eqn (28) reduces to POYNTING'S [1909] result. Putting eqns (27) and (28) into (25) and (26) gives 2 M l + 2p2M3 = (1/2/~o)[1 + 2cP2/(21Xo)2] -I (29) A 22 = c(1/2/~0)3[1 + 2cpz/(21Zo)21 - t , (30) or, choosing M 3 = 0 and recalling eqn (9), we get e = [ 1 + 2Cp2/(2p0) 21-I [I -I- C(S'/2p0 ) (~ (S'/2p0) ] :($*/2/~0) + [terms associated with A t~ and A t3 , I = 1,2,3] . (31) The constitutive eqn (31) predicts (27) and (28) exactly. Had we chosen different forms for 2pt and e [instead of those given in eqns (27) and (28)], they too would have been predicted exactly by the constitutive equation resulting from application of eqns (25), (26), and (9). The material functions A w not restricted by this single test may be used to fit predictions o f eqn (9) to data from other sorts o f tests. If, for example, the bulk behavior of the material is known to follow a law of the form J = (1/3k)/~ , (32) in which k may depend upon p~, then, by choosing A ~t as Air= (1/3){(1/3k) - (1/2/~o) [1 + 2cp2/(2tto)2] -1} (33) and setting.the other undetermined terms to zero, eqn (3t) becomes e = [1 + 2cp2/(21Zo)21 -~ I! - ( 1/3)I ® I + c(s'/2/~0) ® (s'/2/z0)l :(s*/2#o) + (2/zo/9k) (I ® I ) :(s*/2/z0) . (34) Equation (34) satisfies each o f (27), (28), and (32) exactly. In Figs. 8, 9, and 10 typical stress-strain curyes produced by the model 34 in pure torsion, rectilinear shearing, and uniaxial extension, respectively, are shown. In Fig. 8, the shear stress is plotted against the so-called "average" shear strain 7 = R D / L which is usually used in experiment (c.f. BELL & KUA~ [1980]). As "~ -> 2e,~ for a tube which extends during torsion, there is a slight negative curvature apparent in the soz-'t curve. As the parameter c increases, the extension o f the tube for any given 7 is reduced, and 74 K, W. REz~ At,rD S. N. ATLUI~Z o c = 50 0 0 c= I0 c=2 0 ci" GAMMA = ~ ~ / L I. , 1 I I . _ _ _ .5o I ~ 10 ,_o ~-c = 2 . Fig. 8. Thin.walled tube torsion of hypo-elastic material (35). Shear stresses and normal strains w.r.t, variations of the parameter c. o i sii 8 ! , ~ 0.00 - i ....... 1.00 i ..... 2.00 •.... ~ 3.00 : , 4.00 ..... :r 5.00 w ' 6.00 7.00 STRAIN Fig. 9(a). Rectilinear shearing of the hypo-elastic material (35) with c == I0. . . . . ! - B.00 Finite strain plasticity 75 to o" . ,, .00 i i 0.20 . . ' 0.40 0.60 ' Sll . i 0.80 STRAIN ' 1.00 1.20 I'.40 1'.60 Fig. 9(b). Same as Fig 9(a) except that c = 100. uiO'5 o ~ oo ~ ~- u = 0,2 9k 0.3 2 % + 6k 0~ O O ~:- e,io °c].oo ,'.oo 2'.00 Loo +'.oo 5',o0 o'.oo ~'.oo LogorIthmlc Stroln Fig. I0. Uniaxial extension of a hypo-clastic material (35) (independent of parameter c). ! o.on 76 K . W . RI~ED AND S. N. ATLURI hence, the soz-7 curve approaches a straight line. In Fig. 9, typical stresses accompanying rectilinear sheafing are shown. It is apparent that as the parameter c grows, the ideal Cauchy-type response is approached more and more closely for this load. It can be shown that the magnitude o f the normal stress s,t/2/Zo approaches the value I / c asymptotically. In Fig. 10 typical stresses accompanying uniaxial extension are shown, plotted against the 'natural' strain e : = I n ( l / L ) . For future reference, we give the inverse of the constitutive eqn (34) in the following uncoupled form: (s'*/2/~ o) = [( 1 + 2cp2/(21,to)2)[ - c(s'/2/Zo) ® (s'/2/~o) ]:e' Pl = 3k(I:e) . (35) (36) When rectilinear shearing motions are studied, eqn (35) reduces to SII = ~S22 (st t/2/Zo)/et2 = 2(st2/2#o) (1 - c(sti/2po)) (37) (st2/2/Zo)/et2 = 1 -- 2(s,i/2po) (1 - c(s,t/2/.,.o)) • If we stipulate that ( s 1 2 / 2 ~ o ) / e l 2 be unconditionally positive, a "stability" condition other workers have sought to fulfill by introduction of new stress rates, we are led by eqn (37) immediately to the restriction: C > 1/2 . (38) Thus, when the condition (38) is fulfilled, there will be no unstable behavior in rectilinear shearing for any initial stress o f the type (11) + a superposed pressure. We close this section by remarking that a test for path independence in hypo-elastic materials has been devised by BERr~STEIr~ [1960]. V. A MODEL OP AN IDEAL KINEMATICALLY HARDENING RIGID-PLASTIC MATERIAL In view of the formal correspondence between hypo-elasticity and the present kinematically hardening plasticity, we adopt eqn (35) as a model for an ideal kinematically hardening rigid-plastic material. Accordingly, we replace the tangent shear modulus 2/~o by Melan's hardening modulus 2h, the stress s by the back-stress a, the second invariant of the stress P2 by the second invariant of the back-stress q2, and finally the stretching e' by the plastic stretching eP: (a'*/2h) = [(1 + 2cq2/(2h)~ - c(a'/2h) ® (a'/2h)] :e a . (39) The path-independence shown by this model may be investigated by application of BER~STEIN'S [1960] result. Inasmuch as eqn (35) gave results very close to the ideal of Cauchy elasticity, we expect eqn (39) to give results approaching the ideal Melan plasticity. So that we may work a few examples illustrating the behavior of this model, we adopt a Mises-type description o f the loading surface and associated flow rule: f ( s ' , a ' ) : = (s' - a'):(s' - a ' ) / 2 - T 2 = 0 , (40) Finite strain plasticity 77 e u = Adf/ds (41) in which T is the radius of the surface. In Fig. 11 are shown the normal strains predicted by the model in pure torsion and the data of Swift. As can be seen, the agreement is excellent for monotonic loading. Agreement is less satisfactory once there has been a reversal, but nevertheless we continue to obtain results of the proper order of magnitude, in contrast to other models which overestimate normal strains by one to two orders of magnitude. Moreover, the magnitude of the Swift effect exhibited by the model can be adjusted independently through the parameter c, without affecting the rate of hardening. In Fig. 12, we show the prediction of the rigid-plastic model for the shear stress-average shear strain curve against the data of Swift. Within the obvious limitations of the rigid-plastic idealization, the agreement is excellent. In Fig. 13, the response of the model in rectilinear shearing is shown. We have not found data to which such data as this could be compared, but the normal stresses are small enough to be regarded as the second-order effect, as they are suspected to be. The shear stress does not oscillate for any. initial value of a of the type (I I) so long as c > I / 2 . In Fig. 14 is shown the uniaxial stress-strain curve predicted by the model. Finally, in Fig. 15 is shown the response o f the model to several reversed loadings in torsion. VI. REMARKS ON MODELING ELASTIC-KINEMATICALLY HARDENING ELASTIC MATERIAL BEHAVIOR There are both practical and theoretical reasons for not making the rigid-plastic idealization, even when there can be no doubt that plastic strains are much the larger. First of all, rigid-plastic models provide no information about the stresses in the non-plastic o. O" T-- 0 z < n~ I-=~. ttlo o" 0 o. I -o.oo I ~.oo 2.00 I ~.oo GAI"~A = R~/L Fig. 11. Thin-walled tube torsion test, kinematically hardening plastic material (39). T = IS tons/in.2; 2h = 7.5 t o n s / i n ? ; c = 3.7. 78 K . W . RE~D A.~;DS. N. ATLURI 0 q B cq.i, U3 I 03 U3 u) 0 0 (.) - swift []947] 0 0 ~oo 1 o'.so . . ~.oo . . . ,'.so i' 2'.o0 6,.%qRA = Ra/L Fig. 12. Same as Fig. 11; Shear-stress-average strain curve. o B e- p- s Et A' 0 22.50 2 ~.5o GN4MA= R~IL II B', C' ~.50 20 s~ oo. I" 0 0 I Fig. 13. Rectilinear shearing ofa kinematicatly hardening plastic material (39) with load reversal. Same material as Fig, 11. St2 follows A-B.C-D-E; Sit follows A'-B'.C'-D'-E'. Finite strain plasticity 79 ~q'l" SIt e,i" 2o 00 u ~_ oo 0'.23 ' 0.67 1'.00 { 1.33 1'.67 21.00 2.33 2.67 Looarlthmlc Strain C q 7- Fig. 14. Uniaxial extension of a kinematically hardening material (39) (independent of parameter c); 2h = 1. regions of a deforming body. Secondly, it is known that elastic-plastic structures may become unstable when, under the same loads, the corresponding rigid-plastic structure remains stable (c.f. RIcE & Rtn~NXC[I [1980]). The more useful material model incorporates elastic and combined isotropic-kinematic hardening plastic behavior. We discuss very briefly the basis for describing material behavior by such a "combined" model. Without making any constitutive assumption at all we can express the true stress as a sum of two stress-like tensors: s = (s - a) + a . (42) When s and a are coaxial, it is possible to represent them as ordinary vectors in the principal-stress-space. The loading surface (40) becomes a circular cylinder with orientation (1,1,1) and diameter 2T in that space. The back-stress a' lies in the ,-plane and serves to locate the center of the loading surface. If only T changes as the material deforms then the hardening is described as "isotropic." If only a' changes as the material deforms then the hardening is described as "kinematic." When both change during deformation, the hardening is described as "combined isotropic-kinematic." It is clear that the isotropic part of the hardening (the growth of the vector ( s - a ) ) must be tied to the growth of T, but it is not necessarily related to the growth of a. Thus, the simplest possible model incorporating both isotropic and kinematic hardening leaves the two "uncoupled." Mathematically: (s - a) ° = L(e, (s - a) ) (43) 80 K.W. REED AND S. N. ATLURI 0 o 0 o. e",- o 0=6_ ,41--'~ ~'J. i 00 ,,.00 2'.00 i i GAMHA I,-- o 4.~o = 5'.00 R~/L 0 I0 0 e,I I- 8 c5 I Fig. 15. Thin-walled tube torsion test; kinematically hardening plastic material (39). Three complete cycles between 7 = 0 and 3, = 2.4. Curves are coincident. Accumulated axial strain E. - 19%. c= 0.55; T = 19; 2hffi 1. a* = G(eP, a) . (44) This is different from the usually encountered model because of the appearance of a* on the left-hand side of eqn (43). However its omission would spoil the uncoupled character of the model. Technically, eqn (43) would be styled after ordinary isotropically hardening plasticity and eqn (44) after a model of the type discussed in the previous sections. VII. NUMERICAL INTEGRATION: STABILITY AND OBJECTIVITY Stability A stress.dependent critical strain increment E: = ieH[ can be found for the constitutive eqn (5) and hence eqn (6), as E < 2/Ids*/dsU (45) in which H is the time step, and Uds*/dsl signifies the max over e of [~ {d(L:e)/ds}lJ/ UeJ]. The critical strain increment decreases in magnitude as ~s~ grows. Critical strain increments for eqns (35) and (39) are found in Appendix C. Finite strain plasticity 81 Objectivity In order to be called objective, a numerical approximation for a physical entity must transform between frames of reference by the same rule as the entity itself. The true stress s, for example, transforms between frames according to the rule = QsQ t (46) (where Q is an orthogonal tensor), and we thus require any objective approximation for s to transform by the same rule (46). The advantage of this definition of numerical objectivity is that it may be applied directly to any invariant entity; it is not intrinsically bound to any particular stress tensor, constitutive equation, or numerical technique. This is an important point because the potential exists for confusion between the presently discussed "preservation of invariance" and the Principal of Objectivity of material properties (c.f. HUOHES • L I t r [1981]). Unfortunately, we can only achieve degrees of objectiv!ty in numerical analysis, and thus the absolute errors present in an approximate solution depend, to put it crudely, on the choice of coordinates (REED ~ Arr.trgx [1983]). This point has not been brought out by other discussors (HuGrms a, WIr~OET [t980], PtNSKY et al. [19831, RtrBE~rSTEI~r & ATLURI [1983]). The key to the construction of objective algorithms is the recognition of the fact that, just as in time-differentiation of tensors, in their time-integration it is necessary to specify the "group" of reference frames in which the integration is to be carried out, whether that integration is numerical or not. The property which distinguishes an acceptable group of frames is that the relative rotation between any two members of the group is constant w.r.t, time. This in itself does not suffice to determine any unique group; examples of groups of frames possessing this property are (i) the group of all inertial frames; (ii) the group of all Lagrangian frames; and (iii) groups of corotational frames. Groups of the latter two types are regarded as the significant ones with regard to constitutive equations. If we specify that integration be carried out in a corotational frame then we may apply the " J a u m a n n integral" of GODD~D & MfLLER [1966]: s(t) = Q t ( t ) s ( r ) Q ( t ) + fTIQ t ( t ) Q ( x ) s * ( x ) Q t ( x ) O ( t ) dx . (47) In eqn (47) Q is the orthogonal tensor relating quantities in the working frame to their counterparts in the corotational frame. We have previously shown (REED ~, ATLURI [1983]) that Q is defined through the initial value problem Q(t) = - Q ( t ) w ( t ) , Q(T) = I , (48) in which w(t) is the ordinary spin tensor. Any of the standard formulae for approximation of definite integrals may be applied to eqn (47) and the result is an "objective" integration rule. When Q(t) can be found exactly within the interval of interest then the result is precisely objective; that is eqn (47) will yield the same result no matter what frame it is applied in. However, in practice it is generally only possible to approximate the solution of eqn (48). The "degree" to which our numerical result may be called objective is then directly 82 K.W. l ~ : o AND S. N. ArtuRx related to the degree of accuracy with which Q has been found. The initial value problem (48) may easily be reduced to a scalar problem by introduction of "angles of rotation": (dQ/dOi)Oi= -Q(Oi)w(t) , (49) Oi(r) = 0 , "3 ¢02C03 C0t$03 "1"S0tS02C03 SOTS03 -- C01S02C03 I l Q(01,02,03) = --C02,S03 sO2 (50) cOtcO 3 -- sOts02sO 3 $OtcO 3 + cOts02sO 3 [ -sOl c02 col c02 J in which the abbreviations sO~ = sin0~ and c0~ = cos0/have been used. The angles are absolute scalars and may thus be integrated objectively by standard numerical schemes. The error of such schemes is usually expressed in the form le(tk) - 0k[< CHN+'o(tv+t)(tk) (51) where 0 eN+t) is the ( N + 1)th time derivative of 0 and H is the time step size. When eqn (47) is used in conjunction with a Q of Nth-order accuracy, eqn (46) will be exactly satisfied only for those Q whose angles are Nth-order polynomials w.r.t, time. Hence, numerical objectivity cannot be absolute. As an example, we derive an objective midpoint rule by approximation of eqn (47). By inspection, we can write: sN+I = Q'(tN+l )sNQ(tN+t) + HQt(t~c+t)Q(t~c÷x)s~c+rQ,(tN+r)Q(tN+t) • (52) When s* is eliminated by use of the constitutive equation and K set to 1/2 then eqn (52) reduces to the formulate of KEY et al. [1981] ~, Rtrm~NST~ ~ ATLUm [1983]. The essential point to be made is that through eqn (47) much more general objective schemes may be easily and accurately constructed (see I ~ D & ATttrSa [1983]). Acknowledgements-The results presented herein were obtained during the course of investigations supported by NASA-Lewis Research Center under a grant, NAG-3-346 to Georgia Institute of Technology. This support as well as the encouragement of Drs. C. Chamis and L. Berke are gratefully acknowledged. Appreciation is also expressed to Ms. Joyce Webb and Ms. Tanya Jackson for their assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. REFERENCES 1909 1938 1947 1960 1966 1966 1968 1970 1972 POYNTtNC,J.H., "On Pressure Perpendicular to the Shear Planes in Finite Pure Shears and on the Lengthening of Loaded Wires when Twisted," Proc. Roy. Soc. (Lon.) A82, 546. Mm.AN,E., "Zur Plastizitit des riumlichen Kontinuums," Ing.-Arch., 9, 116. SwiFr, H.W., "Length Changes in Meufls Under Torsional Overstrain," Engineering, 163, 253. 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(A1) (A2) W e a s s u m e h to be a c o n s t a n t , as in t h e p u b l i s h e d examples~ W h e n 0 lies in t h e r a n g e 0 < 0 < a-/2 then (a'/h) > 0, so we m a y divide eqn (A2) by (A1) to obtain d20/d~ = [ ( 1 + ~)cos20 - ~ ] / ~ sin20 , (A3) 84 K.W. REED A N D S. N. ATLUR! in which ¢~: = ( a / h ) . Equation (A3) may be integrated for t~ ~e 0 as (A4) cos20 = (a - l ) / a - [ao(1 - cos20o) - l l ( l / a ) e x p { - ( a - ao)} The stress-strain curves published by LEE et al. [1983] correspond to a singular solution o f eqn (A3). Although Lee's numerical results agree reasonably well with our own for a range o f strain, the present result indicates that 0 approaches an asymptote o f 0 degrees for large strains. This is in conflict with the numerical result of Lm~ et al. [1983], which approached 15 ° asymptotically. The stability condition which motivated Lee to introduce a new stress rate may be written as (AS) (s{2/h) = (tisin20)' = a'sin20 + ~(20')cos20 > 0 , or, after using eqns (AI) and (A2) to eliminate ~' and 20', (A6) I - acos20(l - cos20) > 0 . In Fig. AI we have plotted eqn (A6) as well as (A4) for various initial ~ and 20. As can be seen there is a zone in the ti - 20 plane inside o f which the stability condition (A6) 8 12 t~ x <0 St ~. 12 8 0 0 1'.00 2.00 i/ ~.oo 4'.oo s'.oo ^ o Fig. AI. Solutions of the eqn (A3). i e.oo i 7.oo ~.oo Finite strain plasticity 85 is not satisfied. In Fig. A2 we show a typical shear stress-shear strain curve corresponding to a solution (A4) which passes through this zone. We note that D,~,aa.tAs [1983] has shown that the Green-McInnis rate leads to analogous stress-strain curves for nonvanishing initial d. We close by remarking that our solution to this problem is in no way pathological. It also indicates, and we have found numerically, that when the hardening modulus h decreases with strain, as would be required to describe uniaxial strain softening, the use of Lee's rate can then lead to unstable behavior even in infinitesimal shearing. APPENDIX B HARNOY'S STRESS RATE HARNOY [1977] a LEE et al. [1981] have proposed that a corotational stress rate be based on the spin of the eigenvector triad of the stress and on the spin of the material elements instantaneously coincident with the eigenvector associated with the maximum eigenvalue of the back-stress, respectively. As-rr~ * J o ~ s [1979] have observed correctly that Harnoy's rate must always be coaxial with the stress itself. This is also made evident by defining w: = ~) in eqn (1,2). We now recall a constitutive postulate which encompasses a very wide class of rate-type materials, including hypo-elasticity, ordinary • plasticity, and some engineering theories of creep and viscoelasticity: e = F(s*,s) , (B1) in which F is not necessarily linear w.r.t, s*. The coaxiality of s and s* in any material o f class (B1) ~lcarly implies that s and e are also necessarily coaxial. All solutions 8 ,..:, C'q ~uO i o(/3 O3 n,," I.-- o o- o O O %'.00 i%3 2%7 4'.00 5'.s3 8'.87 8'.o0 9'.~3 STRAIN Fig. A 2 . Stress-strain curve ['or LEE'S [1983] rate; initial values ~ = 8, 20 = ~r/2. i 10.67 86 K . W . REED Am) S. N, ATLURI of eqn (B1) must have this character, leading us to conclude that this corotational rate is unsuitable for use in this class of constitutive equations. APPENDIX C CRITICAL STRAIN INCREMENTS Evaluation of the matrix norm ] d s ' / d s ] in the stability condition (45) is equivalent to finding the maximum over • of ][d(L:e)/ds][/]e], i.e., an eigenvaiue problem. For the constitutive eqn (35) d(L'e)/ds is given by d(L:e)/ds = -cw(1) - c(s' ® e') + 2c(e' ® s') (co in which the stress has been normalized by 2#o and w: = s':e'. This is an unsymmetric fourth-order tensor, whose least eigenvalue for [e[ = 1 and fixed s' will determine the critical strain increment E. [Material stability in the ordinary sense requires that all of these ¢igenvalues be less than or equal to zero; it is not shown here that this condition is fulfilled by eqn (35).] So that we do not have to work with an unsymmetric tensor, we pre-multiply eqn (CI) by its transpose, obtaining the positive-indefinite fourth-order tensor: c 2 [ 4 ( e ' : e ' ) ( s ' ® s ') - 3 w ( s ' ® e ' + e ' ® s ) + ( s ' : s ' ) ( e ' ® e ' ) + w2(I)] . (C2) The trace D of this tensor is the sum of its eigenvalues, and since all of these are necessarily non-negative, D must be greater than or equal to the greatest eigenvalue R. Hence R -< c2[5(s':s')(e':e ') + 3w 2] , (c3) which we must maximize for ie'] = 1. It is clear that this is accomplished by choosing e' parallel to s'; then (C3) yields R ~: 8c2(s':s ') . (C4) It follows that the least eigenvalue r of the original matrix (C1), which is necessarily negative, is bounded from below by r_> -2x/2 c~s'[ , (C5) so the critical strain increment E must be (in terms of un-normalized stress) E< (2p.o)/[~ c~s'~] . (C6) It is noteworthy that this restriction becomes more acute as c and ~s'~ grow. In view of the correspondence between the ideal hypo-elastic and kinematically hardening plastic models, we may also establish the following critical plastic strain increment E p for the latter (39) as E p = (2h)/[x/2 c~a'~l . (C7) Finite strain plasticity 87 We suspect that these bounds are not sharp because no use has been made of the fact that e' and s' are traceless. Nevertheless, they are of the proper order of magnitude: when the ideal hypo-elastic model (35) is specialized to the case of rectilinear shearing a critical strain increment may be found independently from the above analysis as E ~ 2~0/csl2, which is only about twice as large as that given by eqn (C6). Southwest Research Institute San Antonio, TX 78284, USA Georgia Instiuteof Technology Atlanta, G A 30332, U S A (Received 15 June 1984)