Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 Further studies on T* integral under plane stress crack growth Y. Omori/H. Okada^L.Ma/S.N. Atluri,* A.S. Kobayashi/R Tan' "Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington, ^Computational Mechanics Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, ^Technical Center, Federal Aviation Administration, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey 08405, USA Abstract T*£-integral values associated with stable crack growth in thin 2024-T3 aluminum single edge notched (SEN) and central notched (CN) specimens were computed directly from the crack tip displacement field obtained by moire interferometry. These results agreed with the T*e obtained from an elasticplastic finite element (FE) simulation of the stable crack growth in a SEN specimen. These T*e variations with stable crack growth also agreed with those determined experimentally in the CN specimens thus suggesting that for a given F£, T*e can be used as a stable crack growth and a ductile fracture criteria. 1 Introduction In a series of papers, May and Kobayashi [1] and Tran et al [2] showed that under stable crack growth, the ASTM J-resistance curve does not represent the crack tip state of stress since J is not a path independent integral and rapidly approach zero with the decrease in the size of the integration contour. Brust et al [3,4], on the other hand, showed through finite element (FE) analysis, that the T* integral [5] remained a steady state value under loading, unloading and under stable crack growth. The J and the T* integrals are contour integrals, which are identical in form, where the former and latter are based on deformation and incremental theories of plasticity, respectively. The T* integral is thus the summation of incremental AT* determined during the plastic deformation process. In the presence of crack growth, the J-integral contour, which is constant in shape, moves together with the crack tip while the T*integral contour maintains its original geometry but elongates with the extending Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 512 Localized Damage crack tip. J and T* integrals are both path dependent in the presence of unloading. Although the near field J value has been shown to vanish [2], the corresponding near-field T* value remained constant [3,4] during stable crack growth. The latter is more appealing physically and thus a series of experimental and numerical studies on the T* integral was initiated through coordinated efforts at the University of Washington and the Georgia Institute of Technology. In this paper, we present T*-integral values which are determined directly from the measured displacement field surrounding stably growing cracks in thin 2024-T3 aluminum, single edge-notched (SEN) and centralnotched (CN) specimens. 2 Method of approach Moire interferometry was used to determine the orthogonal displacement fields surrounding stably growing cracks in thin 2024-T3 aluminum alloy, SEN and CN specimens and T*^, which refers to a T* integral value of a small contour, F£, was computed. FE analysis was also conducted on truncated FE models of the SEN and CN specimens where the measured displacements, which varies with stable crack growth, were prescribed on the truncated boundaries and the T*^ was computed. 3 Experimental procedure A new moire interferometer [6], which combines the advantages of geometric moire and traditional moire, was used to measure the large strains in the vicinity of the crack tip. The method uses a low-spatial frequency, i.e. 40 lines per mm, steep grating on a mirror-finished specimen surface to construct high contrast moire fringes on the specimen surface. Figure 1 shows the 2024-T3 SEN and CN specimens used in this study. Okada and Atluri [7] have shown through numerical experimentation that for a contour adjacent to the crack, the trailing portion of the contour integral can be ignored since the surface traction acting on such near-crack contour vanishes. Without the contour integration involving the unloaded region, the contour integral ahead of the crack tip can be evaluated by using the deformation theory of plasticity for estimating the state of stress from the measured displacement field. The experimentally impractical procedure of incrementally evaluating AT* was thus avoided and T* was determined directly using the measured displacement field surrounding a partial contour near and in front of the crack tip. Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 Localized Damage 513 4 Numerical procedure The finite element model consisted of one half of a truncated SEN specimen and one quarter of a truncated CN specimen. The measured displacements were prescribed on the truncated horizontal boundary, also shown in Figure 1, and an elastic-plastic FE analysis was conducted with the time varying edge boundary condition and the crack tip location. The two FE models consisted of graded finite elements with the smallest element of 0.25 mm distributed along the crack. Again, incremental evaluation of AT* was avoided as Pyo et al {8] has shown that the T* computed by using the current states of stress and strain based on incremental theory of plasticity was practically equal to the sum of AT*. T*^ value was computed for the same F^ used in the experimental analysis as well as for near-crack contours, F^, of different sizes. Numerically these contour integrals were evaluated by an equivalent domain integral [9] for increased numerical accuracy. 5 Results Figure 2 shows typical moire interferometry patterns corresponding to the uand v-displacement fields of a CN specimen and the F^ contour of e = 2 mm from the crack. 6 = 2 mm, which is sufficiently removed from the slanted crack front where the state of plane stress prevailed, was used for F Figure 3 shows that the experimentally and numerically determined T* continued to increase with crack extension in the SEN specimen, possibly due to the large specimen rotation and hence the lack of constraint in this specimen. The FE analysis also showed that while T*^ varied with F^ it was independent of the size of the outer contour for a given F Figure 4 shows the experimentally and numerically determined T*e for the CN specimen. Unlike the SEN specimen, T*e appears to reach a steady value expected of stable crack growth. Thickness: 0.8 .8 ' -*—— so.e *» \ n V 714| 4 f 25,4 o ^. ~ f -C Thickness: 0.8 M I U •f -f 44 m •wf *— 50,8-w Figure 1: SEN and CN 2024-T3 aluminum specimens. 114.3 » t t f 50.8 44\ Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 514 Localized Damage Figures 5 and 6 shows that the experimentally and numerically determined crack tip opening displacements (CTOA) for the SEN and CN specimens, respectively. The experimentally and numerically determined Figure 2: u- and v-displacement moire fringe patterns of CN specimen. 180.0 160.0 140.0 - 1 120.0 CO S; 100.0 2 c? |f 80.0 - ^" 40.0 # n A v 0 60.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 Experimental T* for SEN FEA T* for SEN: h = 2.5 mm FEA T* for SEN: h = 3.0 mm FEA T* for SEN: h = 3.5 mm FEA T* for SEN: h = 4.0 mm T 2.0 Aa 3.0 (mm) 4.0 5.0 Figure 3: T*g variations with stable crack growth in SEN specimen. Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 Localized Damage 515 CTOA are in excellent agreement and are characterized by an initial maxima which was not observed in the T*^ variation with crack extension. While Dawice et al [9] attributed this maxima to tunneling of the crack front, this maxima was also duplicated by Tran et al who used plane-stress FE analysis to replicate the CTOA variation. CONCLUSIONS 1. Experimental and numerical procedures for determining T*^ and CTOA are presented. 2. Variations in T*^ and CTOA with stable crack growth in 2024-T3 aluminum SEN and CN specimens were determined experimentally and numerically and were found to be in reasonable agreement with each other. 3. T*^ reaches a steady state value with crack extension and is suitable for characterizing stable crack growth. # ^ 160.0 - 1 • _ /g-.g-.g...^... b &@# • _ < eft«"* 1 140.0 - 1 120.0 -M CD |j 100.0 "<5 800 l_ ww.w D) f 60.0 - 6 1 ^ 40.0 -* 4» 20.0 - * # X ( * V.. 0 • - • n A v 0 Experi mental T* FEA T* : h = 2.5 mm FEA T* : h = 3.0 mm FEAT* : h = 3.5mm FEA T* : h = 4.0 mm 1 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 Aa (mm) 4.0 Figure 4: T*e variation with stable crack growth in CN specimen. 5.0 Transactions on Engineering Sciences vol 13, © 1996 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3533 516 Localized Damage ACKNOWLEDGMENT The results reported here were obtained through a FAA Research Grant 92G-005. REFERENCES 1 . May, G.B. and Kobayashi, A.S. Plane stress stable crack growth Integral/ HRR field, Int. J. Solid and Structures , 37, No. 617, 857-881, 1995. 2. Tran, D. K., May, G. B. And Kobayashi, A. S. Further studies on JIntegral under plane stress crack growth, submitted for publication, 1996. 3. 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