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Struct. 10 (2001) 713–723 PII: S0964-1726(01)24413-9 Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams Liyong Tong1,3 , Dongchang Sun1 and Satya N Atluri2 1 School of Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia 2 Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, 7704 Boelter Hall, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1600, USA E-mail: ltong@aero.usyd.edu.au Received 8 November 2000, in final form 23 March 2001 Published 18 July 2001 Online at stacks.iop.org/SMS/10/713 Abstract This paper presents an analytical model for investigating the effect of debonding between piezoelectric actuators/sensors and the host beam on the sensing and actuating behaviour. In this model, both flexural and longitudinal displacements of the host beam and the piezoelectric layers are considered using classical beam theory. For the adhesive layer, only through-thickness peel strain and transverse shear strain are taken into account, and they are assumed to be constant across the adhesive thickness. When a debonding occurs between the host beam and an actuator or sensor, the stresses transferred via the adhesive layer are assumed to be zero. Using this model, the effects of debonding on the sensing and actuating behaviour are examined. Numerical results reveal that debonding can have remarkable effects on the distributions of strains and internal forces as well as frequency spectrum and charge output. 1. Introduction Piezoelectric materials have been widely used as distributed sensors and actuators in vibration and shape control of smart structures due to their quick and effective transformation between mechanical and electrical energy [1–14]. One fundamental assumption in those studies is that piezoelectric actuators/sensors are perfectly bonded onto a surface of a host structure. While this assumption is valid for most circumstances in active control of structural performance, there exists a possibility of piezoelectric actuators/sensors separating from host structures. This possibility increases as new piezoelectric materials with high strain level and high breakdown electric field become available to design engineers of smart structures. It is well known that piezoelectric ceramics are brittle and susceptible to cracking, particularly when subjected to a cyclic electric loading. For the case of conventional piezoelectric ceramics used as actuators, debonding may be not an important 3 Corresponding author. 0964-1726/01/040713+11$30.00 © 2001 IOP Publishing Ltd issue due to their low strain level (<0.2%) and low breakdown electric field. However, for some new piezoelectric ceramics, such as single crystals, debonding of piezoelectric ceramics from a host structure can be an important problem for reliable design and safe operation of smart structures due to their high actuation authority. For example, piezoelectric single crystals possess a high strain level up to 1.4% leading to high strain energy density, and can sustain very high electric field (of the order of 10 MV M−1 ) without electric breakdown. The high strain induced in a single-crystal actuator creates high differential straining in the actuator and high stresses in adhesive along the edge of the actuator, and finally debonding from the host structure. This is particularly important when the actuator is subjected to a cyclic electric field; for example, in structural vibration suppression, fatigue failure or debonding may be induced. When debonding exists in a smart structure, it is important to understand its effects on the overall performance of the smart structures. A literature search shows that there exist only a few recent studies investigating debonding effects. Seeley and Chattopadhyay [15] developed a finite-element model for Printed in the UK 713 L Tong et al the structures including actuator debonding by separating the structures into debonded and non-debonded area based on the refined high-order theory. In their model, the displacement continuity in the interface between the debonded and nondebonded areas is imposed and implemented using a penalty function approach. They also investigated the effects of the debonding between the actuator and the host beam on the closed-loop control by experiment [16], and found that the debonding length is a critical factor to the closed-loop control. Wang and Meguid [17] analytically investigated the static coupled electromechanical behaviour of a thin piezoceramic actuator embedded or bonded to an elastic medium under the plane strain assumption. Based on a set of singular integral equations in terms of an interfacial shear stress, they examined the effect of interfacial debonding of an actuator on shear stress by cutting off the part of the debonded actuator and applying an equivalent stress on the remaining actuator parts. It is evident that a full in-depth understanding of the debonding effects has not yet been established. There are a number of questions yet to be answered in relation to debonding effects, for example identification of debonding, debonding effects on functions of actuators/sensors, debonding effects on controllability of structural vibration etc. In this paper, we limit our study to the investigation of debonding effects on actuating and sensing behaviour of actuators and sensors in smart beams. x Host beam xd Ld Figure 1. The beam and piezoelectric layer with debonding. Ma+dMa Ma Ta 714 Qa+dQa σ τ Qad ρa Aa üa = ∂Ta + bτ ∂x (1a) ρa Aa ẅa = ∂Qa + bσ ∂x (1b) (1c) (2a) Qad τ σ σ τ Mb+dMb fl Tb We consider a slender composite beam, on which a piezoelectric actuator layer is bonded with several debonded regions, as shown in figure 1. It is assumed that the debonding occurs throughout the width of the beam and the debonding front lines are straight and perpendicular to the x-axis. Similar to the case for adhesive bonded lap joints [18], both the host beam and piezoelectric actuator layer are assumed to undergo longitudinal and transverse deformations, which can be modelled using classical beam theory; while the adhesive layer is assumed to only carry constant transverse shear and peel strains. For the adhesive segment with debonding, it is assumed that there is no stress transferring between the host beam and piezoelectric actuator layer. In addition, contact and friction between the two debonded surfaces are not considered for simplicity. Figure 2 depicts the free-body diagram of the composite beam including the host beam, the actuator layer and the adhesive layer, and from this figure the following equations of motion can be obtained: ∂Ma bha + τ − Qa = 0 ∂x 2 ∂Tb − bτ + fl (x, t) ρb Ab üb = ∂x Ta+dTa τ σ Qa Mb 2.1. Assumptions and governing equations Debonding z Qb 2. Actuator model with debonding Piezoelectric patch Adhesive layer ft Tb+dTb Qb+dQb Figure 2. Free-body diagram of the beam with actuator layer. ∂Qb (2b) − bσ + ft (x, t) ∂x ∂Mb bhb + τ − Qb = 0 (2c) ∂x 2 where the subscripts a and b represent the actuator layer and the host beam, respectively, u is the longitudinal displacement in the mid-plane, w is the transverse displacement, h denotes the thickness, b is the width of the composite beam, τ and σ are the shear and peel stress of the adhesive layer, T , Q and M are the axial force, transverse shear force and bending moment respectively, and fl (x, t) and ft (x, t) are the axial and transverse loads per unit length. The equivalent mass densities per unit length of the actuator and the host beam are ρa Aa = ρa bha + ρad bhad /2 and ρb Ab = ρb bhb + ρad bhad /2 respectively, in which half the mass of the adhesive layer is added. The strain in the x-direction (the length direction) for a point at a distance z from the neutral plane of the actuator layer is ∂ua ∂ 2 wa −z . (3) εa = ∂x ∂x 2 The constitutive relation of the piezoelectric actuator layer is given by σa = Ya εa − e31a E (4) ρb Ab ẅb = Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams where Y is the Young’s modulus that may be complex when the damping is considered, E is the electric field density applied on the actuator layer and e31a is the piezoelectric stress constant of the actuator layer. The axial stress resultant and the bending moment for the actuator layer can be written as follows: Ta = Āa ∂ua ∂ 2 wa − B̄a − be31a V ∂x ∂x 2 (5) ∂ua ∂ 2 wa − D̄a − be31a ra V (6) ∂x ∂x 2 where ra is the z-coordinate value of the mid-plane of the actuator layer from its neutral plane and V is the voltage applied on the actuator alone in its thickness direction. In the above equations, Āa and D̄a are the axial and bending stiffness, and B̄a is the extension–bending coupling term given by zau zau bYa dz; B̄a = bYa z dz; Āa = Ma = B̄a zal D̄a = zal zau zal (7) bYa z dz 2 where zal and zau are the z-coordinates of the lower and upper surfaces of the actuator layer measured from its own neutral plane. Similarly, for the host beam, we have Tb = Āb ∂ub ∂ 2 wb − B̄b ∂x ∂x 2 (8) Mb = B̄b ∂ub ∂ 2 wb − D̄b ∂x ∂x 2 (9) where the property parameters Āb , B̄b and D̄b are defined similarly to equation (7). Using the constant shear and peel strain assumption [18], the shear and peel stress in the adhesive layer are given by τ = kb σ = Yad γ 2(1 + νad )had kb Yad (1 − νad ) (wb − wa) (1 − 2νad )(1 + νad )had (10) (11) where kb is a parameter characterizing the bonding condition debonding 0 weak bonding kb = >0 and <1 (12) 1 perfect bonding had is the thickness of the adhesive layer, Yad and νad are the Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio of the adhesive layer respectively, and the shear strain takes the following form: 1 ∂wa ∂wb γ = + 2 ∂x ∂x 1 ub − ua ∂wa ∂wb + + hb + ha . (13) 2had ∂x ∂x had In this paper, only the debonding and perfect bonding cases are considered. Eliminating all the axial, shear force, bending moments from equations (1)–(11), the following equations of motion of the composite beam can be obtained: ∂ 2 ua ∂ 3 wa bkb Gad − ρa Aa üa − Āa 2 + B̄a 3 ∂x ∂x 2 ∂wa ∂wb ∂wa ∂wb 1 u b − ua × ha + + + hb +2 ∂x ∂x had ∂x ∂x had ∂V = − be31a (14a) ∂x 3 4 ∂ ua ∂ wa ha bkb Gad ρa Aa ẅa − B̄a 3 + D̄a − 4 ∂x ∂x 4 2 ∂ wa ∂ 2 wb ∂ 2 wa ∂ 2 wb 1 h × + + + h a b ∂x 2 ∂x 2 had ∂x 2 ∂x 2 2 ∂ub ∂ua kb Yad b + − − (wb − wa ) had ∂x ∂x had ∂ 2V = − be31a ra 2 (14b) ∂x 2 3 ∂ ub ∂ wb bkb Gad ρb Ab üb − Āb 2 + B̄b + 3 ∂x ∂x 2 ∂wa ∂wb 1 ∂wa ∂wb ha × + + + hb ∂x ∂x had ∂x ∂x ub − ua +2 = fl (x, t) (14c) had hb bkb Gad ∂ 3 ub ∂ 4 wb ρb Ab ẅb − B̄b 3 + D̄b − ∂x ∂x 4 4 2 2 ∂ wa ∂ 2 wb ∂ 2 wa ∂ 2 wb 1 ha + × + + + hb ∂x 2 ∂x 2 had ∂x 2 ∂x 2 had ∂ub ∂ua kb Yad b × (wb − wa ) = ft (x, t). (14d) − + ∂x ∂x had For the debonding area, where kb = 0, the equations of motion become ∂ 2 ua ∂ 3 wa a ∂V + B̄a = −be31 2 3 ∂x ∂x ∂x (15a) ∂ 3 ua ∂ 4 wa ∂ 2V + D̄a = −be31 ra 2 3 4 ∂x ∂x ∂x (15b) ∂ 2 ub ∂ 3 wb + B̄ = fl (x, t) b ∂x 2 ∂x 3 (15c) ∂ 3 ub ∂ 4 wb + D̄ = ft (x, t). b ∂x 3 ∂x 4 (15d) ρa Aa üa − Āa ρa Aa ẅa − B̄a ρb Ab üb − Āb ρb Ab ẅb − B̄b 2.2. Boundary conditions For the actuator layer, there are six applicable boundary conditions, namely the following. Fixed end: ua = 0; wa = 0; ∂wa = 0. ∂x (16a) Pinned end: ua = 0; B̄a wa = 0; ∂ua ∂ 2 wa − be31a ra V = 0. − D̄a ∂x ∂x 2 (16b) 715 L Tong et al Free end: Āa B̄a ∂ua ∂ wa − B̄a − be31a V = 0; ∂x ∂x 2 2 ∂ua ∂ 2 wa − be31a ra V = 0; − D̄a ∂x ∂x 2 ∂ 2 ua ∂ 3 wa ∂V kb bha + Gad γ = 0. − D̄ − be31a ra a 2 3 ∂x ∂x ∂x 2 (16c) For the host beam, there are also six applicable boundary conditions, i.e. the following. Fixed end: B̄a ub = 0; Pinned end: wb = 0; ub = 0; ∂wb = 0. ∂x (16d) wb = 0; B̄b ∂ub ∂ 2 wb = 0. − D̄b ∂x ∂x 2 Āb ∂ub ∂ 2 wb = 0; − B̄b ∂x ∂x 2 B̄b ∂ub ∂ 2 wb − D̄b = 0; ∂x ∂x 2 (16e) Free end: B̄b (16f) ∂ 2 ub ∂ 3 wb kb bhb − D̄ + Gad γ = 0. b ∂x 2 ∂x 3 2 2.3. Continuity conditions To ensure continuity at the interface of the debonding and bonding areas, all displacements and all stress resultants must be identical, namely, the following continuity conditions are imposed: una = uda , Tan = Tad , unb = udb , Tbn = Tbd , wan = wad , Qna = Qda , wbn = wbd , Qnb = Qdb , ∂wan ∂x = ∂wad ∂x , Man = Mad ∂wbn ∂wbd = , ∂x ∂x where zsu and zsl are the z-coordinates of the upper and lower surfaces of the sensor layer. Substituting equation (18) into (19) and neglecting the reverse piezoelectric effect of the sensor layer, the output charge of the piezoelectric sensor layer can be obtained as ∂us ∂ 2 ws q(t) = be31s be31s rs dx dx − ∂x ∂x 2 Ln Ln ∂us ∂ 2 ws + be31s be31s rs dx (20) dx − ∂x ∂x 2 Ld Ld where Ln and Ld represent the non-debonding and debonding areas respectively, and rs is the z-coordinate value of the midplane of the sensor layer from its neutral plane. Equation (20) shows that the output charge of the sensor layer is proportional to the average strain in both debonding and non-debonding areas. When the sensor layer is perfectly bonded onto the host beam, the charge output is also proportional to the average surface strain of the beam it covers. However, when debonding occurs between the host beam and the sensor layer, as one part of the whole output of the sensor, the charge contributed by the debonding area of the sensor layer ∂us ∂ 2 ws qdebond (t) = be31s be31s rs dx (21) dx − ∂x ∂x 2 Ld Ld may not be well related to the average strain of the part on the host beam it covers. The boundary conditions and the continuity conditions are similar to the actuator case in the above section except that the voltage should be zero. (17) Mbn = Mbd where the superscripts n and d stand for the displacement in non-debonded and debonded segments at the debonding interface. 3. Sensor model with debonding Following the same procedure as the actuator model, the equations of motion of the composite beam with bonded piezoelectric sensor layer with debonding can be derived, which can be obtained by replacing subscript ‘a’ by ‘s’ in equation (14), and equating the right-hand side to zero in equations (14a) and (14b). The constitutive equation of the piezoelectric sensor layer is given by (18) D3 = e31s εs + ∈33 E 716 where D3 is the electric displacement in the thickness direction, e31s is the piezoelectric stress constant of the sensor layer, ∈33 is the dielectric constant and E is the applied electric field density. εs is the axial strain of the sensor layer, which can be determined using equation (3) by replacing subscript a with s. The electric charge accumulated on the electrodes of the sensor layer can be obtained by b l q(t) = (D3 |z=zsu + D3 |z=zsl ) dx (19) 2 0 4. Solution scheme The partial differential equations of motion of the smart beam given in equation (14) may be directly used and solved by several numerical methods. However, in order to simplify the boundary conditions as well as the continuity conditions, we choose the following procedure [18] to solve the problem. Taking Fourier transformation with respect to time t in equations (1)–(11), we have dT̄a + bτ̄ dx (22a) dQ̄a + bσ̄ dx (22b) dM̄a bha + τ̄ − Q̄a = 0 dx 2 (22c) −ρa Aa ω2 ūa = −ρa Aa w̄a = −ρb Ab ω2 ūb = dT̄b − bτ̄ + f¯l (x) dx (22d) Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams Table 1. Physical properties and dimensions of the composite beam. −ρb Ab ω2 w̄b = Item Host beam (steel) Piezo-patch (PZT-5A) Adhesive layer Mass density (kg m−3 ) Young’s modulus (GPa) Loss factor Poisson’s ratio Piezo-constant d31 (m V−1 ) Thickness (mm) Length (mm) Width (mm) 7800 210 0.004 0.3 — 2 300 20 7600 63 0.011 0.3 370 × 10−12 0.4 300 20 1600 2.15 0.011 0.202 — 0.15 300 20 dQ̄b − bσ̄ + f¯t (x) dx dM̄b bhb + τ̄ − Q̄b = 0 dx 2 (22f) dūa d2 w̄a − be31a V̄ − B̄a dx dx 2 (22g) dūa d2 w̄a − be31a ra V̄ − D̄a dx dx 2 (22h) dūb d2 w̄b − B̄b dx dx 2 (22i) T̄a = Āa M̄a = B̄a (22e) T̄b = Āb dūb d2 w̄b − D̄b (22j) dx dx 2 where the over-bar represents the Fourier transformation with respect to time, for example ∞ wa (x, t)e−iωt dt. (23) w̄a (x, ω) = M̄b = B̄b −∞ Equations (22) are simultaneous ordinary differential equations with parameter ω. By introducing the variables yi (i = 1, 2, . . . , 12) defined as y1 = ūa y2 = T̄a dw̄a y4 = dx y5 = Q̄a y7 = ūb y10 = y8 = T̄b dw̄b dx y11 = Q̄b y3 = w̄a y6 = M̄a y9 = w̄b (24) y12 = M̄b equations (22) can be written into the following state equation: dY = AY + B V̄ dx (25) where Y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , y12 )T is the state vector; the state matrix A and vector B are given in the appendix. After Fourier transformation of the boundary conditions in equation (16), (25) and its corresponding boundary conditions becomes a boundary value problem of ordinary differential equations, which can be solved by the shooting method or the relaxation method [19]. In this case, the continuity conditions at the interface of the non-debonding and debonding regions simply become yin = yid , i = 1, 2, . . . , 12. (26) Since the governing equations are different in the bonded and debonded areas, the multiple-shooting method [19] is employed to solve this problem. In this method, the whole solution interval is first subdivided into a number of subintervals, and the simple shooting method is used to obtain solutions by adjusting the initial values for each subinterval. The solutions for each subinterval can be combined to form a set of linear algebraic equations by imposing the boundary conditions at both ends of the overall interval and the continuity conditions at the locations where two subintervals join. By solving this set of algebraic equations, the solution for equation (25) can be finally determined. 5. Results and discussion In this section, dynamic changes of the smart beam with debonding between the piezoelectric layer and the host beam are numerically examined for a cantilever composite beam, and particular attention will be given to the actuating and sensing behaviour of the piezoelectric lamina with partial debonding. The material properties and dimensions of the composite beam are listed in table 1. 5.1. Comparison with the available results To validate the model presented above, the frequencies of a beam with debonded piezoelectric patches are compared with the experimental result and the finite-element result presented by Seeley and Chattopadhyay [15,16]. The host beam is made of a [0◦ /90◦ ]3s composite material. The average thickness of the beam is 1.94 mm, and the ply thickness is about 0.161 mm. The beam is clamped at its left end and its effective length is 30 cm. Two 10.3 cm long and 0.0762 mm thick piezoelectric patches are bonded on the upper and lower surfaces of the composite beam and their left ends are 3.4 cm away from the clamped end. The mass density of the beam and the piezoelectric patch are 1507 and 5000 kg m−3 . The Young’s modulus of the piezoelectric patches is 6.9 GPa. The equivalent bending stiffness and extension stiffness for the composite beam with unit width are calculated as D̄b = 45.5196 Nm2 , Āb = 1.19795×1010 N. In our calculation, the thickness of the adhesive layer is taken as 0.1 mm and its physical properties are given is table 1. When the debonding length is taken as 0 (perfect bonding), 1.8, 3.6 and 5.4 cm, the first two modal frequencies of the beam obtained by the present model are listed in table 2, in which the experimental and finite-element analysis results by Seeley and Chattopadhyay [15, 16] are also listed for the purpose of 717 L Tong et al Table 2. Comparison of the natural frequencies (Hz) of the beam with debonded piezoelectric patches. Present model Experiment [15, 16] Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 1 Mode 2 0 1.8 3.6 5.4 25.48 25.19 24.96 24.80 115.95 115.85 118.71 116.58 25.1 24.5 24.6 24.5 120.6 118.7 119.4 120.3 25.4 24.6 24.2 23.8 116.3 115.3 113.2 116.3 4 60 2 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 40 Frequency change (%) Amplitude change of sensor output (%) 80 20 0 -20 0 -2 -4 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 -6 -40 -8 -60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized debonding location x d/L Figure 3. Effect of debonding location of the sensor layer on amplitude of charge output (debonding length Ld = 5 cm). comparison. Table 2 shows that the first two modal frequencies of the beam with debonded piezoelectric patch are in agreement with the experiment and HOT results. The slight difference may result from the following reasons: (1) a thin adhesive layer (0.1 mm) with lower Young’s modulus is considered in the calculation, which may affect the second modal frequency more than the first modal frequency; (2) the equivalent bending stiffness and extension stiffness of the composite host beam are used in the calculation; (3) the small accelerometer (0.4 g) on the free end of the host beam is not modelled in the current calculation. 5.2. Example 1. Beam with fully covered piezoelectric actuator and sensor layers In this example, a cantilever composite beam with a sensor or actuator covering its full length is considered. The beam itself is clamped at one end and free at the other, while the boundary conditions at both ends for the fully covered sensor or actuator are free. The effect of debonding is considered by introducing debondings of different length and locations. The debonding effects on the sensing and actuating behaviour are discussed as follows. 5.2.1. Sensing behaviour of actuator with debonding. To study the debonding effects on the sensing behaviour, an initial impulse ft (x, t) = 0.1δ(x − l)δ(t) N s is applied at the free end of the clamped cantilever composite beam. Two cases are considered. In case 1 a debonding of fixed length (50 mm) 718 High-order theory (HOT) [15, 16] Debonding length (cm) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Normalized debonding location x d/L Figure 4. Effect of debonding location of the sensor layer on frequencies of the first three modes (debonding length Ld = 5 cm). is introduced and located at a different location from near the clamped end to the free end. In case 2 the central location of debonding is fixed, i.e. at the middle point of the beam, while its length varies from 10 to 100 mm. The frequency spectrum of the sensor output can be calculated from the presented model. When a debonding occurs between the piezoelectric sensor and the host beam, both height and location of each peak in the frequency spectrum, which reflect the amplitude and frequency of each vibration mode of the beam, vary in different degrees. In the following discussion, the amplitude and frequency change of each peak in the frequency spectrum are used to examine the effect of the debonding of the piezoelectric patches. For case 1, figures 3 and 4 depict the amplitude changes of the peaks in the spectrum of the charge generated by the sensor layer and the natural frequency change, respectively, relative to those without debonding. In both figures, xd denotes the value of the x coordinates at the centre of the debonded segment (see figure 1). As shown in figure 3, debonding can significantly affect the amplitude of sensor output for the first three modes when located near the clamped end. This effect becomes relatively weak when the debonding area is far from the clamped end. Figure 4 shows that a debonding near the clamped end can reduce values of frequency for the first three modes. For case 2, figures 5 and 6 show the variation of the sensor output and the natural frequencies relative to the non-debonded cases are presented with different ratios of the debonding length to the sensor length respectively. It is evident that debonding barely affects the amplitude of sensor output and the frequency for the first mode, and only a large debonding can Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams (a) Mode 1, debonding -20 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 -40 1.5E-03 1.0E-03 5.0E-04 -60 0.0E+00 0 -80 5 10 15 20 25 30 x (cm) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Mode 2 and 3 Normalized debonding length L d/L s 4.E-04 (b) Figure 5. Effect of the debonding length of the sensor layer on charge output (xd = 15 cm). Mode 2, perfect Mode 2, debonding Mode 3, perfect Mode 3, debonding 3.E-04 |εs(x , ω)| 5 Frequency change (%) Mode 1, perfect 2.0E-03 |εs(x , ω)| Amplitude change of sensor output (%) Mode 1 2.5E-03 0 2.E-04 0 1.E-04 0.E+00 -5 0 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 -15 0.2 0.3 0.4 15 x (cm) 20 25 30 Normalized debonding length L d/L Figure 6. Effect of the debonding length of the sensor layer on frequencies (xd = 15 cm). have a noticeable effect in terms of reducing the amplitude of sensor output and frequency. Since the sensor output is related to the strain in the piezoelectric sensor layer (see equation (20)), the strain distributions of the sensor layer for the first three modes are shown in figure 7 for the case of a 5 cm long debonding at the middle point of the beam. Clearly, the strain distributions at the debonding area are remarkably different from those of perfectly bonded sensors, which may be used to potentially locate the debonding area. 5.2.2. Actuating behaviour of actuator with debonding. In this case, an initial uniform voltage impulse V (x, t) = 100δ(t − 0) Vs is applied on the actuator layer to excite the beam. For the case of different locations of a 3 cm long debonding, figure 8 depicts the amplitude variation of the transverse displacements of the free end of the beam. Once again a debonding near the clamped end can significantly change the transverse displacement at the free end. This is further shown in figure 9, which plots the transverse displacement at the free end versus the non-dimensional 60 Amplitude change of tip displacement (%) 0.1 10 Figure 7. Debonding effect on strain distribution in the mid-plane of the sensor layer for the first three mode (xd = 15 cm, Ld = 5cm). (a) mode 1; (b) mode 2 and 3. -10 0 5 Mode 1 Mode 2 Mode 3 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Normalized debonding location x d/L 1 Figure 8. Effect of the debonding of the actuator layer on transverse displacement at the free end (debonding length Ld = 3 cm). debonding length for the case when the debonding occurs at the clamped end. Similar to the sensor case, the actuating behaviour of the actuator layer may be influenced when a debonding locates at either end of the beam, especially at the clamped end of the beam. In this case, a longer debonding can lead to a more significant decrease of the actuator’s ability to actuate the first and third modes of the beam. 719 L Tong et al 2.0E-03 1.8E-03 60 1.6E-03 40 Axial strain | εa| Amplitude change of tip displacement (%) 80 Mode 1 mode 2 Mode 3 20 0 8.0E-04 6.0E-04 2.0E-04 -40 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 0.11 Sensor span (m) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Figure 11. Effect of debonding located in the middle of the beam on axial strain distribution in sensor patch. Figure 9. Effect of the debonding length of the actuator layer on transverse displacement at the free end (debonding at left end). 2.5E+03 3.2E-05 2.8E-05 (a) 1.5E+03 |q (ω1)| Mode 1, perfect Mode 1, debonding Mode 2, perfect Mode 2, debonding 2.0E+03 Axial force (N) Mode 1, perfect Mode 1, debonding Mode 2, perfect Mode 2, debonding 1.0E-03 0.0E+00 0.06 Normalized debonding length L d/L s 2.4E-05 2.0E-05 1.0E+03 had/hs=0.25 had/hs=0.5 5.0E+02 1.6E-05 0.1 0.2 had/hs=0.375 had/hs=0.75 0.3 0.4 0.5 Normalized debonding length L d/L s 0.0E+00 0 0.1 0.2 Beam span (m) 0.3 Figure 12. Effect of debonding on sensor output at the first mode with different bonding thickness (debonding located at the right end of the sensor patch). 3.5E-02 (b) Mode 1, perfect Mode 1, debonding Mode 2, perfect Mode 2, debonding 3.0E-02 Bending moment (Nm) 1.2E-03 4.0E-04 -20 -60 1.4E-03 2.5E-02 5.3. Example 2. Beam bonded with piezoelectric actuators and sensors covering a portion In this example, we consider the same cantilever beam as in example 1 except that the piezoelectric actuator and sensor only cover a small portion of its length; that is, both sensor and actuator are assumed to be 5 cm long, i.e. Ls = La = 5 cm. The excitations for the sensor and actuator cases are also the same as those used in example 1. 2.0E-02 1.5E-02 1.0E-02 5.0E-03 0.0E+00 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 Beam span (m) Figure 10. Debonding effect on internal force distribution in actuator layer. Figure 10 shows the axial force and the bending moment distributions induced by the applied actuating voltage impulse for the case when there is a 3 cm debonding located at the middle of the beam. It is clearly shown that for the three modes the distributions of the axial force and the bending moment along the actuator deviate remarkably from those of a perfectly bonded actuator at the debonding region. 720 5.3.1. Sensing. The sensor patch is bonded on the surface of the host beam and its left and right ends are 6 and 11 cm away from the clamped end. When a 1 cm long debonding occurs at the mid-point of the sensor patch, its effect on the strain distribution for the first and the second modes of the beam can be obtained and is shown in figure 11. It is noted that the axial strain becomes a constant in most of the debonding region for both modes 1 and 2. This is similar to the results observed in example 1. Figure 12 depicts the amplitude variation of the sensor output for the first mode with different debonding length and bondline thickness when a debonding takes place at the right end of the sensor patch (11 cm from the clamped end). In figure 12, Ld and Ls denote the debonding length and the Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams 1st Mode 3.0E-02 3.5E-05 2.5E-02 (a) perfect bonding 2.0E-02 |w tip(ω1)| (m) 3.0E-05 left end debonding 2.5E-05 |q (ω)| mid debonding 1.5E-02 2.0E-05 right end debonding 1.5E-05 5.0E-03 1.0E-05 0.0E+00 5.0E-06 0.0E+00 18 19 Frequency (Hz) 20 perfect Frequency (Hz) |q (ω)| 1.5E-06 1.0E-06 18.85 18.8 18.75 18.7 18.65 5.0E-07 0.0E+00 114 0.5 ha/hb=0.1 ha/hb=0.2 ha/hb=0.3 ha/hb=0.4 18.9 left end debonding mid debonding right end debonding 2.0E-06 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Normalized debonding length L d/L a 18.95 3.0E-06 (b) 0 (a) 2nd Mode 2.5E-06 ha/hb=0.1 ha/hb=0.2 ha/hb=0.3 ha/hb=0.4 1.0E-02 18.6 115 116 Frequency (Hz) 117 Figure 13. Debonding effect on frequency spectra of the transverse displacement at the free end: (a) first mode; (b) second mode. length of the sensor, respectively. Figure 12 clearly shows that the sensor output for the first mode linearly decreases with the non-dimensional debonding length. The sensor output drops almost 50% when the non-dimensional debonding length increases from 10 to 50%. It can also be seen that the bondline thickness slightly affects the sensor output; however, it does not affect the overall trend. The effect of debonding location on the frequency structure of the charge output of the sensor patch is investigated by considering the following three debonding cases: (a) 1 cm debonding measured from the left end of the sensor patch, (b) 3 cm debonding located in the middle of the sensor patch and (c) 1 cm debonding measured from the right end of the sensor patch. Figure 13 depicts the frequency spectra near the first and second modes for the three debonding cases. Figure 13(a) shows that the debonding at both ends of the sensor patch reduces the peak values of the sensor output for mode 1 and debonding in the middle (case (b)) does not have any effect. The reduction in sensor output for case (a) is slightly more than that for case (c). This may be because the debonding of case (a) is located closer to the clamped end than that of case (c) for the first mode. Figure 13(b) shows that for mode 2 debonding of case (c) yields a significant reduction in the sensor output 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Normalized debonding length Ld/La 0.5 (b) Figure 14. Effect of debonding length on the first mode with different thicknesses of actuator patch (debonding located at the right end of the actuator patch): (a) effect on amplitude of transverse displacement; (b) effect on the first frequency of the beam. while debonding of cases (a) and (b) have very little effect. It is believed that the significant reduction in sensor output for mode 2 in case (c) is primarily due to the location of debonding. It is thus clear that debonding at both ends may cause a significant reduction in the amplitude of the sensor’s output, and consequently affect the sensing ability of the sensor patch. Figure 13 also demonstrates that the debonding at both ends can also slightly change the frequencies of the beam, which may affect the control robustness in a closed-loop control. 5.3.2. Actuating. For the case of an actuator patch, we consider a patch located 10 cm away from the clamped end and with a debonding at its right end. The debonding length varies from zero to half the length of the actuator, and the thickness of actuator patch is also changed. Figure 14 depicts the effect of debonding length and the thickness of actuator patch on the displacement at the free end and the natural frequency for the first vibration mode. In this figure, ha and hb denote the thickness of the actuator and host beam respectively, while Ld and La represent the length of the debonding region and actuator. Figure 14(a) clearly indicates that a debonding at the right end can reduce the tip deflection of the beam, which implies loss of actuating ability if tip deflection is used as a measure of the actuating authority. It 721 L Tong et al non-debonded region similar to that of perfect debonding, but with a smaller magnitude. This is probably because the actual left end of the actuator with debonding is slightly further from the clamped end. Figure 15(b) shows that a middle debonding creates another two small peaks at the ends of the debonding region in addition to the original two peaks, but the original two peak values are hardly affected. It is also observed that the left end debonding can remarkably reduce values of the two peaks. 800 (a) Axial force |T a(ω1)| (N) 700 600 500 400 perfect bonding 300 200 mid debonding 100 left end debonding 0 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 6. Conclusions 0.06 0.07 Actuator patch span (m) 70 (b) Shear force |Q a(ω1)| (N) 60 perfect bonding 50 mid debonding 40 left end debonding 30 20 10 0 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 Actuator span (m) Figure 15. Debonding effect on stress resultants in the actuator patch (first mode). is also found that reduction in the thickness of actuator patch leads to an increased tip deflection, and the reduction in the tip deflection due to debonding for the case of the thicker actuator is slightly smaller than that for the case of the thinner one. The results indicate that a thinner actuator patch may be more profoundly affected by the debonding in terms of actuated tip deflection. It can also be seen that a thicker actuator patch will not excite a larger vibration at the same actuating voltage level probably due to the stiffness increase of the composite beam. Figure 14(b) shows that the effect of debonding length on the frequency of mode 1 is similar to that on the tip deflection; however, the magnitude of the reduction is not as remarkable as that in the tip deflection. The effect of actuator thickness on the natural frequency is opposite to that on the tip deflection; namely, the frequency for the case with the thicker actuator is more sensitive to debonding than with the thinner one. Consider another example in which the left end of the actuator patch is located 2 cm away from the clamped end with two debonding cases: (a) 1 cm debonding at the left end of the actuator patch and (b) 3 cm debonding located at the middle of the actuator patch. Figure 15 depicts the axial force and shear force distributions along the actuator span. Figure 15(a) shows that the axial force becomes a constant in the debonding region when it occurs in the middle of the actuator patch. It also shows that the axial force for the case of debonding at the left end has a distribution pattern in the 722 This paper presents analytical models for smart beams with debonded piezoelectric actuators and sensors. Numerical results illustrate the following points: (a) The distributions of strains and stress resultants, such as axial force, shear force and bending moment, in the piezoelectric layers/patches in the debonding region are remarkably different from those without debonding. However, the effect of debonding on displacement distributions in the debonding region is very weak. (b) Debonding at the end of the sensor/actuator may have a more noticeable effect in terms of reducing the sensor output charge, frequency and tip deflection of the beam than that in the middle area, which in turn affect the sensing ability and actuating authority, particularly for the first vibration mode. (c) Debonding at the end of an actuator leads to reduction of the actuated tip deflection, and this effect for a thin actuator may be more severe than that for a thick actuator. Appendix The state matrix A and vector B in equation (25) have the following form: 0 bG h ad Aa 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ba 0 0 0 0 a bGh a 2h ad 0 bG h ad 0 0 = 0 bGh b 2h ad bYad h ad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Yad h ad 0 0 0 0 bGh a 2h ad 1 0 0 a bGh 2a 4h ad 0 bGh a 2h ad 0 0 0 bGh a h b 4h ad 0 Ba 0 0 0 0 0 Da 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bG h ad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bYad h ad 0 0 bGh a 0 2h ad 0 Ab bG b 0 h ad 0 0 0 Bb 0 0 bGh b 0 2h ad 0 bGh b 2h ad 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b 0 B = (A∗a be31a − Ba∗ be31a ra , 0, 0, Ba∗ be31a −Da∗ be31a ra , 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)T where αa = ρa Aa ω2 , αb = ρb Ab ω2 , G̃ = kb Gad , Ỹad = kb Yad D̄ B̄a a A∗a = , Ba∗ = , Āa D̄a − B̄a2 Āa D̄a − B̄a2 Da∗ = Āa Āa D̄a − B̄a2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bGh a h b 0 4h ad 0 0 bGh b 0 2h 1 0 0 0 0 bYad h ad 0 0 0 0 Bb 0 0 Db 0 0 bGh 2b 1 0 4h ad Sensing and actuating behaviours of piezoelectric layers with debonding in smart beams A∗b = D̄b , Āb D̄b − B̄b2 Db∗ = Āb . Āb D̄b − B̄b2 Bb∗ = B̄b , Āb D̄b − B̄b2 The matrix A has different entries in the debonding and perfect bonding areas since kb has different values as shown in equation (13). Acknowledgment The authors are grateful for the support of the Australia Research Council through a large grant (no A 10009074). References [1] Bailey T and Hubbard J E 1985 Distributed piezoelectric-polymer active vibration control of a cantilever beam J. Guid. Control Dyn. 8 605–11 [2] Baz A and Poh S 1988 Performance of an active control system with piezoelectric actuators J. Sound Vib. 126 327–43 [3] Tzou H-S 1992 Active piezoelectric shell continua Intelligent Structural Systems ed H S Tzou and G L Anderson (Dordrecht: Kluwer) [4] Chandrashekhara K and Agarwal A N 1993 Active vibration control of laminated composite plates using piezoelectric devices: a finite element approach J. Intell. Mater. Syst. Struct. 4 496–508 [5] Lee C-K and Moon F C 1990 Modal sensors and actuators J. Appl. 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