ENGINEERED MATERIALS Multi-phase Materials Produced by Tailoring (Design) the Microstructure and Interfaces TOUGHENING MECHANISMS " Crack Deflection/Kinking " Microcracking Phase Transformation Small and Large Scale Crack Bridging METHODS Fiber/Whisker Reinforcement " Ductile Phases or Laminates TOUGHENING OF STRUCTURAL CERAMICS CRITICAL ENERGY RELEASE RATE REOUIRED FOR CRACK DEBONDING FIBER FAILURE SUPPRESSED AT MATRIX CRACK FRONT 0 V/1 71 Ir////, o b tube. land over 6 ctm weal: intit0.. t, help and Stain (more energy dissipation j*°0d'!"g match moduli to- favor kinki KNOWLEDGE BASE - INTERFACES IN CMCs INTERFACE PROPERTIES CONTROL BEHAVIOR OF CMCs ' RATIO OF INTERFACE (DEBOND) TO FIBER TOUGHNESS : - a/Cam i~- 1l4 FIBERS DEBOND RATHER THAN BREAK s RESIDUAL STRAIN MUST BE SMALL (&ate& 3 x 10 IC) .AND NEGATIVE - PREVENTS THERMAL CRACKING ,OF FIBERS AND MATRIX - INTERFACE IN MODERATE TENSION bl, V " INTERFACIAL COEF OF FRICTION SMALL ( k 4, 0.1) - INTERFACE SLIDING RESISTANCE 2 ; 't 4 40 MPa - FIBERS BREAK FAR FROM MATRIX CRACK PLANE ( = > LONGER PULLOUT LENGTHS) BEHAVIOR OF CERAMIC MATRIX COMPOSITES * MECHANICS MODEL WHICH GUIDES THE TAILORING OF THE CONSTITUENTS AND THE INTERFACE FOR SPECIFIC COMPOSITE BEHAVIOR * IDENTIFY MECHANISMS CONTRIBUTING TO TOUGHENING AND QUANTIFY THE DISSIPATED ENERGY * ESTABLISH EXPERIMENTALLY AND MODEL ANALYTICALLY THE SEQUENCE, EXTENT AND INTERACTIONS OF THE DAMAGE MECHANISMS * ANALYTICALLY SIMULATE PROGRESSIVE DAMAGE AND INTERACTIONS, AND PREDICT FAILURE MODES KNOWLEDGE BASE - FAILURE MODES IN CMCs BENDING FAILURE FAILURE IN TENSION 1 ° 1 11 """" 11 G"s"" Orwan "" IW~"" H" wl 4a Y ` O TENSILE STRESS-STRAIN CURVE Fibw e1N%AU F." . . 0 0 " 6' ~6~m ' wao" cr*ctblp, 0 0 w zc ma II.IIIIdiIIaU1I il .1luellmun IIilitillivid WEAK INTERFACE * HIGH-STRENGTH FIBERS * TENSILE RESIDUAL STRESSES NORMAL TO INTERFACE Ceramic Toughening by Ductile Metal Laminates 25gm 14 0 M, U .r, N 01.0 ".j pj- ~rGtG,l~.r t. R-curve U c~S i., w Damage Zone Size, L (b) Cavitation-Bridging Reimanis, Dalgleish and Evans, Acta Meal, 1991 Varias, Suo and Shih, J . Mech . Phys . Solids, 1991, 1992 MICROMECHANICAL MODEL FOR CLEAVAGE DEBONDING Elastic-brittle Griffith model for crack growth: CJcleave = 2'Yint- Energy release rate for a penny-shaped crack on an interface : 9= F, and F,. depend on (For /12/1111 2 -1- F,,-r2)1 - y1 2c. 7rjzii vl and v2 (Willis, 1972) . Equate the right hand sides of (*) and (**) and rearrange to get the fracture stress, 711 Tint ~ f vi FQ Sc F,. Now 2yint N 1 Jm-2 , Here S = (1 + 'T 2 /Q2 ) and we took FT c = 250 nm, and for alumina, ~.c = 158 GPa and v = 0.22. For tension dominated load states S .^: 1, = 6- af ;ze 770 MPa. The above value agrees with the hoop stress determined by finite element analysis of the interface crack geometry for the measured failure loads corresponding to several remote phase angles . The hoop stress, calculated at distances of 3 to 5 hum ahead of the crack tip, range from 500 to 750 MPa. t";s tY t 0:~9 Z r/h substrates, subjected to a Inset : a metal foil bonded between two ceramic distribution ahead of the crack remote Mode I stress intensity factor. The mean stress and Shih, 1991 .) tip is plotted for several loading levels. (After Varias, Suo Growth and Competition Between Near-Tip Void Cavitation Remote High Triaxiality Debonding/ Defects (a) Near-tip void growth, ~~ 2.06oX (b) Remote Cavitation, &c ~ 0.4 6o h Debonding/Cavitation is favoured if h < 5X High Triaxiality Debonding and Cavitation 2.0 2.0 2.5 1. .: ..- 2 .7 -..~.__ 2.5 2 .0 2.? 2.7 / 2.5 0.0 -1.0 2.5 v=/ao=2 .5 IKI/(vow) = 14.58 -1.0 0.0 1.0 Xl/h 2.0 3.0 4.0 Varias, Suo and Shih (JMPS, 1991, 1992) * Cavitation/Debonding at a distance of several foil thicknesses ahead of the crack tip. 9 This failure mode is triggered when the mean stress exceeds about five times the tensile yield stress of the metal. The large spacing between the debonded zones and the crack tip allows the intact metal patches to bridge the crack, leading to rising crack growth resistance curves . The maximum foil thickness which would allow the above bridging mechanism to develop has been identified . CERAMIC-METAL/POLYMER LAMINATES Laminates with alternate ceramic and metal/polymer sheets are tough under quasi-static and dynamic loading conditions and offer advantages in weight and strength for biaxially loaded structures . * The rapidly rising fracture resistance curve is brought about by the arrest of the main damage front at the ceramic-metal/polymer interface and the diffusion of the load from the main crack front by a bridging mechanism. a 9'J u U "tQ 25 gm R-curve U cd V w Damage Zone Size, L * As the applied load is raised, damage by cavity growth and decohesion spreads along opposite edges of the interface (see figures above) . The the intact ligament bridges these interfacial flaws . The increase in the size of the bridging zone results in rapidly rising crack growth resistance. * The next stage of damage propagation involves the fracture of the next ceramic layer. Once again, the above bridging mechanism is activated (see figures below) . 1 ° 7F w Ductile Material ~,,~,,~, :: Ceramic i :... awnw :