The Sassy Sixties Reality in the Age of Innocence &

The Sassy Sixties
Reality in the Age of Innocence
The Upheavals of a Generation
The 1960 Election
JFK: A short biography
Nomination and The New Frontier
Kennedy-Nixon Debates
Civil Rights and Missle Gap
Victory by a slim margin
Inauguration Speech
The Cold War
Castro: U.S. Cuban Relations
Covert Operations
Bay of Pigs Debacle
Vienna Conference with Khrushchev
The Berlin Wall
Vietnam and Escalation
Cuban Missle Crisis
The Civil Rights Movement
60 Campaign Promises
CORE and Freedom Rides
Meredith and Ole Miss
Civil Rights Bill
March on Washington
Death in Dallas
Shoring up the Democrats
Lee Harvey Oswald
Warren Report
Loss of Innocence
Civil Rights Legislation
Atlantic Convention
All the way or Half Way
Goldwater: Extremism in defense of liberty
Victory and its cost
Civil Rights
Freedom Summer in Mississippi
Atlantic City Fraud
CORE Activities
San Francisco Bay Area
Selma March for Voting rights
Black Power rising
Foreign Affairs
The Cold War
Tonkin Resolution
Rolling Thunder
Search and destroy, body count, etc.
Winning Hearts and Minds
Black Power
Legacy of Marcus Garvey
The Nation of Islam
Malcolm X
By whatever means necessary: Cointelpro
The Black Panthers for Self Defense
Watts Riots & Kerner Commission
The Great Society
Progressive Origins
Big government war v. poverty
Medicare, wages, jobs
Air and water quality
Transportation and Safety
The Record: skirmish
Tet Offensive and Questions
Peace Initiatives & LBJ’s bombshell
RFK’s campaign
King’s assassination and RFK
Democrats in Disarray
Nixon: Law & Order with Peace in Nam
The Election
Nixon and Vietnam
Secret bombings of Cambodia
Protest in U.S.
Kent State and Unrest
The Pentagon Papers
American Public Opinion
The Cold War
Search for Détente
Surprise visits to Beijing and Moscow
SALT Treaty and the arms race
Peace is at Hand
Chile and The CIA
The Middle East
Nixon Domestic Agenda
Civil Rights
Affirmative Action
The Environment
Other Initiatives
Watergate debacle
Nixon’s personality
CREEP and Plumbers
Watergate and 1972
The Cover-up
The Tapes