Bluck Hills State University CheerleudingSquad Constitution Article L Name: The nameof the organizationshallbe the CheerleadingSquadof Black Hills StateUniversity. Article II. Statementof Purpose SectionA. Mission Statement The mission of the CheerleadingScluadis to supportand motivateBlack Hills StateUniversity Athletics,to obtainand shareleadershipqualities, and to supportand challengeeachotherindividually as well as the squad as a whole. SectionB. Striving to achievethis mission,the CheerleadingSquadshall: 1. Attend and participateat all home football and basketballgames. for the developmentof leadershipskills. 2. Provide opportr-rnities 3. Be involved both sociallyand educationallyaroundcampus. Article III. Membership SectionA. Tryout Process 1. The tryout processwill consistof a minimum of two judges. 2. The tryout processwill consistof a minimum of one cheerand one dance. 3. Individuals will be critiquedon not only their performanceof the routine(s)taught,but also of their learningability and participation during the teachingof the routine(s). 4. All decisionsare final. SectionB. Requirements Individuals must be at leastpart time studentsat Black Hills State University and must hold a minimum GPA of 2.0' SectionC. Composureof the CheerleadingSquad position. 1. An advisorwho is a staff/faculty/administrator Captain. One Cheerleadine 2. a. The Cheeil.udingCaptainrnay chooseone AssistantCaptain. 3. A minimum of two cheerleaders. SectionD. Duties of the CheerleadingCaptain 1. Act as a liaison betweenAdvisor and CheerleadingSquadwhen necessary. 2. Conductpracticeswhen Advisor is absent. when necessary' 3. Assign reasonabledutiesto cheerleaders 4. Be responsiblefor creatinga practiceschedule' 5. Be responsiblefor passinginformationfrom the Advisor and/orthe athletic office to cheerleaders. when necessary' to cheerleaders 6. Assign consequences a. Meet with Advisor prior to dismissinga cheerleader' 7. Meet with Advisor on a monthly basis. SectionE. Duties of the AssistantCheerleadingCaptain 1. Assist CheerleadingCaptainwith dutieslisted above' 2. Conductpracticeswhen the CheerleadingCaptainis absent. Article IV. Duties and Requirements SectionA. Practices 1. Practiceswill startone week beforethe academicyear beginsand a copy of your insurancecard,front andback, must be provided within that week. 2. Individuals must be stretchedand readyto practiceat designatedtime. 3. Individuals must wear appropriatepracticeattirewhich includes: a. T-shirts or sportstank toPs. b. Sweatpants,dancepants,or shorts. c. Cheerleadingshoes. 4. If stunting,individualsmay not wear anyjewelry, including body jewelry and toe rings, or pantsof any sort. No fake hair piecesor clips/clawsof anYkind' 5. If not stunting,individualsmay only wear stud earrings' 6. Individuals must havehair pulled back and out of face. 7. individuals may not have long nails. 8. Individualsmay only wear clearnail polish, no Frenchmanicuresor fake/acrYlicnails' 9. Individualsmay not bring friendsto practices' 10. Individuals must have cell phonesturnedoff or on silent. 11. Individualsmust cometo practicewith a positive attitude. 12. Individuals may not chew gum at plactice' 13. Individuals may not leaveearly from practice,unlessgiven permission to do so by the captainor the advisorof the cheerleadingsquad. 14. All decisionsare final. SectionB. Games 1. Individuals must havehair half up or more' A full ponytailmustbe worn if stunting, 2. Individuals may not wear bobby pins. 3. Individuals must not have long nails' 4. individuals must arrive to all homegamesand hour early, unless otherwisetold bY CaPtain' 5. Individuals may only wear clearnail polish, no Frenchmanicuresor fake/acrylicnails. 6. Individuals may not wear glitter. 7. Individuals must wear their cheeruniform, body suit, bloomers,socks, and shoesto game,and must bring warm-ups. 8. Individuals must be readyto routine20 minutesbefore gamestarts' 9. If not stunting, individuals may only wear stud earrings at games,no body jewelry or toe rings. jewelry, 10. If siunting, individuals may not wear ealrings or any other including body jewelry and toe rings' 11. Individuals must be readyto cheer2 minutesbeforehalf time ends' 12. Individuals may not leaveearly from games,unlessgiven permission to do so by the captain0f the advisorof the cheerleadingsquad' 13.Individualsmaynot chewgumat games. 14.All decisionsarefinal. ArticleV. Groundsfor Dismissal A. Arriving lateto practicest}ree timesor more. B. Failureto arriveandparticipate(no call, no show)at a game. C. Maintaininga GPAundera 2.0, dutiesasoutlinedin the Constitution. D. Not perfoimingassigned disciplinarysanctions who encounters E. Disciplinaryaction-anycheerleader throughthe StudentConductCodeshallbedismissedfrom their respective position.In caseof discretion, theAdvisorandthe JudicialOfficerwill meet to makea decision. attireor anythingthatpromotesBHSU Cheerleading F. Wearingcheerleading that involves alcoholor drugconsumption. at an event when year,anyalcoholviolationresultsin immediate G. Duringthe academic the year, games. 3 timesthroughout 4 If problempersists of suspension immediateterminationwill takeplace. H. Duringthe academicyear,anydrugviolationresultsin immediate termination. arefinal. I. All decisions