Sedittietitology ( I 98 1 ) 28, 487-504 Anoxic events during sedimentation of a Palaeogene diatomite in Denmark GUNVER KRARUP PEDERSEN Geologisk Museum, Ostervoldgad~5-7, DK-1350, Kpfbenhavtr K , Diwnark ABSTRACT A diatomite, about 60 m thick, of late Palaeocene-early Eocene age crops out in northern Jutland, Denmark. The diatomite is locally termed 'Moler'. Frustules of marine diatoms constitute c. 65 (by weight) of the diatomite, and clay minerals, chiefly montmorillonite, make up the remainder. Slight variations in the relative supply of diatom frustules and clay minerals are preserved undisturbed in laminated diatomite, while lamination is partly destroyed by burrowing organisms in weakly laminated diatomite and obliterated by total bioturbation in structuretess diatomite; these three facies alternate throughout the sequence. The presence or absence of infaunal burrowing organisms is interpreted as a record of the content of dissolved oxygen in the water above the sediment-water interface and hence of the position of the redox potential discontinuity. Interspaced in the diatomite are 179 identifiable layers of volcanic ash. These ash layers provide a means of precise lateral correlation. They show that levels of laminated diatomite may be followed throughout the basin and therefore that changes between anoxic and oxic conditions occurred simultaneously across the area. The laminated diatomitesmayconsequently be interpreted as representing short-term anoxic events, of which twelve have been recognized. 'I,, INTRODUCTION Black, laminated, organic-rich sediments normally reflect deposition under anoxic conditions. Anoxic events are distinguished where anoxic conditions alternate, more o r less isochronously, with oxic conditions. Oceanic anoxic events are recognized in deepwater sediments of Cretaceous age (Schlanger & Jenkyns, 1976; Fischer & Arthur, 1977; Thiede & van Andel, 1977); stagnant episodes are traced in Quaternary sediments in the eastern Mediterranean (Ryan, 1972; Ryan & Cita, 1977; Thunell, Williams & Kennett, 1977; Stanley, 1978); and black laminated shales predominate within certain stratigraphical levels in Jurassic shelf sediments (Hallam, 1978; Hallam & Bradshaw, 1979). The present study concerns a Palaeogene diatomite (Hansen, 1979) deposited in a shelf area. The 60 m 0037-0746/81/0800-0487 $02.00 0 1981 International Association of Sedimentologists thick sequence is uniform in general lithology with small variations in fauna. The sedimentation ratewas low but breaks in sedimentation have not been observed. The recognition of anoxic conditions is based on sedimentary structures and not on the content of organic matter. As the diatomite is interspaced with numerous isochronous marker horizons (layers of volcanic ash), a unique opportunity exists to study the lateral and vertical extent of the anoxic conditions. Detailed sedimentological logs of the diatomite measured a t the different exposures form the basis of the present investigation, which may contribute to current investigations of the depositional environments of laminated, black, organicrich shales alternating with bioturbated shales in epicont inental seas. The above-mentioned s'tudies of anoxic events have shown that climatic conditions favouring the development of a strong oxygen-minimum layer are 488 G. K. Pedersen MIOCENE OLIGOCENE EOCENE @ YOUNGER PALEOCENE DANIAN @ UPPER CRETACEOUS DIATOMITE EXPOSURE x DIATOMITE OCCURRING I N A WELL H A R H 0 J 7 NAME AND NUMBER OF LOCALllY WHERE A SEDIMENTOLOGICAL LOG HAS BEEN MEASURED Fig. 1. Locality map of the area studied. The two squares delineate the areas shown in detail on the geological map (Fig. 1, inner square) and the structural map of the Base Upper Cretaceous reflector (Fig. 2, outer square). The geological m a p of the pre-Quaternary of northwest Jutland is taken from Schierling & Jensen (1974). Exposures of the Moler diatomite are shown together with the names of those exposures where sedimentological logs have been measured (Fig. 1 I ) . The occurrence of diatomite in wells is registered at the Geological Survey of Denmark. Sedimentation of a diatomite a likely contributing factor in the development of ocean-wide synchronous deposition of organic-rich shales. A circulation pattern which is only partially determined by bottom topography (Stanley, 1978) may attain great importance in a marginal sea like the Mediterranean. On the continental shelf, bottom topography is thought to be a factor which exerts considerable influence on the deposition of laminated sediments (Hallam & Bradshaw, 1979). GEOLOGICAL SETTING During the Palaeogene, the DanishSub-basin formed part of the extensive shelf areas flanking the Central Graben of the North Sea (Ziegler, 1975, fig. 1). It was characterized by subsidence throughout the Tertiary accompanied by a general regressive movement of the coastline from east to west. Mesozoic subsidence was controlled by movements along the faults in the Fennoscandian Border Zone and the faults flanking the Ringkerbing-Fyn High (Baartman & Christensen, 1975; Michelsen, 1978; Rasmussen, 1978). The structural map of the base of the Upper Cretaceous (Fig. 2) is compiled from seismic profiles and shows large topographical variations which recur in the top Cretaceous reflector (Section AB, Fig. 2). The map clearly shows the influence of salt diapirs, but the major trends in the distribution of structural highs and lows are probably to some extent controlled by older, regional faults. The diatomite was deposited (Fig. I ) on the northern palaeoslope of the basin (Section AB, Fig. 2). The diatomite is exposed as floes, dislocated and folded by glaciers during the Quaternary, but there is no evidence of transport over considerable distances (Gry, 1940). Upper Palaeocene-Lower Eocene sediments in the Danish Subbasin are fine-grained, montmorilloniterich clays (Tank, 1963; Dinesen, Michelsen & Lieberkind, 1977). Diatoms are commonly found in them and in contemporaneous sediments in northern Germany (Benda, 1965), but true diatomites, such as the one which is the subject of this paper, are restricted to north-west Denmark. 489 logs of Fig. 11 are located in Fig. 1. The sediments in the formation are described under three headings : (1) volcanic ash layers, (2) diatomite, and (3) calcareous concretions, which coctain both diatomite and layers of volcanic ash. Volcanic ash layers The thickness of the numbered ash layers ranges from 1 to 20 cm, but several thinner ash layers also occur (Berggild, 1918). The ash layers are mostly black, and are composed of glass particles with an average grain size within the very fine sand and silt fractions. All the ash layers have graded bedding, and no sedimentary structures showing transport and redeposition by currents on the sea-floor have been observed. Water escape structures have been described from some layers(Pedersen &Surlyk, 1977). The ash layers were formed from airborne ash particles that settled grain by grain through the water column; their depositional rate was high. The amount of volcanic glass dispersed in the diatomite is negligible. which shows that deposition of volcanic ash only took place immediately after a major eruption, and that re-working was negligible. Andersen (1937) showed that individual volcanic ash layers may be recognized throughout the Danish Sub-basin. The volcanoes are thought to have been in the Skagerrak (Fig. I ) : Berggild (1918), Andersen (1937) and Am (1973). The petrology of the ash has recently been described by Pedersen, Engell & Rransbo (1 975). The ash layers are of great stratigraphical importance for the following reasons: they were airborne, sedimented vertically within a very short time, were not redeposited and thus constitute isochronous horizons. The thickness of the individual ash layers varies but each has a constant thickness through the diatomite basin. The thickness of diatomite between two ash layers showsonly minor variations. Therefore the ash layers are identifiable and a detailed tephra chronology with 179 numbered ash layers has been established by Berggild (1918). Diatomite THE S E D I M E N T S Diatomite exposures are accessible in coastal cliffs and disused parts of quarries. The sedimentological The diatomite is a non-calcareous sediment in which the opaline frustules of marine diatoms (Benda, 1972) constitute c. 65 yo by weight (Pedersen, 1978). The diatom frustules vary considerably in size. G . K. Pedersen 491 ' B om,'+ 1000 A 1 YT -m-o-o - - BUG TC Top Crelaceous B U G Base upper Cretacequs Fig. 2. Structural map of the Base Upper Cretaceous seismic reflector. Sketch map drawn from seismic material stored at the Geological Survey of Denmark. The line of Section (AB) shows that where a T o p Cretaceous reflector may be followed this is roughly parallel to the B.U.C. reflector. This indicates that a substantial part of thesubsidence ofthe central structural low area took place in the Tertiary. The diatomite (compare Fig. I ) was deposited on the slope between the northern stable area and the southern subsiding area. Seclimentatioti of a diafotnife 49 I Fig. 3. Laminated diatomite. There is no recognizable pattern in the alternations between light and dark laminae. Scale in centimetres. Stephanopyxis dominates among small forms (2040 pm), while Cosciriodiscirs is the dominant large form (100-200 pm). The clay mineral content of the diatomite has been calculated from chemical analyses of bulk samples, and X-ray diffraction measurements of the fraction < 2 pm. Montniorillonite dominates the clay mineral assemblage throughout (Pedersen, 1978). The total clay mineral content of about 35 1;) is fairly constant through most of the diatomite sequence, but somewhat higher in the lowest and the highest parts. The diatomite is divided into three facies: laminated, weakly laminated and structureless. Even lamination i s the only primary sedimentary structure observed, which indicates that the fine-grained sediment was deposited below wave-base and not eroded and redeposited o n the sea-floor. Furthermore the absence of larger slump structures suggests that the bottom topography was smooth. O n weathered surfaces the colour of both laminated and structureless diatomite is white with greyish, pinkish o r yellowish tinge. Colour variations which might be attributed to primary variations in the content of marine or terrestrial organic matter o r pyrite d o not distinguish the facies. Therefore, and because sufficiently fresh ssniples are generally lacking, only two samples have been analysed for their total carbon content ( = organic carbon). The six measurements of each sample were made in a Leco Analyser : laminated diatomite, 1.54 & 0.13 ( l o C ; structureless diatomite, 1.33 +O.I6(,!,,C. Lamination in the diatomite Description The lamination is seen as altcrnating white, whitish and brownish milliinetre-thick laminae composed of diatom frustules and clay (Fig. 3). The relative density of diatoms varies from lamina to lamina, in no recognizable pattern (Fig. 4). Three types of laminae have been distinguished: Type 1 : laminae almost exclusively composed of diatom frustules usually dominated by a single species, either Coscinodiscus sp. (Fig. 6a, b) or Sky~hanopyxissp. (Fig. 6c). The laminae are white and more than 800,:)are less than 0.5 niin thick; they constitute 1-13% by volume of the laminated diatomite (Fig. 5 ) . 492 G . K . Pedeuseri Type 2: laminae containing both diatoms and clay minerals, with thicknesses from 0.25 mm to more than 4 mm (Fig. 4). The diatoms are evenly distributed within the laminae, but their density may vary from one lamina to the next, and several species of diatom are present (Fig. 6d, e). The colour is yellowish to pale brown. Several type 2 laminae, distinguished by subtle differences in colour and content of diatom frustules, may occur in succession before they are interspaced by laminae of types 1 or 3. Type 2 laminae constitute 80-90y0 of the laminated diatomite (Fig. 5 ) . Type 3: clay-rich laminae with few diatom frustules (Figs 4, 6f). More than 50% of such laminae are 0.25 mm or thinner, and they are usually light coloured or white. Generally type 3 laminae lie between pairs of type 2 laminae; they constitute 1-1 1 yo of the laminated diatomite (Fig. 5). Discussion The type 1 laminae may have been produced either by large blooms of particular species of diatoms o r ’ through selective dissolution of the frustules. In present-day diatom floras, selective dissolution accounts for differences observed between assemblages in the upper part of the water column and in the sediment. Up to 90% of the frustules may be dissolved depending on water depth or whether the frustules are incorporated in faecal pellets (Calvert, 1966b; Schrader, 1971, 1972). Differential solution can produce diatom-rich layers dominated by a single species (Mikkelsen, 1977). In the present case, however, the various diatom species seen in type 2 laminae must all be solutionresistant. Since only a few of these species occur abundantly in type 1 laminae, it is inferred that these are the results of large blooms and have not been produced by differential solution. Extraordinary supplies of clay minerals from rivers may have produced the type 3 laminae, as there are no signs of formation through resuspension and resedimentation of type 2 laminae. Similar types of deposit have been described from the Santa Fig. 4. Section through laminated diatomite, drawn from thin-section. Lamina types are indicated by the numbers to the right of the column. The density of diatom frustules shown reflects the variations seen in the thin-section. The matrix consists of clay minerals and diatom fragments A that are too small to be identified under the microscope. Sample 32433,20 cm below ash layer - 17, Skarrehage. Way u p of the sample is not known. DIATOMS 20-40pm IN D I A M E T E R DIATOMS 150-200pm IN D I A M E T E R 493 Sedimentation of a diatomite Lamina type (vol. %) 1 3 2 Sample 0 7 Stratigraphical position) Between +22 and +35 Calc. concr. Below 16 Calc. concr. Below + 16 Diatomite 2 m above - 17 Diatomite 20 crn above - 17 Diatomite 260 cm below - 17 Diatomite 275 cm below - 17 Diatomite + 0 oo 0 0 Thickness 55 13 7 13 131 92 103 50 74 108 82 5 91 1 6 11 6 81 88 86 Few thin laminae Thin laminae Dominant Dominant Several thin laminae Few thin laminae 1 8 Fig. 5. Distribution of the lamina types within samples of laminated diatomite, within or outside calcareous concretions. I t is evident that laminae of type 2 dominate all the samples. Type 1 laminae composed of Coscinodiscus sp. are usually found in the lower part of the sequence, and Stephanopyxis sp. dominate type 1 laminae in t h e upper part of the sequence. The preparation of the two lowest samples was unsuccessful so only rough estimates of the lamina distribution could be obtained. Barbara Basin, California by Fleischer (1972). Type 3 laminae could also represent levels of increased diatom dissolution. The relatively thick and heterogeneous type 2 laminae are interpreted as representing continuous ‘background’ sedimentation through long periods of time. This was irregularly interrupted by the deposition of types 1 and 3 laminae, which are interpreted as representing unusual events during diatomite deposition. Finely laminated sediments which have been interpreted as varves are all characterized by a regular alternation of two lamina types (Seibold, 1958; Hulsemann &Emery, 1961 ; Gross et al., 1963; Calvert 1966a; McLeroy & Anderson, 1966; Wilson, 1977). Bonde (1974) interprets the diatomite described herein as predominantly laminated. He regards the light laminae as diatorn-rich layers deposited during the summer, and the darker laminae as more clay-rich and deposited during the winter. The diatomite was thus interpreted as composed of varves with an average thickness of 1-2 mni. No data were, however, presented in support of this hypothesis. I t is clear from the present investigation that the diatomite does not possess such a regular alternation of lamina types (Fig. 4). Furthermore, the white laminae (types I and 3) may be either enriched o r depleted in diatoms with respect t o the darker laminae with which they are intercalated. From the present interpretation of the lamina types it is not necessary that the events producing the laminae types 1 or 3 occurred once a year. Bonde’s (1974) interpretation of the diatomite as varved thus cannot be supported by the present investigation. Diatomite facies Laminated diatomite This facies is characterized by distinct lamination (Fig. 3). Layers of volcanic ash possess sharp upper and lower bounding surfaces (Fig. lOC, I). Wellpreserved fishes and land-derived insects are found; benthic organisms are virtually absent although a few ophiuroids are recorded from one exposure (C. Heinberg, 1977, personal communication). Laminated diatomite constitutes 3 8 % of the diatomite sequence below ash layer + I , but only 40/1 of the sequence above (Fig. 11). In vertical sequence, laminated diatomite passes transitionally into weakly laminated diatomite o r abruptly into structureless diatomite. The preservation of the thin primary laminae in the slowly deposited diatomite, and the presence of wellpreserved very delicate fossils leads to the conclusion that it was deposited a t times when scavengers and all benthic infaunal organisms were absent. Benthic epifaunal organisms, othef than scavengers, may have been present at times. - Fig. 6. Lamina types in laminated diatomite. (A) Lamina type 1 with abundant large diatom valves, Coscinodiscus sp. (B) Lamina type I , detail, showing a matrix of small or fragmented diatom frustules and clay between the large valves of Coscinodiscus sp. (C) Lamina type 1 with abundant small diatom frustules, Stephunopyxis sp. (D) Lamina type 2. Coscinodiscrissp. scattered in a matrix of clay, diatom fragments and small diatom species. The density of Cuscinon'iscus sp. valves is much lower than in the type I lamina (A). (E) Lamina type 2. Trinacriu sp. in a matrix of mainly fragments of diatom fi-ustules. A few silicoflagellarec are also seen. (F) Possible type 3 lamina with fragments of diatoms, clay and complete specimens of small dicitonis, Scepfrorieis sp. and Sfephonopyxis sp. Sedimentation of' a diatomite Weakly laminated diatomite This transitional facies may be developed as millimetre-thin, laterally continuous laminae interspaced with homogeneous layers up to 1 cm thick (Fig. 7). It may also consist of diatomite with an evenly distributed, vague, discontinuous lamination. Ash layers may be bounded by planar-gradational contacts, or ash-filled burrows may occur (Fig. 10B, E, H, K). Weakly laminated diatomite comprises 15yo of the diatomite sequence below, and 404 above, ash layer 1 (Fig. 1 I). + Structureless diatomite Primary structures have not been detected in this facies either in the field, in thin-sections or by Xradiography. The sediment is a homogeneous mixture of clay minerals and diatom frustules (Fig. 8). The ash layers within this facies reveal trace fossils belonging to the ichnogenera Teichichnus, Planolites, Chondrites and Taenidium (Pedersen, 1978). Similarities in diameter and the existence of transitional forms between Planolites and Teichichnus suggest that they were produced by closely related animals. The trace fossils are usually seen as ashfilled burrows extending down from the ash layers (Figs 8,9). Trace fossils passing from diatomite down into volcanic ash may also be seen (Fig. 10D, I, K). Under favourable conditions trace fossils may be seen within the diatomite. The trace fossils are fodinichnia produced by infaunal deposit feeders (Hantzschel, 1975), which in the literature are most often reported from silty/clayey, organic-rich sediments (Fursich, 1975; Baldwin, 1977; Pickerill, 1977). The trace fossils therefore would be expected to be more common in the diatomite than in the ash layers, whereas the reverse is observed. The trace fossils are most common between ash layers 36 and 1 18. Only a few impressions of pelecypod and gastropod shells are known from the structureless diatomite, although in some calcareous concretions from the level below ash layer - 13 numerous gastropod shells are preserved as calcium carbonate. Structureless diatomite constitutes only 449; of the diatomite sequence below, but 84: above, ash layer + 1 (Fig. 11). It is assumed that diatotnfrustules and clay through the whole diatomite sequence were deposited at the varying rates seen in the laminated diatomite. Therefore the homogeneity of the structureless diatomite is interpreted as the result of total bioturbation. + + 495 Teichichnus and Taenidium may be observed to have burrowed to a minimum depth of 8-10 cm. The intense bioturbation, however, is attributed to other organisms living in the upper millimetres of the sediment, because even thin layers of volcanic ash are preserved undisturbed in the structureless diatomite. Discussion Fenchel & Riedl (1970) defined the redox potential discontinuity (RPD) as the layer above which dissolved oxygen is present even if in small amounts, and below which H,S is contained in the pore fluids in the sediment. The RPD layer thus represents an equilibrium surface between oxygen consumption and oxygen supply; it is normally located close to the sediment/water interface in fine-grained sediments in low-energy depositional environments (Fenchel & Riedl, 1970). If the position of the RPD layer in these diatomaceous sediments was determined by grain size, the deposition of the coarse-grained layers of volcanic ash should be expected to shift the RPD layer downwards and make colonization of the sediment surface by burrowing benthos possible. Fig. 10 shows schematically the possible transitions between the diatomite facies and the ash layers. The absence of possibilities F, G and J (Fig. 10) indicates that the position of the RPD layer was not governed by grain size. It seems that the ash layers only serve. by way of their lithologic contrast, to outline the trace fossils, and are not directly involved in their formation. Rhoads & Morse (1971) have shown that contents of dissolved oxygen in the bottom water of less than 0.1 m10, I-' inhibit the presence of burrowing animals. At contents of 0.3-1 .0 ml 0, I- infaunal organisms without calcareous shells may exist, while calcareous benthos are usually found where the content of dissolved oxygen exceeds 1.0 m l 0 , I-'. The absence of infaunal organisms in the laminated diatomite is ascribed to concentrations of dissolved oxygen less than 0.1 ml 0, [ - I , at which state the RPD layer would nearly correspond to the sedimentlwater interface. The very rare presence of ophiuroids in the laminated diatomite shows that the bottom water at times contained small amounts of dissolved oxygen which were restrictive to burrowing benthos but not to a sparse epifauna. This might correspond to the model proposed by Kauffman (1978) for the Posidonia Shale, however, the laminated diatomite generally presents a picture of a sea- 49 6 G . K . Pedersen Fig. 7. Weakly laminated diatomite. The sample has been stained with linseed oil to increase the contrast between laminae. 300 cm below ash layer - 13, Skarrehage. floor so devoid of life that it seems likely that the bottom water was often poisoned by H,S, and that the RPD layer lay so high above the sediment surface that it was not disrupted by deposition of volcanic ash (Fig. ]OF, G and J). In the structureless diatomite the presence of burrowing benthos is solely ascribed t o a sufficiently high content of dissolved oxygen in the water above the sediment/water interface. Therefore the structureless diatomite reflects oxic conditions when the content of dissolved oxygen probably exceeded 0.3 nil 0, I-' but seldom exceeded 1.0 O2 1-l, as indicated by the extreme scarcity of calcareous benthos. The trace fossils indicate that the diatomite may have been inhabited by a relatively high number of organisms belonging to few genera and that the assemblage of trace fossil-producing animals did not change through time. This suggests that the diatomite was deposited in a high-stress environment, and it is proposed that the limiting factor was the content of dissolved oxygen. The sedimentological features and trace fossil content of the structureless diatomite are the same where thin beds of this facies are interbedded within laminated diatomite as in thick homogeneous beds. This may indicate that the content of dissolved oxygen was continually low. Calcerous concretions Calcareous concretions are found at certain levels in the diatomite (Fig. 1 1 ) . The close control pro130 reveals vided by ash layers between + 1 and that concretions are restricted to particular levels in the sequence throughout the basin. Within these levels, however, the size and number of the concretions may vary. Below ash layer + 1 the concretions are probably confined to distinct levels too, but this is difficult to prove as the ash layers are fewer and more widely spaced. The concretions are usually ellipsoids with a maximum size of 1 x 0.5 m, but continuous layers occur locally. + 497 Sedimentation of a diatomite Fig. 8. Structureless diatomite below ash layer Teichichnus. Silstrup. + 36. The ash filled burrows belong to the ichnogenus The concretions are generally found in Iaminated diatomite containing no ash layers or a few thin ones (Fig. 11), with the concretions in ash layers + 101/102 as a notable exception. The diatomite outside the concretions is only slightly more compacted than within them. The relative age and the mode of formation of the concretions have not been studied in detail. Baggild ( I 91 8) suggested that basin-wide deposition of calcareous microfossils, now dissolved, may have made certain stratigraphical levels more favourable for the formation of concretions. The concretions described here resemble those occurring in the Monterey Formation (Bramlette, 1946) except that there calcareous microfossils are preserved within the concretions as well as in adjacent beds. MICROFOSSILS Ninety species of diatoms are known (Benda, 1972) and they are the main sediment component in the formation. Radiolarians, silico-flagellates and dinoflagellates are present and have been used in strati- graphical studies (Perch-Nielsen, 1976; Hansen, 1979) while calcareous microfossils are absent. MACROFOSSILS The diatomite contains remains of marine planktonic and nektonic organisms, as well as landderived fossils. The fossils are extremely rare but their state of preservation is generally good especially within the calcareous concretions. Fossils in thecollections have to a large extent been obtained from loose concretions lying at the foot of the cliffs, so that only part of the fossils can be referred to exact stratigraphical levels. The collections may be further biased through the fact that calcareous concretions formed predominantly in laminated diatomite. Among the invertebrates Ophiuriu furiae and two very rare asteroids are known (Rasmussen, 1972), the gastropods Fusinus sp. and Spirutella mercinensis are fairly common while pelecypods are rare (Bonde, 1979). All these invertebrates are found almost exclusively in the structureless diatomite (Bonde, 49 8 G. K. Pedevsen +36 (Bonde, 1966). The remains of three turtles (Nielsen, 1959, 1963) and 14 land birds are described by Hoch (1 975). The relatively high proportion of land-derived fossils indicates that the diatomite was deposited at no great distance from the coast. Bonde (1974) suggests that the Fennoscandian Border Zone constituted a land area approximately 150 km away. DURATION OF DIATOMITE DEPOSITION +35 . .. ; . ; ,’:,,.-I<. .,.. %>,,. .... ,, ...... \, . . . . . . . . . ..,‘,: . . . . , ’ . . . , ~ ,...... O . . ’ . . , ,I . , . , -33 Fig. 9. Below ash layer +35 the diatomite is laminated, and volcanic ash layers 34 and 35 are sharply delineated by plane surfaces. Above ash layer 35 the diatomite is + structureless and contains numerous ash-filled burrows (dominantly Teichchnus). The lower boundary of + 3 6 is well defined because of the contrast in both colour and grain size, but the upper boundary is gradational. Silstrup. Drawn from photograph. 1979), which supports the interpretation of the laminated diatomite as devoid of benthos. Plants and insects are relatively frequent (Larsson, 1975). Besides rarer well-preserved trunks, branches and leaves, small fusain fragments of terrestrial plant material are present in all facies. In the insect fauna wingless forms and larvae are completely lacking, while very good flyers and small winged insects are under-represented, and relatively large and heavy insects dominate. This suggests that the insects were transported by wind to the place of deposition, and that a sorting of the original insect assemblage took place. The preservation of the insects indicates that scavengers were very rare or absent both on the seafloor (anoxic bottom water) and in the water column, where they may have been killed by ‘red tide’ poisoning (Larsson, 1975, p. 199). The diatomite has yielded many vertebrate fossils. Fishes are relatively common, especially a little argentinoid (Bonde, 1979). Most fishes are fisheating, oceanic forms living in moderately deep water (50-500 m), while fishes living near the bottom or forms feeding on shelled invertebrates are absent Sharma (1969) found three magnetic reversals in the volcanic ash layers, and on the basis of the average length of a normal or a reverse polarity calculated that the sedimentation of the diatomite probably lasted 3 m.y. This estimate was supported by a stratigraphical study (Perch-Nielsen, 1976) but it has Iately been challenged by Bonde (1974, 1979), who favours a much shorter period of diatomite deposition. Indirect evidence in support of more than one million years of diatomite deposition exists in the volcanic ash layers. The similarities between the ash layers in thickness and grain size, as well as isopach maps of individual ash layers (Andersen, 1937) strongly suggest that all the ash originated from the same volcanic region (in the Skagerrak) though not necessarily from the same volcano. Pedersen ct a/. (1975) found that four stages of volcanism produced the ash layers. The stages were characterized by different magmatic compositions and varying intensities of volcanic activity. Stage two resembles the products of continental rift volcanism, while stage four is represented by more than 110 layers of tholeiitic composition produced by a regional upwelling of magma, probably caused by a small mantle plume. The fourth stage reflects intense volcanic activity and may have been produced within a relatively short period of time. It is, however, highly improbable that the four distinguishable stages of volcanic activity should have succeeded each other within tens of thousands of years; a period of one or a few million years is far more likely (A. K. Pedersen, 1978, personal communication). As breaks in sedimentation of the diatomite have not been observed the average rate of deposition must have been low. Bonde (1 974) interpreted the diatomite as composed of varves 1-2mni thick and assumed that laminated diatomitewas the dominant facies through- 499 Sedimentation of a diatomite Structureless diatomite + Weakly laminated diat. ++ Laminated diatomite Volcanic ash ++ +/ - r6 Burrows The illustrated cases are: +/- ++ + - + t +/- frequent occasional rare absent Fig. 10. Examples of existing and hypothetical relationships between ash layers and diatomite facies. A-F illustrate ash layers within one diatomite facies, while G-K illustrate situations where ash layers separate two different facies. The frequency with which the illustiated cases occur in the measured sections is indicated. A illustrates that intensive bioturbation may be ascribed to organisms living close to the sediment surface (cf. D). A, B and C show that all diatomite facies may be bounded above or below by ash layrrs, with no sign of bioturbation, and such !ayers may also separate any two different facies. Therefore only facies transitions that might conceivably correspond to a bioturbated ash layer are illustrated in G-K. Non- or slightly bioturbated diatomite rarely overlies bioturbated ash layers (G, H); this, together with the evidence of I , J and K , indicates that ash layers were burrowed by benthos inhabiting the overlying diatomite. That the presence or absence of burrowing benthos was determined not by grain size but by the content of dissolved oxygen is deduced from: ( I ) the fact that possibilities C, F and 1 are frequent, absent and occasionally occurring respectively, and (2) from the contrast between I, J, K and D. out the deposit. He then calculated by extrapolation that the c. 60 m of diatomite was deposited within 60,000 y. No data were presented to substantiate this hypothesis. The present investigation does not support the hypothesis that the lamination represents Val-ves, and shows that laminated diatomite is not the dominant facies. The calculations of Bonde must accordingly be rejected. ANOXIC EVENTS DURING DIATOMITE SEDIMENTATION The most complete section through the diatomite sequence was obtained by combining thc intervals between ash layers - 34 and 118 at F u r Knudeklint + 32 and between +118 and +140 at Silstrup Sydklint (Fig. f I ) . Exposures of diatomite below ash layer - 34 are not available for study. The ash layers form isochronous marker horizons separating diatomite intervals cf varying thicknesses. In order to compare the lateral and verrical changes in diatomite facies, the variations in thickness of the diatomite from one exposure to the next are compensated for by adjusting the distances between any two layers to the distance between the same ash layers measured in F u r Knudeklint or Silstrup Sydklint. The intervals of laminated or structureless diatomite are adjusted proportionally (Fig. I I ) . The same sequence of vertical facies transitions can be recognized from one exposure to the next. Deposition of laminated diatomite thus characterizes S I . 1) 2s 1 + 51 :%- + 0 - I 4 ~ . .................... u- 1 -"x,?., , 3 , ~~.~ " il A 9 ... I - Fig. 11. For legend see opposite. 5 L.-J - 6 9 l--- 10 rn LOCALITY NUMBER ASH LAYER CALC. CONCRETION 0 +I OXlC A N O X I C EVENT DWEAKLY ANOXIC BOTTOM WATER 0STRUCTURELESS WEAKLY LAMINATED LAMINATED DIATOMITE 0 0 VI 501 Sedimentation of a diatomite certain stratigraphical levels throughout the basin and is accordingly interpreted to reflect basin-wide anoxic events. The existence of isochronous ash layers in the diatomite allows the recognition of the following details about the anoxic events. ( 1 ) The change between oxic and anoxic conditions happened simultaneously throughout the basin. (2) Laminated and structureless diatomite predominate over transitional, weakly laminated diatomite, indicating that the change from anoxic to oxic conditions was relatively swift. ( 3 ) The rate of diatomite deposition is seen to have varied throughout the basin, independently from the distribution of the diatomite facies. The oxygen content of the bottom water thus seems to have been less affected by varying rates of deposition (varying organic production) than by basin-wide, long-term fluctuations. Twelve basin-wide anoxic events are recognized, each represented by 40-400 cm of laminated diatomite. Based on the estimate that the diatomite was deposited during 3 m.y. (Sharma, 1969), the length of anoxic events is calculated to have varied between 22,000 and 126,000 years with an average of 75,000 years. These values are maxima, as 3 m.y. probably is the maximum estimate of diatomite deposition. caused by rising of salt diapirs and differential subsidence rates (Fig. 2) is suggested to be the feature that influenced water circulation and created local conditions of upwelling, leading to high biological production. Deposition of a diatomite requires a high production of diatoms, as up to 99% of the diatom frustules may be dissolved before sedimentation (Calvert, 1968). Consequently, large amounts of organic matter are decomposed through oxygenconsuming processes in the water column and at the sediment/water interface. The generally low contents of oxygen in the bottom waters during the deposition of the diatomite probablywerecaused both by decomposition of organic matter and by slow circulation of bottom water. Anoxic conditions are strongly favoured by a restricted circulation of the bottom waters (Hallam & Bradshaw, 1979). The development from mostly anoxic to more oxic conditions through the diatomite sequence (Fig. 1 I ) corresponds to the gradual filling of a depression in the shelf, according to the model proposed by Hallam (1978). The early Eocene climate was generally warmer than the present (Buchardt, 1978) as is also indicated by the fossils in the diatomite (Hoch, 1975). These climatic conditions may also have favoured the development of oxygen-poor bottom waters, through the processes discussed by Fischer & Arthur, 1977. THE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT DISCUSSION The diatomite was deposited in a shelf sea (Ziegler, 1975, Fig. 1 ) relatively close to a land area (Bonde, 1974, 1979). The fossils indicate moderately deep water and the fine grain size and lamination suggest low-energy conditions. Bonde (1974, 1979) has presented a general model of upwelling for a large part of the North Sea Basin, but the diatomite deposition presuniably was restricted to a much smaller area (Fig. 2), in which the biological production was much higher than in the surrounding areas. A submarine topography Detailed descriptions of Cret?ceous sediments in DSDP cores (sites 356, 357 from the South Atlantic, Thiede & van Andel, 1977; and off the west coast of Africa, site 367, Gardner, Dean & Jansa, 1978) mention cyclic variations from black, laminated sediments to green or brownish bioturbated shales. Similar variations are reported from sites 146, 153, 249, 305 and 364 by Ryan & Cita (1977), and it seems that the oceanic anoxic events are only an extreme example of a constantly changing degree of Fig. 11. To the left is a composite sedimentological log through the Moler diatomite. The sequence between ash layers -34 and + 118 was measured at Fur Knudeklint (9 o n Fig. I), and the’sequence above + 118 at Silstrup Sydklint ( I ) . The most important ash layers are shown, as well as the most prominent levels with calcareous concretions. In the other logs the distance between any two ash layers is adjusted to the distance in the composite log. The distribution of the three diatomite facies is shown in each fog. The laminated diatomite is found at the same levels throughout the basin. 32-2 G. K. Pederseti 502 oxygenation of the bottom waters. Gardner et at. (1978) estimate the length of the cycles to be approximately 50,000 years and propose that climatic variations may produce fluctuations in the amount of organic material supplied to the sediment. In their account of Jurassic epicontinental bituminous sediments Hallam & Bradshaw (1979) mention (p. 160) that ‘regular alternations of bituminous and non-bituminous shale units, each ranging u p to about a metre in thickness’ (c. 40,000 years of deposition) may be observed. The duration of the anoxic events during deposition of the Palaeogene diatomite is here calculated as tens of thousands of years, and is thus of the same magnitude as the figures given by Gardner el a/. ( I 978) and Hallam & Bradshaw (1979). The sapropels in the Pleistocene sediments in the Mediterranean were caused by climatic variations that drastically changed the circulation pattern (Ryan, 1972; Ryan & Cita, 1977). The study of the Palaeogene diatomite shows that in a shelf deposit, laid down during stable climatic and circulationpattern conditions, isochronous changes in oxygen content may also be observed. If these were caused by climatic fluctuations, the fluctuations must have been slight, because they are not apparent in the fossil assemblage. If slight climatic changes with a periodicity of tens of thousands of years are traceable in Jurassic epicontinental shales (Hallam & Bradshaw, 1979), in Cretaceous to Tertiary oceanic sediments (Gardner et a/., 1978) and in Palaeogene shelf deposits (this paper), such changes may always have occurred. The reason that they are seldom observed may be that the variations are so slight that special sedimentological o r palaeontological conditions are required for their recognition. CONCLUSlONS The Moler diatomite affords an ideal opportunity to study anoxic events because closely spaced, individually recognizable ash layers make correlation between exposures possible, and because most of the factors controlling sedimentation were constant : the clay content varies little, the same diatom species are present, and the lamination, where preserved, is of uniform type. The only difference between the three diatomite facies is their degree of bioturbation. The laminated diatomite was deposited during absence of burrowing benthos, though a very sparse epifauna may have existed at times. The weakly laminated diatomite reveals the presence of occasional burrowing organisms. The structureless diatomite was deposited when a low diversity fauna of burrowing benthos existed. Land-derived insects and plants are found in all facies, together with pelagic marine fossils. The diatomite was deposited slowly though at slightly varying rates, but breaks in sedimentation have not been observed. Deposition took place under warm, stable, equable climatic conditions and probably stable patterns of water circulation. LOW contents of oxygen characterized the diatomite environment throughout, and were probably a result of rich biological production, combined with influence of bottom topography on water circulation and possibly favoured by the warm, equable climate. Lastly the relationship between sediment grain size, bottom water and infaunal benthos can be studied, because the ash layers are sandy while the diatomite is silty/clayey. The presence o r absence of burrowing benthos cannot be shown to be dependent o n sediment grain size (Fig. lo), and therefore the presence of burrowing benthos is correlated with the content of dissolved oxygen. The laminated diatomite represents anoxic conditions. The content of dissolved oxygen was below 0.1 ml O2 I-’ (Rhoads & Morse, 1971), if the water wsa not actually poisoned by dissolved H2S. The structureless diatomite represents oxic conditions and the content of oxygen was above 0.3 nil O2 I but seldom above 1.0 nd 0, I - l (Rhoads & Morse, 1971). With the aid of the ash layer correlation it can be shown that anoxic conditions were independent of sedimentation rate, and the uniform content of fusain wood indicates that anoxic conditions were not caused by increased influx of terrestrial plant material. Thus transitions between oxic and anoxic conditions reflect changes in the oxygen content of the bottom water produced by an external mechanism, which is supposed to be climatic. The hypothesis of Fischer & Arthur (1977), that periods with warm equable climates may provide the frame within which anoxic events occur, may be supported. The development towards fewer, thinner and more widely spaced intervals of laminated diatomite in the upper part of the section supports the hypothesis of Hallam (1978) that gradual filling of depressions in the shelf improves circulation, as it may be inferred that an area of rapid subsidence originally existed and promoted anoxic conditions as proposed by Hallam & Bradshaw (1979). Sedinientotion of a diatomite The complete diatomite sequence may represent an analogue to one oceanic anoxic event in duration (cf. Schlanger & Jenkyns, 1976), in the climate prevailing and in the fact that fluctuations between anoxic and low-oxygen conditions were observed in the diatomite as they have been in D S D P cores. Within the diatomite twelve comparatively short, anoxic events may be distinguished, each characterized by a uniform depositional environment and comparable t o the anoxic events in the eastern Mediterranean in the Quaternary o r to the individual units of laminated black shales in the Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay. Thus it seems that thelarge-scale, global, somewhat heterogeneous oceanic anoxic events a few million years in length may comprise several smaller scale, clearly defined, local anoxic events that lasted tens of thousands of years. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is based on part of a thesis written a t the University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Dr F. Surlyk, who is thanked for support and helpful criticism throughout the study. An earlier draft of this paper was read by Professor A. Hallam (Birmingham), D r H. J . Hansen (Copenhagen), D r H. Jenkyns (Oxford), Professor S. 0. Schlanger (Hawaii) and Professor J. Thiede (Oslo) who all offered many helpful suggestions. 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