Geochimica et Cosmochimica 0016-7037/92/65.00 Acla Vol. 56, pp. 2955-2961 + .oO Copyright0 1992 Pergamon Press Ltd. Printedin U.S.A. LETTER Iridium content of basaltic tuffs and enclosing black shales of the Balder Formation, North Sea W. CRAWFORDELLIOTT,’ JAMESL. ARONSON,’ and HUGH T. MILLARDJR.* ‘Department of Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106, USA *Branch of Isotope Geology, United States Geological Survey, MS 424, Box 25046, Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225-0046, USA (Received February 5, 1992; accepted in revisedform May 29, 1992) Abstract-The anomalous levels of Ir and the presence of shocked metamorphosed quartz deposited at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary worldwide is strong evidence that a meteorite impact took place during the K/T boundary interval. However, because of observed high Ir contents at Kilauea vents, it is still a major point of contention that the Ir anomaly could have been produced by flood basaltic volcanism. This might especially be true at Stevns Klint, Denmark, where the K/T boundary marl contains pyroclastic labradorite and Mg-smectite thought to have been produced by basaltic volcanism. However, up to now, no study has determined whether or not a depositional Ir anomaly has formed in association with a known major basaltic eruption. Herein, we report the concentrations of Ir, Pt, Au, and Ag in basaltic tuffs and enclosing marine black shales of the widespread Paleocene-Eocene Balder Formation. The tuffs in the Balder Formation represent explosive basaltic volcanism associated with the major volcano/tectonic activity of the opening of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. As such, they are the kind of eruption that could have possibly created a global K/T boundary-type Ir anomaly. Our results show that the tuffs and the shales on a per-weight basis both contain concentrations of Ir (0.1-0.25 ppb) that are higher than the Ir levels recently measured from terrestrial rocks including the Deccan Trap and Columbia River flood basal@ but are comparable to Hawaiian and Reunion Island basalts. Because of its thickness, the absolute amount of Ir expelled during the eruption of the main tuff sequence of the Balder Tuff is sizable. Yet for such an eruption to have produced a global Ir anomaly would mandate it having been one of an extremely high volatile content and it would have to have been erupted over a very short interval of time. Furthermore, such a high proportion of the volatilized Ir would have to have been injected into the stratosphere so that only small enrichments of Ir were formed in the proximal tuffs on a per gram basis. INTRODLJCHON took place at the close of the Cretaceous period, 65 million Years ago. In spite of the many studies proposing that the Iris derived from meteorite impact, some of the studies cogently argue that the Ir may have been generated by the voluminous basaltic volcanism taking place on a worldwide scale during K/ T boundary time (for review, MCCARTNEY and LOPER, 1989). ZOLLERet al. ( 1983), OLMEZ et al. ( 1986), and RNNEGAN et al. ( 1989) have found that aerosols and particulates associated with basaltic eruptions occurring at Kilauea contained significant enrichments of Ir relative to the basalt flows themselves. ZOLLERet al. ( 1983 ) associated the high Ir content of these aerosols with high F contents of the Kilauea vent gases and the low boiling point of compounds with Ir and F. They, along with TOUTAINand MEYER( 1989), suggest that Ir is released by basaltic hot-spot volcanoes having deep mantle sources. Moreover, basaltic volcanism is proposed to have been a significant cause in the mass extinctions at the K/T boundary (e.g., HALLAM, 1987; OFFICER et al., 1987) and potentially at the Permo-Triassic boundary as well (RENNE and BASU, 1991). The occurrences of multiple Ir anomalies in Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks near the K/T boundary in several locations THE ABUNDANCEAND occurrence of noble metals in sedimentary rocks (e.g., shales and limestones) and in volcanic rocks (rhyolites and basalts) are not known very well relative to gabbroic and ultramafic rocks. Nor were there many reasons to study the occurrences of these metals in sedimentary and volcanic rocks until 1980, when ALVAREZet al. ( 1980) discovered that Ir was present in anomalous concentrations (i.e., > 1 ppb) at the Cretaceous/Tertiary (K/T) boundary. The Ir anomaly at the K/T boundary has been found in greater than seventy-five localities worldwide (ALVAREZ, 1986) in both non-marine and marine sedimentary rocks. At Stevns Klint, Denmark, GANAPATHY( 1980) showed the Pt group metals are present at the K/T boundary in approximately chondrite-normalized abundances, and Ir is present there over 103-fold at the K/T boundary relative to the enclosing Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks (e.g., see KASTNER et al., 1984; ROCCHIA et al., 1984). The source of the Ir and the other Pt group metals are arguably meteoritic and, together with the presence of shock-metamorphosed quartz with multiple planes of deformation lamellae (BOHORet al., 1984, 1987), compose strong evidence that a meteorite impact 2955 2956 W. C. Elliott, J. L. Aronson, and H. T. Millard Jr. (i.e., Bavaria, Italy, South Atlantic Ocean) have also supported this rival hypothesis ( CROCKETet al., 1988; HLJF~~AN et al., 1990; GRAUP et al., 1989). Moreover, KOEBERL( 1989) found volcanic dust bands preserved in ablating glacial ice in Antarctica containing up to 7.5 ppb Ir. The Ir levels correlated positively with chalcophile elements (i.e., Ar, Sb, Se) in these volcanic dust bands, and elsewhere these chalcophile elements have been associated with volcanism (OFFICER and DRAKE, 1985 ). FELITSYNand VAGANOV(1988) found iridium content in Holocene ashes from Kamchatka increased with distance from the source volcano, and iridium was most abundant in the silt-sized fractions. In Scandinavia, we have argued previously that labradorite and the Mg-smectite within the K/T boundary layer at Stevns Klint, Denmark, are both derived from pyroclastic basaltic volcanism, the former as a primary phenocryst, the latter by alteration of basaltic glass ash (ELLIOTT et al., 1989). The observations of enhanced volatilization of Ir compounds during basaltic eruptions by ZOLLER et al. ( 1983), OLMEZ et al. ( 1986), and TOUTAIN and MEYER ( 1989), together with our evidence of basaltic volcanism at the K/T boundary transition in Denmark, permit basaltic volcanism as a possible source of all or part of the anomalous Ir seen at the K/T boundary in northwestern Europe, and possibly elsewhere as well. However, it is difficult to generalize from isolated modemday vent Ir analyses of aerosols (OLMEZ et al., 1986) and vent condensates (TOUTAIN and MEYER, 1989) as to the potential of a basaltic eruption to form a widespread Ir anomaly in sedimentary rocks. In the research reported here, we examine the best possible case we could readily find in the rock record where such an Ir anomaly could have formed from basaltic volcanism. In designing our research, we reasoned that should Ir and the other noble metals be preferentially enriched in volatiles emitted during basaltic volcanism, a special type of basaltic eruption would be required to create a K/T boundary-type Ir anomaly of global proportions. Namely a significant fraction of the Ir in a very large volume of basaltic magma would have to have been ( 1) volatilized out of this huge reservoir and (2) globally distributed. The only way we can envision the latter is by insertion of this large fraction of Ir into the stratosphere which we in turn believe would require a major explosive eruption. This is not commonly associated with the eruption of highly fluid basaltic magma. Thus, this line of reasoning led us to investigate here the thick and widespread pyroclastic basaltic tuffs of the Balder Formation, the largest pyroclastic basaltic episode of which we are aware. The eruption of the Balder Formation tuffs was associated with one of Earth’s major flood basalt sequences, the northern North Atlantic B&o-Arctic Province. Such major explosive eruptions would be caused by excessive build-up of volatiles (perhaps exacerbated by water flooding the magma chamber) and would result in the anomalously large emission of these volatiles, including any volatile compounds of Ir and F. It is conceivable that a magma chamber large enough to erupt a flood basalt sequence might be capped by a large pocket of Ir-enriched volatiles. During explosive eruption this Ir would be co-erupted with the glassy ash as a separate volatized phase as indicated by ZQLLERet al. ( 1983), TOUTAIN and MEYER (1989), and OLMEZ et al. ( 1986). We also reasoned that such a major basaltic explosive eruption that could inject Irenriched volatiles into the stratosphere also would be characterized by a major halo of enhanced Ir deposition proximally around the eruption site. Thus, even though the proximal regional areas received a large flux of basaltic tephra diluting the co-erupted volatile Ir, the resulting deposit would still be anomalously enriched in Ir on a per weight basis. Not only would the resulting glassy basaltic ash tuffs be chemically reactive, but so also would be the associated volatiles which probably condensed on the ash surfaces. During and after deposition, these metals could have migrated from the tuffs during diagenesis. Thus, to test the contention of basaltic volcanism having contributed markedly to the Ir llux at the K/T boundary, we analyzed the Ir, Pt, Au, and Ag contents not only in the relevant basaltic tuffs but also in the enclosing strata of the Balder Formation. THE BALDER FORMATION Basaltic tuffs are rare in the rock record. However, two early Tertiary basaltic tuffs occur in two different stratigraphic associations in northwestern Europe: ( 1) the MO-clay of the Fur Formation in northern Jutland, Denmark (NIELSENand HEILMANN-CLAUSEN,1988; PEDERSENand SURLYK, 1983; PEDERSENet al., 1975; and KNOX and MORTON, 1988), and (2) the Balder Formation, North Sea ( MALM et al., 1984). The MO-clay basaltic tuffs are highly weathered and enclosed within diatomaceous earth. The Balder Formation basaltic tuffs are found in the subsurface, enclosed in marine shales. The Balder Formation is a prominent stratigraphic North Sea marker due to its thickness and its distinct seismic and well-log characteristics. Though penetrated by numerous oil wells throughout the North Sea, the Balder Formation has been cored in part in only two locations, wells 30 / 2- 1 and 25/ 10-l (Fig. 1). We utilized the core of STATOIL’s well 30/2-I where the tuff grain size and the number and thickness of tuffs is greater and presumeably closer to the source, and the enclosing shales are carbonaceous ( MALM et al., 1984). The percentages of C,,, of the shales studied herein range from 1.38- 1.80% (unpubl. data from authors) on a wholerock basis. We also chose to study core 30 /2- 1 because if the noble metals diffused from the tuffs during diagenesis, then, if not in the tuff themselves, they would have the best chance of being preserved in the adjacent organic-rich black shales ( SCHMITZet al., 1988) or secondarily incorporated into the clay minerals (ELLIOTT et al., 1989). For an opposing view, espousing that the noble metals may be present in the insoluble residue as refractory particles rather than adsorbed on organic material, see GILMOUR and ANDERS( 1989 ). It is not well appreciated that the amounts of basalt expelled during the latest Paleocene and earliest Eocene in the northern North Atlantic region are comparable to the amounts expelled in the formation of the Deccan Traps during the K/T boundary transition. Most of the volume of these basalts are in the sub-sea parts of the Greenland and Norway continental shelves as well as the Rockall and Faero plateaus. The northern North Atlantic flood basalt activity rivaled that of the Deccan Traps in volume, perhaps only about 30% smaller (ROBERTSet al., 1984). Furthermore, like the Deccan Traps (JAEGERet al., 1989), indications are the bulk of the northern North Atlantic flood basalts erupted in a narrow span of time, 2951 Ir content of pyroclastic rocks in relation to K/T boundary : E&i Ke Predominantly El m Bosolt Flows Bosolt Sills or Flows Known Area of Pyroclostic Trace of Midoceon Ridge Ash Fall FIG. 1. Pre-spreading distribution of Paleocene and Eocene basaltic flows, sills, and known areas of pyroclastic basaltic ash falls presented by ROBERTS et al. ( 1984). The basaltic ashes shown in the North Sea are those of the Balder Formation. a nrominent seismic marker. cored in wells 30/2-l and 25/ IO-1. The fine dots outline the continental . shelves and plateaus of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. certainly less than a few million years and maybe less than 1 million years (ROBERTS et al., 1984). Thus, the Balder Formation tuffs are likely to represent basaltic volcanism from the deep mantle of the type most likely capable of transporting high amounts of Ir to the surface. Furthermore, ZOLLER et al. ( 1983) note the importance of high F content as a criterion of the type of basaltic volcanism likely to produce high Ir levels. We do not know if the upper Paleocene northern North Atlantic flood basalt volcanism was of a type unusually rich in F emissions. However, Hekla, an active Icelandic volcano, is a modem representative of the same hot spot and resulting spreading system, and it is among the most prominent F-emitting basaltic volcanoes that have been surveyed (ZOLLER et al., 1983). The Balder Formation tuffs are associated with very extensive deepmantle flood basalt eruptions that may have been rich in F. Thus,. the analysis of noble metals in basaltic tuffs in the Balder Formation, and, as importantly, the enclosing shales rich in C,, deposited under anoxic conditions ( MALM et al., 1984), is a reasonable test to see if significant Ir enrichments form in tuffs and enclosing rocks resulting from explosive basaltic volcanism comparable in amount to that occurring at the K/T boundary. The core and its stratigraphic context have been described completely by MALM et al. ( 1984). On the basis of biostratigraphy, MALMet al. ( 1984) correlate the main tuff sequence seen in core 30/2- 1 with ( 1) the middle of the main North Sea pyroclastic phase of JACQUE and THOUVENIN( 1975), (2) subphase 2b of the Paleogene North Sea pyroclastic stratigraphy dated at about 53 m.y. ago (KNOX and MORTON, 1988). NIELSENand HEILMANN-CLAUSEN(1988) indicate the Balder Formation is correlative with the Fur Formation and that the main phase of the volcanism took place during the Paleocene-Eocene transition. The 16-meter-long core be- 2958 W. C. Elliott, J. L. Aronson, and H. T. Millard Jr. tween 1952-1968 meters deep is from the 47-meter-thick main tuff zone of the Balder Formation. MALM et al. ( 1984) estimate the main tuff zone has approximately 500 tuffs, all basaltic, ranging in thickness from 0.0 1 to 10’s of centimeters. The tuffs comprise 44% of the sediment volume. These tuffs are now chlorite/smectite bentonites containing plagioclase phenocrysts ( MALM et al., 1984; unpubl. studies by author). were encapsulated, along with the flux monitors wires (2 cm lengths of aluminum wire containing 980 ppm Co and 5.9 1 ppm Au), and irradiated for 36 h in the central thimble of the United States Geological Survey TRIGA reactor (GSTR, thermal flux = 2.0 X 10 I3n/ cm*/sec, epithermal flux = 1.2 X lO’*n/cm*/sec). The capsule was rotated during irradiation. Following irradiation and four days of cooling, the quartz ampoules were opened and the sample powders poured into zirconium crucibles containing carriers for Ir, Au, and Ag (50 pg Ir, 25 pg Au, and 10 pg Ag). The mixture was fused with 5 g of sodium peroxide for 5 min and cooled. 1 g of lead oxide powder and 3 g of borax glass were added, the mixture heated carefully to expel1 water, and then fused. 2 g of potassium cyanide powder were added in small portions over a period of 15 min to reduce the lead to the metallic state. The reduced lead collected the noble metals, then formed a drop. The crucible was removed from the flame and the melt swirled as it cooled. The lead drop was made to roll out of the melt just as the melt solidified and the lead drop was poured into another zirconium crucible, where it immediately froze. The resulting lead bead was flattened to form a disk about 0.050 cm thick. The lead disks, monitors in aluminum foil, and the weighed aluminum flux monitor wires were taped to aluminum planchets and counted at 0.5 cm (6.0 cm for the aluminum wires) from an intrinsic Ge gamma detector according to the following schedule and conditions given in Table I. The count rates are corrected for decay, pulse METHODS Samples of the Balder Formation tuffs and enclosing shales were collected at 1962.64-1962.68 m (base of the thickest tutI’) and at 1968.0- 1968.1 m (the lowest cored tuff of the Balder Formation unit). Basaltic tuffs and enclosing shales were collected at 1959.231959.27 m and at 1961.0-1961.3 m (Fig. 2). These tuffs and shales and the ~0.1 p fraction of the K/T boundary at Nye IUov were analyzed for Ag, Au, Ir, and Pt as described in the following text. The Nye Klev sample served as a low-b standard. The radiochemical procedure used to determine the noble metals was adapted from that described by MILLARD( 1987). Powdered samples were sealed in quartz ampoules. Monitors ( 1.348 pg Ag, 0.2111 pg Et, 0.001833 ng Ir, and 0.000973 pg Au) were prepared by pipetting aliquots of standard solutions onto aluminum foil, evap orating to dryness, and folding the foil. The samples and monitors _--__-ElSample8 (m-1 1,-.23 AQ @pb) 0 1w 200 Ir @pB) 200 0 .l .2 .3 .4 .5 Au (I@) 0 2 4 6 310 ___- G _-----_- c4 ____--++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ c3 1959.25 ++++++++ ++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++ _______ ---__-_ 1,959.27 -:-:-I-I c2 i5 - 1,961.00~ I-T-I---_- w __-_ ____ _______ ----. -_-___-_-____ __-_ _--_--l,gs1.05. -1-I-I-I __----_--ii ---++++++++ r2 ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ :;:g:+ ++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++ 1,961.10~++++++++, ++++++++ ++++++++ :&:+ +++++++;++++++++ ++++++++ Dl :+;+z+;+ w- FIG. 2. Distribution of Ag, Ir, and Au in the Balder Formation tuff-shale pairs at 1959.23-1959.27 m and at 1961.001961.13 m. Ir content of pyroclastic rocks in relation to K/T boundary TABLE1. Counting parameters Gamma Energies Nuclide (keV) Samples (decay times = 7 and 20 days, counting times = 4000 to 10000 set) and Monitors (decay times 7 and 20 days, counting times = 1008 set): Au (Au-198, t1,2= 2.70 days) Pt (Au-199, tl,z = 3.14 days) Ir (Ir-192, tllz = 74.2 days) Ag (Ag-110 m, tl,2 = 252 days) 411.8 158.4 308.4, 316.5, 468.1 657.7, 937.5 Al Wires (decay time = 7 days, counting time = 200 set) Au (Au-198, tllz = 2.70 days) Co (Co-60, tl12= 5.26 years) 411.8 1332.5 Carrier Yields (decay time = 7 to 10 days, counting time = 200 to 4000 set): Au (Au-198, t,,2 = 2.70 days) Ir (Ir-192, tllz = 74.2 days) Aa (Aa-110 m. t,,, = 252 davs) Note: m-denotes 411.8 316.5 657.7. 937.5 metastable phase. pileup, and the contribution to ‘99Aufrom Au (only i9’Au from Pt is desired). The rotation of the capsule during irradiation was found to eliminate the effect of the horizontal flux gradient and thus only the vertical flux gradient requires further evaluation. The aluminum flux wires were used to determine this correction. The count rates for the wires were corrected for decay, pulse pileup, and counts per minute per microgram (cpm/rcp) computed for Au and Co. These values were then used to compute the thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes for the lowest layer of samples in the capsule and the fluxes at the other layers relative to the lowest layer. Carrier yields for lr, Au, and Ag were determined by reirradiation of the lead disks along with suitable reirradiation carrier monitors prepared from the carrier solutions. The reirradiation lasted 5 min and was performed in the rotating specimen rack of the GSTR. The lead disks and monitors were taped to aluminum planchets and counted at 0.5 cm from an intrinsic Ge gamma detector according to the schedule in Table 1.The count rates were corrected for decay, pulse pileup, and residual activity for the original irradiation and carrier yields for Ir, Au, and Ag computed for each sample. 2959 The cpm/pg of Ir, Au, Et, and Ag were computed for each monitor; these were corrected for the vertical flux gradient, and weighted averages of the corrected cpm/pg were calculated. The concentrations of Ir, Au, Et, and Ag in each sample were computed using the averaged monitor cpm/pg values and these were then corrected for the vertical flux gradient and the carrier yields. Weighted averages for the concentration of each element in each sample were computed for the various peaks for each nuclide and the several countings of each sample. RESULTS The concentrations of Ag, Ir, Et, and Au in the tuffs and enclosing shales are summarized in Table 2, and the variations of Ag, Ir, and Au in shale-tuff pairs are shown in Fig. 2. As listed in Table 2, the concentrations of Ir in both tuffs and shales range from 0.102-0.257 ppb. These concentrations are an order of magnitude lower than the Ir levels we and others have measured from a K/T boundary with low-Ir levels (e.g., Nye Klev, 1.85 ppb on a whole rock basis), and these concentrations are more than two orders of magnitude lower than the levels we and others have measured at K/T boundaries with high-b levels like Stevns Klint (e.g., 5.3-61 ppb Ir, Table 2 ) . The Ir levels for the Balder Formation tuffs and shales listed in Table 2 would not be considered to be anomalous. They are comparable to the Ir levels in basalts measured from Kilauea, Hawaii (analysis by C. Orth in OLMEZ et al., 1986) and from Reunion Island ( TOUTAIN and MEYER, 1989). However, the Ir concentrations would be considered enriched relative to the levels of Ir measured in volcanic ashes across the K/T boundary in Montana, USA, where the concentrations were co.04 ppb Ir (B. Schmitz, pers. commun., 1992) in basalts and intertrap sediments from Deccan Traps (ROCCHIA et al., 1988) and in basalts from the Columbia River ( GANAPATHY, 1980). The concentrations of Ag and Au are more variable ranging from 52.5-28 1 ppb (Ag) and 0.82-8.43 ppb (Au). These levels are within an order of magnitude of those from the K/ T boundary at Nye Klov, and they are an order of magnitude lower than the concentrations of Au and Ag at Stevns Klint (ELLIOTT et al., 1989). Moreover, Balder Formations shales (samples Cl-C2, C4-C5, D3D4) contain more Ag and Au than the basaltic tuffs (Fig. 2). TABLE2. Concentrations of platinum group metals and silver in the Balder Formation Sample ID A 0) B (t) Cl (sh) C2 (sh) C3 (t) C4 (sh) c5 (shj Dl (t) D2 (t) D3 (sh) D4 (sh) Depth (m) Ag* r CV* Au*, CV 1962.64-1962.71 1968.0-1968.1 1959.23-1959.27 1959.23-l 959.27 1959.23-1959.27 1959.23-1959.27 1959.23-1959.27 1961.0-1961.13 1961.0-1961.13 1961.0-1961.13 1961.0-1961.13 108.4 + 2% 52.4 f 1.5% 199.8 ? 1.2% 212.7 + 1.0% 106.8 -+ 1.3% 179.9 + 1.6% 214.5 + 0.8% 75.3 f 1.4% 100.8 + 1.1% 179.6 * 0.1% 281.6 + 3.3% 4.23 + 6.9% 1.53 f 8.5% 8.43 + 8.2% 7.06 f 7.6% 2.07 f 7.5% 7.59 1- 7.5% 5.81 f 7.6% 0.82 + 5.8% 1.46 f 8.2% 4.26 & 9.7% 5.15 + 7.2% 257 0.69 1.86 4.1 49 35-3830 0.83 1.6-101 2.01 5.3-61 CO.1 <4-<250 Nye Klev (K/T boundary)’ Nye KIov (K/T boundary, ~0.1 pm) this study Stevns Klint (K/T boundary)’ Notes: (t)-tuff; (sh)-shale, *-Concentration in ppb, CV-Coefficient of variation, ‘-Data If, cv 0.134 0.175 0.221 0.130 0.249 0.257 0.183 0.102 0.128 0.139 0.105 + * + -t f f + f + + f 3.8% 2.0% 4.0% 3.7% 4.2% 1.9% 1.9% 6.2% 2.3% 3.2% 12.4% from Elliott et al. (1989). Et* co.5 co.2 co.9 ~0.8 co.2 ~0.8 ~0.6 <o. 1 co.2 <OS ~0.6 2960 W. C. Elliott, J. L. Aronson, and H. T. Millard Jr. INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION Iridium is present in the tuffs and the enclosing shales in the Balder Formation at concentrations well below that seen at the K/T boundary in Denmark, especially that at Stevns Klint, a K/T boundary rich in C,,. Silver and gold are present in the tuffs and enclosing shales at levels comparable to the low end of the range of concentrations of these metals seen at the K/T boundary in Denmark (Table 1) . According to our reasoning, the Balder Formation at well 30/2- 1 was a good location to look for an enhanced Ir anomaly on a per weight basis. However, no anomaly was found in either the tuffs or the shales. The 47-meter-thick main tuff sequence of well 30/2-l and associated black shales of the Balder Formation, which are probably themselves largely tuffaceous, actually do contain approximately 1800 ng Ir/ cm*. If 5% of that Ir is a volatilized component that rained out globally from stratospheric injection and the eruptive sequence represents a small amount of time, then a global Ir anomaly could have formed on the scale of the K/T boundary Ir anomaly. Not knowing the Ir concentration in the parent magma, it is possible that the subanomalous concentrations (0.1-0.257 ppb Ir) seen in the tuffs and shales at well 30/21 are enrichments and indeed do represent such a proximal halo. It is interesting to note that the black shales enclosing these tuffs are as enriched in Ir as the tuffs. They have slightly higher levels of Au and Ag relative to the tuffs. Thus, Ir enrichment is not a function of it being in either shale or basaltic tuff. Both lithologies are argillaceous. It seems likely that the shales represent an admixture of reworked tuff possibly diluted with epiclastic clay. The simplest explanation for the comparable content of Ir in the shales is that the shales are dominantly tuffaceous or that Ir has been mobilized during diagenesis and migrated from the tuffs to the shales. Lastly, we note that the Ir levels of the Deccan Trap basalts and intertrap sediments are markedly low ( ROCHIA et al., 1988) relative to the Ir levels of the Reunion Island (TOUTAIN and MEYER, 1989), Kilauea basalts (OLMEZ et al., 1986), and Balder Formation basalts and enclosing shales listed in Table 2. OLMEZ et al. ( 1986) suggest Ir may have outgassed from the Deccan Traps magma to form the global Ir anomaly at the K/T boundary. Our results too indicate that a sizeable amount of Ir was released during the eruption of the Balder Formation basal& and that subanomalous Ir levels are present in proximal basaltic tuffs and the enclosing shales. The absence of even a subanomalous level of Ir in the Deccan Traps basalts is curious. Either all the measurable Ir was volatilized (e.g., OLMEZet al., 1986) or the Deccan Traps basalts were possibly formed from an h-poor magma. CONCLUSIONS The Paleocene/Eocene Balder Formation of the North Sea represents explosive basaltic activity that emitted sizeable amounts of iridium. The basaltic tuffs and enclosing shales of the Balder Formation in well 30 / 2- 1 on a per-weight basis have only subanomalous amounts of Ir (0.1-0.25 ppb Ir), and the Ir concentrations in the shales are not markedly different from the Ir concentrations in the tuffs. Yet because of the great thickness of the tuff, and their relatively high con- tents of Ir, a large absolute amount of Ir was deposited over the time span of their eruption ( - 1800 ng/cm2) but greatly diluted by the continuous deposition of tuff and shale. We hypothesized that the proximal areas adjacent to a major explosive eruption of basaltic magma would not only receive large amounts of tephra but also large amounts of the coerupted h-rich condensed vapor, aerosols, and particulates. Therefore, we expected, but did not find, a major per-weight Ir anomaly at a proximal location for these major eruptions accompanying the opening of the northern North Atlantic Ocean. Thus, the test which we regarded as the best case was negative. These results do not entirely eliminate basaltic volcanism as the cause of a global Ir anomaly at the K/T boundary. Conceivably, an eruption could segregate the h-rich cap of volatiles from the tephra by having shot the volatile phase strongly and directly upward into the stratosphere while the bulk of the magmatic tephra fell proximally to the vent. Our intuition dictates against the likelihood of such an eruption. Acknowledgments-We thank the staff of the USGS TRIGA reactor for performing the irradiation. We also thank S. N. Ehrenberg and K. A. Gibbons of STATOIL for allowing us to examine and collect core samples from well 30/2-l. Linda J. Abel and Karen S. Wehn drafted the figures, and P. A. Dove typed the tables. We also thank B. Schmitz, C. 0. Officer, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments. This studv was funded bv award #EAR 89-16473 from the National Science Foundation to W. C. Elliott and J. L. Aronson. Case Western Reserve University Geology Department Contribution #185. Editorial handling: G. Faure REFERENCES ALVAREZW. ( 1986) Toward a theory of impact crises. Eos 67,649658. ALVAREZL. W., ALVAREZW. L., ASAROF., and MICHELH. ( 1980) Extraterrestrial cause for the Cretaceous/Tertiary extinction. Science 208, 1095-l 108. BOHOR B. F., FOORD E. E., MODRESKIP. J., and TRIPLEHORN D. M. ( 1984) Mineralogical evidence for an impact event at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary. Science 224, 867-869. BOHORB. F., MODRESKIP. J., and FOORD E. E. 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