National Chemistry Week 2011 2011 Script Errata/Addendum Sheet Please make the following corrections to the 2011 NCW Script Chemistry—Our Health, Our Future!. To the Table of Contents (p. 2), add: Appendix…..43 P. 3, bullet No. 1, second to last line: add “are” after “There”. P. 15, Experiment 1: strike bullet 5. P. 16, top of page. Add a third bullet under bullet 2: “3. 1 spoon”. P. 16, Experiment 2, second dark bullet, second line: strike the word “the” before the number 6 and add “of the” after this number 6. 6. P. 21, under Introduce the Experiment, 5th bullet, last line: delete “each” and replace with “the demonstrator’s”. 7. P. 21, bottom, under Performance Details, first line: replace the word “station” with the word “table”. 8. P. 27, under Introduce the Experiment: strike the last bullet. 9. P. 30, Experiment 4, under Experiment Purpose…, first bullet, first line: change the word “handing’ to “hanging”. 10. P. 30, bottom, under Conclusions, first bullet: change the word “hard” to “soft”. 11. P. 36, Experiment 7, under Experiment Purpose…, second bullet: change “table” to “student”. 12. . p 39, second bullet, second line: change “Tel” to “Tell”. 13. P. 41, No 3. Under USE ENVELOPES PROVIDED, second bullet: add “ and Student Feedback forms” at the end of the line. 14. P 43, under B. Supply List…, add: “Experiment 2, UV black lamps may be obtained at the following web sites: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. p&xhr=t&q=black+light&rlz=1R2ADFA_enUS387&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&biw=1024 &bih=600&wrapid=tljp1317225190697010&um=1&ie=UTF8&tbm=shop&cid=13264128446466154978&sa=X&ei=8UKDTqP6MOyIsAL4mOmaDw&sqi=2 &ved=0CJQBEPMCMAE# We originally obtained our UV lamps at K-Mart, and they may still be available there or even at WalMart.