Chapter 7 Components of Optical Instruments


Chapter 7 Components of Optical Instruments

Problems: 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 21, 23

UV, and IR instruments have enough in common with Visible instruments that we can look at the basics of all three in this one chapter. Typically call these optical instruments, even though you can’t see UV and IR light with your eye.

7A General Design of Optical Instruments

Six different phenomena can be measured in a ‘optical’ instrument absorption fluorescence

Phosphorescence scattering emission chemiluminescence

While individual machines are configured differently lots of similar components

Typically 5 major components

Source of radiant E

Transparent container for sample a device for selecting a specific portion (frequency or wavelength) of the radiant


A transducer to convert radiant E into an electrical signal

Signal processor to turn the electrical signal into something you can use

Figure 7-1 how these components assembled in these 6 different instruments

In absorption, detector is in line with source vs in fluorescence, scattering and

In some instruments sample and wavelength selector may be switched

In emission and chemiluminescence no need for source

Figures 7-2 and 7-3 summarize optical characteristics of various components as a function of radiation being used

7B Sources

Need to make enough light to be easily detected

Power of light needs to be constant

For most sources need a constant voltage supply to give that constant output

For double beam instruments can sacrifice constant power supply since make measurements of sample and reference almost simultaneously

Figure 7-3a summarizes sources. Note 2 types, Continuum and Line



7B-1 Continuum Sources

Intensity of output varies smoothly over a wide range of wavelengths

UV region

Most common Deuterium arc lamp

If need high intensity use high pressure Xe, Hg, or Ar arc lamp


Most common tungsten filament


Heat various inert solids to about 1500-2000K, peak intensity


: m.

More details in subsequent chapters

7B-2 Line Sources

Output intensity restricted to a few discrete line

Used in Atomic Absorption, Atomic & molecular fluorescence, Raman, polarimetry and refractometry

Most common Hg or Na vapor lamps -give a few sharp lines in UV and Vis

(Also used for street lamps!)

Also ‘hollow cathode lamps’ used in atomic absorption and fluorescence

7B-3 Lasers

Technically another line source

High intensity, narrow range of wavelengths( .01 nm), also coherent (all wave are in phase)

First invented 1960

Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (laser)

Early lasers had limited choice of wavelengths (only red in the Vis)

Now Dye lasers have more and different wavelengths

Components of a laser

Figure 7-4

Main component - lasing medium, can be ruby, a semiconductor, solution of an organic dye, a gas(Ar. or Kr)

Activate lasing medium by pumping . Start with a few photons of proper wavelength (pumping source)

Not used in gas lasers - use electrodes connected to gas chamber

Laser worked as an oscillator, Using mirrors at both ends, the Em radiation travels back and forth inside lasing medium. Each time it

• traverses, releases more photons and builds up more intensity.

This also makes light parallel, all non-parallel light leaves

• tube and is not amplified

Have mirror at one end weaker than other, so as builds up intensity over minimum value, starts shooting out the end


Mechanism of Laser action

See Figure 7-5

First excite a few molecules to excited state

Lots of excited state but drop to lowest excited state almost instantly

From here you know the drill

(nonradiative transfer, fluorescence or phosphorescence)

Fluorescence would be in all directions in at all phases due to nothing keeping chromophores together

But one I haven’t mentioned, Stimulated emission


As light passes through molecule and make molecule emits its

• radiation

Parallel to stimulating radiation

• In phase with stimulating radiation

Note molecules in lasing medium can still absorb this E, but then it is poised to be restimulated so no net loss! 7-5d

Population inversion

In normal population most molecules are in ground state, just a few in excited state

As you pump the lasing material most molecules are in excited state few in ground - call this population inversion

Under these conditions lees chance for absorption, more chance for stimulated emission, so light beam gets stronger yet!

Three- and Four-level laser

Have described a 3 level laser: ground, highly excited, and lowest excited state excited/electronically non excited non-ground state

Advantage is easier to get population inversion, so takes less energy to pump

For us I don’t see any reason to worry about this feature

Examples if useful lasers

Read for your own interest, I don’t think I’ll cover in class Lets skip to 7C


7C Wavelength Selectors

For most analysis would like to analyze each wavelength independently of all others

Unless you are using a laser, this won’t happen.

Instead get a ‘band’ if wavelengths Figure 7-11 the narrower band the cleaner the analysis

Terms from figure to remember

Nominal wavelength - the one at the center of the distribution

Effective band width - he range of wavelengths at ½ height

How do we take light from a continuous source and select it down to a band at a selected, nominal wavelength?

Two selectors, filters and monochrometers

7C-1 Filters

Two types, interference and absorption

Interference uses optical interference to remove certain wavelengths

Typical construction two metal films separated by a transparent dielectric

(Dielectric - an insulator with no charged particles- generally transparent)

The film-dia-film then sandwiched between glass plates for mechanical support

Thickness of dielectric film controls wavelengths filtered

As light passes through mirror-like metal films and dielectric, certain wavelength removed by destructive interference. If light has right match for dielectric and thickness, then it passes though (up to 80%T)

Equations given but don’t memorize, look them up if you ever need them

Filters like this used from UV down to 14 : m in IR

Typical bandwidth about 1.5% os peak wavelength, can be as little at


Interference Wedges

Same design as interference filter, but use a wedge of dielectric instead of uniform thin film

Can change wavelength that you transmit by moving filter

Can use like a prism or grating!

Overall bandwidth at any point is at least 5x larger than regular filter

Absorption Filters

Less expensive than absorption filters

Simply a glass or gelatin with dye that absorbs light of different colors

Bandwidths from 30 ro 250 nm in visible range

Ones with narrow bandwidth don’t let much light through (10% T)

Cut-off filters Have 100% T in one region , then 0% T above or below some cut-off value

In general not nearly as selective as Interference Filters, but still have many uses

7C-2 Monochrometers

Used to vary wavelength of transmitted light over a wide range of wavelengths

Similar design in UV, Vis and IR, but materials differ

Components of Monochrometers

Figure 7-16




Entrance slit

Collimating lense or mirror to make light parallel

Prism or grating to disperse light into component wavelengths



Focusing element to get light refocused

Exit slit to pass only correct band of light

Most monochrometer are isolated from environment with entrance and exit windows

Dispersing element - reflection grating or prism


Older instruments, used to be cheaper

Non-linear, shorter wavelengths bent more than longer wavelengths

Reflection grating

Cheaper to make now so almost universally used

Linear, all wavelengths bent in similar manner

Prism Monochrometers

Built same manner for UV, vis, or IR

But need to change materials of prisms and lenses to transmit the appropriate wavelengths

Figure 7-18 Would use either a full prism, or a mirrored ½ prism

Grating Monochrometers

Can use either a transmission or reflection grating

Are cheap to make because are usually replica gratings

Make a single master, shaped like figure 7-19 by cutting


onto a hard, flat, polished surface with a diamond, usually about 3-10 cm long

UV 300-2000 grooves/mm, 1200-1400 most common

Infrared 20-200 grooves/mm, 100 most suitable


After master is made, make plastic mold over the top

Coat plastic with metal (Al, Au, Pt) to make reflective

Echellette Grating

(Type shown in Fig 7-19)

Broad flat edges for maximum reflection

Each face acts as a point source of radiation, so get interference as waves recombine in reflected beam

Let’s not worry about individual geometry, but go the equation n 8 =d(sin(i)+sin®))

I is angle between incident light and prism normal

R is angle between reflected light and prism normal

D is distance between grooves

N is order of reflection

Note this says that at a particular angle you won’t get just 1 light,

300-3rd order etc

Usually use filters to get rid of other orders

Concave gratings

Make grating in a concave surface

Surface serves to focus light as well as make it monochromatic

Don’t need lenses for focusing

Instrument is cheaper to make

Less components to have light bounce off, so get more light through the instrument

Holographic gratings

Made by two lasers hitting a photoresist surface

Then dissolve portion of the surface hit by the lasers

Can get nearly perfect gratings up to 6000 lines/mm, up to 50 cm long cheaply


Again can make replicas cheaply

Performance Characteristics of Grating Monochrometers

Several characteristics you have to look at

Spectral Purity light that get out of monochrometer can be contaminated

• with other wavelengths called scattered or stray radiation can be scattered off imperfections in grating can be scattered off dust

Reduced by putting in baffles to block light from other sources

Paint all interior parts flat black to absorb scattered light

Seal off interior with windows to prevent dust and fumes from getting in

Dispersion of Grating

The ability of grating to separate light of different wavelengths

Lots of equations here I think the only one I really want is:

D = d 8 /dr =

D is called reciprocal linear dispersion nm/mm or Å/mm


Resolving Power of Monochrometers

How well it can separate slightly different wavelengths

Resolving power (R)= 8 / )8

Can be shown that R=n/V n is the order (so better resolving at higher orders)

V is number of scratches in grating that are illuminated by source (so either wide illumination or blazes close together)

Light Gathering Power

For most spectrometers you want as much light hitting the detector as possible. The f/ number or speed provided a measure of this .

Also note this is the same f number you use in setting a camera lens

f=F/d f=f/ number

F is focal length of lens (or monochrometer)

D -s diameter of lens (I don’t know what this corresponds to in a monochrometer f/2 lens gathers 4x mor light than an f/4 lens

(Lens on our good Nikon is 1.8)

Typical f/ numbers are between 1 and 10 (lower is better)

Echelle Monochrometers

Somewhat different diffraction grating, used in specialized instruments, let’s skip

7C-3 Monochrometer slits two metal pieces, make a set of jaws, two faces of jaw must be parallel. Can be fixed or adjustable

Entrance slit serves to define source of radiation its image is focused on exit slit

Entrance and exit slits usually the same size

Effect of slit width on resolution

Figure 7-22

As narrow slit, get smaller bandwidth

Bandwidth -span of wavelengths for exit slits at a given setting effective bandwidth , ½ of bandwidth

Figure 7-23&7-24 as slitwidth get narrower, gt better resolution so if need fine details this is better

Tradeoff. As slit width is narrower, less light get through so signal is weaker. If need sensitivity need slitwidth wider!

7D Sample Containers

Need something to hold sample must be transparent to the wavelength of light you are using must be os appropriate size for sample (both total volume and pathlength)

Returning for figure 7-2


9 quartz or fused silica for UV will go as far as 3 : m into the IR

Silicate glasses 350-2000 nm

NaCl common in IR

7E Radiation Transducers

What shall we use for a detector

7E-1 Introduction



High sensitivity






High signal to noise

Constant response for all wavelengths fast response time

0 response for no light

Signal directly proportional to radiant power of light P


Almost all transducers fail in #5 have some ‘dark current’

Current in absence of signal usually constant so can make circuit to get rid of this offset

Types of Radiation Transducers

Ones that respond to Photons

Called photon transducers of quantum detectors

Have an active surface to absorb radiation

Absorbed photons cause emission of electrons develop a

• photocurrent

Absorbed photons moves electrons into conduction band, this enhances conduction in a semiconductor

Used in UV, Vis, and Near IR

If used wavelength >3 : m (3000A) must be cooled with liquid

• Detect individual photon events

Ones that respond to heat called heat transducers used for IR respond to average power of radiation

Summarized figure 7-25

Heat transducers (H,I)response doesn’t vary with wavelength, but very low

Photon transducers give lots mor signal, but wavelength response highly variable


7E-2 Photon Transducers

Several types, (1) Photovoltaic cells, (2) phototubes, (3) photomultiplier tubes,

(4) photoconductivity transducers, (5) silicon photodiodes (6) charge transfer devices

Photovoltaic of Barrier Layer cells



Not very sensitive, need lots of light

Hard to amplify signal

Response primarily in visible

Used in simple, portable instruments where want rugged and low cost

Vacuum Phototubes

Figure 7-27

Cathode and wire sealed in a vacuum

Photons hit photoemissive cathode, electrons released, attracted to anode

If potential between cathode and anode is >90V all electrons emitted hit the cathode, and current directly proportional to light intensity

Current about 10X SMALLER than photovoltaic cell, but easily amplified

Change metal surface of cathode to change wavelength response

High sensitivity

Red sensitive

UV sensitive

Flat response

Also pretty popular and cheap to make, this is what is used in spec


Photomultiplier Tubes

Figure 7-29

Sort of similar to phototube but redesigned for extreme sensitivity , so good at low light levels

Starts like phototube, with photoemissive surface

Instead of electrons going directly to cathode, goes toward a


As electrons hit dynode they release additional electrons

Each dynode about 90 V more positive than previous, and each amplifies the signal several fold

Extremely sensitive especially in UV

Extremely fast

Have some dark current but this can be eliminated with cooling

If get too much light (even just room light) can be destroyed

Equipment has to be designed so you can’t expose to room light

You have to be careful as well

Silicon Diode Transducers

Essentially a transistor that passes more current when exposed to light

More sensitive than phototubes, less than photomultipliers

Can be used between 190 and 1100nm


Can be built into arrays (next section)

7E-3 Multichannel Photo Transducers

All above devices can only read one point source of radiation

Would like to make in linear array so can read entire spectrum at once or 2D array so cam read en entire picture at once (digital cameras, video recorders)

Three major devices. Photodiode arrays (PDA), Charge Injection devices (CID’s),

Charge Coupled devices (CCD’s)

Photodiode Arrays (PDA)

Same as photodiode above, but build one after another into the face of a silicon chip

Build with integrated circuitry to read off values

End up with a single chip that can read 1000's of 8 ’s in a fraction of a second

Basis of phododiode array spectrometer (The ocean optics machine)

Charge-Transfer Devices

Photodiode not as sensitive, and does not have as good signal/noise or dynamic range at PMT so for critical work need something better

Charge transfer devices almost as good as PMT’s for above properties, +

can be made into linear or 2D arrays on chips

Light E hits an n-doped silicon substrate

Each photon makes a + charge in substrate

Accumulate this charge over a period of time read off charge in 1 or 2D array using

Measure voltage change in region with a Charge-injection device

Measure charge with a charge sensing amplifier (Charge Coupled



Let’s not worry about details of these two devices just one or two advantages

Charge injection devices - can read even while integrating

Charge Coupled device - can’t read until integration is over

But is more sensitive to low light levels

7E-4 Photoconductivity Transducers

Transistors that conduct more when hit with near infrared light (.75 to 3 : m, 750-


Made from sulfides, selenides, and stibnides of Pb, Cd, Ga, In

Range extended further into IR by cooling to suppress heat noise in transistor itself

7E-5 Thermal Transducers

IR radiation so low in E, that none of the above methods work well in IR

In general the IR radiation hits thermal transducer, will raise the temperature slightly (a few thousandths of a K) and this change in temp can be measured by some change in the materials properties

Transducer needs to be small so there is less to heat up

Need to focus as much of the IR light on the transducer as possible

Thermal heat from the surroundings is going to act as noise on the signal need to shield transducer best to put transducer in vacuum need to use chopper configuration on transducer to help filter out noise

Thermocouples simplest, a pair of junctions between 2 different metals (figure 3-11)

A potential difference exists between junction reflecting difference in T

In IR use bismuth and antimony

IR light is shown on one junction, other is nearby but shielded from heat

13 sources used in well designed instrument can detect T differences of .000001K

good for much IR work

Bolometers or thermisters high changes in resistance for small temp changes generally not as good in the near IR so not as common

A germanium bolometer at 1.5K (very cold) is almost ideal in 5-400cm -1

(2000-25 : m) range

Pyroelectric Transducers

Extremely fast response use in FT IR where need response in m to : seconds

7F Signal Processors and readouts Let’s not bother

7G Fiber optics fibers of glass or plastic that can transmit light for hundreds of feet, and are flexible so can bend as needed. Useful in many kinds of instruments but, again, let’s not worry about the details

7H Types of Optical Instruments

Spectroscope about the simplest instrument. Light source, monochrometer, use your eye to detect peak transmittance

Colorimeter use your eye to judge relative absorbance between sample and standards

Photometer one step up, use electronics to measure absorbance, usually uses filters instead of a true monochrometer. Fluorometer same but used for fluorescence

Spectrograph entire spectrum displayed across detector, originally detector a photographic plate, now similar to a photodiode array spectrometer

Spectrometer can measure intensity as a function of wavelength

Spectrophotometer additional electronics so can measure absorbance as a function of wavelength

Instrument scan be divided into ones that can only work on one wavelength of information at a time, and one that gather information from several wavelengths at one tine, the latter are called multiplex instruments.

A photodiode array spectro(graph?) Is an example of a multiplex instrument.

Many multiplex instruments use the Fourier transform (ft) as part of the process

transform the multiplexed information into one you can understand. Let’s study the Fourier transform in more detail


7I Principles of Fourier Transform Optical Measurements

First developed by astronomers in early 1950's

Used in far IR instruments in early 1960's

Commercial IR instruments available by late 1960's

Same principles can be used for vis and UV, but not used commercially

7I-1 Inherent advantages of FT spectroscopy

Few optical elements

No slits lots of power reaches the detector

Because higher power, get higher signal/noise

Extremely high resolving power

All signal reaches detector simultaneously, so can obtain entire spectrum essentially simultaneously (although it take the mechanism about a second to actually acquire and interpret the signal)

This last is a very useful property. Using a scanning type machine it might take

10 minutes to acquire a spectrum. If you want to double your signal to noise you need 4 to average 4 scans together (s/n increases as sqrt(# or scans)) so it would take you 40 minutes to double your signal to noise. With the FT machine taking a spectrum a second, in 40 minute you can get 40(60) = 2,400 scans the sqrt of 2,400 is 48.9, so your signal/noise has increased by a factor of 50 A great improvement over the scanning instrument

This is called the multiplex advantage

In the IR the chief source of noise is ‘flicker’ in the detector and its circuitry. And the multiplex advantage does great things to get rid of this noise. In the visible and the UV, the chief source of noise is in the ‘flicker’ in the source illumination.

Here the signal averaging doesn’t help, in fact this noise tends to gt distributed throughout the spectrum. This is why FT machines aren’t used in the visible and


7I-2 Time-Domain Spectroscopy

In a standard UV machine you detect absorbance as a function of frequency (or wavelength) so we call this frequency domain spectroscopy

In an FT machine you are going to detect your signal as a function of time, hens this is termed time domain spectroscopy . One the data is acquired in this form you then need to transform it, using the Fourier transform to turn it into the

frequency domain data that you are more used to interpreting

Figure 7-40 and your lab exercises help to bring some of these ideas to the fore

(A) time domain data at two different frequencies

(B) when they interfere with each other you get a new pattern

©) the frequency domains of the two different frequencies

(D) the frequency domain of the interference pattern


The Fourier transform is a mathematical operation (actually an integration) of something in the time domain that transforms it into data in the frequency domain.

Can do as a math integration, but tedious, or you can have the computer to it for you, and then it is instantaneous, and you don’t even have to think!

7I-3 Obtaining Time-domain Spectra with a Michelson Interferometer

While each FT instrument has a different way to acquire time domain data, will focus here on the how this is done with an FTIR

IR wavelength in the : m range, so frequency is in the 3x10 /1x10 or 3x10 14 range. So 300,000,000,000,000 cycles /second. Extremely fast, don’t have a detector that can respond this fast, so can’t measure the frequencies of the light directly.

Will instead measure indirectly using Michelson interferometer (figure 7-42) a device invented in late 1800's!

Figure 7-42

Light hits ½ silvered mirror

½ goes to fixed mirror

½ goes to moving mirror

If single wavelength, will get Intensity ups and downs as mover mirror just enough for cancellation of signal via interference if have lots of frequencies get all sorts of sine waves piled on top of each other use FT to transform into individual frequencies if have something that absorbs in sample, will filter out that frequency, when do transform will not see that frequency in the pattern book makes case for moving mirror at a set speed, so not intensity as a function of distance becomes intensity as a function of time so now can do proper ft of a function of time to a function of frequency key parameter here is distance the mirror moves

)< =1/distance moves


X=10, mirror must move 10 cm in the machine

More on these instruments in the chapter on IR

