INF 2120 Teaching modeling of reactive systems Øystein Haugen 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 1 Purpose of INF2120 – Project in Modeling The students should learn how to apply what they should have learned already. – as opposed to learning a lot of new stuff INF 2120 The task of the course should be so big that it would be impossible to perform it alone. – but the difference in capacity in our field is so very big .... The students shall experience project work. – but this is not the only course with project work 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 2 Learning objectives to learn how concurrent, reactive systems are built, – and this is the undergraduate course to learn it! to learn how to combine technical, reactive systems with administrative database systems, INF 2120 – since such hybrid systems are becoming commonplace to connect to (semi-)professional software that provides very cool and useful functionality, – we seldom start from scratch, but rather use building blocks to experience a variety of interconnected tools. – to be able to handle a diversity of tools will be important 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 3 The format of the course 10 credits (out of a normal of 30 a semester, 60 a year) Early January to early June ~40 students (but noone has been rejected due to space) Lectures: 2 hours/week Teaching Groups (with assistant teacher): INF 2120 – 2 hours/week in room with blackboard, but no computers – 2 hours/week (half semester) in lab-room with computers Project Groups – 4-6 persons within one teaching group Resources during the course – All the lectures and supplementary material are available on the web – we build up a FAQ for difficulties experienced throughout the course. – The students are encouraged to cooperate not only within the group, but also between the groups. – we welcome solutions that the students can find by using the Internet. 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 4 The project 3 Drops (specification, design, execute/test) – specification: sequence diagrams – design: state machines – execute / test: java / UML testing profile INF 2120 Peer reviews on each drop – as well as grading by the teachers New project topic every year – which prevents cheating 2005: to find nearest bus stop to the user based on positioning mobile, find first bus for a given destination 2006: private surveillance system ”ICU” where positioning is used to place your buddies on a GoogleEarth map 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 5 Engineering Method Recommended literature – Skagestein: System development (in Norwegian) – Haugen, Møller-Pedersen, Weigert: two chapters on design for reactive systems in INF 2120 UML for Real (Lavogno, Martin, Selic eds.) Embedded Systems Handbook (Zurawski ed.) Small demo system – GooglePos: having a very basic service – but executable – Small database application: showing database interface Apply project organization already learned – there is a question whether they have really learned this! 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 6 Tools third party sw: simple interfaces PATS hybrid systems Oracle UML2 SeDi plugin executable modeling UML 2 runtime system open source – our own UML compiler 3.0 JavaFrame Windows+ Linux 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 7 INF 2120 Commercial big, imperfect The Model – what are we making? sm ATM Idle User /authN=0 * * ATM 1 * ATM Bank CardId(cid) CashRepository /authN=0 :EnterPIN :Service 1 ok status Withdrawal nok 1 [authN<3]/ authN++; send(msg(”Try again”)) «include» Withdrawal * :Withdrawal * ok [authN==3]/ authN=0 send(msg( ”illegal entry”)); User «include» :Status 1 Card Authentication Bank 1 cancelled Account Currency myAccounts CardOut cardTaken A Use Case Model A Class Model A State Machine Model INF 2120 entry: send(card) s d A u th e n tica te :U ser :A T M BankContext :B ank Id le C ardid(cid) re f :User [1..10.000] :ATM[1..100] :Bank E nte rP IN lo o p (0 ,2 ) P IN N O K m sg("T ry again!") re f A Composite Structure Model 12-Oct-06 E n te rP IN An Interaction Model INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 8 Consistency sm ATM Idle User /authN=0 * * ATM 1 * ATM Bank CardId(cid) CashRepository /authN=0 :EnterPIN :Service 1 ok status Withdrawal nok 1 [authN<3]/ authN++; send(msg(”Try again”)) Withdrawal * :Withdrawal * ok [authN==3]/ authN=0 send(msg( ”illegal entry”)); User 1 Authentication «include» :Status Card «include» Bank 1 cancelled Account Currency myAccounts CardOut INF 2120 entry: send(card) cardTaken s d A u th e n tica te :U ser :A T M BankContext :B ank Id le C ardid(cid) re f :User [1..10.000] :ATM[1..100] :Bank E nte rP IN lo o p (0 ,2 ) P IN N O K m sg("T ry again!") re f 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering E n te rP IN 9 Statements from the students 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 10 INF 2120 State machines were just ingenious! Great for overview and amazingly simple. Nice to work with (semi-) real technology such as the PATS laboratory interface. Eclipse is great. Nice to work on a cross-system platform. Sequence diagrams were difficult at first, but after a while they felt natural and we understood how to use them and benefit from them. The use of an Oracle database had little significance. The database was very simple and could as well have been replaced by a simple file. Most students were reasonably positive towards Rational Software Modeler (RSM), but almost everyone had some negative experiences to balance the positive remarks. SeDi – the sequence diagram editor plugin – was considered all right, but almost all of the students thought that better integration with RSM (and the UML2 repository) would be very desirable. More statements from students The UML to JavaFrame transformer was considered “surprisingly good”. Code generation became a favorite for many students, The project work caused the most traumas. – – The students were reasonably satisfied with randomly composed groups. They had no desire for stratification of the students prior to group formation. The students would have liked more hands-on lab time with supervision and less blackboard-oriented group teaching. 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 11 INF 2120 – Many students experienced that the groups were unevenly composed, which in fact was intentional. This caused conflicts and uneven distribution of the workload. Especially the hardworking students found this frustrating. Some students also reported problems of the project due to difficulties with configuration management. ... and even more statements Everybody liked hard deadlines. Most students had benefit from peer-criticism, both being criticized and doing critics. – The evaluations from lecturer and group teachers were also considered very valuable. Most students also accepted the informal A-F grading on drops. – A few students found the grading definitely positive, while one person was clearly against such informal grading. In the final evaluation, the students thought that the course had been a good one. 68% said that the course should receive a B and 14% an A. – They were more satisfied with the teachers and less satisfied with the tools. 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 12 INF 2120 Experiences (as seen from the teachers) 12-Oct-06 INF2120 Prosjekt i modellering 13 INF 2120 Going from informal UML to executable UML is non-trivial Decomposition of lifelines in sequence diagrams can be learned and brought to productive use. Manually ensuring consistency between sequence diagrams and composite structures is difficult. Tool support is much wanted. To model with state machines and asynchronous signaling requires some maturing, but once grasped, most students become very enthusiastic. In the end the students see the essence of consistency between the sequence diagrams and the set of state machines (as well as the intermediate composites). That the system in the end actually runs with “cool” things like mobile phones is an appreciated added value.