y TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY" Environmental Health and Safety March 3, 2015 Department Chairpersons/ Program Directors: All online safety training for faculty, staff, and graduate student employees is now linked to HR records through the SumTotal website (http://webapps.tosm.ttu.edu/itts/sumtotalsystems). SumTotal automates safety training records and reminders for employees, eliminating the need to request record updates from EH&S. All EH&S safety training records for your employees have already been uploaded to SumTotal. There are three steps to set up the SumTotal training records for new employees or to add needed training for your current TIU employees: • The department or its individual labs, studios, stages, and field sites (as appropriate for your area) identifies training requirements for a faculty, staff, or graduate student employee. A table the training modules and their recommended recurrence is provided below. • • Enroll personnel and their required training in SumTotal. o Departmental personnel will need to enroll their current employees in appropriate o training related to the employee's position. For new personnel, departmental HR staff enroll individuals for the appropriate training during the ePAF process. Please update your departmental websites and handbooks to direct faculty, staff, and graduate student employees to the Sum Total site to complete their on line training (http://webapps.tosm.ttu.edu/itts/sumtotalsystems). Human Resources Administration will provide SumTotal Manager Training on March 5, 2015. Unit managers are asked to register through the website (http://webapps.tosm.ttu.edu/itts/sumtotalsystems). Departmental and College Safety Officers are also welcome to attend. HR will schedule additional training opportunities in future. Students will continue to register for and take their on line safety training though the EH&S website. For any questions, please feel free to contact me at 742-3876. ;p ~z_ Matt Roe Assistant Vice President Environmental Health & Safety Texas Tech University CC: Alice M . Young I Robert Duncan I and all the College Deans and College & Departmental DCHOs I and the ILSCChair 2903 4th Street I Room 122 I Box 41090 I Lubbock, Texas 79409-1090 T 806.742.3876 I F 806.742.3895 I www.ehs.ttu.edu An EEO/ Affirmative Action Institution Page 1of2 TRAINING Art Safety Biological Safety Bloodborne Pathogen Chemical Hygiene Plan Confined Space Forklift Training Hazard Communication Laboratory Safety Laser Safety MRI Safety Radiation Safety Respiratory Protection Safety Awareness SUMMARY Safety training for personnel who work in Art studios. Safety training for personnel who work in laboratories or other areas that contain biological hazards. Safety training for personnel who work around human blood and body fluids. Training in the TIU Chemical Hygiene Plan; required for all personnel who work around chemical or physical hazards and for administrative personnel. Safety training for personnel who must enter and work in permit required confined spaces. Safety training for personnel who will use a forklift during their duties. This is the first part of a two-part training. The second part is a driving test with an instructor. Training In the University OP 60.02 covering the university's hazard communication program. Recommended for all employees. Safety training for personnel who will work in a laboratory. Safety training for personnel who will work with lasers as a part of their job duties. Safety training for personnel who will work with Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment as a part of their job duties. Safety training for personnel who work in areas where radioactive material is stored or used. This is the first part of a two part training. The second part is be classroom training. Safety training covering the use of respirators for respiratory protection. This is the first part of a two part training. The second part will be a fit test to be arranged with TIU EHS. General safety training for all new employees of the university. RECURRENCE Before beginning job duties and every two years thereafter. Before beginning job duties and every two years thereafter. Before beginning job duties and annually thereafter. Before beginning job duties and after every edited change of the plan. Before beginning job duties. Before beginning job duties and every three years thereafter. Before beginning job duties. Before beginning job duties and every two years thereafter. Before beginning job duties. Before beginning job duties. Before beginning job duties. Before beginning job duties and annually thereafter. Before beginning job duties. PageZofZ