Part II: Complex Designs Nonequivalent Control Group ? Time-Series Designs ? Counterbalanced Designs ? Patched up Design ? HD FS 503 Experimental Design II March 25, 2002 1 Demographic questions: 4 points ? ? 2 Research Dilemma Exhaustive Mutually Exclusive Fully informed consent Confidentiality ? Trained and monitored interviewers ? Referrals or transfers to service providers ? Dissemination to practitioners and researchers ? ? 3 Hoped for outcome of nonequivalent control group! Nonequivalent Control Group Ideally, treatment group at pretest is below control group at posttest is above control group ? Eliminates explanations of: ? 70 60 50 40 ? regression to mean ? ceiling effects ? 4 Treatment Control 30 Hard to plan for, because treatment group score doesn’t reach control group score! 20 Pretest 5 Posttest 6 1 Design Time-series design 2 x 2 mixed design ANOVA (time by treatment) design ? Time is a within subjects factor (repeated measure) ? ? Each Regression discontinuity design O O O X O O O ? Impact of treatment should show up in change in slope ? subject experiences both levels and Posttest ? Pretest ? Treatment is a between subjects factor ? Each subject experience only ? Either 1 level treatment or control 7 8 Interpretation of regression discontinuity design 50 50 40 40 30 30 Score Score Hoped-for outcome of regression discontinuity design 20 10 Treatment 20 Treatment Control 10 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Time of testing 2 3 4 5 6 Time of testing 9 10 MANOVA’s and Repeated Measures Designs Design Within subject designs Multiple dependent measures on the same subjects ? Repeated Measures: Same measures repeated at two or more times ? ? Repeated measures ANOVA 6 measures of dependent variable ? Independent variable is Time ? Within subjects design: each subject completes all 6 dependent measures ? ? ? Math scores in first grade, second grade, third grade ? Pre-test, post-test, and delayed post -test measures ? MANOVA: Different measures ? sharing 11 a common construct: reading, math, and science scores 12 2 An example of repeated measures ANOVA Repeated measures ANOVA Creates new factors!!! ? Identify two (or more) dependent variables ? ? ? variables represent two (or more) levels of a factor (mathk and math1) ? Use the menu to tell SPSS the factor name (time) (default is factor 1---this is confusing!) ? ? 2 (sex) by 2 (time) repeated measures ANOVA ? factor = childsex = time ? two levels: fall kdg and spring grade 1 ? factor Test the impact of time and sex on math Write out ANOVA: X (aaa) by Y (bbb) mixed design ANOVA ? mathk ? math1 ? ? Use repmnva.sav and try this Set up in GLM-Repeated Measures 13 Identifying factor levels ? Try repeated measures ANOVA Within subjects factor name The effect of sex and time on math scores MathK: fall kindergarten ? Math1: spring first grade ? Plot means ? ? Default = factor 1 ? Change to time ? ? Number of levels? ? How 14 many times? 2 ? Add ? Define ? 15 Within subjects Measures (time) 16 Repeated measures MANOVA ___?___(1) ? ___?___(2) ? Identify the two variables that represent the dependent measures (math scores) ? 2 within subjects variables, 1 (or more) between subjects variables ? E.g., the effect of sex and grade on math and reading scores (longitudinal) ? 2 (sex) x 2 (grade) x 2 (domain) mixed design repeated measures ANOVA ? This gets tricky! ? Match the factors and levels correctly! ? ? Time 1? ? Time 2? Mathk and Math1 Between subjects factor? ? Childsex ? ? 17 18 3 Longitudinal Study of Reading & Math ? Don’t change menu yet!! Factors Is that all the within subjects factors? ? No ? Domain ? Levels: 2 ? Add ? ? 1: time (kindergarten and first grade) ? 2: domain (reading and math) ? 3: sex (male and female) ? Which are between subjects factor(s)? ? Which are within subjects factor(s)? 19 20 Pitfalls of repeated measuresANOVA’s ? Now Define: Be Careful!!! No missing data permitted! ? Each subject must complete all 6 measures No way to estimate missing observations! Within subjects variables (time, domain) ? __?__ (1,1) ? __?__ (1,2) ? __?__ (2,1) ? __?__ (2,2) ? Assessments must be equally spaced ? If measurement off by 1 month out of 12, linear relationship looks cubic! ? No two measures can be more highly correlated than any others! ? But you’d expect adjacent date points to be more highly correlated! ? Violates assumptions of sphericity 21 22 Counterbalanced designs (Latin squares) Recent methodological advances in developmental research: ? Multiple treatments ? Each treatment appears first Hierarchical linear modeling ? Latent growth curve analysis ? ? Each treatment is preceded by all others Observe after each treatment: A O B O C O B O C O A O C O A O B O ? Each treatment occurs ? ? Once 23 in every row ? Once in every column 24 4 Example: (Latin square) Counterbalanced design Order of Treatment in Groups: Group 1: A O B O C O Treatments: ? A: Reading a booklet about STD’s ? B: Role play about STD’s ? C: Hearing a health lecture about STD’s Group 2: B O C O A O Randomly assign each student to 1 of 3 groups: group 1, group 1, group 3 ? Each group experiences all three treatments, ? Group 3: C O A O B O ? in one of 3 orders 25 Why use a counterbalanced design? Design ? 3 by 3 mixed design ANOVA (Order by treatment) ? Order 26 ? is between subjects factor within subjects factor ? MS ? Treatment is ? (treatment) divided by df design doubles group size ? Counterbalanced Main effect of treatment? ? ? All subjects do better following B than following A or C ? Group size affects statistical significance testing 3 groups instead of 6 groups ? ABC (no ACB) ? BCA (no BAC) Main effect of order? ? CAB (no CBA) ? BCA does better than ABC or CAB ? Is BCA is different from BAC??!! Unknown ? 27 MS (treatment) divided by 2 instead of 5 -> more power in 3 groups than in 6 28 Sample Factorial Design Review of Factorial Designs ? ? Most outcomes have multiple causes... Most studies have multiple independent variables ? Factor = treatment = independent variable (categorical = nominal) ? Typical factors: Sex, Curriculum, Ability (high or low) ? Tested with ANOVA ? Two factors: sex; type of sex education Factor 1: sex ? Males ? ? Females ? Factor 2: type of sex education program ? Booklet ? Role play ? Health lecture ? 29 2 (sex) by 3 (program) ANOVA 30 5 Interactions: Ordinal and Disordinal Test for main effects and for interactions ? Main effects: one factor has significant effect across all levels of the other factor ? Both boys and girls perform better in one treatment than in the other OR ? Both treatments work better for boys than for girls ? Interaction: Levels of one factor have different effects at each level of second factor ? Boys ? Girls do better in one treatment; however, do better in the other treatment Examine significant interactions before interpreting main effects: ? Ordinal interaction: non parallel lines but non intersecting lines Therefore, main effects hold ? Disordinal 31 Appropriate graph is column (because Treatment and Control are categorical, not continuous) Math Scores 30 10 20 10 Males Females Males Females 0 0 Treatment Treatment Control Control 33 Main effect of Treatment Main effect of Sex 34 Main effect(s)? Interactions? 30 Math Scores 30 Math Scores 32 Easier to interpret from lines Main effect(s)?Interactions? 20 Math Scores interactions: intersecting lines Therefore, main effects may not be interpreted 20 10 20 10 Males Males Females Females 0 0 Treatment Control Treatment 35 Control 36 6 Main effect of Sex No main effect of Treatment Main effect(s)? Interactions? 30 Math Scores Math Scores 30 20 10 20 10 Males Males Females Females 0 0 Treatment Control Treatment Control 37 Interaction between Treatment and Sex: Ordinal 38 Main effect(s)? Interactions? 30 Math Scores Math Scores 30 20 10 20 10 Males Males Females Females 0 0 Treatment Control Treatment Control 39 Interaction between Treatment and Sex: Disordinal 40 Main effect(s)? Interactions? Math Scores Math Scores 30 20 10 15 Males Males Females Females 0 5 Treatment Control Treatment 41 Control 42 7 Math Scores Interaction between Treatment and Sex: Disordinal Now Define Within subjects variables (time, domain) ? mathk (1,1) ? readk (1,2) ? math1 (2,1) ? read1 (2,2) ? Run this, plus means ? Write down 8 cell means 15 Males Females 5 Treatment Control 43 Choices in design: within or between subjects design?? ? Design choice: mixed design Sex = between subjects 2 (sex) x 3 (program) mixed design ANOVA, ? Sex is between subjects factor ? Treatment is within subjects factor ? Each ? Two ? ? 44 subject is one and only one sex!! levels: male and femals Sex education ? Three levels: ? Use ? Booklet, ? Preferred method: role play, lecture counterbalanced design more sensitive to treatment effects Between subjects or within subjects? ? Should each subject experience only 1? ? Should each subject experience all 3? 45 Design choice: between subjects design 46 Nested (hierarchical) designs 2 x 3 between subjects ANOVA (sex by treatment) ? Less sensitive than within subjects design ? Each subject experiences only 1 treatment: why? Reading curriculum is nested within the classroom (teacher) effect ? Effects of home visit program nested within home visitor effect ? Effects of therapy program nested within therapist ? No interaction between effect of teacher (home visitor) and program can be tested! ? ? Each treatment too costly to repeat interact; can’t counteract effects of one treatment ? Example: testing two different reading curricula ? Treatments 47 48 8 Nested designs are forced by situation ? Nesting affects ANOVA Unit of analysis is the classroom, not the individual within the classroom ? First test the effects of treatment on classrooms ? Situations that require nested designs: ? Two different curricula can’t be implemented in same classroom ? Same client cannot experience two therapy programs ? Same family can’t have two home visitors ? ? If effect is significant (difference between classrooms is greater than difference within classrooms).... ? You cannot test the effect of the treatment directly on the individual Impossible to test interaction between classroom and treatment: these are confounded! ? This reduces N! and reduces power! 49 Aids to hypothesis testing and proposal writing: Treatment Problems ? Defining HD FS 503 Handbook Reading Research Articles: p. 5 (humorous, but true!) ? Nine steps to Hypothesis Testing ? Practice Exercise: Testing Research Hypotheses, Handbook ? Writing a Research Proposal, Handbook Krathwohl, p. 649 ? what happened? ? ? to whom? ? at what dosage? ? Maintaining fidelity ? Sensing Changes ? beware 50 of drift! ? Beware of teaching to the test! ? Swahili syndrome 51 52 Chi-square analyses Current APA recommendations: ? ? For nonparametric data ? Examples? ? Include effect sizes Translate effect sizes into meaningful metrics ? Sex by major classification by sex ? Agree/Disagree by Political Party ? Attachment ? Statistical ? Address ? significance is not enough! psychological significance ? Examples: IQ points, inches, grade equivalents 53 Use the cross-tabs procedure here (see summarize) 54 9 Chi Square Cautions Next week: Chi-square compares number observed and expected (if no relationship existed) ? Not very sensitive to differences in small samples Share your hypothesis (2 - 3 minutes) ? Qualitative research ? Krathwohl, ch. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 ? ? At ? least 5 cases must be expected per cell ? Remember to collapse categories to obtain minimum cases per cell ? Responses must be independent cases ? What SPSS command collapses cases? 55 56 Microsoft Graph ? ? Find a spreadsheet with data already entered Note that the top toolbar has changed ? The ? So spreadsheet icon is “on” you can change numbers and labels Relabel rows and columns ? Rows = groups ? Columns = time ? Delete unneeded rows and columns ? 57 58 Consider graph format More fine tuning of graphs Do you want a line graph or a bar graph? Format: Chart type ? 3d or 2d? ? Line or Bar? ? Line ? Look at line graph To remove data from axis ? Return to spreadsheet ? Cut out columns A and B ? Paste at column B ? Enter 0’s in cells of columns A and D ? Delete 0’s in cells of columns A and D ? (Leave Column A and D active) Ta-dah!! ? ? 59 60 10 Editing the graph ? Click on any part of the graph to edit it ? Scale? ? Line ? Change to possible range width? color? pattern? Insert ? Gridlines? ? Titles? No Yes ? Y-axis ? Type ? Click to change alignment to vertical 61 62 11