Red paper

Axel Buecker
Dinesh Jain
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory
Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and
Tivoli Enterprise Console
This IBM Redpaper describes a solution developed for IBM® Tivoli® Directory Integrator
integrating with IBM event management offering products: IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console®.
This integration solution illustrates an integration scenario aimed toward improving Tivoli
Directory Integrator integration capabilities and leveraging these capabilities with IBM event
management offering products. Along with several examples, we discuss the architecture
behind this approach.
This document is divided into several sections. For those readers who are unfamiliar with the
IBM products covered in this Redpaper, the section “Product introduction” on page 2 provides
a brief overview of Tivoli Directory Integrator, Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, and Tivoli Enterprise
Console. The section “Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 8
describes an architectural overview and the implementation, installation, and configuration for
Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with Netcool/OMNIbus. Similarly, the section “Tivoli
Directory Integrator and Tivoli Enterprise Console” on page 13 describes an architectural
overview and the implementation, installation, and configuration for Tivoli Directory Integrator
integration with the Tivoli Enterprise Console. The section “The EIF EventSender component”
on page 20 describes a key component developed as a part of this integration package.
Finally in “Additional files” on page 24, we document the files shipped along with this
Redpaper and links to various official documentation.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2007. All rights reserved.
Product introduction
Before describing the technical details of this integration solution, those people who are not
familiar with the products mentioned with this integration solution need to understand its
components. This section provides a brief overview about Tivoli Directory Integrator,
Netcool/OMNIbus, Tivoli Enterprise Console, and the Event Integration Facility (EIF) software
development kit (SDK).
Introduction to IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator
IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator (TDI) is a platform-independent and vendor
technology-independent development environment for rapidly building, testing, and deploying
integration solutions. Tivoli Directory Integrator is a Java™-based application.
Tivoli Directory Integrator includes the development and testing environment for creating
integration solutions, as well as the runtime server for deploying those integration solutions in
the client’s infrastructure. Solutions are created by plugging together Tivoli Directory
Integrator components: extensible integration objects, each one designed to handle a specific
application programming interface (API), protocol, transport, or format. Tivoli Directory
Integrator components uniquely abstract away the technical details of connecting to and
accessing data in practically any type of database, directory, registry, application, or device.
Tivoli Directory Integrator components let integration specialists focus the rules and logic for
manipulating and transforming data objects, as well as translating them between various
system and functional contexts.
The block diagram in Figure 1 depicts the Tivoli Directory Integrator architecture.
Figure 1 Tivoli Directory Integrator architecture
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Let us take a look at several of the key components of the Tivoli Directory Integrator
򐂰 AssemblyLines
The AssemblyLines execute data flows based on the configuration of individual
Connectors, Parsers, Function Components, and the business logic driving the process.
The basic organization of work in Tivoli Directory Integrator is the AssemblyLine. It
describes where data comes from, how it is transformed, and where it ends up.
The AssemblyLine:
– Builds a compound information object from connected information sources
– Performs modifications on received data or creates new entries altogether
– Adds, updates, and deletes the new information object to the assigned destinations
򐂰 Connectors
The Connectors connect to devices, systems, or applications and perform actions as
appropriate. Connectors are the building blocks of the AssemblyLine. Connectors
describe the information sources and destinations. Tivoli Directory Integrator offers a
number of Connectors, supporting numerous protocols and access mechanisms.
Extending an existing Connector is simple, quick, and easy. You can create a new
Connector or extend an existing Connector with any or all of the scripting languages that
the system supports. The ability to mix and match well-established scripting languages is
an enormous cost benefit to companies wanting to avoid retraining of staff.
򐂰 Parsers
A parser interprets and transforms the data flow into the appropriate format.
To cater to multiple data formats, Tivoli Directory Integrator uses components called
Parsers. Parsers know how to interpret and translate information from a byte stream into a
structured information object, where each piece of information is accessible by name. For
example, if a Connector reads from a flat file (or other source, such as an e-mail or TCP/IP
packet), a Parser enables an administrator to define how the data is structured within the
Refer to the IBM Tivoli Directory Integrator 6.1.1: Users Guide, SC32-2568-01, for more
information about each of its components.
Introduction to IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus is a service level management (SLM) system that collects
enterprise-wide event information from many different network data sources and presents a
simplified view of this information to operators and administrators.
This information can then be:
򐂰 Assigned to operators
򐂰 Passed to helpdesk systems
򐂰 Logged in a database
򐂰 Replicated on a remote Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus system
򐂰 Used to trigger automatic responses to certain alerts
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus can also consolidate information from different domain-limited
network management platforms in remote locations. By working in conjunction with existing
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
management systems and applications, Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus minimizes deployment time
and enables employees to use their existing network management skills.
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus tracks alert information in a high-performance, in-memory database
and presents information of interest to specific users through individually configurable filters
and views. Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus automation functions can perform intelligent processing
on managed alerts.
This section describes how Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus components work together to collect and
manage network alert information. Figure 2 shows an overview of the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
component architecture.
Figure 2 Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus component architecture
The components of Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus are:
򐂰 The ObjectServer
The ObjectServer is the in-memory database server at the core of Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus. Alert information is forwarded to the ObjectServer from external
programs, such as probes, monitors, and gateways, stored and managed in database
tables, and displayed in the event list.
򐂰 Probes
Probes connect to an event source, detect and acquire event data, and forward the data to
the ObjectServer as alerts. Probes use the logic specified in a rules file to manipulate the
event elements before converting them into the fields of an alert in the ObjectServer
alerts.status table. Each probe is uniquely designed to acquire event data from a specific
source. Probes can acquire data from any stable data source, including devices,
databases, and log files.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
򐂰 Gateways
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus gateways enable you to exchange alerts between ObjectServers
and complementary third-party applications, such as databases and helpdesk or
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems. You can use gateways to replicate
alerts or to maintain a backup ObjectServer. Application gateways enable you to integrate
different business functions. For example, you can configure a gateway to send alert
information to a helpdesk system. You can also use a gateway to archive alerts to a
After a gateway is correctly installed and configured, the transfer of alerts is transparent to
the operators.
򐂰 Desktop tools
The desktop is an integrated suite of graphical tools used to view and manage alerts, and
to configure how alert information is presented. Desktop tools are available on both
UNIX® and Windows® platforms. Alert information is delivered in a format that allows
users to quickly determine the availability of services on a network. When an alert cause
has been identified, desktop tools enable users to resolve problems quickly.
򐂰 The event list
The event list displays a filtered view of color-coded alerts in a scrolling list. You can set
up multiple event list clients, each with different priorities and filters. You can also use the
event list to reprioritize alerts and to assign or reassign problems to other users. When an
alert has been assigned to a user, the user can acknowledge it, or deacknowledge it so
that it can be picked up by another user.
򐂰 Administration tools
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus includes tools that enable administrators to configure and
manage the system. For detailed information about administration tools, see the IBM
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbusTM v7.1 Administration Guide, which is available at the IBM Tivoli
Netcool/OMNIbus documentation Web site:
Also, refer to the IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbusTM v7.1 User Guide for more information about
each of its components.
Introduction to Tivoli Enterprise Console
The IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console (TEC) product is a rule-based event management
application that integrates system, network, database, and application management to help
ensure the optimal availability of an organization’s IT services.
The Tivoli Enterprise Console product:
򐂰 Provides a centralized, global view of your computing enterprise
򐂰 Collects, processes, and automatically responds to common management events, such
as a database server that is not responding, a lost network connection, or a successfully
completed batch processing job
򐂰 Acts as a central collection point for alarms and events from a variety of sources, including
those from other Tivoli software applications, Tivoli partner applications, custom
applications, network management platforms, and relational database systems.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
The Tivoli Enterprise Console product helps you effectively process the high volume of
events in an IT environment by:
򐂰 Prioritizing events by their level of importance
򐂰 Filtering redundant or low-priority events
򐂰 Correlating events with other events from different sources
򐂰 Determining who must view and process specific events
򐂰 Initiating automatic corrective actions, when appropriate, such as escalation, notification,
and the opening of trouble tickets
򐂰 Identifying hosts and automatically grouping events from the hosts that are in
maintenance mode in a predefined event group
Figure 3 shows an overview of the Tivoli Enterprise Console component architecture.
Figure 3 Tivoli Enterprise Console component architecture
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
The Tivoli Enterprise Console architecture consists of the following components:
򐂰 Event server
The event server is a central server that handles all events in the distributed system.
򐂰 User interface (UI) server
The user interface (UI) server provides conflict management for event console updates.
򐂰 Event console
The Tivoli Enterprise Console product provides two versions of the event console: a Java
version and a Web version. Both versions provide a graphical user interface (GUI) that
allows the IT staff to view and respond to dispatched events.
򐂰 Adapter Configuration Facility (ACF)
The Adapter Configuration Facility is a profile-based application that is used to configure
and distribute Tivoli Management Environment (TME®) adapters using a graphical user
interface (GUI).
򐂰 Event adapters
An event adapter monitors events on a managed resource, such as a database, formats
the information, and forwards it to the event server. The following adapters are available
with the product: AS/400® Alert Adapter, AS/400 Message Adapter, NetWare Adapter,
Openview Adapter, UNIX syslog Adapter, Windows Eventlog Adapter, and Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Adapter.
򐂰 Event Integration Facility (EIF)
The EIF facility provides a mechanism to selectively forward events to Tivoli Enterprise
Console servers.
򐂰 NetView® server
The Tivoli NetView server is a network management program that uses SNMP to
discover, monitor, and configure TCP/IP networks.
򐂰 NetView Web console
The Tivoli NetView Web console is a Java-based graphical user interface (GUI) that
allows operators to view the network topology and provides diagnostic and informational
tools to aid in troubleshooting network problems.
򐂰 NetView native console
The Tivoli NetView native console is an X/Motif-based (UNIX) or Windows-based
graphical user interface (GUI) that allows administrators to configure the NetView server.
It also provides the same operator functionality as the Tivoli NetView Web console. This
component is installed automatically when the Tivoli NetView server is installed.
Refer to the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console User’s Guide Version 3.9, SC32-1235, for more
information about each of its components.
Introduction to the Event Integration Facility
The IBM Tivoli Event Integration Facility (EIF) is an event distribution and integration point for
the event console. With the Tivoli Event Integration Facility toolkit, you can build event
adapters and integrate them into the IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console environment.
IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console adapters are the integration link. Adapters collect events,
perform local filtering, translate relevant events to the proper format for the event console,
and forward these events to the event server. A variety of adapters for systems, Tivoli
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
software applications, and third-party applications are available. To monitor a source (such as
a third-party or custom application) that is not supported by an existing adapter, you can use
Tivoli Event Integration Facility to create an adapter for the source.
The Tivoli Event Integration Facility contains:
򐂰 An event application programming interface (API) library for use with the Java and C
programming languages. The C library files are available for a wide range of operating
systems, such as AIX®, Hewlett-Packard UNIX (HP-UX), Windows, SGI IRIX, Solaris™,
and so on.
򐂰 A debugging function that checks event syntax and sends events to a file.
򐂰 The ability to exploit state correlation at the Event Integration Facility sender.
You can use Tivoli Event Integration Facility to:
򐂰 Specify the event information to send to the event server for processing.
򐂰 Create an adapter to filter, translate, and then forward event information to the event
򐂰 Filter and correlate events near the source by using state correlation.
򐂰 Create an application that can receive events.
Refer to the IBM Tivoli Event Integration Facility User's Guide Version 3.8, GC32-0691-01, for
more information.
Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus
Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with Netcool/OMNIbus allows Tivoli Directory Integrator
to create and send alerts and status information that can be recognized by the
Netcool/OMNIbus Event Management system as events.
Architectural overview
Figure 4 on page 9 depicts the integration architecture of Tivoli Directory Integrator and
Netcool/OMNIbus systems.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
EIF EventSender
EIF events
Event Integration Facility
Tivoli EIF
Figure 4 Tivoli Directory Integrator and Netcool/OMNIbus integration architecture
This integration enables Tivoli Directory Integrator to send events to the ObjectServer of the
Netcool/OMNIbus system. The ObjectServer from Netcool/OMNIbus acts as the central place
to receive events from various Probes and Monitors.
As described in “Introduction to IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 3, the Probes connect
to an event source, detect and acquire event data, and forward the data to the ObjectServer
as alerts. Each probe is uniquely designed to acquire event data from a specific source. Tivoli
Directory Integrator utilizes the Tivoli Netcool® EIF Probe for sending events to the
ObjectServer. The Tivoli Directory Integrator events are EIF-formatted events that can be
recognized by the Tivoli EIF Probe and are forwarded to the ObjectServer of the
Netcool/OMNIbus system.
The following sections describe the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus EIF Probe and the Tivoli
Directory Integrator EIF EventSender, which are key components of this integration.
Tivoli Netcool EIF Probe
A range of Tivoli products generate Event Integration Facility (EIF) messages. The
Netcool/OMNIbus Probe for Tivoli EIF can receive EIF events sent from any of these Tivoli
devices and forward them to the ObjectServer.
This probe has been used in various integration scenarios between Tivoli availability products
and Netcool/OMNIbus.
Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component
The EIF EventSender component acts as the integration point from Tivoli Directory Integrator
to communicate with the Tivoli EIF Probe. This component provides connectivity to the Tivoli
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
EIF Probe and sends EIF events to it. The EIF EventSender component is distributed as a
JAR file as a part of the Redpaper additional files (see “Additional files” on page 24). You
need to copy this JAR file into the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment so that Tivoli
Directory Integrator can connect to the Tivoli EIF probe. We document implementation and
usage details of this component in “The EIF EventSender component” on page 20. This EIF
EventSender component exposes certain APIs, which solution developers need to utilize for
sending events to the Tivoli EIF Probe from Tivoli Directory Integrator.
Capturing Tivoli Directory Integrator Events with Netcool/OMNIbus Event List
This section illustrates the usage of Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with
Netcool/OMNIbus system.
From Tivoli Directory Integrator, EFI events are sent to the Tivoli EIF Probe. The Tivoli EIF
Probe then forwards these events to the ObjectServer in Netcool/OMNIbus. The events sent
by Tivoli Directory Integrator are displayed in the Netcool/OMNIbus Event List. The
Netcool/OMNIbus Event List is a spreadsheet-like visualization tool that provides real-time
customized views into data residing in the Netcool ObjectServer. The events are displayed by
color to reflect their severity, such as red = Critical and green = Harmless.
The Tivoli Directory Integrator events can be broadly categorized as:
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Server Events
Events, such as Tivoli Directory Integrator server started, stopped, or failed events, can be
sent to Netcool/OMNIbus. This is useful for monitoring Tivoli Directory Integrator as an
application with the Netcool/OMNIbus system, similar to any other Tivoli application, for
example, IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM).
The screen capture in Figure 5 shows the Netcool/OMNIbus Event List displaying Tivoli
Directory Integrator Server Events.
Figure 5 Netcool/OMNIbus Event List displays Tivoli Directory Integrator Server Events
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Solution Events
Tivoli Directory Integrator acts as a platform for developing and deploying integration
solutions. These solutions can actually cause changes in underlying data repositories.
The execution status of such solutions (Tivoli Directory Integrator applications) can be
formatted as EIF events and sent to the Netcool/OMNIbus system. Tivoli Directory
Integrator Solution Events can describe the status of execution, such as, how many
entries have been migrated to a target repository, what specific entries have been deleted
from a data source, the status of a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine, and so on.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
The screen capture in Figure 6 shows the Netcool/OMNIbus Event List displaying Tivoli
Directory Integrator Server and Solution Events.
Figure 6 Netcool/OMNIbus Event List displays Tivoli Directory Integrator Server and Solution Events
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Data Source Events
Tivoli Directory Integrator provides a rich set of connectivity with various data sources,
such as directory servers, databases, mail servers, FTP servers, messaging queues, file
systems, and so on.
Tivoli Directory Integrator also provides the capability to detect data-changes from these
data sources, by means of the Delta feature and Changelog Connectors.
You can utilize these features of Tivoli Directory Integrator to monitor data changes within
back-end data sources. The information retrieved from the Delta feature and Changelog
Connectors can then be formatted into an EIF event for the Netcool/OMNIbus system.
For example, use Tivoli Directory Integrator to detect an entry modification with a
back-end Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server and send this
information as an EIF event to the Netcool/OMNIbus system.
The screen capture in Figure 7 shows such events with the Netcool/OMNIbus Event List.
Figure 7 Netcool/OMNIbus Event List displays Tivoli Directory Integrator Data Source Events
Installation and Configuration
This section describes installation and configuration steps required for this integration.
Refer to “Additional files” on page 24 for the various files that we use in this section that are
packaged as part of this Redpaper.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Setting up the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus environment
Let us take a look at the prerequisites and the configuration steps.
Ensure that the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus server and Tivoli EIF Probe are installed and running
Configuration steps
Use these steps to configure Netcool/OMNIbus for the environment:
1. Replace the file tivoli_eif.rules of the Tivoli EIF Probe with the tivoli_eif.rules file that we
provide with this Redpaper.
2. Restart the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus server and Tivoli EIF Probe.
3. Ensure that the Tivoli EIF Probe is listening for EIF events on a specific port mentioned
with the tivoli_eif.rules file. The default value is 9999.
These are the details required on the Netcool/OMNIbus side.
Setting up the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Let us take a look at the prerequisites and the configuration steps.
Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 6.1.1.
Configuration steps
The steps are:
1. Copy the EIF SDK jar files, such as log.jar and evd.jar, inside the <TDI-install>/jars
directory. These files can be obtained from Tivoli Enterprise Console support.
2. Copy the EIFEventSender.jar (packaged with this Redpaper) inside the <TDI-install>/jars
3. Copy the eif.conf file (packaged with this Redpaper) onto the system where Tivoli
Directory Integrator is installed.
4. Set the following properties in the eif.conf file:
Host name or IP address of the machine on which the Tivoli EIF
Probe is listening for events.
Port on which the Tivoli EIF Probe is listening for events (default
After you complete these prerequisites and follow these steps, you can use the Tivoli
Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component inside Tivoli Directory Integrator solutions
to send events to the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus server.
Next, we document the EIF EventSender component.
Using EIF EventSender component
After you configure the prerequisites properly, Tivoli Directory Integrator solution developers
can use the APIs exposed by the EIF EventSender component to initialize connections with
the Tivoli EIF Probe and send Tivoli Directory Integrator events to it.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
These APIs need to be specified inside the Tivoli Directory Integrator Solution (Hooks, Script
components, and so on).
For example, Figure 8 shows how to send an event “TDI Server started” from the
AssemblyLine’s “Begin Prolog” Hook.
Figure 8 Using the EIF EventSender in Tivoli Directory Integrator
Refer to the “APIs exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console
EventSender components” on page 21 for more details about API usage of the EIF
EventSender component.
Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with Tivoli Enterprise Console allows Tivoli Directory
Integrator to create and send alerts and status information that can be recognized by the
Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Management system as events.
Architectural overview
The diagram in Figure 9 on page 14 depicts the integration architecture of Tivoli Directory
Integrator and Tivoli Enterprise Console.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
EIF EventSender
EIF events
Event Integration Facility
Figure 9 Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Enterprise Console integration architecture
This integration enables Tivoli Directory Integrator to send events to the Tivoli Enterprise
Console event server. As described in “Introduction to Tivoli Enterprise Console” on page 5,
the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server is a central server that handles all events in a
distributed system.
The Tivoli Enterprise Console event server receives events from event adapters. The event
adapter is installed on the host machine that contains the system resource or application that
will be monitored. It is possible to install more than one adapter on a host.
By default, Tivoli Enterprise Console comes with various event adapters, such as LogFile
Adapter, SNMP Adapter, HP OpenView Adapter, and so on. In addition, you can also develop
your own custom event adapter for sending events from a third-party application to the Tivoli
Enterprise Console event server. A custom event adapter needs to be developed using the
Event Integration Facility (EIF) toolkit. The Tivoli Enterprise Console event server exposes
the EIF interface, which allows EIF-enabled applications or adapters to send the EIF events
to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. Tivoli Directory Integrator utilizes this feature
and provides EIF connectivity to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server for sending
events to it. The Tivoli Directory Integrator events are EIF-formatted events that can be
recognized by the Tivoli Enterprise Console system.
The following sections discuss what is required at the Tivoli Enterprise Console in order to
recognize Tivoli Directory Integrator events and the Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF
EventSender component, which are key features of this integration.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Defining Tivoli Directory Integrator events with Tivoli Enterprise Console
This section describes the requirements at the Tivoli Enterprise Console to provide
integration with Tivoli Directory Integrator. There are two configuration files that ship within the
additional files for this Redpaper that need to be deployed on the Tivoli Enterprise Console
system. These sections provide details about the configuration files.
Tivoli Directory Integrator BAROC file
Events that are generated by Tivoli Directory Integrator need to be recognized by the Tivoli
Enterprise Console event server. Every event has to belong to a particular event class
defined by the event adapter, and the event classes must be defined within the Tivoli
Enterprise Console event server.
To achieve this goal, Tivoli Directory Integrator event classes are defined within the
“tdi_events.baroc” file, which ships within the additional files for this Redpaper. This file needs
to be deployed to the Tivoli Enterprise Console system before sending events from Tivoli
Directory Integrator. The event classes, such as TDI_Server_Started, TDI_Server_Stopped,
TDI_AL_Started, and so on, are defined within this event class file. Refer to “Setting up the
Tivoli Enterprise Console environment” on page 17 for deploying the BAROC file.
Tivoli Directory Integrator rules file
A Tivoli Enterprise Console rule is a construct that lets you specify what action to take when
a certain event is received. Rules are written in a high-level language called the rule
A simple rules file named “tdi.rls” ships within the additional files for this Redpaper to handle
the Tivoli Directory Integrator events and perform tasks, such as closing or updating events
with information from other events. This file must be deployed with the Tivoli Enterprise
Console system before sending events from Tivoli Directory Integrator. Refer to “Setting up
the Tivoli Enterprise Console environment” on page 17 for deploying the rules file.
Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component
This section describes what is required at the Tivoli Directory Integrator to provide integration
with Tivoli Enterprise Console.
The EIF EventSender component acts as the integration point from Tivoli Directory Integrator
to communicate with the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. This component provides
connectivity to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server and sends the EIF events to it. The
EIF EventSender component is distributed as a JAR file that ships within the additional files
for this Redpaper. This JAR file needs to be copied to the Tivoli Directory Integrator
environment so that Tivoli Directory Integrator can connect to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
system. We document implementation and usage details for this component in “The EIF
EventSender component” on page 20.
This component exposes certain APIs that solution developers need to utilize for sending
events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server from Tivoli Directory Integrator.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Capturing Tivoli Directory Integrator Events with Tivoli Enterprise Console
Event Console
This section illustrates the usage of Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with the Tivoli
Enterprise Console system. The events sent by Tivoli Directory Integrator are displayed on
the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Console.
The Event Console provides a GUI that operators can use to view and respond to events. The
Tivoli Enterprise Console product provides two versions of the Event Console: a Java-based
version and a Web-based version. These sections display Tivoli Directory Integrator events
with the Java version of the event console. The events are displayed by color to reflect their
severity, such as red = Critical and green = Harmless.
The Tivoli Directory Integrator events can be broadly categorized as:
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Server Events
Events, such as Tivoli Directory Integrator server started, stopped, or failed, can be sent to
the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. This is useful for monitoring Tivoli Directory
Integrator as an application with the Tivoli Enterprise Console system, similar to any other
Tivoli application, for example, IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM).
The screen capture in Figure 10 shows the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event Console
displaying Tivoli Directory Integrator Server events.
Figure 10 Tivoli Enterprise Console displaying Tivoli Directory Integrator Server events
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Solution Events
Tivoli Directory Integrator acts as a platform for developing and deploying integration
solutions. These solutions actually cause changes in the underlying data repositories.
Execution status of such solutions (Tivoli Directory Integrator applications) can be
formatted as EIF events and sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console system. Tivoli Directory
Integrator Solution Events describe the status of execution, such as how many entries
migrated to the target repository, the specific entries deleted from a data source, the
status of a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine, and so on.
The screen capture in Figure 11 on page 16 shows the Tivoli Enterprise Console Event
Console displaying Tivoli Directory Integrator Server and Solution Events.
Figure 11 Tivoli Enterprise Console displaying Tivoli Directory Integrator Server and Solution Events
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator Data Source Events
Tivoli Directory Integrator provides a rich set of connectivity with various data sources,
such as directory servers, databases, mail servers, FTP servers, messaging queues, file
systems, and so on.
Tivoli Directory Integrator also provides capabilities to detect data changes from these
data sources by means of the Delta feature and Changelog Connectors.
These features of Tivoli Directory Integrator can be utilized to monitor data changes with
back-end data sources. The information retrieved from the Delta feature and Changelog
Connectors can be formatted into an EIF event for the Tivoli Enterprise Console event
For example, use Tivoli Directory Integrator to detect an entry modification in a back-end
LDAP server and send this information as an EIF event to the Tivoli Enterprise Console
The screen capture in Figure 12 shows these events with the Tivoli Enterprise Console
Event Console.
Figure 12 Tivoli Enterprise Console displaying Tivoli Directory Integrator Data Source Events
Installation and configuration
This section describes the installation and configuration steps required for this integration.
Refer to “Additional files” on page 24 for the various files used in this section that are
packaged within the additional files for this Redpaper.
Setting up the Tivoli Enterprise Console environment
Let us take a look at the prerequisites and the configuration steps.
Ensure that Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.9 and its required prerequisites are installed and
running properly.
Configuration steps
To configure the Tivoli Enterprise Console environment:
1. Define Tivoli Directory Integrator as a source of events.
For Tivoli Enterprise Console to recognize Tivoli Directory Integrator as a source of
events, you are required to define a Tivoli Directory Integrator source string with it. Tivoli
Directory Integrator sends events to Tivoli Enterprise Console with a source string of
“TDI”. The following sample steps illustrate how to define a TDI source string with Tivoli
Enterprise Console:
a. Issue the following command from a Windows command prompt to set up the Windows
system environment for Tivoli commands:
(On UNIX, this is . /etc/Tivoli/ for Bourne shell environments.)
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
b. Execute the following command:
wcrtsrc TDI
2. Import the BAROC file.
The file tdi_events.baroc defines the Tivoli Directory Integrator event classes that need to
be deployed within the Tivoli Enterprise Console system. You can read more information
about importing a BAROC file in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Command and Task
Reference Version 3.9, SC32-1232.
These are the sample steps for importing tdi_events.baroc:
a. Issue the following command from a Windows command prompt to set up the Windows
system environment for Tivoli commands:
(On UNIX, this is . /etc/Tivoli/ for Bourne shell environments.)
b. The following commands import the Tivoli Directory Integrator event class
specifications into the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server:
-crtrb -path C:/TDI_Rules TDI_Rules
-imprbclass "C:/tdi_events.baroc" TDI_Rules
-comprules TDI_Rules
-loadrb TDI_Rules
c. Restart the Tivoli Enterprise Console server by using the following commands:
Wait approximately 10 seconds.
3. Import the Tivoli Directory Integrator rule set.
The file tdi.rls defines rules for handling Tivoli Directory Integrator events. The file needs
to be deployed within the Tivoli Enterprise Console system. You can read more
information regarding importing a rule set file in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Command
and Task Reference Version 3.9, SC32-1232.
The sample steps for importing the tdi.rls file are:
a. Issue the following command from a Windows command prompt to set up the Windows
system environment for Tivoli commands:
b. The following commands import the Tivoli Directory Integrator rule set specifications
into the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server:
wrb -imprbrule tdi.rls TDI_Rules wrb -imptgtrule tdi EventServer TDI_Rules
wrb -comprules TDI_Rules
wrb -loadrb -use TDI_Rules
4. Ensure that the Tivoli Enterprise Console server is running properly with the updates that
you have just made by sending test events and verifying that the behavior of the rules is
as expected.
These are the things required at the Tivoli Enterprise Console to recognize Tivoli Directory
Integrator events properly.
Setting up the Tivoli Directory Integrator environment
Let us take a look at the prerequisites and the configuration steps.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Install Tivoli Directory Integrator 6.1.1.
Configuration steps
The steps are:
1. Copy the EIF SDK jar files, such as log.jar and evd.jar, inside the <TDI-install>/jars
directory. You can obtain these files from Tivoli Enterprise Console support. Get the latest
EIF SDK files at patch 0054 at the time of writing this Redpaper, because this patch fixes
bugs in the Java implementation.
2. Copy the EIFEventSender.jar (which ships within the additional files for this Redpaper)
into the <TDI-install>/jars directory.
3. Copy the eif.conf file (which ships within the additional files for this Redpaper) onto the
system where Tivoli Directory Integrator is installed.
4. Set the following properties in the eif.conf file:
Host name or IP address of the machine on which Tivoli Enterprise
Console server is listening for events.
Port on which Tivoli Enterprise Console server is listening for
events (the default is 5529).
5. Depending on the environment, change your firewall configuration so that the Tivoli
Directory Integrator server can reach the Tivoli Enterprise Console server on port
After you implement these prerequisites and complete these steps, you can use the Tivoli
Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component inside Tivoli Directory Integrator solutions
to send events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. We document the EIF
EventSender component in the next section.
Using EIF EventSender component
After you configure the prerequisites properly, Tivoli Directory Integrator solution developers
can use the APIs exposed by the EIF EventSender component for initializing connections
with the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server and sending Tivoli Directory Integrator events
to it.
These APIs needs to be specified inside your Tivoli Directory Integrator Solution (Hooks,
script components, and so on).
For example, the screen capture in Figure 13 on page 20 shows how to send an event “TDI
Server started” from the AssemblyLine’s “Begin Prolog” Hook.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Figure 13 Using the EIF EventSender in Tivoli Directory Integrator
Refer to the “APIs exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console
EventSender components” on page 21 for more details about API usage of the EIF
EventSender component.
The EIF EventSender component
The Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component allows Tivoli Directory Integrator
to communicate with the Netcool Tivoli EIF Probe and the Tivoli Enterprise Console using EIF
APIs. In the following section, we describe the implementation details and how you can best
utilize the EIF EventSender component within a Tivoli Directory Integrator environment.
Implementation Details
The block diagram in Figure 14 on page 21 describes the component design in detail.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Script, Java
Web Services
TDI Event
Tivoli EIF
EIF EventSender
EIF Event
EIF Event
SAP, Siebel
Event Integration Facility
Figure 14 Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component
The EIF EventSender component is divided into two subcomponents, such as the Netcool
EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console EventSender, to send events to the
respective event receivers. Both subcomponents receive the event messages, convert it to
the appropriate event formats, and pass it to the EIF Agent component. The EIF Agent
component further forwards these events to the event receivers, such as the Tivoli EIF Probe
or Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. The EIF Agent component uses the eif.conf file
(which ships within the additional files for this Redpaper) to initialize the EIF connection
The EIF EventSender component exposes certain APIs so that solution developers can
utilize them for sending EIF events to Netcool/OMNIbus or the Tivoli Enterprise Console
In the following section, we describe the various APIs exposed by the EIF Event Sender
APIs exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console
EventSender components
The component “Netcool EventSender” (
and “TEC EventSender” ( expose the same
set of APIs and format the events appropriately before sending them to the respective event
receiver. The following APIs are exposed by both components:
򐂰 boolean init(String eif_conf_file_path)
This API is used for initializing the connection with the Event Receiver. Specify the eif.conf
file path as a parameter to it. On successful initialization, this API returns true.
For example, var bConnect = objNetcool.init("c:/eif.conf"");
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
򐂰 int sendEvent_ServerStarted(String msg)
This API is used to send a Tivoli Directory Integrator server start event. Specify the
message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive integer value.
For example, sendEvent_ServerStarted("TDI Server started successfully")
򐂰 int sendEvent_ServerStopped(String msg)
This API is used to send a Tivoli Directory Integrator server stop event. Specify the
message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive integer value.
For example, sendEvent_ServerStarted("TDI Server stopped successfully")
򐂰 int sendEvent_ALStarted(String msg)
This API is used to send a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine start event. Specify
the message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive integer
For example, sendEvent_ALStarted("AssemblyLine AL1 started successfully")
򐂰 int sendEvent_ALStopped(String msg)
This API is used to send a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine stop event. Specify the
message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive integer value.
For example, sendEvent_ALStopped("AssemblyLine AL1 stopped successfully")
򐂰 int sendEvent_ALStatus(String msg)
This API is used to send a Tivoli Directory Integrator AssemblyLine status event. Specify
the message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive integer
For example, sendEvent_ALStatus("AssemblyLine AL1 status is- Get:1, Add:1")
򐂰 int sendEvent(String eventString, String eventSource, String eventClassName)
This API is used to send a custom Tivoli Directory Integrator event. This provides the
flexibility to send customized events for advanced users. On success, this API returns a
positive integer value.
Specify the message, Event source, and Event class as parameters to it.
For example, sendEvent("TDI's Server API layer is down", "TDI ", "TDI_Event")
Requirement: When using this API to send events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console, the
string used for “eventSource” must have a matching “source” definition on the Tivoli
Enterprise Console machine. You must not send arbitrary strings unless they are
defined using the TEC command wcrtsrc. The Tivoli Enterprise Console might refuse
to parse events with an unknown source attribute. We recommend that you always use
the source string “TDI”.
򐂰 int sendEvent_DataSource(String msg)
This API is used to send a DataSource update event from Tivoli Directory Integrator.
Specify the message string as a parameter to it. On success, this API returns a positive
integer value.
For example, sendEvent_DataSource("Entry cn=user1,o=ibm,c=us added into TDS
running on")
򐂰 boolean terminate()
This API is used to terminate connection with the Event Receiver. On successful
termination, this API returns true.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
API usage
This section illustrates how Tivoli Directory Integrator solution developers can utilize APIs
exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console EventSender
components to send events from Tivoli Directory Integrator to the respective event servers.
Using the Netcool EventSender component
Example 1 is a sample Tivoli Directory Integrator script that describes how to use the APIs
shown in “APIs exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise Console
EventSender components” on page 21 to send Tivoli Directory Integrator server and
AssemblyLine events to Netcool Tivoli EIF Probe. You can write this script any place within
the Tivoli Directory Integrator solution.
Example 1 Using the Netcool Event Sender component
//Initializing connection with Tivoli EIF Probe for sending event
var objNetcool= new;
var b = objNetcool.init("C:/Dinesh/NetCool/TEC/EIFSDK/samples/eif.conf");
//Successful initialization returns true
main.logmsg("=== Initialize: " +b);
//Send event as TDI Server started
var rc= objNetcool.sendEvent_ServerStarted("TDI Server started successfully");
//Successful event posting returns positive integer value
main.logmsg("=== Server Started: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI AssemblyLine AL3 started
rc= objNetcool.sendEvent_ALStarted("AL3 started");
main.logmsg("=== AL Started: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI AssemblyLine AL3 stopped
rc= objNetcool.sendEvent_ALStopped("AL3 stopped");
main.logmsg("=== AL Stopped: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI Server stopped
rc= objNetcool.sendEvent_ServerStopped("TDI Server stopped");
main.logmsg("=== Server stopped: " +rc);
//Terminate connection with Tivoli EIF Probe
b= objNetcool.terminate();
main.logmsg("=== Terminated: " +b);
Using the Tivoli Enterprise Console EventSender component
Example 2 on page 24 is a sample Tivoli Directory Integrator script that describes how to use
the APIs shown in “APIs exposed by the Netcool EventSender and the Tivoli Enterprise
Console EventSender components” on page 21 to send Tivoli Directory Integrator Server and
AssemblyLine events to the Tivoli Enterprise Console event server. You can include this script
inside any place within the Tivoli Directory Integrator solution.
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
Example 2 Using the Tivoli Enterprise Console EventSender component
//Initializing connection with TEC event server for sending event
var objTEC= new TECEventSender();
var b = objTEC.init("C:/Dinesh/NetCool/TEC/EIFSDK/samples/eif.conf");
//Successful initialization returns true
main.logmsg("=== Initialize: " +b);
//Send event as TDI Server started
var rc= objTEC.sendEvent_ServerStarted("TDI Server started successfully");
//Successful event posting returns positive integer value
main.logmsg("=== Server Started: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI AssemblyLine AL3 started
rc= objTEC.sendEvent_ALStarted("AL3 started");
main.logmsg("=== AL Started: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI AssemblyLine AL3 stopped
rc= objTEC.sendEvent_ALStopped("AL3 stopped");
main.logmsg("=== AL Stopped: " +rc);
//Send event as TDI Server stopped
rc= objTEC.sendEvent_ServerStopped("TDI Server stopped");
main.logmsg("=== Server stopped: " +rc);
//Terminate connection with TEC event server
b= objTEC.terminate();
main.logmsg("=== Terminated: " +b);
Additional files
The additional files for this Redpaper are distributed in the following .zip file:
This .zip file consists of several files that you must deploy on the Tivoli Directory Integrator,
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus, and Tivoli Enterprise Console systems. This section documents
details about the files that are required for this integration.
Tivoli Directory Integrator files
The directory TDI_files inside the package consists of all of the files that you must deploy
with Tivoli Directory Integrator and the optional Tivoli Directory Integrator examples.
Tivoli Directory Integrator setup files
The directory TDI_setup_files contains all the necessary Tivoli Directory Integrator related
files required for Tivoli Directory Integrator integration with Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli
Enterprise Console. Details about each file’s deployment are documented in its respective
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
section (“Tivoli Directory Integrator and Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus” on page 8 and “Tivoli
Directory Integrator and Tivoli Enterprise Console” on page 13).
Tivoli Directory Integrator Examples
The directory TDI_examples contains Tivoli Directory Integrator configuration files that
illustrate how to use the Tivoli Directory Integrator EIF EventSender component to send
various types of events to the Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console systems. You
can execute these configuration files from Tivoli Directory Integrator Config Editor (ibmditk)
or from the command-line utility (ibmdisrv).
Each example consists of two AssemblyLines: one AssemblyLine for sending events to
Netcool/OMNIbus and another AssemblyLine for sending events to Tivoli Enterprise Console.
Example1 demonstrates how to send Tivoli Directory Integrator Server Events. Example2
demonstrates how to send Tivoli Directory Integrator Server and Application (AssemblyLine
execution details) Events. Example3 illustrates how to send Data Source Events using the IBM
Directory Server Changelog Connector.
Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus files
The directory Netcool_files contains all of the files that you need to deploy with Tivoli EIF
Probe for this integration. We document the details about the deployment of these files in
“Setting up the Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus environment” on page 12.
Tivoli Enterprise Console files
The directory TEC_files contains all of the files that you need to deploy with Tivoli Enterprise
Console for this integration. We document the details about the deployment of these files in
“Setting up the Tivoli Enterprise Console environment” on page 17.
You can obtain Tivoli online documentation at these Web sites:
򐂰 Tivoli Directory Integrator 6.1.1 Information Center
򐂰 Tivoli Enterprise Console 3.9 Information Center
򐂰 Netcool/OMNIbus 7.1 Information Center
򐂰 Event Integration Facility Reference Guide
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
The team that wrote this IBM Redpaper
This paper was produced by specialists from around the world working at the International
Technical Support Organization, Austin Center.
Axel Buecker is a Certified Consulting Software IT Specialist at the
International Technical Support Organization, Austin Center. He writes
extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on areas of Software
Security Architecture and Network Computing Technologies. He holds a
degree in computer science from the University of Bremen, Germany. He has
more than 20 years of experience in a variety of areas related to Workstation
and Systems Management, Network Computing, and e-business Solutions. Before joining the
ITSO in March 2000, Axel worked for IBM in Germany as a Senior IT Specialist in Software
Security Architecture.
Dinesh Jain is a Staff Software Engineer from IBM India Software Lab,
Pune. He has been part of the Tivoli Directory Integrator team for the past
four years. In his role, Dinesh is responsible for improving performance of the
product. Dinesh enjoys exploring the depth of Tivoli Directory Integrator for
developing integration solutions and supporting the global Tivoli Directory
Integrator community. At the time of writing this paper, he had filed one
patent and published several developerWorks articles. Dinesh holds a Masters degree of
Computer Science from the University of Pune, India.
Thanks to the following people for their contributions to this project:
Johan Varno,
IBM Norway
Dave Bachmann,
Thomas Seeling,
IBM Germany
Sanil Nambiar,
IBM India
Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console
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Creating EIF Events with Tivoli Directory Integrator for Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus and Tivoli Enterprise Console