WATERRESOURCES RESEARCH, VOL.28,NO.9, PAGES 2513-2521, SEPTEMBER 1992 Fingered Flow in Two Dimensions 1. Measurement of Matric Potential J. $ELKER Department ofBioresource Engineering, Oregon StateUniversity, Corvallis P. LECLERQ, J.-Y. PARLANGE, ANDT. $TEENHUi$ Department of Agricultural andBiological Engineering, CornellUniversity, Ithaca,New York Precisemanagement of the changing matricpotentialduringinfiltration into unsaturated soil requiredthe development of miniature,high-speed, planartensiometers. A novel designwas developed, withresponse timeof lessthan1 s. The applicability of the devices is shownthrough measurements of thematricpotential ingrowing instabilities, bothin theinduction zoneandalongthe verticalfingerprofile.Tensiometry is demonstrated to be a practicalmethodof obtainingdatawith hightemporaland spatialresolution for the studyof dynamicflowfieldsandfacilitatestestingof theoretical results for unstable flow fields. INTRODUCTION Unstablewetting fronts have been documentedwidely in fieldand laboratorysettings[e.g., Saffmanand Taylor, 1958; Hill and Parlange, 1972; Starr et al., 1978; Diment and Watson, 1985;Glass et al., !989; Baker and Hillel, 1990;Van Oremenet al., 1989].Wettingfront instabilitygenerallyleads to the developmentof fingeredflow, which can significantly increase the transport velocity of pollutants to aquifers throughthe vadose zone [Glass et al., 1988; Kung, !988]. This has practical implicationsdue to the increaseduse of agriculturalchemicalswhich rely on residencein the upper soilprofile for degradation.In addition, fingeredflow may give rise to increased recharge of groundwater in arid environments. of the matricpotentialin fine materialabovea coarsesoil with an unstable wetting front were reported [Baker and Hillel, 1990],althoughto datewe are not awareof measurementsof the matricpotentialtakenwithingrowinginstabilities.Thispaperinvestigates the designof tensiometers for measurement of the matricpotentialof growinginstabilities. Twoof the primaryobjectivesof this studyare to facilitate the observationof the horizontalgradientin the induction zonebetweenfingersandto characterize thepressure profile withingrowingfingers. Copyright1992by the AmericanGeophysical Union. DESIGN AND TESTING OF PLANAR TENSIOMETERS Design and Testing Considerations In two-dimensionalexperiments,measurementsof unstable wetting fronts in porous media have been made by making direct visual observation of the flow field through transparentpanels [e.g., Hill and Parlange, 1972; Glass et al., 1989]. Considerable insight has been gained through theseinvestigationsregardingthe geometryof unstableflow fields. Glass et al. [1990] showed that the diameter of three-dimensionalinstabilities has the same dependenceon soilpropertiesas in two dimensions,beinga factor of 4.8/•r largerthan for two-dimensional instabilities. The suggestionof using tensiometersto gain further understandingof unstable wetting fronts has been made by otherauthors[e.g., Raats, 1973]. Recently, measurements Papernumber92WR00963. 0043-1397/92/92WR-00963505.00 This papertreatstwo topics. The first topic is the fabrication and testing of the tensiometersrequired for measurement of matric potential in dynamic unsaturated flow fields. The secondtopic is an assessmentof the devicesemployed in the measurementsof mattic potential made in developing unstable wetting fronts. A companion paper [Selker et al., this issue] addressesthe application of tensiometric measurementsin verifying an analytic expressionfor the unsaturated conductivity and vertical pressure profile of growing fingers. The smallest feature of the unstable flow field is often the minimum depth of the induction zone (the wetted region prior to fingered flow [see Hill and Parlange, 1972]). In previous similar experiments the induction zone has been from 1.0 to 2.5 cm in depth [Selker, 1991], indicating tensiometers should have a width of 1.0 cm or less to allow representation of the variability in pressure within this region. Required tensiometer response time is dictated by the speed of growth in the unstable flow, which in similar experiments hasbeen0.4 cm s-• [Selker,1991].Takinga characteristic dimension of 1.0 cm, dimensional analysis indicates a required temporal resolution of approximately 2s. To calculate the in situ responsetime of a tensiometer, it is necessary to determine whether the system is soil- or tensiometer-limited [Townet, 1980]. Towner developed a methodology for determining the rate-limiting factor for sphericaltensiometers.To use Towner's model, four quantities must be known' C, the conductance of the cup (meters squaredper second);S, the tensiometer's gauge sensitivity (m-2);r, theradiusofthecup(meters);andK, thehydraulic conductivity of the media (meters per second), which is a function of moisturecontent and thus mattic potential. In the present study we employ flat circular porous plates rather than the sphericalgeometry considered by Townet. Towner's spherical result may be adjusted accordingly for the 2513 2514 SELKER ET AL.' FINGERED FLOW IN Two DIMENSIONS, 1 circular geometry, resulting in a factor of 4 decrease in Column Wall Silica Sand surface areafora givenradius device. Theadjusted formof Towher's [1981]relation between system parameters and Approxin,ato Scale | 1 cm | I / ....... .v............. tensiometer time response risgiven by r CS •rSK Porous Stainless Steel_ Boss I The contribution first term of on the right-hand tensiometer side to of the {1)response corresponds time, tothe asAnalog Jam Nut • % 1 Output De-aired Water.•%%%• ••! J•::•::•::•::•:: i......................... .......... the flux limitation contribution of the soil. In five experiments, Townet found that (1) underestimated tensiometer underprediction of 25% of response time IToh'her, 1981J. Apractical method for measuring the response time of ] oped for a tensiometer submersed in a sinusoidally varying pressure field.Consider anexternal pressure fieldXPex, with amplitude Aand frequency w: •e,r= 0 ½,,.,=A t< 0 sin wt (2) • o Transducer arass • oustng •½•;•:•½• O-Ring Seal Fig.I. Cross section ofamounted tensiometer. t•0 For t >> r the pressurewithin a tensiometerxVt,.,,is given by which yields the minimal hydraulic path connection. The outer surl':accof the tensiometer body is threaded to fftcilitate rigid placement of the device in the experimental chamberin an acrylic boss bonded to the chamber with epoxy. An = I + to2r 2 [sin tot- to, cos tot] ½3) xlIten O-ring groove is made in the exterior of the body of the tensiometcr to provide a watertight seal to the chamber, By considering the ratio of the peak amplitude of the precluding water loss in case of positive matric potential [Khtte and Gardner, 1962' Watson and Jacl, son, 1967] imposedpressurefield, max(q•,..,) = A, to the peak amplitude of the pressurewithin the tensiometer.max(q•t,,,), we obtain a system attenuation 3' which may be related directly conditions. Two variants of this design were produced, sharing the structural features noted above. Test results for both designs to the tensiometer response time: are presented to illustrate the importance of construction technique in final device performance. In the first designthe max (q• t,.,,) max (xP'ten) porous stainless plate was cut using a circular die. The edges 3' = = (4) max (•,.,) A of the disk were then beveled to 20ø, and the plate was An expression for the peak pressure in the transducer is surface mounted in the brass body by crimping the brass obtainedby settingthe first derivative of xVt,,,,with respect over the edge of the plate with a thin coating of 24-hour epoxy at the brass-stainless interface. In the second design to time equal to zero, showingthat •t,,,, is maximizedwhen t = (-l/to) tan -! (l/tot) + nrr/to, for n = 0, I, 2,--' in the stainlessplate was cut with the 20ø bevel usinga vertical milling machine, eliminating the compression of the porous steady state conditions. The attenuation is then given by plate required in the die cutting operation. In addition, the plate was sealed to the bronze by a fine gauge O-ring ' 2 {sin[tan-• (l/tor)] compressedbetween the back of the plate and the housing, 'Y= l + w-r rather than by an adhesive (Figure 2). The O-ring seal was adopted to avoid loss of porosity of the stainless face plate + tot cos[tan-I (1/tot)]} (5) due to fluid migration of the epoxy resin. In addition to By performingan experiment in which a sinusoidalpressure improvingthe average responsetime, it was anticipatedthat is applied with frequency to and measuring3', (5) may be these changes would reduce variability among tensiometers. , ] solved numerically for the responsetime r. Solid state pressuretransducershave been shownto give fast and accurate measurements of tension in both field and Tensiorneter Constrltction The tensiometersdesignedfor theseexperimentsemploya porous stainless steel front plate, a bronze housing, and a solid state pressuretransducer (Figure I). The front plate, made from 20-/xm Mott Metallurgical Corporation flitted stainless plate, is mechanically fastened to the tensiometer body by rolling the lip of the bronze over the rim of the plate in a lathe operation. The pressure transducer port is threaded and fastened directly to the tensiometer body, laboratory experiments [Klute and Peters, 1962; Watson, 1965;Long, 1984;Morrisonand Szecsody,1987;Dowdand Williams, 1989]. In this work, pressureis measuredusing Motorola MPX2010DP temperature-compensated pressure sensors,selectedon the basisof hysteresis(0.05% of full scale), response time (1.0 ms), and range of pressure measurement (I 0 kPa). The sinusoidal pressure field required for the measure- mentof the tensiometerresponsetime was generatedusinga modifiedperistalticpumpwhich was fed into a sealed10 x SELKER ETAL.' FINGERED FLOWINTwoDIMENSIONS, I 2515 0.1 Seal % [-'-'-"•'" ""•-••;.i ":" '' 1 Steel 0.01 ] Rolled Lip 0.001 I 0.0001 Brass 0.001 I 0.01 I 0.1 K (cm/s) Tensiometer Housing Fig. 4. Responsetime of the tensiometers as a function of soil conductivity obtained using(I). The response time of the devices is largelyindependentof conductivityto about 0.1 Ksat for 40-50 sand. Scale t Meta!lurgical to be 4.1 x 10-2 m s-t. The bubblingpres- I mm , ,, Fig. 2. Cross section of prototype tensiometers employing an O-ring seal in place of liquid adhesives. 30 cm cylindrical surge tank, which smoothed the alternating pressureand suction generated by the pump. The outflow of the surge tank was then attached to a 12-port testing reservoir (Figure 3). The pressure was monitored by a Motorola MPX2010DP pressure sensor,following a 1.87-Hz sinusoidal signal,far slower than the 1-msresponsetime of the sensor. Signalsfrom the tensiometers and pressure monitor were amplified,and peak amplitudes were measureddirectly from an oscilloscope. TensiometerTime Response Resttits Time response results are first calculated using (1) and then compared to the experimentally obtained values obtainedthroughapplicationof (5). The valuesof parametersin (1) are computed from the geometry of the tensiometers, withdata from componentmanufacturers.The conductivity of the 20-g porous stainlesssteel is reported by Mott Pressure Monitor _ Oscilloscope Tensiometers 2A¾ I II _• I Peristaltic I se'•ø•ø• .... I sures of the tensiometers ranged from 70 to 180 cm, with a mean of 111cm, indicating that the largest pore sizes ranged from 8 to 20 /•m. The volumetric displacement of the pressure transducer isrevorted by Motorolato be 1.6x 10-8 m3, andareaof the porousplateis 3.8 x 10-5 m2. The conductance C of the device is calculated as the product of the porous plate conductivity and surface area divided by the applied pressure head, here taken as 1 m of water, which yieldsC = 1.6 x 10-6 m2 s-!. The gaugesensitivity is the TABLE I. Result of Sinusoidally Driven Tensiometer Response Time Testing Response Tensiometer 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 I0 II Pl P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 PlO Pll PI2 PI3 PI4 Attenuation Time, s 0.32 0.0098 0.25 0.16 0.12 0.11 0.26 0.0019 0.28 0.29 0.48 0.51 0.63 0.42 0.63 0.40 0.40 0.37 0.83 0.50 0.63 0.53 0.50 0.18 0.26 9.1 0.33 0.54 0.68 0.79 0.31 46 0.61 0.28 0.16 o. 14 0.10 0.19 0.11 0.20 0.20 0.22 0.058 0.15 0.11 0.14 0.15 0.47 The attenuation between the surrounding pressure field and pressuremeasuredwithin eachtensiometcr,with a 1.87Hz signal,is listed along with the responsetime, as calculated from {5). Tensiometers with prefixes of '•P" are the prototypes which incorporate Fig.3. Experimental setupforbenchtestof tensiometer response the improved porousplate cutting and mountingmethodsdiscussed above, tested using a 1.82-Hz signal. time usingsinusoidalpressurefield. L•Pump 2516 SELKERET AL.' FINGEREDFLOWiN Two DIMENSIONS,1 responsetime illustratesthe need for as-built measurement of tensiometer responsecharacteristics. 52.5 cm 1234 3.25 cm Eliminating the two slowdevices(tensiometers 2 and9), 567 5 crn 1.5 crn 8 the average epoxy-mounted tensiometer is 2.8 times slower than the average O-ring designdevice of 0.17 s, which in turn hasresponsetime 17 times the 0.0104 s predictedby (1). The error of (1) for these devices is somewhat larger than that foundby Towner[1981]but is consistent in underpredicting the responsetime. The standard deviation in responsetime between the epoxy-mounted tensiometers is 37 times that of the O-ring design for the full set, or 15 times if the two 35 cm slowestepoxy-mounted devicesarenotincluded.TheO-ting designprovides a responsetime which is consistentlyless than 0.5 s. Both designs satisfy the time requirementsof measuringthe matric potential in growing instabilities,which is demonstratedin the second section of this paper. Air MATRIC POTENTIAL IN GROWING INSTABILITIES Materials and Methods Measurements of matric potential in growing instabilities carried out in a two-dimensional sand-filled chamber are presentedin this section. The chamber, holding a volumeof sand 51.25 cm wide, 97 cm high, and 1 cm thick was built from standard3/8 inch (0.953 cm) plate glass. The top of the chamberwas open to allow packing and irrigation, with the bottom of the chamber drained through 100 mesh stainless steel screen. Fig. 5. Layout of two-dimensionalchamberwith tensiometerand air pressure ports. The front panel of the chamber was fitted to accommodate tensiometers, as shown in Figure 5. Tensiometers were mounted with O-rings and jam nuts to create watertight measurementports, with the surface of the tensiometerflush with the inside surface of the chamber (Figure 1). Air pressuremonitorswere includedin each experiment.Tensiometer signalswere amplified using Analog Devices IncorporatedModel AD 524 precisioninstrumentationamplifiers and read each 0.8 s using a Lab Master Incorporated DMA analog-to-digitaldata acquisition board installed in an IBM XT personal computer. A 0.50-s R-C low pass filter was employedimmediatelyprior to the data acquisitionhardware applied pressure head (1 m) divided by the volume of fluid required to register this pressure changein the transducer, 45 whichyieldsS = 6.1 x 107 m-2. o It is straightforward to evaluate the effect of the experimental media on the response time. The following fingered flow experimentswere carried out usinga white quartz sand, referred to as 40-50 sand, which passedthrough a standard U.S. number 40 sieve (opening of 0.425 ram) and which was retained above a number 50 sieve (openings of 0.297 mm). The saturated conductivity of 40-50 sand was measured in ß• 30 E 25 • 2o an upfiowcolumnexperimentto be 0.148 cm s-i. The o.) 15 40 o o 35 o o oo o %o 8 predicted responsetime from (1) is approximately 0.01 s, with the soil conductivity not affecting the predicted responsetime until conductivity of the mediais lessthan about 0.01cms-1 asshownin Figure4. Theseresultsagreewith the conclusions obtained using Figure 1 of Townet [1980]. The measuredtensiometerresponsetimes are reportedin Table 1. Two of the deviceshad a responsetime of over 1 s, and the remainder of the tensiometer responsetimes are at 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 VolumetricMoistureContent(cm^3/cm"3) Fig. 6. Resultsof three repetitionsof drainageexperiments least an order of magnitudegreater than the times predicted using40-50 sand.The datapointsshownare averages of thethree using (1). This discrepancy between predicted and actual values obtained for each pressure. SELKER ETAL.'FINGERED FLOW INTwoDIMENSIONS, 1 TABLE 2. Parametric ValuesObtained in FourFingered Flow Experiments Experiment 1 2 3 4 Velocity, Flux, cm s-- hwe,cm 10-2 cm s-• 0.165 0.157 0.151 0.149 -5.2 -5.0 -4,0 -5.7 2.93 2.9* 3.26 0.624 2517 an applicationrate of 0.32 mL s-]. The results of these experiments are discussed in this paperandin someof the theoretical implications in thecompanion paper. In Figures7-10, Figures7 and9 showthreedistinctstages of matricpotential measurements in experiments 1 and3 (the positions of thewettingfrontsare givenin Figures8 and 10, respectively).Prior to infiltration, all of the tensiometers showveryhighsuction,beingexposedto air-drysand.Upon Fingergrowth velocity was calculatedfrom video recordsof the water contact the tensiometersmomentarily come to a experiments. Water enti'ypressures (hwe)weretakenas the maxi- commonpotentialof approximately-4 cm (Table 2), the so-called"water entry" pressureof the sand,as discussed mum30-saveagepressureattainedduring infiltration. *Not measured; equipment at settingsusedin experiment1. by Hillel andBaker[1988],similarto the resultsfoundby Baker and Hillel [1990]. The pressurerecordedfor the subsequent 400 s showsa toeliminate high-frequency noisegenerated by lightingand monotonicdecline in matric potential, to a minimum of -21.0 cm at the uppermostpoint on the finger.From Figure 6 it isapparent thatthispressure corresponds to theregionof rapiddeclinein moisturecontent.The declinein pressure in experiment 1 slowsthroughthe400-550-sregion,priorto the fingerreaching the bottomof the chamberat 640s. Experiment3 maintaineda highertip velocity,reachingthe bottom of saturated conductivity (varyingbetween experimental runs,asdiscussed later)usinganoscillating shuttledrivenby of the chamber after 587 s. Infiltration was halted after 1300 a feedback-controlled dc motor. A singleinstabilitywas s in experiment1 and 1400s in experiment3, at which time pointsdrops. triggeredto develop directly over the central tensiometers the matricpoter•tialat all measuring pumps. The chamberwas filled with 40-50 sand,followingthe methoddescribedby Glasset al. [1989],usinga randomized gravitypackingtechnique. Waterwasappliedto theupper surface of thesandslabat a constantrateapproximately 10% The pressuremeasurements exhibit an oscillationof about 1 cm pressureuntil the drainagephaseof the experiment,as Theglasschamberwasilluminatedfrom behindby a bank shownin Figure 11. This cyclic variation is the result of the system,whichhasa cycletime of approxof 25-kHz fluorescentlights.When sandbecomeswet, the waterapplication transmission of light is enhanced,which may be used to imately2.8 s; the oscillationin pressurestopswhen the calculate the moisturecontentthroughouta two-dimensional irrigationis halted, as expected. The oscillationdoes not with slow responsetime, as shown experiment[Hoa, 1981;Glasset al., 1989;Bell et al., 1990]. showup in tensiometers by the data obtained from port 2 which held tensiometer2 in Therelationship betweenmoisturecontentandpressure was obtained for the media(Figure6) froma segmented draining experiment1 (seeFigure7 andTable 1, wherethe response time of tensiometer2 is measuredto be 9.1 s), verifyingthat columnexperiment,as describedby Bell et al. [1990]. the signalreflectsvariationin matric potential rather than experimental noise.The 1-cmvariationsin matricpotential Results and Discussion whicharisein theseexperimentsare smallcomparedto the The applicationrates in experiments1, 2, and 3 were 7-cm variationsin pressureseen in experiment4, which between 1.50and1.77mL s-•, whilein experiment 4 the resultedfrom a 10-sdelay betweenpassesof the irrigation applicator shuttlewas run.at a 20% duty cycle, resultingin shuttle (Figures 12 and 13). (Figure5) by applying 0.5 mL of water to this area immediately prior to initiation of infiltration. -2 I -4 I -6 -8 Port 6 Port 7 Port 5 -10 Port2 -12 Port 4 • -16 • -18 a. -20 -22 -24 -28 -30 0 I I i 'I 200 400 600 800 ' i 1000 - I 1200 '"t 1400 1600 Time(seconds) Fig. 7. Plot of matric potentialversustime measuredin ports2, 4, 5, 6, and7 in experiment1. 2518 SELKER ETAL.:FINGERED FLOW INTwoDIMENSIONS, I 52.5 cm o 52.5 o o .7rl o o T2T3 o cm T4T5 o o o 550 550 i Fig. 8. Development of the unstablewettingfrontfor experiment !. Tracingsof the wettingfr0nt's positionafter 50, 150,250, 350, 450, and 550 s are shown. Fig. 10. Development of the unstable wettingfrontin experiment3. Tracingsof the wettingfront'spositionafter 50, 150,250, 350, 450, and 550 s are shown. -2 -4 -6 -8 Port 1 -10 Port 2 .-- -12 Port 3 • -14 Pdrt 4 Port 5 E -16 • -18 m -20 -22 -24 -28 -30 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Time(seconds) Fig.9. Plotof'matticpotential versus timemeasured inportsI, 2, 3, 4, and5 in experiment 3. SELKER ETAL.'FINGERED FLOW INTwoDIMENSIONS, I -4 52.5 2519 cm -5 ;,, /' -5.5 -6 ......... I I I¾,I,'!!; I, Port 3 Port 4 -6.5 Port 50 55 , 60 t55 70 75 Time (seconds) Fig. 11. Pressure measured in experiment 3 in the tensiometers mountedin ports 3, 4, and 5. Determinationof the horizontalgradientof matricpotential in the induction zone between fingersand characteriza- tionof the pressureprofilein .theupperportionof a growing I instabilitymay be obtainedfrom the data shownin Figures 7 and9 for experimentsI and 3. During the period of finger growththepressure horizontally throughtheinduction zone appeareduniform.After the geome.tryof the flow fieldwas established (Figures8 and 10), however, a significantgradient toward the finger developed in the inductionzone, with tensiometersshowing a monotonic increase in tension towardthe central finger: in experiments I and 3, the horizon- Fig. 13. Developmentof unstablewetting front in experiment4. talpotential gradient. in theinduc.tjon zonetowardthecentral approximately-21 cm at port 4 and -17 cm at port 1. Thus finger was about half of the magnitudeof the vertical thereis a 4-cmdifferencein matricpotentialin the 9.75 cm potentialgradient due to gravity. For example, in experi- separatingthese points or a pressure gradient of about 0.4 ment 3 (Figure 9), after 1000 s the matric potential is cmcm-• . Thisgradient required several hundred seconds to , -6- -8-10 - -12 - -14 -16 -!8 - -22 - -24 0 I t 200 400 , ' t.......... 6,00 I. 800 '...... t ! 000 ". I 1200 ..... I 1400 1600 Time (.seconds) Fig. 12. Measurements of matricpotentialin port4 fromexperiment 4, wherepasses of the irrigationshuttlewere separated by 10-sdelays,givingriseto significant variation in matricpotential in thefinger. 2520 SELKERET AL.' FINGEREDFLOW IN TWO DIMENSIONS, I 0.5 0.4 0.3- 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1. t ,I I t I I 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 -0,2 ' I 1400 16o0 Time (seconds) Fig. 14. Air pressuremeasuredin experiment3. and fabrication and that published tensiometer designequations can lead to unrealisticallylow predictionsfor response wetted area of the flow field was established, No lateral time. A simple response time measurement method was spreadingof fingers was observed in the period of these developed,the resultsof which were consistentwith experexperiments.This corresponds well with the observations of imental observations.The application of these deviceswas Glass et al. [1989], where very little spreadingwas observed demonstrated in the context of unstable wetting in two dimensions with illustrative results. up to 4 hours after infiltration under much higher flux. The air pressurein the chamber duringinfiltrationfluctu- become established, indicating that the matric pressurein the induction continued to change after the geometry of the ated between -0.2 and 0.6 cm of water head over the 1600-s experiments,about 2% of the variation observedin the matric potential (Figure !4). Consideringthe first 500 s of this experiment,the matric potential abovethe fingerexperiencesa rapid transitionfrom -4 cm to -21 cm, a changeof 17 cm, while air pressure changesonly 0.35 cm. It appears that entrappedair is not required to create instabilityunder uniform nonpondinginfiltration [Philip, 1975]. The measurementsof matric potential allow the testingof criteria which have been proposedfor wetting front instability. Raats [1973] and Philip [1975] statethat a flow field will be unstableif the gradientin the matric potential opposesthe flow. In these experiments,instability is observed,and the gradientin matric potential appearsto opposethe direction of flow, in agreement with this criterion. Here we infer the gradient in matric potential by noting that the tip of the Acknowledgments. Researchsupportedby the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, under USGS award 14-PO0001-G1749. The views and conclusions contained in this document are thoseof the authorsand shouldnot be interpreted as necessarily representing the officialpolicies,either expressedor implied,of the U.S. government. REFERENCES Baker, R. S., and D. 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