GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTH'ESTERN PART OF EAGLE CAP )UNTAINS, OREGON QUADRANGLE, WALLOWA by GARY LEON CARNAHAN A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MA.STER OF SCIENCE June 1962 APPROVED: Redacted for Privacy In Charge of' Major Redacted for Privacy ieaa of Redacted for Privacy Chairman of Schdol Grad!ate Committee Redacted for Privacy Dean of Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Betty Anderson Jiiô1 2S, /9I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. J. C. Cvmmings, his major professor, for assistance and guidance received during the preparation of the manuscript. The writer is grateful to all of the faculty for ad- vice and suggestions concerning the thesis, to Dr. Ira S. Allison for his critical review of the manuscript, and to Dr. J. V. Byrne for his critical review of the sedimentary units. The writer is grateful to Dr. W. H. Taubeneck for assistance and guidance received during the field and laboratory work, and for criticism of the manuscript. The writer is grateful to Dr. S. W. aller of Stanford University for his identifications of the fossil material. The writer's wife, LaVerne Carnahan, deserves special ance with typing and revision of the manuscript, plus many other things too numerous to mention, thanks for her companionship in the field, for her assist- TABLE OF CONTENTS I NTROIXJCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S tratigraphy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STRATIGRAPHICUNITS ................ Lower Sedimentary Series 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 . . . . . . . 12 . . . . * . 3)4 . . . Provenance and Depositional Environment . . . . . . . Greenstone Conglomerate Unit Siltstone-Sandstone Unit . . Stratigraphic Relations . A go arid Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Bridge Formation Laminated Calcareous Siltstone Unit Upper Limestone Unit Thickness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . a a a a a . . 32 32 . . 31f a. a..... .. .. 36 a a . . . Environment . a a a . A go and Fauna Thickness . . . . . . . . , . . . a . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . a a a . a . . . . . . . . . . 1F1 5 a . * . 37 . . . . . . 39 . . . a . Provenance and Environment Me tasediments . a a Lower Limestone Lentils Greeristone arid Limestone Conglomerate Lentils Upper Limestone Lentils . . . . . . . . 18 21 26 0 a Siltstories-?4idstonos . 15 15 a a a . . . . . Age and Fauna . Provenance and Depositional HurwalFormation. . . a a a a a 51 HilmmftigbirdMountain ........... 51 Forks Forest Camp - Upper Dixie Creek . . . 52 ColumbiaRiverBasaits Petrography Structure . a a a a a . . Stratigraphic Relations , . . . a . * . . . . . Thickness. a * a a a a a a a a a a a Ago a a a a a a a a a a a * a a a , * . . 56 57 57 a a a a 59 MethodofExtrusion. ......... .. 60 QuaternaryDeposits ..a..aa.a.aa.. 61 Table of Contents (cont.) PaRe INTRUSIVE UNITS . . 61 . 63 63 63 . 67 ...,............ 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . QuartzDiorite...,.,,..., Age Gabbro , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEOI'KRPHOLOGY GlacialForms NonglacialForms ... 1 70 STRUCTUR.ALGEOLOGY0.....a.a....... 72 HISTORICALGEOLOGY. . 76 .............,.. 79 ECONONICGSOLOGY BIBLIOGRAPHY APPENDIX a a . a a . . . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 82 . 86 LIST OF FIGUIES Figure Page 3. Index map showing location of thesis area 2 Greenstone conglomerate of Lower Sedi- 3 . 2 mentarySerias............... 9 Laminated siltetone of Lower Sedimentary Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Load cast in siltetone of Lower Sedimentary Series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Laminated caloareous siltstone unit of Martin Bridge formation . . , . ... . 19 Laminated calcareous siltstone grading into massive limestone of Martin Bridge formation 20 7 Marble of Martin Bridge formation * 20 8 Drag folds in bedded limestone of Martin .... ....... 28 i 5 6 Bridgeformation... 9 Slaty argilhite of Hurwal formation 11 l+ . . . . 28 . 38 Laminated siltstone-mudstone of Hurwa]. formation . . 38 Greenstone conglomerate lentil in Hurwal formation . . a a , a e . 13 . . Close-up of drag folds in bedded limestone 10 12 . . . a . . . Close-up of greenstone pebbles . a . . a a a a Limestone-greenstone conglomerate lentil in Hui'walformation.....,...,.,., 1f3 15 Contorted limestone lentil in Hurwal formation )+3 16 Edge of' Columbia River basalt flow 55 17 Basalt feeder dikes in batholith 18 Lateral moraine at base of NwrnLingbird Mountain a a . a a a a a e 19 EastEagleValley . 55 a a a a... a ,aae. . a a 68 68 LIST OF TABLES pare Table 1 2 Swninry of Stratigraphic Units Size Distribution of Pebbles in the Greenstone . . . . glomerate . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . Composition of the Lower Sedimentary Series: 4 5 Siltstone and Sandstones Composition of Calcilutite . . 6 Composition of Calcareous Biltstone . . 7 Composition of Calcareous Sandstone . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 11 . 13 a 23 . 23 ........... CompositionotMarble 9 Composition of Bedded Limestone 8 4 . S S U 12 Composition of Siltstones arid 14.idstones 13 Composition of 11+ Composition of Hurwal Formation: Cobble Conglomerates a a 30 . . 31 . . . 33 * . 1+0 . . . +0 Granule and e a . . . 1+1+ * a a 15 Composition of Upper Limestone Lentils 16 Composition of Columbia River Basalt 17 Composition of Quartz Diorite . 25 25 . Lentils the Lower Limestone . * . Composition of Limestone Conglomerate Composition of Greenstone Conglomerate 10 6 . ............. ConglomerateUnit 3 Lower Sedimentary Series Greenstone Con- 1+ . . . 1+6 . . . . . 58 . . . . . 65 LIST OF PLATES Page Plate 1 Correlationchart.,............. 5 ..... .. . ...... 88 2 Photomicrographs Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 3 Gritty sa ids tone of Lower Sedimentary Series Lamina bed siltstone of Lower Sedimentary Series S Marble of Martin Bridge : : Marble of Martin Bridge formation . . ;0;0 : Photomicrographs Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. L siltstone of Laminated calcareous Martin Bridge formation . . . . Bioclastic limestone of Martin Bridge formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calcilutite of Martin Bridge formation Limestone conglomerate of Martin Bridge formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . Photomicrographs Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. ? Fig. ' . ... .. . . .. . . ... 90 .......... .... . 92 Calcareous pellets from lower limestone lentil of Hurwal formation . . Bioclastic limestone of Hurval formation Marble of Hurwal formation . . . Marble of Hurwa]. formation . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . SPhotornicrographs . . . Fig. 1 Bioclastic limestone of Hurwal formation Fig. 2 Calcareous pellets from Upper limestone lentil of Hurwal formation . . . Fig. 3 Fig. + 6 Granule limestone and greenstone conglomerate of Hurwal formation . . . Granule greenatone conglomerate of Hurwalforznation Photomicrographs Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Fig. + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 Laminated siltstone of Hurwal formation Laminated siltstone of Thirwal formation Microfaulting in siltstons of Hurwal formation . . . . . . . . . . . Argillite of Hurwal formation . . . . . . LIST OF PLATES (cont.) Plate 7 Page Photoaicrographs ..... ... ....... 98 Fig. I Porphyritic Columbia River basalt Fig. 2 Aphanitic Columbia River basalt . . Fig. 3 Myrmekite in quartz diorite . . . Strained quartz in quartz diorite . Fig. 8 Geologic map e . . . . . . . . 99 GEOLOGY OF THE SOUTRb4E8TERN PMIT OF EAGLE CAP QUAIR&NGLE, WALLOWA MOUNTAINS, OREGON INTROIXJCTION The purpose of this thesis is to delineate the structure and stratigr'aphy of Triassic strata in an area of 52 square miles in the southern part 0± the Eagle Cap quadrangle, Oregon. The thesis area is located between 1f 5° 00' and f5 05' north latitude and 117° 20t and 117° 30' west longitude (Figure 1). The area is 23-33 miles northeast of Baker and 7-15 miles east of Medical Springs, The area is accessible over a good semi-improved logging road from Medical Springs and by roads along Eagle Creek and East Eagle Creak. Field work was carried out in thirteen weeks from June 1 to September 15, 1959. The U. S. Geological Survey topographic map of the Eagle Cap quadrangle was used as the base map. Geology was plotted at a scale of 1/20,833 on field and final maps. Laboratory work consisted of the microscopic examination of 130 thin sections, preparation of 60 insoluble residues and 30 acetate peals, and the determination of roundness and sphericity for two conglomerate sets. Modal analyses were made by a point counter and Wentworth Stage. Plagioclase was determined by Michel-Le 'vy 's chart (9). 1. H 3 Only three published reports are devoted to any part of the thesis area. For a report on gold mining in north- eastern Oregon, Lindgren,. .)90l, (17) made a pioneer survey along Eagle Creek and East Eagle Creek. As part of a gen- eral study of the southeastern Wailowa Mountains, Ross, 1938, (27) included five square miles of the thesis area. Smith and £Llen, 19+1, (30) made a rapid survey of the area as part of a report on the northern Wallawa Mountains. The northern border of the area is mountainous, but the central and southern parts are a dissected plateau. The maximum relief is +,3iO feet, and the maximum elevation is 8,36k feet. Nearly radial drainage has developed on the central plateau, with the topography in a stage of late youth. Vegetation is thick in the southwest and western portions of the area, and is extremely dense along many creek bottoms. The thickest underbrush consisting of huckleber- ries in a stand of closely spaced lodgepole pine is west of Bennet Peak and east of the confluence of Two Color Creek with Eagle Creek. Rock is generally well exposed along valley walls and in some creek beds. Road cuts along Eagle Creek in the southern part of the area and roads to the mines above East Eagle Mine made excellent exposures. if STRATIGRAPHY The Wallowa Mountains contain a thick section of sedimentary arid volcanic rocks ranging in age from Permian through Tertiary. In the thesis area; however, only Upper Triassic sediments and younger igneous rocks are found. Sedimentation was apparently continuous from the Karnian Stage to the Norian Stage because interruptions in sedimentation were riot found among the three Upper Triassic formations. Argillaceous rocks of the Rurwal formation conformably overlies the limestone of the 4artin Bridge formation which in turn lies conformably on the argillaceous and conglomeratic sediments of the Lower Sedimentary Series. The following local correlation chart was compiled from Smith and Alien (30, Wethereli (37), and Prostka (26). 5 CORRELATION. CHART Period Sm:lth and Allen (30) Area and Tertiary Columbia River basalt (37) Qal Qal IllullIltillI III I! I I! I Ill Qm Qrn Qrn '1111111111 I III IT! Wetherell (26) Qal Qal Quaternary Prostka Thesis 11111 liii l ii liii 11111 liii Columbia River basalt Columbia River basalt, tuffs, Rhyolitic ii i i I i ii 1TtT' Columbia River basalt dikes IItii 11111 IFI1 III Ur,rer Triassic FItfIllil liii Hurwal formation Martin Bridge formation Hurwal formation Martin Bridge formation Lower Sedimentary Series Lower Sedimentary Series 1II IlIllIllilI Hurwal formation Martin Bridge formation Lower Sedimentary Lower Sedi- w w mentary Series Series - - - - (Bottom not Lower and exposed) w Northem greenstaes Mid die I II III_ Imnaha formation Triassic Permian Clover Creekgreen- stones Plate 1. Elkhomn Ridge argil- lite Trinity Creek formation Vertical lines, represent known unconformity. Slanted lines indicate lack of information. (Mid-Karnian) Upper Triassic Upper Trias sic (Xarnian) (Upper ICarnian Norian) Upper Triassic Miocene Quaternary Quaternary Lower Sedimentary Series Martin Bridge Hurwal Angular Unconformity Columbia River basalt Unconformity Unconformity Thin-bedded siltstone, argilhites, greenstone conglomerate, minor sandstones, and crystalline limestone ates, marble pyritiferous, calcareous siltstones, limestone and greenstone conglomer- Mxdstones, siltstones argillltes, massive fragmental an& bioclastic limestone. Greens tone and limestone conglomerate. Metasediments: marbles, hornblende-biotite schi s ts Argillaceous, carbonaceous limestone, conglomeratic limestone; thin bedded Basalt flows Glacial deposits Alluvial valley fill SUMMPIRY OF STRATIGRAPHIC UNITS TABLE 1 Variable 1000-1700' ])+00-2500' ioO-68oO' 0-200' ? 0-2110' 9 Variable 0-1%' ? STRATI0RAP1IC UNITS L0R SEDIMENTARY SERIES With the exception of black slate and those sadimentary rocks intercalated in the Clover Creek greenstones, Ross (27, p.26) referred to all sedimentary rocks stratigraphically below the Martin Bridge formation as Carboniferous sedimentary rocks. Smith and fln (30, p 8) des- cribed the Lower Sedimentary Series in the northern Wallowa Mountains as a group of shales, sandstones, and lenses of limestone more or less altered to pyritized hornfels, schists, and crystalline limestone. In the northern Wal- iowa Mountains these rocks reportedly underlie the Martin Bridge formation unconformably. Smith and Allen (30, p. 9) assumed that the Lower Sedimentary Series is equivalent to the Carboniferous sediments of Ross, The Lower Sedimentary Series occurs along East Eagle Creek near the eastern boundary of the area and generally strikes north-northeast parallel to the stream. The rocks are exposed continuously over three square miles, and intermittently under a broken cover of alluvium and moraine for another two square miles. Rocks of the Lower Sediman- tary Series are resistant to weathering, and where dis- sected by streams, form steep slopes covered by massive, bloc1y talus. [.1 [SI The term Lower Sedimentary Series used in this report is divided into two units on the basis of different 11thologies: (1) Greenstone conglomerate unit and (2) Silt- stone-sandstone unit. Both units are mappable and contain several minor lenses. The major units may represent inter- tonguing of two thick beds. ii 1J k)rWl The thickest unit of the Lower Sedimentary Series is the Greenstone conglomerate, extending from the extreme northeast corner of the area to three-quarters of a mile south of Jack Creek. Petroraphv. The coarse clastic unit is composed of peb- bles and cobbles of altered volcanic rocks tightly packed in a weli indurated, purple to green silty matrix (Figure 2). The size of the clasts apparently increases from north to south (Table 2). conglomerates. Sorting is poor in the coarser !bst pebbles and cobbles are aubz'ounded to rounded and less resistant rock varieties are well rounded. The finer atr1x material is generally sub- angular. Silicified greenstones are more numerous than other rock types (Table 3). These greenstones have a dense, re- crystallized siliceous groundaasa with randomly distributed phenocrysts of unidentifiable clouded plagioclase, possibly -- 1 ..'lgure 2 ve11 Indurated polynictic cong1oerats Gz'eenstone conglorierate unit Lower Sedimentary Jerles Location: ;E*NE eec. 29, T. 6 5., H. 14k E. 10 Table 2 DISTRIBUTION OF PEBBLES IN THE OREENSTONE CONGLOMERATE UNIT SI North South Creek South of Jack Creek Jack Creek Gold King Creek Hudson Creek 280 mm. 60 mm. 20 mm. 10 mm. Max. Clast Size Average Size albite. 3 mm. O-15O common Some textures in the greenstones appear trachytic, but this is difficult to determine because of the alibiAndesites and basaits are found among the sill- fication. cified and non-silicified greenatone clasts. Similar material is found in the matrix of the conglomerate (Table 3). Other less numerous rock types such as granites, schists, and marbles denote the heterogeneous nature of the conglomerate. Low grade metamorphism is partially responsible for the induration of the rock. Interstitial brown biotite, chlorite, and epidote denote the greenschist fades (34, 3). Microcrystalline quartz, hematite, also aid in the induration. Thickness. calcite and liaontto The conglomerate is partly concealed by allu- vium and glacial deposits, and so its thickness is unknown. However, near the northeast corner of the area, the minimum 11 TABLE 3 LOWER SEDIMENTARY SERIES GREENSTONE CONGLOMERATE Greens tone Very abundant Material. Ba salt a Andesites albitized ±silicified Chert Limestone Common Less Common Less common )bida tone- siltstone Schiat Granitoid ReI e Rare c! * Greenstone rock fragments Leucoxene Limonite* Chlorite* Sericite Biotite Epidote Hyper sthene Quartz (8) metamorphic igneous Oligoolase Ore minerals Magnetite flaenite Leucoxene Microcrystalline quartz* Calcite* Hematite* *Cementing agents 12 thickness of the conglomerate is estimated to be 1700 feet. SiLts tone-Sands tone Unit Purple to green siltstones and sandstones, rhythmically laminated and graded, are found only in the vicinity of East Eagle Mine. These beds differ In attitude, strike west-northwest, and disappear on the western slope of upper Bradley Creek. The size range for the elastic material is from 36 to 270 mIcrons. ticles are In some outcrops, grit size par- 2.5 mm In diameter (Plate 2, Figures 1, 2). The siltstone-aandatones are texturally and compo- sitionally immature as denoted by poor sorting and pack- plus unstable mineral spar (2k). ing, association of quartz and feld- Induration of the ailtstone-sandstone unit is attrib uted to low grade metamorphism of the argillaceous material. Because of the sandstones containing more than 10 per cent argillaceous material, 1t-0 per cent rock fragments, and 0 per cent quartz, these sandstones are lithic graywackas. Thickness. The thickness of the siltatone-sandatone unit is difficult to by folding. estimate because of possible repetition However, this unit may be as much as 1,000 feet thick in the vicinity of East Eagle Mine. of the unit Is not exposed in the thesis area. The bottom 13 TABLE COMPOSITION OF TIlE LOWER SEDIMENTARY SERIES: SILTSTONE AND SANDSTONES Gi'eens tone Fragments Andesites asalts -Albitized 3ilicified Siltstonenazdstone Limestone Chert Quartz (8) Metamorphic Igneous Plagioclase Altered Ore minerals Rutile Magnetite Limonite Leucoxene Serioite Chlorite Biotite Epidote Calcite Hematite Microcrystalline Quartz Pyrites Ilmeni te Brachiopod or Pelecypod fragments (Genus and species undetermined) *pyrlte is found only in the green siltstones. Intra.-formatioxial elation.s The upper part of the Lower Sedimentary Series in the northeast corner of the mapped area consists of greenstone conglomerate This relationship continues southward to Lime Creek. Between Lime Creek and Gold King Creek an interbedded series of dark laminated siltstones, argil].ites, and limestone occur in the upper part of the conglomerate unit. These inter- beds do not continue south of Gold King Creek. The contact relationship between the greenstone conglomerate unit and the siltstone-sandstone unit is uncertain. South of Jack Creek the conglomerate thins to the southeast and disappears beneath alluvium before coming into contact with the siltstone-sandstone unit. Since both units are conformable with the lower portion of the Martin Bridge formation, they may have been contemporaneously deposited. Inter-formational relations. According to Ross, (27, p. 29) and Smith and Allen (30, p. 8) the contact be- tween the Lower Sedimentary Series and overlying Martin Bridge formation is unconformable in both the northern and southern Wallowa Mountains. Along East Eagle Creek and the adjacent area, parallel attitudes on either side of the Lower Sedimentary Series-Martin Bridge contact suggest a conformable sequence. However, this does not exclude the possibility of a disconformity. S 15 Fauna Fossils collected from the Lower Sedimentary Series, according to Smith and Allen (3Q p. 9) are of an Upper Tn- assic age. Two fossil accumulations, fl.-21 and Fl22 were found in the silts tone-sandstone unit by the writer and contained external molds of indeterminable pelecypods or brachiopods. Prcvenarice Debositional Enyironment Volcanic rocks, such as the Permo-Tniassic Clover Creek greenstones were the source for most of the conglomeratic materials of the Lower Sedimentary Series According to Gilluly (ii-, p. 22) the Clover Creek greenstone consists of quartz keratophyre, keratophyne flows and tuffs, meta-andesite, chert, limestone, argillite, apilite, and albite diabasos. Basement rocks, including metamorphics, imist have been exposed in the region to account for the schistos gneissic, and plutonic rocks found in the conglomerate. Short transport and quick burial ar.e assumed for the coarse elastic material because of the presence of limestone boulders. Limestone disintegrates over a long distance of abrasive transport (25). Unstable rock and mineral assemblages, poor sorting, and the thickness of the conglomerate suggest rapid deposition in a subsiding trough near a local elevated source 16 area. An eugeosyncline is characterized by this type of deposit when associated with volcanic material (10, p. 35% The siltatones and sandstones were apparently deposited from a imich reduced source area. Turbidity currents are assumed to have aided the transportation and deposition of the fine clastic material, and also may have assisted deposition of the conglomerates. turbidity currents is: Field evidence suggesting (13, l, 15) 1. Thick undisturbed bedded sequence 2 Repetitious bedding 3. Sedimentary structures (Figures 3, 4) Graded bedding Load and flow casts Convolute bedding +. Absence of ripple marks 5. Absence of cross-bedding 6. Absence of other small scale shallow water structures. Pyrite in the green siltstones and hematite in the purple silts tones indicate alternating anaerobic to aero- bic environmental conditions. erally not found interchanged. The two minerals are gen- 'iii cH '. \ Figure 3 Rhythinicall:, lwninzited and graded beds of purple siltstone Silts tone- sandstone unit Lower Sedimentary Series sec. 29, T. 6 S., 11. Location; SW*SES .1# 4[L_ '"!! :1 .1 I J' r P H? Ij 1 - / Figure + Srnn.11 load cast In ciltctone Siltstone-sandstone unit Lower Sedlirientary Series LocatIon: 100 feet T'E of Fig. 2 E MARTIN BRIDGE FORMATION Smith (31, p. 9)+) measured a section of Triassic "reefs" along Eagle Creek near Martin's Bridge, 6 miles southeast of the thesis area. This area subsequently was named by Chaney (2, p. #) as the type section for the Martin Bridge formation. formation are three square miles of the Martin Bridge present paralleling the west side of East Eagle Creek. Along the sides of the ridges the massive, Approimtely white to gray limestone is conspicuously exposed forming steep slopes. The other calcareous rocks Bridge formation are not exhibited in such in the Martin rugged exposures, but have been weathered to a smoother topography. In the thesis area the Martin Bridge formation consists of some 10 lenses recognizable which are thin and non-mappable in outcrop at the thesis few are recognized solely in thin-section. most of scale. A Basically the compositions are very similar; textures, however, are extremely variable. The Martin Bridge formation is herein subdivided into two basic units and 10 lenses on lithologic and textural criterias Laminated Calcareous Siltatone Unit: 1. 2. Greenstone conglomeratic limestone Calcilutite I Figure LamixmteU cQ1coreou3 3iltstone woat1ertaC 1on 1cminze 1v1n the unit rt tha1r cppecrnce tirtin BrldL;e iorrntion Location: 1ThSE* soc. 29, T. 6 S., R. k E. 20 Figure ( Laminated calcareous slltstone grading into overlying upor limestone unit rtin Bridge formation 3W sec. 32, T. 6 8., R. +)+ E. Location: FIgure 7 Sacchcroi&l marble on the southeastern tip of Grjnite Cliff Upper lirnetone Unit Mnrtln Bridge formation Locationt sec. + and 5, T. 6 S., H. + E. 21 3. L3, Laminated calcareous siltstone Caloareous sandstone Limestono-greenstone conglomerate Upper Limestone Unit: 5, 6. Marble 7. . 9. 10. Calcarenite Bedded limestone Limestone conglomerate Greenstone conglomerate For simplicity of description the various lenses within the units wiU be discussed in their apparent stratigraphic order. jjg Calcareous Siltstone Unit The laminated siltstone unit is distinguished by a thick sequence of light to dark gray, rhythmically lami- silts tone stratigraphically below the wh Ite limestone. This unit is exposed south nated calcareous upper gray to of Jack Creek in the East Eagle Mine-Bradley Creek area (Figures 5, 6). Or ens tone conglomeratic limestone. The greenstone conglomeratic limestone is found at local intervals near the base of the laminated unit south of Jack Creek in the middle of sec. 29, T. 6 8., R +4 E. and in the SW+ sec. 32, T. 6 8., R. 4-+ E. The pebbles range from + to 50 mm in diameter. The majority of pebbles are rounded to well-rounded and have high ephericities. However, the finer clastic material in the matrix is angular to subangular. A high ratio of matrix to pebbles suggests poor sorting. Calcareous pellets 22 composed of fine-grained calcite are also present in the matrix. The matrix of this conglomerate is dominantly of calcite in contrast to the argillaceous matrix of the Greenstone Qonglomerate Itnit of the Lower Sedimentary Series; pebble compositions, however, are similar. Calcilutite. A bedded calcilutite interfingers with the Greenstone conglomeratic limestone and a thin-bedded calcareous siltstone in the SE* sec. 29, T. 6 8., B. ifif B. The calcilutite weathers yellow-brown in part, and is blueblack on a fresh surface. Color differences are due to the oxidation of pyrite along the bedding planes (Plate 3, Figure 3). The ca].cilutites are thin-bedded with beds 1 to 1f inches thick. The average diameter of the calcite particles is 2 to 6 microns with a few larger particles 9 microns in diameter. Algal structures as large as 22 microns in diameter are present but uncozion (6). Lmfnated calcareous siltstone. A thick repetitious sequence of laminated calcareous siltstone grades into the overlying massive white to gray limestone in the SW see. 32 and SE * sec. 29, T. 6 8., R. 4k B. (Figure 6). The laminated sequence appears to overlie the conglomera tic limestone and the calcilutite, but underlies the calcare- ous sandstone and limestone-greenstone conglomerate in sec. 29. 23 TABLE COlW0SITION OF CALCILtJTITE Calcite (90 per cent) Quar' Blotite Calcite Magne tite Clays ? 9gj Material Alga]. Structures (6) Alga]. Dust (hi) Carbonaceous Matter AutJd2enic Minerals Microcrystalline Quartz Pyrite TABLE 6 COMPOSITION OF CALCABEOUS SILTSTONE Detrita]. Calcite iartz Clays ? Material Fossils Discotroites sp. Halobia SPe Carbonaceous material Alteration/recrystallized Minerals Ljinonjte Pyrite 21 Abundant pyrito is present along the dark laminae (Plate 2, Figure 1). thick. The dark laminae are 0.5 to 1.5 mm Many of the light-colored laminae are coarser grained and somewhat graded. ceous material is abundant. Fossiliferous and carbonaPelecypods and ammonites occur along the lamination planes. Calcareous sandstone. This sandstone which is ap- proximately 30 feet thick, is exposed one-half mile north of East Eagle Mine and is also exposed two-tenths of a mile south of the northern massive limestone in upper Bradley Creek. A unique feature of this sandstone is the in- clusion of saucer-shaped fragments of laminated siltstone. These fragments, aligned with the bedding, are near 8 mm thick by 35 mm in diameter. Some are 50 mm in diameter. Other detrital material is generally angular and unsorted. The rock is indurated by a partially recrys- tallized calcite matrix. Calcite has also embayed most of the detrital material. limestone-greenstone conglomerate exists below the massive white-gray limestone and above the calcareous sandstone. The clasts consist of limestone and greenstone material in a well-indurated silt-sand matrix of similar composition. Sizes of the clasts range from 5 to 30 mm. Composition of the conglomerate is similar to that of the greonstone conglomeratic limestone. However, the 25! TABLE 7 COMPO$ITXON OF CALCABEOUS SANDSTONE Calcite Greenstone fragments basalt? Chlorite Loucoxene Limonite Silt stone fragments Quartz (8) Calcite Igneous Metamorphic Chert Andes irte Magnetite tLcrocrystalline quartz Hematite J1 ;L COMPOSITION OF MABBLE Calcite (96 per cent) Magnetite Quartz Phiogopite Chlorite 2. notable difference between the two conglomerates is the lesser amount of calcium carbonate interstitial cement in the limestone-greenstone conglomerate. Uper Limestone Unit The upper limestone unit contains a variety of limestone types including marble, calcarenite, limestone con- glomerate, and greenstone conglomerate. )rble. Thick bedded, white, saceharoidal marble is prevalent in the northeast corner of the mapped area where metamorphism associated with the emplacement of the Wa).- Iowa batholith has caused recrystallization (Figure 7). It consits of calcite grains 90 to 1f0 microns in size. Most of the calcite grains are elongated with subparallel plane or interlocking boundaries (Plate 2, Figures 3, +). Fibrous and micaceous grains of clear chlorite and phiogopite occur interstitially. Heavy mineral separations of an insoluble residue from the marble contained nearly 9 per cent phiogopite. Deformed twinning laameilae, elongation and inter- locking boundaries are probably attributed to emplacement of the batholith. Calcareite. The massive limestone along Gold IUng Creek (NE* Sec. 1.7 and SW* Sec. 32 T. 6 8. B. E.) is a fragmental limestone. This limestone type is recognized only in thin section. The fragments have a variety of textures, and are separated in most cases by stylolites. 27 Fragments about 0, to 2.0 mm in diameter consist of vidual calcite grains 2 to 8 microns pellets are 0.1 to 0)+ mm in size. in diameter. mdi- Calcite The length to width ratio of the pellets is approximately 2:1. also contains authigenic hematite and microcrystalline quartz. eded Limestone. Bedding is not apparent on the This fragmental limestone weathered surface of all the upper liinestones. Apparently the bedding has been obliterated by weathering processes. Good bedding, however, is of the area where road folds (Figures 8, found cuts have in the southeast corner exposed cores of 9). Two textural typos of bedded limestone in sec. 29 T. 6 3., B bution: nites. small + E. and have are exposed a restricted distri- Argillaceous calcisiltites and (2) BiocalcareBoth limestoxies exhibit medium bedding, + to 10 Cl) inches thick. 1. Aril1aceous calcisiltite, On weathered sur- faces these rocks have fine protruding laminae. The rock contains calcite 1 to 20 microns in diameter, Calcareous pellets 0.+ to 0.8 mm in diameter are composed of erypto- crystalline calcite. 2. Biocalcarenite, The bioclastic limestone has wide, coarse laminae giving a graded appearance. The size range of the calcite grains is 36 to 62 microns. Calcite / Figure 8 Dr&g fo1d exposed in road-cut normal to a lre fold striking into photograph Upper li!nestone unit Martin Bridge formation Location: StNW sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. E. Figure ) Close-up of fold from Fig. 7 artin Bridge formation peilets (up to 20 microns) are coin and are composed of calcite microns in diameter (Plate 3, Figure 2). Authigenic microcrystalline quartz replaces calcite in scattered patches throughout the rock. ny detrital quartz and feldspar grains have been enibayed by the calcite. Abundant narrow stripes of coliophane assumed to be of organic origin, may represent the brachiopod Lin2ula. Other fossil remains, alga]. structures and corals (6) have been recrystallized into large single calcite crystals. Limestone con2lomerate. Limestone conglomerate, possible intraformational, is found near the top of the upper limestone unit and consists of limestone pebbles in a veil-indurated matrix of silt and sand. Limestone pebbles range from to 30 mm in diameter, while other rock types are smaller ( to 10 mm) in diameter limestone pebbles are subround to subangular, whereas chart and greenstone pebbles are rounded. The clast mixture is veil sorted arid packed. (Plate 3, Figure )+) The limestone conglomerate is nearly 60 feet thick and is found only southwest of East Eagle Mine. This conglomerate probably represents a restricted local deposl- tional feature. Greens tone conglomerate. Approximately 1,000 square feet of a greenstone pebble to cobble conglomerate is present above the limestone conglomerate near the top of the upper limestone unit in the southeast corner of the mapped 30 TABLE 9 COMPOSITION OF BEDDED LIMESTONES Calcite Quartz Plagioclase Potash feldspar Magnetite Clays Collophane Fossils Corals Bryo zoans Algal structures Limonite Leucoxene Microcrystalline quartz Hematite Calcite 31 TABLE 10 COMPOSITION OF LI)ST0NE CONGLORATE Gzeenstone Material Andesites Limestone Types Calcilutite Calcisiltlte Bioclastic Calcarenite Bas1ts -albitized ts ilic if led "Vug" quartz Chert 13 12 100% of total limestone boulders present r.).) IiJ $!;IIt4M Greenstone fragments Chert Quartz Meta-quartz (8) Plagioclase Clays ? Chlorite * Epidote Calcite Authi 2enic Minerals Microcrystalline quar tz* Hematite Calcite ? *Chjef cementing agents 32 area. Pebbles weathering out of the outcrop range from + to 110 mm across their intermediate diameters. The aver- age roundness and sphericity for a number of pebbles are .51 and .71+ respectively (23). This conglomerate possibly represents a local channel-till. Thickness The Martin Bridge formation apparently thins from north to south across the thesis area. Aerial photos were used to estimate a thickness of 2,500 feet for the Martin Bridge formation north of the northeast corner of the mapped area. On the southeastern side of Granite Cliff in the thesis area, the marble has a calculated thickness of 1,700 feet. In upper Bradley Creek the minimum thick- ness possibly including some tight folding is 1,1+00 feet. Smith (31) measured a 630 toot section of Martin Bridge southeast of the thesis area. Au nd Fauna Twenty-one fossil localities were found in the Martin Bridge formation. difficult. Poor preservation made identitcation Professor S. M. t4iller of Stanford University identified the best material as follows: 33 TABLE U COMPOSITION OF GREENSTONE CONGLOMERATE Gre tones silioified talbitized Cbert 62% 2 20 Meta-sedinients: 13 3 Limestones-marbies Argillites i% of total pebbles examined ,) Greenstone debris Chart Quartz Feldspars (altered) Chlorite* Calcite Calcite Micro crys tafline quartz * *Chjef cementing agents Triass Fl- 1. Crirxoid stem fragments, Cidaris spines If. same as #1 11. colonial coral - genera? 12. Cidaris spines 13. Pentacrinus stems Cidaris spines Terebratula sp. 16. Cidaris spines 17. Ralobia sp. 18. Halobia sp. 'nmonite - genera? Triass (Zarnian) 19. Discotrobites sp., Ifalobia sp. 20. Halobia 89. 23. Halobia sp. The Martin Bridge formation according to Mailer 's identifications and listed ages, probably represents the Karnian Stage of the Triassic System. clastic material The source area for the coarse clastic debris, excluding the limestone conglomerate, is the same source area which contributed to the Lower Sedimentary Series. Minor fluctuations in the source Pmvenance area occurred throughout the deposition of the Martin Bridge formation. Possibly one uplift in an adjoining area occurred at the time the base of the laminated unit was being deposited, resulting in the greenstone conglomeratic limestone. The conglomerates indicate that some agent, either waves or current action, was competent enough to move the coarse debris into the carbonate environment. The laminated calcareous siltatone represents a con- dition of continuous sedimentation in a restricted basin 3, with subanaerobic conditions. Continuous sedimentation is implied by the thick (580 feet) sequence of light and dark rhythmicaliy laminated siltstone. The abundance of pyrite and of restricted fossil forms suggests anaerobic conditions. According to Petti3ohn (21+, p. 599) Linula sp. which might account for the presence of collophane and klalobia ap. are bottom dwellers that were capable of living near anaerobic conditions. These bedded siltstones also lack the bioclastic and coarse fragmental material one would expect in a shallow near shore marine deposit. The Upper Limestone Unit was deposited when bioherms or reefs were built up to the wave base, The fragmental and bioclastic nature suggests shallow marine deposition. Increased wave action pn the local limestone sources produced the limestone conglomerates. The restricted greenstone conglomerate at the top of the upper limestone possibly represents a small channel-fifl, or it may have accumulated as the result of a submarine landslide of greens tone material, 36 HUE WAL FORMATION General Statement Smith and Allen (30) used the name Hurwal for the conformable series of argillaceous sediments capping many of the ridges and peaks within the northern Wallowa Mountains. The Ikirwal formation is named after the Hurwal Divide which lies in the northeast corner of the Eagle Cap quadrangle and the southeast corner of the Enterprise quadrangle. The Hurwa]. formation covers approximately 11f square miles extending across the southern and northeastern half of the thesis area. In the south central mapped area, smooth rolling topography has developed on the Hurwal, but where this formation has been dissected by streams, steep talus-covered slopes occur. The Hurwal characteristically weathers along laminations and thin bedding planes, thus giving a shaly appearance. In this thesis the term Hurwal is used for the thick sequence of dark argillaceous sediznentary rocks such as siltstonea and mudstones, including lentils of massive limestone, limostone-greenatone conglomerate, and meta-sediments. These rocks stratigraphi- oally overlie the Martin Bridge formation. The Hurwal formation underlies the Columbia River basalt with steep angular discordance, Bridge formation. but conformably overlies the Martin 37 The Hurwa]. formation is composed dominantly of argil- laceous rocks with varying degrees of induration and metamorphism. No single area exists where a contact could be placed to separate "argilhites" from other siltstones or muds tones The northern and western limits of the Hurwal were metamorphosed to various degrees during the emplacement of the WaUowa batholith. In the northeast corner of the mapped area, the rocks are micaceous and less carbonaceous. from Lime Creek southward, the rocks maintain a dense, black, fine-grained carbonaceous character and appear to be slaty (Figure 10). These rocks will be discussed wider the ?4eta-sediment subheading of the Hurwal formation. Petrograv. The siltstones, mudstones and argil- hites are of two variOties: (1) laminated siltstones (Figure 11) and (2) bedded siltstones. dividual laminae are variable. Widths of the in- From a few laminae meas- ured, the coarser laminae averaged +.2 mm thick compared to l.1f mm for the fine dark, carbonaceous lninlnae (Plate 6, Figures 1, 2). Bedded siltatones commonly occur in thin and medium beds 1 to 8 inches thick. Many of the laminations exhibit micro-flow, load casts, and fine scale cross-bedding, suggesting current direction, sediment movement or sedimentation direction. -'ui: 4 4 - d ,- S -,. L; FIgure 10 Norir dcte, carbonoceous argillite Hururl formation Location; S* sec. 1?, T, 6 8., R. +1+ E. FIgure 11 Laminated slltntonec and mudstones on Dixie Creek Iiurtai forriictIon Location: F* sec. 35, T. 6 3., R. 1+3 E. Micro-faults are numerous in siltstones from upper O'Brien Creek (Plate 6, Figure 3). The light-colored, coarser laminae are generally more calcareous than the tine, dark, thin-bedded siltetones. Pyrite is common to all the siltstones, but is more predominant in the dark carbonaceous types. Fragments of fossils, limestone pebbles and volcanic rocks are commonly found in the carbonaceous siltetones. Massive, white to gray limestone occurs in the o 'Brien-Bradley Creek area and along upper Jack Creek and Gold King Creek. Some limes tones which were mapped as Hurval in Bradley Creek and Gold King Creek may be Martin Bridge interfolded with the Hurwal. PetroraJiv. The northern lentils have been re- crystallized more extensively than the southern lentils. Large "sparry" calcite veins commonly extend throughout the rocks. Stylolites are abundant separating the many tex- tural varieties of limestone. Calcite grains range in size from to 70 microns, having the elongated grains somewhat aligned. Pellets (26 to 90 microns) are composed of calcite 3 to 7 microns in size. The length to width ratio at the pellets is near 2:1 (Plate +, Figure 1). COMPOSITION OF SILTSTONES AND ?IJDSTONES Quartz (8) Leucoxene Igneous Chart Sericite Chlorite Biotite Metamorphic Limonite Andseizie Calcite Magneti te Ilmenite Clays ? sp. 7lalobia Hematite Ammonite fragments Mi crocrystaUine quartz Calcite Carbonaceous matter Pyrite TABLE 3.3 COMPOSITION OF TIlE LOWER LIMESTONE LENTILS Detrital Material Calcite, fragmental Vdcanics, (greenstones) Hematite Clays? rwi Sheil fragments Algal structures Crinoid stem fragments Echinoid spines Worm tubes ? Carbonaceous matter Alterationlreervs talli zed Minerals Phiogopite Limonite (minor) Microcrystalline quartz Calcite I Conglomerates are scattered between Skookum Creek and O'rien Creek as lentils 60 to 200 feet thick without apparent stratigraphic regularity. Outcrops of the con- glomerates have more pronounced reliet than adjacent siltstones, and generally do not exhibit signs of bedding (igures l2 13, 11i). Petioraphr. The coarse elastic debris range from granules to cobbles with a few boulders. Some conglomerate lentils are primarily composed of granule size material. Poor sorting and packing is evident in the coarse conglom-' erates, but this is not the case in the granule conglomerates. Roundness and sphericity measurements of one con- glomerate set were .6 and .72 respectively. The matrix material varies. One conglomerate may be cemented by silt, clay, and siliceous minerals while another matrix consists of calcite, silt, and alteration minerals. Granule conglomerates are tightly packed, well sorted and extremely well indurated by siliceous and recrystallized minerals. UDDer Lime atone Lentils The upper limestone lentil area is situated along East Goose Creek and Eagle Creek in the southwestern part of the thesis area. Limestone crops out in sections 28, Fiçure 12 Sote pobblos uortiier1n i'rom poorly inrtoi con1oiuerto Greentono conC1onerate lentil flurwi1 form,t ion Locction: NE* sec. 25, T. 6 8., R. 3 E. 13 Clo$o-up of pobb1o; in Fig. 10 Note the degree of phericity and roundnoc Hurwnl $orriatio )i3 . Lju..0 c11 indurated conglonierate Linetone cobblen weather out of the outcrop Liinetone-)reer1stone co1ouerctto lentil Hurwnl forniation Location: Ets1k, sec. 2o, T. 6 3., fl. 1.3 E. Finure l Contorted recrtallized liniotone Recr"tal1izt1on has not obliterated foil rem'in Lliuestorte 1eitil Hur'jt'1 formation Location: t*N sec. 2G, T. ( , 1.3 L. TABLE :i)+ HURWAL FORMATION !) T) Limestone Bioclastic Rare Cal carenites Volcanics (greenstones) Very abundant Ba salts ii Ic ir led Andesites Chart Argilhite/mudstone Common Common Common QLlar tz ;c .) f Quartz (8) Metamorphic Chlorite* Igneous Plagioclase, altered Chert Limes tone Greens tones Sericite Epidota Biotite Limonite Leucoxene Ba salts Andasites Clays ? Feldspar s Carbonaceous matter Hematite* Microcrystalline Pyri te Calcite * Cexsenting agents quartz* S 33 and 31f, T. 6 5., R. )+3 E. and may correlate with the limestones in section 27, T. 6 S, R. F3 E. and sections 26 and 35 T. 6 S., R. +f E. (Figure 15). st ol the len- tils are 50 to 150 feet thick. ?etroRrathr. The massive white to gray limestone is composed of well-packed and sorted, angular to subangular fragmental limestone arid fossiliferous debris (flate 5, Figure 1). Limestone fragments of 1 to 3 mm in diameter are common. A few extend to 30 mm. separated by stylolites. Some fragments are Individual calcite grains from 8 to 90 microns in size comprise most fragments. Calcite grains in thø matrix are 10 to 180 microns in size. Pellets (1i5 by 180 microns) are composed of calcite 2 to 8 microns in size (Plate 5, Figure 2). The limestones range from biocalcarenites to calcarenites. Recrystallization and replacement of calcite by microcrystalline quartz has taken place in most rocks. Lu Fauna Twenty-seven fossil localities were sampled in the Hurval formation within the thesis area. Preservation of the fossils is better than in the Martin Bridge formation. The best material was identified arid dated by Professor S W. )il1er as follows z TABLE 15 COMPOSITION OF UPPER LIMESTONE LENTILS Detrital Material Volcanics (greenstones) Basalts Calcite Quartz Plagioclase, altered Clays? Magnetite Alteration/recrystallized Minerals Leucoxene Limoni te brpr Carbonaceous matter Fossils; Echinoid spines "Pellets" Algal structures Worm tubes? Bryazoans Shell fragments Algal dust (1,1) Hematite Crypto crystalline quartz if 7 Upper Triassic Fl-27 Halobia sp. 28 Aiamonite, genera? 29 Ealobia sp. 30 ra1okj sp. 30b iacotrotites sp. Karpian 31 a1o.a cf. rugosa Halobia cf. rugosa 33 lIajobia cf. rugosa Triassie 37 lialobia sp. 3 TJppe Uper Tria.jurassic 370 tzu 38 Crinoid Cidaris )Lf Halobia sp. (colonial coral) stem fragments spines sp. 1,6 Haloj if7 if8 HalobIà ep. Halobia or Daonellafl ap. 0 Ualobia ep. 51# Isastrea ap. Many indeterminable ammonites, pelecypods and shell fragments were among the fossiliferous The colonial coral according to debris. ep. (Fl 37° and Fl 5sf) iUer, can be either Jurassic or Upper Tn- assic in age, but is more likely Upper Tniassic, The Martin Bridge is considered as Karnian; therefore, the Hurwal being a rather thick formation, may extend from ICannian into Nonian. According to Smith and Allen (30, p. 11,) the Hurwal is uppermost Karnian and Nonian. Thiekneas The top of the Rurwa]. formation is not exposed, so the total thickness cannot be accurately determined, A paced traverse south of Bennet Creek to West Eagle Creek using Mandelbaum and Sanford's (18) method for computing a stratigraphic section gave a minizmam thickness of #,l00 feet for the Hurwal formation. Northwest of Granite Cliff to the contact of the batholith, the Hurwal is estimated from the map to be 6,800 feet thick. As stated previously the Hurwal formation conformably overlies the Martin Bridge formation. The relatively flat lying basalt overlies the steeply dipping Hurwal. There- fore, the Columbia River basalts overlie the Hurwal with angular discordance Provenance Environment Deposition The source area which contributed elastic material to the Lower Sedimentary Series and the Martn Bridge formation is the same source area that contributed to the Eurwa]. formation. Altered volcanic debris present in the Lower Sedimentary Series and Martin Bridge formation is similar to that found in the Hurwal formation. The southwest corner of the thesis area is regarded as the uppermost exposed part of the Hurwal formation. Here, the formation contains greenstone granules and pebbks within the limestones. Conglomerates in the south-central portion of the mapped area are also composed of greens tone material. This material was transported and deposited quickly as indicated by poor sorting, packing, and mixture of immature rock and mineral assemblages. The various source areas presumably were reduced to a lower relief at the beginning of the &u'wal. Possible 1F9 humid climatic conditions initiated vast chemical weathering on the volcanic source areas which in turn permitted the removal of a voluminous amount of argillaceous material. The fine-grained laminations and bedded argillaceous rocks represent a long cycle of continuous deposition in deep, restricted water with bic conditions. alternating anaerobic and aero- The laminations may have been formed by affecting the rate of different sized particles (28, p. some type of cyclic sedimentation, supply or deposition of According to Rubey, (28) preservation of laminae suggests quiet water, indicating that they accunnilated below depths in which wave action existed. The presence of well-preserved laminations also suggests the absence of benthonic scavengers and may indicate anaerobic bottom conditions. Anaerobic conditions are also denoted by the abundance of pyrite and organic matter found in the siltatones. Every siltstone sample which was broken down by a sodium oxalate solution contained numerous authigenic cubes of pyrite; and commonly, a sewn of carbon ringed the containers. Isolated limestone lentils suggest a possible shaflowing of the seas. warming arid Most of the limestone lentils are composed of fragmental and bioclastic limestone debris which probably accumulated from the eroded detritus of reefs or bioherms. Also, the general absence of pyrite in the limestones suggests that aereated conditions existed. Two localities of colonial coral Isastrea ap. (F]. 37c and F]. 5) indicate coral growth in the area during the upper Triassic. According to Vaughan (36) madreporian corals began a vast growth expansion during the Upper Tnassic and reached an area]. extent as far north as 600 north latitude. conditions: Colonial corals can thrive only wider certain relatively shallow, warm, clear, circulating marine water in which sedimentation is very slow or completely lacking (36, p. 68). META 8DIMENTS General 8tatement The Hurwal formation has been intensely metamorphosed near the contact of the Wailowa batholith. According to Krauskopf (10, p. 619-621), the most intense zone of metamorphism nesi' the entire batholith is on Thimmtngbird l4ountam in the northern part of the thesis area where many metamorphosed rocks of the Hurwal formation are strongly foliated within a few hundred feet of the quartz diorite. Farther from the contact of the batholith, as in the area between upper Dixie Creek and the Forks Forest Camp, the metamorphic rocks are mostly argillites which contain a few patches of marble and contorted limestone. For simplicity, the metamorphic rocks will be discussed by areas. Many rocks along the quartz dioritic-Hurwal contact on Hummingbird }buntain are gneissio and grade away from the contact within a few hundred feet into a schistose texture. Several thousand feet from the batholith on the southeast slope of Thmm1gbird )untain, the rocks retain a schistose appearance although the original sedimentary laminations and structures remain intact. A few rocks ap- pear hornfelsic, and some rocks near the contact, have slight hypidomorphic-granular texttires similar to that of the quartz diorite. Z4a3or constituents as seen in. six thin sections are hornblende, and biotite. Potash feldspar and diopside are minor Other minerals identified are aridesine, quartz, spherte, apatite, zircon, iron ore, epidote, aila.nite, and pyr'ite. In the strongly foliated rocks, grains of hornblende and biotite are generally aligned within the dark bands, whereas granoblastic quartz and andesine form the light colored bands. Forks Forest Canrn-UDper Dixie Creek rble. Small outcrops of saccharoidal marble in upper Dixie Creek (NW* sec. 23., T. 6 8., R. f3 L) con- sist essentially of granoblastic calcite. Occasionally, the calcite is replaced by microcrystalline quartz (Plate t1, Figures 3 and )+) Interstitial phologopite is also abundant. Other recrystallized limestones found in the NE* and NW* sec. 28, T. 6 S., R. f8 L, exhibit thin, light and dark color banding due to alternations of carbonaceous material. }bst of the outcrops of limestone are contorted (Figure 15). Recrystallization of the limestones has not obliterated fossil remains, and only in places are rocks partially granoblastie. Argillites. Areas of firte-grained metamorphosed siltstones (SW sec. 22, SW sec. 21, and NW4 sec. 28, T. 6 8., B. )+3 E.) are commonly blastopelitic. The lightcolored bands are composed mostly of granoblastic quartz, whereas the dark bands are composed of dark minerals which are too fine for accurate identification (Plate 6, Figure 1g.), One dark mineral is apparently diopside. Many of the bands are contorted and possibly repre- sent minute drag folds. Many stretched pebbles of limestone are found in the argiilites. The argillaceous sediments in the Forks Forest Camp area were primarily metamorphosed by the intrusion of the inelagabbro. COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT Gnera1 Btatemen I. C. Russell (29, p. 132) first applied the term "columbia lava" to widespread Tertiary basalts of central Washington in 1893. Merriam (19, p. 303) restricted the term "Columbia lava8" to thick sections of Mtocene basalt along the Columbia River. These rocks are generally known as the Columbia River basalts. Ross (27) and Smith and Allen (30) assumed that the basalt in the southern Wallows )buntainn to basalt. plateau in the north central be Columbia River The top of the basalt area is gently rolling topography. Where the edges of the flows are ex posed by stream dissection, mainly in the western part of part of the thesis relatively smooth with the area, slopes are steep and covered with talus (Figure 16). area range from basalt to olivine basalt flows and dikes. ?bst weaThe Columbia River basalt in the thesis thered outcrops are red to rusty-red, with fresh exposures being black to dark greenish-black. Red soils are characteristically developed rounded to on the Columbia River basalt with subrounded boulders remaining in and on the soil. The upper few feet of individual flows are often very vesicular. Figure 16 Edge of a basalt floLj Note thickness and poor columnal jointing Columbia iliver basalt + E. Location: SE* sec. 18, T. 6 3., R. Figure 1? Note long linoc.r trends of basalt feodor dikos into batio1ith Columbia River basalt Location: Tuo miles north of upper West Eagle Creok 56 Throughout the thesis area, textures and mineral corn- positions of the basalt flows vary both laterally and vertically. Some basalt flows are porphyritic while flows 200 feet below are totally aphariltic. basalt feeder dikes are aphanitic. Nearly all of the A greater abundance of pigeonite over augite was noted between two vertically separated flows in the east-central thesis area. Pri'ry constituents of the Columbia River basalt are labradcrite, augite, pigeonite, and olivine. Magnetite is a constant accessory mineral, and most thin sections contain gray to brown glass. Labradorite forms large phenocrysts in the porphyritic basalts and small laths in the subophitic and glomeroporphyritic basalts (Plate 7, Figures 1, 2). Labradorite, commonly containing oscillatory zoned cores, exhibits albite and albite-carlsbad twinning. Pyroxene is represented by both augite arid pigeonite. Augite occurs as phenoeryste which are sometimes poikilitic, and also as granules in the groundaass. Pigeonite is less common and likewise occurs as phenocrysts and as grantiles in the grouridmass. Olivine generally occurs as small anhedral pbenocrysts. However, in the porphyrltic basalts, olivine forms large euhedral grains. 57 Magnetite is fine-grained, commonly euhedral, and exists both in the groundmass and as inclusions in labradorite. As much as 20 per cent of magnetite is present in one thin section (Table 16). Gray to brown, isotropic glass is present in most thin sections. In some thin sections brown glass contains abundant labradorite microlites. Alteration products are abundant. An alteration product, possibly chlorophaeite, similar to palagonite but more birefrigent is abundant in thin sections (22). Linionite altering from opaque minerals is common. Iddingsite or red iron oxide rims are common around olivine. Structure. Vertical columnar jointing is veil developed along upper Gold King Creek and on the east side of Bennet Peak. Horizontal plates two to four inches thick are developed in the basalt in upper Dixie Creek (s sec. 23, T, 6 3., 3 E.). fftratigaiic Relations R. Columbia River basalt in the thesis area unconformably overlies about 20 square miles of Upper Triassic sediments and Lower Cretaceous batholithic rocks. A distinct angular unconformity exists between the steeply dipping Triassic sediments (+O to 800) and the overlying, relatively horizontal Columbia River basalt. COMPOSITION OF COLUMBIA RIVER BASALT Labradorite Pyroxene Olivine Magnetite 25 3 31 20 35 20 6 20 36 2+ 23 9 100% 100% 50 20 2 11 Glass plus alteration products Total 66 22 3 5 100% 100% - 100% Modes or tour typical Columbia River basalt samples and one basalt feeder dike sample. *salt dike Explanation: G-l6 0-17: G-l69 NE*, SEL, NEk sec. 1?, T. 6 5, R. +f E. SW, NE* sec. 17, T. 6 S., B. 4k NE+ sec. 8, T. 6 8., R. f3 B. 0-173: $E* sec. 6, T. 6 8., R. 3 B. 0-231: Center of Sec. 10, T. 6 8., B. #3 B. 59 Thicknes The total number of flows present in the area is not biown. On the east side of Bonnet Peak approximately eight flows can be distinguished and at least twenty flows occur in the drainage of West Eagle Creek. Thickness of individual flows generally varies from 10 to 60 feet; however, one of the thicker flows at the head of Gold Xing Creek is nearly 100 feet thick, The flow below it, concealed by talus, may be as thick as 200 feet (Figure 16). The thickest section of Columbia River basalt is on the east side of West Eagle Creek in the western portion of the area. Here the basalt attains a mar1mwn thickness of 2,100 feet. No exact age can be given the basalt from data collected in the thesis area. However, basalt flows cap many peaks in the Cretaceous batholith and numerous basalt dikes extend throughout the batholith; moreover, ch of the glacial material in the thesis area is composed of basaltt debris. Therefore, the age of the Columbia River basalt ranges between Early Cretaceous (4Albian) and pre-Pleistocex. Elsewhere in Oregon, a Middle Mioceno age is well established for the columbia River basalt (i, p. 83). The Columbia River basalt poured out in the thesis area through a series of fissures which cut through the fri- assic sediments and the granitic rocks of the batholith. Most feeder dikes in the Wallowa Mountains have a northerly trend. In the batholith the rust-red outcrops of the dikes are easily traced against the thite background of the granitic rocks. Most basalt feeder dikes range from 5 to +O feet in width and have long linear trends (Figure 17). QUATERNARY DEPOSITS Glacial deposits in the mapped area consist of sub- round to round boulders of quartz diorite, basalt and morphic rocks in a fine-grained, structureless, buffcolored matrix. All the glacial deposits in the thesis moraines. tures are discussed under Geomorphology. area occur in lateral and terminal Glaeio-fluvj,al gravels. extend along meta- These fea- Gravels mapped with alluvium, Eagle Creek from the Forks Forest Camp to the confluence of Dixie Creek. 100 feet above Eagle Creek. Some gravels are as much as Round to well round cobbles of various compositions are found poorly stratified in a fine brown matrix. sorted arid un- These gravels are pos- sibly the product of glacial melt-water transportation. Alluvial Deiosits Alluvium consists of reworked glacial debris and eroded material that has accumulated as alluvial fans or valley fillings during spring runoffs. Landslide slump deposits. A few landslide or slump deposits are present in the thesis area. The largest area is found west of the East Eagle Creek. This mass apparently slid-off of the dip slope of the }hu'wal confluence formation. of Hudson Creek with 62 Another such area is located on the south side of lower O'Brien Creek where a mass Columbia River basalt apparently has slid-off of the side of the ridgø. The glacial deposits can be referred to the Pleistocene, and the younger deposits which comprise fans and valley fillings are of recent age (2?, p. 60). 63 INTRUSIVE UNITS QUARTZ DIORITE Granitoid rocks of the Wallowa batholith extend southward into the northern part of the thesis area where the rock has the composition of a quartz diorite. Quartz diorite covers about three square miles in the north-central part of the thesis area. Most of this quartz diorite is on the uplifted side of a large normal fault which forms the southern boundary of the Wallowa Post-Middle Miocene uplift of this fault block Mountains. enabled Pleistocene glaciers to produce the alpine topography which typifies most exposures of quartz diorite. Petro2raphY Modal analysis of ti've specimens of granitoid rock from the batholith are given in Table 17. Four analyses have the composition of a quartz diorite arid one mialysis has the composition of a granodiorite. However, as only one thin section was prepared from each rock, ax as most thin sections are small, individual modal analyses are not definitive. Nevertheless, the average composition of the five analyses should give a close approximation of tha actual p ercentages of major minerals in the quartz diox'ite of the thesis area. Major constituents of the quartz diorite are andesine (An 38 to An. biotite. 6), alkali feldspar, quartz, hornblende, and Accessory minerals are apatite, zircon, monazite, sphene, allanite, and ore minerals. Thin sections of the quartz diorite exhibit hypidomorphic-grinnlar textures which commonly are modified by cataclasis. Grain sizes range from oa to four Large myrmekitic mm in .amet'. intergrowths of wormy quartz and andasine are veil developed in some thin sections (Hate 7, 1.guie 3). Quartz commonly displays pronounced wavy extinction ELate 7, Figure 1) arid some quartz recrystailized during deformation into a msaic of ardar grains. Wiere recrysta1llRtion d quartz has occured bkvttta generally exhibits intense bending, and plagloclase shows less extreme beictthg of twinning laniel].ae. Albite and Albite-Carabad twinning are commonplace. Oscillatory zoning prevails throughout the interior of the crystals which are rimmed by normal progressive zoning. Green hornblende and brownish biotite are the mafic minerals Zircon and apatite inclusions are commonly found in the biotite. Biotite is commonly altered to chlorite and granular stringers of aphene. Although some epidote accompanies the chloritic alteration of biotite, epidote also occurs as an alteration of plagioclase and hornblende (35). Some plagi.oclase is mildly altered to white mica. According to Taubeneck, (33, p. 1685) the eastern Oregon plutons have strongly deformed Upper Triassic and Jurassic (Cailovian) rocks; whereas Cretaceous rocks in 65 TABLE 17 COMPOSITION OF QUARTZ DIORITE Sample No. Potash feldspar Quartz Plagioclase Biotite Hornblendo Apatite Chlorite Epidote Sphena Ai.anite Zircon Iron Ore Total G-i8 3.3 21.3 56.0 11.6 7.3 0.1 0.1 T T T 0.0 0.]. 100% G-160 G-16c 3t,.,2 19.0 2O. 63.7 61.5 6.5 1,8.o 2. 90 9.'+ 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 T 0.6 100% T 0.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 100% G-27 8.7 9.7 10.9 0.2 0.5 T T 0.0 0.0 0.2 100% Modes of five gi'anitoid rocks from batholith. 6.8 19.8 51.5 12,33 8.9 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.1 02 0.1 100% is closest to a granodiorite. The remaining four are 0-158 quartz diorites. Explanation; 0-158 SWSE*E*sec,6T,6S.,R.fE. 0-160 NWéSW*sec.6T.6S.,R.+'fE. 0-165 SW* sec. 6 T. 6 S., R. 1+f E. G-27+ NW*sec.1T.6S.,R.+3E. 0-275 One-fourth mile SW of G_27+. eastern Oregon are relatively undeformed. In central Oregon, tonalite and granodiorite pebbles occur in marine Cretaoeous conglomerate of Albian age, Such evidence indicates that the granitic plutons are post-Callovian and pz'e-Albian. A small intrusive of melagabbro, exposed over an area of approximately three-fourths of a square mile, is located one mile north of the confluence of Eagle Creek and West Eagle Creek. Although its content of plagioclase varies considerably, most thin sections contain about +0 per cent calcic plagioclase (An 8 to An 60) (9), and O per cent altered clinopyroxene; therefore, most of the intrusive is a melagabbro. The hard, dark-green outcrop on the west side of Eagle Creek is nearly confined by glacial material. Stream erosion has uncovered the western and small eastern outcrops. Even though the rocks are fairly resistant to weathering, they do not have pronounced relief. The main constituents of the original rock were augite, hypersthene, and calcic plagioclase. Minor quantities of brown hornblende rim augite which contains a few relicts of olivine. roxene to talc and Metamorphism altered much of the pyfibrous amphibole. Slender needles of actinolite penetrate plagioclase and occur as isolated clusters within the plagioclase, Accessory minerals are iron ore and apatite. 6? GEORPI1OLOGY )bst geomorphic features in the thesis area are the result of Pliocene block faulting and Pleistocene glaciation. Alpine glaciers dissected the northern part of the mapped area and spread glacial debris southward along the major streams. Features characteristic of alpine glacia- tion ares Glacial valleys AU three major stream valleys extending into the mapped area from the north were modified by glacial action. West Eagle Creek, Eagle Creek and East Eagle Creek exhibit the characteristic U-shape of glaciated valleys (Figure 19). Many small valleys and gullies on the east slope of Thiminlngbird Iuntain have been furrowed by glacial action. Ciraue lakes. Looking Glass Lake and the smaillake heading the middle fork of Hudson Creek occupy cirque basins. Glacial strale and polish are present on the granitic rocks along the outlet of Looking Glass Lake. The depression west of Looking Glass Lake, and the depression in the upper north fork of Hudson Creek are two small cirque basins Both basins are symmetrical and steep- sided with a rather high beadwall. 68 Figure 18 5na11 well developed 1cterc.]. moraine at the base of llurnmfngbird untain Location: North central thesis area Figure 19 East Icgle Valley Jote the characteristic U-shape of a glaciated valley Artes g i',orns.. Hwnmingbird Mountain represents a poorly developed serrate ridge. Better developed arates can be observed farther to the north outside the thesis area, One small under-developed horn can be seen on the ridge southeast of Looking Glass Lake. Of the three cirques surrounding the horn, headward erosion on the northern side was never completed for the development of a classic born. Moraizi. Lateral morainos parallel the three major streams in the thesis area. The largest and longest lat- oral moraine parallels Eagle Creek, and debris is found 1,000 feet above the stream on the east canyon wall. From the vicinity of Boulder Park Resort the moraine tapers southward for about four miles. Morainal material in the vicinity of the Forks Forest Camp may possibly represent a terminal moraine from the Eagle Creek glacier. Lateral moraines along East Eagle Creek are best exposed on the western slope for about one mile north of Gold Xing Crek. the valley floor Morainal debris is found 800 feet above ich of the moraine has been removed by recent erosion so only small patches are 1eft Jack Creek marks the southern limit of this moraine. Morainal debris along West Eagle Creek also extends about 800 feet above the stream, This moraine ends in a terminal moraine at the confluence of Grove Creek and West Eagle Creek. The small spur north of Two Color Lake is considered a lateral moraine marking the eastward turning of a small glacier (Figure 18). The spur is well-shaped, symmetrical, and is an extension of the wall of metamorphic rocks to the northwest. Glacial debris east of the lake possibly represents the remnants of a terminal moraine. The un- sorted, unstratified debris consists of angular to subrounded metamorphic rocks in a fine brown interstitial matrix. "teneei" Rounded granitic boulders and gabbroic oob- blea occur in the SEe NW* sec. 22 T. 6 S., B. +k E. Gra- nitic boulders were not found at the 6OO foot contour in the northern part of sec. 22 where the gabbroic intrusive is located. It is assumed therefore that a "veneer" of glacial material extended across all of section 22 during some stage of Pleistocene glaciation. Except for a few remaining granitic boulders, most of the veneer was removed by post-Pleistocene erosion. Alluvial fans. Two well developed alluvial fans covering approximately one-half square mile coalesce at the mouths of Hudson Creek and Little Kettle Creek. Both fans are composed of subangular to round, poorly sorted, unstratified cobbles and boulders of various rock types with large amounts of fine interstitial material. Fans 7]. are also well developed along Eagle Creek, but are much smaller than those along East Eagle Creek. All alluvial fans were formed by vigorous erosion of the adjacent highlands, and were deposited principally by spring runoffs. Presumably during the Pliocene, the northern part of the thesis area was uplifted by normal faulting. Faulting occurred after the extrusion of Columbia River basalt and prior to Pleistocene glaciation. Airing the Pleistocene, alpine glaciation modified most existing topographic features. Debris derived by recent erosion of the highlands has filled in valley floors and built alluvia], fans Overall erosion has had little effect on modifying the topography created during the Pleistocene. 72 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY The major structures in the thesis area consist of folds, faults, and intrusions of' quartz diorite and gabbro (See 63). '. Mfl A large overturned anticline which strikes northnortheast and overturned to the northwest, extends along the eastern edge of the mapped area. Overturning is indi- miles to the east on Red ibuntain by Wethereil (37, p. 196) and by the stratigraphy of' the thesis area. In the northeast corner of the area, attitudes of' the overcated 5 turned strata range from 70 to 900 trending to the southeast. In the east-central portion of the mapped area, the attitudes still maintain a southeastern dip of 60 to 82°. A secondary fold system normal to the overturned anticline is centered about the East Eagle Mine. This cross-fold represents a small northwest-plunging, tightly folded anticline overturned to the northeast along the northern limb. Attitudes along the northern limb are overturned 65 to 75°. Both limbs of the anticline are composed of tightly-compressed near-isoclina]. and fan folds. The small digital-shaped outcroppings of the Upper Limesne Unit mapped south of the East Eagle Mine, may represent the cu1nination of individual isoclinal folds. 73 The northern limb of a northwestern plunging syncline nearly parallels Eagle Creek along the southern thesis boundary. The remainder of tim structure lies to the south in the Sparta quadrangle (26). This syriclinal structure is well situated geometrically in relation to the northwest plunging anticline which lies to the northeast. Northeast trending cross-folds and cross-faults normal to the synclina]. axis are numerous in the Sparta quadrangle (26) and may extend into the thesis area. The emplacement of the batholith has possibly affected attitudes in the northern and northeastern area by rearranging the strike of the lithologic units subparallel to the outline of the batholith. This may account for the circular arrangement of the attitudes within a three mile radius of the batholith. Folds Because of the foliated rocks and the rearrangement of the strike in the Hurwal formation near the batholith, folding imast have taken place after the deposition of the Hurwal formation (Karnian-Norian) and prior to the intrusion of the batholith (post-Cailovian - pre-Albian). Folds were not observed in the basalt; therefore, it is assumed that no major folding has occurred in the thesis area since the extrusion of the Columbia River basalt (postMiddle Nb cone). Faults A small wrench fault extends along the course of Gold King Creek. Criterion for strike-slip movement along this fault is a large drag fold formed in the Martin Bridge Up.per Limestone Unit SE* sec. 17, T. 6 S., R. +1f E. Attitudes on this fold trend to the southeast except when approaching the fault. Near the fault the strike of the attitudes curve until they strike to the northwest. A strike-slip component of 500 feet is estimated from the map. A second fault possibly related to the cross-folded structure and normal to the major overturned anticline, parallels the northern side of Jack Creek. No displacement of the Columbia River basalt was observed. A possible third fault may exist on Lime Creek thancating the Martin Bridge formation. The limestone fails to crop out in the creek in its proper position. A fourth fault is suspected parallel to Bradley Creek. The single criterion for a fault is the abrupt termination of the limestone lentils in lower Bradley Creek. Prostka (26) also extends a cross-fault parallel to Bradley Creek, up-throwing the western block. The fifth and largest fault in the thesis area extending five miles west-northwest through the northern area, uplifted crystalline basement rocks and associated Triassic metasedirnents on the north from the plateau-capping basalts and Triassic sediments on the south, The vertical displacement of the fault as estimated from data in the thesis area is at least l,OO feet. A sixth fault extends four miles across the southern halt of the mapped area. the north. This fault is also uptbrown to The trace of the fault can be followed by sznsll patches of basalt remaining on the ridges in the southcentral area. Faults The Gold ixig Creek and Jack Creek faults have not noticeably displaced the Columbia River basalt, yet both long northwest trending faults have displaced the basalt. Presumably, two cycles of faulting has occurred in the thesis area; postNorian Miocene - pre-Pleistocene. pro-Albian and post-Middle 76 HISTORICAL GEOLOGY Airing the Permian and Triassic periods an eugeosyndine (7, p. 33-1f0) existed along the western margin of the North American continent. Throughout northeastern Oregon, the Permian was characterized by extensive vulcanism. By the end of the Permian the eugeosyncline had nearly filled with volcanics and interfingering terrestrial sediments (39). The present area of the southeastern Wallowa )buntains then subsided and filled with intercalelated pillow lavas and sediments which in turn were cov- ered by a thick marine sedimentary sequence (39, p. 2O3-2O). Lower and Middle Triassic rocks are not found in the thesis area. Also, very little is known about the Lover and Middle Triassic rocks of northeastern Oregon. Earlier workers such as Ross (27), Smith and Allen (30), and Gilluly (Ii) assumed a period of erosion during this time. However, recent data by Prostka (26) and Wetherell (37) indicate a conformable and in part a gradational sequence frOm the Permian into the Upper Triassic. Airing the early Upper Triassic, orogenic movements uplifted volcanic rocks such as the Clover Creek greenstones and simultaneously depressed adjacent eugeosynclinal areas. Vigorous erosion of an uplifted greenstone area and possibly a hypothetical volcanic archipelago produced the coarse detritus of the volcanic conglomerate of the Lower 77 Sedimentary Series, The local greenstone source area and other source areas containing sedimentary, granitic, and metamorphic rocks wore subseajiently reduced. Fine clastic material accrnilated, but sporadically, coarser sediments were deposited. After deposition of the Lover Sedimentary Series, the volcanic areas were partially reduced, and the eugeosynclinal trough nearly filled. Shallow depths, possible warming of the seas, and abundance of organisms initiated carbonate sedimentation. Limestone was deposited con- tinuously until the middle-late Kárnian when carbonate deposition ceased in favor of argillaceous sedimentation. chemical weathering was severe on the slightly elevated volcanic source areas. A voluminous amount of ar- gillaceous material was deposited from the middle-late iCarnian into the Norian. Apparently local shallow areas occurred intermittently in the thesis area during the argillaceous sedimentation, thus enabling the growth of small reefs or bioherms. &st of these structures were subsecpiently destroyed by wave and current action and redeposited as fragmental and Moclas tic limestone. The greenstone conglomerate pods in the argillaceous rocks may have originated as mudflow conglomerates, or may represent either minor orogenic rejuvenation of the source areas, or deposition from turbidity currents or slumps. After the Triassic sediments were deposited, intense orogenic processes in the thesis area deformed the strata to such an extent that a major portion of the stratigraphic section was overturned. Subsequently, small bodies of gabbroic rocks were intruded and apparently thereafter, the Wallowa batholith was emplaced. Erosion prevailed during the late Cretaceous and early Tertiary. By Middle Miocene a mature erosion surface having a relief of at least several thousand feet existed in northeastern Oregon, Th.u'ing the Middle Miocene, ten- sional. fractures opened throughout the present region of the Waflova ?'untains and the Columbia River basalt was e,ttrudad. Basalt was extruded in quantities to bury the pra-ezisting topography regionally, creating a relatively flat plateau surface. Pxeswnably during the Pliocene, the northern part of the thesis area was uplifted by normal faulting. Fault- ing occurred after the extruion of Columbia River basalt and prior to Pleistocene glaciation, Pleistocene glaciation modified most existing topographic features. Debris derived by recent erosion of the highlands has filled-in valley floors and built alluvial fans. Overall erosion has had little effect on modifying the topography created during the Pleistocene. 79 ECONOMIC GEOLOGY Deposits of gold are the only mineralized sites of economic value in the mapped area. Mineral deposits dis cussed in this thesis are gold, limestone, molybdenum and copper. [t! Gold mining (21, ) has been carried on in the Eagle creek region since the late 1860's. Lode claims and mines presently being operated are the following: Gold Kin2 C,eek claims, (SW* sec. 16 and SE* sec. 17, T, 6 S., R. k E.) Two claims which are worked during the summer, are located along a mineralized fault zone paralleling the Gold ICing Creek fault. Adits of the lower claim extend into the Lower Sedimentary Series, whereas tunnels of the upper claim are in the Martin Bridge. Two samples from the upper claim, one a quartz breccia with sulfide and limonite inclusions, the other a massive quartz with minor hematite and limonite, were assayed at $8.00 and $2i6.00 per ton respectively (16). st Ea2le Mine. (NE* sec. 32, T. 6 8., R. #3 B.) Two well kept adits with recent ti1ings are situated at the base of the siltstone-sandstone unit of the Lower Sedimentary Series, mined is unknown. The vein or mineralized material being 80 0'ian Creek Mine. (NE* soc. 25, T. 6 S., R. 1*3 B.) A small strike at the 0 'Brian Mine during the summer of l99 was the incentive for the development of a road and the construction of a six-ton mill at the site. The ore is found in. coalescing quartz veins which are associated with basic dikes that intruded the limestones and siltstones. The mineralized area is small and local, Buttercup Claim. (NW* sec. 28, T. 6 5., R. 1f3 B.) An open pit reveals quartz veins and stringers associated with a basalt dike which intrudes slightly metamorphosed calcax'eous argilhites. Originally the gold was found free in. pockets and stringers; but in l99 wiregold in. quartz was found for the first time in. the history of the claim. Basin Mine, (NE* SW* sec. 29, T. 6 S., R. )+3 B.) According to Gilluly () the veins are all simple quartz-filled fissures along the joints. Free gold is found within the quartz. Analyses of sandy and shaly limestone near Martin's Bridge indicate limestone suitable fOr manufacturing cement (20). However, the inaccessibility to the small- sized deposits would not warrant production at the present time. [;i1 1lvbdezum Prospect pits on Hummingbird }buntain occur along the contact of the batholith. AU pits are in massive bull or brecciated quartz veins from 3 to l At the Landis prospect (NE L) inches wide. sec. 6, T. 6 8., R. )lf the writer did not find any molbdenite; however, at a pit about 900 yards southeast of the Landis prospect, a few smal]. flakes of molybdenite were found scattered in a massive quartz vein 8 inches wide. No known economic deposits of copper exist in the thesis area. Veins of malachite, azurite, and chrysocola occur along contacts where the Lower Sedimentary Series has been intruded by Columbia River basalt dikes or small gabbroic intrusives. Copper mineralization is found along the ridge between East Eagle Creek and Bradley Creek. and narrow. The veins are short 1. Baldwin, Ewaxt. Brothers, 1959. 2. Chaney B. W. Central Oregon. Sixteenth International Geological Congress, Washington I). C. Guidebook 21:11932. 3 Ptyfe, 11. 8., F, J. Turner, and .1. Verhoogen. Geology of Oregon. 136p. Ann Arbor, Bdwards Metamorphic reactions and metamorphic tacies. 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Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 63:765-776. rriam, John C. A contribution to the geology of the John flay Basin. University of California PublicatIons in Geological Sciences 2z27O-3l. 1901. 20, Ikore, Bernard. Non-metallic mineral resources of eastern Oregon, 1937. p. 133_131+. (U.S. Gelogica1 Survey. Bulletin 879) 21. Oregon. 22. Peacock, M. A. 23. Pettijohn, F. 3. Determination and calculation of State Department of Geology and Mineral Resources. Oregon metal mines handbook. Portland, 1939. 125p. (Bulletin ])-A) and plagonite. The distinction between chlorophaeite Geological 1.gazine 67:170-178. 1930. apher laity values of pebbles Petrology 6:1+-157. 2r. 25 Pettijohn Harper, Plumley study F. 3. Sedimentary rocks. 7lSp. of Sedimentary 2d ed. New York, 1357. William. Black Hills terrace gravels: A of Geology 56: sediment transport. Journal 526-577. l9+8. 26. Journal 1936. Prostka, Harold. Structure and petrology of the pmTertiary rocks of the Sparta quadrangle, Oregon. Ph.D. Thesis Baltimore, John Hopkins University. In prepa- ration 27. Ross, C. P. The geology of part of the Waflowa urztains. Portland, 1938. *fp. (Oregon. State Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. Bulletin 3) 28. Rubey, W. W. Lithologic studies of fine-grained Upper Cretaceous sedimentary rocks of the Black Hills region. 1930. 514p. (U.S. Geological Survey. Professional Paper 165-A) 29. Russell I. C. Washingou. 108. 1893. A geological reconnaissance in central U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 108: 1- 30. Smith, W. D. 31. Smith, J. P. The occurrence of coral reefs in the Triassic of North America. American Journal of Science 33:9-95. 1912. 32. Smith, J. P. Upper Triassic marine invertebrate faunas of North America, 1927, 262p. (U.S. Geologi- A3,. Geology and physiography of the northern Wallowa )untains, Oregon. Portland, l9f1. 6p. (Oregon. State Department of Geology and Mineral. Industries. Bulletin 12) cal Survey.. Professional Paper 11) 33. Taubeneck, William H, Age of granitic plutons in eastern Oregon. (Abstract) Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 70:1685. 1959. 3t, Turner, F. 3. and 3. Verhoogen. Igneous and metamorphic petrology. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1951. 602p. 35. fvenhofel W. H. Principles of sedimentation. ed. New fork, McGraw-Hill. 1950. 6?3p. 36. Vaughan, T. W. and 3. W. Wells. Revision ot' the suborders, families, and genera of scieractinia. l943. $63p. (Geological Society of America. Special Papers 37. Wethereil, Clyde. Geology of part of the southeastern Wallowa Mcuntains, northeastern Oregon. thesis. Corvallis, Oregon State College. 1960. 208 numb, leaves. 38. Williams, H., F. 3. Turner, and C. 14. Gilbert. Petrograpby. San Francisco, W. H. Freeman, 1955. 4Oóp. 2d Ma's 39. Wood, Alan. "Algal dust" and the fine-grained vaieties of carboniferous limestone. Geological Magazine 78:192-198. 19+l. APPENDIX Plate 2 Fig. I Lower Sedimentary Series Gritty sandstone. Plain light 6.+ mm. Diam. Fig. 2 Lower Sedimentary Series Laminated silts tone Note slight bending of laminae on san8/ grain. Plain light mm. Diam. Fig. 3 !rtin Bridge formation Marble Note fibrous pieces of phiogopite Plain light. 1.6 mm. Diam. Fig. 1f Martin Bridge formation Marble X-ni col 1.6 mm. Diam. jw.- - _.<. - -.; : Fig. 2 Plate 3 Fig. I Martin Bridge formation Laminated calcareous siltatone. Black laminae contains abundant pyrite. Plain light. Diam. 6.1+ mm. Fig. 2 Martin Bridge formation Bioclastic limestone. Plain light. Diaa. 6.1+ mm. Fig. 3 Martin Bridge formation Calcilutite. Extremely fine-grained limestone with strips of carbonaceous material. Plain light. Main. 1.6 mm. Fig. Martin Bridge formation Limestone conglomerate. Cemented by microcrystalline quartz, calcite, and greenstone fragments. Plain light. 1+ Diam. 6.1+ mm. Fig. 1. 1 :-' Fig. 2 91 Plate )f Fig, 1 Hrwa1 formation Calcareous pellets. Note parallel alignPellets composed of cryptocrystalline calcite. Plain light. nients, Dia1.6 mm. Fig. 2 Hurwal formation Bioclastjc limestone. Diam. 1.6 mm. Plain light. Fig. 3 Hurwal formation Marble. Microcrystalline quartz replacing calcite. Plain light. Diam. 1.6 mm. Fig.+ Hurwal formation Marble. X-fljcol, FIg. 1 FIg, 2 Plate 5 Fig. I Hurwal formation Bioclastic limestone. Possible calcareaze worm tube in the center of photograph. Plain light. Diam. 6.+ mm. Fig. 2 Hurwal formation Calcareous pellets from upper limestone area. Plain light. Diam. 6?' mm. Fig. 3 Hurwal formation Granule limestone and greenstone frag' menta in matrix of calcite and silt. Plain light. Diam. 6. mm. -. a -------- !' ; : L. .' 1 4 r .4 II,. - 9 Plate 6 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3 Hurwa1 formation Laminated siltstone Plain light. Diam. 6. Hurwal formation Laminated siltatone Plain 34ght. Diam. 6. mm. mm. Hu.rwal formation Hierotaulting in laminated siltatono Plain light. Diam. 6. mm. Fig. 1F ITurwal formation Argiuite. Light colored bands contain microcrystalline quartz while dark bands contain fine-'grained unidentif 1able mafic minerals. Plain light. Diam. 6.14 , r. r t; ;' N I ' . 97 Plate 7 Fig. I Columbia River basalt Labradorite crystal in porpyritic basalt. X-nicol. Diam. 1.6 mm. Fig. 2 Columbia River basalt Labradorite crystal in aphanitic basalt X-ni col Diain. 1.6 mm. Fig. 3 Quartz diorite Wefl developed i*yrmekite. Plagioclase grain at lower left is surrounded by potash e1dspar. X-niool. Diam. 1.6 mm. Fig. Quartz diorite Undulating extinction in strained auartz. X-nicol, 1iam. 1.6 mm. '.$I .' ,..6 . . - 'r. -: .:., % g' iør w" 'L /' ,, __.l- '