The Beginning of Time Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. - Carl Sagan WHEN I heard the learn’d astronomer; When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me; When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them; When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room, How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick; Till rising and gliding out, I wander’d off by myself, In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time, Look’d up in perfect silence at the stars. WHAT DO YOU THINK? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Did the universe have a beginning? Into what is the universe expanding? Will the universe last forever? Are there other universes? Can we ever find out what started everything? Should we try?? In this chapter you will discover… Cosmology, which seeks to explain how the universe began, how it evolves, and its fate Um… not COSMETOLOGY… In this chapter you will discover… Cosmology, which seeks to explain how the universe began, how it evolves, and its fate The best theory that we have for the evolution of the universe—the Big Bang How astronomers trace the emergence of matter and the formation of galaxies Key Essay Questions How did the universe begin? How will it end? How do we know? What evidence do we have? Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered The Night Sky is Dark Hubble’s Law 90% of the Universe is Hydrogen Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Quasars Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered The Night Sky is Dark (Olber’s Paradox) Olber’s Paradox – Why is the Night Sky Dark? If the universe contains an infinite number of stars, uniformly distributed in space, and the universe is infinitely old, : Then the sky SHOULD be as bright as a star, in every direction! Olber’s Paradox If…then logical argument assumption conclusion Clearly the night sky IS dark The conclusion is false so one or more assumptions must be incorrect! The universe is not infinite in size, and not infinite in age! Olber’s Paradox – Why is the Night Sky Dark? If the universe contains an infinite number of stars, uniformly distributed in space, and the universe is infinitely old, then: Overall brightness received in any direction from those stars is constant. Farther away, more space, but more stars in that space. In every direction, eventually look at surface of a star, so…. Every point in the sky should be as bright as the surface of a star. Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered 90% of the Universe is Hydrogen, 10% is Helium Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered Hubble’s Law: Distant Galaxies move away from us, faster. The Universe is changing in time. Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered Quasars more prevalent far away; we don’t see them beyond ~ 13 Billion light years. Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Penzias & Wilson’s Horn Antenna used to discover CMBR WMAP satellite (2001) Boomerang Balloon-Lofted Probe above Antarctica (1998 & 2003) Facts Must be explained by a scientific theory to be considered The Night Sky is Dark (Olber’s Paradox) 90% of the Universe is Hydrogen, 10% is Helium Hubble’s Law: Distant Galaxies move away from us, faster. The Universe is changing in time. Quasars more prevalent far away; we don’t see them beyond ~ 13 Billion light years. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation Assumptions Physics: The laws we know of around us work everywhere in the same way. Isotropy: The Universe looks the same as it appears to us – everywhere Homogeneity: The Universe is made of the same stuff we see around us - everywhere Facts + Assumptions Theory The Big Bang Theory The universe started ~ 14 Billion years ago All energy, incredibly hot and dense Expands incredibly fast (inflation) Matter (protons, electrons, neutrons) created from energy (E = mc2) Facts + Assumptions Theory The Big Bang Theory Some protons (Hydrogen) fuse to create Helium Universe cools and expands Eventually, neutral atoms form… “Recombination” era is when CBR can be seen What is the Cosmic Microwave Background? Relic “heat” energy from Big Bang Released ~ 1/2 million years after Bang What is the Cosmic Microwave Background? Before ~ ½ million years, universe was a “sea” of high energy particles & photons After, universe cools, allowing neutral matter to form What is the Cosmic Microwave Background? Radiation then is visible through space Redshifted as universe expands A Big Bang Timeline… A Scientific Story… What was universe like in the first few … billionths of billionths of a second? Seconds? Three Minutes? Why did the universe expand so quickly? (YouTube video!) When did galaxies form? WHY? Conditions in the Early Universe Most distant quasars & galaxies observed from time when Universe was ~ 1 billion years old. Cosmic microwave background is earliest light available (~400,000 years after Big Bang) How to know conditions at beginning of time? Conditions in the Early Universe Know forces, conditions & expansion rate of Universe today. Run expansion backwards, model early universe! Running the film backwards…. Today: FOUR forces seen in nature Gravity (longest distance, weakest force) Running the film backwards…. Today: FOUR forces seen in nature Gravity (longest distance, weakest force) Electromagnetic (light!) Running the film backwards…. Today: FOUR forces seen in nature Gravity (longest distance, weakest force) Electromagnetic (light!) Weak (radioactive decay, neutron decay) Running the film backwards…. Today: FOUR forces seen in nature Gravity (longest distance, weakest force) Electromagnetic (light!) Weak (radioactive decay, neutron decay) Strong (“nuclear glue force”) Running the film backwards…. Today: Successfully created tests conditions in lab to link Electromagnetic, Weak, Strong forces “The Grand Unified Theory” We hypothesize that all four natural forces were unified during VERY early universe (small details about) The Big Bang Planck Era (t < 10 –43 sec) (small details about) The Big Bang “Planck Era” (t < 10 –43 sec) We are as yet unable to link… quantum mechanics & general relativity We are still trying to describe what happened in this era with the LHC! (small details about) The Big Bang –43 GUT Era (10 –38 < t < 10 sec) The Universe contained two natural forces: • • Gravity Grand Unified Theory (GUT) force electromagnetic + strong + weak forces unified (small details about) The Big Bang –43 GUT Era (10 –38 < t < 10 –38 Lasted until Universe was 10 29 sec) sec old. • “cooled” to 10 • strong force emerges separate and distinct from electro-weak force • energy released by this caused a sudden and dramatic inflation of the size of the Universe K (small details about) The Big Bang Electroweak Era (small details about) The Big Bang –38 Electroweak Era (10 –10 < t < 10 sec) Universe contained three natural forces: gravity, strong, & electroweak –10 Lasted until Universe was 10 • • 15 sec old. Now “cooled” to 10 K electromagnetic & weak forces separated (small details about) The Big Bang –38 Electroweak Era (10 –10 < t < 10 sec) Experimentally verified in 1983! • Discovery of W & Z bosons • Electroweak particles predicted to exist above 15 10 K And then something happens… From this high-energy state, galaxies and stars must eventually form What triggers galaxy formation? Why bubbles and voids? And now something else is happening… What is dark matter?? Why doesn’t the universe slow down as much as it should be? What is dark energy? What is Dark Matter? • Recall rotation curve of Milky Way Galaxy. • Hydrogen beyond our Sun orbit faster than predicted by Kepler’s Law • Most of Galaxy’s light from stars closer to center What is Dark Matter? Two possible explanations: • We do not understand gravity (on galaxy-size+ scales) • Higher velocities of Hydrogen gas caused by gravitational attraction of unseen matter…called dark matter What is Dark Matter? IF we trust our theory of gravity... there may be 10 times more dark than luminous matter in our Galaxy luminous matter is confined to the disk dark matter is found in the halo and far beyond the luminous disk And still more Dark Matter! In other galaxies, we “see” same phenomena Rotation Curves of Spirals In clusters of galaxies, too Measuring Motions of galaxies Measuring “Temperature” of gas Gravitational Lensing Velocities in Clusters of Galaxies • Pioneered by Fritz Zwicky in 1930’s Zwicky found clusters had to be MUCH more massive!. • his proposals of dark matter were met with skepticism Gravitational Lensing • Theory of Relativity states that massive objects distort spacetime. • Massive cluster bends path of light (like a lens) • Blue arcs are lensed images of galaxy behind cluster Agreement between methods • Cluster masses measured by all three independent methods agree: • Most galaxy clusters contain greater than 100 times more mass than accounted for by light of stars within them! • Galaxy clusters contain far more mass in dark matter than in stars A problem on the horizon? Dark Energy ?!?#% If the universe is really larger than it should be… Something must be making it expand… Energy must be present But we can’t see its source: Dark Energy! Why is Dark Energy Important? Consider ultimate fate of the universe… Option 1: Universe continues to expand, slows, stops, recollapses…. (The big “crunch”) Why is Dark Energy Important? Consider ultimate fate of the universe… Option 2: Universe continues to expand, accelerating faster and faster (The big “stretch”) The Geometry of Space Space (and Time!) can take the shape of Volume reaches a maximum size, then recollapses, or Infinitely expanding volume, accelerating over time, or… Volume that gets bigger, but slows down to eventual stop (in an infinite amount of time) The Geometry of Space Space (and Time!) can take the shape of Volume reaches a maximum size, then recollapses (CLOSED) An infinitely expanding volume, accelerating over time (OPEN) A volume that gets bigger, but slows down to eventual stop in an infinite amount of time (FLAT) Evidence for an Accelerating Universe? Four Models for the Future of the Universe Recollapsing Universe: the expansion will someday halt and reverse Critical Universe: will not collapse, but will expand more slowly with time Coasting Universe: will expand forever with little slowdown Accelerating Universe: the expansion will accelerate with time (currently “favored”) The critical density! How can we tell what the future holds? The amount of mass in the volume of space controls gravitational force’s impact Estimating “critical density” is key! The Critical Density • IF gravitational attraction between galaxies can overcome the expansion of the Universe in localized regions. • how strong must gravity be to stop the entire Universe from expanding? • it depends on the total mass density of the Universe The Critical Density • if mass < critical density, the Universe will expand forever • if mass > critical density, the Universe will stop expanding and then contract The value of Ho tells us the current kinetic energy of the Universe AND indicates the critical density is 10–29 g / cm3 The Critical Density • BUT all the luminous matter that we observe accounts for < 1% of critical density • And for dark matter to stop Universal expansion, even more would be required… This line of research suggests the Universe will expand forever! Key Terms Big Bang closed universe confinement cosmic light horizon cosmic microwave background cosmological constant cosmological redshift cosmology dark ages dark energy decoupling era of recombination expanding universe Grand Unified Theory (GUT) homogeneity horizon problem inflation inflationary epoch isotropy isotropy problem matter-dominated universe open universe pair production Planck time primordial fireball primordial nucleosynthesis quark quintessence radiation-dominated universe strong nuclear force superstring theories Theories of Everything universe weak nuclear force