The Milky Way Galaxy

The Milky Way Galaxy
The infinitude of creation is great enough
to make a world, or a Milky Way of worlds,
look in comparison with it what a flower or
an insect does in comparison with the
Immanuel Kant (1724 – 1804)
German philosopher
How big is the Milky Way Galaxy?
Where is our solar system located?
Is there really a HUGE black hole at the center
(and why weren’t we sucked into it in 2012 ??)
Our View of the Milky Way…
Our view
Clearly a “disk” shaped, with us inside
Optical view blocked by dust & cold gas
Infer we probably look like other galaxies
 Elliptical?
 Neither?
M51 (enhanced)
A spiral galaxy “edge on”
Some other spirals…
Our view
Infer we probably look like other galaxies
=> Milky Way is a Spiral Galaxy!
 We
see new, young stars, gas, dust
 We see the “pancake” shape across our sky
indicating a disk.
 We
can use other wavelengths to confirm structure
of spiral arms.
Drawings – not photos – of our galaxy!
Milky Way
Regions of the Milky Way Galaxy
diameter of disk = 100,000 l.y. (30,000 pc)
radius of disk = 50,000 l.y. (15,000 pc)
thickness of disk = 1,000 l.y. (300 pc)
number of stars = ~200 Billion
Sun is in disk,
28,000 l.y. out
from center
Mapping the Galaxy
Using Optical light
Cepheid variables in “globular clusters”
 Distribution around galactic center defines
location of our solar system
Using Radio Waves
Cool Hydrogen Gas emits 21-cm light
 Map out spiral arms
Mapping the Galaxy
Using IR light
Warm clouds of gas/dust locates star
formation sites in spiral arms
Using X-rays
Highest energy emissions from center of
 Supermassive Black Hole
Views of the Milky Way
Mapping the Galaxy- Optical
Observation: Cepheid
variables in “globular
Hypothesis: Distribution
around galactic center
defines location of our
solar system
Cepheid Variable Stars in Globular Clusters
Henrietta Leavitt, along with Harlow
Shapely, used Cepheid variable stars to
determine direction & distance to center
Mapping the Milky Way!
Observation: Cepheid variables in
“globular clusters”
Hypothesis: Distribution around
galactic center defines location of
our solar system
Critical Test: Distances average to ~
30,000 light years, toward Sagittarius
Globular Clusters
Not centered
around Sun
Towards the Center…
Mapping the Galaxy
Using Radio Waves
Cool Hydrogen Gas emits 21-cm light
 Map out spiral arms
Structure of Milky Way Galaxy
younger generation of stars
 contains gas and dust
 location of open clusters
mixture of both young & old stars
older generation of stars
 contains no gas or dust
 location of globular clusters
The Star–Gas–Star Cycle
Stellar Orbits in the Galaxy
Stars in the disk all orbit the
Galactic center:
in the same direction
in the same plane (like planets
orbit our sun)
they “bobble” up and down
due to gravitational pull from
the disk
this gives the disk its thickness
Stellar Orbits in the Galaxy
Stars in the bulge and halo all
orbit the Galactic center:
in different directions
at various angles to the disk
they have higher velocities
not slowed by disk as they
plunge through it
Spiral Arms
M 51
Galactic disk does not
appear solid
Spiral arms are not fixed
strings of stars which revolve
like the fins of a fan.
Spiral Arms
Caused by compression waves
which move around the disk.
• Increase density of matter at
M 51
density waves revolve at
different speed than individual
stars orbit Galactic center
Note how the spiral arms appear
bluer compared to the bulge or the
gaps between the arms.
Does the Milky Way have a Bar?
Mapping the Galaxy
Using IR light
Warm clouds of gas/dust locates star
formation sites in spiral arms
Where the new stars are….
Where the new stars are….
Views of the Center!
The Center in Radio & X-Rays
Although dark in visual light,
there are bright radio, IR, and
X-ray sources at the center of
the Galaxy, known as Sgr A*.
Radio Image of Center of Milky Way
“SNR” = Supernova Remnant
Sgr A = brightest radio source in Sagittarius
11 years of
in IR
6 stars
mass ~ 4
Million x
Mass of Sun
Mapping the Center - IR
Mapping the Center in IR
Use IR telescopes to measure orbits of fastmoving stars near the Galactic center.
One star passed within 1 light-day of Sgr A*
using Kepler’s Laws, mass = 2.6 million M
What can be so small, yet be so massive?
Mapping the Galaxy in X-Rays
Using X-rays
Highest energy
emissions from
center of galaxy
Black Hole
Chandra image of Sgr A*
Mapping the Galaxy in X-Rays
Chandra image of Sgr A*
Rapid flare rise/drop time (< 10 min)
Tiny emission region only 20 times the
size of event horizon of 2.6 million M
black hole.
Observations consistent w/
supermassive black hole at the center
of our Galaxy.
Energy from flare probably came from
a comet-sized lump of matter…torn
apart before falling beneath the event
Missing Mass?
The edges of the galaxy orbit center “too
fast” to stay attached using gravity from
mass we “see”.
So there must be more mass we *don’t*
see pulling as well?
Dark Matter (Missing Mass)
Key Terms
dark matter (missing mass)
disk (of a galaxy)
distance modulus
galactic cannibalism
galactic nucleus
halo (of a galaxy)
Milky Way Galaxy
missing mass
nebula (plural nebulae)
nuclear bulge
rotation curve (of a galaxy)
Sagittarius A
Shapley–Curtis debate
spin (of an electron or proton)
spiral arm
synchrotron radiation
21-cm radio radiation