Trending2014: An M&A Series

Date: May 25, 2016
Trending2014: An M&A Series
Trending2014: An M&A Series by Cassels Brock is a web-based series of videos that highlight trends in
Canadian law relating to both public and private mergers and acquisitions.
An Overview of Private M&A
In this video, partner Jake Bullen introduces the series and offers
insights into the general landscape of private Canadian M&A, including
related business and economic trends.
To learn about the current private M&A landscape in Canada, watch
Jake's videocast.
Governance Trends in M&A
In this video, partner Jane Murdoch looks at recent trends in
governance, including advance notice provisions, so-called "golden
leases" and enhanced quorum requirements.
To learn more about governance trends in M&A, watch Jane's
videocasts (Part 1 and Part 2).
Hostile M&A in Canada - An Update
In this video, partner Gordon Chambers provides an update on hostile
M&A bids in Canada during the first few months of 2014.
To learn more about the landscape of hostile M&A bids in Canada,
watch Gordons's videocast.
Acquisitions by Means of Restructuring & Insolvency Proceedings
In this video, partner Joseph Bellissimo discusses the options and
benefits of using formal restructuring or insolvency proceedings to
acquire the assets of a company that may be insolvent or on the brink of
To learn more about acquisitions by means of restructuring or
insolvency proceedings, watch Joseph's videocast.
Tips for Companies in the Face of Increased Shareholder Activism
In this video, partner Frank DeLuca discusses the rise of shareholder
activism and the need for a game plan to deal with what is now (and will
likely remain) a fairly constant part of public corporate life.
To learn tips for companies in the face of increased shareholder
activism, watch Frank's videocast.
Women on Boards
In this video, partner Eva Bellissimo discusses corporate governance
trends and specifically the issue of gender diversity and the
advancement of women on boards and in senior management positions.
To learn more about corporate governance trends and gender diversity,
watch Eva's videocast.
Asset and Share Purchase Agreements
In this video, partner Andrew Reback discusses tax related issues when
drafting asset purchase agreements and share purchase agreements.
To learn more about tax issues surrounding asset and share purchase
agreements, watch Andrew's videocast.
Labour and Employment Issues in the Due Diligence Process
In this video, partner Laurie Jessome looks at the employment and
labour issues that buyers should be aware of when conducting their due
diligence in connection with a proposed M&A transaction.
To learn more about how to spot and manage due diligence issues,
watch Laurie's videocast.
Six Basic Sources of Debt Finance for M&A Activity
In this video, partner Alison Manzer looks at the six primary alternative
markets that may be available for financing activity in M&A - this is
where the most interesting trends are emerging.
To learn more about current trends in debt financing, watch Alison's
videocast. You can also download her paper on the topic here.
Competition Act and Investment Canada Act in Canadian M&A
In this video, partner Chris Hersh looks at the Competition Act and
Foreign Investment Act as they relate to mergers and acquisitions in
To learn about current trends in Canadian competition and foreign
investment law, watch Chris' videocast.
Videos will be regularly released on a variety of topics related to M&A, including securities, tax, financial
services, employment and corporate governance.