Basic Skills Committee Minutes September 9, 2014

Basic Skills Committee
September 9, 2014
Attendees: Patricia Shannon (Chair), Carolyn Arnold (Co-Chair), Kate Dolorito and
Michael Robinson (Student Senate Representatives), Jennifer Lange, Matt Kritscher,
Hisako Hintz, Michael Thompson, Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Rani Nijjar, Deonne Kunkel
Call to Order: 12:05 PM
1. Good of Order
a. Student Success Conference
i. Passion Project submitted a presentation and was accepted. A
group is going to present.
ii. Have BSI money and could send more people. Trish – Do we need
to have criteria in place to determine eligibility with BSI funds?
1. Suggest Criteria
a. Is there a case for attending?
b. What is the person going to be doing with the
information gained from the conference?
2. Trish - How many requests will get funded? Group agreed
on 5.
b. Other Professional Development Opportunities
i. Handout - 3CSN Calendar of Workshops for 2014-15
1. Many of the dates fall Fridays
2. Jennifer – Could Chabot host some of the events that are
missing venues.
a. Action Item: Trish to inquire about possibility.
c. Other
i. Handout – (Untitled) Meeting dates with draft broad meeting
1. Trish – We need to assess where Chabot is at now
compared to 6 years ago in regards to basic skills
a. Items to consider BSI
i. May need to revise priorities
ii. Find any gaps
iii. Determine what is already getting funded
iv. What is BSI’s place and function among
shared governance?
b. Need to update the Charter and the committee’s
strategic plan, then take to Academic Senate for
2. Jennifer – Do we need a long meeting to discuss and
complete all of these items rather than doing these in 50minute meetings where not everyone will be at every
3. Trish - Maybe look to group some items for a long meeting
after October 1st to handle the re-visioning components.
Basic Skills Committee
September 9, 2014
Review of Minutes: Consensus to accept with the addition of the list of attendees added.
2. Presentations on Current Grants and Other Funding (Matt Kritscher)
a. Two types of funding to talk about
i. Grants
ii. Categorical
b. Categorical
i. Examples include EOPS, DSPS, CARE, CalWORKs
ii. Restricted general fund money
iii. About $100 million comes to district in total
c. Grants
i. Typically 2, 3, or 4 years of funding covering implementation and
ii. Sources include, but not limited to, Federal government agencies,
State agencies, Foundations, Non-Profit Organizations
iii. Chabot college is a Hispanic Serving Institution (HSI) with greater
than 30% of student body population Hispanic / Latino
1. However, did not get the HSI Grant
a. Will review feedback to revise future submissions
in hopes of getting awarded next time
d. Summary of Grants – See Table 1
e. Summary of Categorical Funding
1. Cutbacks of 30% to 40% in years past
2. AY13-14 brought money back previous levels
3. AY14-15 Augmentation for DSPS and EOPS
a. From $714,000 augmented to $1.4 million
b. Requires all students must go through core
counseling services
i. After 15 units completed by students they
must get comprehensive education plan
c. Will be recruiting a Degree Audit / Student Success
i. Will evaluate transcripts of transfers precounselor appointments
ii. Work on Access, Progress, and Completion
d. Daraja and Puente to receive funding for counselor
and other wrap-around services from SSSP
e. Could be used to assist with those services
embedded in new FYE pathways
4. Student Equity and SSSP committees have been combined
as goals are intertwined
a. Student Equity money amount in $836,000 to
Basic Skills Committee
September 9, 2014
b. Chabot working on formula to help with equitable
split between colleges
c. Main focus of Equity
i. Access
ii. Course Completions
iii. Basic Skills & ESL Completion
iv. Certificate / Degree / Transfer Completions
3. Agenda Items for Next Time
a. Student Equity Funding: What can and can’t be funded?
b. Are there holes that can’t be filled with current funding opportunities?
c. Handout: Logic Model from Basic Skills Initiative – review for next time
Adjourn: 12:55 PM