M i n u t e s May 12, 2009

Core Representatives
Michael Absher
Judy Young
Tom Clark
Jack Mahrt
Gerald Shimada
Dale Wagoner
Judy Young
Academic Senate
Michael Absher
Dan Raveica
Rachel Aziminia
Tim Dave
Faculty Association
Joseph Kuwabara
Classified Senate
Kari McAllister
Roger Noyes
Classified Union
Associated Students
Aldolf Agus
Rosie Mogle
May 12, 2009
2:00 - 3:30 p.m., Room 2345
Jack reported – if state proposal passes budget College will be cut
by 7mil in 09-10; 2 to 3 bil short in 08-09 for all CCCs;
Serious cut backs in 09-10.
Discussion on what other colleges were doing as a result of the
crisis –
No hourly hires.
Reduced certificated coordination & reassigned time.
Reduced adjunct faculty teaching assignments – impart on
courses offered.
Committee agreed to maintain the established budget allocation
process for 09-10 and focus on 4000, 5000 and 6000 accounts.
Bond funds are our only resource at this time. There are several
furniture, fixtures and equipment needs unfunded and may affect the
1 mil available to budget committee to allocate.
---Revisions: August 2008 (budget).
---Review monthly financial reports.
---Need to go over each month’s budget report to recap on financial
---College allocation model doesn’t exist.
---What is the current Chabot college allocation (how the money is distributed)?
---Dates, who’s doing what, committeesto President.
---Question: allocation- what is it? How can we make it better?
---Faculty replacements and new hires (stated in allocation model).
---Unit plans/program reviews.
Budget Committee – Minutes
May 12, 2009
Pg. 2
---Rosie- just received budget worksheet from District (due March 16).
---Revenues/special funds (Career Technical Education).
---Discussed 1.3 million committee allocation in Fall.
---Matriculation funds and flexibility spending possibilities.
---Review & develop the college allocation model.
---Identify funding resources & budget centers on campus.
---Alternative areas (childcare, cafeteria, bookstore) - enterprise.
---Dean advises or check website.
---Need blueprint of budget allocation model. Send out once a year (“new road
---Business website- spreadsheets available. E-mail around campus.
---Budget areas- on agenda for next meeting, send out, and get approved.
---Judy will make sure the core representatives are on the list, get approved.
Rosie will give to Bella.
---IT department - move from class web. If you aren’t on campus you can’t see it.
---Should it available off site?
---Do we want the minutes to be available on and off campus? (look for email
discussing this issue).
---Try to make communication better.
---Document imaging system should be a district wide priority.
---Celia attending various division meetings and discussed technology concerns.
---Tech committee was well represented at meeting.
---District IT- taking a lead role.
---Start process to change allocation model, etc.
---Need to know what we have in the budget before we can discuss how much
each group gets, etc.
---Roger announced that the Children Center will have fundraiser on March 25th
@ 6:30PM.in the Performing Art Center.
Next meeting: May 26, 2009