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Volume 5, Issue 3, October 12, 2015




• Majors in Minutes

• Student Resilience

• Advisor Development eLearning Course

• Meet a Peer Academic Advisor in Residence

• UNI Homecoming/Advisor In-Service

• Important Dates & Deadlines


• Welcome to the October 12, 2015 issue.

• We encourage any feedback regarding content and design. Please email david.marchesani@uni.edu with suggestions.

• Look for the link symbols to indicate text hyperlinks that will lead you outside the publication.

Majors in Minutes is coming October 27!

Majors in Minutes is a speed-dating approach to learning about majors that students might be interested in checking out. Maybe they are thinking about switching majors, adding a minor, or double-majoring! This is a great opportunity to ask questions from upperclass student representatives from each major. The best part is that students have the opportunity to learn about a new major every eight minutes! Go to as many major tables or as few as you’d like. Want more information? Check out the videos below to learn more about Majors in Minutes!

Click here for information on how it works!

Click here for information on how it can help!

Student’s Changing Emotional States Affecting Academics


Faculty are afraid of giving lower grades for how their students might interpret the grade. Students are more likely to seek out psychological counseling for what many may deem as everyday challenges. Parents are becoming more involved in their children’s lives after they have left the house than ever before. Universities are being held responsible for all aspects of their student’s lives. These are some of the realities that modern academic institutions are facing. Peter Gray (2015) argues that in order to move away from being a “helicopter institution”, faculty and staff must learn to finding the right balance between support and challenge. Gray (2015) and

Price-Mitchell (2015) offer the following suggestions:

•Allow students to experience failure. Do not hold their hand, but offer a supportive relationship.

•Hold students accountable for their work and success.

•Praise students for hard work, good grades, and success. But don’t make it all about the grades or easy triumphs.

•Sometimes helicopter parents are part of the problem. Educating and assuring parents that failing can build a stronger student and create resilience.

•Opportunities to discuss what resilience is and how it operates in everyday life can help students make connections between their own behaviors and actions and outcomes they want to accomplish.

Advisor Development eLearning Course

The new Advisor Development eLearning course provides advisors the core knowledge to successfully advise UNI students during their academic careers. This course is available to all undergraduate faculty and advisors through their eLearning site. There are two options available for this course:

1. Advisor Development Course

This option is designed for new and seasoned UNI advisors and faculty to enhance their academic advising skills and serve as a resource on specific advising topics. There are five Core Knowledge modules and several

Elective modules available through this option.

2. Advisor Development Certificate

This option allows faculty advisors to gain recognition for completing all five

Core Knowledge modules, at least three Elective modules, and fulfilling the following additional requirements: one year of advising experience at UNI, participation in the Fall New/Returning Advisor Workshop, Spring Campus

Advisor Workshop, and an optional advisor observation.

Meet a Peer Academic Advisor in Residence

Meet Josh! He’s the Rider Hall PAIR and a sophomore in

Accounting at UNI!

What is your favorite aspect of being a PAIR?

“The challenge. Everyone has something that makes their situation unique and it’s very fun to find a way to make everything fit together and work!”

Recommendations for students who are struggling?

“Use the resources around you! Holy cow do you know how many there are just dying to help you? There’s no problem you can have that someone at UNI can’t help you solve and I am here to help you find that someone!”

Contact Josh at RiderPAIR@uni.edu!


Susan Hill for more



Homecoming 2015

Homecoming week is October 12-17 this year! This year’s theme is Once Upon a Time. Make sure to stay up on all the festivities by visiting the Homecoming website!

Fall 2015 Faculty and Staff Academic Advisor In-Service

October 22, 2015

2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m.

Sabin 102 (Computer Lab)

Important Dates

10/12-10/17 Homecoming Week





New/Returning Faculty Academic Advisor In-Service,

2 p.m.-4 p.m.

Majors in Minutes, Maucker Union Ballroom, 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Fall 2015 Graduation Fair in the Old Central Ballroom in

Maucker Union, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.

Daylight Savings Time Ends

11/6-11/8 Family Weekend

11/11 Veteran’s Day





Last Day to Add Second Half-Semester Course for Credit

Last Day to Drop Second-Half Semester Course

without a “W”

Last Day to Drop Full-Semester Course without an “F”

Last Day to submit application for Fall 2015 Graduation





Office of Academic Advising

102 Gilchrist

Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0389

Phone: 319-273-3406

Fax: 319-273-7515

Email: advising-services@uni.edu

Advisor Contacts by College

Stay up-to-date on everything advising by visiting the Advisor Handbook at: http://www.uni.edu/advisorhandbook/

Content by Ashley Jones, Graduate Assistant
