Engineering 43 FETs-2 (Field Effect Transistors) Bruce Mayer, PE Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 1 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Learning Goals Understand the Basic Physics of MOSFET Operation Describe the Regions of Operation of a MOSFET Use the Graphical LOAD-LINE method to analyze the operation of basic MOSFET Amplifiers Determine the Bias-Point (Q-Point) for MOSFET circuits Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Load Line: Common Source Amp Shown below is typical “CommonSource” Amplifier circuit THE DC sources, VDD & VGG bias the MOSFET for Amp operation That is, the two DC sources set The Operating, or Q, Pt Now apply KVL to left loop vin t vGS VGG 0 or vGS vin t VGG Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Load Line: Common Source Amp Using the values given the Schematic vGS 1V sin 1000 2 t 4V Now KVL on Right Loop VDD RD iD vDS 0 or VDD RD iD vDS Rearranging 1 VDD iD vDS RD RD Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 4 Of form: y = mx + b Using given values 1 20 V iD vDS or 1 k 1 k iD 1 mSvDS 20 mA Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Load Line: Common Source Amp Thus the LoadLine Equation 1 20 V iD vDS 1 k 1 k Plot this on the FET vi Curve to determine the Operating Point Since this is a LINE need only 2-points • Intercepts are easy Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 5 Making a T-Table vDS iD 0 20 mA 20V 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Draw LoadLine on FET vi Curve VGG = VGS sets Q-Pt Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 6 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Max and Min Opp-Points The common source Amp is designed to Operate in the SATURATION Region. Recall the vGS Eqn vGS 1V sin 2000t 4V By sin behavior Pt - A 1V 4V 3V Pt - B vGS ,max 1V 4V 5V vGS ,min Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 7 Reading the vi-LL graph find (vDS,iD) co-ords • (vDSmin,iD) = (4V,16mA) – vGS = 5V • (vDSmax,iD) = (16V,4mA) – vGS = 3V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Voltage Swing The common source Amp is must stay in Saturation. For this nFET that means max & min vGS values of 5V & Vto give the 1V amplitude of the sin From Last Slide We calculated corresponding Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 8 Xmax/min values for vDS • vDS,min = 4V (vGS = 5) • vDS,max = 16V (vGS = 3) Note that the output direction is Opposite the Input direct The ckt produces a SATURATED output Voltage Swing of 4V−16V = −12V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Input and OutPut Compared Gate Excitation Note that OUTput peaks occur at INput Valleys → Inversion The ratio of the V-swings AS vDS Response Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 9 12 V 6 2V This is NOT the Gain 𝐴𝑣 = 𝑣𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑣𝑖𝑛 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx LoadLine Gain Notice • vGS: 4→3 – VDS: 11→16 (∆ = 5) • vGS: 4→5 – VDS: 11→4 (∆ = 7) Input Unequal ∆’s due to the NONlinear nature of MOSFETS; they are “Square-Law” devices • The iD lines in SAT are NOT evenly Spaced Output Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 10 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx LoadLine Gain Since the FET is NOT linear, 𝑣𝑂𝑈𝑇 is NOT directly proportional to 𝑣𝐼𝑁 , so we can NOT Define a true Gain Input “Small Signal” methods WILL allow us to define a true grain for the AC part of the voltage input • Requires Calculus – To “Linearize” ckt Output Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 11 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Common-Source Amp Analysis To analyze The Common-Source Amplifier we will do the following: 1. Perform DC analysis to find the bias, or Q, point; i.e., find the DC drain current and check that the transistor is in the saturation region) 2. Find circuit small-signal AC model (based on the bias point obtained) 3. Perform AC (small signal) analysis Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 12 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Saturation Slippery-Slope Must also take care that the small-signal input does NOT push the FET Out of Saturation at ANY Time. The vin-Amplitude and Bias-Pt Selection could • Drive the FET out of SAT and into TRIODE Operation • Drive the FET into CutOff (vGS < Vto) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 13 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx One-Supply Bias Circuit Usually only ONE supply voltage is available. In this case set VG with a voltage divider Use Thévenin At Gate Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 14 Using Thévenin Analysis at VG to relative to GND VG gnd Vth VGG VGG R1 VDD R1 R 2 Rth RG R1 ||R 2 R1 R 2 RG R1 R 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Bias-Pt Analysis by Thévenin ) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 15 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Digression: RG by Src DeAct 16 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Alternative Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis One-Supply Bias Circuit Replacing the left side of the ckt with its Thévenin equivalent Then the KVL Eqn for the Gate Loop 0 VG RG 0 v GS R S i D Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 17 The is NO V-Drop across RG as iG = 0 Thus VG R S i D v GS Recall the CS amp is designed to i D operate in Saturation which produces iD at this level i D K vGS Vto 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx One-Supply Bias Circuit If the Circuit has been properly Biased the FET is in SATURATION In Saturation iD is INdependent of vDS and equals, at the operating , or Q, point i DQ K v GSQ Vto 2 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 18 Recall the KVL eqn on the GATE Loop (now Assumed at the “Q” VG v GSQ point): i DQ RS Sub into SAT eqn V Gv GSQ RS i D K v GSQ Vto 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx One-Supply Bias Circuit Solve for vGSQ: V Gv GSQ K v GSQ Vto RS Or: V Gv GSQ RS K v GSQ Vto Introduce new Constant: U RS K Yields quadratic Eqn in vGSQ: 2 GSQ Uv 2 1 2UVto vGSQ UV VG 0 2 to Now Solve by MATLAB’s MuPAD Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 19 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx 2 vGSQ by MuPAD Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 20 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx One-Supply Bias Circuit Discarding the Negative Root find 2UVto 1 4U VG Vto 1 v GSQ 2U Then Find iDQ by subbing vGSQ from above into the gate KVL Eqn: i DQ Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 21 VG v GSQ RS Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx One-Supply Bias Circuit Solving the last two eqns yields iDQ and vGSQ • Beware that the parabolic iD eqn will produce an extraneous root – Discard the SMALLER root as SAT requires: vGS−Vto ≥ 0 vGS Vto i D K Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 22 The KVL eqn on ckt Right-Side 0 VDD iD R D i D v DS RS iD ReArranging v DS VDD R D R S i D Then with iDQ from before (MuPAD) v DSQ VDD R D R S i DQ Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Small Signal FET Model At the Operating Point the quantities are DC, and should be Noted in Upper case letters: Q - Pt VDSQ , I DQ If a small-amplitude ac signal is injected into the circuit the instantaneous quantity Eqns: Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 23 iD t I DQ id t vGS t VGSQ vgs t Where id and vgs are the small signal quantities A conceptual Diagram Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Small Signal FET Model Recall iD in SAT 2 i D K vGS Vto From last slide iD t I DQ id t Using this reln and expanding the IDQ+id eqn yields id 2 K V GSQVto vgs g m v gs vGS t VGSQ vgs t Subbing for iD & vGS Where gm is called 2 the “small signal I DQid K V GSQvgs Vto transconduce” for an Now the Q-Pt is also nMOSFET in Saturation so, 2 Again for IGFET I DQ K V GSQVto ig 0 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 24 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Small Signal FET Model These eqns describe the linear small signal operation in the Saturation region id g m v gs and ig 0 A graphical representation of the model Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 25 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx gm(Q) Usually a greater value of gm is better than a smaller one gm is a function of the Device “K” Parameter and the Q-Pt values Recall g m 2 K V GSQVto Also recall at Q-Pt Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 26 I DQ K V GSQVto 2 Or: V GSQVto I DQ K Thus g m 2 K I DQ K Simplifying: g m 2 KI DQ Recall from our MOSFET Construction Discussion W KP K L 2 • “KP” is single quantity Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx gm(Q) Using g m 2 KI DQ And W K L KP 2 Find W KP gm 2 I DQ L 2 Simplifying W g m 2 KP I DQ L Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 27 Thus to increase the transconductance of a KP-fixed MOSFET • Increase IDQ – Remember, Vswing must be entirely in the SATURATION region • Increase the W/L ratio – But this makes the transistor BIGGER; usually NOT desired Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Refined Small Signal Model The previous model assumed CONSTANT iD in Saturation Real MOSFETs exhibit an upward Slope in SAT: Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 28 Recall that a SLOPE on a vi Curve is effectively • A Conductance; G or g • An inverse Resistance 1/R or 1/r On a MOSFET this slope is called the “Drain Resistance, rd Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Refined Small Signal Model The KCL Equation for the model that accounts for the id g m v gs upward iD Slope in SAT The Graphical Representation vds rd vds Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 29 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx gm & rd by Calculus Start with Refined Model Equation id g m v gs vds rd ReCall ΔI Δi G & g V v • G & g in Siemens (amps per volt) Now let the ∆’s approach ZERO to make derivatives Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 30 Specifically find the slope of model eqn when vds = 0 id g m vgs 0 rd Thus di d gm g m: dvgs v 0 ds Note that the FET operates at the Q-Pt vDS VDSQ vds VDSQ 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx gm & rd by Calculus Again use dy y approx: dx x In the this case vds = 0 implies vDS = VDSQ so can approximate: ΔiD gm vGS v V DS DSQ This Eqn is an approximation of a derivation amongst iD, vGS and vDS Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 31 Again letting iD the ∆’s go g m vGS to zero Recall ΔV Δv R & r I i Now in the smallsignal eqn let vgs = 0 id g m 0 vds rd or id vds rd vgs 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Q Pt gm & rd by Calculus Solving vds this Eqn rd id for rd v gs 0 In this Case vGS VGSQ v gs VGSQ 0 Again use dy y approx: dx x Thus similar to before ΔvDS rd iD v V GS Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 32 Thus we can write a partial derivative for rd vDS rd 1 iD vDS Q Pt iD Q Pt Or, as stated in the Text Book 1 iD rd vDS gd Q Pt GSQ Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Example 12.3: Find gm & rd Q-Pt → (VDSQ, IDQ) = (10 V, 7.4 mA) Also VGSQ = 3.5 V Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 33 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Example 12.3: Find gm & rd Recall approx. ΔiD gm vGS vDS VDSQ In This Example VDSQ = 10 V Δi D gm vGS v 10V DS Make a t-Table when vDS = 10V • See vi Graph Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 34 vGS iD 4V 10.7mA 3V 4.7mA Thus • ∆vGS = (4 − 3) V = 1V • ∆iD = (10.7 − 4.7) mA = 6mA Then gm: 6 mA gm 6 mSiemens 1V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Example 12.3: Find gm & rd Recall approx. ΔvDS rd iD vGS VGSQ In This Example VGSQ = 3.5 V ΔvDS rd iD v 3.5V GS Make a t-Table when vGS = 3.5V • See vi Graph Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 35 vDS iD 4V 6.7mA 14V 8mA Thus • ∆vDS = (14 − 4) V = 10V • ∆iD = (8 − 6.7) mA = 1.3mA Then rd: 10 V rd 7.69 k 1.3 mA Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Example 12.3: Find gm & rd Q-Pt → (VDSQ, IDQ) = (10 V, 7.4 mA) ΔiD Also VGSQ = 3.5 V ΔvDS Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 36 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx All Done for Today Large Scale Resistance Challenge Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 37 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx All Done for Today 3 & 4 Connection nFET Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 38 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx Engineering 43 Appendix Bruce Mayer, PE Registered Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 39 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx DC Srcs SHORTS in Small-Signal In the small-signal equivalent circuit DC voltage-sources are represented by SHORT CIRUITS; since their voltage is CONSTANT, the exhibit ZERO INCREMENTAL, or SIGNAL, voltage Alternative Statement: Since a DC Voltage source has an ac component of current, but NO ac VOLTAGE, the DC Voltage Source is equivalent to a SHORT circuit for ac signals Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 40 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-12b_FETs-2_LoadLine_Analysis.pptx