Engineering 43 Super Node/Mesh Thevénin/Norton Bruce Mayer, PE Licensed Electrical & Mechanical Engineer Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 1 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx OutLine ReIterate NODE & LOOP/MESH Analysis by way of Examples SuperNode Method SuperMesh Technique Loops vs Meshes; describe difference Loop & Node Compared Introduction to Thevenin & Norton theorems Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx OutLine Thevénin theorem: RTH=RN & VTH=VOC Norton theorem: RN=RTH & IN=ISC Source Transformation Thevenin & Norton theorems for • INdependent Source Circuits by DeActivation • Dependent Source Circuits by VOC/ISC Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Node Analysis (find V by kCl) Example (On Board) 1. Define a GND Node 2. Label all Non-GND nodes not connected to a Source; i.e., the UNknown Nodes 3. Write the CURRENT Law Eqns at the Unknown Nodes using Ohm’s Law; I = ΔV/R 4. Clear Fractions by Multiplying by the LCD • Be sure to Include UNITS 5. Work the Linear Algebra to find Unknown Node Voltages Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 4 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 5 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 6 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 7 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop Analysis (find I by kVl) 1. Define a GND Node 2. Draw Current Loops or Meshes to • • NOT be Redundant Pass Thru ALL Circuit Elements Example (On Board) 3. Write the VOLTAGE Law Eqns For each Loop/Mesh usingNodes using Ohm’s Law; ΔV=RI 4. Divide by Eqns by the LCM of the I’s • Be sure to Include UNITS 5. Work the Linear Algebra to find Unknown Loop/Mesh Currents Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 8 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 9 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 10 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx ReCall Node (KCL) Analysis Need Only ONE KCL Eqn V2 V2 V3 V2 V1 0 6k 12k 12k The Remaining Eqns From the Indep Srcs 3 Nodes Plus the Reference. In Principle Need 3 Equations... V1 12[V ] V3 6[V ] Solving The Eqns 2V2 V2 V3 V2 V1 0 • But two nodes are connected to GND through voltage 4V2 6[V ] V2 1.5[V ] sources. Hence those node voltages are KNOWN Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 11 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx SuperNode Technique SUPERNODE Consider This Example Conventional Node Analysis Requires All Currents at a Node @ V1 @ V2 IS But Have Ckt V-Src Reln V1 IS 0 6k V I S 4mA 2 0 12k 6mA V1 V2 6[V ] More Efficient solution: 2 eqns, 3 unknowns... Not Good (IS unknown) • Recall: The Current thru the Vsrc is NOT related to the Potential Across it Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 12 • Enclose The Source, and All Elements In parallel, Inside a Surface. – Call That a SuperNode Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Supernode cont. SUPERNODE Apply KCL to the Surface V1 V2 6mA 4mA 0 6k 12k • The Source Current Is interior to the Surface and is NOT Required Still Need 1 More Equation – Look INSIDE the Surface to Relate V1 & V2 IS Now Have 2 Equations in 2 Unknowns Then The Ckt Solution Using LCD Technique • See Next Slide V1 V2 6[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 13 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Now Apply Gaussian Elim The Equations V1 V2 6mA 4mA 0 6k 12k (2) V1 V2 6[V ] (1) Mult Eqn-1 by LCD (12 kΩ) Use The V-Source Rln Eqn to Find V2 V2 V1 6[V ] 4[V ] SUPERNODE IS 2V1 V2 24[V ] V1 V2 6[V ] Add Eqns to Elim V2 3V1 30[V ] V1 10[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 14 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Is2 Find the node voltages And the power supplied By the voltage source R3 I V1 V2 R1 VS V R2 I s1 R1 R2 10k, R3 4k VS 20[V ], I s1 10[mA], I s 2 6[mA] V2 V1 20 V1 V 2 10mA 0 10k 10k V1 V2 20[V ] *10k V1 V2 100[V ] adding : 2V2 120[V ] V1 100 V2 40[V ] To compute the power supplied by the voltage source We must know the current through it: @ node-1 IV Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 15 V1 V V 6mA 1 2 5mA 10k 4k P 20[V ] 5[mA] 100mW BASED ON PASSIVE SIGN CONVENTION THE Bruce Mayer, PE POWER IS ABSORBED BY THE SOURCE!! • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Illustration using Conductances Write the Node Equations • KCL At v1 At The SuperNode Have V-Constraint • v2 − v3 = vA KCL Leaving SuperNode Now Have 3 Eqns in 3 Unknowns NOTE: 𝒗𝟏 ≠ 𝟎 ‼ • Solve Using Normal Techniques Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 16 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example SUPERNODE V3 12 Find 𝐼𝑂 Known Node Voltages V2 6V , V4 12V The SuperNode V-Constraint V1 V3 12V or V1 V3 12V Now use KCL at SuperNode to Find V3 Mult by 2 kΩ LCD, collect Terms to Find: Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 17 𝐼𝑂 = 6 −7V 2 kΩ = 643 μA Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example SUPERNODE Find Io Using Nodal Analysis Known Voltages for Sources Connected to GND Now Notice That V2 is NOT Needed to Find Io V1 6V , V4 4V The Constraint Eqn • 2 Eqns in 2 Unknowns 3V2 2V3 2V V3 V2 12V V2 V3 12V 3 Now KCL at SuperNode V2 6 V2 V3 V3 (4) 0 2k 2k 1 k 2 k 2 k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 18 From SuperNode and add eqns -----------------5V3 38V V3 7.6V By Ohm’s Law IO V3 7.6V 3.8mA 2k 2k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Dependent Sources Circuits With Dependent Sources Present No Significant Additional Complexity The Dependent Sources Are Treated As Regular Sources As With Dependent CURRENT Sources Must Add One Equation For Each Controlling Variable Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 19 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example – Dep Isrc Find Io by Nodal Analysis Notice V-Source Connected to the Reference Node V1 3V KCL At Node-2 V2 V1 V2 2I x 0 3k 6k Controlling Variable In Terms of V2 I Node Potential x 6k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 20 Sub Ix into KCL Eqn V2 V1 V2 V2 2 0 3k 6k 6k Mult By 6 kΩ LCD V2 2V1 0 V2 6V Then Io V1 V2 IO 1mA 3k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Current Controlled V-Source Find Io SuperNode Constraint V2 V1 2kIx Controlling Variable in Terms of Node Voltage V1 Ix 2k V1 2kIx V2 2V1 KCL at SuperNode 4mA V1 V 2mA 2 0 2k 2k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 21 Multiply by LCD of 2 kΩ V1 V2 4[V ] Recall 2V1 V2 0 Then 3V2 8V V2 8V 3 So Finally IO V2 4 mA 2k 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx ReCall MESH Analysis Use Mesh Analysis Mesh - 1 : I1 4mA Mesh - 2 : 4kI1 12kI 2 0 I2 I1 Sub for I1 to Find I2 I2 4 I1 16mA 4 mA 12 12 3 So Vo VO 6k I 2 VO 6k 1.333mA 8[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 22 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx SuperMeshes 1. Create Mesh Currents 2. Write Constraint Equation Due To Mesh Currents SHARING Current Sources I 2 I 3 4mA 3. Write Equations For Remaining Meshes I1 2mA SUPERMESH 4. Define A SuperMesh By AVOIDING The Shared Current with a Carefully Chosen Loop Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 23 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx SuperMeshes cont. 5. Write KVL For The SuperMesh as we do NOT know the VOLTAGE Across the 4 mA Current-Source 6 1kI3 2kI2 2k ( I 2 I1 ) 1k ( I 3 I1 ) 0 We Now have 3 Eqns in 3 Unknowns and the Math Model is Complete • SUPERMESH Solve for I1, I2, I3 using standard techniques KVL Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 24 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx SuperNODE vs SuperMESH Use superNODE to AVOID a V-source current, IVs, in KCL Eqns Use superMESH to AVOID an I-source, ΔVIs, in KVL Eqns 2mA 2K 1K Vx 4mA 12V 2K IOIO Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 25 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Shared Isrc General Loop Approach Strategy • Define Loop Currents That Do NOT Share Current Sources – Even If It Means ABANDONING Meshes For Convenience, Begin by Using Mesh Currents Until Reaching Shared CURRENT Source as V-across an I-source is NOT Known • At That Point Define a NEW Loop Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 26 I3 I1 I2 To Guarantee That The New Loop Gives An Independent Equation, Must Ensure That It Includes Components That Are NOT Part Of Previously Defined Loops Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx General Loop Approach cont. A Possible Approach • Create a Loop by Avoiding The Current Source The Eqns for Current Source Loops I1 2mA & I 2 4mA I1 I2 Note that 𝐼3 is NOT a Mesh Current The Eqns for 3rd Loop (3 Eqns & 3 Unknowns) I3 6[V ] 1kI3 2k ( I 3 I 2 ) 2k ( I 3 I 2 I1 ) 1k ( I 3 I1 ) 0 The Loop Currents Obtained With This Method Are Different From Those Obtained With A SuperMesh • A SuperMesh used Previously Defined Mesh Currents Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 27 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Game Plan 02Feb16 Skip to Slide 33 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 28 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example Find V Across R’s For Loop Analysis Note • Three Independent Current Sources • Four Meshes • One Current Source Shared By Two Meshes I S1 • Three Loop Currents Can Be Chosen Using Meshes And Not Sharing Any Source 29 R2 I2 IS2 R1 R3 Careful Choice Of Loop Currents Should Make Only One Loop Equation Necessary Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis I1 R4 I3 IS3 I 4 Mesh Equations For Loops With I-Sources I1 I S 1 I2 IS2 I3 I S 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx + VS Example Find V Across R’s cont. KVL for I4 Loop VS ( I 4 I 2 ) R3 ( I1 I 3 I 4 ) R1 ( I 3 I 4 ) R4 0 Solve For The Current I4 Using The ISj • Now Use Ohm’s Law To Calc Required Voltages V1 R1 ( I1 I 3 I 4 ) V2 R2 ( I 2 I1 ) V3 R3 ( I 2 I 4 ) V4 R4 ( I 3 I 4 ) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 30 I1 I S1 V4 V R2 R1 V1 R4 I3 I2 2 IS2 V3 R3 IS3 I 4 Note that Loop-4 does NOT pass thru ANY CURRENT-Sources • This AVOIDS the UNknown potentials across the I-sources Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx + VS Dependent Sources General Approach • Treat The Dep. Source As Though It Were Independent • Add One Equation For The Controlling Variable Example at Rt.: Mesh Mesh-3 by KVL Currents Defined by 1kIx 2k ( I 3 I1 ) 1k ( I 3 I 4 ) 0 Sources I1 4mA Mesh-4 by KVL VX I2 2k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 31 1k ( I 4 I 3 ) 1k ( I 4 I 2 ) 12V 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Dependent Sources cont. The Controlling Variable Eqns I x I4 I2 Vx 2 k ( I 3 I1 ) Combine Eqns, Then Divide by 1kΩ I1 4mA I1 I 2 I 3 0 I 2 3I 3 2 I 4 8mA In Matrix Form 0 I1 4 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 I 0 2 0 1 3 2 I 3 8 I 0 1 1 2 12 4 I 2 I 3 2 I 4 12mA Solve by Elimination Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 32 or Linear-Algebra Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared Consider the Ckt Find Vo by NODE Analysis • ID Nodes • Make a SuperNode Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 33 Vsrc to GND V4 4[V ] SuperNode V1 V2 2Vx Constraint Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared (2) Mult. By 1kΩ LCD KCL at SuperNode V2 V2 V3 V1 V3 V1 4V 2V or 2V1 2V2 2V3 6V The Node 3 KCL V3 V2 V3 V1 2mA 0 1k 1k Mult. By 1kΩ LCD The SuperNode Eqn 2mA V2 V2 V3 V1 V3 V1 4V 0 1k 1k 1k 1k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 34 V3 V2 V3 V1 2V or V1 V2 2V3 2V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared (3) The Controlling Var. Thus 3 Eqns in Unknowns V1, V2, V3 V1 V2 V3 3V V1 V2 2V3 2V V1 3V2 0 Vx V2 In SuperNode Eqn Recall the GOAL Vo V1 V3 V1 V2 2Vx V1 3V2 0 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 35 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared (4) Now by Loops I1 I2 I4 I3 The Mesh/Loop Eqns • Loop-1: I1 2mA • Loop-3: I 3 2mA • Loop-2: 2Vx 1kI2 1k I 2 I 3 0 – Note I3 = –2 mA Start with 3 Meshes Add a General Loop to avoid the rt Isrc Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 36 • Loop-4: 1k I 3 I 4 I1 2Vx 1kI4 4V 0 – Note I1 = 2 mA Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared (5) The Controling Var I1 I2 I4 I3 As Before Vx = V2 And V2 is related to the net current From Node-2 to GND Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 37 By Net Current & Ohm’s Law Vx 1kI1 I 3 I 4 SubOut Vx in Loop-2 & Loop-4 Eqns: 2Vx 1kI2 1k I 2 I 3 0 1k I 3 I 4 I1 2Vx 1kI4 4V 0 After Subbing Find: 4kI4 8V 2kI2 4kI4 6V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Loop & Node Compared (6) Summarize Loops Recall the GOAL Vo 1kI2 I2 Using The Loop/Mesh Eqns Find I1 2mA I 2 1mA I 3 2mA I 4 2mA Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 38 General Comments • Nodes (KCL) are generally easier if we have VOLTAGE Sources • Loops (kVL) are generally easier if we have CURRENT Sources Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Game Plan 09Feb16 File: ENGR-43_Lec02b_Sp16_SuperNM_TheveninNorton.pptx • Slides 40 → 76 ENGR-43_Lec02c_Sp16_MaxPwr_SuperPosition.pptx • Slides 1→30 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 39 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin’s & Norton’sTheorems These Are Some Of The Most Powerful Circuit analysis Methods They Permit “Hiding” Information That Is Not Relevant And Allow Concentration On What Is Important To The Analysis Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 40 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Low Distortion Power Amp to Match Speakers And Amplifier One Should Analyze The Amp Ckt From PreAmp (voltage ) To speakers Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 41 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Low Dist Pwr Amp cont To Even STAND A CHANCE to Match the Speakers & Amp We Need to Simplify the Ckt • Consider a Reduced CIRCUIT EQUIVALENT Replace the OpAmp+BJT Amplifier Ckt with a MUCH Simpler (Linear) Equivalent • The Equivalent Ckt in RED “Looks” The Same to the Speakers As Does the Complicated Circuit Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 42 RTH VTH + - Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin’s Equivalence Theorem LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A Driving Circuit RTH vTH i a vO b _ i a Load LINEAR CIRCUIT vO _ LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART B vTH = Thevenin Equivalent VOLTAGE Source RTH = Thevenin Equivalent Series (Source) RESISTANCE b PART B PART A Thevenin Equivalent Circuit for PART A Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 43 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Norton’s Equivalence Theorem LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A b _ RN a vO Driving Circuit iN i i a Load LINEAR CIRCUIT vO _ LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART B b iN = Norton Equivalent CURRENT Source RN = Norton Equivalent Parallel (Source) RESISTANCE PART B PART A Norton Equivalent Circuit for PART A Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 44 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Examine Thevenin Approach LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A i a vO _ b Driving Circuit For ANY Part-B Circuit The Thevenin Equiv Ckt for PART-A → ANY PART B Load RTH vO vOC RTH i • • V-Src is Called the THEVENIN EQUIVALENT SOURCE R is called the THEVENIN EQUIVALENT RESISTANCE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 45 vOC + _ + i vO _ A LINEAR PART-A MUST BEHAVE LIKE THIS CIRCUIT Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Examine Norton Approach LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A i a ANY PART B vO _ b In The Norton Case vOC vO vO vOC RTH i i RTH RTH vOC iSC RTH The Norton Equiv Ckt for PART-A → • i SC The I-Src is Called The NORTON EQUIVALENT SOURCE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 46 i a RTH vO Norton b A LINEAR PART-A MUST BEHAVE LIKE THIS CIRCUIT Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Interpret Thevenin & Norton Thevenin vOC i a RTH + _ + i In BOTH Cases vO _ RTH i SC RTH vO b Norton vOC RN iSC This equivalence can be viewed as a source transformation problem. It shows how to convert a voltage source in series with a resistor into an equivalent current source in parallel with the resistor • SOURCE TRANSFORMATION CAN BE A GOOD TOOL TO REDUCE THE COMPLEXITY OF A CIRCUIT Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 47 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Source Transformations Source transformation is a good tool to reduce complexity in a circuit ...WHEN IT CAN APPLIED • “IDEAL sources” are NOT good models for the REAL behavior of sources – .e.g., A Battery does NOT Supply huge current When Its Terminals are connected across a tiny Resistance as Would an “Ideal” Source + - RV VS a a These Models are Equivalent When b RV RI R RI b IS Improved model Improved model for voltage source for current source VS RI S Source X-forms can be used to determine the Thevenin or Norton Equivalent • But There May be More Efficient Methods Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 48 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx White Board → Source Xform Find 𝑉𝑂 By Source Transformation Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 49 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 50 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 51 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example Solve by Src Xform In between the terminals we connect a current source and a resistance in parallel The equivalent current source will have the value 12V/3kΩ The 3k and the 6k resistors now are in parallel and can be combined Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 52 In between the terminals we connect a voltage source in series with the resistor The equivalent V-source has value 4mA∙2kΩ = 8 V The new 2k and the 2k resistor become connected in series and can be combined Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Solve by Src Xform cont. After the transformation the sources can be combined The equivalent current source has value 8V/4kΩ = 2mA The Options at This Point 1. Do another source transformation and get a single loop circuit 2. Use current divider to compute IO and then Calc VO using Ohm’s law Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 53 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx PROBLEM Find VO using source transformation Norton Norton EQUIVALENT CIRCUITS I0 Or one more source transformation R eq Veq + - RTH 3 current sources in parallel and three resistors in parallel R3 VVeqTH Req I eq R4 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 54 Veq Req I eq V0 R4 Veq R4 R3 Req Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Source Xform Summary These Models are Equivalent + - RV VS a a RI b IS RV RI R VS RI S b I S R VS Improved model Improved model for voltage source for current source Source X-forms can be used to determine the Thevenin or Norton Equivalent Next Review Several Additional Approaches To Determine Thevenin Or Norton Equivalent Circuits Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 55 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Determine the Thevenin Equiv. vTH = OPEN CIRCUIT Voltage at A-B if Part-B is Removed and Left UNconnected iSC = SHORT CIRCUIT Current at A-B if Voltage at A-B is Removed and Replaced with a Wire (a short) Then by R = V/I Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 56 RTH vOC i SC Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Graphically... 1. Determine the Thevenin equivalent source 2. Determine the SHORT CIRCUIT current Remove part B and compute the OPEN CIRCUIT voltage Vab Remove part B and compute the SHORT CIRCUIT current I ab Then vTH Vab vOC RTH Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 57 One circuit problem LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A i 0 a Vab vOC _ _ b Second circuit problem LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A i SC v0 I ab _ i N I ab i SC vOC RN i SC a Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx b Thevenin w/ Indep. Sources The Thevenin Equivalent V-Source is computed as the open-loop or open-circuit voltage The Thevenin Equivalent Resistance CAN BE COMPUTED by setting to zero all the INDEPENDENT sources and then determining the resistance seen from the terminals where the equivalent will be placed R1 a a VS + - IS To Part B R2 b Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 58 R1 R2 RTH b Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Source DeActivation Setting a V-source to ZERO to produces a SHORT-Ckt as that is NO Voltage across the Source Setting an I-source to ZERO to produces an OPEN-Ckt as NO Current Flows Thru the Source Note that above applies ONLY to Ckts with ONLY Independent Sources Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 59 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Src DeActivation Graphically ← C 𝑅𝑇ℎ = 9/23 kΩ = 391Ω A ← Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 60 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx B Src DeActivation by WhtBd ID Nodes and Resistors C ○ ∆ A □ × □ ∆ ← B Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 61 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 62 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin w/ Indep. Sources cont Since the evaluation of the Thevenin equivalent 3k Resistance for INdependent-Source-Only circuits can be very simple, we can add it to our toolkit for the solution of circuits “Part B” RTH RTH 2k 3k 6k 4k “Part B” Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 63 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example Find Vo Using Thevenin’s Theorem Identify Part-B (the Load) Break The Circuit At the Part-B Terminals “PART B” DEactivate 12V Source to Find Thevenin Resistance • Produces a SHORT 6V 5k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 64 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example cont. Note That RTH Could be Found using ISC I tot I SC By Series-Parallel R’s Req 6 6 2 7.5k Then Itot I tot 12V 7.5k 1.6mA Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 65 Then by I-Divider 6 I SC 1.6mA 1.2mA 62 Finally RTH RTH VOC I SC 6V 1.2mA 5k • Same As Before Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example cont.2 Finally the Thevenin Equivalent Circuit 1[V ] And Vo By V-Divider 1k VO (6V ) 1[V ] 1k 5k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 66 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Let’s do this one on the WhtBoard Find: Vt & Rt A B Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 67 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 68 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 69 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 70 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example Use Thevenin To Find Vo Have a CHOICE on How to Partition the Ckt • Make “Part-B” As Simple as Possible “Part B” Deactivate the 6V and 2mA Source for RTH RTH Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 71 10 2 2 4 k 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example cont For the open circuit voltage we analyze the circuit at Right (“Part A”) Use Loop/Mesh Analysis I 2 2mA 6V 4kI1 2k ( I1 I 2 ) 0 Finally The Equivalent Circuit 6 2I 2 5 I1 mA mA 6 3 Then VOC VOC 4k * I1 2k * I 2 VOC 20 / 3V 4V 32 / 3[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 72 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx CALCULATE Vo USING NORTON 4k I RN IN I SC RN VO 2kI 2k I N RN 6k RN RTH 3k PART B 12V I SC I N 2mA 2mA 3k COMPUTE Vo USING THEVENIN 3 4 VO 2k (2mA) [V ] 9 3 PART B VTH RTH 7kΩ 6V + - 2k VTH 12 2mA 0 VTH 12 6 RTH 3k 4k 3k 73 VO VO VTH Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 2k 2 4 (6V ) [V ] 27 3 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx DEpendent & INdependent Srcs LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A RTH + - VTH i a vO _ b a RTH VOC I SC b VTH VOC Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 74 MUST Find The Open Circuit Voltage And Short Circuit Current Solve Two Circuits (Voc & Isc) For Each Thevenin Equivalent Any and all the techniques may be used; e.g., KCL, KVL, combination series/parallel, node & loop analysis, source superposition, source transformation, homogeneity Setting To Zero All Sources And Then Combining Resistances To Determine The Thevenin Resistance is, in General, NOT Applicable!! Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example Vb VX VTH Recognize Mixed sources • Must Compute Open Circuit Voltage, VOC, and Short Circuit Current, ISC The Open Ckt Voltage VTH VX Vb Use V-Divider to Find VX VX R 2 (2VS ) VS R 2R 3 VTH VX Vb VX (2 RaV X VS ) (1 2 Ra )( 2VS / 3) VS Solve for VTH VTH 1 4aR VX Vb VS 3 For Vb Use KVL (Sub VX) The Short Ckt Current Vb 2 R(aVX ) VS (1 4aR / 3)VS as : VX 2 3VS Now VTH = VX − Vb Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 75 • Note that Shorting a-to-b Results in a Single Large Node Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Va = Vb = V X Single node Example cont I SC VX Need to Find Vx KCL at Single Node Vx 2VS VX V Vs aVX X 0 2R R 2R Then RTH RTH Solving For Vx 3VS VX 4 2aR VOC VTH 4 R(2 aR) I SC I SC 3 The Equivalent Circuit R TH KCL at Node-b for ISC VX VS I SC aVX 2R 1 4aR I SC VS 4 R(2 aR) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 76 4 R ( 2 aR ) 3 a VTH 1 4aR VS 3 b Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx 09Feb16 STOP HERE Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 77 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Illustration “Part B” Use Thevenin to Determine Vo Partition Guidelines V1 • “Part-B” Should be as Simple As Possible • After “Part A” is replaced by the Thevenin equivalent should result in a very Constraint at SuperNode simple circuit V1 VOC 12 V1 12 VOC • The DEpendent srcs and their controlling variables KCL at SuperNode MUST remain together ' Use SuperNode to Find Open Ckt Voltage Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 78 (12 VOC ) (aI X ) 12 VOC VOC 0 1k 2k 2k Where : a 2 k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Illustration cont The Controlling Variable ' VOC IX 2k VOC Solving 3 Eqns for 3 Unknowns Yields At Node-A " VA 0 IX 0 36 36 find 2k 2k 4 (a / 1k ) 4 (2k / 1k ) V =0 → The Dependent A Now Tackle Source is a SHORT Short Circuit Current • Yields Reduced Ckt VA Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 79 1 || 2 2 3 k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Illustration cont Using the Reduced Ckt 12V I SC 18mA 1k || 2k Now Find RTH RTH VOC 6V 1 k I SC 18 mA 3 Finally the Solution RTH (a 2k ) Note: Some ckts can produce NEGATIVE RTH Setting All Sources To Zero And Combining Resistances Will Yield An INCORRECT Value Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 80 VOC 1k V0 VTH 1k 1k RTH V0 1 6V 18 V 2.3333 7 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example Find Vo using Thevenin Define Part-A Find VOC using SuperNode IX Super node V1 Apply KVL VTH 1000I X V1 0 VTH IX KVL V1 V1 (3V ) KCL : 1mA 0 2k 6k V1 (3 / 4)[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 81 With The Controlling Variable Find V1 IX 2k VTH (3 / 8)[V ] Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example cont Next The Short Circuit Current V 1000 I 1 1 1 X V11 MINUS 3V 1 V I 1X 1 V11 2kI1X 1kI1X 2k Using VOC & ISC The ONLY Value That Satisfies the Above eqns RTH R TH KCL at Top Node • Recall Dep Src is a SHORT 1k + 750 VTH I SC 1mA (3V ) /(6k ) 0.5mA V0 82 3 8 V 3 k VOC I SC 1 2 ma 4 The Equiv. Ckt I 1X 0 V11 0 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis I SC I 1X + - 2k 375mV 2 (3 / 8)[V ] 2 1 (3 / 4) Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx VO _ Note on Example The Equivalent Resistance CanNOT Be Obtained By DeActivating The Sources And Determining The Resistance Of The Resulting InterConnection Of Resistors • Suggest Trying it → Rth,wrong = 2.5 kΩ – Rth,actual = 0.75 kΩ Req Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 83 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx EXAMPLE: Find Vo By Thevenin Select Partition Use Meshes to Find VOC “Part B” KVL for V_oc By Dep. Src Constraint VX' 2kI1 2kI1 4k ( I1 I 2 ) I1 4mA Now KVL on Entrance Loop In The Mesh Eqns VX' I1 ; I 2 2mA 2000 0 VOC 2k * I1 3[V ] The Controlling Variable ' V ' X VX 4k I1 I 2 4k I 2 2k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 84 Solve for VOC VOC 2k 4mA 3V 11V Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Find Vo By Thevenin cont Now Find ISC The Mesh Equations I1 I1 I sc " x V ; I 2 2mA 2000 3V 2k ( I SC I1 ) 0 The Controlling Variable VX" 4k * ( I1 I 2 ) Solving for I1 Find Again I2 Then Thevenin Resistance VOC 11[V ] RTH 2k I SC (11 / 2)mA Use Thevenin To Find Vo I1 4mA Find ISC by Mesh KVL 3V 2k * I1 11 I SC mA 2k 2 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 85 RTH VTH V0 6k 11[V ] 33 4 V 2k 6k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx The Merthod for Mixed Sources V Illustration VTH VOC , RTH Linear Model for Transistor R1 Vx vS R2 + - a b I SC RTH VTH + - b Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 86 VTH I R3 R3 g mVx R3 Vx RR R2 vS VTH g m 3 2 vS R1 R2 R1 R2 For the Short Ckt Current I SC a RTH I SC The Open Ckt Voltage R3VTH g mVx OC VOC I SC R2 g mVx g m vS R1 R2 R2 g m vS R3 R1 R2 R3 R2 g m vS R1 R2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Problem 2K 2K + 6V 2K Vo 2K 4mA - • Find Vo by Source Transformation Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 87 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx All Done for Today More on Source Xforms Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 88 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example Find Vo Using Thevenin’s Theorem Alternative: apply Thevenin Equivalence to that part (viewed as “Part A”) Deactivating (Shorting) The 12V Source Yields RTH 2 6 3 4k in the region shown, could use source transformation twice and Opening the Loop at the reduce that part to a Points Shown Yields single source with a 6 resistor. VOC VTH 12[V ] 8[V ] 3 6 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 89 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example cont. Then the Original Circuit Becomes After “Theveninizing” 1 VTH For Open Circuit Voltage Use KVL 1 VTH 4k * 2mA 8V 16V Result is V-Divider for Vo Apply Thevenin Again Deactivating The 8V & 2mA Sources Gives R1TH 4k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 90 8 V0 16[V ] 8V 88 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Example Alternative Can Apply Thevenin only once to get a voltage divider • For the Thevenin Resistance Deactivate Sources “Part B” RTH 8k For the Thevenin voltage Need to analyze this circuit Find VOC by SuperPosition Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 91 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Thevenin Alternative cont. Open 2mA Source To find Vsrc Contribution to VOC 1 OC V 6 12V 8V 3 6 Short 12V Source To find Isrc Contribution to VOC 2 VOC (2k 6k 3k ) * (2mA) 8V Thevenin Equivalent of “Part A” A Simple Voltage-Divider as Before Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 92 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example Find Vo To Start I S1 V1 • Identify & Label All Nodes • Write Node Equations • Examine Ckt to Determine Best Solution Strategy Notice V0 V1 V2 Need Only V1 and V2 to Find Vo Known Node Potential @V3 : V3 VS1 12[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 93 V4 R1 IS2 R2 V2 VO V3 R3 R4 IS3 + VS 1 R1 = 1k; R2 = 2k, R3 = 1k, R4 = 2k Is1 =2mA, Is2 = 4mA, Is3 = 4mA, Vs1 = 12 V Now KCL at Node 1 V1 V2 V1 @ V1 : I S1 0 R1 R4 V1 V2 V1 2[mA] 0 1k 2k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example cont. V4 At Node 2 I S1 V V V V V V V @ V2 : I S 3 2 1 2 3 2 4 0 1 R1 R3 R2 V V V 12 V2 V4 4[mA] 2 1 2 0 1k 1k 2k IS2 R2 R1 V2 VO V3 R3 R4 IS3 + VS 1 At Node 4 V4 V2 @ V4 : I S1 I S 2 0 R2 R1 = 1k; R2 = 2k, R3 = 1k, R4 = 2k Is1 =2mA, Is2 = 4mA, Is3 = 4mA, Vs = 12 V V4 V2 2[mA] 4[mA] 0 2k To Solve the System of Equations Use LCD-multiplication and Gaussian Elimination Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 94 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example cont. The LCDs *2kΩ V1 V2 V1 3V1 2V2 4[V ] (1) 2[mA] 0 1k 2k *2kΩ V2 V1 V2 12 V2 V4 2V1 5V2 V4 32V ] (2) 4[mA] 0 1k 1k 2k V4 V2 2[mA] 4[mA] 0 2k *2kΩ V2 V4 4[V ] (3) Now Add Eqns (2) & (3) To Eliminate V4 2V1 4V2 36[V ] V1 2V2 18[V ] (4) Now Add Eqns (4) & (1) To Eliminate V2 2V1 22[V ] V1 11[V ] BackSub into (4) To Find V2 11[V ] 2V2 18[V ] V2 14.5[V ] Find Vo by Difference Eqn V0 V1 V2 11[V ] 14.5[V ] 3.5[V ] Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 95 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Complex SuperNode supernode Write the Node Eqns Set UP V2 R4 R2 V1 + + - Nodes Connected To Reference Through A Voltage Source R5 + - R1 • Identify all nodes • Select a reference • Label All nodes V3 V4 V5 R3 R6 Eqn Bookkeeping: • • • • Voltage Sources In Between Nodes And Possible Supernodes KCL@ V3 KCL@ SuperNode 2 Constraint Equations One Known Node • Choose to Connect V2 & V4 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 96 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx R7 Complex SuperNode cont. Now KCL at Node-3 supernode V3 V2 V3 V4 V3 0 R4 R5 R7 Now KCL at Supernode V2 • Take Care Not to Omit Any Currents Vs2 R1 + - R2 V1 Vs1 R4 V3 Vs3 + - + - R5 V4 V5 R3 R6 V2 V1 V5 V1 V5 V4 V4 V3 V2 V3 0 R1 R2 R3 R6 R5 R4 Constraints Due to Voltage Sources V1 VS1 V2 V5 VS 2 V5 V4 VS 3 5 Equations 5 Unknowns → Have to Sweat Details Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 97 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx R7 Dep V-Source Example Find Io by Nodal Analysis Notice V-Source Connected to the Reference Node V3 6V SuperNode Constraint V1 V2 2Vx Controlling Variable in Terms of Node Voltage Vx V2 V1 3V2 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 98 KCL at SuperNode Mult By 12 kΩ LCD 2(V1 6) V1 2V2 V2 6 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Dep V-Source Example cont Simplify the LCD Eqn 3V1 3V2 18V and 3V2 V1 4V1 18V V1 4.5V By Ohm’s Law V1 9V 3 Io mA 12k 24k 8 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 99 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example Problem 3.46 (6th Ed) Determine VO Select Soln Method + • Loop Analysis VS – 3 meshes – One current source + - I2 4k I3 • Nodal Analysis 6k 2k IS – 3 non-reference nodes – One super node 2k _ I1 IS = 2mA, VS = 6V • Both Approaches Seem Comparable → Write Loop Eqns for Select LOOP Analysis Meshes 1, 2, 3 by KVL I1 I S – Specifically Choose VS 4k ( I 2 I 3 ) 2k ( I 2 I1 ) 0 MESHES Select Mesh Currents Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 100 VO 2k ( I 3 I1 ) 4k ( I 3 I 2 ) 6kI3 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example cont Problem 3.46 (6th Ed) We Seek Vo, Thus Using Ohm’s Law Need only Find I3 Simplify: Divide Loop Eqns by 1kΩ • I Coeffs Become NUMBERS • Voltages Converted to mA Note That I1 = IS and Sub into Loop Eqns Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 101 Determine VO + VS + - I2 4k I3 6k VO 2k IS 2k _ I1 IS = 2mA, VS = 6V Substitute into The Remaining Loop Eqns • See Next Slide Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example cont.2 Problem 3.46 (6th Ed) Determine VO The Loop-2 and Loop-3 Eqns + VS 6 I 4 I 2 I ( 6 4 ) mA 2 3 1 2 1k 4 I 2 12 I 3 2 I S 4mA 3 and Add ----------------------------32 28 I 3 10 2 4 3 I 3 mA 28 VS + - I2 4k I3 2k IS 2k _ I1 IS = 2mA, VS = 6V Then by Ohm’s Law V 8 48 VO 6kI3 6 k mA V A 7 7 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 102 6k VO Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Find Vo- Compare Mesh vs. Loop Using MESH Currents Using LOOP Currents Treat The Dependent Source As One More Voltage Source Mesh-1 & Mesh-2 Loop-1 & Loop-2 2Vx 2kI1 4k ( I1 I 2 ) 0 3 6kI2 4k ( I 2 I1 ) 0 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 103 2Vx 2k ( I1 I 2 ) 4kI1 0 2Vx 2k ( I1 I 2 ) 3 6kI2 0 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Compare Loop vs. Mesh cont. Using MESH Currents Using LOOP Currents Now Express The Controlling Variable In Terms Of MESH or LOOP Currents Vx 4kI1 Vx 4k ( I1 I 2 ) Solving 2kI1 4kI2 0 6kI1 6kI2 0 4kI1 10kI2 3 6kI1 8kI2 3 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 104 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Compare Loop vs. Node cont. Using MESH Currents I1 3mA, I 2 1.5mA Using LOOP Currents Solutions Finally I1 1.5mA, I 2 1.5mA VO 6kI 2 9[V ] Notice The Difference Between MESH Current I1 and LOOP Current I1 even Though They Are Associated With The Same Path Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 105 The Selection Of LOOP Currents Simplifies Expression for Vx and Computation of Vo Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Dep Isrc Not Shared by Mesh Treat The Dependent Source As A Conventional Source Equations For Meshes With Current Sources Then KVL on The Remaining Loop (I3) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 106 Express The Controlling Variable, Vx, In Terms Of Loop Currents Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Dep Isrc Not Shared by Mesh Asked to Find Only Vo • Need Only Determine I3 The Dep Src Eqns Vx Vx 2kI1 2000 I1 2 I 2 4mA Vx 4 k ( I1 I 2 ) I1 From KVL Eqn for I3 Thus 33 VO 6kI3 V 4 11 8kI3 3 2kI1 I 3 mA 8 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 107 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Find Vo Using Mesh Analysis I1 Draw the Mesh Currents Write KVL Mesh Eqns For Mesh-1 & Mesh-2 2kIx 2kI1 4k ( I1 I 2 ) 0 I2 Controlling Variable In Terms Of Loop Currents I x I2 12 2kI2 4k ( I 2 I1 ) 0 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 108 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Find Vo Using Mesh Analysis cont I1 Substitute & Collect Terms 6kI1 6kI2 0 4kI1 6kI2 12 2kI1 12 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 109 I2 Solve for I2 24 6kI2 12 I 2 6mA Finally Vo VO 2kI2 12[V ] Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Problem 1K + 12V 1K 2IX 1K 1K IO IX VO - Find the OutPut Voltage, VO Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 110 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 111 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Outline of Theorem Proof Consider Linear Circuit → Replace vo with a SOURCE If Circuit-A is Unchanged Then The Current Should Be The Same FOR ANY Vo (Source or Rat’sNest Generated) Use Source SuperPosition • 1st: Inside Ckt-A OPEN all I-Src’s, SHORT All V-Srcs – Results in io Due to vo • 2nd: Short the External V-Src, vo – Results in iSC Due to Sources Inside Ckt-A Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 112 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Theorem Proof Outline cont. Graphically the Superposition iO All independent sources set to zero in A iSC Then The Total Current i iO iSC Now DEFINE using V/I for Ckt-A RTH vO iO Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 113 Then By Ohm’s Law i iO iSC or vO i iSC RTH Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Theorem Proof Outline cont.2 Consider Special Case Where Ckt-B is an OPEN (i =0) For i 0 : vO vOC vOC 0 iSC RTH The Open Ckt Eqn Suggests v v iSC OC and RTH OC RTH iSC Also recall i 0 Think y = mx + b How Do To Interpret These Results? • vOC is the EQUIVALENT of a single Voltage Source • RTH is the EQUIVALENT of a Single Resistance which generates a Voltage DROP due to the Load Current, i 114 vOC vO vO vOC i iSC vO RTH i vOC RTH RTH RTH Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Theorem Proof –Version 2 LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART A i a vO _ b LINEAR CIRCUIT May contain independent and dependent sources with their controlling variables PART B 1. Because of the LINEARITY of the models, for any Part B the relationship between vO and the current, i, has to be of the form vO m i b (Linear Response) 2. Result must hold for “every valid Part B” 3. If part B is an open circuit then i=0 and... b vO vOC 4. If Part B is a short circuit then vO is zero. In this case vOC 0 m iSC b m RTH or vO RTH i vOC iSC Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 115 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example Find Thevenin Equiv. R1 VS IS + - VTH R2 a I SC To Part B b Find VTH by Nodal Analysis: Iout = 0 VTH VTH VS IS 0 R2 R1 ( V 1 1 )VTH S I S R1 R2 R1 VTH R2 R1 R2 VS IS R1 R2 R1 R2 VTH R1 R2 VS I S R1 R2 R1 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 116 Part B is irrelevant. The voltage Vab will be the value of the Thevenin equivalent source. For Short Circuit Current Use Superposition When IS is Open the Current Thru the Short I VS R1 1 SC When VS is Shorted the Current Thru the Short I 2 SC IS Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example – Find Thevenin cont R1 VS + - VTH IS R2 Find the Total Short Ckt Current VS I SC I S R1 a I SC To Part B b Find Thevenin Resistance RTH VTH I SC Then RTH RTH R1 R2 R1 R2 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 117 To Find RTH Recall R1R2 VS I S VTH R1 R2 R1 In this case the Thevenin resistance can be computed as the resistance from a-b when all independent sources have been set to zero • Is this a GENERAL Result? Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example Find Vo Using Thevenin’s Theorem “PART B” First, Identify Part-B Deactivate (i.e., Short Ckt) 6V & 12V Sources to Find RTH Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 118 RTH RTH 3k || 6k 2k Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Numerical Example cont. Use Loop Analysis to Find the Open Circuit Voltage I VOC 9kI 18[V ] I 2mA 0 VOC 3kI 12 VOC 6[V ] The Resulting Equivalent Circuit Finally the Output 4 VO (6V ) 3[V ] 44 RTH 2k 2k VTH 6V 4k Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 119 VO Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example I2 I1 KVL + - Xform RTH VTH VTH Deactivate Srcs for RTH RTH RTH 3R || 3R 1.5R Use Loops for VTH I 1 I S VS 5R( I1 I 2 ) RI 2 0 VTH RI 2 2R( I1 I 2 ) Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 120 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx Example cont. OR, Use Superposition to Find Thevenin Voltage First Open The Current Source VS 1R 2 R 1 VTH VS 2 1R 2 R 3R Next Short-Circuit the Voltage Source • Using I-Divider IS I1 + R V2TH 3R I2 2R _ KVL 5 I1 I S 6 1 I2 IS 6 Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 121 Find Isrc Contribution by KVL 2 1 VTH RI 1 2 RI 2 Add to Find Total VTH 1 VTH VTH VTH2 VTH VS RI S 2 2 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx 2 RI S WhiteBoard Work Let’s Work This Problem 2K 2K + 6V 2K Vo 2K 4mA - • Find Vo by Source Transformation Engineering-43: Engineering Circuit Analysis 122 Bruce Mayer, PE • ENGR-43_Lec-02b_SuperNM_Thevenin-Norton.pptx