• Data Importation HomeWork 04 ENGR/MATH/PHYS-25 Problem-1

HomeWork 04 • Data Importation
1. Go To the ENGR25 WebPage and locate the MSExcel SpreadSheet File ENGR25_HW04_AREA90_Data.xlsx
2. Load the Spreadsheet file onto your MATLAB-Capable Computer
3. Import the spreadsheet file into MATLAB
4. Use MATLAB to calculate the MEAN, or average, value for each COLUMN
1. Go To the ENGR25 WebPage and locate the Comma Separated Value Data-File
2. Load the data file onto your MATLAB-Capable Computer
3. Import the data into MATLAB
 Each Column contains 255 data values
 The Data Column Identification
 Col-1 → Time in seconds
 Col-2 → Electrical Potential (lo) in volts
 Col-3 → Electrical Potential (hi) in volts
4. Take the mean of the corresponding Col-2 and Col-3 row-values to create a column-vector
of average potentials that correspond to each time data-value.
5. Create a Plot of the Average-Potential vs time.
 Properly Label and Title the Plot.
© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • Document1 • Page 1
1. Go To the ENGR25 WebPage and locate the .txt Data-File
2. Load the data file onto your MATLAB-Capable Computer
3. Import the data into MATLAB
 The Data Column Identification
 Col-1 → WaveNumber in WaveLengths per CentiMeter
 Col-2 → Raman Spectroscopic Intensity in Arbitrary Units (A.U.)
4. Create a Plot of the Raman Intensity vs WaveNumber.
 Properly Label and Title the Plot.
1. Go To the MathWorks WebSite and view this instructional video:
2. Go To the ENGR25 WebPage and locate the .xlsx Data-File PR960404_T_vs_x_data.xlsx
3. Import the Data into MATLAB
 The Data Column Identification
 Col-B → Distance in inches
 Col-C → Temperature in °C
4. Calculate the spatial gradient (spatial derivative) using the MATLAB Code Fragment shown
5. Create a Plot of dT/dx vs x
 Properly Label and Title the Plot.
diffT = diff(TempTC);
diffx = diff(Distancexin);
dTdx = diffT./diffx;
plot(Distancexin(2:573),dTdx, 'LineWidth', 2)
Figure 1 • Code Fragment for Use with Problem-4
© Bruce Mayer, PE • Chabot College • Document1 • Page 2