Terri Werdmuller Industrial Engineer, MBA

Terri Werdmuller
Industrial Engineer, MBA
My Path…
• 1 year study abroad
– Lived in Denmark and completed a 5th year of high
– Learned a new language, traveled around Europe with
my classmates and host family
– Had no choice but to learn to “mesh” and live with a
different family, culture, friends, perspectives on the
– I realized how small my
world was and how huge the
real world is
My Path…
• 2 years at Cabrillo Junior College
– Completed most of my general ed- Calculus,
Physics, Chemistry, English/writing, History, etc
– Smaller classes, figured out “office hours”,
learned there are a lot of really smart people in
the world and eng professors are a bit odd…
– Figured out how to blend work, sports and studies
Dr. Wei Mei Gaspari – Physics
Could not understand a word
She said, literally and figuratively.
Dr. Sue Broadston – Physics
Lived in a permanent happy
world and found excitement in EVERYTHING!
My Path…
• 3 years at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo
– BS Industrial Engineering with a minor in Fine Arts
• Engineering for my career, fine arts because I loved it
• Chose industrial engineering because it sounded the
most interesting
• Took me a FULL 3 years with full loads and summer
• Worked part time in the food service dept. Why? Free
meal for every shift I work…
– Summer intern-ship with an aluminum extrusion
• First experience in a truly industrial environment…
• Showed me first hand the passion someone can truly have
for their work and the opportunities it provides to them
– “Dan” could barely read and write, missing 1 front tooth and the
other was gold, but he loved his job and could build/create
anything you needed with his hands
My Path…
• Mfg Engineering job with Watkins-Johnson in Scotts
Valley, Ca.
– A professor, Dr. Balasubramanian was doing consulting for
them and providing free student labor thru class projects
– I snuck in on a class project tour to “check the place out”
and then sent them a cold call letter looking for potential
job opportunites. I’m sure a good recommendation from
Dr. Bala was probably the key factor to me getting a job
with them….
• 3 years at Santa Clara University
– MBA program, 2 nights a week while working
full time at my job since they were paying for
my school
– Group projects and study sessions every
Weekend, basically NO LIFE
Transfer Student Life
• Missed out on dorm life, but I was okay with that
– Been to summer camp as a kid and felt the dorms would be the
– I missed out on creating deep & lasting friendships
• Wish I had joined more clubs in my first year
– At first I viewed the “clubbers” as nerds or a
little weird, but soon realized I too was a nerd….
– I missed a lot of opportunity to connect with the
community, industry and to learn from experts
• Went away to school with a boyfriend at home, it worked
for us- but not sure I would recommend it….
– Missed out on some of the college social experiences since I was
going home quite often on weekends or he was visiting me
– Limited my willingness of where to live after graduation and
therefor my job opportunities
• Hard Work
College Survival
– I was not a text book smart student, but I was a disciplined
hardworking student
– To learn it, I had to try it, do it, picture it, practice it
• Office Hours
– I survived by taking full advantage of professor office hours
– Professors want to help students that are serious and eager to succeed
– Established a relationship with professors, I ACCEPTED THEIR HELP!!!
• Creates opportunities for projects, internships, jobs, learning and
• Study groups / Project groups
– Find a small group of students in your major or similar field that you
really click with
– Take classes together, especially the tough ones• Physics, circuits, programming, etc
• Top Ramen, my bicycle and The Goodwill….
Student Life
“The foolish man learns nothing from anyone, the
wise man learns something from everyone”
• Look for opportunities for mentoring by professors,
industry experts, teacher aides, bosses, etc.
– Grant work, intern-ships, industry projects
– Explore your interests, understand your strengths, be open to
listening and trying
• My high school aptitude test recommended that I become a
plumber. At the time I thought it was ridiculous, but looking
back it was pretty accurate….
• Remember Aptitude ≠ Job Title
• After school, you will likely never have the opportunity or
time to learn so many things from so many great people
CARPE DIEM = the enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without
concern for the future
Realize Your Priorities
• There is no such thing as EQUAL or BALANCED
priorities in your life
– Human nature ALWAYS has a top #1 followed by a #2,
#3, etc in priorities
– Figure out your priorities and stick to them
• When faced with a decision, what forms or drives your
– The key is to ensure you have your priorities in the
correct order for you
• School? Social? Health/fitness? Work? Money?
– They change with time and circumstances
• Revisit and remind yourself often of what your priorities are
and why
Success in College
Yes, it is good grades – but there is more!
• It is important to “learn how to learn”
– Learn how to solve a problem, where to start?
– Learn how to step back and review or take in a situation
and come up with a viable solution
– Learn how to fail and how to struggle, learn to persevere
– Learn how to succeed in a group or on a team, how to
handle disagreement, gain buy-in, communicate with tact
– Learn how to follow-thru, meet commitments and be
– Learn that it is ok to admit you don’t know, learn to let
others teach you
– For some of us – “C” = Complete & “D” = Done…. (No, I
did not get a “D” in college)
Career Tips – The 4 C’s
– Written communication
• PROPER GRAMMER, SPELLING, succinct emails
• Emails and texts can easily be misinterpreted
• If the topic is emotional, write your email but DON’T send it right
away. Take a break, come back to it later and re-read/re-write it prior
to sending. Once sent, it is too late
• Pay attention to who is on “CC”
– Verbal communication
• Eye contact, firm hand-shake, confident posture, confirmation that
you heard and understood what was said
– Reply/confirm
• When you receive an email with actions, or a request for action
ALWAYS confirm back that you got it and what is the status
• Provide real time updates, don’t wait until the deadline to say that
you are going to be late or that you have a question
– Always communicate with respect and politeness
• The job world is VERY SMALL, each industry is even SMALLER
Career Tips – The 4 C’s
– Provide a true and real commitment
• Never give an unrealistic commitment because that is what you
think the person wants to hear
• Push yourself but be honest with what you can do
– When you give a commitment, do whatever is needed to
make your commitment
• Others on the project or in various parts of the company are
depending on you to complete your portion / your commitment
• If it truly is not possible then provide an update/status as soon as
you know. Don’t wait until the day of to say you are going to be
– Never ask/expect someone else to so something that you
would not be willing to do yourself
• If above and beyond is called for, show your support by
participating as well
Career Tips – The 4 C’s
Customers – every job function has at least one
– Get your hands dirty, know your customer
• Who, What, When, Where, Why, How
Don’t debate or argue, just listen and understand
• Life is more than your cubicle!! Get out from behind
your desk and go learn from the “do-ers”
• The folks on the floor in production,
laboratories, quality, receiving,
shipping, etc are very wise on the
realities of what works, what does not
work, what is smart and what is
Learn from them, they will keep you
from doing the stupid and the dumb
Career Tips – The 4 C’s
Life begins at the end your comfort zone!!
– Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges
and learn new skills