Observation Notes

Observation Notes
Providing exemplary supervision in diverse
environments to develop collaborative professional educators.
Standard 1: Learner Development
a, Understands how learners grow & develop
b. Recognizes that patterns of learning and
development vary individually within and across
the cognitive linguistic, social, emotional and
physical areas.
c. Designs and implements developmentally
appropriate and challenging learning environments.
Name: __________________________________ Date: ____/____/____ Time: ___: ___ am/pm
Class(es) or Activities Observed: ______________________________________________
Things that went well:
Things to think about:
Standard 2: Learner differences
a. Uses understanding of individual differences and diverse
cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning
b. Set and communicate high expectations for the social,
emotional and academic success for all students.
Standard 3: Learning environments
a. Works with others to create environments that support
individual and collaborative learning
b. Encourages positive social interaction by creating a
climate of mutual respect and fairness.
c. Designs lessons that promote active engagement in
learning and encourage self motivation (studentcentered.)
Standard 4: Content Knowledge
a. Understands the central concepts, tools of inquire and
structures for the discipline(s).
b. Creates learning experiences that make the discipline
accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery
of content.
Standard 5: Application of Content
a. Understands how to connect the concepts and use
differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking,
creativity and collaborative problem solving related to
authentic local and global issues.
Standard 6: Assessment
a. Understands and uses multiple methods of assessment
to engage learners in their own growth, monitor learner
progress, and guide teacher’s and learner’s decision
Standard 7: Planning for Instruction
a. Plans instruction that supports every student in meeting
rigorous learning goals.
b. Draws upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum,
pedagogy, cross-disciplinary skills to plan engaging
c. Draws on knowledge of learners and community
context to plan instruction that supports all students.
Standard 8: Instructional Strategies
a. Understands and uses a variety on instructional
strategies to encourage learners to develop deep
understanding of content and their connections.
b. Understands and uses a variety of instructional
strategies to build students’ skills to apply knowledge in
meaningful ways.
Standard 9: Professional Learning and Ethical
a. Engages in ongoing professional learning.
b. Uses evidence to continually evaluate own practice and
adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.
c. Maintains professional attire, dispositions, and a
positive, open attitude on learning.
Standard 10: Leadership & Collaboration
a. Seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to
take responsibility for student learning.
b. Collaborates with learners, families, and colleagues to
ensure leaner growth.
c. Collaborates with families, colleagues and the
community to advance the profession.
Standards Addressed
Standards Addressed