College of Education Senate University of Northern Iowa April 19, 2010 Minutes #381 I. Call to Order The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order by Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:15 P.M. on Monday, April 19, 2010 in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education Center. Senators in attendance [in bold] Alternates Windee Weiss, Chair [HPELS] Todd Evans Rick Vanderwall, Vice Chair [At-large]Shelly McCumber Jan Bartlett [ELCPE] Linda Nebbe Rod Dieser [At-large] Heather Olsen Suzanne Freedman [EPF] Chris Kliewer [SPED] Kim Knesting [At-large] Deb Deemer Robin Lund [At-large] Elizabeth Zwanziger [TCHG] Rick Knivsland Leigh Zeitz [C&I] Mingshui Cai Term expires 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 Ex-Officio Members in attendance William P. Callahan, Dean II. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Dieser that the minutes of the March 8, 2009 [#380] meeting be approved with the following corrections: IVA: “…….It is anticipated that Both havbe been video phone interviews will be held April 7-9th with approximately 10-15 candidates.” VI; 6th bullet: Move the sentence “Dean Callahan stated that complaints are coming from students and they want to know what we are doing about it.” to follow “If we have poor teachers, we need to identify them to set up a plan to help them becomes better teachers or figure out what to do with them.” All ayes. Motion carried. III. Reports/Announcements The following reports/announcements were made: Weiss stated that the Spring Research Forum originally scheduled for Tuesday, April 27th has been cancelled due to lack of interest. It was reported that the Dr. Paul Theobald, the first dean candidate, will be on campus this week. Comment cards will be available as a handout and also on MyUNIverse. Weiss asked the Senators to encourage all faculty/staff to attend. IV. Old Business A. COE Senate Elections and Criteria: Vanderwall provided a copy of the slate of elections. Due to a miscommunication, he stated that Clare Struck has declined to serve on the Awards Competition Coordinating Committee. It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Zeitz that we identify some to serve on this committee for a one year term appointment and then elect a permanent representative during next spring. All ayes. Motion carried. Vanderwall will find someone to serve. Weiss stated that two things were brought to her attention concerning the recent election: 1] On the ballot, faculty had to vote in every category or they could not submit a ballot – they want the option of not voting in every category; and 2] She received an e-mail requesting that the Senate reconsider and allow only graduate faculty to serve on those committees who deal with graduate faculty/issues. A question was raised if we have a policy on who can sit on committees and if this would then require an amendment to the Senate By-laws. If a committee has an evaluation component, then perhaps we need to make this change. It was suggested that for committees [such as the Committee on Curriculum] that we could add an asterisk so that nominees must be members of the Graduate Faculty. After considerable discussion, it was decided that this be tabled for the next meeting. V. New Business A. Election of 2010-11 COE Faculty Senate Chair: It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Zeitz that Weiss be reappointed as Chair. It was then moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Dieser that Lund be appointed as Vice Chair. All ayes. Motions carried. B. Sub-Committee for Bullying: Weiss stated that she and Dean Callahan would like to put together a sub-committee on bullying. They would like to have information pulled together by the May meeting and hopefully in place by next fall. Zeitz asked what the objective would be for the sub-committee. Weiss responded that it is fact finding at this point in time. However, it is hoped that it could provide tools for our students to deal with these types of situations. Zeitz volunteered to head this up. Weiss questioned how do we get this information, how do we disseminate it, and how can we infuse into our curriculum. Zeitz asked if this would be limited to students at this point and the response was yes. Faculty members suggested included: Magda Galloway, Deb Deemer, Kim Knesting, and Linda Nebbe. The Dean thanked the Senate for taking on this responsibility. C. Request for Faculty Emeritus Status: It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Zeitz that the following Requests for Faculty Emeritus Status be approved with the required 20 years of service, with 10 years at UNI, to be verified. Dr. Leonard M. Upham Dr. Jeannie Steele Ms. Maribelle Betterson VI. Dean’s Report Dean Callahan reported on the following: We have hired two new people –both were preferred candidates – in the School of HPELS and the Department of Special Education. Faculty must have posted office hours and they need to be in their office during that time period. Zeitz questioned if there is a minimum number of hours. The dean is unclear on this and said that there has been no discussion on the minimum number of hours required. The Higher Learning Commission did approve both of the new Master’s Degree programs: Elementary Education and Professional Development Master’s Degree. These two programs will both be completely online. The program review for the Ed.D. program went very well. The two external reviewers pointed out strengths and weaknesses in the program, however their perceptions were that we were in line with what we should be doing. The dean is unsure of Dr. Edginton’s status for next year. There were very mixed reviews on Dr. Paul Gorski’s recent visit to campus. The Diversity Committee is now looking at where we are going next and what we need to focus on. Vanderwall stated that the Foundations of Excellence has done some very comprehensive work on this. There was considerable discussion on how to create a safe environment for affected students on campus. Weiss suggested a resource center that could be devoted to offering resources for LGBT students. It was suggested that we ask the Diversity Committee for a quarterly report on their activities so that everyone can be informed of their work. Zeitz suggested that this could be available on the Web site as well. Weiss suggested that we have faculty do “safe space”. She will provide the dean with additional information on this. VII. Upcoming Meeting Dates May 3, 2010 September 13, 2010 VIII. Other Dates to Remember April 26, 2010 May 8, 2010 August 23, 2010 COE Faculty Awards Reception Commencement Fall Semester begins IX. Adjournment The next meeting of the COE Senate will be held on Tuesday, May 3, 2010 at 3:15 P.M. in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education Center. It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Dieser that the meeting be adjourned. All ayes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary-Sue Bartlett, Secretary College of Education :msb