College of Education Senate University of Northern Iowa March 8, 2010 Minutes #380 I. Call to Order The meeting of the College of Education Senate was called to order by Windee Weiss, Chair, at 3:25 P.M. on Monday, March 8, 2010 in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education Center. Senators in attendance [in bold] Alternates Windee Weiss, Chair [HPELS] Todd Evans Rick Vanderwall, Vice Chair [At-large]Shelly McCumber Jan Bartlett [ELCPE] Gerri Perreault Rod Dieser [At-large] Heather Olsen Suzanne Freedman [EPF] Chris Kliewer [SPED] Kim Knesting [At-large] Deb Deemer Robin Lund [At-large] Elizabeth Zwanziger [TCHG] Rick Knivsland Leigh Zeitz [C&I] Mingshui Cai Term expires 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2010-11 2011-12 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 Ex-Officio Members in attendance William P. Callahan, Dean II. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Dieser that the minutes of the February 15, 2009 [#379] meeting be approved as read. All ayes. Motion carried. III. Reports/Announcements The following reports/announcements were made: Knesting discussed the upcoming visit to the UNI campus by Dr. Paul Gorski. Dr. Gorski is an Assistant Professor of Integrative and Interdisciplinary Studies in George Mason University’s New Century College. His opening session will be on Monday, April 12th, from 8:30-10:00 A.M. in Lang Auditorium. He will then work with small groups of faculty during the remainder of his visit. The following letter has been written to the UNI Facilities Advisory Board. All Senators have been asked to sign the letter. As a Senate, we believe that Schindler Education Center [SEC] is desperately in need of renovation. The SEC has not been renovated in years and the current condition of the building and classrooms is insufficient for our goals of producing the top educators, leaders, and professionals in the State of Iowa. Our goal is to support 21st century learners, but we will not be able to accomplish this with mid-20th century architecture. The constantly evolving technology demands within the classroom and in the professional setting require that we bring the SEC up-to-date and provide our students with the necessary tools to be successful. Additionally, there are significant structural issues that affect the quality and ability of teaching and learning. Improving the SEC will do more than benefit education students. The SEC serves students for all parts of the campus and is used frequently by the community and professional groups. The SEC houses the education program that President Allen identifies as one of the key programs for the university. Currently, the College of Education [COE] is searching for a new Dean to lead our efforts at making the education program at UNI the strongest in the country. This is the only search that has been approved by the President, thus highlighting the critical importance of the COE. The building should reflect the important place that education holds in our university. Bartlett reminded everyone that the Call for Nominations for the COE Outstanding Faculty Awards and the Dean’s Award for Multicultural Initiatives will be going out soon. The deadline for submission of nominations is March 22nd. The deadline for May Term classes is March 15th and the deadline for June/July classes is April 15th. The minimum enrollments as established by the Provost’s Office are: 18 for lower level classes; 15 for upper level classes; and 8 for graduate classes. Senators were reminded there are Notifications of Concern [NOC] that can be filed if there is a repeated problem with a student. The NOC goes in their file, but students do have a chance to redeem themselves. Knesting stated that this also allows tracking by faculty of a particular student with concerns. Senators were encouraged to share this with their colleagues. There was consensus to decide at the April meeting if a May meeting is warranted. A new Senate chair will also be elected as this meeting. IV. Old Business A. COE Dean’s Search Update: Dean Callahan recused himself for this portion of the meeting. While Dr. Elana Joram and Dr. Sue Etscheidt, Co-Chairs of the COE Dean’s Search Committee, were unable to attend the meeting, Weiss provided an update on the COE Dean’s Search. To date there are approximately 20 applicants. The Web site has been updated and a tentative timeline submitted. It is anticipated that video phone interviews will be held April 7-9th with approximately 10-15 candidates. Then two weeks later [the last week of April] on campus interviews will be schedule with 3-5 candidates. Applications are still being accepted so Weiss encouraged Senators to forward names to Search Committee. B. COE Senate Elections: Vanderwall stated that nominations for the COE Senate elections have been coming in, but some openings still remain. One such opening is someone to replace Vanderwall who is presently serving as an At-Large Senator. The Committee on Curriculum is another difficult, but significant slot to fill. If we can’t fill before Spring Break, there was consensus to wait until afterwards. V. New Business A. Platinum Analytics Discussion: Weiss reported on a recent conversation at the COE Leadership Team concerning a Platinum Analytics demonstration on March 25th. Platinum Analytics is tool which: Identifies student demand for specific courses; Analyzes how many sections of each course are needs; How and when courses should be scheduled; What is demand versus what is want; How to increase credit hour production; How to maximize space utilization and energy and infrastructure sustainability; and Improve persistence and graduation rates, etc. Basically it will take the current schedule across university and then put people where it is the most efficient for them to teach. It will take all the control of scheduling out of the hands of faculty. She stated that the COE Leadership team was very concerned about this possibility. It will also put more demands on the students in terms of class location, etc. It was suggested that Senators ‘float’ this out to their constituents for their feedback. B. Faculty Workload Discussion: Weiss questioned if everyone had seen the attachment from Gerald Smith [College of Business Administration] regarding the “meaningless research occurring on campus”. Most Senates have issued a statement about faculty workload and it was felt that we need to do the same. Lund stated that there is strong concern about who decides on quality research. It was moved by Vanderwall and seconded by Knesting that a draft statement be written by a select group of individuals, at the Chair’s appointment, and that draft then be circulated electronically. The Senate will vote in advance to accept statement. All ayes. Motion carried. Weiss will draft with the agreement that she will sign as Chair of the Senate. [Vanderwall left at 3:55] VI. Dean’s Report Dean Callahan reported on the following: He has been working on a Higher Learning Commission [HLC] proposal to offer two new existing online master’s degree programs: 1] Professional Development Master’s Degree out of the Department of Educational Psychology & Foundations; and 2] Elementary Education Master’s Degree out of the Department of Curriculum & Instruction. Two HLC evaluators will be on campus March 21-23 for an initial visit and then the major HLC review will occur in November 2010. Most people are unaware of the status of their student outcomes and if they are accurate. There is some expectation that faculty should be familiar with the HLC report. Each of the departments should ask Donna Vinton to meet with them to make sure that they are in compliance with the HLC standards. April 5-7 are the dates of the Ed.D. program external review. Dean Callahan reported that faculty office hours are on the AAC agenda tomorrow. Dieser questioned that matter of merit money in terms of “faculty without record of scholarship”. The following excerpt is from the COE Senate Minutes [#379] of the February 15, 2010 meeting under the heading III. Reports/Announcements: It was reported that if faculty do not have a record of scholarship [publications within the last three years], they will not be eligible for summer employment and may be required to teach 12 hours. Dieser questioned where this is coming from. Weiss will seek clarification from Dean Callahan. The dean stated that there has been extensive conversation among the other deans concerning faculty who continue to demonstrate excellence in all three areas of scholarship, teaching, and research. If we have poor teachers, we need to identify them to set up a plan to help them becomes better teachers or figure out what to do with them. Dean Callahan stated that complaints are coming from students and they want to know what we are doing about it. The College of Business Administration uses the three year time frame, however, Academic Affairs Council has not yet set a time frame. The deans want to enforce the contract which has clear guidelines/expectations for faculty. Then, if a faculty member doesn’t meet those expectations, the following might occur: 1] remediation; an intervention program that supports the individuals efforts to get better; and/or possibly termination. Lund raised a question concerning Governor Culver’s request for $30m to get $100m in ARRA funding. The dean doesn’t think anything will be coming back to the Regents as he hasn’t seen anything in the Legislature about this. Weiss asked if there were any truth to the rumor that Chris Edginton will be stepping down as Director of the School of Health, Physical Education, and Leisure Services after this year. Dean Callahan stated that he was unaware of this. VII. Upcoming Meeting Dates April 12, 2010 May 10, 2010 September 13, 2010 VIII. Other Dates to Remember March 15-19, 2010 April 26, 2010 May 8, 2010 August 23, 2010 Spring Break COE Faculty Awards Commencement Fall Semester begins IX. Adjournment The next meeting of the COE Senate will be held on Monday, April 12, 2010 at 3:15 P.M. in the Dean’s Conference Room in Schindler Education Center. It was moved by Dieser and seconded by Lund that the meeting be adjourned. All ayes. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 4:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mary-Sue Bartlett, Secretary College of Education :msb