Chabot College
Catalog Description:
Course Outline for Theater Arts 44
February 1996
Removed Fall 2010
44 - Stage Lighting 2 units
Introduction to stage lighting design. Physics of light, color, electricity; components of basic lighting technology; comprehensive overview of the art of stage lighting design. Strongly recommended:
Theater Arts 40. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours laboratory.
[Typical contact hours: lecture 17.5, laboratory 35]
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should:
1. have a working knowledge of the basic lighting instruments utilized in theater lighting;
2. understand basic electricity, the employment of color in lighting, the techniques of basic stage lighting effects;
3. have a working knowledge of lighting design graphics.
Course Content:
1. Elements of electricity
2. Color in light
3. Light sources
4. Reflection, refraction and absorption
5. Stage lighting instruments
6. Lighting equipment
7. Graphics for lighting design and plotting
8. Planning and routine
Methods of Presentation:
1. Lectures
2. Discussions
3. Demonstrations
Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
1. Midterm and final examination which cover both lecture and laboratory activities
Textbook(s) Typical:
Special Student Materials:
Drafting materials as indicated by instructor
RCN:kh Theater Arts 44
Revised: 2/23/96