Chabot College Fall 2003 Course Outline for Photography 31B PHOTOSHOP II (See also Architecture 31B, Art 31B, Interior Design 31B) Catalog Description: 31B - PhotoShop II 1.5 units Continuation of the content and skills introduced in Photography 31A, Photoshop I. Topics include advanced layer controls, filters, distortion and effects, drawing path tools, alpha channels, and applying text to images. Color management and Mapping. Printing fundamentals. Prerequisite: Photography 31A (completed with a grade of “C” or higher). May not receive credit if Architecture 31B, Art 31B, or Interior Design 31B has been completed. 1 hour lecture, 2 hours studio. Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course, the student should have the following digital imaging skills: 1. use basic Apple Macintosh operating system features, including navigation of the desktop, saving and moving files to various storage media, and adjusting system preferences; 2. launch the Adobe PhotoShop (PS), navigate its interface, locate and turn on PS’s toolbox and palettes, and apply short-cut key commands and dialog boxes 3. create, save and close a new document in a variety of file formats, appropriate to its intended use; 4. undo moves with the History palette; 5. describe the basic difference between raster (Bitmap) and vector (Object-oriented) images; 6. navigate and customize the PS interface; 7. browse and import selected images into a document; 8. move and modify the shape of a path; 9. select and edit colors, discuss the use of various color modes, and manage color channels; 10. apply various digital brushes, use the paint bucket and fill tools, 11. apply and customize gradients; 12. restore and retouch images with the clone stamp, healing and patch tools; 13. create patterns and textures; 14. generate and apply masks to form composite/collage images; 15. use basic layer controls. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. use filters to control focus, contrast, and image ‘noise’; 2. use filters to modify images for: edge enhancement filters, distortion filters, wrapping images around 3D shapes, and adding clouds and image lighting; 3. work with advanced layers functions, including creating, naming, ordering, showing/hiding, locking/unlocking, measuring, transforming, and masking; 4. use various blend modes and controls, including opacity and filling; 5. modify and save effects; 6. apply and manipulate text in an image; 7. manage color profiles, map colors and apply quick color effects, such as adjusting for saturation, contrast, and brightness; 8. understand Image printing fundamentals and tools. Chabot College Course Outline for Photography 31B, Page 2 Fall 2003 Course Content: Students will be instructed in PhotoShop in the following topics: 1. Use filters to control focus, contrast, and image ‘noise’ 2. Use filters to modify images for: edge enhancement filters, distortion filters, wrapping images around 3D shapes, and adding clouds and image lighting 3. Work with advanced layers functions, including creating, naming, ordering, showing/hiding, locking/unlocking, measuring, transforming, and masking 4. Use various blend modes and controls, including opacity and filling 5. Modify and save effects 6. Apply and manipulate text in an image 7. Manage color profiles, map colors and apply quick color effects, such as adjusting for saturation, contrast, and brightness 8. Understand Image printing fundamentals and tools Methods of Presentation: 1. Computer demonstrations 2. Lecture with white board Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. Weekly digital drawing projects (1) Create multiple image files based on one image; each file shall show same image filtered in a variety of ways for focus, contrast, and image ‘noise’ (2) Create image files demonstrating skill applying enhancement filters, distortion filters, wrapping images around 3D shapes, and adding clouds and image lighting (3) Create image file with various blend modes and controls, including opacity and filling (4) Apply various text tools to an image (5) Apply color effects, such as adjusting for saturation, contrast, and brightness to multiple image files (6) Print at least 5 images, demonstrating understanding of printing fundamentals and tools 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. Quizzes, final examination Textbook(s) (typical): PhotoShop 7 Bible, Deke McClelland, Wiley Publishing, Inc., New York, 2002 Special Student Materials: 1. 100 Mb ‘Zip’ disks G:/Curriculum/282217873 TS:ts Revised: 11/20/02