Chabot College April 25, 2001 PHED 2RFF –

Chabot College
April 25, 2001
Course Outline for Physical Education 2
Catalog Description:
PHED 2RFF – Sport Racquetball for Fitness
1 unit
Phed 1 Racquetball at Chabot or previous instruction that will enable the student to pass skills and rules
tests to be administered by the instructor on the first day of instruction. Students must demonstrate
efficient skills in order to progress to tournament level play. The class will meet 3 hours per week.
Prerequisite Skills:
Phed 1 Racquetball at Chabot or previous instruction that will enable the student to pass skills and rules
tests to be administered by the instructor on the first day of instruction. Students must demonstrate
efficient skills in order to progress to tournament level play.
Expected Outcomes for the Students:
This course is designed to provide the intermediate and advance racquetball student with a general review of all skills taught in
Phed Racquetball and to prepare the student for competition in racquetball tournaments. Through participation in this course the
student should be able to maintain an adequate level of physical fitness and develop skills and attitude necessary to compete in
tournament competition. Safety will continually be stressed in this class.
Course Content:
1. Review Orientation
a. Equipment
b. Safety
c. Conduct and court etiquette
d. Warm up and conditioning procedures
e. Court position
f. Rules for play
2. Introduce to Students
a. Offensive Strategy
b. Defensive Strategy
c. Singles Strategy and Double Strategy
1) Know your own game
2) Develop your own game
3) Scout your opponents
4) Shot selection
5) How to win against different types of players
3. Tournament Play - Procedures
a. Where to start
b. What level to play
c. Signing up for tournament
d. Pre match duties
Chabot College
Sport Racquetball for Fitness - PHED 2RFF, Page 2
The match
After the match
After the tournament
Practice what you learn in tournaments
Methods of Presentation:
The materials for the course are presented through the use of the lecture-demonstration technique.
Instruction will be given in large groups, small groups and on an individual basis. Student practice is
emphasized. Exhibitions and class discussions are used as a secondary means of reviewing course content.
Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress:
Each student is evaluated on a tripartite basis. He/She will be required to demonstrate specific skills relative
to the course, to successfully compete a written examination of specific materials related to the course and
to maintain an adequate attendance record for the duration of the course.
Special Student Material:
All students will be required to attend all classes in appropriate gymnasium attire and provide their own
KC – [U:\kc’document\course outline\pe_2RFF.doc]
April 25, 2001